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Agile World Podcast

Agile World Podcast

By Agile World ®

Agile World ® talk show from Agile World ® News and Broadcast Network, Los Angeles, California is about the current issues and opportunities in Agile, with guests from across the globe. There are now ten talk shows in ten languages. We have a great team of twenty four hosts with more joining each week. More shows and flavours to follow, maybe with a dash of lime.

Co-founders Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith

Agile World ® News and Broadcast Network is an initiative of Agile World ® Incorporated a philanthropic 501(c)(3) Public Charity Hollywood, CA C4780724
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Agile World 12 on Agile20Reflect Festival ending event on the 28th February 4.00pm GMT as well as the amazing 85 World Wide Ambassadors

Agile World Podcast Feb 13, 2021

OKRs de Time

OKRs de Time

Nesse episódio recebemos Paulo Caroli,, que nos trouxe o tema OKR, onde abordamos os desafios da adoção nas organizações e aprofundamos em algumas estratégias de sucesso, como o OKR de Times. Co-hosts: Carla Krieger Victor Patané #agile_world #AgileWorld #Agile #AgileTalkShow #AgileManifiesto #AgileCoach #ScrumMaster Online Agile World ® News Agile World ® Public Charity Agile World ® Institute Agile World ® Framework Agile World ® Publishing Agile Awards by Agile World ® Customer Agility Framework ™ by Agile World ® Customer Agility ™ communications by Agile World ® Social Media Agile World ® News and Broadcast Network LinkedIn Agile World ® News and Broadcast Network Tumblr Agile World ® News and Broadcast Network YouTube Agile World ® News and Broadcast Network Medium Podcast Agile World ® News and Broadcast Network Amazon Music Agile World ® News and Broadcast Network Audible Agile World ® News and Broadcast Network Spotify Agile World ® News and Broadcast Network Apple Podcasts Agile World ® News and Broadcast Network Google Podcasts Agile World ® News and Broadcast Network Pocket Casts Agile World ® News and Broadcast Network Anchor Agile World ® News and Broadcast Network Breaker Agile World ® News and Broadcast Network Radio Public Agile World ® News and Broadcast Network Stitcher Big Thank You to: Sabrina C E Noto Karl A L Smith ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠© 2024 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Agile World ®⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠News and Broadcast Network ⁠California, USA | Music by Debs from Detoxen

May 01, 202455:50
No framework, no consultancy - wie agile Transformationen wirklich funktionieren

No framework, no consultancy - wie agile Transformationen wirklich funktionieren

Herzlich willkommen zu einer neuen aufschlussreichen Podcastfolge von Agile World Deutsch! In dieser Episode führt uns Miriam Sasse durch ein faszinierendes Gespräch mit dem Director Technologie der A1 Telekom Austria, Thomas Pisar. Gemeinsam tauchen sie ein in die Welt der agilen Transformationen und enthüllen, warum der Verzicht auf vorgefertigte Frameworks und Beratungsdienstleistungen der Schlüssel zum Erfolg ist.

Thomas Pisar eröffnet die Diskussion mit einer beeindruckenden Analogie: Stell dir vor, du besuchst deinen Internisten, und bevor du dich setzen kannst, zeigt er dir das Bild des strahlenden 25-jährigen Fitnesstrainers namens Rodriguez. Die Forderung: Du musst wie Rodriguez aussehen, und hier sind deine Blutzielwerte. - Thomas bringt diesen Vergleich in den Kontext großer Organisationen und verdeutlicht, wie oft sie mit vorgefertigten Lösungen konfrontiert werden, die nicht zu ihrer individuellen Situation passen.

Einige der diskutierten Punkte:

  • Die Wichtigkeit, den eigenen Weg zu definieren und nicht blind auf große Berater und Frameworks zu vertrauen.
  • Die Erklärung, warum Monate der Kenntnis über eine Organisation entscheidender sind als Tage, um echte Transformation zu erreichen.
  • Die Komplexität von Transformationen in großen Organisationen und warum "copy-paste" nicht die richtige Methode ist.
  • Die Rolle der Unternehmenskultur, Gesetze, Netzwerke und mehr bei der erfolgreichen Transformation.

Mehr über Thomas erfährst du auf seiner Homepage 

Oder folge ihm bei LInkedIn unter:

Thomas ist häufiger Gast im Podcast Agiler Senf:

#agile_world #AgileWorld #Agile #AgileTalkShow #AgileManifiesto #AgileCoach #ScrumMaster 

Big Thank You to

Agile World ® ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠News and Broadcast Network⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ © 2023 California, USA | Music by Debs from ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Detoxen⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ (Facebook)

Feb 09, 202444:38
Customer Agility Framework Agile World ® Português

Customer Agility Framework Agile World ® Português

Neste episódio os co-host Victor Patené e Carla Krieger discutem sobre o Customer Agility Framework, criado pelo Agile World ® Incorportate, explorando os benefícios do uso da Inteligencia Artificial para efetivamente transformar insights em Outcomes.

#Agile_World #AgileWorld #Agile #AgileTalkShow #AgileManifiesto #AgileCoach #ScrumMaster #AgileWorldPBR


Big Thank You to

Agile World ® ⁠⁠⁠News and Broadcast Network⁠⁠⁠ © 2024 California, USA | Music by Debs from ⁠⁠Detoxen⁠⁠ (Facebook)

Jan 25, 202441:58
The 3rd State of Agile Culture Report with Agile World ®
Dec 07, 202328:28
Agile World Deutsch - Transformations-Metriken zur Messung des Managements mit Felix Stein

Agile World Deutsch - Transformations-Metriken zur Messung des Managements mit Felix Stein

Agile Transformation messbar machen? Na klar! Aber auf Ebene des Managements? Auch das geht! In dieser Folge sprechen Miriam und Ellen mit Felix Stein darüber, wie er und sein Team der Agile Process GmbH den Fortschritt agiler Transformationen in Unternehmen messbar machen. Und zwar nicht auf Ebene der Umsetzungsteams, sondern direkt beim Management. Dazu haben Felix und sein Team sieben handfeste Metriken entwickelt, die die Umsetzung der Rahmenbedingungen von agilen Strukturen messen. Felix stellt uns die sieben Metriken vor und schildert anhand anschaulicher Beispiele wie die Kennzahlen im Sinne der Agilität genutzt werden können. Direkten Kontakt zu Felix Stein könnt Ihr über LinkedIn oder Xing aufnehmen: Ihr könnt mit Felix auf dem Bonner Scrumtisch ins Gespräch kommen: Mehr über die Agile Process GmbH erfahrt Ihr hier: #agile_world #AgileWorld #Agile #AgileTalkShow #AgileManifiesto #AgileCoach #ScrumMaster 

Big Thank You to

Agile World ® ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠News and Broadcast Network⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ © 2023 California, USA | Music by Debs from ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Detoxen⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ (Facebook)

Nov 23, 202344:38
Teamentwicklung mit Markus Trbojevic & Holger Koschek

Teamentwicklung mit Markus Trbojevic & Holger Koschek

Oct 12, 202346:03
SAFe aus Entwicklersicht mit Till Klaiber
Sep 19, 202342:25
Dialogische Unternehmenskultur

Dialogische Unternehmenskultur

️🖇 Im Dialog stehen wir Menschen meistens, vor allem bei der Arbeit. Aber Kommunikation an sich sagt noch nichts über ihre inhaltliche Qualität aus. Und hier setzt die dialogische Unternehmenskultur an. Sie fokussiert sinnhaftes Handeln und fördert, dass die Sprechenden ihre ganze Persönlichkeit mit an den Besprechungstisch bringen. Denn: Sinnvolle Ergebnisse kann man dann erzielen, wenn die Beteiligten eigenständig im Sinne des Ganzen handeln.

👉 In dieser Podcastfolge von Agile World Deutsch besprechen Karsten Röth und Stephanie Knoll mit Janna Wurdig und Ellen Duwe, wie die dialogische Kultur zum Schmierstoff der agilen Arbeitsweise werden kann. Karsten und Stephanie erklären auch, welche Rolle Selbstreflexion spielt und warum Führungskräfte in einer dialogischen Kultur unverzichtbar sind.

💡weiteres Material zum Schmökern:

Text zur Dialogischen Unternehmenskultur allgemein: Text zu den Dialogischen Haltungen:

Trainingsangebot: Ein weiterer Podcast:

Und ein paar Bücher:

Zum leichten kurzen Einstieg:

Zur Vertiefung:

Mit dem Schwerpunkt auf der Entwicklung bei dm-drogerie markt:

Und hier noch unsere LinkedIn-Links:

#agile_world #AgileWorld #Agile #AgileTalkShow #AgileManifiesto #AgileCoach #ScrumMaster 

Big Thank You to

Agile World ® ⁠⁠⁠News and Broadcast Network⁠⁠⁠ © 2023 California, USA | Music by Debs from ⁠⁠Detoxen⁠⁠ (Facebook)

Jul 24, 202340:44
Leadership & Agility Building the Agile Organisation
Jul 17, 202321:33
Agile World Français avec Alexandre Auquier

Agile World Français avec Alexandre Auquier

Et comment une grande timide, n’aimant pas trop prendre la parole en public, se retrouve dans le monde de l’enseignement, de la transmission de savoir ? Comment ce métier devient une véritable passion pour Nathalie et, pour vous faire saliver encore plus… qu’est-ce que la formation a à voir avec les bonbons Arlequin ?

