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ADD Masterminds

ADD Masterminds

By Bridge Livwat

A podcast about everything... and nothing.
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8: Been A Long Time Coming

ADD MastermindsMay 12, 2017

59: Welcome to Floo Floo

59: Welcome to Floo Floo

Bridge Livwat and The Girl talk about blurry creatures, the royal family, not filling out the blanks, sharing feelings and church discipline.

Mar 29, 202301:14:03
58: White Hot Regards

58: White Hot Regards

Bridge and The Girl talk about humility, email salutations, interview crushes, singing voice vs. talking voice, Madonna and aging, the good old days, introverts, a welcoming community, not a hard to join club, getting people to another place, pressures of motherhood, it’s not anger, it’s grief, academia and fashion shows, and being conditioned to do what gets applause.

Feb 18, 202356:19
57: The Problems with Smiles, Geniuses and Mariah Carey
Nov 24, 202201:10:46
56: Keanu Reeves, Nipples and Pranks of the Bible

56: Keanu Reeves, Nipples and Pranks of the Bible

Bridge Livwat and The Girl talk about Keanu Reeves & Matthew Perry, pranks of the bible, Bridge’s beef with #freethenipplemovement, sunk cost fallacy, being wrong, Mother Theresa, success, rage farming, nasty meatloaf, GIFs, big contributions, and emotional intelligence.

Oct 29, 202257:18
55: At First it Smelled Like Poop, Then I got Used to It

55: At First it Smelled Like Poop, Then I got Used to It

Bridge and The Girl talk about singing voices vs. talking voice, paying with cash, a God who learns, call of duty, stabbing it in the face, handling boredom, one coin, psychedelic kids, dropping kid off at a party for the first time, paternal instinct, two wonderful daughters, setting up boundaries, Larry Norman and naming stars.

Oct 13, 202201:15:31
54: Korean Jesus and the Gecko

54: Korean Jesus and the Gecko

Bridge and The Girl talk about not the queen, representation in media, accessibility discrimination, korean Jesus, parent/adult child relationships, newlywed marriage experts, ducks and geckos- no kidding, labels as walls or frameworks, healthy deconstruction, self hatred/love, smart in other ways, combining different skill sets, thermometer vs. furnace, young adults, adult friendships.

Sep 17, 202201:17:21
53: This is An Dan
Jul 28, 202259:52
52: Clearly, Snakes are the Initial Evidence

52: Clearly, Snakes are the Initial Evidence

Bridge and Jimmy the Talking Table™ talk about the World Series, the fallout of our convictions, greater love, forgiveness, treating people as unbelievers, fall, language & culture, autographs of people with the same name as famous people, meta, and offensive comedy.

Nov 09, 202101:27:50
51: Religion's so Silly

51: Religion's so Silly

Bridge, Jimmy & The Girl talk about Jeff Bezos going to space, Tik Tok, the Southern Baptist Convention, baptizing babies, working from home, designer doggies, handshakes and hugs post COVID, the zone of proximal development, Road the Character, lying out of your body, and why 4s are into depressing movies/music.

Jun 12, 202101:30:15
50: Paul Edgar - The Good, The Bad and the Synergistic

50: Paul Edgar - The Good, The Bad and the Synergistic

Bridge and Paul Edgar talk about propaganda, church names, Mark Driscoll, plugged in, stupid people, red Necks & hip hop, log in your eye, escalation trap, what’s wrong with you, good options bad choices, yes men, directors & actors, and the Apostle Peter.

Apr 24, 202101:13:43
49: Is it okay to kill the friends that bore you if you are on international waters?

49: Is it okay to kill the friends that bore you if you are on international waters?

Bridge, Jimmy, Theo and The Girl talk about COVID's one-year anniversary, Jimmy's COVID shot, identities & meaning in employment, having an uninspiring inner circle, international waters, social media, being oversensitive and forgiveness.

Mar 27, 202151:50
48: A Brief Adventure of the Mind

48: A Brief Adventure of the Mind

Bridge Livwat, Jimmy the Talking Table and The Girl talk about what their spark is, how constraints breed creativity, and Amazon’s new reptilian overlord.

