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The Health Accomplice

The Health Accomplice

By Aleksandra Chojnacka

I’m Aleks and I'm on a health journey, learning so much about my body, mind, and spirituality. I want to take you along for the ride so we can all live our fullest lives.

I'll be interviewing experts on topics like sleep, meditation, fasting, specific diets, psychology, and more. I’ll always aim to make these topics fun and interesting so we can both learn practical tips on how to apply concepts to improve our every day lives.
Currently playing episode

19 | Chelsea Riffe: Making Money from Your Passion, Manifesting Relationships, Navigating Boundaries with Parents, and Stepping into Your Own Power

The Health AccompliceFeb 03, 2021

19 | Chelsea Riffe: Making Money from Your Passion, Manifesting Relationships, Navigating Boundaries with Parents, and Stepping into Your Own Power
Feb 03, 202157:07
18 | Is Breathwork the New Ayahuasca? A Discussion with Breathing Coach Lisa D'Auria

18 | Is Breathwork the New Ayahuasca? A Discussion with Breathing Coach Lisa D'Auria

People are having incredible experiences doing breathwork -- experiences that include feeling high, having visions of past memories, healing physical and emotional pain, and finding a sense of peace and joy. There are a lot of people who are turning to modalities such as ayahuasca, mushrooms, and DMT to explore their subconscious for deeper healing and clarity. But can we achieve these same benefits from breathwork? We discuss this topic with Lisa D'Auria, a former athlete, current engineer, and breathework coach. Lisa used the power of breathwork to create meaningful change in her life and now seeks to help others do the same. 

Topics covered in this episode:

  • What is breathwork and why is it so beneficial? 
  • Who is this good for?
  • What are some techniques used? 
  • How can we incorporate breathwork into our daily lives? 

Resources include:


Jan 19, 202147:54
17 | Megan Roup on Following Your Passion, Exercise Addiction, Celebrating Your Body, & the Secret Sauce to Staying Fit

17 | Megan Roup on Following Your Passion, Exercise Addiction, Celebrating Your Body, & the Secret Sauce to Staying Fit

Megan Roup is the founder of Sculpt Society, a Victoria's Secret model trainer, and trainer to celebrities and influencers like Sofia Richie and Arielle Charnas. She's everyone's favorite fitness influencer and her app is keeping us all sane during this crazy year! In this episode, Megan gets vulnerable and shares her story of following her passion in dance and wellness, her own fitness and mental health tips, as well as some personal anecdotes we can all relate to! 

Topics discussed:

-- Disordered eating

-- Body love

-- Negative self-talk and the impact it has on your body

-- Over-exercising / exercise addiction 


Use discount code HA25 for 25% off when you sign up for The Sculpt Society. 

Dec 08, 202043:22
16 | Annaliese Puccini: Social Media and Mental Health, Finding Inner Peace, Break-ups, & Advice on Moving to New City

16 | Annaliese Puccini: Social Media and Mental Health, Finding Inner Peace, Break-ups, & Advice on Moving to New City

You may know Annaliese from The Bachelor and Bachelor in Paradise but she’s also an artist, poet, and soon to be author. In this episode she gets vulnerable about her own mental health and finding her sense of inner peace, navigating a difficult break-up, moving to a new city, and how she approaches social media to keep her mental health in check.

Nov 26, 202056:27
15 | Is Coffee Good or Bad? My Reasons and Journey for Breaking up with it

15 | Is Coffee Good or Bad? My Reasons and Journey for Breaking up with it

Hi, I’m Aleks and I’m a recovering coffee addict. I savored this morning ritual and looked forward to it each day for years. However, when  I started experiencing health issues such as chronic fatigue and brain fog, I decided to end my relationship due to the negative impact coffee had on these things.  It took me a while to listen and I dragged it on for way too long, but now standing on the other side of it, I wish I had listened sooner. I take you through this journey in this episode. Here’s what we’ll cover: :

  • Reasons why I gave up coffee: I was experiencing gut issues and hormonal imbalance that manifested as chronic fatigue, anxiety, brain fog, and sinus issues

