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It's the Ahn Shin-Ae Show by PenaVega Universal!

It's the Ahn Shin-Ae Show by PenaVega Universal!

By PenaVega Universal Media

Welcome! The purpose of this podcast, is to give you the listener the insight and the leverage needed, to intellectually and logically live life, by exposing the true ideology and intent of the conservative right, and their ongoing attempts to steal our independence, kill our unity, and destroy everything that makes us functional human beings. We will prove, that what the conservatives claim to be true, is indeed false, and vice versa, by using their own words against them. Only on the Ahn Shin-Ae Show! Where your mental fitness, is our business! Be an active listener, and free your mind!!
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Ahn ShinAe Show Uncensored

It's the Ahn Shin-Ae Show by PenaVega Universal!Aug 02, 2020

Language mocked by British racist conservative

Language mocked by British racist conservative

Professor Curious has done it again. This time he had created a racist video on YouTube relaying the message of his leader Gage Kirby and the GK cult against the languages that are not English. Stand up against racism!

Apr 17, 202419:44
Exclusive! Conservatives post hate filled video wishing the death of the transgender community!

Exclusive! Conservatives post hate filled video wishing the death of the transgender community!

A video has been released by a member of the GKC cult that goes by alias Professor Curious (Not a real professor), that advocates for the death and slaughter of transgender people and people of color. Under the manipulative eye of cult leader Gage Kirby, there has been an increase in their acts of hatred towards the LGBTQ+ community since their mainstream discovery in 2016. The people at PenaVega Universal Media want to let you the viewer know, that we do not under any circumstances, support the hate that is being inflicted upon any community, and that this video s for evidence and reference only. This video was created by Gage Kirby henchman Professor Curious in the UK, and posted on YouTube. We need your support now more than ever to continue our mission of holding these haters accountable. Share, Like, comment, discuss, and stand up against these atrocities. Thank You!

Disclaimer: This is apparently part three of Professor Curious monstrosity of a video series, so this series is not in numeric order.

Apr 17, 202401:41
A lack of creativity is never an excuse, to mock transgender writers and/or misrepresent their content

A lack of creativity is never an excuse, to mock transgender writers and/or misrepresent their content

Gage Kirby is sort of a mystery. The conservative ideology that he holds on to as a whole is clearly understood. However, the desperation to force people to believe in how he sees the world, and how he believes the world should/does function is questionable at best. Gage could easily continue in his mindset and conservative lifestyle in peace. However he desperately tries to drag others into the depths of his illogical mentality, and then he gets mad when people are intelligent enough to see the errors in his belief system. Ignoring the fact that nobody is obligated to believe in what Gage Kirby believes, he goes out of his way, to bully and corrupt the very existence of transgender writers, by changing the context, misrepresenting the true meaning and direction of the text, and corrupting the true belief system of the writer in question. This is what you will experience in this episode. Remember, the thoughts, ideas, and suggestions of Gage Kirby and/or any other conservative in existence, is in no way, shape, or form a representation of the true ideological believes of PenaVega Universal Media, this podcast, and/or the individuals within said entities. Also understand that what Gage Kirby says is merely his own beliefs, and is not in any way correlative or reflective to/of the actual facts.

Feb 19, 202427:53
Gage Kirby shows his true conservative colors, as he mocks the intelligent, slanders the innocent, and misrepresents reality and facts.

Gage Kirby shows his true conservative colors, as he mocks the intelligent, slanders the innocent, and misrepresents reality and facts.

Gage Kirby is a fascinating individual. While most conservatives do their dirty work in secret, Gage does his dirty work in the light. Then when he gets caught (which is a common practice for Gage), he resorts to his regular daily routine, which is mocking peoples names, corrupting context, temper tantrums, making strange noises, and dry throat. Most people tend to ignore his bias views about the world, but we decided to delve into the twisted mindset of the conservative. Remember that nothing that Gage Kirby says at any point in time about anybody is true, and that anything that he says in connection to anyone's actions, is greatly exaggerated and direct misinformation.

Feb 17, 202440:56
Conservative Gage Kirby triggered by transgender authors, and their books/part one.

Conservative Gage Kirby triggered by transgender authors, and their books/part one.

Are you tired of all the attention seeking and Gage Kirby negativity? We also. Unfortunately, however, Gage still isn't done with his nonsense. this time he is mocking and violating the copyrights of (again) transgender writers. In fact, it's fascinating that after all these years, Gage still has the energy and bigotry to attack the LGBTQ+ community, but here we are. In this episode, you'll hear from well-known conservative Gage Kirby. abusing a transgender writer who criticized him for calling out tranzphobia and wishing transgender people would "kill themselves." Gage Kirby in no way represents us, however we represent you. Listen, like, share, follow, comment (where available), and be part of the conversation. Support us any way that you can via Listener Support. Thank you.
Dec 17, 202302:23:45
Gage kirby returns with pro conservative propaganda and Covid-19 misinformation!

Gage kirby returns with pro conservative propaganda and Covid-19 misinformation!

It shouldn't be difficult in the 21st century, to actually comprehend the realities of Covid-19 and the vaccine. It should also not be difficult to refrain from generalizing a entire group of people based on the few. Sadly this concept is far above the mental understanding of conservatives. In this episode, you will hear conservative Gage Kirby rant about believing in the conspiracy theories that the government is evil and is a part of the anti christ end days narrative.
Dec 08, 202301:46:22
You mock and promote hate against a country, and yet you still wonder why people call you a racist.

You mock and promote hate against a country, and yet you still wonder why people call you a racist.

