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Tangents With Sol!

Tangents With Sol!

By Donovan Beck

Welcome to the Tangents with Sol Podcast! I wanted a way to sit down and talk about the feelings, mindset, struggles, and everything in between being a photographer, filmmaker, & creators in today's age! Stay tuned for new episodes every week!
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Live a story worth telling | Tani Shimizu

Tangents With Sol!May 22, 2019

It's been awhile!|Welcome to season 2!

It's been awhile!|Welcome to season 2!

Well HI! It's been a while, and a lot has happened; welcome back into the Tangents with Sol Podcast! For anyone who is new (which I am guessing will be a lot of people), I made this podcast years ago at the beginning of my career in the film industry as a way for me to chat into the universe with friends and other creatives about art and making things. And season 2 is going to be similar to that but also with new conversations around creators, the writing world, and the mental health space! So I thank you to anyone who has been around since season 1 and to everyone else? Welcome! 

Jun 23, 202221:34
Some Questions About Life!|Reconnecting with Donovan

Some Questions About Life!|Reconnecting with Donovan

Welcome back to the Show! It has been a little bit and obviously a ton has happened since the last episode. Today i wanted to take a step back and answer some questions from you guys as well as a series of questions from my current read right now "Tribe of Mentors" by Tim Ferries. Through these questions i answer a ton about myself, my business, and how to go about the crazy world of being a creative in today's age! So sit on back, enjoy this random catch up conversation with me and then go out, tell someone you love them and have a wonderful day!

Editors note: the first 6 minutes of the show is a opening message addressing the current state of world both in regards to COVID-19 as well as the racial tensions occurring within the U.S. 

You are more than welcome to push forward through that section of the episode but here is a reminder that myself and TheMindofSol media are devoutly anti-racist and this space here on the podcast is meant to serve as a welcoming home for connection, thoughtful discourse and the continue work to make a better future. Racism, prejudice and bigotry hasn't and never will be excepted here or in relation to anything myself or my company represents. We push forward together. Best wishes and love -Donovan A. Beck

11 questions from "Tribe of Mentors" by Tim Ferris 

  1. What is the book (or books) you’ve given most as a gift, and why? Or what are one to three books that have greatly influenced your life?
  2. What purchase of $100 or less has most positively impacted your life in the last six months (or in recent memory)? My readers love specifics like brand and model, where you found it, etc.
  3. How has a failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success? Do you have a “favorite failure” of yours?
  4. If you could have a gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it—metaphorically speaking, getting a message out to millions or billions—what would it say and why? It could be a few words or a paragraph. (If helpful, it can be someone else’s quote: Are there any quotes you think of often or live your life by?)
  5. What is one of the best or most worthwhile investments you’ve ever made? (Could be an investment of money, time, energy, etc.)
  6. What is an unusual habit or an absurd thing that you love?
  7. In the last five years, what new belief, behavior, or habit has most improved your life?
  8. What advice would you give to a smart, driven college student about to enter the “real world”? What advice should they ignore?
  9. What are bad recommendations you hear in your profession or area of expertise?
  10. In the last five years, what have you become better at saying no to (distractions, invitations, etc.)? What new realizations and/or approaches helped? Any other tips?
  11. When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused, or have lost your focus temporarily, what do you do? (If helpful: What questions do you ask yourself?)
Aug 30, 202055:47
Making art in uncertain times | Audrey Marshall & Hayden Trowbridge

Making art in uncertain times | Audrey Marshall & Hayden Trowbridge

Today I am joined, in some very strange circumstances by Fellow Artists and creatives Audrey Marshall & Hayden Trowbridge in the first addition of an entirely remote podcast supported by! With the current Worldwide COVID-19 pandemic I wanted to create a way not only to Stay connected but also highlight artists and creatives who during these times of uncertainty face a huge uphill battle. Audrey is currently a high school senior at my Alma mater, an incredible singer and songwriter we get to hear her story of creativity, uphill battles and the importance of just remaining optimistic and happy during any stage of your life!

Thank you for tuning in with us today & be sure to connect with myself @themindofsol as well as Audrey's music and journey @scoutmusicc 

Apr 01, 202055:26
Live a story worth telling | Tani Shimizu
May 22, 201941:12
Creating a culture of empathy | Hayden Trowbridge
Mar 25, 201947:03
Live through laughter| Jorge Aguila

Live through laughter| Jorge Aguila


Today I am joined by my friend, comedian & fellow storyteller Jorge Aguila. Throughout the past few years Jorge was made acting & comedy into a staple of not only his innate personality but also his aspirations for the pantheon that is the Hollywood and cinema scene. I am excited to chat today about the ins and outs of an aspiring creative from the perspective of acting & the incredible artistic story that is Jorge Aguila. 

