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By 13 Moons Womens Temple

Conversations with Sam Lindsay-German and Leila Cosgrove McKail from the 13 Moons Womens Temple. Living life with the cycles of nature, the rhythms of time and space and a harmony to life bringing with it love and hope for our lives and the futures of those who come from us or with us.

This podcast will often include references to kundalini yoga, meditation, astrology, tantric numerology, subtle body healing, reiki healing, tarot and oracles, the approach of holistic business for prosperity and our womens trainings from Brisbane and the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia.
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Moon Diaries ~ Super Full Blue Moon Astro overview & Working with Gravitational Forces

13 MOONS Aug 28, 2023

Moon Diaries ~ Super Full Blue Moon Astro overview & Working with Gravitational Forces

Moon Diaries ~ Super Full Blue Moon Astro overview & Working with Gravitational Forces

It's a super moon, full moon and there's currently six, soon to be seven planets in retrograde. This episode discusses what to work on this week, your contemplations and celebrations and how you can work with the gravitational pull of the moon.

Aug 28, 202335:18
Blue Moon Magic for your Intentions this Leo Moon Cycle!

Blue Moon Magic for your Intentions this Leo Moon Cycle!

This current new moon cycle began on the Super New Moon in Leo and will come to fruition on the Super Full Blue Moon in Aquarius on August 31. This whole moon cycle has potential for you to work with some serious gravity from the 'super-ness' of the moon (meaning it is closer to earth) and the superstitious magic of the second full moon in a calendar month.

Keep revisiting your intentions and action plans until August 31 to make sure you're making the most of this manifesting portal!

(We use Sidereal / Real Sky Astrology)

Aug 22, 202312:48
Your New Moon intentions can create big change this Winter Solstice

Your New Moon intentions can create big change this Winter Solstice

This week on the Moon Diaries we are talking through setting intentions with the New Moon and how it aligns with the Winter Solstice portal of transformation and rebirthing. Also includes a powerful 11 breath sequence to give you an instant clear and active mind - cut through the brain fog quick!

We discuss the high initiate journey of rebirthing as astrologically we are activated at the The Silver Gate being the portal of resurrection taking us from the Galactic Anti Centre (the underworld) to the Galactic centre rebirth on the full moon.

Sam also unpacks the conscious and subconscious mind… like clearing out the junk draw!

We hope you enjoy this episode and many solstice blessings!

Jun 20, 202338:48
Winter Solstice and the Dark of the Moon
Jun 14, 202338:42
Scorpionic Full Moon Conversations
Jun 14, 202301:25:23
The Royal Star Antares ~ Heart of the Scorpion and the New Feminine Way

The Royal Star Antares ~ Heart of the Scorpion and the New Feminine Way

Antares is one of the Four Royal Stars and is at the heart of the Scorpio constellation. In Real Sky Astrology we have just experienced the full moon moving across this star creating a deep and profound sense of uprising of truth. This moon cycle we have been working with the Fixed Grand Square activating an uprising of the feminine... as we continue through the current cycle we are asking the questions - if you had to go to war, could you do it in a way that was true to you and in your feminine essence? This episode is followed with a much deeper exploration of Antares, Scorpio and the very important questions to ask yourself right now.. where are you being distracted in your life, where are you avoiding stillness and presence and can you find the essence of your truth ~ (see next video). Enjoy and many moon blessings lovely folk xx

Jun 07, 202310:17
Rare Grand Square (Cross) and What it Means for Healing the Generational Feminine Wound

Rare Grand Square (Cross) and What it Means for Healing the Generational Feminine Wound

This podcast episode is an extract from our May New Moon Circle where the transmissions were coming in powerfully! We're discussing the rare Grand Square (Cross) Jupiter, Mars, Pluto (in retrograde) and the South Node of the Moon in the Real Time Sky (sidereal astrology).

Powerfully, this Grand Cross culminates on the Venus Gateway of the Third Eye Chakra giving light to SEE THE UNSEEN and KNOW THE UNKNOWN. This energy will create create waves of momentum for months to come, so tune in and share with us any experiences or realisations that you may be having during this time.

If you would like to take part in the manifesting process from our May New Moon Kundalini Meditation Circle we have made it available as an online class on our YouTube channel. This can be done at any time and includes a powerful guided oracle card reading for you to prophecy with the oracle. Join the circle here:

Sending you all so much love,

Leila & Sam xx

May 24, 202329:20
Embracing Decay - the Journey Towards Awakening

Embracing Decay - the Journey Towards Awakening

This point of the cycle - between Samhain and the Winter Solstice (currently in the Southern Hemisphere) is the darkest part of the year. The winter solstice is the shortest day and longest night (June 21 - 22) and from that point the light begins to return as we journey back to spring. So these few weeks leading up to the solstice after the sabbath of Samhain and the witches new year, is the season to embrace the dark, to witness the endings and to allow the decay and compost of all that has ended. If we look to nature we see this naturally happening... the leaves are falling from the trees, the mulching of the organic matter breaks down and the nutrients are being repurposed as fertile black earth in readiness for the planting of the seeds for spring.

In this episode we are discussing how this process is just as essential for the human psyche, as it is for nature. What has come to an end? What can you let go and fall from you and what is old and decaying, ready to be transmuted for a new fresh beginning.

Can you give yourself this time to sit in the dark, and let the change take place, much like a caterpillar going into cocoon and emerging as a butterfly?

May 15, 202327:23
Samhain in the Southern Hemisphere - Moon Diaries Episode #24

Samhain in the Southern Hemisphere - Moon Diaries Episode #24

In the Southern hemisphere the Sabbat of Samhain (pronounced Sah win - which means Summer’s end) began on Sunday May 1 and culminates (is exactly occuring) on Saturday, May 6 when the Samhain midway point is exact between the Solstices and Equinoxes, measured in degrees along the ecliptic. It is known as the Witches’ New Year and revered as a powerful spiritual time. During this Sabbat the veils between the earth plane and the etheric realms are at their thinnest affording us the opportunity to communicate with deceased relatives, ancestors and loved ones. 

What's even more magical about this sabbat of Samhain is it falls in the eclipse season, bookended by the Hybrid Solar Eclipse on April 20 and the Lunar Eclipse on May 6. In this episode we're discussing the shift of autumn and the season of Samhain, how this is a brilliant portal for discovering your 5D abilities and what it means to live in a fifth dimensional way.