The Democratic Republic of Daehaminguk Shaniya has been a constant target by conservatives. This is not new. However what is new, is that a conservative called the Democratic Republic of Daehaminguk Shaniya "Denesh De Zouza", a conservative propagandists with some speaking gigs and a podcast. How anybody could confuse a free country with a closed minded conservative, is beyond us. Guess that's conservative stupidity at work. On this episode of the Ahn Shin-Ae Show, you will hear a crazy person who claims to be a "Professor" Professor Curious, a YouTuber and a known member of the gc2 cult ran by Gage Kirby, Show that politics is not his expertise, and that a proper education has clearly slipped away from him. Only on the Ahn Shin-Ae Show by PenaVega, where your mental fitness is our business. Share, support via Listener Support, like, give five stars,and be an active member of our family.
May 13, 202304:51:08
Conservative Gage Kirby caught advocating transphobic cops, prefers the blue instead of the rainbow

Conservative Gage Kirby caught advocating transphobic cops, prefers the blue instead of the rainbow

Known male Karen and transphobic conservative Gage Kirby of Michigan, decided to take the side of the transphobic cops, instead of the victims of said cops, who are members of the LGBTQ+ community. You see, Gage believes in the necessity of excessive force done by cops, against minorities and those outside of the narrative of conservative straight person. In this episode, you will hear Gage Kirby making excuses for the transphobic cops, and mocking the people who had actual compassion for the victims of these corrupt cops, and the LGBTQ+ community as a whole. Plus a mind blowing break +music. We are looking out for you, because It's The Ahn ShinAe Show by PenaVega! Share, like, and enjoy the PenaVega Universal experience.
Apr 05, 202302:39:58
Bias conservative Gage Kirby misrepresents a country, by reading a constitution that does not exist.

Bias conservative Gage Kirby misrepresents a country, by reading a constitution that does not exist.

Welcome to another episode of the Ahn Shin-Ae Show by PenaVega. In today episode, we will dive into the mindset of Gage Kirby of Michigan, who made up an entire constitution, just so he can have an excuse to mock and promote his hatred towards the people of the Democratic Republic of Daehaminguk Shaniya. What is even more sad, is that Gage ended up exposing himself as the racist, transphobic, and homophobic conservative that he is. Gage honestly believes that transgender individuals are "pedophiles", that Sodom and Gomorrah actually exist, that Immigrants should be used as a means for monetary collection by the government, etc.. Remember that Gage Kirby does not in any way represent the true existence of Daehaminguk Shaniya, and that his information is not In any way representative of the Ahn Shin-Ae Show, PenaVega Entertainment Group International, PenaVega Universal, and/or its workers. We take dealing with the crazy people in stride. Only on the Ahn Shin-Ae Show, where your mental fitness is our business. Check out our other amazing episodes, support, share, and stay smart.
Mar 14, 202303:52:01
Out of desperation for negative attention and to find love in conservative circles, Gage Kirby misrepresents and slanders transgender writers.

Out of desperation for negative attention and to find love in conservative circles, Gage Kirby misrepresents and slanders transgender writers.

Pathetic as it may be, Gage Kirby from Michigan has sold his intelligence for a false religion. A religion of hate, murder, victimization, slander, evil and illogical thoughts, racism, sexism, transphobic agendas, anti LGBTQ+ ideologies, etc. His failure in life has always been his ignorance and his lack of self control. Gage has literately destroyed himself with his lack of knowledge. Like any conservative, Gage complains, whines, bickers, and bullies others for the favoritism of the far right groups, believing that they will find true love and acceptance. Instead, all they get are years of experience with destroying families, dividing communities, and oppressing humanity. In this episode of the Ahn ShinAe Show by PenaVega, you will hear conservative pungent Gage Kirby Β manipulate and misrepresent the actual and intended context of the book "Not in Service: The Numberwang Code" written by Ahn ShinAe and sold wherever books are sold, in an continued failed attempt to ignore the legitimacy of Transgender writers, authors, publishers, and creators. Gage is desperate to bring down the LGBTQ+ community which he hates the most, more then his proven hatred against people of color, Asians, BLM, Liberals and progressives, women, and immigrates. You will hear Gage call transgender people derogatory names like "faggot", Β misgendering them, making ignorant, baseless, and foolish claims about the LGBTQ+ true reasoning for existing in the world, which are a exact copy of conservative media motivators like Candace Owens, Tucker Carlson, Dan Ball, etc.; and abusing them with death threats, threats of violence, and disgusting ways that he and his cult will torture transgender people like "running [them] over with a steam roller". You will also hear Gage not understand proper English and language structure, making up words and using far right slang like "simp", "snowflake",etc; all the while acting irritant, manipulative, and arrogant; and naming people who don't actually exist, mentioning events that never happened except in his delusional and destructive mindset, and Β blaming others for his own sick twisted behavior, and his assault on the innocent. We have exposed the conservative violent, bigoted, and targeted bullying of conservatives before, and we are (sadly) doing it again. Only on the Ahn ShinAe Show by PenaVega, where your mental fitness is our business. Make sure to support us in our effort to hold individuals accountable for their actions. Also listen to all of our episodes, Share, donate, and join the movement.

Feb 12, 202303:58:08
Even during the holidays, Gage Kirby goons continues to make your life a living misery (part two)

Even during the holidays, Gage Kirby goons continues to make your life a living misery (part two)