Feb 06, 202113:38
47: Evil Robot Selected Clips 2

47: Evil Robot Selected Clips 2

Another clip show. Sorry Jimmy. If you could have been on the show this wouldn't have happened. 

Jan 30, 202106:50
46: Match the Texture of the Food You're With

46: Match the Texture of the Food You're With

Bridge and Bethany Olsen talk about how all we do and say is an echo, Christian pop culture, Weird Christian Twitter, Louis CK meme, Bella Clavas, anxiety avoidance cycle, psychedelics and spirituality, Bible stories people question, compassionate people and boundaries, the stories we are telling ourselves, belonging vs. fitting in, how Bethany got her twitter handle, unity vs. purity, shalom, boomers and social media, picking your battles, showing your work, saying cheese, the humans haven’t given me a name yet, praying without ceasing, time with God, community, & service, false humility, swimming in the waters of, say yes to everything, insignificance is liberating, mind metabolisms, lonely artists, and creativity vs. compliance.

Jan 16, 202101:26:13
45: Lettuce Talk About the Apocalypse... I mean 2021

45: Lettuce Talk About the Apocalypse... I mean 2021

Bridge Livwat and Jimmy Humphrey talk about dumb robot selected clip shows, 2020 vision, new year resolutions, Sean Bean, truth bombs out of cowardice, the march of Jericho for President Bleep, God’s anointed, and the COVID vaccine.

Jan 02, 202101:17:12
44: Evil Robot Selected Clips

44: Evil Robot Selected Clips

An evil robot has been kind enough to select clips from episodes 9-43. These clips include episodes with Jeff Hendricks, Jason Backowski, Theosaurus Rex, Jimmy Humphrey, Immanuel Marsh, and Jeff Dornik. They talk about annoying YouTube videos, Beauty and the Beast, stress balls, banana bread and a banjo, hurt people hurt people, lots of love (lol), not mad just disappointed, what “yeet” means, the origin of toodle-oo, humble Calvinists, the weight of babies, saying “get behind me Satan” to our friends, pretty people with feelings, losing $50 at the casino no matter what, new catch phrase “can’t argue with that”, looking down on children, liking hurting people more than broken people, not saying “fair” or “deserve”, what AF means, being naked in heaven, saying “ok baby” instead of “ok boomer”, the chimpocalypse, being fixated with how we got into a situation rather than solving the problem, the reticular activation system, Tiger King, intolerance and tolerance, suspension of ethics, sins we identity with, ranking people, buying Elon Musk, having one’s poop in a group before serving, language in worship music we don’t really understand, liking your own social media posts.

Dec 21, 202055:38
43: Karen the Dog

43: Karen the Dog

Bridge Livwat, Jimmy Humphrey and Theosaurus Rex talk about Santa Claus, American Christmas & Canadian Christmas, materialistic Christmas, Christmas songs during Sunday morning worship, pet names, revolutions, our enemy and truth, self flagellation, leading by context vs. Control, Korean dad, loaves and fishes, liking your own social media posts, and feeling young inside.

Dec 05, 202001:13:41
42: Dance Like David Did in His Underwear

42: Dance Like David Did in His Underwear

Bridge Livwat, @sttheosaurusrex and Jeff Dornik talk about tithing while employed by a church, emulating the wrong characteristics of God, justice vs. vengeance, the ol switch-a-roo Thrift store, Prince Phillip’s obsession with astronauts, 6 week lockdown canceling church & moral obligation, people smarter than me and people who think they are smarter than me, inhale exhale introverts, sharing a few words, language in Christianity we don’t really think about too much, rank friends, ships choosing a captain.

Nov 14, 202001:04:31
41: A Symphony of 💩

41: A Symphony of 💩

Bridge Livwat, @sttheosaurusrex, and Jimmy Humphrey talk about Kanye West on Joe Rogan, Halloween, Reformation Day, readiness to serve, gardeners vs. designers, architects, using your dark side,  young people as the motors of change in this world, help that doesn’t help, asserting yourself and alienating help, and three TV shows you would take with you in a bunker and only watch for the rest of your life.

Oct 31, 202001:08:13
40: I Am Dark Roast Coffee For Your Brain!