May 03, 202354:18
The Moon Diaries #23 - 2023 Hybrid Solar Eclipse

The Moon Diaries #23 - 2023 Hybrid Solar Eclipse

This episode is an extract from our New Moon Hybrid Solar Eclipse circle. It is a fascinating discussion about the spiritual meaning of a hybrid solar eclipse, the science behind this solar and lunar event, it’s placement in the Cetus Constellation (The Sea Monster / Whale) and how to work as an initiate within these eclipse energies between now, the Venus Gate on the Throat Chakra Gateway on Sunday, and the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in May.

So much magic. Enjoy xx

Apr 21, 202322:03
First Full Moon of 2023 - A gentle return

First Full Moon of 2023 - A gentle return

This special moon diaries report is an extract from our first Online Full Moon Circle for 2023, how and why this is a slow flow into 2023 and a chat about the real time sky / sidereal view of the Full Moon in Gemini and a look at tropical astrology of the Cancer Full Moon.

We'll be back on Monday with our Live Moon Diaries report in our FB group The Gathering and if you are interested in our Online Moon Circles you can join with an annual pass for just $99 and receive three months for free! Full details at:

Please do subscribe to our channel and share with anyone you think might enjoy this episode.

Leila & Sam xx 

Jan 08, 202324:41
The Venus Gates - Rise of the Sacred Feminine, the Mythology of the Goddess Inanna & Kundalini Chakra Activations
Dec 01, 202214:58
Close an old chapter of your life during this dark moon - Moon Diaries Episode #20
Nov 22, 202250:48
The energetic and spiritual significance of the Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse & the Eclipse Portal.

The energetic and spiritual significance of the Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse & the Eclipse Portal.

This weeks moon diaries report looks at the significance of the eclipse portal from the Solar Eclipse on the New Moon in October and the corresponding Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in November of 2022. This report is timeless in that it gives you perspective and understanding in how eclipse portals work on your energy and spirituality, with a bit more depth and insight into how to work with (or rather, not work with) the energies of an eclipse.  

We hope you enjoy this chat and leave us your questions and comments in the comments section!

Nov 09, 202229:19
Tropical & Sidereal Astrology - why we are now following both!

Tropical & Sidereal Astrology - why we are now following both!

In this episode we are breaking down and discussing our understanding of these two popular systems of Astrology - Tropical and Sidereal and some of the challenges that come up when shifting between the two systems. We will be discussing this further in the future so please leave your comments and questions in the chat!

Nov 02, 202244:26
Manifesting with the Moon + Beltane in the Southern Hemisphere
Nov 01, 202233:47
The October Solar Eclipse + New Moon life planning - Moon Diaries episode #16
Oct 25, 202237:17
Recognising Abundance & Giving Back within the Cycle of the Moon - Moon Diaries Episode #15

Recognising Abundance & Giving Back within the Cycle of the Moon - Moon Diaries Episode #15


This week we are in the last quarter of the moon leading up to the dark of the moon over the weekend and the new moon with a partial solar eclipse next Tuesday. This week is the time for recognising where in your life you have received abundance this moon cycle and what small gestures you can offer to your friends, family or community in the essence of giving back in gratitude for anything you have received. It might be that you have an abundance of time, or parsley from your garden, or mulberries, perhaps it was a financially prosperous moon cycle for you and you can make a small donation to a local charity. Perhaps you have an abundance of subscribers this month and you can offer them something complimentary, with no hook or exchange in return.

TUNE IN to this weeks report to hear the daily aspects including the tantric numerology for each day.

Oct 19, 202241:19
An unusual manifesting New Moon and Mercury direct.. kind of

An unusual manifesting New Moon and Mercury direct.. kind of

If your moon is in Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Capricorn you are having a moon birthday this week!


New Moon in Libra and we’re going to encourage you to wait until Sunday to set your intentions this month.. listen in to find out why. The themes for this new moon, off the back of the equinox is Justice, Harmony and leaning into the confusion and blocks to learn to understand your needs, values and boundaries.

Jupiter is the closest to the earth in 59 years aspecting many planets.. expansion is big this week.

Mercury stations direct this weekend, however it’s not all systems go, just yet.

We are leaving a 9 month of endings governed by the Subtle Body and moving into a 10 month (the Radiant Body) of ascension.


Monday - Moon Day (New Moon in Libra) 26/9

Today’s new moon in Libra is powerful within the portal of the equinox. It’s a seriously powerful new moon for seeding intentions for the next moon cycle plus the next 6 months.

Tuesday - Mars Day (Moon in Libra) 27/9

As the light returns to the moon we encourage you to contemplate your life before setting intentions, be mindful where you’re not experiencing justice… be careful what you wish for!

Join us for the new moon circle tonight for meditations and processing your new moon / new cycle intentions.

Wednesday - Mercury Day (Moon in Scorpio) 28/9

Look to the skeletons in the closet and any karmas that are attempting to come to the surface at the moment. Let the processing continue to move through the energy.

Thursday - Jupiter Day (Moon in Scorpio) 29/9

Anything coming up now has the potential to be expanded with the major influence of Jupiters closeness to the planet on Jupiter day. Ride the magnitude and allow the transformations to happen.

Friday - Venus Day (Moon in Sagittarius) 30/9

Sagittarius - the teacher is in the house today and Saturday to show you the lessons. Hopefully you can tune in and start to understand your needs, boundaries and the direction you need to choose for your path forwards.

Saturday - Saturn Day (Full Moon in Sagittarius) 1/10

Mercury stations direct today, in opposition to Neptune. Neptune is the dreamy, illusionary, deep mystical state. All those aspects we’ve put on hold pre-mercury retrograde, have the chance now for you to see them in their reality, to see through some of the illusions that might have been guiding your choices but perhaps were not the correct choices.

Today is also the start of October - the beginning of the ascension month. Depending on the work you’ve been doing this is the first day where the lessons you’ve been learning start to manifest as destiny.

Sunday - Sun Day (Moon enters Capricorn)

A refreshing change of energy comes on Sunday. Today’s the day for setting intentions. You’ll likely feel done with processing and ready to get on with task and to-do lists for self help, support and getting back ontop of life. Make sure you add joining us at Pilgrim Yoga for our 6 week Kundalini Yoga residency on the Yogic Science of Relationships.

Many moon blessings, moon folk! xx

Sep 26, 202240:18
Spring Equinox Cosmic Magic! The Moon Diaries Episode #13 for the week beginning September 19

Spring Equinox Cosmic Magic! The Moon Diaries Episode #13 for the week beginning September 19

If your moon is in Cancer, Leo or Virgo you are having a moon birthday this week!