The continued attacks of far right extremist "Professor Curious", an active member and defender of a cult run by conservative Gage Kirby of Michigan, against the LGBTQ+ community, Asians, democrats, and anyone with actual intelligence and respect for others. This individual continues to promote hate speech with no remorse, he joyfully promotes that transgender individuals should "hang themselves " and "go die in a ditch somewhere", he continues to project his failures of life on other individuals that has nothing to do with him or his mental state, he has zero remorse for being a racist and even makes excuses for his actions, he did this verbal statement, via a request by Gage Kirby in order to bypass the backlash of those who he has victimized, via making "professor curious" a stooge and a lacky of his boss, and he continues to lie about the realities of his and Gage interactions with different sources of individual liberal parties. "Professor Curious" has the habit of always blaming others for what he has done, instead of just owning up to it and who he really is. "Professor Curious" also has beliefs in conspiracy theories that includes but are not limited to, "Israel existence is in direct result of the holocaust and the white (European)man, and nothing else, and that everyone that lives in Israel is a direct victim of the holocaust, and are indeed white (european). Meaning that "Professor Curious (not a real professor)", does not believe in the existence of Palestine or the Palestinian people, the existence of Arabs, people of color, or any other race in Israel, or the existence of the actual history of Israel and the Middle Eastern/Asian region. Which is the same excuse that he gave for being a racist against Asians and non white members of society. Remember that nothing that "Professor Curious" says is true,and is just the daily nonsense that he spews under the direct order of cult leader Gage Kirby. Ignorance is one of the direct consequences of being a conservative, and this conservative in this episode has been exposed. Only on the Ahn Shin-Ae Show by PenaVega, where your mental fitness is our business. Hope you are enjoying your holiday season, stay intelligent and keep a clear head. Till next time. Ciao.
Dec 28, 202206:36:47
Even on Christmas, Gage Kirby goons are at the ready to make your holiday a living misery. Part One.

Even on Christmas, Gage Kirby goons are at the ready to make your holiday a living misery. Part One.

The continued attacks by conservatives on the unsuspecting public never takes a break. Even on the holidays, they continue to yell, bully, instigate trouble, blame others for their horrible actions, and slander innocent individuals for their own personal and political gain. On this episode of the Ahn Shin-Ae Show by PenaVega, you will hear a active member of Gage Kirby cult the GKC "Professor Curious" (a fake name for a real, loyal, conservative Gage Kirby supporter, not a actual professor),attack transgender individuals as a whole, which includes writers, publishers, and researchers; promote their conspiracies theories that countries don't exist and that intelligence is equivalent to retardation, calls liberals and their books "shit", and even accuse transgender individuals of being "lunatics", alongside promoting a international hate crime campaign, where conservatives put up the pictures of transgender individuals all over the world, and then encourage conservatives in every country to "kill, kill, kill" transgender people. Professor Curious is truly a homegrown terrorist, with a universally proven mental disorder, alongside violent tendencies and a lack of self control. Both Professor Curious and Gage Kirby are a danger to themselves and others. Their conservative transphobia and bigotry, is nothing new in their misinformation promotional game, as they continue to undermine the reality of truth, facts, and reality. "Professor Curious" mocks people who have been victimized, promotes death towards the LGBTQ+ community, he makes delusional claims that transgender individuals are "fake transgenders" with "lanced on tits, who will always be male", he has no respect for people with gender dysphoria, and he celebrates the even the thought of transgender individuals globally being dead and "beaten and shot", alongside being "ran over by a steamroller". "Professor Curious" also does not believe that countries exist and that they Β are "made up". This proves that conservative ideology, is truly a mental disorder, and we advice you to not fall for their entrapment and falsehoods. Remember that the claims that are made by this individual are not true, as they were reviewed by fact checkers, and found to be disinformation. This is nothing new, as Gage's people tend to be chronic Β liars and slanderers (which includes "Professor Curious"). Β Happy Festivus, merry Christmas, and happy holidays from our studio to wherever you are. Only on the Ahn Shin-Ae Show, where your mental fitness is our business!

Dec 24, 202205:05:17
A life lesson a day, keeps the conservatives away! Anal Sex is our hot topic on the Ahn Shin-Ae Show

A life lesson a day, keeps the conservatives away! Anal Sex is our hot topic on the Ahn Shin-Ae Show

On this episode of the Ahn Shin-Ae Show by PenaVega, something more of a open minded reality that most people experience in their daily lives. It's time to break away from the Gage Kirby Era of our podcasting that was both morbid and stressful to make and obtain. Now we are off to explore even more of what planet earth has to offer. In this episode, you will learn more about anal sex from an sex expert or sexpert, plus music, break, and more. Share, like, and be a loyal member of the Ahn Shin-Ae Show now with more than 100 episode releases, where your mental fitness is our business. Donate to our podcast and stay open minded. Also check out our YouTube channel PenaVega Entertainment Group International. πŸ˜€ Don't forget to answer our community questions via Spotify!
Nov 11, 202203:07:08
For the sake of humanity,will this actually be the last disinformation campaign from Gage Kirby ever

For the sake of humanity,will this actually be the last disinformation campaign from Gage Kirby ever

Hopefully it will. As you all know, conservatives are well known for their misinformation, lies, slander, and conspiracy theories. Gage Kirby is no exception to this melting pot of madness and delusional thinking. It is sad that people like Gage refuse to have enough self control, to quit bullying people and making slanderous videos attacking liberals and progressives, who voted for Joe Biden and who actually understands how our universe works. Hopefully, this male Karen will stop acting like he is entitled to everything and that he has to manipulate and control the mindset and ideology of others, and keep his own house in order. In this episode of the Ahn Shin-Ae show, you will hear the one and only Gage Kirby tell delusional fairy-tales about non exist people that he made up in the fantasy world that he has created for himself. A world where Gage Kirby is entitled to call transgender individuals "pedophiles", but nobody can call him out for his transphobia. A world where Gage can manipulate reality and call it fact. A world where bullying is somehow equitable to criticism. In this episode, you will hear the voice of a unstable individual named Gage, who has claimed multiple times before, that "this will be the last video ever talking about people". Clearly that was a lie. This is exactly why you should never trust conservatives. We do not hate Gage Kirby. On the contrary, we love him ❀ πŸ’•. Sadly however, Gage has found it satisfactory to hate anyone who disagrees or corrects him. Nobody really knows what ticked Gage Kirby off to create contradictory and blasphemous content on his YouTube channel and social media accounts. Just know that what ever you hear in part one and two of this episode, is simply not true. Gage is known for his defamatory statements against people who don't see the world his way. Hopefully this will be a lesson to all of you listening, that it is important to keep an open mind and respect people's differences in opinion. We don't act like Gage Kirby, because we don't find joy in hurting others. Only on the Ahn Shin-Ae Show, where your mental fitness is our business! Support the podcast and help protect those who are a victim of bullying and harassment, like we are with Gage Kirby and the conservatives. Also feel free to answer our community questions via Spotify 😊
Oct 17, 202204:51:33
Porn and sex are both beautiful facts of life, so be inspired and do you. Plus music!

