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Presentation Thinking

Presentation Thinking

By GhostRanch Communications

Mikey and Molly have been beckoned by the gods to become legendary storytellers — a call impossible to refuse. Join our heroes as they dive deep down the rabbit hole, documenting their findings as they scour all industries and disciplines in search of outside insights, inside outlooks, and, well, anything and everything there is to know about the making (and delivery) of better presentations. This is Presentation Thinking™

Episodes every Thursday morning (USA)

Brought to you by GhostRanch Communications, a presentation design agency

Visit to punch up your pitch today!
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#122. Mike Raab on startups, storytelling and manufacturing serendipity

Presentation ThinkingMay 30, 2024

#122. Mike Raab on startups, storytelling and manufacturing serendipity

#122. Mike Raab on startups, storytelling and manufacturing serendipity

Mike Raab is good at starting things. 

Executive Director of Northwestern University’s “The Garage”, an entrepreneurial community and startup hub, Mike is known in the startup community for his smart mentorship and mantra, “manufacturing serendipity.”  

Mike is also the co-author of Founded: The No B.S. Guide for Student Entrepreneurs.

With a background in television and film, Mike’s journey to startup and ventures is unique. He joins Mikey and Molly (Mike, Mikey & Molly!) for a conversation around storytelling, pitch decks and what risks are worth taking.

This is an episode for: entrepreneurs, startup nerds and anyone that’s made a pitch deck.

What's in the Spice Cabinet??

Want to read Mike and Melissa Kaufman’s book?

Mike’s walkout song? 

Where to follow Mike?

Parting Pitch advice?

"I think the most important thing is just to get confident in the presentation and the pitch that you put together in a way that feels comfortable to you, not in what other people are telling you to do, including myself.

So I'd say that's one of the most important things so that when you're actually delivering it, you believe it yourself and you're excited to share it with others."

May 30, 202440:53
#121. Presentation Preferred RE-RELEASE: PIXAR’s “22 Rules of Storytelling” and How To Use Them

#121. Presentation Preferred RE-RELEASE: PIXAR’s “22 Rules of Storytelling” and How To Use Them

What with Inside Out 2 around the corner (June 14th!), we wanted to bring back a “Presentation Preferred” crowd favorite and RE RELEASE this gem of an episode going through PIXAR’s 22 Rules for Storytelling.

This is an episode for: Disney & PIXAR fans, presenters, speakers and anyone feeling stuck in their creative process. 

It’s no secret that we love a good PIXAR story on this podcast. 

PIXAR’s “22 Rules of Storytelling” adds yet another piece to the list of incredible storytelling strategies and resources that PIXAR provides us. 

First put together by a former PIXAR writer, Emma Coats, these snippets of storytelling strategy are chock full of important life lessons, creative process advice and—obviously!—presentation applications. 
We brought friends of the Ranch Emily Pantoja and Asha Alaji-Sharif, our resident “Disney adults”, to really connect all 22 dots to the Presentation Thinking world.

What's in the Spice Cabinet?

May 23, 202457:24
#120. Pitch (deck) perfect: a conversation with VC expert Tom Fowler
May 16, 202436:13
#119. What’s new in the event industry? Notes from ETL Vegas 2024
May 09, 202433:37
#118. In conversation with Julie Terberg—presentation design expert and makeover maven

#118. In conversation with Julie Terberg—presentation design expert and makeover maven

Julie Terberg, Presentation Design expert and the woman who co-wrote THE book on PowerPoint templates (among others), joins the pod!

With a background in industrial design and graphics, Julie designed slides pre-PowerPoint on physical slides before becoming an expert in the software.

Terberg has developed several online courses, published books on developing PowerPoint templates. appeared at the conference circuit regularly and also holds status as a Microsoft MVP. 

Julie has taken on creative challenges throughout her presentation work such as her “Makeover Maven” series and designing a Slide-A-Day.

Julie’s work around visual design and presenting has changed the game. Let’s hear her story. 

This is an episode for: Presentation nerds, design experts and fans of Julie.

What's in the Spice Cabinet??

Find more of Julie’s work on her site, Design to Present.

She’s got a new whitepaper on choosing fonts for PowerPoint coming out soon!

Favorite presenters? 

Does Guy Kawasaki’s 10/20/30 PowerPoint Rule still stand?

  • “No. [What's what's updated about it?] Like I was saying earlier, well, every presentation is different. And you need to present based on your topic, your content, and your audience. And so less is more. Don't follow any guidance for numbers of words. 

Who should attend the Presentation Summit? (an in-person and online conference for presentation people!)

  • “If you’re involved in the presentation space in any way, it’s a great conference. And you’re gonna meet all these people—you have no idea how many people kinda work in this niche industry.”

Julie’s walkout song?

Apr 25, 202435:22
#117. Paul Graham’s “Do things that don’t scale”—a presentation POV
Apr 18, 202441:13
#116. Does Guy Kawasaki’s 10/20/30 PowerPoint Rule still stand? (Micro episode!)

#116. Does Guy Kawasaki’s 10/20/30 PowerPoint Rule still stand? (Micro episode!)

Guy Kawasaki is an amazing marketer, creator and thinker. (If you don’t follow him already, do it here!) 

His 2005 blog post, The 10/20/30 Rule of PowerPoint, provided advice for startups on how to pitch to VCs—but it blew up because it resonated with presenters of all kinds. 