*DISCLAIMER* there is quite a bit of explicit language throughout this episode! It is all in comedy 

@thejorgeaguila on instagram

@jorgeaguila_ on twitter

Feb 26, 201950:42
Give more than you take|Tani Shimizu

Give more than you take|Tani Shimizu

In this episode of the Tangents with Sol Podcast I am joined by good friend,  fellow artist, humanitarian, & traveler Tani Shimizu. We discuss the ins & outs of traveling, dealing with & turning rejection into something new & finding purpose in the smallest moments of your life.

Tani has dedicated the last few years of her life to the idea of travel & assisting others. Following her graduation from my fellow alma mater Saugus High School under some not so desirable circumstances, Tani set off on a 5 month stint in northern Peru teaching english to kids. Tani now continues to travel, just recently getting back from a month long trip to Bali & is looking forward to hopefully transferring to UCLA finishing her education in global studies.

Twitter: @tani_Shimizu

Instagram: @tanishimizu57

Feb 19, 201952:42
Value metrics & being you in the world!

Value metrics & being you in the world!


Hello! In today’s show we discuss uncertainty, death, aspirations, values & being authentic!

Shout outs

  • Audrey Ember(Youtuber & All around GirlBoss): 


  • Emily Fitzgerald(MY BEST FRIEND)


  • Matt D’Avella(The Ground Up Show Podcast)


  • Emily Castillo(Photographer)


Key Notes

  • Feedback loops
    • “Mad at the fact you a mad”
  • Culture of exceptionalism: Aka Entitlement 
  • Expansive nothingness
    • Houston Krafts 1% memory dilemma
    • Immorality project
  • Values & metrics (Creators curse)
    • Goal checkoff = Nothingness
    • To say yes you must say no
  • Responsibility for your life
    • The “Do something Principle” 
    • Poker hands 
    • Get the ball moving 
  • Beauty in growth rather than product
    • Pablo Picasso Napkins
  • Russian Currency
  • Memento Mori
  • If you can make $1k a month doing what you love. You can make $10k
    • Podcast Ground up show
  • The break up from societal success


“The universe is a very large place. If you have even studied the smallest bit of science, you’ll realize that for all practical purposes we are nothing. We are like amoeba. We’re bacteria to the universe. We’re basically monkeys on a small rock, orbiting a small backwards star in a huge galaxy which is in an absolutely staggeringly gigantic universe which itself could be part of a gigantic multiverse. This universe has been around for about 10 billion years or more and will be around for 10s of billions of years afterwards. So your and my existence is infinitesimal. It’s like a firefly blinking once in the night. And nothing we do lasts. Eventually you will fade, your works will fade, your children (or family) will fade, your thoughts will fade, this planet will fade, the sun will fade… it’ll all be gone. We’re here for an extremely short period of time.”
 — Naval Ravikant (Tim Ferriss Podcast — #136: Naval Ravikant on Happiness Hacks and The 5 Chimps Theory — 25min)

Examples of good values: honesty, innovation, vulnerability, standing up for oneself, standing up for others, self-respect, curiosity, charity, humility, creativity.
Examples of bad values: dominance through manipulation or violence, indiscriminate f*cking, feeling good all the time, always being the center of attention, not being alone, being liked by everybody, being rich for the sake of being rich, sacrificing small animals to the pagan Gods.
 — Chapter 4, 38min30sec (audiobook)

“Death is the only thing we can know with any certainty. And, as such, it must be the compass by which we orient all of our other values and decisions.
 — Chapter 9, 26min43sec (audiobook)

“It’s not about giving f*ck about everything your partner gives a f*ck about. It’s about giving a f*ck about your partner regardless of the f*cks he or she gives. That’s unconditional love, baby.”
 — Chapter 8, 26min2sec (audiobook)

“You are already great because in the face of endless confusion and certain death, you continue to choose what to give a f*ck about and what not to.
 — Chapter 9, 30min20sec (audiobook)

“…put cracks in o

Jan 25, 201938:28
The Big Why? Starting a creative endeavor/business
Jan 15, 201932:56
We are Back! Updates, life, goals & being an artist

We are Back! Updates, life, goals & being an artist

Hey! Let's start off and say that i am sorry for kinda just falling off the map with the podcast over the past month or so BUT happy New year! 2019 is going to be a crazy year! I took around 3 weeks off on an entire creative hiatus and this podcast explains that, more things about mental health as well as just goals for 2019! See you next week! (i promise...)

Jan 07, 201929:08
Is it worth it?

Is it worth it?

Took a step back from the regularly scheduled Thursday podcast to record a little random talk with myself about a question I get often, "is it worth it to be a creator or entrepreneur in today's age?"

Hope you enjoy !
Sep 29, 201815:43
Introductions! Why TheMindofSol?

Introductions! Why TheMindofSol?

Hi! How are you?! Welcome to the Tangents with Sol Podcast. Today's show is focused on giving you a introductions of who I am, what I do, what this podcast will be and why you should stay tuned! This is something entirely out of my comfort zone but that's what makes it fun! I hope you enjoy today's show and stay tuned for next week's episode on "The Creators Curse"
Sep 27, 201809:37