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Align By Design - Amy Elizabeth

Align By Design - Amy Elizabeth

By Amy Elizabeth

Hi Babes! Welcome to the Align by Design podcast, where Amy Elizabeth brings all the elements and integration of Human Design in a way you've never experienced HD before.

Each episode, Amy will explore a different aspect of Human Design, from the basics of your energy type and strategy to the more advanced aspects of your chart, like your profile and incarnation cross. We'll also have interviews with other Human Design experts and practitioners to get their insights and perspectives.
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182. How Our Unhealthy Ego Creates Misalignment

Align By Design - Amy ElizabethFeb 14, 2022

Embodying Your True Energy: Understanding Mani Gens & Gens

Embodying Your True Energy: Understanding Mani Gens & Gens

In today’s episode, Amy Elizabeth delves into sacral energy, particularly focusing on manifesting generators (mani gens) and generators. Amy emphasizes the importance of understanding ourselves to harness our unique energy effectively. She notes a common misunderstanding: many generators resonate with projector content due to their often slow-to-warm-up, reserved, and observational nature, unlike the more bubbly, outgoing manifesting generators.

Amy highlights the distinct energy dynamics between the two types. Manifesting generators often exhibit a lively, sparkly presence, quickly drawing attention and filling spaces with their vibrant energy. In contrast, generators tend to have a more deliberate, intense energy that unfolds as they become comfortable in their surroundings. Generators often dim their natural presence to fit in. Still, both types draw people towards them differently—generators through a more intentional, observed approach, and manifesting generators with a more immediate, noticeable impact.

Amy also encourages mani gens and generators to embrace their innate ability to draw in the desired outcomes effortlessly by being true to their sacral energy. This involves overcoming any internalized shame about their powerful presence and allowing their energy to flow without restraint.

May 20, 202410:48
Cozy Vibes & Big Dreams: What's New on Align by Design!

Cozy Vibes & Big Dreams: What's New on Align by Design!

In this episode, Amy Elizabeth, is broadcasting straight from her cozy bed. She hopes everyone had a lovely Mother's Day, sending extra love to those who found it difficult. Amy shares about the latest round of MMP (Money, Magnetism, Sex, and Power), tailored for manifesting generators and generators to align with their true selves and attract abundance effortlessly. 

She discusses the unique challenges and potential of projectors and introduces "The Muse," a mastermind for projectors to break through their glass ceilings and tap into their highest potential. Amy also reflects on her recent successful launch of the Fifth Line Mastermind, highlighting the power of selling with depth and human design. 

May 14, 202414:12
Faithfully Yours (Bonus Episode week 3-4)
May 06, 202436:43
Shifting Identities: Navigating Human Design

Shifting Identities: Navigating Human Design

In this episode, Amy Elizabeth introduces identity, evolution, and detachment within the context of human design. Drawing parallels to the idea of shapeshifting, she emphasizes the continuous evolution of our identity, particularly in the entrepreneurial journey, and the necessity of detachment from outdated versions of ourselves. Amy delves into the idea that embracing alignment leads to a constant evolution of our authentic selves. She highlights the importance of shedding old identities and embracing change to reach our highest potential. Through detachment from past attachments and expectations, she suggests that we can open ourselves to new possibilities and experiences, also encouraging us to embrace fluidity in our identities, recognizing that growth and transformation are integral parts of the journey towards alignment.

Apr 29, 202416:05
Faithfully Yours (Bonus Episode week 1-2)
Apr 22, 202453:20
Faith & Business: My Secret to Creating a Multi-Millionaire Brand

Faith & Business: My Secret to Creating a Multi-Millionaire Brand

In this episode, Amy shares her reflections on personal alignment and how it's shaping her life and business journey. As a single mom of three and a former teacher who turned her passion into a million-dollar enterprise, Amy's story is both inspiring and practical.

She starts by diving into what alignment truly means, especially in response to a recent question about her journey. Rather than offering cookie-cutter advice, Amy emphasizes the importance of authenticity and staying true to oneself. She shares how her own journey wasn't about following a specific plan but about embracing her personal power and beliefs.

Throughout the episode, Amy challenges the idea of chasing success for success's sake and instead advocates for a deeper, more meaningful approach to business and life. 