This week the moon is moving through its final phase heading towards the dark of the moon on the weekend, the final phase before the new moon cycle. We are in the energy of gratitude and giving back. We are also still in a 6 planet retrograde so there is the presence of reviewing & reflecting on major life themes.

Everything is building towards the Spring Equinox on Friday! So time to do a spring cleanse / detox and get on with spring cleaning!


Monday - Moon Day (Moon in Cancer) 19/9

The beautiful watery moon energy allows you to feel at home, in your home and starting the spring cleanse today so your energy is vibrant and clear for the manifestation portal on Friday and in preparation for Spring.

Tuesday - Mars Day (Moon in Cancer) 20/9

Utilise the mars energy of the day to tackle the closets or spaces you've been avoiding clearing out for years. It's a fire / water day so keep things in balance so you don't accidentally put the fire out with too many watery emotions.

Wednesday - Mercury Day (Moon in Leo) 21/9

A good day to remember we are still in Mercury retrograde so be mindful to be careful with communication of ideas, facts, emotions or things you're processing. The moon energy lifts with the shift to Leo.

Thursday - Jupiter Day (Moon in Leo) 22/9

Today is a beautiful expansive day with the moon in Leo. Time to stop the seriousness of life and go dancing or out to have fun .

Friday - Venus Day (Moon in Virgo) 23/9

Today is the Spring Equinox and time for rituals and meditations on prosperity and what you would like to seed for this new season. A beautiful time to gather with people, however if you are unable to, find some time to do a lovely little intention setting ritual for yourself.

The energy is cosmically ignited with the Spring Equinox, the Sun changing signs into Libra PLUS a Mercury Cazimi where the Sun and Mercury are both at 0,0 degrees. This aspecting is being referred to as The heart of the Sun and the most beautiful opportunity for your prayers and desires to be amplified during this time. Make the most of this beautiful opportunity.

Saturday - Saturn Day (Moon in Virgo) 24/9

Today is the first day of the dark of the moon and a good day to put plenty of space around your self to bask in the afterglow of the Spring Equinox. You don't want to have to "do anything you don't want to do" today. There has the potential for some very mystical and magical energies today.

Sunday - Sun Day (Moon in Virgo) 25/9

Today is the second day of the dark of the moon and you have the potential to be wiped out and land a spiritual hangover so again, keep things close to home or out in nature, wherever your soul is calling to be today.

Our New Moon Circle will be on Tuesday September 27 - join us here to call in the New Cycle of the New Season!

Many moon blessings, moon beings! See you next week live in The Gathering  or afterwards on your favorite podcast app or YouTube xx

Sep 19, 202237:53
Preparing for the perfect storm - Full Moon in Pisces with Mercury Retrograde. Moon Diaries Episode #12 week beginning 5 September, 2022

Preparing for the perfect storm - Full Moon in Pisces with Mercury Retrograde. Moon Diaries Episode #12 week beginning 5 September, 2022

If your moon is in Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces or Aries you are having a moon birthday this week!


Mercury Retrograde coincides with the Full Moon in Pisces. This is a week to really prepare your nervous system for a major energetic showdown this weekend. With the waxing energy of the moon building towards the full moon you might feel a little frantic, or like there’s not enough time to get everything done, it’s important to take it steady and prepare to surrender control over to intuition and emotions towards the end of the week. Practice the meditation for when you don’t know what to do to support your nervous system this week and prepare for the epic full moon in Pisces with Mercury Retrograde this weekend.


Monday - Moon Day (Moon in Capricorn) 5/9
The Capricorn energy is practical and great for striving to make your goals. Set yourself up this week for a plan to take care of all loose ends - contracts, negotiations, unresolved discussions or arguments. Take care of your emotional needs so you can strategise how to handle the aspects in your life / home / workplace / business which are tricky and need to be finalised. Venus enters Virgo which brings an opportunity to look at things in your life differently. Chani Nicholas refers to this as seeing the beauty in things that the mainstream wouldn’t classify as beautiful. This is a real opportunity for you to rediscover your innate beauty that you have to offer to the world.

Tuesday - Mars Day (Moon in Capricorn) 6/9
Capricorn energy, mingling with the Mars fire is great to dig in deep and tie off those loose ends. Anything you’ve been avoiding doing you can find the inspiration to take care of, and you’ll be surprised how quickly it will fall into place.

Wednesday - Mercury Day (Moon in Aquarius) 7/9
The moon shifts out of practical, mountain climbing Capricorn and into the innovative sign of Aquarius. Look to your psyche for inspiration for problems you’ve not been able to solve and allow the futuristic aquarian downloads to surprise you with creative solutions.

Thursday - Jupiter Day (Moon in Aquarius) 8/9
Mercury will be in retrograde into Libra (justice, law, order & balance) from Friday until Sunday October 2 so you want to make sure all negotiations, contracts, legalities, discussions and disputes are settled by Friday, or organise your affairs so that you can let these rest over the retrograde period.

Friday - Venus Day (Moon in Pisces) 9/9
Mercury stations as the moon enters into Pisces and in the building of the full moon energy. We want to recognise achievements & accomplishments from this moon cycle and where can I start to release control over things that aren’t working or haven’t worked. Today you can start to be shown what’s broken, or is ready to be break.
Join us for the Online Full Moon Moon circle tonight 8pm AEST.

Saturday - Saturn Day (Full Moon in Pisces) 10/9
Today we are at the end of a cycle which started with the New Moon in Pisces in March of this year. Go back to your journal / calendar and look at what intentions you set, or what you were working on in March around the new moon and work through the contemplations of what has worked, what hasn’t and what the lessons are for you from this six month cycle. The keys to this full moon is learning to release control over to intuition and feeling all the emotions.

Sunday - Sun Day (Moon enters Aries)
Today might feel a little like everything has been put through the wash and has come out clean and smelling fresh. 

Sep 06, 202234:26
Take action on your intentions before Mercury Retrograde! The Moon Diaries Episode #11 Week of 29 August 2022

Take action on your intentions before Mercury Retrograde! The Moon Diaries Episode #11 Week of 29 August 2022

Your weekly lifestyle moon report for the Week Beginning Monday August 29, 2022

If your moon is in Virgo, Libra, Scorpio or Sagittarius you are having a moon return this week!