Tout au long de la rencontre, Nathalie nous livre son expérience, comment elle a découvert sa passion en commençant à travailler, et comment la formation est surtout une occasion de créer du lien. Comment ça, créer du lien ? L’intention de la formation n’est-elle pas de former ? Ne faut-il pas s’assurer que le contenu soit vu ?

Et c’est là que Nathalie apporte sa perspective et compare le métier d’enseignant avec le métier de conteur. Le conteur sans son livre va raconter son histoire en se basant sur le squelette, sur certains éléments clés - et puis s’adapter face au groupe, s’adapter et créer du lien avec les participants, sans trop s’inquiéter de la performance car, le contenu, on le connaît !

Revenons-en un peu au point de départ de cet échange, Nathalie, timide ? Et pourtant elle est conteuse, formatrice, fait de l’improvisation théâtrale… comment est-il possible de concilier les deux ? Eh bien Nathalie aurait rêvé être accompagnée à pouvoir s’exprimer en public étant plus jeune. C’est probablement pour cette raison qu’elle est maintenant impliquée dans l’association Trouve ta Voix, un regroupement d’étudiants qui forment les lycéens (équivalent CEGEP pour le Québec) afin qu’eux aussi trouvent LEUR voix.

L’échange est passé tellement vite, il y avait encore tellement de sujets à explorer. Construire des formations adaptées aux stagiaires, le métier de conteuse, Trouve ta Voix… Nous serions bien restés encore quelques heures en ta compagnie, très chère Nathalie - cependant nous avons reçu un magnifique cadeau en fin de rencontre. Un souvenir qui nous a définitivement bouleversés. On ne vous en dit pas plus, et nous vous souhaitons une belle écoute.


#Agile_World #AgileWorld #Agile #AgileTalkShow #AgileManifiesto #AgileCoach #ScrumMaster #agilité

Agile World Français

Grand merci à

Agile World ® ⁠⁠⁠⁠News and Broadcast Network⁠⁠⁠⁠ © 2023 California, USA | Music by Debs from ⁠⁠⁠Detoxen⁠⁠⁠ (Facebook)

Jul 12, 202348:27
Leadership & Agility Work to Resolve the Statement
Jul 10, 202314:05
1M1Q How can Agile and Non-Agile Teams work better together?

1M1Q How can Agile and Non-Agile Teams work better together?

Agile World 1 Minute 1 Question answers audience questions about Agile practice. One of us asks a question about an Agile topic and the other has 1 minute on the timer to answer the question in a meaningful way.

It's fast and fabulous!

Today's question: How can Agile and Non-Agile Teams work better together?

Co Hosts

  • ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Minaxi Punjabi⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ is a multifaceted, professional services leader with 16+ years of experience. She has led Agile Teams at several US Federal Agencies, established and nurtured Agile communities of practice and Agile Center of Excellence for Organizations resulting in delivering impactful outcomes consistently. She is a co-creative-leader and community builder. She is currently serving Agile 2022 on the Enriching Organizations Track amongst her many other volunteering commitments.As a lifelong learner of the disciplines of neuroscience and anthropology she uses her coaching competencies to bring about a strong collaboration within team members of diverse strengths to collectively deliver value incrementally. Her way of working is going to the Gemba before making any presumptions and recommendations for change. This has resulted in her successfully implementing change for adoption and use, impacting and improving metrics across the board for the business, people, processes, and technology involved.She practices empowering individuals to self-organize into teams via facilitating and coaching. She has created spaces of trust for conflict resolution, open dialog and discussions leading to healthy collaborations and alignment of values.
  • ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Cynthia Kahn⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ wouldn't it be awesome if we could take the essence of the agile practices we apply to software development and change our approach to business and life in general? Cynthia Kahn knows it's possible. For over 20 years, she's been helping software companies apply agile concepts to set goals, create action plans, and achieve the results they want. Now, she applies the same agile techniques as she coaches businesses on how to focus on what's important, reduce overwhelm, and remain competitive.In 2016, Cynthia co-founded GSD Mindset, an agile consultancy. GSD stands for Get Stuff Done She helps businesses clarify their objectives, then plan and build products customers love. Cynthia also co-authored the ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠GSD Scrum Handbook⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and created the popular Scrum in 1 Day workshop.

Big Thank You to

Agile World ® ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠News and Broadcast Network⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ © 2023 California, USA

Jul 06, 202303:49
Agilidade Escalada, Desafios e Soluções

Agilidade Escalada, Desafios e Soluções

Nesse episódio trouxemos a Isabela Gayno para conversarmos sobre os desafios da Agilidade em Escala e possíveis caminhos para o sucesso!


#Agile_World #AgileWorld #Agile #AgileTalkShow #AgileManifiesto #AgileCoach #ScrumMaster #AgileWorldPBR


Big Thank You to

Agile World ® ⁠⁠⁠News and Broadcast Network⁠⁠⁠ © 2023 California, USA | Music by Debs from ⁠⁠Detoxen⁠⁠ (Facebook)

Jul 05, 202332:55
Leadership & Agility Define the Flow of Value
Jul 03, 202321:09
1M1Q What is an Agile Mindset?

1M1Q What is an Agile Mindset?

Agile World 1 Minute 1 Question answers audience questions about Agile practice. One of us asks a question about an Agile topic and the other has 1 minute on the timer to answer the question in a meaningful way.

It's fast and fabulous!

Today's question: What is an Agile Mindset?

Co Hosts

  • ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Minaxi Punjabi⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ is a multifaceted, professional services leader with 16+ years of experience. She has led Agile Teams at several US Federal Agencies, established and nurtured Agile communities of practice and Agile Center of Excellence for Organizations resulting in delivering impactful outcomes consistently. She is a co-creative-leader and community builder. She is currently serving Agile 2022 on the Enriching Organizations Track amongst her many other volunteering commitments.As a lifelong learner of the disciplines of neuroscience and anthropology she uses her coaching competencies to bring about a strong collaboration within team members of diverse strengths to collectively deliver value incrementally. Her way of working is going to the Gemba before making any presumptions and recommendations for change. This has resulted in her successfully implementing change for adoption and use, impacting and improving metrics across the board for the business, people, processes, and technology involved.She practices empowering individuals to self-organize into teams via facilitating and coaching. She has created spaces of trust for conflict resolution, open dialog and discussions leading to healthy collaborations and alignment of values.
  • ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Cynthia Kahn⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ wouldn't it be awesome if we could take the essence of the agile practices we apply to software development and change our approach to business and life in general? Cynthia Kahn knows it's possible. For over 20 years, she's been helping software companies apply agile concepts to set goals, create action plans, and achieve the results they want. Now, she applies the same agile techniques as she coaches businesses on how to focus on what's important, reduce overwhelm, and remain competitive.In 2016, Cynthia co-founded GSD Mindset, an agile consultancy. GSD stands for Get Stuff Done She helps businesses clarify their objectives, then plan and build products customers love. Cynthia also co-authored the ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠GSD Scrum Handbook⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and created the popular Scrum in 1 Day workshop.

Big Thank You to

Agile World ® ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠News and Broadcast Network⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ © 2023 California, USA

Jun 29, 202303:13
Agile World Français avec Anne-Sophie Frankinet

Agile World Français avec Anne-Sophie Frankinet

Et aujourd’hui, c’est Anne-Sophie Frankinet que Cloé et Charles-Louis accueillent pour une nouvelle rencontre Agile World en bon français. L’histoire avec Anne-Sophie, c’est tout d’abord l’histoire d’une rencontre, d’une opportunité de faire un bout de chemin ensemble dans le contexte de la transformation d’une organisation.

Cette rencontre, c’est aussi tout de suite voir ces étincelles dans les yeux, les atomes crochus et cette furieuse envie d’amener de la fraîcheur, de passer au-delà de la théorie - en-dehors des sentiers battus.

Et ce que nous apprécions beaucoup dans cette conversation, c’est qu’elle nous ramène aussi aux difficultés qu’on peut rencontrer. On ne va pas se voiler la face - quand il s’agit de mettre en place les transformations, tout n’est pas toujours rose. Dans certaines grosses organisations, ça peut être lourd - on a des personnes convaincues par le bien-fondé de la mise en place de l’agilité, qui ont déjà des expériences - et on se retrouve face à des personnes qui nous voient tels des extra-terrestres qui racontent n’importe quoi. Comment faire pour intégrer l’humain, comment faire pour avancer dans un espace où on a l’impression d’être incompris ? Comment faire pour continuer de faire confiance et rester cohérent avec nos valeurs ?

Vous le découvrirez en explorant avec nous cette belle rencontre avec Anne-Sophie - merci à toi pour ton temps, et pour nous avoir rappelé que même si pour beaucoup les principes agiles sont le gros bon sens - ce n’est pas pour cela que c’est évident pour tout le monde, et qu’il est important de prendre soin de nous-même !