Apr 02, 202416:05
The Power of Aligned Waves: Emotional Authorities Activation

The Power of Aligned Waves: Emotional Authorities Activation

In this episode, Amy Elizabeth calls upon high-level leaders to reignite their connection with their deepest passions and true purpose, essential for maintaining a sustained drive towards success. Introducing her most recent program, "Waves," hailed as one of the most powerful offerings of the year, Amy delves into the profound significance of comprehending and leveraging our emotional waves. She shines a light on the common struggles experienced by emotional authorities, often overwhelmed or impeded by their emotions, which can pose challenges in various facets of life including personal growth, business endeavours, and relationships. Amy advocates for embracing emotional authority as an inherent superpower rather than perceiving it as a setback, underscoring its remarkable potential for fostering magnetism, influence, and deep connections. Through illuminating insights and actionable strategies, she guides listeners on a transformative journey to unlock the full potential of their emotions, empowering them to cultivate strength and resilience for unparalleled personal and professional growth. AVAILABLE PROGRAMS/MASTERCLASSES: - The power of Aligned Waves: If you have any questions about any upcoming masterclasses or programs please email ⁠ You can also find Amy Elizabeth on Instagram as: @theamyelizabeth⁠ or ⁠@alignbydesignhd

Mar 18, 202414:40
Magnetic March: Transforming Your Sales Strategy with Human Design
Mar 11, 202414:07
Unleash Your Magnetism: The Power of Alignment

Unleash Your Magnetism: The Power of Alignment

In this episode, Amy Elizabeth dives into the importance of alignment and the unsexy work necessary for success in life and business. With a glass of wine in hand on a Saturday night, Amy shares her insights, emphasizing the significance of alignment in every aspect of one's life, particularly its direct impact on financial success and personal magnetism.

Amy introduces her Magnetic Sales Masterclass and Unleash Sales, aimed at achieving effortless sales in complete alignment with oneself.

The conversation evolves to explore how alignment fuels magnetism, highlighting the necessity of personal power and self-belief. She explains the importance of taking radical responsibility for one's alignment, even in the face of challenging circumstances, also by embracing the unsexy work of self-reflection, healing, and strategic planning, asserting that true magnetism arises from unwavering alignment and action.

Throughout the episode, Amy encourages listeners to trust in their journey, emphasizing that magnetism isn't dependent on external factors but on personal power and alignment. She invites them to step into their truth, leverage their unique codes, and embrace the journey of self-leadership and alignment, ultimately paving the way for profound personal and professional growth in 2024 and beyond.

Mar 04, 202416:10
The Industry Shift: Your Blueprint to Business Evolution

The Industry Shift: Your Blueprint to Business Evolution

In this episode, Amy Elizabeth shares her excitement about a significant launch in 2024 and delves into the deeper aspects of opening up one's business as it evolves. She emphasizes the necessity of embracing a profound level of personal evolution, vulnerability, and truth as entrepreneurs strive for the next level of wealth. Amy challenges listeners to consider whether they are attracted to leaders who merely communicate the basics or those who address the next level within them. She introduces the concept of an industry shift and encourages listeners to be the catalysts for change in their respective fields, focusing on evolving leadership postures.

Amy discusses her transformative brand new mastermind, the Industry Shift, which she views as the next iteration of her own leadership journey. She passionately advocates for a posture of authenticity, confidence, and unwavering conviction to attract aligned clients and make significant financial strides. She highlights the importance of facing projections and triggers, not just from the audience but also from one's inner circle, and emphasizes the need for emotional intelligence in navigating these challenges. The episode concludes with Amy emphasizing the need for leaders to be trailblazers, unafraid to speak their truth and catalyze change within themselves and their businesses.

Feb 05, 202413:24
The Unsexy Work Behind a Sexier, Richer Existence

The Unsexy Work Behind a Sexier, Richer Existence

In this episode, Amy Elizabeth gets into her own story and why living out the principles is way more important than just knowing them. She talks about how digging deep into yourself can really change everything for the better.

Amy's journey is pretty incredible. She went from making just $9K a month to a $1M cash year! She's all about asking those big questions that make you think and grow. By figuring out what's holding you back and getting real with yourself, you can start moving toward what you really want.

Throughout the episode, Amy shares her thoughts on how growth, impact, and change play out in real life, drawing from her own experiences. She talks about the challenges of making a bigger impact and dealing with people's expectations, while also stressing the importance of staying true to yourself and believing in your own abilities. Amy's honest discussions about fear, ego, and staying aligned really hit home with listeners, encouraging them to step up, embrace change, and go after their goals with purpose.

