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Personality Based 1424 Training

Personality Based 1424 Training

By 1% Better Motivation

Fourteen Twenty Four is about progress. 14 minutes 24 seconds is exactly one percent of your day. What would happen if all you did was take at least 1% of your day and dedicate it to your passion, your craft, your happiness, your children, your business, your life... Daily Compounding Incremental Results. Let’s realize we are living a marathon and we can all achieve anything we want given enough time.
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Personality Based 1424 Training Feb 20, 2018

Master this Process to be Successful

Master this Process to be Successful

I've said it once and i'll say it again. For those that haven't heard about the success matrix this is your chance to leap frog your way to success. If you heard it before and need a refresher here it is. Reminding you about it literally one of the key points in this episode. 

Dec 08, 202107:18
Seasons changing. Time to change with it.

Seasons changing. Time to change with it.

Time to transition into my favorite part of basketball- the training part!
Feb 19, 202007:43
Kobe dying, season ending, post season starting

Kobe dying, season ending, post season starting

Just a whole lotta things going on and just wanted to fill you guys in. I talk Kobe, finishing the season 18-4, and starting the post season
Feb 13, 202009:13
Did this alleged racist get fired?

Did this alleged racist get fired?

Some parents are great and some are ridiculous. Take it all in stride and don’t let it stress you out too much.
Jan 29, 202009:14
Parent coming after my job calling me a racist!

Parent coming after my job calling me a racist!

If you want everyone to like you it ain’t gonna happen. A parent is compiling evidence against me and working to get me fired. I’ve been accused of being racist! Lots of drama unfolding this week
Jan 23, 202009:31
Starting and not finishing. By biggest weakness.

Starting and not finishing. By biggest weakness.

One of my biggest challenges is taking on endeavors and not finishing them. I think I have finally figured out why I keep starting things but never finishing them.
Jan 15, 202013:25
 No goals for 2019. I give up on them!

No goals for 2019. I give up on them!

It’s been a long while since I have a major shift I’m thinking. I’m gonna go the year without focusing on achieving goals and just going to focus on advancing my day to day life. Will this work? Who knows...
Jan 08, 202008:12
Getting embarrassed and getting ejected

Getting embarrassed and getting ejected

The undefeated season is out the window. Find out what happened and how it happened. What gems can we take from our pathetic performance?
Dec 19, 201909:10
Undefeating to undefeated. The problem is now fighting complacency.

Undefeating to undefeated. The problem is now fighting complacency.

Going from winning nothing to winning everything is a big change. And with a big change the guys think they can relax a little. Find out what I’ve been doing to keep the guys from boredom and from falling into bad habits of complacency
Dec 11, 201911:33
Changing the Culture of Losing Team

Changing the Culture of Losing Team

From winning zero games last year to 2-0. In this episode, find out what I’m doing to turn it around and hear about what I’m doing with the guys after our game.
Nov 20, 201908:17
Are Players and Team Tuning Out Your Voice?

Are Players and Team Tuning Out Your Voice?

Cuts have been made and rosters are set. Players feel safe enough to start cutting corners. Ain’t gonna happen with me.
Nov 14, 201909:22
Team tryouts and first cuts and One surprise that has never happened to me before.

Team tryouts and first cuts and One surprise that has never happened to me before.

Players make it easy so easy for coaches to cut them. Listen to some things we did and how they went. And find out what happened that shocked me!
Nov 07, 201914:34
Submitting to South Korea!

Submitting to South Korea!

Overwhelmed by knowing nothing taught me how to relax and submit and surrender to the culture. It was exhausting and intensive but I learned a lot that I will take with me forever.
Oct 30, 201911:42
Fear of Public Speaking? I went to Toastmasters to work in it

Fear of Public Speaking? I went to Toastmasters to work in it

Most people are afraid of public speaking including myself. I want to improve myself so I went to a Toastmasters Meeting for the first time.
Oct 16, 201911:40
Internet is Porn.

Internet is Porn.

Food porn. Sex Porn. B-ball porn. Political Porn. It’s all out there. You can consume it forever and still not be satisfied. You’re going down a deep terrible hole that will lead you to isolation and despair
Oct 09, 201907:08
Don’t Negotiate with Terrorists

Don’t Negotiate with Terrorists

You suck at negotiating and you’re gonna lose.
Oct 02, 201907:35
The biggest obstacle to greatness is... Boredom!

The biggest obstacle to greatness is... Boredom!