As presentation enthusiasts, it’s about time we checked it out and see what still holds up. 

This is a shorter, “micro” episode where Molly goes through Guy’s advice and examines how the 10/20/30 PowerPoint rule is still useful today.
This is an episode for: People that have to pitch, VCs & anyone that creates PowerPoint presentations.

Apr 11, 202415:37
#115. TED Talkin’: Alicia Syrett knows why investors say ‘no’

#115. TED Talkin’: Alicia Syrett knows why investors say ‘no’

If you couldn’t already tell from some of our Shark Tank episodes, we love the startup and Venture Capital world. 

There’s truly no passion that matches that of a founder on a mission. 

Alicia Syrett—a VC herself, author and business leader—knows this and wants YOUR passion to come to fruition. Her short n sweet TED talk at TEDx Fulton Street from 2018 is a perfect guide with simple Do’s and Don’ts to get a ‘yes’ at your next pitch.

With a clean presentation style and confident stage presence, Alicia guides us through the top 5 reasons investors say ‘no’—and how to avoid them. 

This is an episode for: Founders, people that pitch & anyone that is a fan of the startup world.

What's in the Spice Cabinet??

WATCH Alicia’s TED Talk for yourself

Check out more from Alicia Syrett:

Mikey and Molly’s take on Alicia’s Walkout song?

Apr 04, 202428:12
#114. Tamara Grominsky of PMM Camp on personal positioning

#114. Tamara Grominsky of PMM Camp on personal positioning

What we’ll hear about:

Tamara’s reads:

Check out PMM camp!

  • A community built for (and by) product marketing leaders. Join the newsletter for camper connections!

Must eats in Vancouver:

Walkout song: 

Tamara’s closing quote:

  • “As much time and effort as you put into thinking about your company and your product and how you’ll position and sell that, I would say, try to put an equal amount into thinking of yourself as the product, and I think you’ll be pretty surprised by the outcome of that.”

Mar 29, 202435:28
#113. TJ Schaid on becoming a trauma surgeon and presenter

#113. TJ Schaid on becoming a trauma surgeon and presenter

We know that presentations are used across all kinds of industries but did you know they’re important in the medical world as well??

General surgery resident physician TJ Schaid joins the ‘cast to discuss his experience presenting research at various conferences around the world throughout his residency. Turns out, these medical presentations can play a big part of any surgeon’s journey!

From presenting dense data within a handful of slides (or clicks) to challenging existing practices, TJ offers so much insight in how to present to a niche group of experts—as an expert himself, of course.   

This is an episode for: presentation designers, aspiring speakers and startups in the science and medical field.

What's in the Spice Cabinet??

Fave movie??

TJ’s operating Pandora station? 

  • ODESZA radio

Walkout song??

Any advice to fellow and future presenters?

  • One thing I didn't mention that was really helpful for me during during my talks is to frequently reorient the audience when you're presenting pretty dense stuff. So when you throw up a slide, and you've got a bunch of data on a slide, yeah, they might understand the graph, they might understand the data. But the WHY it matters if you can, throughout the presentation, just a statement here and there, after these data. And multiple times, maybe four or five times, you say, “Okay, and now remember, we talked about this problem, you know, in the background earlier on, this is why this matters.” Keeping them reoriented, even these people that see data and numbers and science and experiments and know medicine, helping reorient them to the point of the data throughout the presentation, not just waiting to the conclusion, I find very helpful.

Mar 21, 202437:49
#112. Get Comfortable with Grief: Marisa Renee Lee on speaking publicly about the personal

#112. Get Comfortable with Grief: Marisa Renee Lee on speaking publicly about the personal

Marisa Renee Lee is a speaker, an entrepreneur, an author and “grief advocate.” 

Having lost her mom to breast cancer and struggled with infertility, Lee has alchemized her experiences into a NYT Bestselling book, Grief is Love: Living with Loss.

Marisa joins us to share how she presents and speaks on such vulnerable topics, how grief can show up at work and how you can support colleagues experiencing grief. 

In sharing her personal stories and experiences, Marisa is helping to break the stigma around these heavy subjects and offers new ways to approach grief in both work and life.

This is an episode for: aspiring speakers, writers and anyone that is dealing with grief.

What's in the Spice Cabinet??

Want more of Marisa’s work? (Or hire her as a speaker?)

  • Check out her site, here

  • Follow Marisa on LinkedIn & Instagram—she’s got something in the works with Al Roker…

Gift a loved one (or yourself) going through grief her book:

One of Marisa’s favorite speakers?

Other inspiration?

Marisa’s walkout song? 

  • She’ll get back to you ;)

Parting words of advice for Presentation Nation?

  • “My biggest piece of advice is to keep at it and just do the thing. You know, don't get distracted by imposter syndrome or feeling like it's too late or comparison. You know, don't get lost on social media looking at all of these people who've accomplished things that you haven't done yet that you want to do. Instead just focus on doing the damn thing. Like just ignore the noise.”

Mar 14, 202447:57
#111. Marcus Andrews on crafting a new category through Narrative Design

#111. Marcus Andrews on crafting a new category through Narrative Design

Marcus Andrews knows how to craft a good narrative. In fact, we’d argue he heavily contributed to developing the concept of Narrative Design when working in product marketing at HubSpot. 