How coffee negatively contributes to these health issues: 

  • It is a stimulant and is taxing on your nervous system and can lead to anxiety
  • It stimulates your adrenals and can lead to adrenal fatigue
  • It raises blood pressure
  • Conventional coffee can contain molds and/or lots of toxins like herbicides and fungicides which can disrupt your endocrine system (aka cause lots of hormonal imbalances like acne, moodiness, infertility, etc)
  • Coffee contains a protein that can be misread by your body as gluten. If you’re gluten sensitive and/or experiencing gut issues, this is a problem!
Nov 17, 202019:25
14 | How We Can Make Self-Care & Wellness "Manly" with Former NCAA Football Coach Vince Luciani & Mindset Coach Kelly Gee

14 | How We Can Make Self-Care & Wellness "Manly" with Former NCAA Football Coach Vince Luciani & Mindset Coach Kelly Gee

Wellness and spirituality seem to be an industry dominated by women. However its important to our evolution to make it more accessible and to normalize it for men. Vince and Kelly are doing just that with their work -- they are both coaches who work with men on their journeys to self discovery. 

Vince Luciani, a lifetime athlete and former CFL and NCAA football coach is the founder of The Legacy Coaching. His mission is to spread the message that your life and legacy are not defined by what you do, they are defined by you. He guides people to give the love and validation they seek from others, directly towards themselves.

Kelly Gee is an Immersive Mindset and Soul Coach, certified in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Emotional Freedom Technique, and is also a Manifestation practitioner. Her mission is to support you on your own journey of self discovery.

What you can expect from this episode:

- What is spirituality?

- What are the roadblocks for men? Why is it seen as such a feminine activity?

- What are some of the spiritual tools we can use today to get more in tune with ourselves? 

- How can women support men on this journey? 

Oct 21, 202053:60
13 | New Mom Survival with Postpartum Doula Mary Killeen
Sep 30, 202041:02
12 | How to Eat For Your Human Design Type with Human Design Expert, Sandy Yang
Sep 18, 202058:15
11 | Testimonial -- The Baseline: A 3 Week Reset for Feeling Better In Your Body

11 | Testimonial -- The Baseline: A 3 Week Reset for Feeling Better In Your Body

The Baseline program is a 3 week reset that gives you a solid foundation for better health and feeling better in your body.

I've used this program with clients 1:1 and have seen amazing results so I wanted to share a testimonial with you all! 

Jenny shares her experience going through The Baseline 3 Week reset program. We discuss the following:

-- Overview of the program and what you'll get out of it 

-- Why did you feel the need to reset? What were your pain points?

-- What did The Baseline change for you? 

-- What was challenging about the program?

-- What was surprising about the program?

-- Words of advice to anyone considering The Baseline

Sep 09, 202012:50
10 | Building the Life You Want with To Be Magnetic Coach, Heather Whitaker

10 | Building the Life You Want with To Be Magnetic Coach, Heather Whitaker

Heather Whitaker has manifested major things in her life and proven that self worth and deservingness are key to building the life you want. She spent 4+ years doing Lacy Phillip’s To Be Magnetic process to step into her self worth. This year, she was vetted by Lacy Phillip’s, TBM founder and manifestation expert, to be a coach and guide those interested in doing this work as well.  In this episode, we dive into Heather’s journey, learnings, and tips for building the life you want.

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

  • What is To Be Magnetic and what does the process look like?
  • What is self worth and how is it different from deservingness?
  • How does it impact me getting what I want?
  • Can self worth vary in different areas of your life?
  • How to build your magnetism / self worth:


    Saying “No”

    Surrender / Stop Controlling

    Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
Jul 29, 202056:08
9 | Eating for Fertility & Optimal Hormonal Health with Astrid, the CEO of Agni
Jul 17, 202047:13
8 | Attachment Theory & Building Healthy Relationships with Dr. Jessica Waldron

8 | Attachment Theory & Building Healthy Relationships with Dr. Jessica Waldron

In this episode we talk with Dr. Jessica Waldron, a clinical psychologist who works with couples, about attachment theory:

We will learn what it is, where it comes from, and how it impacts our adult relationships. 

