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Livin' Faith

Livin' Faith

By Alicia Wellington

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Livin' FaithMar 27, 2021

It is Time To Move: Go Forward

It is Time To Move: Go Forward

Today's devotional continues to provide instructions for getting unstuck despite the challenging situations which may confront us.

May 30, 202405:29
It Is Time To Move: Arise O Lord!

It Is Time To Move: Arise O Lord!

Today's devotional is a prayer for God to sustain us on our journey.

May 22, 202404:47
It Is Time To Move: How To Get Unstuck

It Is Time To Move: How To Get Unstuck

Today's devotional contains a few tips to get you unstuck from the account of the impotent man at the pool of Bethesda.

May 01, 202410:25
It Is Time To Move

It Is Time To Move

God desires that all men achieve his promises for their lives. Sometimes they get stuck and find it difficult to move on and out of the predicament. The good news is that there's a time of release for everyone if we only attend to the voice of the Lord.

Apr 24, 202410:40
Guard Your Faith: Staying In His Presence

Guard Your Faith: Staying In His Presence

Today's devotional is a sermonette I shared during Prayer Mountain (3 days of prayer and fasting). My task was to share on the Inner Court. God led me to Exodus 24. I trust that it blesses your heart and produces the desired results.

Apr 17, 202417:17
Guard Your Faith: Watch Those Relationships

Guard Your Faith: Watch Those Relationships

In today's devotional, I continue the discourse on guarding your faith with particular emphasis on above-the-line behaviours in our relationships.

Apr 11, 202407:03
Guard Your Faith: Above The Line

Guard Your Faith: Above The Line

In today's devotional, I examine some positive action steps we need to take to continuously guard our faith.

Apr 04, 202409:28
Guard Your Faith: Don't Be Fooled

Guard Your Faith: Don't Be Fooled

Today's episode identifies practical steps we can take to guard our faith.

Mar 28, 202407:39
Guard Your Faith: Christ In You

Guard Your Faith: Christ In You

In today's episode, I take a deep dive into Colossians 1 to identify some foundations of our faith.

Mar 20, 202406:55
Guard Your Faith

Guard Your Faith

One of our most prized possessions is our faith. It should be guarded at all costs against the onslaught of the Devil. In this episode, I discuss some means by which Satan attempts to sift us.

Mar 13, 202408:45
Come After Me: I Will Make You Become

Come After Me: I Will Make You Become

There is a clarion call from Jesus for us to come after (chase/follow) Him. He promises that he will make us into a new person when we so do.

Mar 06, 202410:22
Come Unto Me: Deny Yourself

Come Unto Me: Deny Yourself

Drawing closer to God requires our sacrifice. It involves us denying ourselves of pleasures, rights and our resources. However, we should take heart because Jesus promises a return on that investment in this life and eternity.

Feb 28, 202413:33
Come Unto Me

Come Unto Me

Jesus has invited all of us to come to Him with all our cares and in exchange, we will find rest for our weary souls.

Feb 21, 202407:42
Give Birth

Give Birth

Today I am sharing a word the Lord has placed on my heart. Be blessed.

Dec 13, 202312:14
Faithful God

Faithful God

Have you ever been at a point in your life where you felt that your joy and strength are gone? Today's podcast recounts the faithfulness of God in those dark and despairing situations.

Nov 29, 202310:26


Today, I commemorate Thanksgiving, being reminded that it is good to give thanks to the Lord for his many blessings.

Nov 23, 202305:28
What's Your Vision: Move Forward

What's Your Vision: Move Forward

In today's episode, I discuss the steps we need to take to accomplish our vision.

Nov 08, 202308:40
What's Your Vision: Finishing Your Course

What's Your Vision: Finishing Your Course

Today, I am sharing some encouragement for those who may be struggling with finishing what they have started. God wants us to finish and to do so well.

Nov 01, 202307:04
What's Your Vision: Finding My Way

What's Your Vision: Finding My Way

In today's devotional, we continue our discourse on discovering our specific purpose in life through the lens of Genesis 1.

Oct 25, 202307:17
What's Your Vision: Mentorship

What's Your Vision: Mentorship

In this episode, I discuss the value of mentorship in the growth and development of an individual.