Porn and sex are both beautiful facts of life, so be inspired and do you. Plus music!

Conservatives give horrible advice, one sided information, and false hope to society. Clearly we are better than that. The Ahn Shin-Ae Show by PenaVega gives you accurate information about the human experience. We give you hope based on facts and logic. We provide you with fun and sometimes serious facts that will open your eyes and free your mind. In this episode, you will enjoy the experience of a porn star on her first day, and how to have anal sex. Only on the Ahn Shin-Ae show by PenaVega. Where your mental fitness is our business. Check out our other episodes and support freedom of speech, thought, and freedom of choice.
Sep 23, 202201:52:53
Isn't he sexy

Isn't he sexy

Asian boys are so sexy, so check this out. It's a lot better than listening to conservatives. Only on the Ahn ShinAe Show by PenaVega. Where your mental fitness is our business.

Sep 17, 202214:34
It never ends because fascist Gage Kirby doesn't want it to end part one: our struggle continues.

It never ends because fascist Gage Kirby doesn't want it to end part one: our struggle continues.

Being a victim of Gage Kirby and his love for cyberbulling liberals and progressives, we continue to create a mental safe space, where knowledge and wisdom is valued more than racism, slander, homophobia, and misgendering individuals who are transgender. Sadly, all of these things exist in this episode, promoted by no other than Gage Kirby. In this episode of the Ahn Shin-Ae Show by PenaVega podcast, we will hear Gage Kirby (not us) concoct delusional narratives about how his bullying is therefore influenced by the left and their ideologies. You will hear Gage call women "he", mock writers and journalists, and hate people for no reason whatsoever. You will hear his homophobic banter, his racist views, and him making excuses for his inexcusable and illogical behavior. Gage Kirby has been cyberbulling individuals well before 2017. He is known for his phycotic and irrational reactions to things that he doesn't understand and/or refuses to address as real. He blames everyone for his own issues, and never takes responsibility for his own actions. Nor does he ever learn from his mistakes and the consequences that comes with them. You will, also hear Gage admit to hating transgender people, and then trying to cover it up via more excuses. Remember, nothing that Gage Kirby says is true. It's just him projecting his own insecurities on others and flaunting his defense mechanisms. Only on the Ahn Shin-Ae Show by PenaVega. Where your mental fitness is our business! Remember to support the podcast and help us continue to expose the hatred that poisons our society and our Families.
Sep 15, 202204:16:25
Blaming others for your own actions is not an intelligent way to prove your innocence.

Blaming others for your own actions is not an intelligent way to prove your innocence.

Butthurt is not a word. Also if someone is hurt, then that means that you was the one who hurt them. Therefore making you a bully and not innocent as you claim. In this episode of the Ahn ShinAe Show by PenaVega podcast, you will hear conservative Gage Kirby not only continue to admit that he is a bully, but that he never owns up to his own actions. You may even hear Gage make weird noises for no reason (he's not funny, but he is mentally not there), call gay people vulgar names, and contradict himself more than Tucker Carlson does during his usual newscast on Fox News. What Gage says about other people is disinformation and not true. Nobody has done anything to Gage Kirby, but Gage has done a lot against humanity. So that makes Gage a bully. We're holding bullies accountable for their actions. Only on the Ahn ShinAe Show by PenaVega. Where your mental fitness is our business!
Sep 12, 202202:44:09
Gage Kirby lies and calls for violence against liberals by use of cinder blocks, hates libs for subs

Gage Kirby lies and calls for violence against liberals by use of cinder blocks, hates libs for subs

Gage Kirby is a conservative YouTuber who has a lot of tricks up his sleeve (and yet continues to get caught in the act). In this episode of the Ahn Shin-Ae Show by PenaVega, you will hear Gage admitting that he takes cyberbulling requests in exchange for YouTube subscribers. Meaning that he is exploiting his victims for YouTube fame. He also harrasses the LGBTQ+ community via defamatory and homophobic slurs, threatens public violence against liberals worldwide by means of "smashing their sculls in with cinderblocks in front of everyone", and continuing to lie about his true place in society, what his true intentions are, and how infomation about himself and his cult keeps getting leaked. This is an exclusive! Don't miss it! Only on the Ahn Shin-Ae Show by PenaVega. Where your mental fitness is our business! Now at our 46th season!
Sep 07, 202202:13:44
Conservative admits to threatening liberals w/ violence, by running them down with steam roller.

Conservative admits to threatening liberals w/ violence, by running them down with steam roller.

Conservative Gage Kirby admits live that he believes in inflicting violence against liberals worldwide by (in this case) "running [liberals] over with a steamroller" with no remorse for his actions. Instead he makes excuses and blames others for his own inappropriate and terroristic behavior. He then claims to have "apologized", yet then continues by calling liberals "fagots". Gage Kirby enjoys watching you suffer and die. Only on the Ahn ShinAe Show by PenaVega. Where your mental fitness is our business!
Sep 04, 202201:45:47
Conservative believes that logical thinking is bullocks, Promotes lacking rationalization and logic.

Conservative believes that logical thinking is bullocks, Promotes lacking rationalization and logic.