40: I Am Dark Roast Coffee For Your Brain!

Bridge Livwat and Jimmy Humphrey talk about Jerry Falwell Jr., owning a billionaire, A.D., sparkling water, Taco Bell Mexican pizza, sending kids back to school, the COVID-19 vaccine, high context vs. low context society, agape, rebelutionaries, incoherence vs. brilliance, harvesting souls, hoof prints, ridiculous ranch ideas, speaking the name of God and wordy worship songs.

Sep 05, 202001:16:42
39: If You Don't Read My Book, You're Going to Hell

39: If You Don't Read My Book, You're Going to Hell

Bridge Livwat and Jimmy Humphrey talk about radio voice, Zoom small group, Jesus vs. Caesar during COVID-19, standing or kneeling during national anthem, new sport franchise names, sports during COVID-19, drug testing, being born again, ranking people, boos, and problematic terms.

Jul 25, 202001:33:05


Bridge Livwat and Jeff Dornik solve Aunt Jemima, talk about sins we identify with, originality, how power changes our incentives, the analytical brain and COVID-19.

Jul 04, 202059:13
37: As American as Orange Bananas

37: As American as Orange Bananas

Bridge Livwat and Jimmy Humphrey talk about why people protest, arguing with idiots, decoys of the enemy, satire, being drunk on our own fruit, being chosen by God even though there are better people for the job, Gideon, COVID-19, and Netflix.

Jun 20, 202056:22
36: Beware of Your Elephant

36: Beware of Your Elephant

Bridge Livwat and @sttheosaurusrex talk about too much change too fast, gatekeeper gatekeepers, the righteous mind and the art and science of every profession.

May 23, 202001:17:36
35: Sweet Sweet Jimmy the Talking Table

35: Sweet Sweet Jimmy the Talking Table

Bridge Livwat, Jeff Hendricks and Jimmy Humphrey talk about Tiger King, life sentence with an asterisk, Netflix, animals and heaven, grief, the pamphlet hero, fact planets, The Doctor in Black, What Bridge thinks is overrated, social distancing, quarantine, sporting events with no crowds.

May 09, 202001:39:28
34: Something About an Algorithm

34: Something About an Algorithm

Bridge Livwat and Jeff Hendricks talking about not talking Tiger King, Tik Tok, algorhythm in your brain, Childlike wonder, the brain’s reticular activation system, childlike vs. childish, business growth models applied to the church, Devin Townsend’s giftedness, art that helps people vs. art that hurts people, Compulsive creativity, bands that are inspired by other bands, Horton Hears a Who, removing stumbling blocks, pointing out the darkness and leading people the light, Alisa Childers and Christian Musicians’ Musicians.

Apr 11, 202001:33:02
33: Scape Greatest Of All Time

33: Scape Greatest Of All Time

Bridge Livwat, Jimmy Humphrey and TheosaurusRex talk about treading water, scapegoating, wherever people are rn, The Menno Mob, Vincent and the Doctor vs Joker: mental health in media,  our music was much better, having a hospitable mind, sermon - stop it, first page search rankings, and seeing the world with Jesus’ eyes.

Apr 05, 202001:27:30
32: Jimmy Has a Six Pack

32: Jimmy Has a Six Pack

Bridge Livwat, @sttheosaurusrex, and Jimmy Humphrey discuss the chimpocalypse, COVID19 denial mode, stages of grief with COVID19, our freedom and its infringement on others’ freedom, empowering others, final Bachelor update, favorite Simpsons moments, and Godspell.

Mar 21, 202001:07:04
31: Deep Goofball

31: Deep Goofball

Bridge Livwat and @sttheosaurusrex discuss Ok baby, the unchanging God, the struggle for Holiness, fiercely protecting the wholesome vs letting people do things without concern, having others' fight our battles, entertaining guests, fruitfulness and happiness, money in ministry, N.A.S.A., how to sound high, let us lettuce, words that sound cool with accents, raw materials and art/prophecy, the sound of the rain, everything is X, making a confession.