#Agile_World #AgileWorld #Agile #AgileTalkShow #AgileManifiesto #AgileCoach #ScrumMaster #agilité

Agile World Français

Grand merci à

Agile World ® ⁠⁠⁠⁠News and Broadcast Network⁠⁠⁠⁠ © 2023 California, USA | Music by Debs from ⁠⁠⁠Detoxen⁠⁠⁠ (Facebook)

Jun 28, 202334:12
Leadership and Agility Value and Benefits
Jun 26, 202312:22
Introduction to Leadership & Agility
Jun 25, 202303:00
Product Ownership meistern im Interview mit Ina Einemann und Frank Düsterbeck
Jun 23, 202336:53
1M1Q What is the Definition of Ready?

1M1Q What is the Definition of Ready?

Agile World 1 Minute 1 Question answers audience questions about Agile practice. One of us asks a question about an Agile topic and the other has 1 minute on the timer to answer the question in a meaningful way.

It's fast and fabulous!

Today's question: What is the Definition of Ready?

Co Hosts

  • ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Minaxi Punjabi⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ is a multifaceted, professional services leader with 16+ years of experience. She has led Agile Teams at several US Federal Agencies, established and nurtured Agile communities of practice and Agile Center of Excellence for Organizations resulting in delivering impactful outcomes consistently. She is a co-creative-leader and community builder. She is currently serving Agile 2022 on the Enriching Organizations Track amongst her many other volunteering commitments.As a lifelong learner of the disciplines of neuroscience and anthropology she uses her coaching competencies to bring about a strong collaboration within team members of diverse strengths to collectively deliver value incrementally. Her way of working is going to the Gemba before making any presumptions and recommendations for change. This has resulted in her successfully implementing change for adoption and use, impacting and improving metrics across the board for the business, people, processes, and technology involved.She practices empowering individuals to self-organize into teams via facilitating and coaching. She has created spaces of trust for conflict resolution, open dialog and discussions leading to healthy collaborations and alignment of values.
  • ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Cynthia Kahn⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ wouldn't it be awesome if we could take the essence of the agile practices we apply to software development and change our approach to business and life in general? Cynthia Kahn knows it's possible. For over 20 years, she's been helping software companies apply agile concepts to set goals, create action plans, and achieve the results they want. Now, she applies the same agile techniques as she coaches businesses on how to focus on what's important, reduce overwhelm, and remain competitive.In 2016, Cynthia co-founded GSD Mindset, an agile consultancy. GSD stands for Get Stuff Done She helps businesses clarify their objectives, then plan and build products customers love. Cynthia also co-authored the ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠GSD Scrum Handbook⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and created the popular Scrum in 1 Day workshop.

Big Thank You to

Agile World ® ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠News and Broadcast Network⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ © 2023 California, USA

Jun 22, 202303:08
1M1Q What happens at Sprint Planning

1M1Q What happens at Sprint Planning

Agile World 1 Minute 1 Question answers audience questions about Agile practice. One of us asks a question about an Agile topic and the other has 1 minute on the timer to answer the question in a meaningful way.

It's fast and fabulous!

Today's question: What happens at Sprint Planning?

Co Hosts

  • ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Minaxi Punjabi⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ is a multifaceted, professional services leader with 16+ years of experience. She has led Agile Teams at several US Federal Agencies, established and nurtured Agile communities of practice and Agile Center of Excellence for Organizations resulting in delivering impactful outcomes consistently. She is a co-creative-leader and community builder. She is currently serving Agile 2022 on the Enriching Organizations Track amongst her many other volunteering commitments.As a lifelong learner of the disciplines of neuroscience and anthropology she uses her coaching competencies to bring about a strong collaboration within team members of diverse strengths to collectively deliver value incrementally. Her way of working is going to the Gemba before making any presumptions and recommendations for change. This has resulted in her successfully implementing change for adoption and use, impacting and improving metrics across the board for the business, people, processes, and technology involved.She practices empowering individuals to self-organize into teams via facilitating and coaching. She has created spaces of trust for conflict resolution, open dialog and discussions leading to healthy collaborations and alignment of values.
  • ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Cynthia Kahn⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ wouldn't it be awesome if we could take the essence of the agile practices we apply to software development and change our approach to business and life in general? Cynthia Kahn knows it's possible. For over 20 years, she's been helping software companies apply agile concepts to set goals, create action plans, and achieve the results they want. Now, she applies the same agile techniques as she coaches businesses on how to focus on what's important, reduce overwhelm, and remain competitive.In 2016, Cynthia co-founded GSD Mindset, an agile consultancy. GSD stands for Get Stuff Done She helps businesses clarify their objectives, then plan and build products customers love. Cynthia also co-authored the ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠GSD Scrum Handbook⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and created the popular Scrum in 1 Day workshop.

Big Thank You to

Agile World ® ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠News and Broadcast Network⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ © 2023 California, USA

Jun 15, 202303:03
Agile World Francais avec Nathalie Breban

Agile World Francais avec Nathalie Breban

Et comment une grande timide, n’aimant pas trop prendre la parole en public, se retrouve dans le monde de l’enseignement, de la transmission de savoir ? Comment ce métier devient une véritable passion pour Nathalie et, pour vous faire saliver encore plus… qu’est-ce que la formation a à voir avec les bonbons Arlequin ?

Tout au long de la rencontre, Nathalie nous livre son expérience, comment elle a découvert sa passion en commençant à travailler, et comment la formation est surtout une occasion de créer du lien. Comment ça, créer du lien ? L’intention de la formation n’est-elle pas de former ? Ne faut-il pas s’assurer que le contenu soit vu ?

Et c’est là que Nathalie apporte sa perspective et compare le métier d’enseignant avec le métier de conteur. Le conteur sans son livre va raconter son histoire en se basant sur le squelette, sur certains éléments clés - et puis s’adapter face au groupe, s’adapter et créer du lien avec les participants, sans trop s’inquiéter de la performance car, le contenu, on le connaît !

Revenons-en un peu au point de départ de cet échange, Nathalie, timide ? Et pourtant elle est conteuse, formatrice, fait de l’improvisation théâtrale… comment est-il possible de concilier les deux ? Eh bien Nathalie aurait rêvé être accompagnée à pouvoir s’exprimer en public étant plus jeune. C’est probablement pour cette raison qu’elle est maintenant impliquée dans l’association Trouve ta Voix, un regroupement d’étudiants qui forment les lycéens (équivalent CEGEP pour le Québec) afin qu’eux aussi trouvent LEUR voix.

L’échange est passé tellement vite, il y avait encore tellement de sujets à explorer. Construire des formations adaptées aux stagiaires, le métier de conteuse, Trouve ta Voix… Nous serions bien restés encore quelques heures en ta compagnie, très chère Nathalie - cependant nous avons reçu un magnifique cadeau en fin de rencontre. Un souvenir qui nous a définitivement bouleversés. On ne vous en dit pas plus, et nous vous souhaitons une belle écoute.


#Agile_World #AgileWorld #Agile #AgileTalkShow #AgileManifiesto #AgileCoach #ScrumMaster #agilité

Agile World Français

Grand merci à

Agile World ® ⁠⁠⁠News and Broadcast Network⁠⁠⁠ © 2023 California, USA | Music by Debs from ⁠⁠Detoxen⁠⁠ (Facebook)

Jun 14, 202337:21
1M1Q How can my team be more prepared for Sprint Planning?

1M1Q How can my team be more prepared for Sprint Planning?

Agile World 1 Minute 1 Question answers audience questions about Agile practice. One of us asks a question about an Agile topic and the other has 1 minute on the timer to answer the question in a meaningful way.

It's fast and fabulous!

Today's question: How can my team be more prepared for Sprint Planning?

Co Hosts

  • ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Minaxi Punjabi⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ is a multifaceted, professional services leader with 16+ years of experience. She has led Agile Teams at several US Federal Agencies, established and nurtured Agile communities of practice and Agile Center of Excellence for Organizations resulting in delivering impactful outcomes consistently. She is a co-creative-leader and community builder. She is currently serving Agile 2022 on the Enriching Organizations Track amongst her many other volunteering commitments.As a lifelong learner of the disciplines of neuroscience and anthropology she uses her coaching competencies to bring about a strong collaboration within team members of diverse strengths to collectively deliver value incrementally. Her way of working is going to the Gemba before making any presumptions and recommendations for change. This has resulted in her successfully implementing change for adoption and use, impacting and improving metrics across the board for the business, people, processes, and technology involved.She practices empowering individuals to self-organize into teams via facilitating and coaching. She has created spaces of trust for conflict resolution, open dialog and discussions leading to healthy collaborations and alignment of values.
  • ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Cynthia Kahn⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ wouldn't it be awesome if we could take the essence of the agile practices we apply to software development and change our approach to business and life in general? Cynthia Kahn knows it's possible. For over 20 years, she's been helping software companies apply agile concepts to set goals, create action plans, and achieve the results they want. Now, she applies the same agile techniques as she coaches businesses on how to focus on what's important, reduce overwhelm, and remain competitive.In 2016, Cynthia co-founded GSD Mindset, an agile consultancy. GSD stands for Get Stuff Done She helps businesses clarify their objectives, then plan and build products customers love. Cynthia also co-authored the ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠GSD Scrum Handbook⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and created the popular Scrum in 1 Day workshop.