Now as a Narrative Designer at Pendo, he joins us for a conversation around crafting a memorable narrative, what frameworks to use (or not) and how to create your own category. We exchange presentation experience stories and offer insight into what separates a good speaker from a great one.

Having recently completed PMA’s Narrative Design course led by Marcus, Mikey and I were excited to meet the teacher and bring our learnings to life in this conversation. 

This is an episode for: Product marketers, aspiring speakers, narrative designers and storytellers of all backgrounds.

What's in the Spice Cabinet??

Mar 07, 202447:34
#110. Yeehaw! Mikey’s Road to the TED Talk continues in Austin

#110. Yeehaw! Mikey’s Road to the TED Talk continues in Austin

Presentation Nation, by our 110th episode, you may well be aware that we worship at the stage of presentations. 

And as Mikey Mioduski, co-host of the pod and founder of GhostRanch Communications, has started to speak at more and more events, we feel it only right to dissect the ins and outs of his preparation, execution and how many laughs he got while speaking.

His latest speaker appearance was at the Product Marketing Alliance Summit in Austin, TX and it was all about embracing the power of presentations! Mikey and Molly discuss this recent experience, how the nerves change with new content to present and how to craft a good hook.

Have YOU spoken at an event (or are going to soon) and would like to talk to us about your presentation preparation, nerves and, of course, walkout song??

Let us know at

This is an episode for: aspiring speakers, presenters or anyone that has to do public speaking against their will.

What's in the Spice Cabinet??

Feb 29, 202431:21
#109. Women Talk Design’s CEO Danielle Barnes wants you to present yourself

#109. Women Talk Design’s CEO Danielle Barnes wants you to present yourself

If you’re a presenter, you might have noticed that the conference speaker circuit is a male-dominated space. 

With Women Talk Design, founders Danielle Barnes and Christina Wodtke set about to change that. Originally starting as a directory for women and non-binary presenters to find and learn from one another, Women Talk Design now offers a wide range of resources, workshops and most recently—a book! (You can pre-order Present Yourself: Proven strategies for authentic and impactful public speaking here!)

CEO and co-author Danielle Barnes joins the pod to discuss their journey in starting this organization, writing the book, and experience as a speaker. 

After fan-girling over Women Talk Design’s work for months now, this was such a special episode to finally have a conversation and connect over the impact of creating a presentation community. 

This is an episode for: entrepreneurs, aspiring speakers and presenters from any walk of life!

What's in the Spice Cabinet??

Feb 22, 202446:12
#108. Harvey Lee on leveraging personal experiences for professional growth

#108. Harvey Lee on leveraging personal experiences for professional growth

Personal experiences can power professional growth. 

No one may know this better than Harvey Lee, a product marketer, speaker, former Rock n Roll roadie and now author of Backstage Pass: A Business Book that’s Far From Conventional. 

We had the pleasure of chatting with Harvey about his book and how his background in the music industry helped later propel him into the world of product marketing. 

From wild stories on the road to how Harvey likes to prepare for a new presentation, our conversation was full of professional and personal nuggets of advice, wisdom and hilarity.

This is an episode for: Product marketers, speakers, writers and music fans of any kind.

What's in the Spice Cabinet??

Feb 15, 202401:08:31
#107. How New Belgium Brewery raised the craft brew bar and created new categories

#107. How New Belgium Brewery raised the craft brew bar and created new categories

Many Coloradans are familiar with the New Belgium Brewery founding story—where Jeff Lebesch and Kim Jordan return from a life-changing bike trip across Belgium inspired to create their own Belgian style beers for the masses. 

In addition to their famous “Fat Tire” ale, New Belgium also created new categories and precedents among brewery business. They have been innovating in sustainable brewing practices since the 90s and upholding an exceptional company culture well before it was trendy. 

Mikey and Molly are joined by local beer enthusiast and GhostRanch Creative Director Jeff Carter AKA @Brew_Kid_on_the_Block, to discuss the Ft. Collins brewery’s impact on brews, on business and an amazing interview with Founder Kim Jordan on Guy Raz’s How I Built This.

This is an episode for: Founders, Innovators and anyone in business creating their own category.

What's in the Spice Cabinet??

Feb 08, 202442:28
#106. Lessons in web design (and more) with Hype Legal Co-founder Micah Kohne

#106. Lessons in web design (and more) with Hype Legal Co-founder Micah Kohne

Micah Kohne has some of the most well-rounded marketing skills around. 

A web designer extraordinaire with a graphic design background, Micah has also dabbled in marketing, sales and co-founded his own business, Hype Legal, for “solutions-driven legal marketing.”

Their speciality is building websites for lawyers, so Micah has also presented at various legal conferences—where a little graphic design would go a long way. 

In this episode, we talk (web design) shop, finding a niche and differentiating yourself.

Ahem, we may be biased because Micah designed the GhostRanch website, but if you’re in need of some web design—look no further.
This is an episode for: graphic designers, web designers, founders and anyone that’s worked in the legal world.

What's in the Spice Cabinet??

  • Check out Micah’s work and get in touch if you need web design at Hype Legal

  • Micah’s advice on getting inspo? Keep an “Inspiration folder” for anytime you see art, design, websites, etc. that you like.

  • One of his favorite sites at the moment?

  • Fave podcast?

  • Fave film? (He’s a film buff)

  • Least favorite design trend? 