Oct 18, 202310:18
What's Your Vision 2

What's Your Vision 2

When God places a vision in our hearts, it often requires sacrifice and self-denial to see it come to fruition. Abraham and Noah made tremendous sacrifices to accomplish God's vision for their lives, and we are expected to do likewise.

Oct 11, 202311:31
What is Your Vision?

What is Your Vision?

If you have been asking why am I here, what's my purpose or why was I born, you are not alone. Knowing our purpose in life has been one of man's greatest quest and that's because God created us with purpose in mind, He was intentional and strategic in His decision making about you and me. In today's devotional I am beginning a conversation which hopefully will help us find our place in the earth.

Aug 30, 202308:46


Opportunities abound every moment of the day. Whether we take advantage of them or not is dependent on our outlook. If we are rain watchers, we will do nothing and watch them pass by, however, if we are risk takers we will take action in faith.

Aug 24, 202312:25
Do You Believe?

Do You Believe?

The Word of God is good medicine which when taken in small doses produces its intended results though you don't see, smell or taste it.

Aug 16, 202310:44
Oh Magnify The Lord With Me

Oh Magnify The Lord With Me

In this episode, I explore some gems I found in Psalm 34 which continue to underscore the importance of abiding in God.

Aug 09, 202309:38
There is Hope!

There is Hope!

We often face situations that make us feel hopeless. But God can breathe life into any situation. Don't give up, there's Hope in God.

Aug 02, 202307:16
Instructions for Living: Beware of Idolatry

Instructions for Living: Beware of Idolatry

While many may be overt in their worship of their respective deities some are more covert secretly venerating statutes, symbols, nature etc. Whether overt or covert, it’s one of those things which has broken man’s relationship with Jesus Christ. 

Jun 22, 202312:49
Instructions for Living: Beware of Witchcraft

Instructions for Living: Beware of Witchcraft

We are living in a time when witchcraft is being portrayed as good and fashionable. But is it really so or have we given heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils? Should we consult mediums and fortune tellers? Let's take a biblical look at this practice to find some answers.

Jun 14, 202310:12
Instructions for Living

Instructions for Living

In today's episode, I have identified 7 additional principles for living from Deuteronomy 1.

Jun 07, 202308:45
Instructions for Living

Instructions for Living

In today's devotional, I explore the things which hinder us from taking possession of all that God promised us.

May 31, 202312:44
Remembering Mama

Remembering Mama

Mothers play a distinct role in raising their children. Quite often, more is caught from their lifestyle than taught. In today's devotional, I am sharing on some of the principles, values and characteristics I caught from my mother.

May 17, 202309:23
Abide in Me: The Broken/Severed/Unattached Branch

Abide in Me: The Broken/Severed/Unattached Branch

There is a loving God who cares for all types of branches regardless of their state of existence. His plan is good. It offers salvation and the hope of eternal life. Abide in Him, and you will experience the joys of His salvation.

May 10, 202310:48
Abide in Me: The Bountiful Branch

Abide in Me: The Bountiful Branch

God's ultimate desire for the believer is that he bears much fruit. To do so the believer must be willing to abide, this means dying to himself, his wants and desires to pursue Christ. The outcome? An abundance of fruit which will last long after he has departed the earth. Abide in Him!

May 03, 202309:59
Abide in Me: The Bearing Branch

Abide in Me: The Bearing Branch

Do you feel stuck in your career or ministry? Then, you may be a branch that's bearing more fruit. The challenge with this branch is complacency, comfort and self-dependence which hinder it from achieving its fullest potential. God's remedy for this branch is that it abides in him.

Apr 26, 202310:27
Abide In Me: The Bare Branch

Abide In Me: The Bare Branch

In our walk with God, we often become satisfied with a handful of fruit to our credit. God deems this to be an inadequate harvest, consequently, he applies the pruning shares to the character flaws and foliage in our lives so that we can bring forth more fruit. Pruning = prosperity.