Gage Kirby is at it again. This time he's promoting that instead of thinking logically, that humanity should just lash out in violent raw emotions, against everyone who has some ounce of intelligence. According to conservative Kirby, thinking logically is a sick and evil practice, because it leads people to being different and smarter than him. He believes that humanity should all loose individuality for a hive mind equivalent to the likes of a form of Matrix movie. Also Gage has a habit of blaming everything that he does on others, and tries to cover up his hatred towards others, by Claiming to "protect" people. This is the madness that we are unfortunately privy to deal with. Only on the Ahn ShinAe Show by PenaVega. Where your mental fitness is our business!
Aug 27, 202203:59:34
 These conservatives have no respect for the dead.

These conservatives have no respect for the dead.

If you think that you are free from the oppressive conservatives after you die, think again. Conservative Instigator Gage Kirby celebrates the death of liberals, and his usual nonsense. Only on the Ahn Shin-Ae Show by PenaVega, where your mental fitness is our business!
Aug 24, 202203:02:15
Conservative agitator and known homophobic Gage Kirby, promotes hatred and lies against liberals.

Conservative agitator and known homophobic Gage Kirby, promotes hatred and lies against liberals.

Gage Kirby is a well known conservative and conspiracy theorist, who promotes homophobia, transphobia, and trumpism. He is a bully and a confidence trickster. We have access to his madness. Only on the Ahn ShinAe Show, where your mental fitness is our business.
Aug 24, 202259:53
Conservative Gage Kirby continues to whine over liberal writers speaking the truth.

Conservative Gage Kirby continues to whine over liberal writers speaking the truth.

Gage returns from Michigan USA to promote proudly his hatred for liberal writers by bashing a book (which is based on facts) that is written about him, that exposes him for his hateful actions and character. Reminder: Gage Kirby is a bully, and what he claims that this liberal writer has done,, is not true. Gage Kirby is the one who is making weird noises and accusing people of not having a life. Only on the Ahn Shin-Ae Show by PenaVega. Where your mental fitness is our business! Make sure to share and support this podcast. By supporting our podcast, you are supporting freedom, love, and stating up against conservative tyranny and their ideological brainwashing.
Aug 23, 202202:33:37
First they insult your writing, then they take away your right to freedom of expression.
Jun 17, 202202:30:20
PenaVega Entertainment Group /Suwon Media presents a new lineup for 2022

PenaVega Entertainment Group /Suwon Media presents a new lineup for 2022

We believe that we as an organization, need to stay positive and prepare to advance our content to better serve our viewers. In this episode, we extend the Ahn ShinAe Show by PenaVega, to include extra programing via Suwon Media and their Suwon 2 Channel. Programs include You Big Fool Premere and other amazing content! Please also show your support by sharing our podcast with your friends and family. Check Out "The Call by PenaVega" podcast on Amazon Music and wherever you enjoy listening to podcast! Only on the Ahn ShinAe Show, where your mental fitness is our business.Β 

May 05, 202202:15:10
Exclusive interview with GKC leader Gage Kirby+ being verbally abused by the radical right.

Exclusive interview with GKC leader Gage Kirby+ being verbally abused by the radical right.

Daehaminguk Shaniya Corporation tried to make a deal with notorious GKC leader Gage Kirby in order to bring peace between the two parties. Sadly, Gage decided to instead turn the session into a bully fest and started accusing people of situations that never happened. He then pushed his hate speech and conservative agenda. We are disappointed that peace talks fell through. In this episode, Gage Kirby admits to hating transgender people, liberals and Asians. He refuses to understands the atrocities that he has inflicted on people. Only on the Ahn Shin-Ae Show by PenaVega. Where your mental fitness is our business.
May 02, 202208:38:36
Wankers will be wankers, twats will be twats

Wankers will be wankers, twats will be twats

In this episode, conservative twat Gage Kirby runs his mouth about things that he doesn't understand, all the while continuing to bully others and make excuses for doing so. What a sad way to live. Plus music and information on how life works, during the break. Only on the Ahn ShinAe Show by PenaVega entertainment group. Where your mental fitness is our business.
Apr 09, 202203:21:23
Ahn Shin-Ae Show by PenaVega: Presented by Suwon 1 Chanel

Ahn Shin-Ae Show by PenaVega: Presented by Suwon 1 Chanel

Sometimes it's best to get back to the basics. So that is exactly what we are doing. Enjoy a classic Ahn Shin-Ae Show podcast in video form, with a brand new package! Because unlike conservatives, we're not stuck in the past. Check out "The Call by PenaVega" wherever you listen to podcast, and check out (meaning buy) Ahn Shin-Ae books on Amazon and wherever books are sold, by typing "Ahn Shin-Ae" into the search box.

Mar 27, 202201:02:37
PenaVega Entertainment Group top 10 music Festivus extravaganza, with music by JBSK1 media!! πŸ’˜

PenaVega Entertainment Group top 10 music Festivus extravaganza, with music by JBSK1 media!! πŸ’˜

Music is beneficial to the mind and helps to drown out negative emotions and conservative right wing ideologies. We need to realize that the brain is connected to the entire enterprise of the human body. If your brain is not in service, the rest of your body will fail you over time. In this episode of the Ahn Shin-Ae Show by PenaVega, you will hear amazing songs and stories from the source of your favorite entertainment source. All 100 percent hate free. Only on the Ahn Shin-Ae Show, where your mental fitness is our business. Also check out PenaVega entertainment group newest creation, The Call! By PenaVega wherever you listen to podcast! Your mental health depends on it!
Mar 24, 202202:23:01
It's not you, it's wait, it isn't me, it is you!

It's not you, it's wait, it isn't me, it is you!

Conservatives continue to push this message that transgender people "cause havoc to our society and human existence. In this episode, Shin-Ae Ahn reverse engineers this illogical conservative narrative, and uses that information to expose the true criminals, the conservative right.Β Also show your support to individuals who wants to better their lives via an education by checking out this link, and actually donate whatever you can.