Jan 29, 202419:06
The Staircase of Alignment: Overcoming Self-Sabotage

The Staircase of Alignment: Overcoming Self-Sabotage

In this episode, Amy Elizabeth welcomes listeners back to explore the intricacies of human design and how individuals often unknowingly hinder their own growth through self-sabotage. Amy sheds light on the tendency for people to reach a level of success or happiness and then undermine their progress by neglecting the habits and routines that got them there. She introduces her upcoming program, "Self Sabotage to Self Made," emphasizing the choices individuals make in their alignment journey.

Delving into the common phenomenon of protecting others through self-sabotage, particularly when personal growth alters relationships and dynamics, Amy encourages listeners to envision alignment as a continuous staircase, prompting them to rise above current levels, embrace change, and navigate uncomfortable conversations for lasting personal and financial growth. She also discusses the importance of adapting to evolving conditions, such as shifts in social media and buying trends, and highlights the unsexy work that amplifies magnetism, breaks down ego, and deepens self-leadership.

Throughout the episode, Amy emphasizes the approach to understanding self-sabotage and the need to ditch old patterns for growth. Listeners are encouraged to reflect on where they might be holding back and embrace the deep work of self-leadership for limitless success. 

Jan 22, 202414:19
In Sync with Uniqueness: A Deep Dive into Human Design
Jan 15, 202416:07
Parenting in High Frequencies

Parenting in High Frequencies

In this episode, Amy Elizabeth talks about how to align with the highest frequencies in our day-to-day lives. In a recent conversation with a client, Amy explored the importance of integrating these high vibes into human nature and interactions, sharing relatable examples from parenting over the Christmas break with her kids.

Amy reflects on the misalignments observed in 2023, where people were making money but lacked integrity. She advocates for a shift in 2024 towards radical honesty and taking responsibility for misalignments. The overarching theme is to raise personal standards and power while approaching the experimental journey with authenticity.

The episode emphasizes the transformative impact of understanding children's human design for a high-frequency parenting approach, ultimately leading to self-trust and confidence in navigating life. 

Jan 08, 202421:49
Unshakable Leadership: Navigating the Challenges of 2023 and Embracing Freedom in 2024

Unshakable Leadership: Navigating the Challenges of 2023 and Embracing Freedom in 2024

Jan 02, 202416:37
209. From How to Who: Navigating Growth, Alignment, and Leadership with Integrity

209. From How to Who: Navigating Growth, Alignment, and Leadership with Integrity

In this episode, Amy Elizabeth discusses the concept of "dropping the how" and emphasizes its significance for various design types, particularly for Mani- Gens, and Gens. She explains that dropping the how involves challenging established beliefs about building, growth, and strategy, moving away from a linear mindset towards a more holistic approach. Amy highlights that getting caught up in the specifics of how to achieve goals can lead to self-imposed limitations and reliance on external expectations. Instead, she advocates for focusing on the "hows" of personal growth, alignment, and transformation in the moment.

Amy talks about the necessity of embracing multiple pathways and perspectives, drawing parallels between teaching methods and the diverse ways to approach challenges. She stresses that people often fixate on a single approach due to ingrained beliefs, limiting their potential for innovation and growth. Amy shares her experience of realizing that the "how" often becomes clear in hindsight, emphasizing the importance of focusing on becoming and evolving rather than seeking immediate solutions.

Amy also introduces her mastermind program called "Millionaire Standards," which centers on integral wealth and impact. She underlines the importance of holding high standards, alignment, and personal growth for achieving sustainable success. Amy addresses various areas where standards are crucial, such as emotional intelligence, content creation, and financial management. She encourages individuals to move beyond temporary alignment based on external circumstances and strive for a deeper, consistent alignment that leads to profound growth and leadership.

Haven't Joined Millionaire Standards? Register Here

Sign Up before price goes up!

Aug 18, 202312:58
208. The Secrets Behind Six-Figure Months

208. The Secrets Behind Six-Figure Months

In this episode, Amy Elizabeth shares her journey from being a full-time teacher to becoming a successful life coach with six-figure cash months. She discusses how she started her coaching business as a hobby while on maternity leave and invested a significant amount of money into it. Despite facing financial challenges and being on maternity leave again with her third child, she trusted her intuition and spleenic authority and went all-in with her coaching business. She desired the freedom to spend time with her children without stress and pressure.

Amy talks about the profound transformation she experienced in her life and business by focusing on alignment and trusting herself. She emphasizes the importance of having one-to-one clients for personal growth and transformation but acknowledges that finding truly aligned clients has become rare for her due to her depth of knowledge and insights in human design. She shares her recent shift in perspective, exploring other methods to scale her business and achieve six-figure months without relying solely on one-to-one clients. This shift has brought her abundance, magnetism, and growth in other areas of her business.