Apr 19, 202311:03
Abide in Me: The Barren Branch

Abide in Me: The Barren Branch

Everyone called to be a fruit-baring branch. However, upon closer examination, we may discover areas where we are barren. What's the cause and how do we address those areas? Listen to today's devotional to find out.

Apr 12, 202309:48
Speak the Name of Jesus: Lost Things

Speak the Name of Jesus: Lost Things

Many of us have lost things that are precious to us and in doing so we lose our peace, become bound by depression or fraught with worry. But there's a Name that causes us to recover ALL, breaks strongholds and restores peace to our lives. Today, we speak the Name of Jesus!

Apr 06, 202309:39
We speak the Name of Jesus over our Sons & Daughters

We speak the Name of Jesus over our Sons & Daughters

In this episode, we focus on our sons and daughters and make declarations over their lives.

Mar 29, 202310:55
Speak the Name of Jesus: Institutions

Speak the Name of Jesus: Institutions

This devotional takes a deep dive into Nehemiah to speak the name of Jesus over our Government, Civil Society and Private Sector Institutions to bring about reform and transformation of our society.

Mar 23, 202311:29
Speak the name of Jesus: Trinidad and Tobago

Speak the name of Jesus: Trinidad and Tobago

There is an old adage which says when your neighbour's house is on fire wet your own.  We need to speak the name of Jesus over our country as we witness the calamities which have befallen nations across the globe.

Mar 15, 202310:32
Speak the Name of Jesus: Overcoming Depression

Speak the Name of Jesus: Overcoming Depression

Today's episode takes a look at the Spirit of Depression through the eyes of Elijah.

Mar 02, 202309:30
Speak the Name of Jesus: The Spirit of Intimidation

Speak the Name of Jesus: The Spirit of Intimidation

This devotional discusses the Spirit of Intimidation, its cause and its effects on our life.

Mar 01, 202313:25
Do It Again

Do It Again

This is my prayer for the nation and my life.  Lord, do it again! Let there be a revival in our cities, streets and nation.  Do it again, revive our relationships, families and lives.  Do it again, revive our giftings and let there be signs, miracles and wonders following your word when preached.  Do it AGAIN1 (Hab 3:2)

Feb 08, 202307:04
A life of significance

A life of significance

A person who lives a life of significance adds value to the life of others daily.  Jesus epitomised this throughout his life and ministry on the earth.  Are you adding value to the life of others? Let's make this our New Year's resolution.

Dec 23, 202206:23
A Heart of Grattitude

A Heart of Grattitude

Today, I am giving thanks to the Lord for His goodness.

Dec 23, 202205:55
Perspectives of God

Perspectives of God

Many of us have incorrect perspectives of God.  When we think of God, we see him as a fence or a ladder: we can never reach him or must work our way to get to him.  Others relate to the garbage can perspective - they believe God sees them through all the negative things in their life, and thus, they cannot be holy enough to meet him.  But God wants us to see him as the door to our lives.  The door that sets us free from past sins and ushers us into a new beginning with Him.

Note: John Maxwell is credited for the four perspectives: fence, ladder, garbage can and door. 

Dec 07, 202207:51
A Heart of Gratitude

A Heart of Gratitude

Every year around this time, I commemorate  two significant events, viz. Thanksgiving and the anniversary of my husband's passing.  As I reflected on those two events as well as the challenges of the past 5 months, I can't help but have a heart of gratitude towards God for his goodness towards me. Join me in expressing thanks to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

I do not own the rights to the background music.  

Nov 30, 202205:55
Fear Not

Fear Not

A word of encouragement to those who are bogged down by the cares of this life.

Nov 23, 202206:40


Did Ras. Shorty I get it right when he said that we are reaping the fruits of our actions?  Indeed, what's going on in our schools today is a cause for great lamentation and repentance. Did we as parents, influencers and society as a whole fail to bend the tree when it was young?

Nov 09, 202206:32
The Story I'll Tell: All is Well

The Story I'll Tell: All is Well

Staying in faith when the options are few is a challenge.  We often think that God won't come through for us.  The Bible presents us with the account of the Shunammite woman who received her son back from the dead because she dared to believe God's promise even when all seemed lost.

I do not own the rights to the background music.

Nov 02, 202222:28