    • DROP SHADOWS—knock em off!

  • Follow Micah on LinkedIn

  • Micah’s walkout song?

Feb 01, 202444:33
#105. TED Talkin': Yara Shahidi wants you to prioritize curiosity

#105. TED Talkin': Yara Shahidi wants you to prioritize curiosity

Actor, producer and Harvard grad Yara Shahidi presents a familiar story in a new way with her 2023 TED Talk, “Let Curiosity Lead”.

We’ve all heard about the importance of re-discovering our child-like curiosity and wonder. Shahidi puts a fresh spin on that story with her personal journey of juggling both her Harvard education and acting career (she’s the star of Black-ish and Grown-ish) as equally important catalysts for learning about herself. 

Shahidi illustrates that “honoring our distractions” can help create rupture, change and discovery—for both ourselves and the world. 

Although Yara may only be 23 years old at the time of this talk, there’s a lot to learn from her presentation, her story and her “commitment to curiosity.” 
This is an episode for: Creativity gurus, presenters and Yara Shahidi fans.

What's in the Spice Cabinet??

  • WATCH Yara’s 2023 TED Talk and be inspired! 
  • With an eye for art and a passion for academia, we couldn’t help but think that Yara’s fashion choice was significant. So we sent the Rancheros on a goose chase and learned that her shirt was designed by Grace Wales Bonner featuring beautiful artwork by Lubaina Himid. Here’s an awesome article with the two in conversation
  • READ more about Yara’s production company, 7th Sun Productions and other projects
  • Keep up with her on the ‘gram!
Jan 25, 202425:04
#104. Presentation Book Club: April Dunford’s “Sales Pitch” wants you to put your “Differentiated Value” forward
Jan 18, 202447:10
#103. The Good Story Checklist (Best & Worst Films of 2023)
Jan 11, 202431:17
#102. TED Talkin’: How Diana Nyad never gave up on her epic swim story

#102. TED Talkin’: How Diana Nyad never gave up on her epic swim story

In September of 2013, Diana Nyad became the first person to swim unassisted in open water across the Florida Straits from Cuba to Florida. It was an epic feat, and one she returned to at age sixty after a failed attempt in her 20s. 

A few months later, she gives an aptly titled TED Talk called “Never, ever give up”.

Her story is one on never giving up, facing the odds and beating the ego. Nyad’s experience fits perfectly into a 3-act hero’s journey and we break down how she really leverages that to her benefit. 

With no visual aids, Nyad’s storytelling skills really shine through. Presenters everywhere can learn from her pacing, tone and delivery. 

This is an episode for: presenters, motivational speakers and swimming enthusiasts.

What’s in the Spice Cabinet??

Watch Diana Nyad’s 2013 TED Talk, “Never, ever give up.”

Want Nyad’s story in movie-form? 

Our interpretation of Nyad’s walkout song??

Follow us on Instagram! 

Jan 04, 202428:46
#101. Shark Tankin’: Takeaways from 3 investor pitches that landed big deals

#101. Shark Tankin’: Takeaways from 3 investor pitches that landed big deals

Entrepreneurs and startups everywhere love following Shark Tank—the reality show where passionate pitchers bring their product to a group of wealthy “sharks”—well-known Venture Capitalists—in hopes of investment funds and expert business guidance. 

Continuing from Episode 69, we break down another great round of pitches from 2023, “3 Biggest deals Season 14”.

Oogiebear had all of the sharks fighting over an investment, Collars & Co. showed a lesson in what NOT to do and Legacy Shave knew exactly how to tell their story. 

While this high stakes pitch environment isn’t the norm, the pitch structure and presentation of each product or service is well-worth examining—and learning from. 

This is an episode for: entrepreneurs, presenters and people that love Shark Tank.

What’s in the Spice Cabinet??

Checkout the 3 pitch products:

Mikey talks my ear off about wassail, a holiday drink you might be enjoying as you tune in. 

Keep an eye on, one of many in Mikey’s random domain collection.

You have a favorite Shark Tank episode or pitch you want us to dissect? 

Dec 28, 202336:35
#100. One hundred episodes. Countless lessons in storytelling, presentations and podcasting.

#100. One hundred episodes. Countless lessons in storytelling, presentations and podcasting.

For our hundredth episode of Presentation Thinking AKA the Storyteller’s Study Club AKA Pitchin’ Ain’t Easy, we’re reflecting on our ~metaphorical~ hero’s journey thus far. 

We’ve learned so much about storytelling, presenting, speaking, product marketing, design and, of course, podcasting throughout the last two years. 

From meeting fellow presentation nerds online to growing our audience over 3x the amount from the previous year, we feel more and more like true story experts primed to help presenters and product marketers everywhere. (You may hear us say “um” and “like” but hey, we know our way around a story framework. We’re learning!)

While we can check off the “centenary” milestone, we’ve got a lot more of our plot to play out! Buckle up—let’s keep pitchin’.
This is an episode for: friends of the pod, story nerds and anyone who produces their own (or wants to!) podcast.

What's in the Spice Cabinet??

Dec 21, 202337:06
#99. 6 Tips & Tricks to Survive (and Thrive) SKO 2024 (with Ashima Bhatt)

#99. 6 Tips & Tricks to Survive (and Thrive) SKO 2024 (with Ashima Bhatt)

Tis the season for SKOs (Sales KickOffs)! 