Spring Equinox Gathering


This week starts with day one of the New Moon - the time to manifest your intentions for this moon cycle. Think about the things you'd like to set in motion or accomplish over the next 28 days and write them down, or even mood board it! We are in the moon phase for planting seeds (figuratively and literally) and then harnessing the Virgo energy to set these in motion! Virgo themes are health, wellbeing, order, organisation and commitment. It's a great moon cycle to tackle some of the bigger life plans or new year intentions that haven't happened yet as the energy is great for getting on with strategy and big organisational process. 

Mercury retrograde is next Friday on the Full Moon so make sure you get any agreements, contracts, negotiations finalised before then.


Monday - Moon Day (Moon in Virgo)
The light is returning to the moon today, the best day to set your intentions and create a ritual to do this. Perhaps a vision board, checklist, some kind of personal commitment process. The moon is void of course from 1 - 7.42pm AEST and then moves into Libra in the evening.

Tuesday - Mars Day (Moon in Libra)
Start to commit to your intentions, utilise the mars energy (fire) to make a start on actioning your intentions. The breezy aspect of the Libran moon brings a fresh spring wind through your life to ease out the old and make way for the new. The emphasis here is on balance and harmony - where do you need balance and harmony in your wellbeing. Make sure to factor this into your intentions.

Wednesday - Mercury Day (Moon in Libra)
Today is the day for looking at relationships and how you can bring balance and harmony to your friendships, partnerships, family relationships and professional relationships. Today we will be announcing our 6 week kundalini yoga program at Pilgrim Yoga in West End - The Yogic Science of Relationships - stay tuned! Keep your intentions in focus and make sure you're being proactive in getting things going.

Thursday - Jupiter Day (Moon in Scorpio)
The moon moves into Scorpio today. There's some big emotional fire energy around today with Mars Sextile Jupiter and the moon in Scorpio. Watch out the tail of the scorpion doesn't come out in your communication with people, particularly if you've been working hard this week and have a lot going on. Practice the four part breath in the beginning of the podcast before making any major decisions or if things are getting intense.

Friday - Venus Day (Moon in Scorpio)
Today's the day where you've been working hard all week, and today you can let loose and play hard or have a beautiful self care rest day. A great opportunity for a day spa with some friends or find some beautiful nature spots to ground down into and enjoy some R&R. There's potential for a naughty date night. 

Saturday - Saturn Day & Sun Day (Moon in Sagittarius)
We arrive at the first quarter moon where momentum for the moon cycle is picking up, you can revisit your todo lists today and tidy up any loose ends from the week. Then enjoy the adventure fire spirit of sagittarius and have a really fun weekend.

JOIN US LIVE You can watch the Moon Diaries live with us every week in our Facebook group 13 Moons - The Gathering - 

Many moon blessings, moon women! xx

Aug 29, 202228:01
The Moon Diaries Episode #10 for the week beginning Monday August 15, 2022

The Moon Diaries Episode #10 for the week beginning Monday August 15, 2022

If your moon is in Aries, Taurus or Gemini you are having a moon birthday this week!

Major Themes This week

We are post super full moon in Aquarius where the energy/light is starting to disseminate from the moon. This week is the time to Analyse and Reflect on all that came to light under the full moon. It's a good week to balance your bank statements, do your tax, review your budget, look at patterns in your home & relationships and practice gratitude for all that you've received this moon cycle.

The Moon starts this week in Aries, at the beginning of the zodiac so this is a great reset point. If you've been feeling a little washed out or like life has been all over the place, it is a great opportunity to hit the reset button and realise new beginnings are available to you here this week.

This week we have two major trines. A trine in astrology is a harmonious aspect and is generally considered the most favourable aspect in articulating astrology. It can bring  luck, harmony, major synchronicity, and potential for positive changes. This week has the potential to be awesome. 


Monday 15 August - Moon in Aries

Moon Day. You don't need to do too much today. Make a to do list of the things you'd like to reflect / analyse / balance this moon cycle.

Tuesday 16 August - Moon in Aries

Mars Day. Make a start on your to do list! There's a lot of fire today with Aries and Mars so make the most to get on with the things you might not be particularly fond of.

Wednesday - 17 August Moon in Taurus

Mercury Day is everything communication and today with Mercury trining Uranus this gives wind to creative thinking and problem solving from an angel you wouldn't usually take. The groundedness of Taurus will keep you emotionally balanced today so your imagination can go a little wild. Enjoy it!

Thursday - 18 August Moon in Taurus

Jupiter day there is a second awesome trine occurring with Venus trine Jupiter. Venus, the planet of love, romance, sensuality and pleasure is currently in the playful, nobel and courageous Leo (fire sign) and Jupiter, the planet of expansion is in Aries (fire sign) opening up a divine portal where you can connect to your intuition, creativity and all things love and relationships. Allow the energy of this day to grow all week and really make the most of this time and enjoy it!

Friday - 19 August Full Moon in Gemini

On Venus day the moon will be in Taurus in the morning and then moves into Gemini later in the day. Enjoy the pleasure of Taurus and Venus and take your life / business / self out on a coffee date. Towards the evening when the moon moves into Gemini your inner world can start to be come ungrounded and slightly bipolar.

Saturday & Sunday - 20 + 21 August Moon in Gemini

Saturn Day + Sun Day - the Moon stays in Gemini all weekend and the energy has the potential to be polarising and unstable. It can also be imaginative and quite social so a really great time to slow things down and be with people you love and trust. Try and avoid conflicting points of view where things can become heated and unsteady where you might regret saying things you don't mean.

Plan some day trips into nature, avoid big crowds. Gemini is an air sign and very 'mental' so earthing in a rainforest or on the beach with people you love to be around would be amazing. You can potentially have some awesome conversations, so long as you're not attached to the outcome and are just there for the experience. Have an awesome weekend xx


You can watch the Moon Diaries live with us every week in our Facebook group 13 Moons - The Gathering. 

Aug 15, 202237:31
The Moon Diaries Episode #9 for the week beginning Monday August 8, 2022

The Moon Diaries Episode #9 for the week beginning Monday August 8, 2022

If your moon is in Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces you are having a moon birthday this week!

Major Themes This week

8•8 Portal and the Lions Gate on Monday and the steady energetic build to the Full Moon in Aquarius this Friday!


Monday 8 August - Moon in Sagittarius

Use the spiritual fire of Sagittarius and the 8•8 portal of infinite potential to contemplate and set intentions around your spiritual journey, awakening and your souls journey.

Tuesday 9 August - Moon in Capricorn

Today is a Mars day fuelled with the moon in Capricorn you can become a bit obsessive about all the ‘things you need to do!’ Avoid arguments today and be prepared to take a couple of deep breaths and come back to discussions or arguments another day. There’s a relationship to Chiron (the wounded healer) today so watch for what is triggering you.