How you deal with this will determine how great you become. Can’t stick with something for very long? You’ll suck! Too distracted by other things? You’ll suck! If you can’t keep going when it’s boring than you’re not gonna be great
Sep 25, 201910:58
What in your blind spot? It might scary to what’s been lurking!

What in your blind spot? It might scary to what’s been lurking!

Realizing you have a giant blind spot is never fun. I found a big one of mine and it’s so sad that I hadn’t noticed it til now.
Sep 18, 201907:20
How to deal with a defiant child and or player who refuses to do as you ask

How to deal with a defiant child and or player who refuses to do as you ask

If you’re struggling to deal with a defiant child or player I’m with you! Almost lost my mind this week!
Sep 11, 201914:14
Are you living or just slowly dying?

Are you living or just slowly dying?

A string of close calls and I’m ready to live my life instead of just constantly planning for the future. If you’re always planning ahead and disciplined you need to hear this message.
Sep 04, 201908:42
Unforeseen Transitions- Dealing with Loss

Unforeseen Transitions- Dealing with Loss

No matter how hard and long you plan things always come up that throw you for a loop. Being a planner myself this has been a constant struggle that I gotta deal with
Aug 28, 201910:03
Always arguing with a certain type of person and don’t understand why?

Always arguing with a certain type of person and don’t understand why?

Discover your personality type and help yourself become more self aware. It will open up your eyes dramatically! Once you’ve gotten yourself understood than you’ll be better equipped to help people of all other types.
Aug 21, 201912:48
Nobody is raising the future. Kids are just growing up. Stop passing the buck! realize your impact

Nobody is raising the future. Kids are just growing up. Stop passing the buck! realize your impact

Nobody is raising the future. Time is just going by and our future looks terrible. We gotta stop this now.
Aug 14, 201915:53
Can your strength be your biggest weakness?

Can your strength be your biggest weakness?

Figuring out that what makes your strong also makes your weak. Slowly but surely becoming more self aware.
Aug 08, 201909:25
Your inner demons need to be fought daily. Me dealing with my own in the way best way I know how

Your inner demons need to be fought daily. Me dealing with my own in the way best way I know how

Everybody has there own demons... how often do you battle yours? Where do you fight? Who wins? How I’m using a cold pool and swimming to fight mine
Jul 31, 201915:30
Audio Workout #2 Mini Band Hip and Core Activation

Audio Workout #2 Mini Band Hip and Core Activation

Follow along and perform the exercise to get those hips and core firing correctly.
Jul 29, 201907:14
The secret to managing your busy day. Stop using time!

The secret to managing your busy day. Stop using time!

Stop managing your day with time and use your energy cycle instead. Incorporate this into your life and see your productivity improve.
Jul 24, 201908:55
Audio Workout- Stationary Ball Handling 1

Audio Workout- Stationary Ball Handling 1

Audio cued ball handling instruction for a player that already knows the moves and just needs something to follow and get that work in!
Jul 16, 201907:14
Artificial intelligence taking over? You’re more robot than you think!

Artificial intelligence taking over? You’re more robot than you think!

With all this talk about robots taking jobs and the world I think us humans need to get a really check. We are all operating a lot like robots ourselves! We need to change before it’s too late!
Jul 10, 201909:20
Why are players so soft nowadays?

Why are players so soft nowadays?

Why are players so soft? They are faster than ever and more skilled than ever but they are softer than ever. How did they get this way? And what can do we to solve it?
Jul 03, 201910:16
The Cold Pool Challenge

The Cold Pool Challenge

Was I able to get into a freezing cold pool 4x this month? The cold pool is a symbol for life and can tell a lot about you!
Jun 26, 201906:52
Are feeling any pressure? If not you’re backsliding!

Are feeling any pressure? If not you’re backsliding!

Pressure is what we all need to improve. There ain’t no pressure there ain’t no improvement! Crank up the pressure and see what happens!
Jun 20, 201911:15
How Marriage is Screwing Me All Up

How Marriage is Screwing Me All Up

6 months into marriage and it’s a fucked. Doing what I did all my life won’t work anymore and I’m conflicted.
Jun 12, 201913:40
Did I fail with my life score? Can making the bed solve it?

Did I fail with my life score? Can making the bed solve it?

Great ideas and no execution isn’t a great thing. You gotta fail to progress it’s just part of the process of moving forward and improving. Maybe knocking a goal out in another area will help me stay on track
Jun 06, 201913:37
Have you ever kept score on your life?