After years in various roles in B2B marketing most recently the Director of Product Marketing at RingCentral, Ashima calls herself a “Product Storyteller.” 

We discuss her path into product marketing management and the necessary elements needed for SKOs to really be a success. In fact, she even wrote a blog about it—"6 Tips & Tricks to Survive (and Thrive) SKO 2024 as a PMM." 

From aligning on goals to building a memorable agenda, SKOs really can be FUN and we’re here to help you through it.

This is an episode for: product marketers, sales teams and anyone in need of SKO inspiration.

What’s in the Spice Cabinet?? 

Folks planning for SKOs - you need this blog, "6 Tips & Tricks to Survive (and Thrive) SKO 2024 as a PMM.”

Ashima’s favorite coffee table book? 

Product Marketing Leaders to follow:

Fave SKO memory?

  • “None that I can share out loud. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas…that’ll tell you how much fun you can have at an SKO.”

Ashima’s presentation preparation practice

  • “I feel confident when I've practiced my presentation, because I don't want to have to rely on the confidence monitors. I try my best to because then you look more natural, right?” 

Walkout song? 

What does “Presentation Thinking” mean to you? 

  • “Really, it's not just about creating slides, right? It is empowering everyone to communicate more effectively and telling a story not just through words, but through visuals. And I always look at presentations as the slides support the speaker, like really, everyone's eyes should be on the speaker—glancing at the slides—but you should be commanding the room and the presence. You know, your energy, your story, the way that you tell it should be commanding, and the presentation is the backup dancer.”

Dec 15, 202344:26
#98. Designer takeaways from the annual PowerPoint Party, Presentation Summit

#98. Designer takeaways from the annual PowerPoint Party, Presentation Summit

“Presentation Summit” is the annual presentation party—a place where all things PowerPoint, presentation design and speaker inspiration come together. 

Created by our friend Rick Altman, we’ve had several Rancheros from GhostRanch attend this annual conference that’s turned into a community. What they bring back is not only fresh insights but hilarious stories—and we wanted to highlight them on the ‘cast. 

GhostRanch Presentation Designers Ashante DuJour and Breece Justice are now “PreSum” alum and they're here to share their experiences, favorite speakers and most useful takeaways for you.

This is an episode for: speakers, presentation designers and the Presentation Summit fam.

What's in the Spice Cabinet??

Do YOU want to join the Presentation Party?? 

  • Checkout Presentation Summit HERE 

People, books & more that will give you ~Presentation Inspiration~

Ashante & Breece’s Walkout songs??

Dec 12, 202339:57
#97. VP of Marketing Garrett Denney on broadcast media, presentation soft skills and SKOs
Dec 05, 202346:24
#96. Thankful Thinking
Nov 23, 202316:20
#95. Building strategic & successful webinars with Kaarin Howard

#95. Building strategic & successful webinars with Kaarin Howard

Kaarin Howard is a B2B marketing professional passionate about building webinars, among other strategic content, for your ICP (Ideal Customer Profile).

With a background in marketing events and launching startups, she came into the B2B marketing world ready to wear the 5 (or 50!) hats typically thrust upon them.

When Mikey and Kaarin connected on the popular marketing forum, Exit Five, we were excited to hear about the success of her and her team’s webinars.

What are key components to consider? How can we collaborate and leverage partnerships? And how do you build intentional, authentic content—not just for the sake of putting out content? 

This is an episode for: B2B marketers looking to freshen up their content, brand strategists and Shrek fans. 

What's in the Spice Cabinet??

  • Do you need a B2B marketer community? Check out Dave Gerhardt’s Exit Five

  • Kaarin’s walkout song?

  • Where to find Kaarin? 

  • 104 Marketers you should be following on LinkedIn

  • Have kids that need some night time chill meditation?

  • Non-work related listening

  • Parting advice from Kaarin:

    • “Test everything. If you have an idea, but you don't know, you don't have, the data—just do it and see if it works. And if it doesn't, that's totally fine. Like, ideally, you didn't lose a lot of money on it. But you know, test and test and figure it out and just run with what what is working.”

Nov 16, 202342:45
#94. TED Talkin’: Eat, Pray, Love & PRESENT
Nov 09, 202326:28
#93. Supporting startup stories at 1871 with Jenna Blaszczykiewicz

#93. Supporting startup stories at 1871 with Jenna Blaszczykiewicz

Startup hubs are an amazing place for community, innovation and inspiration. 

Few know this better than Jenna Blaszczykiewicz, the Senior Director of Marketing for global innovation hub based in Chicago, 1871. Jenna started her career in architecture design, shifted to the tech space and now merges all of that with marketing.

Jenna is brilliant at identifying new opportunities for narrative strategy and offering that to both 1871 and many of the startups that come through its doors. 

In this conversation, we chat about the Jobs to be Done framework, the intersection of tech & design and story strategy for pitch decks. 

This is an episode for: storytellers, founders and startup nerds.

What's sizzlin' in the Spice Cabinet??

  • Where to follow Jenna? LinkedIn

  • Where to follow 1871? 

  • Where does Jenna get inspo?

    • “I would say my biggest influence truly is the outside world. I'm an explorer of thought. And you know, I'm influenced by a local art show just as much as an article in The New York Times or something like that.”