Aug 07, 202313:43
207. Decoding 4th Line Profiles

207. Decoding 4th Line Profiles

Aug 04, 202312:36
206. From Barbie to Business: Embracing Entrepreneurial Power through Authenticity and Vision

206. From Barbie to Business: Embracing Entrepreneurial Power through Authenticity and Vision

In this episode, Amy Elizabeth discusses her experience watching the Barbie movie and draws parallels between the movie's themes and lessons applicable to entrepreneurship, thought leadership, and personal alignment. The movie brought back childhood memories and the power of imagination and creativity it fostered. Amy emphasizes the importance of authenticity and individuality in branding, highlighting how Barbie's staying power as a brand that is rooted in its uniqueness and embodiment.

Amy also explores the mindset of an entrepreneur, emphasizing the need for strong leadership, resilience, and a clear vision to navigate challenges and continue growing. The movie draw attention to the fifth line energy, representing projection and authenticity, as exemplified by Barbie. Amy encourages entrepreneurs to be authentic, focused on their dream, and unafraid to seek support to achieve their goals.

Additionally, emphasizes the necessity of personal power over circumstantial power, taking responsibility for our alignment, and not relying on external factors. Amy advice entrepreneurs to conduct thorough research, ask questions, and develop a balance between feminine intuition and masculine strategy in their businesses in order to build a brand that is aligned with our most authentic self.

Jul 24, 202317:59
205. Unraveling the Potential of the Undefined Root Center
Jul 21, 202314:35
204. Unlocking the Power of the Sacral Center: Embrace Authenticity and Self-Leadership for Lasting Alignment

204. Unlocking the Power of the Sacral Center: Embrace Authenticity and Self-Leadership for Lasting Alignment

In this episode, Amy Elizabeth, discusses her approach to human design and alignment. She emphasizes the importance of owning our powers and aligning with our authentic self to experience flow, ease, success, and magnetism. While her content recently has been focusing on Projectors due to her latest offer "PPP 2023 edition", she mentions upcoming offerings for Manifesting Generators and Generators - MMP (Money, Magnetism, Sex, and Power) and promotes her masterminds, "Allure" and "Refined," which cater to individuals of any energy type. She also mentions the success of the "Fifth Line" mastermind and the "Profiles" program with Melanie Ann Layer.

Amy dives into a quick discussion about the sacral center, specifically for Generators and Manifesting Generators. She talks about the importance of discerning whether a desire is genuine or influenced by external factors like FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). She suggests asking ourselves if we truly want something and if it aligns with our long-term goals. Amy also highlights the significance of integrity, self-trust, and staying power when committing to longer-term endeavours such as mentorships, programs, or relationships. She advises individuals to consider potential challenges and curveballs that may arise and evaluate if they possess the personal power and leadership skills to navigate through them. Amy encourages listeners to lead with integrity and self-leadership and emphasizes the need for alignment and embodiment in their actions.

Jul 17, 202312:11
203. Mastering the Art of Communication in High-Level Leadership

203. Mastering the Art of Communication in High-Level Leadership

In this episode, Amy Elizabeth talks about communication in high-level leadership. Explains how effective communication and the art of asking questions play crucial roles. Many people struggle with asking questions, but it is essential for growth and success in business. Allowing energetic hits and desires to guide us allows us to delve into deeper thoughts and unlock personal power.

Communication skills are vital for seeking understanding and support. It is important to contemplate the nature of our questions and not shy away from asking solid, impactful ones. Avoiding questions can lead to pain, doubt, and vulnerability regarding our soul mission. We can navigate conversations with intuition and purpose by being aware of our resistance and ego-driven tendencies.

Within coaching containers, the focus is on creating powerful spaces where leaders and ideal clients are called in. Developing the skill of holding these spaces becomes a significant part of the job, and it can be shared through courses, masterclasses, and other containers. While a lot of energetics is involved, there is also a logical aspect to it. Behind the scenes, strategy development is necessary for effective communication that feels both strategic and aligned.

It is important to recognize that communication goes beyond surface-level interactions and encompasses the deeper layers of intention and purpose.

Jul 07, 202312:37
202. Behind The Trigger - with Amy Elizabeth

202. Behind The Trigger - with Amy Elizabeth

In this episode, Amy Elizabeth talks about her new launching program: "The Trigger" A 3-month membership open for ALL energy types.