Big Thank You to

Agile World ® ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠News and Broadcast Network⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ © 2023 California, USA

Jun 08, 202303:27
1M1Q Is my small business benefiting from agile

1M1Q Is my small business benefiting from agile

Agile World 1 Minute 1 Question answers audience questions about Agile practice. One of us asks a question about an Agile topic and the other has 1 minute on the timer to answer the question in a meaningful way.

It's fast and fabulous!

Today's question: Is my small business benefiting from agile?

Co Hosts

  • ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Minaxi Punjabi⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ is a multifaceted, professional services leader with 16+ years of experience. She has led Agile Teams at several US Federal Agencies, established and nurtured Agile communities of practice and Agile Center of Excellence for Organizations resulting in delivering impactful outcomes consistently. She is a co-creative-leader and community builder. She is currently serving Agile 2022 on the Enriching Organizations Track amongst her many other volunteering commitments.As a lifelong learner of the disciplines of neuroscience and anthropology she uses her coaching competencies to bring about a strong collaboration within team members of diverse strengths to collectively deliver value incrementally. Her way of working is going to the Gemba before making any presumptions and recommendations for change. This has resulted in her successfully implementing change for adoption and use, impacting and improving metrics across the board for the business, people, processes, and technology involved.She practices empowering individuals to self-organize into teams via facilitating and coaching. She has created spaces of trust for conflict resolution, open dialog and discussions leading to healthy collaborations and alignment of values.
  • ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Cynthia Kahn⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ wouldn't it be awesome if we could take the essence of the agile practices we apply to software development and change our approach to business and life in general? Cynthia Kahn knows it's possible. For over 20 years, she's been helping software companies apply agile concepts to set goals, create action plans, and achieve the results they want. Now, she applies the same agile techniques as she coaches businesses on how to focus on what's important, reduce overwhelm, and remain competitive.In 2016, Cynthia co-founded GSD Mindset, an agile consultancy. GSD stands for Get Stuff Done She helps businesses clarify their objectives, then plan and build products customers love. Cynthia also co-authored the ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠GSD Scrum Handbook⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and created the popular Scrum in 1 Day workshop.

Big Thank You to

Agile World ® ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠News and Broadcast Network⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ © 2023 California, USA

Jun 01, 202303:30
Agilidade. Novos tempos!
Jun 01, 202337:09
Agile World Français avec Esther Richter

Agile World Français avec Esther Richter

Au cours de cette saison 2 de Agile World, nous passons de surprise en surprise et chaque rencontre est un véritable cadeau. Cette fois-ci, Cloé.sans.h alias Cloé Berthiaume-Pouliot | LinkedIn et Charles-Louis de Maere | LinkedIn ont reçu comme cadeau l’exploration du monde ludique et inspirant d’Esther Richter | LinkedIn, Facilitatrice spécialisée en ludo-pédagogie & créativité appliquée chez Acteurs et Cie.

Une des raisons d’être d’Esther est de transmettre son expérience, aux formateurs et facilitateurs (et trices) en leur enseignant des techniques de pédagogie basées sur le jeu. Oh, pas des jeux de trois heures - au risque de perdre l’engagement des apprenants - mais plutôt des activités ludiques simples et tellement puissantes !

Pour l’avoir expérimenté nous-mêmes et testé en groupe, nous pouvons dire en effet qu’elles créent des étincelles, font ouvrir les conversations et permettent de belles prises de consciences pour des changements progressifs et durables.

Eh non, le jeu ne s’explore pas seulement en famille ou entre amis, il peut, comme Esther nous le rappelle, être au service des défis et des enjeux de l’organisation.

Au-delà de l’utilisation du jeu, nous avons aussi exploré avec elle le rôle de la facilitation dans ces contextes Son histoire nous a permis de comprendre les différentes facettes qui l’animent particulièrement dans son métier

  • vivre et expérimenter par des mises en situation

  • apprendre à faire autrement et peut-être mieux

  • créer des rencontres

Et finalement, ces rencontres peuvent prendre différentes formes : entre les personnes, entre la théorie et l’humain, entre la facilitatrice et les participants, et souvent c’est aussi l’occasion pour la facilitatrice d’aller à la rencontre d’elle-même.

Faciliter est un art et on peut aisément faire des croisements avec le savoir-être agile; car faciliter ces rencontres, c’est être dans l’accueil de ce qui est là, au moment présent et s’adapter à ce qui se passe par une écoute profonde de ce qui émerge afin de faire cheminer le groupe là où il en avait…réellement…besoin.

Merci très chère Esther pour ce temps passé à tes côtés. Ce fut une rencontre formidablement inspirante; l’occasion de découvrir un univers qui nous aide à penser, comme on l’entend souvent, “en-dehors de la boîte” !


#Agile_World #AgileWorld #Agile #AgileTalkShow #AgileManifiesto #AgileCoach #ScrumMaster #agilité

Agile World Français

Grand merci à

Agile World ® ⁠⁠News and Broadcast Network⁠⁠ © 2023 California, USA | Music by Debs from ⁠Detoxen⁠ (Facebook)

May 31, 202336:38
Agile World reunion with Scott Seivwright on ESG Agility and Fundraising Gala
May 30, 202333:51
1M1Q How can you add value when everyone else is more experienced than you are

1M1Q How can you add value when everyone else is more experienced than you are

Agile World 1 Minute 1 Question answers audience questions about Agile practice. One of us asks a question about an Agile topic and the other has 1 minute on the timer to answer the question in a meaningful way.

It's fast and fabulous!

Today's question: How can you add value when everyone else is more experienced than you are?

Co Hosts

  • ⁠⁠⁠⁠Minaxi Punjabi⁠⁠⁠⁠ is a multifaceted, professional services leader with 16+ years of experience. She has led Agile Teams at several US Federal Agencies, established and nurtured Agile communities of practice and Agile Center of Excellence for Organizations resulting in delivering impactful outcomes consistently. She is a co-creative-leader and community builder. She is currently serving Agile 2022 on the Enriching Organizations Track amongst her many other volunteering commitments.As a lifelong learner of the disciplines of neuroscience and anthropology she uses her coaching competencies to bring about a strong collaboration within team members of diverse strengths to collectively deliver value incrementally. Her way of working is going to the Gemba before making any presumptions and recommendations for change. This has resulted in her successfully implementing change for adoption and use, impacting and improving metrics across the board for the business, people, processes, and technology involved.She practices empowering individuals to self-organize into teams via facilitating and coaching. She has created spaces of trust for conflict resolution, open dialog and discussions leading to healthy collaborations and alignment of values.
  • ⁠⁠⁠⁠Cynthia Kahn⁠⁠⁠⁠ wouldn't it be awesome if we could take the essence of the agile practices we apply to software development and change our approach to business and life in general? Cynthia Kahn knows it's possible. For over 20 years, she's been helping software companies apply agile concepts to set goals, create action plans, and achieve the results they want. Now, she applies the same agile techniques as she coaches businesses on how to focus on what's important, reduce overwhelm, and remain competitive.In 2016, Cynthia co-founded GSD Mindset, an agile consultancy. GSD stands for Get Stuff Done She helps businesses clarify their objectives, then plan and build products customers love. Cynthia also co-authored the ⁠⁠⁠⁠GSD Scrum Handbook⁠⁠⁠⁠ and created the popular Scrum in 1 Day workshop.

Big Thank You to

Agile World ® ⁠⁠⁠⁠News and Broadcast Network⁠⁠⁠⁠ © 2023 California, USA

May 25, 202303:01
1M1Q Should Teams pursue Goals that are not Work related

1M1Q Should Teams pursue Goals that are not Work related

Agile World 1 Minute 1 Question answers audience questions about Agile practice. One of us asks a question about an Agile topic and the other has 1 minute on the timer to answer the question in a meaningful way.

It's fast and fabulous!

Today's question: Should Teams pursue Goals that are not Work related?

Co Hosts

  • ⁠⁠⁠Minaxi Punjabi⁠⁠⁠ is a multifaceted, professional services leader with 16+ years of experience. She has led Agile Teams at several US Federal Agencies, established and nurtured Agile communities of practice and Agile Center of Excellence for Organizations resulting in delivering impactful outcomes consistently. She is a co-creative-leader and community builder. She is currently serving Agile 2022 on the Enriching Organizations Track amongst her many other volunteering commitments.As a lifelong learner of the disciplines of neuroscience and anthropology she uses her coaching competencies to bring about a strong collaboration within team members of diverse strengths to collectively deliver value incrementally. Her way of working is going to the Gemba before making any presumptions and recommendations for change. This has resulted in her successfully implementing change for adoption and use, impacting and improving metrics across the board for the business, people, processes, and technology involved.She practices empowering individuals to self-organize into teams via facilitating and coaching. She has created spaces of trust for conflict resolution, open dialog and discussions leading to healthy collaborations and alignment of values.
  • ⁠⁠⁠Cynthia Kahn⁠⁠⁠ wouldn't it be awesome if we could take the essence of the agile practices we apply to software development and change our approach to business and life in general? Cynthia Kahn knows it's possible. For over 20 years, she's been helping software companies apply agile concepts to set goals, create action plans, and achieve the results they want. Now, she applies the same agile techniques as she coaches businesses on how to focus on what's important, reduce overwhelm, and remain competitive.In 2016, Cynthia co-founded GSD Mindset, an agile consultancy. GSD stands for Get Stuff Done She helps businesses clarify their objectives, then plan and build products customers love. Cynthia also co-authored the ⁠⁠⁠GSD Scrum Handbook⁠⁠⁠ and created the popular Scrum in 1 Day workshop.

