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LDS Real People - Real Lives

LDS Real People - Real Lives

By Stefanie Colvin

A place for LDS members to discuss hard topics, reconciling the Doctrine of Christ, as found in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, with the world we live in these Latter Days. Join Us!
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Why Faith? (Feel free to speed it up)

LDS Real People - Real LivesMay 09, 2024

Why Faith? (Feel free to speed it up)

Why Faith? (Feel free to speed it up)

“Your faith will grow not by chance, but by choice!” I share my recent experience of what I have learned about faith and how to use it to find peace in the tempest; dare I say happiness too! How does our Faith work for us? What do our leaders and the scriptures teach us? We cover these and more in this episode.
May 09, 202401:06:27
Why Prayer?

Why Prayer?

“When we are ready to come to Him, He is ready to come to us.” Elder Ulysses Soares, Apostle. Updates on home, tithing, financial challenges and identifying the blessings of “staying in it” even when it seems it is just SO hard. Also, the power of prayer and the attendant blessings of prayer in our lives.
Apr 01, 202434:55
Why Tithing?

Why Tithing?

Does Father in Heaven, God, really need our worldly wealth? What is the purpose and as with everything He commands us to do, how will it bless our lives? What is tithing used for? We cover these questions and share our testimony of the blessing of striving to pay an honest Tithe.
Mar 05, 202431:02
Christ Is the Reason for the Season

Christ Is the Reason for the Season

“Because He came, there is meaning to our mortal existence.” John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Jan 16, 202419:54
Use the Power of Jesus Christ in Your Everyday Living

Use the Power of Jesus Christ in Your Everyday Living

Using a talk by Elder Joaquin E Costa, a Seventy, titled “The Power of Jesus Christ in Our Lives Every Day.” Sharing the current struggles and how to use divine messages of faith and strength to persevere and overcome; or at least not quit!
Jan 16, 202439:50
If God Loves Me, Why Is Life So Hard??

If God Loves Me, Why Is Life So Hard??

“It must needs be that there is opposition in all things.” 2 Nephi 2:11. Shared experiences taken from the Sean Ryan Podcast, my own, and what does the church say? How are we encouraged to put our shoulder to the wheel of life and push along? Answers are provided, testimony shared, and loving encouragement!
Dec 04, 202332:54
Strengthening Miracles! “I am God, & I am a God of Miracles.”

Strengthening Miracles! “I am God, & I am a God of Miracles.”

There is a purpose for miracles in our lives. Some miraculous shares and true blue understanding, our God is an awesome God!
Nov 14, 202322:41
Need to Unload Your BFF, Anger? Me Too

Need to Unload Your BFF, Anger? Me Too

I did a 30-day faith challenge and share the results. What do the church and scriptures say about anger and its place? We address this with the simple teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ as found in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Yes, we can overcome through Him! Life long journey but we can have peace.
Nov 03, 202349:35
When An Important Person In Your Life Can’t Be A Part of It, For Now

When An Important Person In Your Life Can’t Be A Part of It, For Now

Discussing relationships that are difficult and change whether by your own fruition, others, or circumstances. How to navigate and what to do? What does the gospel say? We use a talk by Elder W. Mark Bassett, “After the Fourth Day.”
Sep 12, 202301:02:14
Abuse Recovery JuJu, as a survivor, not a therapist.

Abuse Recovery JuJu, as a survivor, not a therapist.

Today, do you need a pick me up? Witness of faith? How about just to know that you aren’t alone? Spiritual food for the day and a gentle refocus.
Aug 28, 202314:25
Seeking to become a Mary more so than a Martha

Seeking to become a Mary more so than a Martha

I struggle with managing my time, the demands on my time, and the resources available to us. I travel a lot, more now that school is back in session, and finding time to attend church has been so difficult for me! Even the temple and I miss both so much! However the mercies and grace of the Lord are abundant and ever so encouraging. We witness of this and share a talk from Elder Bednar titled, “Abide In Me, and I In You; Therefore Walk With Me.”
Aug 14, 202344:26
How Does Forgiveness & Repentance Lead to “Exquisite Joy?”

How Does Forgiveness & Repentance Lead to “Exquisite Joy?”

I use an example of a very difficult situation with my spouse this week who suffers from extreme anxiety and OCD. Anxiety is catastrophic and for those of you who know, feeling catastrophic several times a day about daily bumps on the round is a HUGE challenge. So, we turn to the gospel and what it teaches us to find peace and solace. To Heal ❤️‍🩹 and have the Exquisite Joy we are taught about. Taken from a talk by Elder Todd D Christofferson.
Jul 28, 202341:51
The Scared Calling of Women & Creation

The Scared Calling of Women & Creation

Will you accept the call & mission to be the hero for the defenseless and voiceless? “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” (Prov. 3:5–6.) Life begets Life
Jul 13, 202348:56
Steadiness with Conviction