Mar 20, 202245:23
Not all people from Michigan USA treat people as poorly as Gage. Plus music and more!

Not all people from Michigan USA treat people as poorly as Gage. Plus music and more!

We all have learned, that Gage Kirby gives the state of Michigan a bad name, alongside the rest of the conservatives in that state. Hate, lies, verbal abuse, and slander is known to come out of the mouth of Gage. He spends more time trying to be the next Tucker Carlson, instead of showing respect to others. He makes excuses for inflicting hatred on others who he feels are weaker than him. In this episode, you will see that Gage has no clue about anything that he is saying, and is instead manufacturing a crisis, in order to push the conservative agenda, at this individuals expense. Only on the Ahn Shin-Ae Show, where your mental fitness is our business. Also check out PenaVega Entertainment Group newest creation, wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. It's called "The Call by PenaVega", and it will definitely become your next favorite podcast.
Mar 18, 202203:53:45
Proven guilty conservative Gage Kirby continues to destroy his own reputation, proves himself wrong!

Proven guilty conservative Gage Kirby continues to destroy his own reputation, proves himself wrong!

Gage Kirby is known by many as the boy with no self control, and the boy who can't let go. We call him "the meddler", because he sticks his nose where it doesn't belong, and then whines and blames others, when he gets caught. What's worse, is that all of these acts done by Gage Kirby, is only to appease the radical right wing conservatives, who are the same people who meddle in our reproduction rights, freedom of expression, etc. Gage is basically a Tucker Carlson/ Conservative media copycat. In this episode of the Ahn Shin-Ae Show, you will hear Gage admit that he is a perfect example of how not to treat others. You will hear Gage Kirby verbally abusing a liberal named Larry, for basically using the internet in a way in which Gage and conservatives, does not approve. I.e manufacturing a crisis in order to instill fear into others liberals, in order to be as unintelligent and illogical as Gage and the conservatives in question are. You will also hear Gage Kirby trying to present rumors as facts, and lies as truth. Gage also admits that everything that he says are indeed rumors, and can not be confirmed (only because Gage Kirby is a well known chronic liar with an alternative antihuman motive and agenda). Gage Kirby is guilty and justice will prevail! Also enjoy our music and commercial break, where you will hear the true story about how one liberal, became a stripper.. You really can't make this stuff up. Also a quick shout out to all those listening, who are on Facebook,Twitter, Spotify and Instagram. Check out and buy our books, music, and previous episodes, by going to and typing "ShinAe Ahn" into the search box, go to for our music, and enjoy previous episodes daily via Anchor and wherever you listen to this podcast. Also encourage others to to be an active audience of the Ahn Shin-Ae Show where your mental fitness is our business πŸ’ͺπŸ˜€!
Jan 30, 202206:32:29
JR-A36_ We are not amused. Love is not the conservatives best features + music and more!
Jan 20, 202203:42:37
Conservative Gage Kirby and cohort, exposes their hatred of humanity, technology, and liberals.

Conservative Gage Kirby and cohort, exposes their hatred of humanity, technology, and liberals.

In this episode, you will experience a undercover narrative that has been hidden from most people. The real feelings and agenda of the radical right wing conservatives, and their hatred for science, technology, humanity, and intelligence., via their rambling and illogical behavior. These individuals that you hear, are the perfect example of some of the many things that conservatives do behind closed doors. They badmouth, slander,, and assassinate your character. They also attack people for their penis size, promote violence against people,, and they are clearly illogical in their statements. They keep getting themselves in trouble and they are promoting a false ideology called masculinity. These two individuals are exactly why you don't need to be a conservative. All the while bullying you and lying about themselves in front of others. You can't make this stuff up, and we haven't. Only on the Ahn ShinAe Show. Where your mental fitness is our business! Support us and help us continue to expose the fallacies of the radical right. Become an active audience member today.
Jan 10, 202206:01:28
Love your neighbor as yourself. Some of the many things that conservatives are lacking. Plus advice.

Love your neighbor as yourself. Some of the many things that conservatives are lacking. Plus advice.

We all know that conservatives like Gage Kirby are not able to love their neighbor. We also know for a fact, that conservatives like Gage Kirby are indeed bullies and disrespectful to women, liberals, the LGBTQ+ community, and anyone who disagrees with their unwarranted delutions and beliefs. They constantly harbor on their unwarranted hatred against people, therefore restricting themselves from actually making positive interactions with people. It disappoints me that there are people out there who are determined to ruin the livelihoods of others, just because of their political differences. In this episode, we see how conservative Gage Kirby clearly has no respect for the emotional situation that this female individual is suffering from. Instead Gage creates a narrative of blame, where somehow everything is the woman's fault, and the narrative of impossibility, where somehow its impossible for the situation to be anyone else's fault but her own. What you will Gage Kirby doing here, is manipulating the context and the narrative that this woman is presenting, to fit his own narrative. Gage is manipulating the context of this woman's cries for help. That's clearly misogynistic and heartless. Also, you will notice that everything that Gage Kirby is accusing this woman of being/doing, is exactly what Gage Kirby is doing himself and not her. Meaning that Gage is indeed projecting his inner flaws and imperfections on this woman, instead of fixing his flaws and taking control of his own life, instead of unwantedly meddling in the lives of others. That, and Gage fat shaming this poor woman. This woman is indeed a victim and is crying out for help, because of what Gage Kirby and his minions of his cult has done to her. She is hurt and naturally Gage Kirby does not care about her. He mocks her suffering in order to oppress her and take away her abilities to stand up for herself! verbal demoralization and victimization of woman by conservatives must end now! Sadly for the human race, Gage Kirby and the rest of these conservatives, clearly have learning disabilities, because they clearly have not learned to love their neighbor (which includes women), as himself. The struggle is real and conservatives are being exposed. Here only on the Ahn Shin-Ae Show. Where your mental fitness is our business! Donate money to our podcast via Anchor and share the love πŸ’˜. Also check out our music and books via Google books and
Jan 04, 202203:55:21
Happy New Year 2022! Plus, for a person that wants to be left alone, Gage continues to bully others.

