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Epilepsy HELL to Epilepsy WELL | why not do something about it? (Drug-Free Epilepsy Foundation)

Epilepsy HELL to Epilepsy WELL | why not do something about it? (Drug-Free Epilepsy Foundation)

By Alma Wayne Myers, MTOM (Masters in Traditional Oriental Medicine)

What do you do when the 'drugs' don't work? Who do you turn to when the doctors call you crazy? What happens when you decide you've had enough and want to 'do more' than the doctor tells you? Whether you are drug-resistant or just looking for a way to improve the quality of your life by taking care of yourself like you matter, then you are in the right place. Experience a life you are in control of and end epilepsy by being the hero in your own story. Become the CEO of your health while overcoming the ups and downs of your brain attacking you... after all, epilepsy is more than just a seizure.
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Epilepsy HELL to Epilepsy WELL | why not do something about it? (Drug-Free Epilepsy Foundation)Nov 28, 2020

MEDS are not Drugs

MEDS are not Drugs

Go take your MEDS is not the same as take drugs and let life happen to you. Some things are harder to swallow than a horse pill. Some things are just a breathe of fresh air. Ultimately, you decide when to choke with MEDS.
Oct 11, 202250:06
They Killed LeRoy

They Killed LeRoy

this is exactly what I expect out of people. When something is too hard for them, they will attack you for the way you make some feel or just run away and leave you to figure it out all on your own. It’s not your fault. These people are too small minded, small hearted,or lack compassion for others. However, it is your responsibility to find the right people to help you as well as get the results that you desire in your life. My friend is dead and there is nothing left to do to help him. Help yourself before it’s too late.
Oct 03, 202249:13
Kicking Rocks and Sick Of It

Kicking Rocks and Sick Of It

No one said it would be easy, but it’s worth it. After struggling to get back on track, it’s time for some self care and no more helping the wrong people destroy the sanctity of mental and physical heath and wellness. Happiness is an inside job and no one can tell you what it takes for you to find yours.
Aug 04, 202236:55
Help Me Help You
Jul 11, 202254:04
Back In The Saddle

Back In The Saddle

Life is too precious to throw away 🔫... Dog Days 🐾 … and Texas Lost to Mexico 🙌🏻 ... Imagine anything is possible and there is a good chance it will. 🔮 ———>🦮 Want to help a dog rescue? you can goto 👉
Jun 23, 202250:08
¡Hola! (International Move)

¡Hola! (International Move)

I made it. It’s pretty and quiet. These last few weeks have been both Hell and Well… at least we can do something about it! What would you expect from this situation?
May 04, 202230:35
Focus On The Goal

Focus On The Goal

It doesn’t feel like enough time nor is everything ready. With less than 3 weeks to go… What would you be thinking about?
Apr 13, 202225:21
Karma Doesn’t Care

Karma Doesn’t Care

Have you tried hiding your head in the sand? What about establishing boundaries? Have you ever considered the karma of your actions? Maybe you can tell me where I went wrong… or did I?
Apr 05, 202247:48
Bound and Gagged…

Bound and Gagged…

Expressing yourself and setting boundaries can free you from your own mental slavery.
Mar 28, 202237:26
Is ‘Ostrich Syndrome’ the Solution?

Is ‘Ostrich Syndrome’ the Solution?

One of the 4 F words of hyper-vigilance: 🥶 Freeze, put your hands in the air… 🙌🏻 and wave them like you just don’t care… 🥳
Mar 24, 202244:58
A Good Start

A Good Start

Been waiting for a few things to fall in place. Hopefully a cure for my struggles at home. While we can all agree epilepsy sucks, Life doesn’t have to.
Mar 11, 202256:36
Get Rid Of The Side-Effects
Feb 28, 202243:16
Is Love is in the Air (or did cupid use the wrong arrow again…)

Is Love is in the Air (or did cupid use the wrong arrow again…)

Love is in the air… do you want an arrow from cupid or did you put on your ‘good’ running shoes in fear of the next seizure?
Feb 14, 202238:01
Breath of Fresh Air
Feb 10, 202254:30
Starting back on the path

Starting back on the path

Well, life happens and excuses don’t deliver the results that actions can provide. Today is the day to start building momentum towards the best version of yourself.
Feb 01, 202255:08
Do you ever wonder what is the point of trying?

Do you ever wonder what is the point of trying?

Walking the peaks and valleys of Epilepsy.
Dec 06, 202149:43
What Does Success Look Like?

What Does Success Look Like?

Some ways to figure out what you want to be when you grow up or whatever you want to call shedding your old beliefs that hold you back from the life you want to live. Spinning in circles is not that same thing as cycles and loops that build you up.
Post your homework to the FB group: Epilepsy Fight Club
Nov 10, 202152:22
Day 7: What's Left To Say?