Steadiness with Conviction

We delve deeper into the hardships of last year, our response, and talk about the blessings of remaining true to the gospel during trials of 🔥. We also share an inspiring story of Emma Hale Smith and her life. Her example of steadiness with conviction throughout her life is a standard we can look to and pattern in our own.
Jun 09, 202353:43
Follow-up to Come As You Are

Follow-up to Come As You Are

You Asked, I Answered
May 23, 202308:13
Come As You Are

Come As You Are

Man it is Tough with a capital T to be a follower of Christ these days and tough to deal with modern day struggles that stretch us uncomfortably at times. In this episode we interview Lynn Adams, from Utah, who has used the gospel of Jesus Christ, as found in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, to reconcile his hardships. He is an example of struggle and staying true to the faith imperfectly so! From being accused of not being Christian to gender dysphoria to using the atonement to find freedom from his bitter cup/s. This life is a journey, not a sprint! Christ is the ultimate Healer 💞
May 10, 202345:41
Finding Christ’s Grace
Apr 19, 202349:23
Easter Message

Easter Message

Happy Easter! We have so much to celebrate and this is a gentle reminder of the Hope we have in Christ this Easter week 💕
Apr 08, 202306:44
You Asked, I Answered

You Asked, I Answered

Addressing 3 questions in this episode: why do we say we are the “true church?” Why do we feel we can welcome anyone no matter background into the church? How to overcome perceived offenses by leaders and others in the faith?
Mar 24, 202344:53
Let’s Live For God First….

Let’s Live For God First….

And everything else will fall into place. “The Lord is extending the Saints’ understanding. …
The knowledge and power of God are expanding;
The veil o’er the earth is beginning to burst.”
Mar 08, 202355:51
The Truth about Brigham Young-my perspective

The Truth about Brigham Young-my perspective

My thoughts on the controversial Prophet, which are positive I am warning you! :), and Pres. Young’s story is shared to give some context surrounding this mysterious man.
Feb 01, 202339:49
Navigating Difficult Relationships

Navigating Difficult Relationships

If we keep an eternal perspective, the riches of eternity will be ours, “and all things shall work together for [our] good” (Doctrine and Covenants 90:24). And of course, I open up about this last year and the hardships of it all. Truly raw and real; current too. Plz take it easy on me!
Jan 30, 202348:59
Merry CHRISTmas!

Merry CHRISTmas!

“Christmas is a time to remember that we are all children of a Father in heaven, who gave his Only Begotten Son, that all would be redeemed from death, and he was offered the blessings of salvation and exultation, to all mankind on the same conditions.” Dallin H Oaks
Dec 13, 202204:05
Tough Holidays? Find Solace in Jesus Christ

Tough Holidays? Find Solace in Jesus Christ

“….dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for His arm to be revealed. D&C 123:17
Dec 08, 202250:25
Come Back, if you have left the church.

Come Back, if you have left the church.

Now is the time to Come Back! Please take a moment to listen in and know you are missed ♥️ Christ needs you and wants you! I do too 👊
Nov 17, 202253:32
Overcome the World, Through Christ

Overcome the World, Through Christ

“Find rest from the intensity, uncertainty, and anguish of this world by overcoming the world through your covenants with God.” Pres. Nelson
Oct 26, 202256:33
Keepin’ the Faith

Keepin’ the Faith

Checking in and howdy dooo’s! A promise made and accepted? You are not forgotten….never.
Sep 23, 202211:24
A Mighty Change of Heart

A Mighty Change of Heart

We cover the latest talk by Elder Eduardo Gavarett, Seventy. In as many….. “were converted unto the Lord, never did fall away” (Alma 23:6).
Jun 11, 202229:45
Trusting the Lord, Our God, Even When We Don’t Understand

Trusting the Lord, Our God, Even When We Don’t Understand

Trusting the Lord, without understanding the details of how the future will play out or how a particular situation will find a solution, can be one of the hardest things to do. Yet we find ourselves being prepared to become the community of “Zion” to usher in the return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We live during a wonderful time on earth! We must trust the Lord, always and at all times and when we falter, right yourself quickly!
May 10, 202240:58
Eternal Education- This Earthly Life Is Our Classroom

Eternal Education- This Earthly Life Is Our Classroom

Sharing my personal struggles, revelation and guidance from the Lord and lessons learned. I focus on my personal bitter cup, Anger. Also, share a talk by Nancy Wentworth called,”Our Eternal Education”.
Mar 30, 202242:35
You Asked, I Answered

You Asked, I Answered

A little Q&A!Questions have been asked and we have picked four to answer for this episode. How to forgive your abuser, how to stay in a tough and challenging marriage (aren’t they all?), and more. As always, we arrive at our answers through studying, searching, praying, and living the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Mar 25, 202222:47
LGBTQ, Welcome & some suggestions on how to persevere in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

LGBTQ, Welcome & some suggestions on how to persevere in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Peg Branvold, “You have to have hope that things will get better.”
Mar 22, 202251:25
How Do You Hear the Spirit of God?