The energy can be building towards feeling like you want to get some of your intentions completed by the Full Moon on Friday. Write these all down and put them aside for Wednesday.

Wednesday - 10 August Moon in Capricorn

Mercury Day - with the moon still in Capricorn and the day now ruled by the communicative Mercury the fire has settled from Tuesday and you’re likely to get a lot done today. Make the most of this energy!

Thursday - 11 August Moon in Aquarius

Jupiter day - the day of expansion and the build towards the Full Moon in Aquarius as the moon moves into Aquarius. Expand on your ideas, thoughts, dreams and desires.

Join us for our Full Moon Online Moon Circle this evening for a powerful full moon ritual.

Friday - 12 August Full Moon in Aquarius

Today’s Full Moon in Aquarius with the Sun in Leo, on Venus Day - the planet of love and romance is all about More Love, More Beauty More Confidence. Find time to create a personal ritual where you can experience these elements. This full moon is illuminated in the sign of futuristic innovation, revolution and thinking outside the square so look to these out there landscapes and don’t be afraid to step into foreign territory.

Saturday & Sunday - 13 + 14 August Moon in Pisces

This whole weekend the moon is in Pisces so watch for an emotional comedown after the weekend and use the watery, sophisticated sign of Pisces and the moon to gently soothe all that may transpire for you this week. Go to water, the ocean, a waterfall or the bath and enjoy some self discovery you time.

Aug 08, 202201:08:40
The Moon Diaries Episode #8 for the week beginning Monday August 1, 2022

The Moon Diaries Episode #8 for the week beginning Monday August 1, 2022

If your moon is in Virgo, Libra, Scorpio or Sagittarius you are having a moon birthday this week!

Major Themes This week

Uranus conjunction the North Node in Taurus peaks and is present all this week. So keep in mind your place in the collective transformation all this week. Find out which house Taurus is in as this aspect can be open to receiving healing. Not sure what this is about? Listen into last weeks Moon Diaries episode (#7) for the full overview.

This week there’s potential to experience great shifts and change.. our food, supplies, energy, freedom.. Also as we are building up to a Full Moon in Aquarius we need to prepare and remain open for unexpected outcomes to the intentions that we are seeding right now.

Keep the Arcline meditations up this week.

Weekly Aspects

Monday 1 August - Moon in Virgo

It’s a 6 day! (1+8+2+0+2+2 = 6) Big for the Arclines and the heart space.

Still in the New Moon dreaming phase and setting intentions in motion

Beginning whispers of the celebration of Imbolc - the festival of spring

Venus square Chiron in Cancer this week to support you with healing divine feminine and the mother energy in the home.

Tuesday 2 August - Moon in Virgo moves into Libra

VC from 8am - 2pm

Venus Sextile Uranus in Cancer - Eccentricity and freedom and the opportunity to start again.

Wednesday - 3 August Moon in Libra

Mercury day in Libra. Think about communications in your relationships.

Venus Sextile Mars in Cancer - drive, assertiveness and energy.

Thursday - 4 August Moon in Libra moves into Scorpio

Long VC from 4 - 9pm

Jupiter day with Jupiter in retrograde. Really look at what’s in balance.

Friday - 5 August Moon in Scorpio

First Quarter - action and committing to your intentions for the next 7 days

Saturday - 6 August Moon in Scorpio

Saturn day - discipline and action anchored in the depths of Scorpionic energy. Watch the tail of the scorpion.

Sunday - 7 August Moon in Scorpio moves into Sagittarius

11th day of the moon. A beautiful day for meditation and clearing the arclines plus revisiting your 2022 and current intentions.

Today is the "real and actual" day of Imbolc - the celebration and festival of Spring awakening. Imbolc means in the belly of the mother and the flutterings of fertility and the seeds of spring beginning to stir.

Next week

We will be recording on the Lions Gate portal 8•8•2022 and visiting the festival of Imbolc, the rise of Spring and what you can be doing in everyday life to be preparing for Spring.

Aug 01, 202231:14
The Moon Diaries Episode #7 for the week beginning Monday July 25, 2022

The Moon Diaries Episode #7 for the week beginning Monday July 25, 2022

If your moon is in Gemini, Cancer, Leo or Virgo you are having a moon birthday this week!

Major Themes

Mercury is in the spotlight so our communication is activated.

Waning Balsamic Moon coming up to the New Moon in Leo on July 29. Surrender, recharge & restore.

Coming up to one of the most important astrological aspects for this year with the triple conjunction of Uranus, Mars and North Node in Taurus exact July 31. We’ll feel the strongest impact from the 29th of July and the 5th of August.

Our yearning for spiritual alignment will be high this week.

Weekly Aspects

Monday 25 July - Moon in Gemini

Moon day, good for resting and settling into the waning balsamic phase of the cycle. 

Tuesday 26 July - Moon in Gemini, moves into Cancer

Wednesday 27 July - Moon in Cancer

Venus Gateway activating the Root Chakra - basic needs, security, fundamental life needs.

Mercury square Mars - arguments driven by disagreements are possible. Navigating necessary change that nobody really wants.

Dark of the Moon

Thursday 28 July - Moon in Cancer

Mercury trine Chiron which can heal communication riffs from the day before.

Dark of the Moon

Friday 29 July - Moon in Leo

New Moon in Leo at 3:55am Friday morning. New Moon in Leo can be quite expansive as it’s in a harmonious trine with Jupiter.

Jupiter stations retrograde - the planet of hope and faith holding.

Saturday 30 July - Moon in Leo

Saturn Day. Discipline, structure, order. Step in as leaders where we are being called to be. Open heartedness, royal courage, loyalty to community. This new moon is infused with spirit, fire and confidence.

Sunday 31 July - Moon in Leo, moves into Virgo

Triple conjunction of Uranus, Mars and North Node in Taurus exact July 31. Taurus rules nature, environment, finance, values & morals. Mars represents principals of dynamic action and desire (impulsive, impatient) & Uranus represents technology, rebellion, and innovation. This is activating the qualities humanity must develop to evolve spiritually. This is going to give us a huge kick up the root chakra, or it’s going to take it out completely.

Surprising event that shifts collective consciousness and opening to higher frequencies that alters our perspective of realities and propel us forward on our evolutionary path.

Jul 26, 202259:40
The Moon Diaries Episode #6 for the week beginning Monday July 11, 2022

The Moon Diaries Episode #6 for the week beginning Monday July 11, 2022

The Moon Diaries Episode #6 for the week beginning Monday July 11, 2022

If your moon is in Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces you are having a moon birthday this week!

