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By Sheza Q

We Speak Up for Children Who haven’t found their Voice Yet.
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S07- Ep.01- Shame

Advokids Dec 03, 2022

Ep. 81- Grieving as a Child: Sibling Loss

Ep. 81- Grieving as a Child: Sibling Loss

Each child grieves differently, and there is no right or wrong way or length of time to grieve.

Grief can be loud, quiet, public, private and everything in between. It is important to listen and take cues from the child, rather than assume you know what that child needs.

In this episode, we'll explore the various ways in which children express their grief, the common reactions they may exhibit, and how parents and other family members can best support them through this challenging time.
Mar 21, 202407:38
Ep. 80- Tourette Syndrome

Ep. 80- Tourette Syndrome

Imagine a world where your body and voice seem to have a mind of their own. Every movement, every sound, like a song that keeps changing unexpectedly. This is what it's like for people with Tourette syndrome.

Tourette syndrome is a complicated brain condition. People with Tourette syndrome often have body movements and sounds they can't control. These movements and sounds are called tics. Many people think this condition only involves saying bad words or doing strange things, but that's not true. This condition covers a wide range of different tics, like movements and sounds, and each person's Tourette syndrome is different.
Mar 12, 202403:47
Ep. 79- Selective Mutism

Ep. 79- Selective Mutism

Selective mutism is a condition in which a child is unable to speak in certain situations, despite being fully capable of speech in others.

According to DSM-5, selective mutism is often accompanied by social anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder, phobias, and situational oppositional behaviors are also common. For example, a child may be unable to speak at school and can communicate without difficulty at home. It’s called selective mutism because a child is only mute in select situations.

Imagine being a child entering a classroom full of children, feeling the urge to speak but unable to utter a single word. Or imagine a grown-up at work who really wants to join in the talk but feels paralyzed by the inability to speak up. This is the reality for individuals with Selective mutism.
Mar 03, 202405:15
Ep. 78- Building Stronger Bonds With Your Children

Ep. 78- Building Stronger Bonds With Your Children

Being a parent means making mistakes, facing challenges, and growing along the way. We're not perfect, and we learn while raising our children. Sometimes, we worry that our mistakes might harm our relationship with them. But in the midst of all the ups and downs, there's hope, there's a chance to make things right and strengthen our bond with our children.
Feb 23, 202405:56
Ep. 77- SEL Skills in Everyday Life

Ep. 77- SEL Skills in Everyday Life

Tonight, we explore everyday adventures of children through the lens of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). I cannot even begin to emphasize how important it is for parents and schools to understand the need for Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in a child's life. It is not just an educational buzzword; it's a fundamental aspect of a child's development that impacts their overall well-being and success.

In this episode, we explore the family environment, school, playground, and digital world to discuss how SEL shapes children's lives. From morning routines and family relationships to classroom collaborations and after-school activities, we'll explore how SEL empowers children to get through challenges, build connections, and thrive in a complex and ever-changing world.
Feb 16, 202405:35
Ep. 76- Understanding Alopecia in Children

Ep. 76- Understanding Alopecia in Children

Recently, I had the privilege of working closely with an 8-year-old who was bravely facing alopecia. Despite her tender age, she displayed a remarkable amount of resilience and grace, far beyond her years. Her experience with alopecia wasn't just about losing hair; it revealed the incredible strength and courage that children possess when they go through such challenges.

There were moments, where I realized the profound impact of empathy and understanding in nurturing resilience. It's a reminder that behind every struggle lies an opportunity for growth.

In this episode, I've discussed some important points for parents on raising a child with alopecia, along with coping strategies to help their child deal with this condition.
Feb 09, 202406:29
Ep. 75- Teacher Well-being: Key to Classroom Success

Ep. 75- Teacher Well-being: Key to Classroom Success

Imagine a classroom full of happy faces, where everyone feels excited to learn and grow together. What makes that happen? It’s not just books and lessons- It’s the well-being of those incredible teachers, the heroes who guide you towards learning and growing, shining brightly with their hard work and caring hearts!

Making sure teachers are physically, emotionally and mentally healthy is really important for classrooms to work well because when teachers thrive, classrooms come alive, and the possibilities for learning are endless.
Feb 02, 202405:57
Ep. 74- Parenting Through PTSD

Ep. 74- Parenting Through PTSD

Tonight, we explore ‘Parenting Through PTSD’
Post- traumatic stress disorder is a mental health condition that can result from exposure to a traumatic experience. For parents dealing with PTSD, the daily demands of parenting can trigger memories, anxiety, and emotional distress related to their traumatic experience.
It’s important to know that each individual’s experience with PTSD is unique, and parenting through this condition requires a personalized approach.