Day 7: What's Left To Say?

Welcome to day 7 of the '7-days to Take Back Your Control from Epilepsy Hell challenge'... I know this has been a lot to take in in just 7 days so I tried to space it out so that you have time to catch up and get the most value out of the information being presented.
Feel free to go back and listen to any day you missed. It's not a race. One day at a time and one step in front of the other gets you places.
Take a deep breath and get ready for more about what you can do to End Epilepsy Hell and start to heal your brain so that you can enjoy more out of life and do more of what you want.
Remember to DO MORE than the doctor tells you and TAKE CARE of Yourself like You Matter... because YOU DO!!!
Nov 05, 202101:16:43
Day 6: What Kind Of Job is Happiness?

Day 6: What Kind Of Job is Happiness?

We continue more on Emotions and how you are the HERO you need for the 7-Days To Take Back Your Control From Epilepsy Hell Challenge that was recorded live inside of the FaceBook group 'Epilepsy Fight Club'.
"Live life like you are going to die, because you are." was a song by William Shatner that holds too much truth and a lot of value.
When is Now a good time to choose your own adventure and learn how to Live Your Life?
Feelings are for more than just your hands... Passion can bring you to goals but when it dies out... you need your WHY!
Not your 'why me', but your 'WHY you want to live'. Don't limit your happiness to the Science of Acheivement. You NEED to practice the 'Art of Fulfillment' to rise up from the ashes like a phoenix reborn.
Oct 28, 202101:04:05
Day 5: Locomotion or Loco Emotion?

Day 5: Locomotion or Loco Emotion?

Holistic you (mind, body, and emotion) - the care you give yourself and receive from others can bring up… feelings, also know as emotions. We all have them but what do they mean? They have a purpose and it's not to destroy your sanity.
In this episode we cover the generating cycle of emotions how I learned them from going to a 4-year masters program in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Short cuts to your success.
I hope you can learn to overthrow the tyranny of hypervigilance and how living with Epilepsy can feel like a punishment but somewhere it's really an opertunity to discover who you are and what really is worth your time, effort, and energy.
You are not alone. No one loves epilepsy; but you should love yourself enough to DO MORE than the doctor tells you, and TAKE CARE of Yourself like You Matter!
Take a deep breath and let all that tension and BS of Epilepsy Hell become Your Epilepsy Well.
You are the CREATOR of Your LIFE and it's time to feel good about yourself.
Thanks for investing in yourself and taking the time to learn how to choose your own adventure.
The Drug-Free Epilepsy Foundation in you, because you are the Superior Doctor in control of your HEALTHCARE TEAM. You decide what it all means and how you want to feel. Never let anyone else make your struggle about someone else feels. Lead with your heart and love yourself enough to build a life you can both enjoy and be proud of.
Oct 25, 202101:04:18
Day 4: How-to Eat With Epilepsy

Day 4: How-to Eat With Epilepsy

'Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food' is said to be a quote from Hypocrites, also called the father of medicine and the creator of the Hypocratic Oath to DO NO HARM to your patients. But who holds everyone accountable when you are blamed for your condition not letting the drugs work?
Epilepsy Sucks and when the dangerous 'black box' drugs aren't helping you, it's time to Eat Like You Matter and end the bitter-sweet sorrow of the epilepsy sucks and there has got to be more to life.
Thanks for listening in. I love and appreciate you. If people can hate for no reason then I can love for no reason. But the reason is Love is the Medicine to change your body chemistry and starts with LOVING YOURSELF enough do not just know what to do, but WHY it is you want to be the HERO in your story.
Holistic health means feeding your mind, body, and emotions that help you DO and BE your Best.
Bon Appetit!
Oct 21, 202158:37
Day 3: Show Me Where It Hurts

Day 3: Show Me Where It Hurts

Insane in the brain and not sure why? Listen to Day 3 of the 7-Days to Take Back Your Control From Epilepsy Hell Challenge that was recorded live on the 13th of October and will be available for purchase so that you can invest in yourself and get even more Epilepsy Secrets to being the HERO in your life.
Don't be scared. Halloween is full of tricks and treats and people dressed like monster.
Epilepsy is a bit of a horror story too. End Epilepsy Hell and turn your nightmare into your dream life. NO MONSTERS ALLOWED!!! Only compassion and evidence to ease your pain and shorted the learning curve to help you End Epilepsy Hell.

After listening to this episode, you can post your answers to your Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter and tag @almawaynemyers and he might even surprise you with some extra help in understanding 'What the Epilepsy Hell is Going On?!' or you can join us in the Facebook group: Epilepsy Fight Club and get answers you won't find anywhere else.