Feb 22, 202001:05:40
30: Naked in Heaven

30: Naked in Heaven

Bridge Livwat and @sttheosaurusrex talk about being naked in heaven, the lost art of encouragement, Godfather favors, Star Wars hot takes, forgiveness love languages,

acts of compassion leading to stress reduction, toxic people, dumb theology arguments‬, learning from atheists, if you were the only one, the pastoral don’t care guy, the refreshing nature of the truth and a tested new attack, the mantle of calling, establishing equality and justice by making yourself less weighty.

Feb 01, 202001:26:31
29: Justin Bieber is Canada's Kanye West

29: Justin Bieber is Canada's Kanye West

Bridge Livwat, Jimmy Humphrey & @sttheosaurusrex discuss: called to suffering or God making the best of your poor decisions, hating everything about someone you hate wholesome, Wisdom from the bachelorette, Being AuthenticAF or Perception is reality, the Ender Wiggen school of retaliation, and "I'm so much better at being humble."

Jan 11, 202037:10
28: @sttheosaurusrex The Fancy Dinosaur

28: @sttheosaurusrex The Fancy Dinosaur

Bridge Livwat, Jimmy Humphrey and Immanuel Marsh talk about accents, life coaches, hypocritical professionals, parents suck, seeing the shortcomings in other people but not us, coping with the fact that rain falls in the righteous and the wicked, scamming the scammers, artificial intelligence/automation, more imagination to think rationally, being a band, soundcloud for viral tweets, metrics, futurepassive/futureguided, enneagram, test small before big, Bill Murray, things that have become our things, the cat meme, getting out of your lane as much as possible, everybody is a monkey a gun, counseling people who have trauma, God & consciousness radio signal‬ and group pics.

Dec 21, 201901:25:12
27: Okay Zoomer!

27: Okay Zoomer!

Bridge Livwat and @stthoesaurusrex talk about ASMR, lucid dreaming, loving hurting people, being nice to your friendly neighborhood retail employee, Ok Boomer, manufacturing controversy for clout, the doing being balance, goldfish creativity, untouchable day, grace, giftedness, what we are not good at, confidence vs. arrogance, being a rock star, identity surgery, how much of me is required, why people are anal jerks and the perils of trying to read peoples’ minds.

Nov 23, 201901:14:39
26: Humility, Love and Star Screw Drivers

26: Humility, Love and Star Screw Drivers

Bridge Livwat, Jeff Dornik & Jimmy Humphrey talk about weird responses to “how y’all doing?”, saying stuff no one else is saying, Jimmy don’t do music, making strangers laugh, star ratings for churches, becoming more productive, Wilson Fisk, what happens when eating together, “Wut”: next level “what”, poo flavored yogurt loserthink, cognitive dissonance as a coping mechanism, personality types, Recess (this whomps), elephant rider emotion logic analogy, not overthinking complicated stuff, defining  love from a broken identity. 

Nov 09, 201955:21
25: Still Small Voice with Jimmy Humphrey

25: Still Small Voice with Jimmy Humphrey

John and Jimmy Humphrey discuss a purely hypothetical ADD Masterminds Cruise, Ken Ham, recognizing God’s voice, giving birth is gross, essential oils, miracle mystery & authority, clanging cymbals, our addiction to stimulation, our pseudo-connected society, like a real person, psychedelic Beatles, the key to contentment, living out our callings, experiments in science & experiments in art, art emulation of nature, and the chances of your family killing you.

Sep 14, 201901:17:05
24: Can't Argue With That...

24: Can't Argue With That...

John & @sttheosaurusrex talk about McDonald’s butt cushions at church, pastors giving us “this one for free‬”, @sttheosaurusrex’s not ex-girlfriend Hannah Brown, black pants store, duct tape solutions, can’t argue with that‬, power & character, mad problem solving skills, compartmentalized Christianity, being fully congruent, having a challenge network, responsibility to warn others, men’s modesty, and the 10 million dollar mistake.

Aug 03, 201901:27:27
23: I Know Things About Things!

23: I Know Things About Things!