Happy New Year 2022! Plus, for a person that wants to be left alone, Gage continues to bully others.

Happy new years everyone! As we all start a brand new year, Gage Kirby and the conservatives are continuing the same crap that they did last year. Gage made a statement about a week ago, that he wanted to be "left alone". Yet he continues to instigate trouble, slander and assassinate the character of others, make excuses for his illogical behavior, and he continues to support and promote that people commit suicide. Clearly, Gage does not want to be at peace, as he has waged war against those who prove him wrong and who tells the truth. Gage Kirby has no sense of self control, and has no idea what compassion is. Sucks being him. Also listen as Gage and his cult followers, promote Qanon conspiracy theories and delusional notions against you the people! We are enjoying the new year and encourage you to do the same! Only on the Ahn Shin-Ae Show! Where your mental fitness is our business! Support us, be an active part of our family, and donate via anchor to our podcast.
Jan 02, 202209:52:45
Happy Festivus, Merry Christmas, and to all a happy new year from the Ahn Shin-Ae Show!!

Happy Festivus, Merry Christmas, and to all a happy new year from the Ahn Shin-Ae Show!!

Gage Kirby does not quit during the holidays. Neither do we! Although we work from home. Gage continues to provide evidence that his hatred for liberals has no bounds. However, because it is the holidays, we have included some positive messages amidst the conservative madness. This will also result in the new format of the Ahn Shin-Ae Show. So sit back and laugh at conservative mental patients at work, learn about transgender people who live in the Philippines, and enjoy our music created by our JBSK1 family music group via PenaVega Entertainment Group. Remember to share, like, and donate to the Ahn Shin-Ae Show podcast, where your mental fitness is our business!
Dec 23, 202104:45:16
Empty ideological madness supported by conservatives exist in his brain, and he is proud of it!

Empty ideological madness supported by conservatives exist in his brain, and he is proud of it!

It is sad how conservatives thinks that being oppressive against others is somehow a great way to live. That idolizing Donald Trump is somehow going to save the world. Yet in Michigan USA, conservative storm trooper Gage Kirby continues to embarrass himself, by proving to be a bully, that he claims he is not. A known murder apologist, white supremacist, and transphobe, Gage gets his kicks by ousting himself as a bigot and a cad. He (and his cult) enjoy making people suffer. Which includes verbally abusing transgender people, dead deadnaming them and misgendering them; labeling those who does not agree and obey his tyrannical ideologies, and slanders liberals alongside promoting them to kill themselves. In this episode, Gage is verbally abusing a liberal while trying to act tough and intimidate said liberal to either do what he wants or kill himself. Amongst other hateful and vengeful reteric. Only on the Ahn ShinAe Show. Where we expose idiots at no cost to you. Also, don't forget to share, donate, and love each other.
Dec 11, 202101:29:44
Misinformation pusher Gage Kirby spits on victims families of Kyle Rittenhouse double homicide mess!

Misinformation pusher Gage Kirby spits on victims families of Kyle Rittenhouse double homicide mess!

Being a Tucker Carlson copycat wannabe, conservative YouTuber Gage Kirby pushes a pile of misinformation about the Kyle Rittenhouse trial and the murderer himself Kyle Rittenhouse. We are here as always to set the record straight. Despite the verdict by a majority white conservative jury, everyone with intelligence knows, that Kyle Rittenhouse is indeed guilty and (just like Gage Kirby) is a martyr of the proud boys and the elements of Trump supporters and white supremacy, which includes (but is not limited to) the proud boys. The evidence is perfectly clear, that conservatives have corrupted America judicial system to undermine democracy and replace it with anarchy and the double standard. In this episode, Kyle Rittenhouse apologist Gage Kirby verbally attacks the two dead victims and one injured victim in result of Kyle Rittenhouse shooting them with an illegal AR-15, slandering them and their families, and then manipulating the facts by approving and supporting murderers and those who commit double homicide on the enemies of the conservatives. What Kyle Rittenhouse did, was not self defense, but a homegrown terrorist attack against BLM and liberals alike. We expose the cray cray and more, only on the Ahn Shin-Ae Show. Where your mental fitness is our business! Also don't forget to give a financial donation to our podcast! Your support will help progressive movements everywhere and allow us to continue to show you the implicit madness that is hiding in your political world. Thank you for being a subscriber!
Dec 06, 202105:00:13
The SRS dilation experience episode!β™‘β™‘β™‘β™‘

The SRS dilation experience episode!β™‘β™‘β™‘β™‘

Dilation is an important element of our transformation as females, especially transgender females. The Ahn Shin-Ae Show is not a podcast just about exposing white supremacist or cracking down on transphobia and such. We also give sound advice and counseling to our community. That's why in this episode of the Ahn Shin-Ae Show podcast, we will be diving into the topic of Dilation for transgender people MtF. No radical conservative right wing person would even love you enough to guide you through these interesting and fascinating times in your lives. However, we love you! Only on the Ahn Shin-Ae Show, where your mental fitness is our business. Special thanks to PenaVega entertainment group and the family for allowing the opportunity to reach out to the LGBTQ+ community via our podcast!
Dec 02, 202101:19:47
Promises made, Promises not kept!

Promises made, Promises not kept!