  • Jenna’s a TikToker. Her favorite trend right now? 

    • The RIDICULOUS Harry Potter remix that’s making the rounds. Magical or bizarre—you decide. 

  • Jenna’s Walkout song? 

  • Parting words of inspiration? 

    • “Love what you do. I think everybody loves to see somebody when they're sharing an idea that has meaning within them for that topic—and they're kind of basically giving you a snapshot of those emotions while they're giving the presentation. And I think that if you can make yourself fall in love with the content you're producing, whether it's an element of it doesn't have to be the whole thing. You can almost attach itself to the authenticity and be sort of like a conduit to really want what you're saying. And I think that amplifies the messaging. And I think it creates a lasting impact.”

Nov 02, 202346:25
#92. Day-in-the-life: On-site presentation design with Tamara Jarvi
Oct 26, 202329:10
#91. Rebranding and lessons in shifting a story

#91. Rebranding and lessons in shifting a story

From Abercrombie & Fitch to Twitter, companies around the globe have rebranded again and again—for better or worse. 

Mikey & Molly dive into the good, the bad and the ugly of rebrands to understand WHY a company might rebrand and analyze the opportunities for shifting a brand story. 

While a simple logo change might be the perfect design update to keep up with the times, swapping a little blue bird recognized around the globe with a black ‘X’ could lose billions in brand recognition. (Not that we’re calling anyone out…) 
This is an episode for: Brand messagers, narrative strategists & people still calling Twitter…Twitter.

Oct 19, 202328:42
#90. Breaking down the best of TechCrunch Startup Battlefield 2023

#90. Breaking down the best of TechCrunch Startup Battlefield 2023

Every year, TechCrunch brings out some of the most impressive innovators to their “Startup Battlefield”—a competition for startups to win up to $100,000 and serious clout. 

Lucky for us, the 6 finalists (out of over 200+ startups!) are filmed and available online for us to hyper-analyze their pitch decks—so that’s exactly what Mikey and Molly did. 

We get particularly into Biotics AI, which (spoiler alert) became the WINNER and is doing amazing things with AI to detect abnormalities in ultrasounds during pregnancies. 

Startup competitions are always a great place to get inspired, motivated and challenge juuust how much information you can pack into 6 minutes and a handful of slides.
This is an episode for: Startup enthusiasts, tech nerds and anyone who could learn from pitching.

Oct 12, 202337:31
#89. TED Talkin’: Ancient cave signs & the dawn of visual communication

#89. TED Talkin’: Ancient cave signs & the dawn of visual communication

Paleoanthropologist Genevieve von Petzinger is entranced by the engraved signs and symbols found in caves all over the world. She has spent years researching this ancient visual communication and in her 2015 TED Talk, Why are these 32 symbols found in ancient caves all over Europe?, von Petzinger shares what she’s learned. 

Her research catalogs the first ever collection of 32 signs and, stunningly, tracks the same symbols across countries throughout a 30,000 year period starting with the ice age. 

Mikey and Molly analyze Genevieve’s presentation and reflect on the evolution of what “Presentation Thinking” is all about—visual communication and storytelling.

This is an episode for: speakers, scientists, communication nerds & cave drawing enthusiasts.

Oct 06, 202328:39
#88. TED Talkin’: The power of Brené Brown’s “Power of vulnerability”

#88. TED Talkin’: The power of Brené Brown’s “Power of vulnerability”


If you know the name “Brené Brown”, chances are you associate the word “vulnerability” with it. 

Brené’s 2010 TED Talk, “The Power of vulnerability”, became one of the most-viewed TED Talks ever—and it launched her into a higher level of recognition in her career. 

A self-titled “storyteller researcher” with a social work background, Brené studies human connection and what commonalities exist for all of us. When her discoveries around vulnerability expose her own issues with being vulnerable, it changes the trajectory of her studies forever. 

Mikey & Molly sift through the details of what it is about Brené’s TED Talk that makes it so memorable, strategic and, well, vulnerable. 

This is an episode for: Professional speakers, therapists and Brené Brown fans.

Sep 28, 202335:59
#87. All About Apple: How Apple’s presentations create an iconic story

#87. All About Apple: How Apple’s presentations create an iconic story

Apple has long-since stood out in the tech world in its product announcements and presentations. Steve Jobs’ keynotes created a genuine “you had to be there” atmosphere and set the bar high for the brand story that Apple was to embody.

The loss of Steve Jobs and arrival of COVID forced them into a more produced, pre-recorded format, one such event premiering in September of this year.  

Mikey and Molly dig into what makes people follow Apple presentations more than any other brand, the pros of pre-cording and what was SO good and once-in-a-lifetime about Steve’s in-person 2007 presentation introducing the iPhone.

This is an episode for: Apple loyalists, tech nerds and brand storytellers.

Sep 21, 202334:05
#86. TED Talkin’: Catherine Molloy & (Sub)Conscious Communication

#86. TED Talkin’: Catherine Molloy & (Sub)Conscious Communication

As certified TED Talk enthusiasts and amateur speaker coaches, Mikey and I thoroughly enjoyed Catherine Molloy’s 2022 TED Talk on conscious communication, “Think before you speak, hacking the secret of communication.” 

Catherine Molloy is a communications expert who walks the walk in her delivery. There are intentional pauses, NO talking from the screen or talk track and plenty of great storytelling moments. 