Big Thank You to

Agile World ® ⁠⁠⁠News and Broadcast Network⁠⁠⁠ © 2023 California, USA

May 18, 202303:11
1M1Q What is the difference between a Project Manager and Scrum Master

1M1Q What is the difference between a Project Manager and Scrum Master

Agile World 1 Minute 1 Question answers audience questions about Agile practice. One of us asks a question about an Agile topic and the other has 1 minute on the timer to answer the question in a meaningful way.

It's fast and fabulous!

Today's question: How do I increase Stakeholder engagement?

Co Hosts

  • ⁠⁠⁠Minaxi Punjabi⁠⁠⁠ is a multifaceted, professional services leader with 16+ years of experience. She has led Agile Teams at several US Federal Agencies, established and nurtured Agile communities of practice and Agile Center of Excellence for Organizations resulting in delivering impactful outcomes consistently. She is a co-creative-leader and community builder. She is currently serving Agile 2022 on the Enriching Organizations Track amongst her many other volunteering commitments.As a lifelong learner of the disciplines of neuroscience and anthropology she uses her coaching competencies to bring about a strong collaboration within team members of diverse strengths to collectively deliver value incrementally. Her way of working is going to the Gemba before making any presumptions and recommendations for change. This has resulted in her successfully implementing change for adoption and use, impacting and improving metrics across the board for the business, people, processes, and technology involved.She practices empowering individuals to self-organize into teams via facilitating and coaching. She has created spaces of trust for conflict resolution, open dialog and discussions leading to healthy collaborations and alignment of values.
  • ⁠⁠⁠Cynthia Kahn⁠⁠⁠ wouldn't it be awesome if we could take the essence of the agile practices we apply to software development and change our approach to business and life in general? Cynthia Kahn knows it's possible. For over 20 years, she's been helping software companies apply agile concepts to set goals, create action plans, and achieve the results they want. Now, she applies the same agile techniques as she coaches businesses on how to focus on what's important, reduce overwhelm, and remain competitive.In 2016, Cynthia co-founded GSD Mindset, an agile consultancy. GSD stands for Get Stuff Done She helps businesses clarify their objectives, then plan and build products customers love. Cynthia also co-authored the ⁠⁠⁠GSD Scrum Handbook⁠⁠⁠ and created the popular Scrum in 1 Day workshop.

Big Thank You to

Agile World ® ⁠⁠⁠News and Broadcast Network⁠⁠⁠ © 2023 California, USA

May 11, 202303:38
Agile World Français avec Caroline Bouchard change video

Agile World Français avec Caroline Bouchard change video

Pour cette troisième rencontre, Cloé.sans.h alias Cloé Berthiaume-Pouliot et Charles-Louis de Maere nous emmènent pour découvrir le monde de Caroline Bouchard. Co-fondatrice de @‌Phar, elle nous partage sa perspective sur le savoir-être agile. Pour elle, le savoir-être agile commence par  “voir le monde autrement” - ou du moins d’une façon moins traditionnelle.

Selon elle, nous sommes trop souvent accaparés par nos routines, par nos façons de faire ancestrales, et elle ne se laisse pas prendre par “on a toujours fait comme ça!”, “il n’y a vraiment aucune autre solution, je ne vois pas”, ou encore “oulaaa trop compliqué on le fait pas”.

Et nous, d’où vient cette résistance au chaos ? Peut-être la peur de la complexité, ou la crainte de sombrer dans le chaos ?

Et cela n’arrête pas Caroline : pour elle, il est important d’y mettre le chaos pour voir ce ce que ça donne !

Et vous, qu’est-ce qu’elle évoque pour vous cette phrase ? Pour Caroline, ça l’encourage ! S’étant formée comme facilitatrice intégrale, ça lui a permis de développer sa présence afin d’être ce qu’elle appelle un instrument au service du groupe, de la conversation et potentiellement du chaos ! Car le chaos peut être vu comme le champ des possibles… ça vous intrigue ? Venez découvrir la suite dans cette entrevue-ci !

Merci Caroline de nous avoir à ton tour fais confiance dans cette expérience qui en soit, elle aussi pourrait être perçue comme… du chaos ;-)

Bonne écoute


#Agile_World #AgileWorld #Agile #AgileTalkShow #AgileManifiesto #AgileCoach #ScrumMaster #agilité

Agile World Français

Grand merci à

Agile World ® ⁠News and Broadcast Network⁠ © 2023 California, USA | Music by Debs from Detoxen (Facebook)

May 10, 202330:27
State of Agile Culture Survey 2023 and some Agile Leadership insights
May 05, 202327:59
1M1Q How do I increase Stakeholder engagement

1M1Q How do I increase Stakeholder engagement

Agile World 1 Minute 1 Question answers audience questions about Agile practice. One of us asks a question about an Agile topic and the other has 1 minute on the timer to answer the question in a meaningful way.

It's fast and fabulous!

Today's question: How do I increase Stakeholder engagement?

Co Hosts

  • ⁠⁠Minaxi Punjabi⁠⁠ is a multifaceted, professional services leader with 16+ years of experience. She has led Agile Teams at several US Federal Agencies, established and nurtured Agile communities of practice and Agile Center of Excellence for Organizations resulting in delivering impactful outcomes consistently. She is a co-creative-leader and community builder. She is currently serving Agile 2022 on the Enriching Organizations Track amongst her many other volunteering commitments.As a lifelong learner of the disciplines of neuroscience and anthropology she uses her coaching competencies to bring about a strong collaboration within team members of diverse strengths to collectively deliver value incrementally. Her way of working is going to the Gemba before making any presumptions and recommendations for change. This has resulted in her successfully implementing change for adoption and use, impacting and improving metrics across the board for the business, people, processes, and technology involved.She practices empowering individuals to self-organize into teams via facilitating and coaching. She has created spaces of trust for conflict resolution, open dialog and discussions leading to healthy collaborations and alignment of values.
  • ⁠⁠Cynthia Kahn⁠⁠ wouldn't it be awesome if we could take the essence of the agile practices we apply to software development and change our approach to business and life in general? Cynthia Kahn knows it's possible. For over 20 years, she's been helping software companies apply agile concepts to set goals, create action plans, and achieve the results they want. Now, she applies the same agile techniques as she coaches businesses on how to focus on what's important, reduce overwhelm, and remain competitive.In 2016, Cynthia co-founded GSD Mindset, an agile consultancy. GSD stands for Get Stuff Done She helps businesses clarify their objectives, then plan and build products customers love. Cynthia also co-authored the ⁠⁠GSD Scrum Handbook⁠⁠ and created the popular Scrum in 1 Day workshop.

Big Thank You to

Agile World ® ⁠⁠News and Broadcast Network⁠⁠ © 2023 California, USA

May 04, 202303:06
Agil ist nichts für den Vertrieb? Stimmt nicht! Armin Hering

Agil ist nichts für den Vertrieb? Stimmt nicht! Armin Hering

Agil ist nichts für den Vertrieb? Stimmt natürlich nicht. Der Begriff ‚Agiler Vertrieb‘ bezeichnet einen Vertrieb, der über die erforderliche Kultur und Struktur verfügt, um schnell und flexibel u.a. auf Marktveränderungen und veränderte bzw. individuelle Kundenwünsche und -bedürfnisse zu reagieren. Aber wie arbeitet man im agilen Vertrieb zwischen individuellen Zielen wie Verkaufszahlen und gemeinsamen Zielen als agiles Team? Wie kommt man gemeinsam dort hin? 

Armin ist Experte für kundenzentrierten B2B Vertrieb. Als systemischer Organisationsberater, Strategieberater und Coach unterstützt er Organisationen, Führungskräfte und Teams dabei, erfolgreicher zu werden. Armin spricht mit uns darüber, welche Kompetenzen der Vertrieb der Zukunft benötigt. Welche Strukturen und Rollen brauchen wir? Welche Vorgehensweisen sind üblich? 👉 Armin gibt und viele spannende Einblicke in seine Lieblingsprojekte! 💡 Viel Spaß beim Hören! 🎧

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#agile_world #AgileWorld #Agile #AgileTalkShow #AgileManifiesto #AgileCoach #ScrumMaster 

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⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ © 2023 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Agile World ®⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠News and Broadcast Network ⁠California, USA | Music by Debs from Detoxen (Facebook Page)

May 03, 202346:55
1M1Q How do you become an Agile Coach?