Major Themes

Super full moon in Capricorn will be the closest Full Moon we’ll experience for 2022. This is going to magnify our emotions. Themes of Letting go, closing doors, saying goodbye can all be hard things to do, but this Full Moon is our opportunity to re-write our next chapter, to refashion our dreams and goals that didn’t work out, and to know that all we experience is a part of life and a part of making us stronger. It is reality check or wake-up call that makes us realise that we just can’t go on.

“The Sea-Goat teaches us to honor all that we are, to appreciate different perspectives and to focus our time and energy on what we truly want out of life.” ~ Forever Conscious Astrology

Weekly Aspects

Monday 11 - Moon in Sagittarius

Refreshing and adventurous energy. Good to get on with the workload.

Tuesday  12 - Moon Sagittarius moves into Capricorn

11.45am - 7pm long void of course as the moon shifts into Capricorn.

Wednesday 13 - Moon in Capricorn

Sun, Mercury & Ceres conjunct in Cancer.

Ceres is Dwarf planet who represents motherhood and family relationships, food, agriculture, transitions in a female's life, and nurturing qualities we received as children and (often) replicate as adults. This is a day where we can start to be drawn to communicating about our home, our life and families. Conversations with family or about family. Be mindful of misinterpretation and overreacting if you feel misunderstood.

The moon will be huge in the sky this evening. Join us on this night for the online full moon circle and ritual for surrender, letting go and manifesting for the future.

Thursday 14 - Moon in Capricorn moves into Aquarius

Full moon at 4.38am AEST

Mercury, the planet of communication present so Mindful communication is important. We can also use this energy to remember the creative power our words hold. This is a time for Accountability. How have you been living your life, and what choices have you made that are now landed you in stress or overwhelm? Are you living outside of your means? Debt? Desire for material to make you happy?

2pm - 6pm Void of Course as the moon moves into Aquarius.

The Aquarian energy gives you the opportunity to re-curate your future with creative insights from the future and transform your material reality.

Friday 15 - Moon in Aquarius

Venus QCX Pluto lack of trust and power struggles - watch for slipping into the shadow aspect of the feminine.

Saturday 16 - Moon in Aquarius moves into Pisces

Miscommunications and misunderstandings very possible with the astrological aspects and heightened sense of emotions from the pisces moon. Core identity can be misunderstood or you might find what you’re consuming or relating to can be misread.

Sunday 17 - Moon in Pisces

Venus in Cancer / Moon in Pisces. Time for a bath and connect with the water element. Check our website for a beautiful bath ritual!

Jul 11, 202235:07
The Moon Diaries Episode #5 for the week beginning Monday July 4, 2022

The Moon Diaries Episode #5 for the week beginning Monday July 4, 2022

Welcome to Episode #5 of the Moon Diaries! Your weekly lifestyle moon report. Published every Monday AEST to support you calibrate your life to the local seasons and cosmic elements of nature. Subscribe to receive your report first thing or join us live in 13 Moons - The Gathering on Facebook each Monday.

If your moon is in Virgo, Libra or Scorpio you are having a moon birthday this week!

Major Themes for the week 

• First Quarter New Moon Energy: Productivity & Bringing through your intentions for this cycle.
• Sirius Gateway July 3 - 7
• High density solar winds and a double the amount of electromagnetic particles reaching us than usual. High quantity of solar plasma disrupting your electromagnetic field.
• K2 Comet is coming next week which has the ability to bring up the 'dust that's been hiding under the rug.'  
• We are preparing for the super full moon in Capricorn next week.

Weekly Aspects

Monday 4 - Moon in Virgo

Moon Day Sirius Gateway - This gateway of energy occurs as the Sun comes into conjunction with the star Sirius, which is located at 14 degrees of the tropical zodiac of Cancer. Sirius has long been revered by many ancient cultures and is considered our Spiritual Sun. Starseeds can feel a resonance to Sirius and many believe it is home to an advanced civilisation that has a hand in the evolution of the human race. The conjunction peaks over July 4 & 5. During this time the frequency of the light codes from Sirius can accelerate your spiritual development and is a great time to focus on this.

Mars goes into Taurus (from Aries - war v war) less flighty and more grounded taking roots of embodied action.

Tuesday  5 - Moon in Virgo

Mars day - great day to tick off the list for the New Moon Intentions.

Mercury moves from Gemini and into Cancer - less gossipy and more personal and emotive.

Wednesday 6 - Moon moves into Libra

Mercury day - going from virgo into Libra. Libra is about relationships and a great day to consider what your new moon intentions around your relationships and today will be a great day to action this. Do you have to call your mum? Do you need to apologise to your husband.. was there someone you need to reach out to? Great day to catch up on emails, unsubscribe from mailing lists and tidy up your inbox.

Thursday 7 - Moon in Libra

First Quarter on Thursday - action and commitment! Momentum is high for your intentions. Expanded by Jupiter today to get more done than usual. Make the most of today!

Friday 8 - Moon in Libra, moves into Scorpio

Extra long Void from 11am - 3pm as the moon shifts into Scorpio on Venus day. Good night to go ‘shadowy’. Have a naughty date night.

Saturday 9- Moon in Scorpio

11th day of the Moon - a day to recommit to our intentions ready for the full moon next Thursday. Saturn day - make the most of the discipline of today! This could technically become the beginning of your work week.

Sunday 10 - Moon in Scorpio, moves into Sagittarius

Void of course in the afternoon - a good time to get things done and then the moon moves into adventurous Sagittarius in the evening.

Jul 05, 202228:43
The Moon Diaries Episode #3 Week Beginning 20 June, 2022

The Moon Diaries Episode #3 Week Beginning 20 June, 2022

Welcome to Episode #2 of the Moon Diaries! Your weekly lifestyle moon report. Published every Monday AEST to support you calibrate your life to the local seasons and cosmic elements of nature. Subscribe to receive your report first thing or join us live in 13 Moons - The Gathering on Facebook each Monday.

Major Themes for this week

  • Solstice Week! Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere and Summer in the North. In the southern we are experiencing the rebirth point of the shortest day of light and the longest night. The moon will transition through Pisces and into the beginning of the zodiac in Aries mid solstice.
  • We are in waning moon phase this week and the decent into the Venus Gateway activation for the Sacral Chakra on Friday.