Don't forget to SHARE this with someone else that needs answers on what to do when the drugs don't work and your doctor doesn't have the cure.
Oct 20, 202101:06:16
How Do You Destroy Anger, Anxiety, and Stress?

How Do You Destroy Anger, Anxiety, and Stress?

Day 2 of the 7-Days To 'Take Back Your Control From Epilepsy Hell' Challenge broadcasted LIVE to the private Facebook group Epilepsy Fight Club from the 11th to 17th of October and NOW available here for you to take ACTION and be the HERO in your story.
Today we have a special guest from The Promises You Keep podcast.
Listen up and share with someone else that needs answers to DISCOVER 'What The Epilepsy Hell is going on' and What do you do when the drugs don't work and the doctors don't have the answer to help you find your Epilepsy Well.
Do more than the doctor tells you and take care of yourself like you matter (because, you do)!
Don't forget to do the homework assignment and post it to social media. While you are taking action, tag @almawaynemyers on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter with the answers you post.
Oct 19, 202101:03:01
Day 1: What The Epilepsy Hell Is Going On?!

Day 1: What The Epilepsy Hell Is Going On?!

Went LIVE all week (October 11th to the 17th) every day inside the PRIVATE Facebook group: Epilepsy Fight Club that you can JOIN and get SOLUTIONS by being apart of a community of support and love based in compassion and evidence to ease your pain and shorten the learning curve to End Epilepsy Hell.
We are building the Drug-Free Epilepsy Foundation to help you 'do MORE than the doctor tells you' and 'take CARE of yourself like you matter'.
Welcome to Day 1 of the 7-Days to 'Take Back Your Control From Epilepsy Hell' Challenge.
Oct 19, 202152:11
What Words Get In The Way?

What Words Get In The Way?

Change your STORY, Change your LIFE - Tony Robbins - 3 Steps to Change - No more monsters under your bed - i challenge to a duel … Join The Privare Facebook Group: “Epilepsy Fight Club” for some FREE training and a community of Kick A** Warriors (not worriers) don’t fight yourself to the DEATH…
Jun 01, 202119:50
Good Job, You Are Doing Great!

Good Job, You Are Doing Great! will soon provide you a chance to join the 7-Day Kickstart to Take Back Your Control and End Epilepsy Hell … in the mean time, love yourself and appreciate the success of others as you would your own success (without greed, envy, or jealousy) Go be the BEST Warrior of Love and drop kick some apprehension into someone else’s HEART.
May 31, 202137:05
Keep On Keeping On

Keep On Keeping On

Anchor.FM/DanielCohen - ‘A Moment Of Gratitude’ podcast by Daniel Cohen, your gratitude coach and friend to Epilepsy Hell and better days is now available! We talked him into restarting his podcast and sharing his book full of 30 days of gratitude ‘Keep On Keeping On’
May 27, 202102:51
Exchanging Yourself For Others

Exchanging Yourself For Others

‘The Place That Scare You: A Guide To Fearlessness In Difficult Times’ continues with building compassion for yourself and others to build a bridge from suffering to growing into the BEST version of yourself. Bodhichita is the Unconditional Love that is waiting for you to let in. Tonglen is the way you love others like yourself. Bodhisatva is a warrior of unconditional love. Are you fighting the right wars in your head and heart?
May 27, 202130:09
The Demon I Blame

The Demon I Blame

“In other traditions demons are expelled externally but in my tradition demons are excepted with compassion” Machik Labdrön - Compassion springs from ‘the places that scare you’ through loving your demons like your angels. Compassion and Evidence will lead you towards the path of victory. What are you fighting and why?
May 26, 202130:04
Happiness For All

Happiness For All

Heart to heart us how we practice in Chan (mother of Zen). Shaolin warriors spreading love and light. It can get exhausting fighting that little a**hole in your head and feeling like you aren’t good enough. But you ARE good enough and deserve your own love. Take care of yourself like you matter! (Because you DO!)
May 25, 202129:07
What Would You Say To Yourself ?

What Would You Say To Yourself ?

If you could build a better brain and life from this insane world… it would start with the story you tell yourself and the way you behave. A wise warrior battles his ego, only a foolish warrior battles everyone else’s ego. Ready to go from Warrior to Champion? Will post this week about your Founders Membership opportunity to help create the 7-days Kickstart to ‘Take Back Your Control’ from Epilepsy Hell (coming 21 June 2021) Warriors Wanted!
May 24, 202118:51
Mind Your Self

Mind Your Self

My favorite character from the Looney Tunes Anamaniacs was this little girl that would float through the air while sitting perfectly in Full Lotus chanting “oh what a loon I am”
May 21, 202130:01
What Have You Learned In That Chair?