Catherine believes that through intentional communication and mindful awareness of our body language, we can solve a lot of the world’s problems. 

We go through this TED Talkin’ episode and give you 3 things we loved and 3 things we’d do differently for Catherine’s talk.

This is an episode for: body language nerds, TED Talk enthusiasts and professional speakers looking to level-up.

Sep 14, 202327:59
#85. Road to the TED Talk: Mikey’s “Bump, Set, Spike” Keynote Debut

#85. Road to the TED Talk: Mikey’s “Bump, Set, Spike” Keynote Debut

In our effort to practice what we preach (and spread the good word of presentation design), co-host Mikey Mioduski has embarked on a quest to the TED Talk stage. 

For every keynote he gives, we give ourselves the opportunity to peel back the curtain into his thought process, training and delivery of a talk. 

In August, Mikey presented at the Go-To-Market Alliance in San Diego and he debuted his “Bump, Set, Spike” keynote—a talk to help master both Problem & Solution Slides. There were volleyball metaphors, great feedback, likely a few pieces to leave behind and even the making of a “Signature Bit.”

If you geek out on dissecting and discussing presentation iteration, this one’s for you. 

This is an episode for: speakers, product marketers & anyone looking to refine their own presentation.

Sep 07, 202338:27
#84. Book Club: The Referable Speaker

#84. Book Club: The Referable Speaker

What makes a good speaker a REFERABLE speaker? That’s the question that Michael Port and Andrew Davis set out to answer in their 2021 book, The Referable Speaker.

As presentation enthusiasts and aspiring speakers ourselves, Mikey and I made our way through this book for another Book Club episode—and we highly recommend it. 

Port & Davis share their journeys to becoming public speakers, as well as Michael’s story in creating Heroic Public Speaking, a speaking university. But it’s more than that—they break down the business of hiring speakers, how to actually grow your network and make your speech SO good that it becomes referable. 

If you’re currently a speaker, or want to make a career out of being a speaker, this book (and this episode!) is for you.

Aug 31, 202348:38
#83. The 5 Deadly Sins of Presenting Creative Work (Presentation Book Club)

#83. The 5 Deadly Sins of Presenting Creative Work (Presentation Book Club)

Forgive us, for we have sinned—with the 5 Deadly Sins of Presenting Creative work! Blurting, Ad Whispering, Wanderlust, Telepathy & Impalement.

After years of experience in presenting creative work, author and presentation pro Kerry Feuerman (who we spoke with last episode!) has witnessed everything—from the nitpicky to the nuclear—that could go wrong in a presentation room. 

It’s what inspired him to write this book, The 5 Deadly Sins of Presenting Creative Work so that we can all learn and level-up from others’ mistakes. 

Mikey and I sit down with Creative Directors Jeff Carter and Lindsay Hadley—book club style—to compare Kerry’s sins to our own experience and discuss how Kerry’s “sin” metaphor so brilliantly delivers this advice. 

This is an episode for: Creatives in advertising, speakers in general & presentation bookworms.

Aug 24, 202342:20
#82. Kerry Feuerman on the value of a great presenter

#82. Kerry Feuerman on the value of a great presenter

Kerry Feuerman is a presentation professional. 

Having worked in advertising and presented creative work for a majority of his career, he’s well-suited to give presentations on, well, GIVING presentations.

After receiving an amazing workshop at GhostRanch Story Camp in July of 2023, we knew we needed to learn more from Kerry’s experience. We discuss the power that a presenter has, what’s at stake and how everyone can implement some easy tactics to win over the next room (or Zoom) you present in. 

We also chat about his book, The 5 Deadly Sins of Presenting Creative Work. (More on that in a “Book Club” episode of the pod later).

If you give presentations at ALL in work or your personal life, this is for you.

This is an episode for: presenters, creatives and anyone in advertising.

Aug 17, 202348:03
#81. TED Talkin: How David Christian fits “Big History” into a short presentation.

#81. TED Talkin: How David Christian fits “Big History” into a short presentation.

David Christian is a historian who knows how to keep the “Big Picture” in mind. In fact, he coined the concept of “Big History”, which examines universal patterns from the Big Bang to the present day. 

Continuing our series on breaking down some of the most-viewed TED Talks of all time, David’s 2011 TED Talk, The History of Our World in 18 Minutes, boasts the kind of title you just HAD to click on. His impressive presentation takes you on a journey that starts several billion years before humanity—and closes with why it all matters.

Mikey and I analyze how David can convey such dense subject matter to a mainstream audience in a short amount of time, and what other presenters might learn from it. 
This is an episode for: Presenters who have to to convey complex ideas, history and science nerds.

Aug 10, 202330:10
#80. Tips on Presenting LIVE (from Story Camp)

#80. Tips on Presenting LIVE (from Story Camp)

As a remote agency, the GhostRanch “Rancheros” rarely give presentations in-person. But at this year’s Story Camp in Boulder, Colorado, all of that changed. 

On Day 1, we brought in Presentation Skills training specialist Kerry Feuerman to give his incredible workshop on “The 5 Deadly Sins of Presenting Creative Work”. And on Day 2, we practiced presenting in front of him. (Eeep!)

Creative Director Allie Wilson, Designer Asha Alaji-Sharif & Director of Account Management and Growth Kelsey Jones join Molly to discuss how Kerry’s advice helped them through this process.