This three-month membership program is open to individuals of all energy types who seek activation and expansion through the transmission of triggers. Amy explains that triggers are pulled when we see, hear, or feel something, initiating a series of events that can lead to action or retreat.

Amy emphasizes the importance of bringing triggers into conscious awareness, as it allows for conscious control and the opportunity to view triggers as invitations for alignment and expansion. Within the program, participants will discover their Trigger Blue Print Story, which can be applied to all areas of life and business for continuous evolution. Actionable steps will be provided to help individuals incorporate triggers into their lives and elevate them to higher frequencies.

The program also explores the concept of using triggers as activators and leveraging them for alignment and evolution. Amy highlights the significance of defined and undefined hearts in reference to triggers and how they can be utilized as high-frequency tools for transcending triggers and expanding one's potential.

The program consists of six calls, including two live Q&A sessions, where participants can receive answers to their questions regarding trigger blueprints, taking action, and maximizing triggers for long-term elevated use. The ultimate goals of the program are to build wealth, personal power, impact, and alignment through the understanding and effective utilization of triggers.

Jul 03, 202314:21
201. Leading Towards Alignment: The Importance of Conscious Leadership

201. Leading Towards Alignment: The Importance of Conscious Leadership

In this episode, Amy Elizabeth talks about Align Leadership. The importance of leading oneself before leading others, including in business and mentorship. This involves taking action to build awareness, integrating and embodying the necessary changes to attain a new level of alignment which may be challenging, but ultimately rewarding.

Leaders must also prioritize supporting their beliefs and avoid situations that lead to misalignment. Integrated and true leadership involves leading in a conscious way while staying connected to one's truth and desires. This means leading with logic and standing in one's truth, even in vulnerable moments. Trusting oneself and intuition are key factors in attaining deeper alignment.

Finally, it is important to examine who we are behind the scenes and whether our actions match our words. By aligning our actions with our beliefs, we can lead by example and inspire others to follow. In conclusion, achieving alignment requires a conscious effort to lead oneself, support others, and stay true to one's values.

Jun 19, 202310:56
200. Behind Projector Power Paradigm
Jun 16, 202309:25
199. Are you really listening to your authority?

199. Are you really listening to your authority?

In this episode, Amy Elizabeth discusses the significance of authorities in navigating the complex system. The first step is to learn about your type. Understanding your personal authority is the subsequent step to navigating the world effectively.

Authorities play a crucial role in decision-making as they determine the approach you take when making choices. They provide a framework that helps you tune into your inner compass and follow your true path to make correct decisions.

Amy discusses how authorities face anxiety in their internal process and suggests some tips to overcome it. These include being mindful of the words spoken, having purposeful conversations, building trust towards decisions, delving deeper into highlighted feelings, and not hesitating to speak up and contribute to the discussion.

Amy shares some tips such as:

  • Being intentional about the things spoken
  • Having conversations that are purpose felt
  • Trust your intuition and build more trust toward decisions
  • Going deeper with a highlighted feeling 

By following your own strategy and personal authority, you will naturally head in the right direction in life. You will experience fewer obstacles and find your true self, living your signature instead of your not-self theme, which signifies that you are on the right path.

Join the 5th Edition of the PPP (Projector Power Paradigm)

Not sure about your profile? Book a Human Design Reading NOW!

Learn more about Ashley and Crystal

Book your reading with Ashley or Crystal!

Jun 12, 202307:18
198. How to Achieve Full Alignment based on your Energy Type - with Amy Elizabeth
Jun 09, 202311:17
197. Resuming the Journey: ABD Podcast is back!
Jun 05, 202318:33
196. Aligning with your Human Design with Amy Elizabeth and 1/4 Emotional Projector Anela Lebic
Jan 02, 202346:49
195. How to Trust Your Authority To Create Movement and Speed
Nov 30, 202216:16
194. Transcending Your Aura and Creating Chemistry Through Your Brand
Oct 14, 202213:42
193. All The Things I Didn’t Do In Order To Create Millions
Oct 12, 202213:03
192. The ICONIC Formula
Sep 16, 202215:37
191. September Channeled Messages For Each Energy Type
Sep 12, 202205:15
190. In The Name Of Allure | Exploring the Genetics of Manifestation

190. In The Name Of Allure | Exploring the Genetics of Manifestation

In this episode, Amy Elizabeth shares Align By Design's Masterclass Allure | Exploring the Genetics of Manifestation. Allow yourself to embody the Allure of a woman who knows what shes doing. A woman who allows herself to be energetically in tune. She is the full package of power. 