It is not a surprise that conservatives never keep their promises, but seeing how our opposition is Gage Kirby keeps claiming how smart he is, you would think that Gage would be able to keep his promises. In this episode of the Ahn Shin-Ae Show podcast, you will witness Gage Kirby going back on his word, by verbally abusing a liberal via his YouTube channel Gage the loudmouth. Only on the Ahn Shin-Ae Show where your mental fitness is our business!
Nov 30, 202104:25:54
Transgender Appreciation Day episode

Transgender Appreciation Day episode

Transgender lives matter and nothing in the universe will ever change that. In this episode, we will go to Amsterdam where we will celebrate transgender appreciation day. Only on the Ahn ShinAe Show, where your mental fitness is our business.
Nov 26, 202102:39:50
This guy is legitimately the next Kyle Rittenhouse!The cray cray is leaking out of this conservative

This guy is legitimately the next Kyle Rittenhouse!The cray cray is leaking out of this conservative

In this episode, we are introduced to Steve Trowbridge, a conservative YouTuber who has a particular hatred for transgender individuals. He is a minion of Gage Kirby GC2 cult, which is affiliated with white supremacy. This individual is also jealous of individuals who write and publish books. His hatred is apparent here, and as he rants, notice how he pushes stereotypes against the LGBTQ+ community, how he addresses said community, and how desperate he is for attention. These conservatives will say and do anything to get there oppressive agenda to smother the rest of us into submission. But we won't let them! Only on the Ahn ShinAe Show, where your mental fitness is our business!
Nov 12, 202102:06:47
When will it end.

When will it end.

Conservative Gage Kirby is back again to insult liberals and blame others for his mistakes and lack of intelligence of reality. Notice how the bully (Gage Kirby) calls his victim a "cunt". Notice Gage Kirby hatred towards gay people, when he called the other individual a "fagot". Nobody with a functional brain would act like Gage Kirby. Who goes out of his way to mock others for calling him out, for his bullying and harassment of those who are different than him. It breaks your heart to know that Gage continues to push his bigoted, hateful, and antihuman ideologies despite the fact that his life is being destroyed all around him, because of his actions. Gage Kirby is the only one to blame for his actions, and he has been exposed once again. Only on the Ahn Shin-Ae Show. Where your mental fitness is our business!
Nov 09, 202102:53:08
Destroying the family,by brainwashing the man. Jesse Lee Peterson and his cult of white supremacist

Destroying the family,by brainwashing the man. Jesse Lee Peterson and his cult of white supremacist

This is Jesse Lee Peterson of Los Angeles California. Jesse is a well known far right conservative who believes that transgender people should not be allowed to play sports, calling them "men in dresses", promoting that all black people are inherently evil, misgendering individuals, and promoting misinformation, slander, and the racist confederacy on his program, with the help of James Hake, Chris, and Nick "the anchor baby". Jesse is a known member of the Proud Boys (a known white supremacy group), supports the insurrection on the US capital building on January 6th, grand marshal of the "straight Pride Parade" In Modesto California; he hates women and he believes that intelligence is a sin. Only on the Ahn ShinAe Show, where your mental fitness is our business!
Nov 04, 202103:36:36
Happy Festivus from Ahn Shin-Ae Show, to you! +conservatives hates you being happy and optimistic.

Happy Festivus from Ahn Shin-Ae Show, to you! +conservatives hates you being happy and optimistic.

Today is Festivus as it is every 23rd of each month. Festivus is a time for celebration for how far we come. It is a day of resting and contemplating all the wonders of the universe. It's also a time to be proud to be a progressive and A liberal. It is a time to share kindness and love towards others. However, conservative Gage Kirby takes this time to promote his jealousy against positive YouTubers who have way more subscribers then he do (way over 10 million more), and his hatred for optimistic and charismatic people who wants to encourage others to do the same. Gage hatred for anyone not miserable and who actually loves life, is a sign that his mental state is indeed deteriorating, and that all of the problems that Gage Kirby promotes, are indeed created by his himself and him alone. It's his delusion, not reality. Enjoy your Festivus with the Ahn ShinAe Show. Where your mental fitness is our business!
Oct 24, 202101:24:34
Gage Kirby unprofessionalism is at best evidence that the liberals will continue to win.

Gage Kirby unprofessionalism is at best evidence that the liberals will continue to win.

Bullying people is one thing, but whistling and slacking off is unprofessional. Why should anyone take Gage seriously, when he can't even be serious himself. In this episode, you will hear Gage Kirby not even care to utilize professionalism while doing an interview with a liberal. Only on the Ahn ShinAe Show. Where your mental fitness is our business.
Sep 28, 202104:03:49
Crazy Conservative Gage Kirby proves that he's in denial of who he really is+music and announcements

Crazy Conservative Gage Kirby proves that he's in denial of who he really is+music and announcements

It is important to understand that where Gage Kirby is mentally, is not that of an intelligent human being. His ever expanding ego has lead him to accuse other people for what he does. For example, when Gage claims that he has never lied against anyone and has never doxxed anyone. That is a lie. All Gage Kirby does is doxx people and assassinate the character of others. He has two entire YouTube channels (Gage the loudmouth and Doomguy live), that is dedicated to verbally abusing, slandering, and bullying the likes of the LGBTQ+ community and liberals everywhere. Both of his YouTube channels are filled with vulgar homophobic and transphobic misinformation against random people. Gage also claims that he loves the LGBTQ+ community. Which is another lie, because he creates these bias and misinformation campaign videos, where all he does is verbally abuse said community, attacking transgender people, and hating blacks, the homeless, immigrants, liberals, blm, and even those who does not fit into the female and male conservative gender narrative (Gage Kirby pushes the conservative political agenda that there are only two genders). In this episode, you will hear and experience why it's a terrible idea to have a unchecked massive ego and why people don't take conservatives seriously. Only on the Ahn ShinAe Show! Where your mental fitness is our business!
Sep 20, 202102:11:14
Conservatives are indeed mental

Conservatives are indeed mental

In this episode, you will hear exactly why Gage kirby needs to be sectioned. Only on the Ahn Shin-Ae Show. Where your mental fitness is our business
Sep 14, 202101:37:43