Moon Weekly Themes

  • Monday 20 - the moon is in Pisces a deeply reflective, and possibly emotional moon day. The best day for gratitude practices
  • Tuesday 21 - Winter Solstice, the moon shifts into Aries, the Sun moves into Cancer, the moon also shifts to the third quarter at 1:11pm. The day of Mars and we can apply the fire energy of Mars and Aries to call on that which we are set to release for the rebirth of Solstice.
  • Wednesday 22 - moon in Aries
  • Thursday 23 - moon shifts into Taurus and a rare astrological event with 5 major planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn & Jupiter) lining up and visible in the early morning sky, about 30 minutes before sunrise.
  • Friday 24 - moon enters Taurus on Venus day. A great day to get into the garden and enjoy nature and the pleasure of 'work' in the garden to create something beautiful. 
  • Saturday 25 - moon in Taurus Saturn Day.
  • Sunday 26 - moon shifts into Gemini Venus Gateway activating the Sacral Chakra

Things to remember

Catch the solstice sunrise or sunset for the optimal light activations. And spend the morning in the bath if possible - bath ritual here!

Winter Solstice gathering on Tuesday evening available online or in person. Book here

Set your alarm early to wake up on Thursday morning for the 5 planet alignment! This wont happen again until 2040!

Dream, journal and imagine the future that is coming after this rebirth point. We are preparing for the dark of the moon early next week so where possible spend time in nature to support your nervous system to rest.

Jun 20, 202245:27
The Moon Diaries - Episode #2 Week Beginning 13 June 2022

The Moon Diaries - Episode #2 Week Beginning 13 June 2022

Welcome to Episode #2 of the Moon Diaries! Your weekly lifestyle moon report. Published every Monday AEST to support you calibrate your life to the local seasons and cosmic elements of nature. Subscribe to receive your report first thing or join us live in 13 Moons - The Gathering on Facebook each Monday.

Major themes right now are

  • We have a full moon in Sagittarius on Tuesday bringing in the fresh productive energy to deliver on your intentions and manifestations for this moon cycle
  • This week is the lead up to Winter Solstice (in the Southern Hemisphere) and is time to prepare for the longest night.. the lowest point of light and the final deep rest for the solar season. Preparing for a rebirth next Tuesday.
  • The moon is also traversing the final three signs of the zodiac this week and the solstice next week will occur in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. This is a time to really bring things to a close.

Moon Weekly themes

  • Monday the moon enters Sagittarius on Moon Day
  • Tuesday (mars day) the Full Moon in Sagittarius occurs at 9:52pm. Time to reflect on what has come to light, what has not and what you are ready to release from your psyche for this moon cycle. Mercury comes home Gemini making this time a great time for writing, communication, journalling, receiving downloads and generating new ideas / programs etc..
  • Wednesday (mercury day) the moon moves into Capricorn bringing practical and driven energy to wrap up things that are needing to be completed and really getting on with any of the downloads from Tuesday
  • Thursday (Jupiter day, the day of expansion) the moon is still in Capricorn and you might find everything comes to a head if you're not careful.. be sure to put space around yourself or the building of the energy could become too much. You still have a great opportunity to be productive, but with care.
  • Friday (the day of Venus) the moon shifts into Aquarius and will stay here for Saturday & Sunday. Love is about to get weird and strange. Venus - the planet of love is in Aquarius the sign of futurism and alien concepts. Allow yourself to get lost in the weird and wonderful and even harness this time to  do some things for pleasure that you wouldn't normally do. You have full permission to rest on the couch and watch documentaries about clients and eat chocolate!
  • Sunday the moon shifts into Pisces. Things become watery and fluid, try and take today off to settle after the week that has been, in preparation for winter Solstice on Tuesday.

Things to remember

  • Full Moon Circle Monday at 8pm! Join us here
  • Develop a relationship with the sunlight this week. Take time to look at the rising sun, the setting sun and keep light low in the evening.
  • Be productive, but be gentle and give yourself plenty of time off.
  • Full Moon Bath and Water Rituals are amazing this week! Our Full Moon bath ritual on our blog is amazing
  • Winter Solstice Gathering in Samford Valley & Online next Tuesday and you're invited! Book your ticket here

Many moon blessings, moon women! xx

Jun 13, 202252:17
The Moon Diaries Episode #1 Week Beginning 6.6.2022

The Moon Diaries Episode #1 Week Beginning 6.6.2022

Welcome to Episode #1 of the Moon Diaries! Your weekly lifestyle moon report. Published every Monday AEST to support you calibrate your life to the local seasons and cosmic elements of nature. Subscribe to receive your report first thing or join us live in 13 Moons - The Gathering on Facebook each Monday.

Major themes right now are

  • We are in the solar season of Gemini
  • Mercury has just gone direct
  • Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius until 23 October. Saturn Entered - Aquarius in 2020 and this is the last Saturn retrograde in Aquarius we will see.
  • 6.6.6 - the super month of the 6 year. Time to charge up the Arclines!

Moon Weekly themes

  1. Monday is a Void of Course - do things with out being distracted. Rest if you need to rest. Not a great day to launch anything, but a great day to tick off your to do list.
  2. The Moon in Virgo from Monday night to Wednesday - the energy is right to really get things done!
  3. Waxing period of the moon - get onto your intentions action plan
    Thursday Libra & 11th day of the Moon - reaffirm intentions & manifestation (practice Gyan Chakra meditation on Thursday.
  4. Friday - Venus day with Libra. A beautiful day to take yourself, your business or your partner on a date. Find balance in relationships.
  5. And finally Saturday & Sunday are Scorpio days (Shadow, underworld & intensity) - Venus (the planet of love & Peace) is in Taurus (earthly stability) and conjunct with Uranus (unpredictable and embrace the weird underground, the unknown and welcome electric attractions)

Things to remember

Find out your Moon Return!
This week it is time to take action your New Moon Intentions
Practice Gyan Chakra Kriya again on the 11th day of the Moon to charge up the arclines. Music by Yoga Mantras • Song: Sat Nam Wahe Guru
Full Moon in Sagittarius on Tuesday & the next Full Moon Circle is on Monday.

Many moon blessings, moon women! xx

Jun 06, 202256:26
Venus Gateway • Solar Plexus Activation

Venus Gateway • Solar Plexus Activation

This episode is an extract from our 13 Moons Healers training from this week where we delivered an impromptu 'transmission' on the Venus Gateway that we are currently experiencing for the next moon cycle. If you're interested in learning the Venus Gateways tune in, there's a great overview of the astronomy and the cosmology as to when and how the gateways are activated.