John & @sttheosaurusrex discuss: mumble podcasting, gambling, dreams, humbly owning a room, Tyler Joseph, knowing things about things the foundational knowledge of the average American, Wisdom, diversity, protesting, primitive emotions,  your emotional wake, biobreaks, playing some ball, biting off a little more than you can chew, Will Smith & world class content, giftedness, hedgehog vs. fox, wisdom of crowds vs. stupidity of groupthink, more blessed than you apparel.  

Jun 22, 201901:23:48
22: Like an Angel Screaming in My Ear

22: Like an Angel Screaming in My Ear

John & @sttheosaurusrex talk about the difference between shame & conviction, an angel screaming in my ear, pretty people, smiles & sadness, learning about God from children, singleness, Gaither vocal band, details of our lives, social media sabbath, 12 year old dying, woman bleeding 12 years, I don’t get astronomy, Velcro Teflon mind theory, Do winners leave YouTube comments, Likes incentive on social media, making things pornographic, John’s salvation axiom, feelings don’t care about facts, being an empath, valleys are pretty

Apr 13, 201901:14:50
21: Put an F in the Chat

21: Put an F in the Chat

John & @sttheosaurusrex talk about Pee Pee Island, the best is not always the favourite, NCIS,  hotdogs are sandwiches and other facts that don't care about your feelings, being fully human, F for lifeway , the Bible as a manual vs a window,  the purpose of prophecy, the faith paradox, mormons, catholics, & baptists, get behind me satan, the femininity of God, plus John gives a hot take on why the gospel is offensive.  

Mar 30, 201901:04:05
20: Worst Baby Ever

20: Worst Baby Ever

ADD Masterminds polls, fave robots, fave punctation names, apologizing when you did nothing wrong, things that sound good to pray, but you probably shouldn't, Youtube “celebrities”, artists, soul ideals phantom pains, talking to your past self, conspiracy theories, new word: mathemartoscientologicemotional, fear of empathy, the weight of babies, judging babies

*correction, John says “Sam Smith”, he means “Sam Harris” 🙄

Mar 09, 201901:16:49
19: Barbarian Yelp

19: Barbarian Yelp

John, Jeff & @sttheosaurusrex discuss face tattoos, killing a cougar with bare hands, Bible ratings, using the Lord’s name in vain, learning from heretics, vetting theology, pushing people but not abusing them, Gratitude vs Amygdala, go-to songs when down and depressed, setting an example, Twitter is dumb, trying to get people fired.  

Mar 02, 201901:26:54
18: Bringing Toodle-oo Back with @sttheosaurusrex

18: Bringing Toodle-oo Back with @sttheosaurusrex

John & @sttheosaurusrex talk about how God can give us experience without experiencing, Kierkegaardian metaphysics convos, teaching science, meaningless numbers, liking what your supposed to like, the importance of art in illustrating abstract concepts, creativity & randomness, bringing back toodle-oo, new idioms, I can’t stand your friends, worldliness, people who say what we want to hear, Cannibis on the worship team, worshiping to remember who you are, % of our mores, Biblical fear is an impetus for change, rather than a reason for paralysis and dread, wise and courageous choices becoming second nature, fruits of the spirit, bad moods, and horses vs. Tanks.  

Feb 02, 201901:09:22
17: Yeet!

17: Yeet!

John, Jeff & Jason talk greatest fear, amen as a question, Jesus in everything and everyone, transcendence, John’s bald head, cool abbreves, yeet, aquateen hunger force, healthy fear, movies that make us cry, x and y life, Joseph trolling his brothers, Joseph and the time of fruition, Joseph getting authority for a purpose, NHL18 & management theory, sexy rexy, getting older, loose ships vs. tight ships, and save your applause to the end of a performance.
Dec 08, 201801:05:54
16: Okay or Nokay?