So, whether you’re a parent seeking connection, someone curious to understand the realities of parenting through PTSD, or an empathetic listener, you’re in the right place. Join us as we take you on a journey of empathy, resilience, and shared humanity.
Jan 26, 202405:48
Ep. 73- The Battle, The Bond, The Banter

Ep. 73- The Battle, The Bond, The Banter

Tonight we talk about the heart of sibling relationships with a theme that’s close to every siblings heart: ‘The Battle, The Bond,The Banter’

Having siblings is like having a built- in support system, but not always sunshine and rainbows. There are battles over the remote, bonds formed through shared secrets, and banter that could make you laugh until your stomach hurts.
Jan 19, 202405:34
Ep. 72- Craft your Child’s Educational Path

Ep. 72- Craft your Child’s Educational Path

Tonight we explore a topic that holds the key to unlocking your child’s full potential- crafting their educational path. And that requires insight, flexibility, and a whole lot of love.
How can parents move beyond the cookie-cutter approach which means fitting ALL in the same box and start crafting a learning path for their children.
Jan 12, 202404:25
Ep. 71- How Parental Anxiety Affects Children

Ep. 71- How Parental Anxiety Affects Children

Tonight, we explore the complexities of raising emotionally secure children.
We explore the silent storm that often goes unnoticed - how parental anxiety affects children OR how parental anxiety 'harms' them.

Parents are like the atmosphere creators at home. When they are anxious, it affects how everyone feels at home. Children, take in these emotions, like how a sponge soaks up water. This is called 'emotional contagion', where children catch the anxiety of their parents.
Jan 05, 202404:47
Ep. 70- Battling Mental Health Away from Home

Ep. 70- Battling Mental Health Away from Home

This episode is dedicated to all the students that are away from home, who might be feeling lonely, especially during the holiday season. I understand that not everyone can go home for various reasons, and I want you to know that you’re not alone. Tonight, we discuss ways how you can work on your mental health, find happiness and build a supportive community, no matter where you are.
Dec 29, 202305:01
Ep. 69- Tweens to Teens Transitions

Ep. 69- Tweens to Teens Transitions

In this episode, we talk about what it's like for a tween to step into the teenage years. It's a period filled with changes- both exciting and challenging. We explore the emotional and social shifts that children experience and provide guidance for parents navigating this transitional phase with their teens.
Dec 21, 202307:60
Ep. 68- A Walk in A Child’s Mind

Ep. 68- A Walk in A Child’s Mind

Tonight's podcast episode takes you on a powerful journey—one that opens the door to understanding, compassion, and resilience. Imagine taking a walk through the mind of a brave child who has faced multiple traumas. It's a journey into a world where emotions tell stories, and healing begins.

Being aware of the experiences of a traumatized child helps us create a compassionate and supportive environment. It initiates conversations around mental health, resilience, and the importance of creating safe spaces where these children can heal and thrive. This conversation is not just a walk—it's a call to action!
Dec 14, 202307:03
Ep. 67- The Impact of Childhood Silent Treatment

Ep. 67- The Impact of Childhood Silent Treatment

In this episode we talk about those quiet moments from our past that stick with us and shape who we are. We figure out why this happens, how it affects us, and most importantly, how we can make sure it stops with us. Get ready for a podcast that’s all about breaking free from the quiet and creating a new story for generations to come.
Nov 30, 202308:37
Ep. 66- Forgive your Parents, They were Learning too

Ep. 66- Forgive your Parents, They were Learning too

An insightful ride that’s all about growing and healing.
Nov 24, 202308:15
Ep. 65- Decoding Dyslexia

Ep. 65- Decoding Dyslexia

This episode is conducted in Urdu language
Nov 09, 202307:11
Ep. 64- Falasteeni Women- Redefining Motherhood

Ep. 64- Falasteeni Women- Redefining Motherhood

Nov 02, 202305:27
Ep. 63- Parenting in a War Zone

Ep. 63- Parenting in a War Zone

Oct 26, 202308:04
Ep. 62- From Imagination to Reality: A Child’s View of Gaza

Ep. 62- From Imagination to Reality: A Child’s View of Gaza

Oct 19, 202305:36
Ep. 61- Unheard Voices… Abandoned Children

Ep. 61- Unheard Voices… Abandoned Children

This episode is a call to action- a reminder that every child deserves support, understanding, and the opportunity to reach their full potential.
May 13, 202305:06
Ep. 60- Advocating for Child Protection

Ep. 60- Advocating for Child Protection

Together, let’s work towards a world where every child is safe, valued, and given the opportunity to thrive.
May 06, 202303:43
Ep. 59 - Abusive Teachers; A Hidden Trauma

Ep. 59 - Abusive Teachers; A Hidden Trauma

Mar 11, 202306:14
Ep. 58- Earthquake and Kids

Ep. 58- Earthquake and Kids

Mar 04, 202305:05
S07- Ep.03- Shame

S07- Ep.03- Shame

In this Episode, I want to talk about the importance of not shaming our children, it’s a tricky topic to engage with, but the shame minefield needs to be tackled if we’re to collectively break the shame cycle.
Dec 17, 202208:22
S07- Ep.02- Shame

S07- Ep.02- Shame

This episode is conducted in Urdu language
Dec 10, 202231:08
S07- Ep.01- Shame

S07- Ep.01- Shame

My guest tonight is Wafa, a Special Educational Needs Teacher, a researcher working with the Ministry of Education in UAE and Owner at AlBayanSEN.