This broadcast will give you insight into the relationship with you personal sovereignty and asks you to contemplate where you have perhaps left elements of yourself behind in order to keep the peace or to please someone else. The time is so perfect for you to regather yourself and return to the being of I AM.

If you enjoyed this episode please subscribe to our podcast and share this with someone you think might enjoy these contemplations on finding your own unique rhythm as a woman in modern life.

You can find out more about our Kundalini Yoga, Meditation and Healers trainings available in person in Brisbane, Australia and from anywhere in the world Online at

May 31, 202220:44
Awakening and shifting from Doing towards Being
May 04, 202201:05:54
Cold Depression and the Information Era

Cold Depression and the Information Era

This segment are extracts from conversations we held in our Pisces New moon Circle on March 4 and in our 10 Moons Teacher Training.

Understanding the Cold Depression and how you can support your nervous system is the most important thing you can do for yourself right now. the over saturation of information and the "crisis fatigue" we all experience from our access to information sets your nervous system into a constant state of fight or flight, even if you're not literally in the crisis. Just the exposure to it is enough. As kundalini yogis we need to be practicing and sharing our techniques for supporting and strengthening the nervous system to come out of the numb cold depression and return to a sensitisation of your emotional state.

We hope you enjoy this episode and please leave your comments and review below.

Mar 06, 202211:06
Virgo & The Spring Equinox

Virgo & The Spring Equinox

This episode is an extract from our 13 Moons Training on Tamborine Mountain in September 2021. The sun is currently in the sign of Virgo and the Earth Goddess is teaching us about cleaning out our minds / handbags / homes leading up to the Spring Equinox and how essential it is to start returning to nature.

We also are discussing how our social, cultural and political systems are keeping you trapped in believing consumerism is good and desirable, but that ultimately you are so overloaded with stuff you don’t even know what to do anymore.

And this September, Solar Flares and light frequencies altering your DNA for ascension. Right on time for our Reiki graduates to receive their second attunement.

We hope you enjoy this conversation with Sam & Leila.

Sep 15, 202115:25
10 Sacred Secrets of Success - Part Five

10 Sacred Secrets of Success - Part Five

The final episode in this mini series.

This podcast episode is about Individuality and values. Why when you speak from your truth you can move mountains. And how to formulate the greatest plan for success through space. Welcome to the Sacred Secrets of Success #9 & #10.

#9. Your Individuality your Attire, and your Attitude - all Account above all.

You must have vitality to create virtues; you must have values to honor virtues; your honorable performance will give people trust; your reverence and love will give people belief in you and your honest and character will give people faith in you.

#10. Act three ways: Action Support, Cover. Must include safe place for Retreat.

Every action has reaction equal and opposite; what comes, goes; what is born must die. But the wisdom is to create a legacy which is perpetual, everlasting, and a guidance for all. Every action force in strategy must have a cover force, and a place of retreat to take care of the casualties. With that planning one can reach fulfillment

Nov 27, 201935:19
10 Sacred Secrets of Success - Part Four

10 Sacred Secrets of Success - Part Four

This is a podcast episode about Statesmanship. Statesmanship & Diplomacy. About owning your gifts and rising to the challenges of judgement, negative self talk, conflict and criticism. Welcome to the Sacred Secrets of Success #7 & #8.
Pros & Cons: Check Properly - It will save you from Con Games : Play no games. Get straight to the strategy and establish the state and status with your statesmanship. Reach out to everyone with a diplomatic art and loving communication. This is the sacred secret of winning friends.
Be a Statesman and a Diplomat If you have a longing to belong, love and reverence are your handy tools to build a leadership to sail through the stormy ocean, and you enter the port of peace and tranquility. This is the sacred secret of leadership.

Jul 18, 201957:58
10 Sacred Secrets of Success - Part Three

10 Sacred Secrets of Success - Part Three

This is a podcast episode diving into the territory of procrastination, leaning into taking action and spinning the wheel of energy, action and consequence - The 5th and 6th sacred secret of success.

Work Never Waits - Those Who Wait Have Not Started Yet Nobody can stop the time. Time creates the space. We move between longitude and latitude. It is the attitude that works out and completes every work for us. This is the sacred secret of deliverance.

Excuses, Avoidance, and Delays will not Stop the Consequences Every sequence will have consequences. Every action will have reaction. Every start will have finish. Every beginning will have end. Our insecurity delays our achievement. Our excuses show our weakness, and our delay lays the foundation of frustration. The Perfect One, God Almighty, made us perfect to face every challenge and be a victor. As every artist wants to see his art the best, so our divinity wants us to conquer our duality. This is the sacred secret of victory.

Jun 30, 201942:09
10 Sacred Secrets of Success - Part Two

10 Sacred Secrets of Success - Part Two

In this episode we continue to unpack the Sacred Secrets of Success. This episode dives into the 3rd and 4th sacred secret of success.

3. Be the Altar - not the Alternative Between time and space there is a place that is the altar of human legacy. Each individual must identify this altar and worship it. It will give personalty, purpose and prosperity. Any alternative to this is to lose the gratefulness, the grace and the glow of life. This is the sacred secret of prosperity. 

4. Let Your Manners Speak for You, Let Your Deeds Prove You and Let Your Deliverance Impress You Everyone has a mission. Every mission has a magnitude. To fulfill and deliver the essence of magnitude, one requires manner and attitude. When one does it with devotion and conviction, success comes from all sides. This is the sacred secret of success. 

< Show Notes >> US politician Tera Manpreet refers to is Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez

Jun 15, 201941:58
10 Sacred Secrets of Success - Part One

10 Sacred Secrets of Success - Part One

Over the next 5 episodes we will begin unpacking the Yogic Sacred Teachings of Success. This episode we cover the 1st and 2nd Sacred Secret of Success

#1 Learning is not a Weakness Time and space and breath of life are the living triangle of life. Every process is a moment; every moment is a process. Learning is to gain wisdom - it gives a grip on our discipline, and discipline becomes the Master. Master creates the legacy; legacy lives forever; the mortal becomes immortal. Life is a living chance forever.

#2 If Somebody is Avoiding Reaching you, you Reach Out (Knowing is the Knowledge) If the head has gone cold, heart has gone frozen. If hatred in somebody has eaten up the heart of life; if there is no warmth coming to you but still the body is vibrating and the breath of life is keeping it warm, reach out and melt away tall the coldness through your humor and boldness, so that the flower of friendship can blossom and you can enjoy the fragrance. That is knowingness.

Jun 07, 201953:59