1M1Q How do you become an Agile Coach?

Agile World 1 Minute 1 Question answers audience questions about Agile practice. One of us asks a question about an Agile topic and the other has 1 minute on the timer to answer the question in a meaningful way.

It's fast and fabulous!

Today's question: How do you become an Agile Coach?

Co Hosts

  • ⁠Minaxi Punjabi⁠ is a multifaceted, professional services leader with 16+ years of experience. She has led Agile Teams at several US Federal Agencies, established and nurtured Agile communities of practice and Agile Center of Excellence for Organizations resulting in delivering impactful outcomes consistently. She is a co-creative-leader and community builder. She is currently serving Agile 2022 on the Enriching Organizations Track amongst her many other volunteering commitments.As a lifelong learner of the disciplines of neuroscience and anthropology she uses her coaching competencies to bring about a strong collaboration within team members of diverse strengths to collectively deliver value incrementally. Her way of working is going to the Gemba before making any presumptions and recommendations for change. This has resulted in her successfully implementing change for adoption and use, impacting and improving metrics across the board for the business, people, processes, and technology involved.She practices empowering individuals to self-organize into teams via facilitating and coaching. She has created spaces of trust for conflict resolution, open dialog and discussions leading to healthy collaborations and alignment of values.
  • ⁠Cynthia Kahn⁠ wouldn't it be awesome if we could take the essence of the agile practices we apply to software development and change our approach to business and life in general? Cynthia Kahn knows it's possible. For over 20 years, she's been helping software companies apply agile concepts to set goals, create action plans, and achieve the results they want. Now, she applies the same agile techniques as she coaches businesses on how to focus on what's important, reduce overwhelm, and remain competitive.In 2016, Cynthia co-founded GSD Mindset, an agile consultancy. GSD stands for Get Stuff Done She helps businesses clarify their objectives, then plan and build products customers love. Cynthia also co-authored the ⁠GSD Scrum Handbook⁠ and created the popular Scrum in 1 Day workshop.

Big Thank You to

Agile World ® ⁠News and Broadcast Network⁠ © 2023 California, USA

Apr 27, 202302:37
1M1Q What are True Indicators of Agile Transformation?

1M1Q What are True Indicators of Agile Transformation?

Agile World 1 Minute 1 Question (1M1Q) answers audience questions about Agile practice. One of us asks a question about an Agile topic and the other has 1 minute on the timer to answer the question in a meaningful way.

It's fast and fabulous!

Today's question: What are True Indicators of Agile Transformation?

Co Hosts
  • Minaxi Punjabi is a multifaceted, professional services leader with 16+ years of experience. She has led Agile Teams at several US Federal Agencies, established and nurtured Agile communities of practice and Agile Center of Excellence for Organizations resulting in delivering impactful outcomes consistently. She is a co-creative-leader and community builder. She is currently serving Agile 2022 on the Enriching Organizations Track amongst her many other volunteering commitments.As a lifelong learner of the disciplines of neuroscience and anthropology she uses her coaching competencies to bring about a strong collaboration within team members of diverse strengths to collectively deliver value incrementally. Her way of working is going to the Gemba before making any presumptions and recommendations for change. This has resulted in her successfully implementing change for adoption and use, impacting and improving metrics across the board for the business, people, processes, and technology involved.She practices empowering individuals to self-organize into teams via facilitating and coaching. She has created spaces of trust for conflict resolution, open dialog and discussions leading to healthy collaborations and alignment of values.
  • Cynthia Kahn wouldn't it be awesome if we could take the essence of the agile practices we apply to software development and change our approach to business and life in general? Cynthia Kahn knows it's possible. For over 20 years, she's been helping software companies apply agile concepts to set goals, create action plans, and achieve the results they want. Now, she applies the same agile techniques as she coaches businesses on how to focus on what's important, reduce overwhelm, and remain competitive.In 2016, Cynthia co-founded GSD Mindset, an agile consultancy. GSD stands for Get Stuff Done She helps businesses clarify their objectives, then plan and build products customers love. Cynthia also co-authored the GSD Scrum Handbook and created the popular Scrum in 1 Day workshop.

Big Thank You to

Agile World ® News and Broadcast Network © 2023 California, USA | Music by

Apr 20, 202303:05
Arbeitspsychologie im Agilen Arbeiten mit Nicole Kopp

Arbeitspsychologie im Agilen Arbeiten mit Nicole Kopp

Was lehrt uns die Arbeitspsychologie eigentlich zum agilen Arbeiten? Und kann man als Coach eigentlich alle Probleme mit Coaching alleine lösen? Janna und Jean haben in dieser Folge Nicole Kopp zu Gast, die als Arbeitspsychologin und Beraterin für New Work sowohl die theoretischen Hintergründe als auch die praktischen Ansätze gut kennt.

Freut euch auf spannende Insights zu:

- Wie kommt man eigentlich als Arbeitspsychologin zum agilen Arbeiten?

- Warum viele Teams Retrospektiven falsch machen (oder zumindest das Potential der Retrospektiven nicht richtig heben)

- Sollten alle Teams Retrospektiven als Format nutzen?

- Wie können agile Arbeitsweisen die Motivation von Mitarbeitenden beeinflussen?

- Wie motiviert man Menschen intrinsisch und extrinsisch?

- Welche Probleme lassen sich coachen und welche nicht?


- Nicole Kopp auf LinkedIn:

- CAS Agile Organisation (Weiterbildung der FHNW): 

- CAS Agile Coaching (Weiterbildung der FHNW): 

- Self-Determination Theory (Selbstbestimmungstheorie SDT) nach Deci & Ryan:

#agile_world #AgileWorld #Agile #AgileTalkShow #AgileManifiesto #AgileCoach #ScrumMaster 

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⁠⁠Agile World ®⁠⁠ ⁠⁠News and Broadcast Network⁠⁠ © 2023 California, USA | Music by License code: BL8FHYBISAXVSWMI

Apr 14, 202337:56
1M1Q What are some suggestions to get the team back on track and meet their commitment

1M1Q What are some suggestions to get the team back on track and meet their commitment

Agile World 1 Minute 1 Question (1M1Q) answers audience questions about Agile practice. One of us asks a question about an Agile topic and the other has 1 minute on the timer to answer the question in a meaningful way.

It's fast and fabulous!

Today's question: What are some suggestions to get the team back on track and meet their commitment?

Co Hosts
  • Minaxi Punjabi is a multifaceted, professional services leader with 16+ years of experience. She has led Agile Teams at several US Federal Agencies, established and nurtured Agile communities of practice and Agile Center of Excellence for Organizations resulting in delivering impactful outcomes consistently. She is a co-creative-leader and community builder. She is currently serving Agile 2022 on the Enriching Organizations Track amongst her many other volunteering commitments.As a lifelong learner of the disciplines of neuroscience and anthropology she uses her coaching competencies to bring about a strong collaboration within team members of diverse strengths to collectively deliver value incrementally. Her way of working is going to the Gemba before making any presumptions and recommendations for change. This has resulted in her successfully implementing change for adoption and use, impacting and improving metrics across the board for the business, people, processes, and technology involved.She practices empowering individuals to self-organize into teams via facilitating and coaching. She has created spaces of trust for conflict resolution, open dialog and discussions leading to healthy collaborations and alignment of values.
  • Cynthia Kahn wouldn't it be awesome if we could take the essence of the agile practices we apply to software development and change our approach to business and life in general? Cynthia Kahn knows it's possible. For over 20 years, she's been helping software companies apply agile concepts to set goals, create action plans, and achieve the results they want. Now, she applies the same agile techniques as she coaches businesses on how to focus on what's important, reduce overwhelm, and remain competitive.In 2016, Cynthia co-founded GSD Mindset, an agile consultancy. GSD stands for Get Stuff Done She helps businesses clarify their objectives, then plan and build products customers love. Cynthia also co-authored the GSD Scrum Handbook and created the popular Scrum in 1 Day workshop.

Big Thank You to

Agile World ® News and Broadcast Network © 2023 California, USA | Music by

Apr 13, 202303:32
Agile World Deutsch Nicole Kopp Trailer
Apr 08, 202300:19
1Q1M How do you get team members to show up to meetings and respond in timely fashion

1Q1M How do you get team members to show up to meetings and respond in timely fashion

Agile World 1 Minute 1 Question (1M1Q) answers audience questions about Agile practice. One of us asks a question about an Agile topic and the other has 1 minute on the timer to answer the question in a meaningful way.

It's fast and fabulous!

Today's question: How do you get team members to show up to meetings and respond in timely fashion?