Tonight, Wafa shares her experience of teaching children with Special Needs, how she witnesses and work towards shame effecting them in a mainstream school.
Dec 03, 202225:10
Ep. 57- Creating a ‘Safe Space’ for Kids

Ep. 57- Creating a ‘Safe Space’ for Kids

Nov 19, 202208:57
Ep. 56- Signs of low Self- Esteem in Children

Ep. 56- Signs of low Self- Esteem in Children

Nov 12, 202206:13
Ep. 55- Every Child has a Right to Education

Ep. 55- Every Child has a Right to Education

Oct 20, 202204:43
Ep. 54 - Why Parents need to Prioritize their Mental Health

Ep. 54 - Why Parents need to Prioritize their Mental Health

Oct 13, 202205:23
Ep. 53- Busting Myths and Misconceptions about Children with Learning Differences/ Special Needs

Ep. 53- Busting Myths and Misconceptions about Children with Learning Differences/ Special Needs

Oct 06, 202206:43
Ep. 52- The Behavior Code- Understanding Challenging Students

Ep. 52- The Behavior Code- Understanding Challenging Students

Sep 29, 202205:52
Ep. 51- Why is Counseling Important in Schools?

Ep. 51- Why is Counseling Important in Schools?

Sep 15, 202204:50
Ep. 50- Are you Raising a Bully?

Ep. 50- Are you Raising a Bully?

Sep 08, 202205:02
Ep. 49 - Explain Bullying to your Children

Ep. 49 - Explain Bullying to your Children

Sep 01, 202205:23
Ep. 48- How to talk to your Child about their Mental Health

Ep. 48- How to talk to your Child about their Mental Health

Aug 25, 202203:57
Ep. 47- Back-to-School for Children who are struggling

Ep. 47- Back-to-School for Children who are struggling

Aug 18, 202205:21
Ep. 46- Difficult Conversations: How to talk to your Teenagers?

Ep. 46- Difficult Conversations: How to talk to your Teenagers?

Jun 02, 202207:50
Ep. 45 - Why Punishment is Ineffective and What Can you do Instead

Ep. 45 - Why Punishment is Ineffective and What Can you do Instead

May 19, 202208:42
Ep. 44- Defining ‘Normal’ when you have a Different Child

Ep. 44- Defining ‘Normal’ when you have a Different Child

May 12, 202205:50
Ep. 43- How Parental Conflicts Hurt Children

Ep. 43- How Parental Conflicts Hurt Children

May 05, 202208:12
Ep#42- Podcast with

Ep#42- Podcast with

Tonight, Danish talks to us about a father’s role in a neurodiverse child’s life.
Apr 14, 202227:44
S06- Ep.06- Woman Up! Series

S06- Ep.06- Woman Up! Series

Tonight, Maha shares her inspiration to initiate the community for expat women in Riyadh, the importance of providing a safe space for them, and her vision of taking it to different places
Apr 07, 202230:33
S06- Ep.05- Woman Up! Series

S06- Ep.05- Woman Up! Series

Tonight, Maria revisits her past as she tells us about her abusive marriage and her timely escape from it. More importantly she will discuss the red flags in a relationship and help women identify them before it’s too late.
Mar 31, 202254:54
S06- EP.04- Woman Up! Series

S06- EP.04- Woman Up! Series

Tonight, Shirin talks about how she survived with the most painful phase of her life, losing 2 beautiful babies. How people don’t understand the grief of a mother who has lost her child and what women may go through psychologically if they don’t have a strong support system.
Mar 24, 202232:13
S06- Ep.03- Woman Up! series

S06- Ep.03- Woman Up! series

A journey you wouldn’t expect to go through as one person and come out at the other side of the tunnel as someone else. This is the story of Hira Shah who changed her own life story by escaping in the middle of the night with just her passport in hand.
Mar 17, 202244:21
S06- Ep.02- Woman Up! Series

S06- Ep.02- Woman Up! Series

My guest tonight is a fighter, one of the very brave people I know, Farheen Zahid.

In this episode, Farheen shares her journey of how she was diagnosed with cancer, and the miracle she was blessed with.
She further talks about the rare side effect of an injection which caused her paralysis chest down and finally, how she is managing 2 jobs in this condition.
Mar 10, 202226:53
S06- Ep.01- Woman Up! Series

S06- Ep.01- Woman Up! Series

My guests tonight are my people, my support system, Farin Zaman, Kiran Shah & Shadab Kazi. In this Episode, we talk about self-worth, traumas, importance of support system and growth.
Mar 03, 202251:14
Ep#41- The Price of Shame

Ep#41- The Price of Shame

Feb 17, 202207:12