We go through each of Kerry’s 5 Deadly Sins and what we learned from presenting in-person since…well, maybe the pandemic. 

This is an episode for: people that present in-person, speakers and anyone who presents creative work.

Aug 03, 202328:45
#79. TED Talkin’: Amy Cuddy’s “Power Poses” and the impact of body language

#79. TED Talkin’: Amy Cuddy’s “Power Poses” and the impact of body language

If you’ve ever done a “Wonder Woman” pose before an interview, you might have Amy Cuddy to thank. 

Her 2012 TED Talk, Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are, is one of the most popular TEDs of all time and for good reason. Cuddy’s research on non-verbal communication AKA body language includes an impressive string of books, studies and teaching at incredible universities. 

Interested in how communication shows up in power dynamics, she was one of the first to term ‘Power Poses’ such as a Wonder Woman pose—simply putting your hands on your hips and standing up strong for two minutes—and seeing how that affected one’s performance in a subsequent interview. 

The results show that we can, indeed, fake it til we make it through body language.
This is an episode for: People that have to speak frequently, body language nerds & and anyone deep in a job search. 

Jul 27, 202321:28
#78. UX Designer Daijah Reese on storytelling through user journeys

#78. UX Designer Daijah Reese on storytelling through user journeys

UX Design—”User Experience”—is such a vital part of how anyone interacts with the internet or an app. It facilitates a user’s journey through using any product or interface. It’s more than simply changing the color of a site or adding bells and whistles—it’s world-building. 

And UX Designer Daijah Reese fully endorses this notion through her work experience.

Daijah joins the pod to discuss storytelling through UX design, its ever-evolving nature, her experience working at Google and how her international relations background brings a fresh flavor to this computer-centric career path. 

Bonus - her cousin Asha also joins to bring in a holistic graphic design/illustrator perspective! 

This is an episode for: product designers, developers and UX designers (or anyone interested in pursuing it!)

Jul 20, 202349:23
#77. Presentation Coach Andrea Pacini on presenting, confidently.
Jul 13, 202356:36
#76. Problems, Solutions and Slides—Oh My!

#76. Problems, Solutions and Slides—Oh My!

If you’re a product marketer you know that Problem Slides and Solution Slides are important. 

You have to clearly convey what the problem is in your industry, the pain points and then have your product or service swoop in as the magical “Good Witch” to solve all those issues. 

It’s A LOT to convey in just two slides—but they’re also two of the most important opportunities for you to tell a memorable story. 

Creative Directors Jeff Carter & Lindsay Hadley from GhostRanch join the pod to discuss their expertise in these areas, as well as the Lunch N Learns they’re hosting on the same topics. (Hint, hint—register here!)

With clear yet bold design strategies, you can ‘wow’ an audience AND have them take action afterwards.

This is an episode for: Product Marketers, Brand messaging folks and Anyone with a pitch deck.

Jul 06, 202343:05
#75. Storytelling Through A Movie Score

#75. Storytelling Through A Movie Score

If you’ve ever seen a movie, you know that music is a huge component of its storytelling. (Duh??)

The "score" that a film composer creates can add emphasis, emotion, suspense and basically evoke whatever feeling they want! 

Piggybacking off of our recent TWIST episode on the same topic, Molly watches and discusses several TED Talks about what makes scores great, the music theory behind it and how it alters our viewing experience. 

We also apply some of the patterns of creating a memorable score to similar principles of Presentation Thinking.

This is an episode for: Movie Buffs, Music Theory Nerds and anyone that utilizes music/media for their presentations.

Jun 29, 202323:22
#74. PIXAR’s “22 Rules of Storytelling” and How To Use Them

#74. PIXAR’s “22 Rules of Storytelling” and How To Use Them

It’s no secret that we love a good PIXAR story on this podcast. 

PIXAR’s “22 Rules of Storytelling” adds yet another piece to the list of incredible storytelling strategies and resources that PIXAR provides us. 

First put together by a former PIXAR writer, Emma Coats, these snippets of storytelling strategy are chock full of important life lessons, creative process advice and—obviously!—presentation applications. 

We brought GhostRanch Designers Emily Pantoja and Asha Alaji-Sharif, our resident “Disney adults”, to really connect all 22 dots to the Presentation Thinking world. 
This is an episode for: Disney & PIXAR fans, presenters, speakers and anyone feeling stuck in their creative process.

Jun 22, 202355:05
#73. What’s in a workshop? The making of “Presentation Design for the NON Designer”

#73. What’s in a workshop? The making of “Presentation Design for the NON Designer”

Last month, GhostRanch Technical Director Steve Sheets put on an amazing workshop called “Presentation Design for the NON Designer.” 

So we brought Steve on the ‘cast to discuss the making of a workshop and his behind-the-scenes building process. 

“Presentation Design for the NON Designer” is a 2.5 hour collaborative “class” where people who work in presentations but want to level-up their design & PowerPoint skills can come off mute to ask questions and learn together. (We’re hoping to do this workshop quarterly!)

From the massive amount of sticky notes overtaking his desk to the day-of presentation, we’re spilling all the deets of what went into this labor of love. 

If you’re thinking about creating a workshop or webinar, this is for you. 

This episode is (also) for: Presenters, Webinar-givers and anyone looking to teach.

Jun 15, 202335:47