Co Hosts
  • Minaxi Punjabi is a multifaceted, professional services leader with 16+ years of experience. She has led Agile Teams at several US Federal Agencies, established and nurtured Agile communities of practice and Agile Center of Excellence for Organizations resulting in delivering impactful outcomes consistently. She is a co-creative-leader and community builder. She is currently serving Agile 2022 on the Enriching Organizations Track amongst her many other volunteering commitments.As a lifelong learner of the disciplines of neuroscience and anthropology she uses her coaching competencies to bring about a strong collaboration within team members of diverse strengths to collectively deliver value incrementally. Her way of working is going to the Gemba before making any presumptions and recommendations for change. This has resulted in her successfully implementing change for adoption and use, impacting and improving metrics across the board for the business, people, processes, and technology involved.She practices empowering individuals to self-organize into teams via facilitating and coaching. She has created spaces of trust for conflict resolution, open dialog and discussions leading to healthy collaborations and alignment of values.
  • Cynthia Kahn wouldn't it be awesome if we could take the essence of the agile practices we apply to software development and change our approach to business and life in general? Cynthia Kahn knows it's possible. For over 20 years, she's been helping software companies apply agile concepts to set goals, create action plans, and achieve the results they want. Now, she applies the same agile techniques as she coaches businesses on how to focus on what's important, reduce overwhelm, and remain competitive.In 2016, Cynthia co-founded GSD Mindset, an agile consultancy. GSD stands for Get Stuff Done She helps businesses clarify their objectives, then plan and build products customers love. Cynthia also co-authored the GSD Scrum Handbook and created the popular Scrum in 1 Day workshop.

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Agile World ® News and Broadcast Network © 2023 California, USA | Music by

Apr 06, 202303:38
1M1Q How does Agile ensure the Team continues to Make Progress

1M1Q How does Agile ensure the Team continues to Make Progress

Agile World 1 Minute 1 Question (1M1Q) answers audience questions about Agile practice. One of us asks a question about an Agile topic and the other has 1 minute on the timer to answer the question in a meaningful way.

It's fast and fabulous!

Today's question: How does Agile ensure the Team continues to Make Progress?

Co Hosts
  • Minaxi Punjabi is a multifaceted, professional services leader with 16+ years of experience. She has led Agile Teams at several US Federal Agencies, established and nurtured Agile communities of practice and Agile Center of Excellence for Organizations resulting in delivering impactful outcomes consistently. She is a co-creative-leader and community builder. She is currently serving Agile 2022 on the Enriching Organizations Track amongst her many other volunteering commitments.As a lifelong learner of the disciplines of neuroscience and anthropology she uses her coaching competencies to bring about a strong collaboration within team members of diverse strengths to collectively deliver value incrementally. Her way of working is going to the Gemba before making any presumptions and recommendations for change. This has resulted in her successfully implementing change for adoption and use, impacting and improving metrics across the board for the business, people, processes, and technology involved.She practices empowering individuals to self-organize into teams via facilitating and coaching. She has created spaces of trust for conflict resolution, open dialog and discussions leading to healthy collaborations and alignment of values.
  • Cynthia Kahn wouldn't it be awesome if we could take the essence of the agile practices we apply to software development and change our approach to business and life in general? Cynthia Kahn knows it's possible. For over 20 years, she's been helping software companies apply agile concepts to set goals, create action plans, and achieve the results they want. Now, she applies the same agile techniques as she coaches businesses on how to focus on what's important, reduce overwhelm, and remain competitive.In 2016, Cynthia co-founded GSD Mindset, an agile consultancy. GSD stands for Get Stuff Done She helps businesses clarify their objectives, then plan and build products customers love. Cynthia also co-authored the GSD Scrum Handbook and created the popular Scrum in 1 Day workshop.

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Agile World ® News and Broadcast Network © 2023 California, USA | Music by

Mar 30, 202303:14
1M1Q How does Agile improve Product Quality

1M1Q How does Agile improve Product Quality

Agile World 1 Minute 1 Question (1M1Q) answers audience questions about Agile practice. One of us asks a question about an Agile topic and the other has 1 minute on the timer to answer the question in a meaningful way.

It's fast and fabulous!

Today's question: How does Agile improve Product Quality?

Co Hosts
  • Minaxi Punjabi is a multifaceted, professional services leader with 16+ years of experience. She has led Agile Teams at several US Federal Agencies, established and nurtured Agile communities of practice and Agile Center of Excellence for Organizations resulting in delivering impactful outcomes consistently. She is a co-creative-leader and community builder. She is currently serving Agile 2022 on the Enriching Organizations Track amongst her many other volunteering commitments.As a lifelong learner of the disciplines of neuroscience and anthropology she uses her coaching competencies to bring about a strong collaboration within team members of diverse strengths to collectively deliver value incrementally. Her way of working is going to the Gemba before making any presumptions and recommendations for change. This has resulted in her successfully implementing change for adoption and use, impacting and improving metrics across the board for the business, people, processes, and technology involved.She practices empowering individuals to self-organize into teams via facilitating and coaching. She has created spaces of trust for conflict resolution, open dialog and discussions leading to healthy collaborations and alignment of values.
  • Cynthia Kahn wouldn't it be awesome if we could take the essence of the agile practices we apply to software development and change our approach to business and life in general? Cynthia Kahn knows it's possible. For over 20 years, she's been helping software companies apply agile concepts to set goals, create action plans, and achieve the results they want. Now, she applies the same agile techniques as she coaches businesses on how to focus on what's important, reduce overwhelm, and remain competitive.In 2016, Cynthia co-founded GSD Mindset, an agile consultancy. GSD stands for Get Stuff Done She helps businesses clarify their objectives, then plan and build products customers love. Cynthia also co-authored the GSD Scrum Handbook and created the popular Scrum in 1 Day workshop.

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Agile World ® News and Broadcast Network © 2023 California, USA | Music by

Mar 23, 202303:08
1M1Q How do you get better participation at Retrospective

1M1Q How do you get better participation at Retrospective

Agile World 1 Minute 1 Question (1M1Q) answers audience questions about Agile practice. One of us asks a question about an Agile topic and the other has 1 minute on the timer to answer the question in a meaningful way.

It's fast and fabulous!

Today's question: How do you get better participation at Retrospective?

Co Hosts
  • Minaxi Punjabi is a multifaceted, professional services leader with 16+ years of experience. She has led Agile Teams at several US Federal Agencies, established and nurtured Agile communities of practice and Agile Center of Excellence for Organizations resulting in delivering impactful outcomes consistently. She is a co-creative-leader and community builder. She is currently serving Agile 2022 on the Enriching Organizations Track amongst her many other volunteering commitments.As a lifelong learner of the disciplines of neuroscience and anthropology she uses her coaching competencies to bring about a strong collaboration within team members of diverse strengths to collectively deliver value incrementally. Her way of working is going to the Gemba before making any presumptions and recommendations for change. This has resulted in her successfully implementing change for adoption and use, impacting and improving metrics across the board for the business, people, processes, and technology involved.She practices empowering individuals to self-organize into teams via facilitating and coaching. She has created spaces of trust for conflict resolution, open dialog and discussions leading to healthy collaborations and alignment of values.
  • Cynthia Kahn wouldn't it be awesome if we could take the essence of the agile practices we apply to software development and change our approach to business and life in general? Cynthia Kahn knows it's possible. For over 20 years, she's been helping software companies apply agile concepts to set goals, create action plans, and achieve the results they want. Now, she applies the same agile techniques as she coaches businesses on how to focus on what's important, reduce overwhelm, and remain competitive.In 2016, Cynthia co-founded GSD Mindset, an agile consultancy. GSD stands for Get Stuff Done She helps businesses clarify their objectives, then plan and build products customers love. Cynthia also co-authored the GSD Scrum Handbook and created the popular Scrum in 1 Day workshop.

Big Thank You to

Agile World ® News and Broadcast Network © 2023 California, USA | Music by

Mar 16, 202304:13
1M1Q What is a Retrospective

1M1Q What is a Retrospective

Agile World 1 Minute 1 Question (1M1Q) answers audience questions about Agile practice. One of us asks a question about an Agile topic and the other has 1 minute on the timer to answer the question in a meaningful way.

It's fast and fabulous!

Today's question: What is a Retrospective?

Co Hosts
  • Minaxi Punjabi is a multifaceted, professional services leader with 16+ years of experience. She has led Agile Teams at several US Federal Agencies, established and nurtured Agile communities of practice and Agile Center of Excellence for Organizations resulting in delivering impactful outcomes consistently. She is a co-creative-leader and community builder. She is currently serving Agile 2022 on the Enriching Organizations Track amongst her many other volunteering commitments.As a lifelong learner of the disciplines of neuroscience and anthropology she uses her coaching competencies to bring about a strong collaboration within team members of diverse strengths to collectively deliver value incrementally. Her way of working is going to the Gemba before making any presumptions and recommendations for change. This has resulted in her successfully implementing change for adoption and use, impacting and improving metrics across the board for the business, people, processes, and technology involved.She practices empowering individuals to self-organize into teams via facilitating and coaching. She has created spaces of trust for conflict resolution, open dialog and discussions leading to healthy collaborations and alignment of values.
  • Cynthia Kahn wouldn't it be awesome if we could take the essence of the agile practices we apply to software development and change our approach to business and life in general? Cynthia Kahn knows it's possible. For over 20 years, she's been helping software companies apply agile concepts to set goals, create action plans, and achieve the results they want. Now, she applies the same agile techniques as she coaches businesses on how to focus on what's important, reduce overwhelm, and remain competitive.In 2016, Cynthia co-founded GSD Mindset, an agile consultancy. GSD stands for Get Stuff Done She helps businesses clarify their objectives, then plan and build products customers love. Cynthia also co-authored the GSD Scrum Handbook and created the popular Scrum in 1 Day workshop.