Have you ever kept score on your life?

How do you know if your successful? How do you know if your winning? Losing? Are you even playing? Maybe your going along with wherever life takes you. Maybe it’s time to keep some type of score for our life.
May 30, 201908:08
What new thing are you willing to give up for a chance at something better?

What new thing are you willing to give up for a chance at something better?

If what you have is good... are willing to give that up for the chance at something better? If you’re life is comfortable right now are willing to give that up for maybe a luxurious life if you win and an uncomfortable one if you lose?
May 23, 201908:57
Are you living in fear? I made a subtle shift in my thinking and it’s made a world of difference

Are you living in fear? I made a subtle shift in my thinking and it’s made a world of difference

One super simple switch in my mind when it comes to fear and all of a sudden I feel unstoppable! Maybe this one thing will shift the way you think about fear. I hope it’ll help you as much as it helped me.
May 16, 201907:50
Do you have writers block? Podcasters block? or a creative block?

Do you have writers block? Podcasters block? or a creative block?

Have you heard of this idea of the Resistance? Author Steven Pressfield got me thinking I’m an amateur and not a pro... what about you?
May 08, 201909:44
Lessons learned from Playing 5 games with 5 guys in 3 days.

Lessons learned from Playing 5 games with 5 guys in 3 days.

We had a big tournament over the weekend and it was a tough one. How did we do and what were the two major lessons I learned from this experience
May 01, 201910:17
Ever experience loss aversion?

Ever experience loss aversion?

This feeling of losing more than you gain. In psychology, people tend to feel like they lose double the amount they gain. I sometimes feel like 10x the amount of loss. I was reminded of this again this week and I don’t want it to happen anymore so I gotta make a change.
Apr 24, 201909:60
The decade decision.

The decade decision.

A lot of my teens are getting there college acceptance letters and they are so excited. Well, I’m anxious for them and the country. Teenagers all over the country will be making a decision that can cost them a decade if they make the wrong one. I know a lot of them will make the wrong one so is there anything we can do?
Apr 18, 201910:56
Are you shitting on the present?

Are you shitting on the present?

Life can throw you lots of curves. Got a subtle reminder when some one I look up to got diagnosed with a brain tumor. I’ve been too busy looking out into the future probably missing everything in front of my face.
Apr 11, 201907:07
Nipsey Hussle. “Grinding all my life” is now dead.

Nipsey Hussle. “Grinding all my life” is now dead.

What I’ve discovered about myself from connecting with a dead rappers music. If you’re a giver type like me and constantly giving and helping others maybe you ought to listen to this one.
Apr 04, 201910:13
Adversity. You have deal with the pain but you don’t have to suffer.

Adversity. You have deal with the pain but you don’t have to suffer.

There’s has been a whole lot of pain and suffering in my life this far but I’ve learned that pain and suffering aren’t tied together.
Mar 28, 201913:07
Small Chronic Pain vs Large Acute Pain

Small Chronic Pain vs Large Acute Pain

Why wait!?! Small Chronic Pain is a sign that most people ignore. Don’t ignore it. Don’t wait for the Large Acute Trauma! Signs are all around you if want to see them.
Mar 25, 201908:59
The 5 Outdated Player Positions and Why I Use These 5 Player Roles instead.

The 5 Outdated Player Positions and Why I Use These 5 Player Roles instead.

Positions are outdated we need to change the language. Players roles I think fit this. With the correct language players will have a better understanding of themselves and the game.
Mar 20, 201911:12
What is Block and Variable Training?

What is Block and Variable Training?

Find out what is block and variable training. Discover the benefits of each and learn when I use them. And how I see school and a giant block and life like a giant variable.
Mar 13, 201908:45
What’s the purpose? And 3 tips to get players on board and buy in

What’s the purpose? And 3 tips to get players on board and buy in

Communicating your purpose is the fastest way to find out who’s with you and against you.
Mar 06, 201907:20
It’s Just Noise to Me

It’s Just Noise to Me

Do you actually mean what you are saying or are just polluting the world with your word vomit. Do you actually do or are you actually doing what you say you are going to do?
Feb 27, 201906:12
Feeling stuck? Change your filter and see the world in a whole new way!

Feeling stuck? Change your filter and see the world in a whole new way!

If you find yourself stuck and don’t know how to get out of it apply a different filter. See it and live it through a different lens. Just like your instagram picture you can change your own image by changing your filters.
Feb 20, 201907:59