What Have You Learned In That Chair?

Ch 4 of The places that scare you. Sometimes you have to ask yourself what am I sitting in…
May 20, 202122:57
3 Characteristics of Human Behavior

3 Characteristics of Human Behavior

Pt 3: The Places That Scare You
May 19, 202132:14
What Are The 3 Lords Of Materialism?

What Are The 3 Lords Of Materialism?

A guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times continues … yesterday was about the warrior (bodhisatva) that fights with truth, love, and understanding (bodhichita) … for the benefit of self and all others. Lordy, Lordy, Lordy it’s a materiel world and I’m a manifestation of an analog wave form converted into a image form … oops … quantum science slipped out. Real stuff. They got pictures.
May 18, 202138:22
The Places That Scare You (narrated by Alma Wayne Myers)

The Places That Scare You (narrated by Alma Wayne Myers)

A Guide to FEARLESSNESS in Difficult Times written by Pema Chödrön and narrated by your truly … enjoy your NOW and please share this with someone that could use some better day and to stop living in fear of everything that can go wrong and discover what can go right!
May 17, 202121:38
Tender Loins

Tender Loins

Recover from life’s ups and downs. Cuts like a knife and stings like getting kicked in the balls.
Apr 19, 202127:30
Surgery Tomorrow

Surgery Tomorrow

It’s not a tumor but getting out of pain could aid in some seizure control.
Apr 15, 202110:36
Just Another Manic Monday

Just Another Manic Monday

I wish it was Sunday, ‘cause I’m home alone with Glen and no one is here to yell at... move it or loose your mind is in full tilt.
Apr 06, 202134:53
The ups and downs along the way

The ups and downs along the way

Does not compute ... ‘shoots and ladders’ ain’t got nothing on this. Maybe Dr Sues knows Dr Greenthumb ...
Apr 01, 202138:20
Get Stuck to Get Unstuck

Get Stuck to Get Unstuck

Krista James (IG@Epilepsy.Empowered) and I (IG@DrugFreeEpilepsy) talked about the #1 non-drug related thing you can do to get help AND feel good afterwards. Don't miss out on some tips to let that crap go and put your thumb in your mouth like a baby all over again... don't forget to wash your hands... you KNOW where they have been. (: there is some echo from our 1st attempt to use extra technology; it's not your meds kicking in ;)
Mar 30, 202131:02
Do You Know About International Epilepsy Awareness Day?

Do You Know About International Epilepsy Awareness Day?

You spin me right round like The wheels on the bus that go round and round ... ee ii ee ii oo ...
Mar 27, 202122:29
When You Are In Your Last Nerve, Which One Is It?

When You Are In Your Last Nerve, Which One Is It?

12 more pieces to the puzzle ... don’t forget to join the ‘Epilepsy Secrets’ Facebook page to be apart of the livestream this Wednesday ...
Mar 26, 202143:37
What Could Go Wrong?

What Could Go Wrong?

Insane in the brain ... or just another day of being a zombie ... maybe it’s time to find what part fits you.
Mar 23, 202133:48
The Impassable Substitute For Going Forward

The Impassable Substitute For Going Forward

Bowels of Horatius laughter Bruce ... or was that the rubbling of intestinal fortitude ... choose you and gas up that rocket out of hell.
Mar 21, 202127:04
Do the impossible but do not eat it

Do the impossible but do not eat it

So much in life is fake and sometimes that’s the way we like it and other times it just makes you sick to your stomach
Mar 18, 202110:09
Winds Can Change The Pressure In Your Head And Deflate Your Sail

Winds Can Change The Pressure In Your Head And Deflate Your Sail

Saving up for a rainy day can be literal for some people and sometimes you wonder what you’re saving ... dazed and confused by the wet lick of mother nature across your brain.
Mar 17, 202109:18
TGIF or can I have the week back?

TGIF or can I have the week back?

There may come a time when you need time to pass but want that time back ...
Mar 13, 202114:44
The Best Way To Get Unstuck and Kill Anxiety

The Best Way To Get Unstuck and Kill Anxiety

All work and no play makes ... every day groundhogs day!? Try this to get your heart settled and cope with letting go and getting over it when you wake up and go to bed. Don't forget to check out the Myers Good video on Vimeo or YouTube for the visual or close your eyes and imagine being in a place where we are safe and happy as you listen to my voice guide you out of hell.
Mar 12, 202130:40
And they thought I was going to yell and mess things up again ...

And they thought I was going to yell and mess things up again ...

Only the people that don’t do their job and/or talk back instead of cooperate ... it’s not hard to find a reason to be angry when hyper vigilance is your day ... what say you?
Mar 10, 202112:15