16: Okay or Nokay?

ohn & Jeff talk about aderall, presentation agendas, the mandelbrot set, new word - nokay, not mad just disappointed, making noise, weird things to say while leading worship, life opportunities as baseball pitches, keto diet, 80s synth pop, inspiration as an artist, nostalgia, forest fires & floods, types of drones (camera, killy & delivery), driverless cars, comedy as social commentary, red pill & blue pill people, breaking peoples’ loops/changing the conversation, Tirefall, find your Johnny Cash, the mysteries of God, introvert belly buttons, faith like a child
Nov 17, 201801:16:15
15: LOL with @sttheosaurusrex

15: LOL with @sttheosaurusrex

John & Theosaurus Rex talk about reappropriating acronyms, The Disaster Artist, writing movie scripts, a great answer for “what is your favorite song”, bad worship music at church, hyping up crowds, clapping at church, Keith Green, Rich Mullins, getting out of the way of our art, Charity water: faith, integrity & generosity, God’s grace for us, our grace for other, wisdom from Rob Bell, people who say “It’s gonna be okay” even though they don’t really know if it will be, hard work, ampersands and octothorpes, near death experiences, receiving God’s grace rather than living in condemnation, mathematical proofs, creativity & problem solving, communion, gifts of the Spirit, suspension of ethics in sports, three revolutions which made us a more disconnected society, how talking to people who disagree with us helps us gain perspective, and Jesus with a whip.
Oct 13, 201801:24:38
14: Hurt People! Hurt People!!!

14: Hurt People! Hurt People!!!

John & Jeff talk about brainstorming, Google image search, money and Power Podcast is our nemesis, dressing the truth up as humor, George Carlin, Bill Gates & how many terabytes do we need?, Incredibles 2, feminism & toxic masculinity, Bridging the gaps between people with opposing views, Buffalos, Freddie Prinze is alive and he does stuff, Not giving credit to people for their ideas, Christians, atheists and morality, Following your calling, Francis Chan, Ideologies suck, Same vocabulary, Seeker friendly churches, Sullivan the Minion Cat, Hurt people hurt people, Creating a lot of noise
Sep 22, 201801:00:59
13: Banana Bread and Eyebrows

13: Banana Bread and Eyebrows

The trio of epicness share an epic plane joke, how John traded a loaf of banana bread for a banjo, why disillusionment is a good thing, onomatopoeias, whether everyone is really entitled to an opinion, fake twitter accounts, discernment, the 8-bit Gangta, Kilo Ren, John’s 100th birthday, God friended me, bias, Karate Kid, Star Wars, Sports pools, how long beards and nice trucks can be girly, words Jason thought his wife made up - revisited, I’ve to see you?, Awakening, honesty and action, solitude, community & ministry, ADD Masterminds are future saints, incentive and action, Joel Osteen, Nathan Fielder epic story asking questions no one is asking, leaders you would do anything for, Drew Dyck’s book "Ex-Christian", Humility, Insane in the mainframe
Sep 03, 201801:22:26
12: Words Are Weird

12: Words Are Weird

Jeff & John talk about words that Jason Backoski is pretty sure his wife made up to confuse him, loaded words, weird worship lyrics, stress balls & rubix cubes, compare & contrast the words “blessed” and “privileged”, the extinction of iPad picture takers, toddler death metal, skydive death metal, using the past to propel you forward, performances you cannot get back, playing to the back row, ostracized public figures, everyone’s an environmentalist when people are dumping garbage in their backyard and how words really matter.
Aug 06, 201853:55
11: Ghhhost

11: Ghhhost

Jeff & John talk about how ADD Masterminds is your safe place, competitive people, why Jeff hates kids who play T-ball, stereotypes, Big Hero 6, Megamind, Monsters vs. Aliens, #science , Is genesis history?, Ken Hamm, Evolution, Apologetics, You do you evangelism, First date evangelism, Tradesies evangelism, Bad witnessing lines, Not gonna google this, Song ideas, Movies we are supposed to like… or hate, Art and evangelism, Confidence rock anything, I’m not big on shiny things, Changing churches, Learning experiences
Jul 04, 201801:07:59
10: The Gritty Reboot

10: The Gritty Reboot

Jeff is back!!! Jeff & John talk about what Jeff has been up to, the 8-Bit Gangsta, real humility vs. false humility, just going and making a thing, intellectual property, movie sequels, rubix cubes, Jeff’s top 10 secular & top 10 christian albums, being gifted or afflicted, how to help people with depression, toxic masculinity, true art and its importance, one hit wonders, being genuine, and how writing songs is like cooking
Jun 25, 201801:18:11