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Agile World ® News and Broadcast Network © 2023 California, USA | Music by

Mar 09, 202303:23
Agilidade como pilar de transformações

Agilidade como pilar de transformações

Guia de um peregrino da Agilidade

Neste episodio Manoel Pimentel Director of Business Agility for Americas at GFT Group | Author of 'The Agile Coaching DNA' book, conta um pouco de sua trajetória de vida como profissional de agilidade, através de relatos de sua experiência no Brasil e no Mundo! Esta papo esta cheio estórias interessantes e referencias sobre como a agilidade atua como ponto de transformação não só no negócios mas tambem na vida da pessoas.


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Mar 09, 202356:44
Agile World Français avec Karine Dubois

Agile World Français avec Karine Dubois

Dans cette prochaine entrevue, nous partons à la rencontre de Karine Dubois, Chef de Service de la création numérique/UX pour Loto Québec à Montréal.

A travers le monde de Karine, on découvre ses ingrédients clefs pour garder le lien avec son équipe, et ce malgré le télétravail. “Je carbure à l’humain” nous apprend-elle. Cette énergie débute dès la première heure de la journée quand elle prend contact avec l’équipe; et alors que cela pourrait paraître comme un frein, le mode virtuel semble être une source d’innovation.

Durant cette conversation, Karine en profite pour faire sa rétrospective annuelle et prendre du recul sur tout ce qu’elle et son équipe ont accompli dans l’année.

C’est le moment où on rend visible ce qu’on voit le moins car c’est très souvent dans l’intangible que tout se crée, que tout se lie dans une équipe: la posture du gestionnaire, l’implication de ses membres, la prise de décision, le transfert de connaissance.

Des défis il y en aura toujours. Ce qu'on aime du monde de Karine c’est qu’au lieu de voir les enjeux comme une lourdeur, on a l’impression qu’elle les perçoit comme une opportunité pour grandir, s’améliorer et prendre sa place au bon endroit au bon moment. Et ça, nul doute, c’est dans son ADN.

Merci chère Karine pour ce partage en toute humilité que tu nous as fait. Tu nous démontres à ta façon qu’être gestionnaire bienveillant au service de son équipe passe par une personne qui se connaît sous plusieurs facettes et les affine continuellement.


#Agile_World #AgileWorld #Agile #AgileTalkShow #AgileManifiesto #AgileCoach #ScrumMaster #agilité

Agile World Français

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Mar 08, 202331:29
1M1Q How can I be more Agile in my Personal Life

1M1Q How can I be more Agile in my Personal Life

Agile World 1 Minute 1 Question (1M1Q) answers audience questions about Agile practice. One of us asks a question about an Agile topic and the other has 1 minute on the timer to answer the question in a meaningful way.

It's fast and fabulous!

Today's question: How can I be more Agile in my Personal Life?

Co Hosts
  • Minaxi Punjabi is a multifaceted, professional services leader with 16+ years of experience. She has led Agile Teams at several US Federal Agencies, established and nurtured Agile communities of practice and Agile Center of Excellence for Organizations resulting in delivering impactful outcomes consistently. She is a co-creative-leader and community builder. She is currently serving Agile 2022 on the Enriching Organizations Track amongst her many other volunteering commitments.As a lifelong learner of the disciplines of neuroscience and anthropology she uses her coaching competencies to bring about a strong collaboration within team members of diverse strengths to collectively deliver value incrementally. Her way of working is going to the Gemba before making any presumptions and recommendations for change. This has resulted in her successfully implementing change for adoption and use, impacting and improving metrics across the board for the business, people, processes, and technology involved.She practices empowering individuals to self-organize into teams via facilitating and coaching. She has created spaces of trust for conflict resolution, open dialog and discussions leading to healthy collaborations and alignment of values.
  • Cynthia Kahn wouldn't it be awesome if we could take the essence of the agile practices we apply to software development and change our approach to business and life in general? Cynthia Kahn knows it's possible. For over 20 years, she's been helping software companies apply agile concepts to set goals, create action plans, and achieve the results they want. Now, she applies the same agile techniques as she coaches businesses on how to focus on what's important, reduce overwhelm, and remain competitive.In 2016, Cynthia co-founded GSD Mindset, an agile consultancy. GSD stands for Get Stuff Done She helps businesses clarify their objectives, then plan and build products customers love. Cynthia also co-authored the GSD Scrum Handbook and created the popular Scrum in 1 Day workshop.

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Agile World ® News and Broadcast Network © 2023 California, USA | Music by

Mar 02, 202302:55
AGIOPS ou DEVAGIL? Agilidade e Devops pra você!

AGIOPS ou DEVAGIL? Agilidade e Devops pra você!

Nesse episódio recebemos Clara Erica Castro, Head of DevOps | ServiceNow - Cooperativa Central Ailos,  DevOps Community Member Award Winner 2022, que fez um verdadeiro resgate histórico de tecnologia, agilidade e DevOps no Brasil, dando inclusive dicas valiosas para transição de Carreira!


#Agile_World #AgileWorld #Agile #AgileTalkShow #AgileManifiesto #AgileCoach #ScrumMaster #AgileWorldPBR


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Agile World ® News and Broadcast Network © 2023 California, USA | Music by

Feb 23, 202348:04
1M1Q How do I Resolve Problems with a Team Member

1M1Q How do I Resolve Problems with a Team Member

Agile World 1 Minute 1 Question (1M1Q) answers audience questions about Agile practice. One of us asks a question about an Agile topic and the other has 1 minute on the timer to answer the question in a meaningful way.

It's fast and fabulous!

Today's question: How do I Resolve Problems with a Team Member?

Co Hosts
  • Minaxi Punjabi is a multifaceted, professional services leader with 16+ years of experience. She has led Agile Teams at several US Federal Agencies, established and nurtured Agile communities of practice and Agile Center of Excellence for Organizations resulting in delivering impactful outcomes consistently. She is a co-creative-leader and community builder. She is currently serving Agile 2022 on the Enriching Organizations Track amongst her many other volunteering commitments.As a lifelong learner of the disciplines of neuroscience and anthropology she uses her coaching competencies to bring about a strong collaboration within team members of diverse strengths to collectively deliver value incrementally. Her way of working is going to the Gemba before making any presumptions and recommendations for change. This has resulted in her successfully implementing change for adoption and use, impacting and improving metrics across the board for the business, people, processes, and technology involved.She practices empowering individuals to self-organize into teams via facilitating and coaching. She has created spaces of trust for conflict resolution, open dialog and discussions leading to healthy collaborations and alignment of values.
  • Cynthia Kahn wouldn't it be awesome if we could take the essence of the agile practices we apply to software development and change our approach to business and life in general? Cynthia Kahn knows it's possible. For over 20 years, she's been helping software companies apply agile concepts to set goals, create action plans, and achieve the results they want. Now, she applies the same agile techniques as she coaches businesses on how to focus on what's important, reduce overwhelm, and remain competitive.In 2016, Cynthia co-founded GSD Mindset, an agile consultancy. GSD stands for Get Stuff Done She helps businesses clarify their objectives, then plan and build products customers love. Cynthia also co-authored the GSD Scrum Handbook and created the popular Scrum in 1 Day workshop.

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Agile World ® News and Broadcast Network © 2023 California, USA | Music by

Feb 23, 202302:38
Agile World Français avec Marie-Christine Chareyre

Agile World Français avec Marie-Christine Chareyre

Pour démarrer cette saison 2 de Agile World Français, nous partons à Rennes, à la rencontre de Marie-Christine Chareyre, Coordinatrice générale des instituts de formation au Centre Hospitalier Guillaume Regnier, avec une pratique résolument centrée sur l’humain.

Cloé.sans.h et Charles-Louis partent à la découverte du monde dans lequel évolue Marie-Christine.

Avec elle, nous découvrons comment garder le côté humain au cœur de son rôle de responsable d’équipe. Comment créer l’espace propice aux expériences, ou permettre aux personnes de prendre leur place, et surtout… ce qui anime Marie-Christine au quotidien !

On y parle de chouquettes, de café du matin, d’informel et surtout que le travail efficace est possible grâce à un climat de confiance. Et ceci, même lorsque de nouvelles collaboratrices rejoignent l’équipe dans un rôle qu’elles n’ont pas l’habitude de prendre !

Merci encore Marie-Christine pour avoir partagé ton temps, ta vision du monde avec nous. Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus, elle vous invite à rejoindre son réseau LinkedIn !


#Agile_World #AgileWorld #Agile #AgileTalkShow #AgileManifiesto #AgileCoach #ScrumMaster #agilité

Agile World Français

Grand merci à

Agile World ® News and Broadcast Network © 2023 California, USA | Music by

Feb 22, 202332:56