We discuss the 4 different attachment styles: secure, anxious, avoidant, and disorganized, and what these look like, how they present themselves in relationships, and how we can heal them if any of these insecure attachment styles resonate with us.

Jun 30, 202045:14
7 | Sleep Remedies with Bedtime Bootcamp's Masha Maltsava
May 28, 202041:21
6 | What is COVID Teaching Us? The Spiritual Side of COVID with Tovah Avigail

6 | What is COVID Teaching Us? The Spiritual Side of COVID with Tovah Avigail

In this episode, Tovah shares with us the spiritual interpretation of what is happening with this global pandemic. Tovah is a spiritual concierge. She works with people to guide, heal, or find empowerment in their lives through her gifts of energy healing and channeling. We talk through the messages she's received about this time period. The five key takeaways which we discuss in depth are:

(1) The universe is giving us an opportunity. Be open to receive.
(2) Surrender and let go of control and expectation.
(3) Adapt. A lot of us are needing to change course and rethink the way we do our jobs and how we're living.
(4) Align your actions with your values. Hone in on your values.
(5) Release the old and make peace with the past.

Episode Resources:

Tovah Avigail: Spiritual Concierge + Vibehaus

Tovah’s Instagram

What is Alexander Technique?

Dr. Joe Dispenza on How to Reprogram Your Mind for Success

Lacy Phillips: To Be Magnetic (A Reprogramming Approach)

Apr 30, 202054:02
5 | Navigating COVID: Advice from Life Coach Leah Smart

5 | Navigating COVID: Advice from Life Coach Leah Smart

Leah Smart is a Transformation Coach, Podcast Host, writer, and works in Learning and Development at LinkedIn. In this episode she shares her perspective on COVID and tips and tricks for helping us navigate through this very difficult and uncertain time.
What you’ll learn:

Spiritual perspective on the COVID crisis

A life / transformation coach approach

Practical tips on how to use this time for productivity and self reflection

Mar 27, 202038:49
4 | My Immunity Protocol

4 | My Immunity Protocol

Things are getting real with Coronavirus. It's always important to keep our immune systems strong, but today it's especially relevant. In this episode I'm sharing what works for me -- my tips and tricks -- for revving up immunity.
Mar 14, 202008:55
3 | The Farmacy of the Future: Talking Adaptogens with Shizu Okusa

3 | The Farmacy of the Future: Talking Adaptogens with Shizu Okusa

In this episode, I sit down with Shizu Okusa, former Wall Street Exec and founder of Apothekary and JRINK, and discuss all things adaptogens. Adaptogens are gaining more mainstream popularity as so many people are seeing benefits from incorporating these magical herbs into their daily practice to heal. What you’ll learn in this episode:

Quick summary of Ayurveda

The different Dosha types

Overview of adaptogens

The right way to use adaptogens

Adaptogen Benefits

Recommendations for how to incorporate adaptogens into your daily life

Mar 07, 202038:14
2 | The Dirt on Toxins and How They Impact Our Health with @POPOFHEALTH

2 | The Dirt on Toxins and How They Impact Our Health with @POPOFHEALTH

In this episode, I interview Emily Popson on why she started Pop of Health and created the Non-Tox Box. We discuss her work in spreading more awareness around the impact of toxicants on hormonal health and the changes she’s made in her life have positively impacted her well being.
What you’ll learn

What toxins are and how do they impact us

Where toxins are commonly found in daily life

How do we (begin to) avoid them

Actionable next steps on how you can reduce the toxic load on your body

Mar 06, 202032:46
1 | Theo Burkhardt: How Vedic Meditation Cured My Insomnia

1 | Theo Burkhardt: How Vedic Meditation Cured My Insomnia

Theo Burkhardt is a vedic meditation teacher who works with celebrities like Busy Phillips on this specific meditation technique, which he personally used to cure his insomnia after suffering from Lyme Disease. In this episode you will learn:
1) The different types of meditation
2) The benefits of meditation
3) An overview of what Vedic meditation is
Feb 19, 202028:18