How Do You Hear the Spirit of God?

Sharing my own experiences and how I hear His voice in hopes that you will be inspired and blessed by our testimony and love for all that is of good report. Also, in the last segment we talk about a talk by Elder Brook O Hales, Area 70, titled, “Answers to Prayer”.
Mar 05, 202258:58
Faith to Act & Become

Faith to Act & Become

Updates, stories, lessons learned, and we use the talk by Elder Ciro Schmeil, “Faith to Act and Become.” It is so GOOD to be back!
Jan 19, 202252:21
Sanctify Yourself

Sanctify Yourself

The day will come when you are needed. You need to be ready to do the Lord’s work. We must sanctify ourselves today to be ready for tomorrow. Leviticus 11, 44 ​For I ​am​ the ​​Lord​​ your God: ye shall therefore ​​​sanctify​ yourselves, and ye shall be holy; for I ​am​ holy:
Nov 19, 202130:47
BONUS-plural marriage

BONUS-plural marriage

Feedback and thoughts. Thank you for reaching out!
Nov 15, 202108:21
Plural Marriage~Tough topic but necessary

Plural Marriage~Tough topic but necessary

So many good resources to help us understand this very hard, difficult commandment given to the early Saints as the Lord sought restore the entirety of His gospel. The more you know, more peace you find when it gets hard; and it will get harder.
Nov 14, 202156:11
Mental Health Awareness

Mental Health Awareness

Sharing our story, personal struggles, the culmination of a life of mental illness and the glorious blessings of remaining steadfast and true to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Also, church resources shared to help each of us as we endure this earthly experience with our many trials and storms. We can find peace that Christ has overcome the world and He too will help us to overcome the world, one step at a time.
Oct 23, 202101:00:22
Pure Truth, Eternal Truth

Pure Truth, Eternal Truth

Choose the right, follow Christ, strengthen your faith foundation, persevere, wait upon the Lord, and hold steady! It is rocky, but through focus on Christ, we can endure and be joyful. Is this real? Yes it is! It’s the Good News!
Oct 17, 202143:45
How Can You Be the Change Our Leaders Teach Us?

How Can You Be the Change Our Leaders Teach Us?

As always, I open up about my life and challenges living the gospel in my life. I also use two talks given in April’s General Conference from Elder Stevenson & Elder Gong. We have been given so much hope! Especially in a world that seems so clouded with darkness. Join us!
Oct 09, 202122:04
Staying on the Covenant Path

Staying on the Covenant Path

It has been a rough 3 weeks. I share my struggles and updates on the vaccine experience. Also, tie into Elder D Todd Christofferson’s most recent talk, Why The Covenant Path.
Oct 01, 202148:34
How To Become More Like Christ?

How To Become More Like Christ?

Excerpts from talks and direction given to become more Christ-like and steps to take in our personal journey.
Sep 11, 202146:38


Kindness is the essence of Greatness.
Sep 04, 202149:24
I Am A Child of God

I Am A Child of God

I am a child of God,
And he has sent me here,
Has given me an earthly home
With parents kind and dear.

Lead me, guide me, walk beside me,
Help me find the way.

Teach me all that I must do
To live with him someday.
Aug 27, 202132:46
Conversion to Truth & Light

Conversion to Truth & Light

My husband Jed Colvin shares his faith, his journey, and what he knows with utter conviction to be true. He is a devout follower of Jesus Christ and strives to serve His Lord & Savior with his whole heart, imperfectly. He shares his struggles, his experiences of being a professional athlete who struggles with OCD, BDD and how his life has led to the culmination of his conversion to Christ’s church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Aug 06, 202131:47
Death, Sorrow, Life, Hope

Death, Sorrow, Life, Hope

Sharing stories of my own death experiences. My sorrow and suffering but also the lessons learned and knowledge revealed. We cover what president Nelson teaches about death, life, and resurrection.
Jul 30, 202145:35
In God We Trust

In God We Trust

Special guest, my Mom! Kay Lemon and cover art by Danny Hahlbohm. His art can be found on EBay. We live in perilous times and there’s a war for souls. Do you trust in God?
Jul 17, 202117:45
LDS Culture-Follow-up to messages received.

LDS Culture-Follow-up to messages received.

Thank you for your many responses and for your kindness in the messages left.
Jul 11, 202115:25
Defend the Faith

Defend the Faith

Strategy on how to defend the Faith, excerpts from Elder Klingdebat’s talk from Sept. 2017, “Defend the Faith”. Story shared of Spencer Charles and how he has used the gospel teachings to persevere when he had someone pretend to be him on social media to disparage his work.
Jul 02, 202130:51
Pride, Justice, & Mercy

Pride, Justice, & Mercy

Join me as I discuss pride and its pitfalls, and the ever changing balance of Justice & Mercy.
Jun 25, 202134:09