Tune in as Amy Elizabeth explains that this is an entirely different type of container. When we understand every piece of ourselves, every step in your process is done in your own Allure. 

When we fully embody our own allure, we manifest our deepest desires at rapid speeds. Allure is all about the alignment of your unique codes and pathways. What IF you manifested it all?

Aug 16, 202210:04
189. The Process of Detachment and Expanding Into Your Alignment

189. The Process of Detachment and Expanding Into Your Alignment

In this episode, Amy Elizabeth discusses the process of detachment and what it means to expand as you align deeper. Becoming leaders of growth and expansion means we have to go through the process of breaking down our energy type and start to understand how we operate on a deeper level. 

Tune in as Amy explains the difference between feeling pressure towards our goals versus playing in the field where everything is just works and we are in alignment with all that we desire. Alignment comes when there is less resistance which takes emotional intelligence and detachment from certain energetic frequencies. 

Play in the bigness of your own energetic field. 

Jul 14, 202217:03
188. Becoming The Energetic Match for Overflow

188. Becoming The Energetic Match for Overflow

In this episode, Amy Elizabeth shares insight on what is takes to become the energetic match for overflow. To Amy Elizabeth, wealth means so much more than money - it is a lifestyle and a way of operating. Wealth is time, health, freedom, choice, flexibility and family. We create overflow in our lives so we can have flexibility and live in deep alignment with our specific design. 

Tune is as Amy explores how setbacks are opportunities for expansion, what it means to take radical responsibility and how to create overflow in your mind, body, spirit and life. 

Jul 12, 202216:05
187. I AM: The Rich Projector Mastermind
Jun 24, 202217:34
186. High and Low Frequency “Toxic” Traits of Each Human Design Energy Type

186. High and Low Frequency “Toxic” Traits of Each Human Design Energy Type

In this lighthearted episode, Amy Elizabeth shares what low frequency or “toxic” traits are for each design, as well as the high frequency energy behavior.

It is always a choice to be in our higher frequency in every moment, and knowing the polarity of your design can help us get there. Tune in as Amy shares what blind spots we may have in the ways we show up for ourselves and others. 

Become the person you were born and designed to be. 

Jun 20, 202212:47
185. ANOTHER WORLD - The Masterclass and A Special Message for Projectors
Jun 13, 202219:21
184. Outspoken - Master The Art of Online Business with For The Wild Femme

184. Outspoken - Master The Art of Online Business with For The Wild Femme

In this episode, Amy Elizabeth is joined by Jaclyn Shaw and Robyn Savage of For The Wild Femme as they share their exciting new program: Outspoken. Outspoken is an upcoming speaker series featuring 12 of the most influential, empowered and wealthy women online.

Outspoken is a one of a kind program that is bringing women together in leadership and paving the path in a whole new way. Immerse yourself in the expansive energy of these powerful women and discover what it takes to become the version of yourself who makes millions online. 

Hear their truths, receive their teachings, collect their hows.

Get your tickets here. 

Apr 26, 202241:50
183. The Evolution of Align By Design with Amy Elizabeth, Liz Coyles and Jamie Cagan
Mar 31, 202201:03:07
182. How Our Unhealthy Ego Creates Misalignment
Feb 14, 202224:18
181. Sacral Synergy - Tapping Into Your Deepest Desires with Liz Coyles
Feb 07, 202226:38
180. Understanding Our Ego within The Human Design Journey
Jan 31, 202219:39
179. Dismantling Ego - The Rise of the PURE Woman
Jan 24, 202215:17
178. Embracing Transparency As a Leader in 2022
Jan 11, 202220:53
177. Listening To Your Splenic Authority with 6/2 Splenic Projector and Entrepreneur Kaila O’Connor

177. Listening To Your Splenic Authority with 6/2 Splenic Projector and Entrepreneur Kaila O’Connor

Human Design is an incredible tool when it comes to running your own business. In today's episode, Liz Coyles is joined by Kaila O'Connor - CEO of KMO Consulting, an Affiliate PR service & training business guided by Human Design. Kaila shares her personal journey with integrating Human Design in her personal life as well as her flourishing business. Kaila has stepped into her power as a 6/2 Splenic Projector and is using her knowledge of Human Design to bring in more wealth, joy and abundace in all areas of her life. 

Tune in as Liz Coyles and Kaila O'Connor discuss what it means to run your business as a Splenic Projector, finding the perfect business partner and how growing pains turn into opportunites for alignment. 

Watch the replay of Amy Elizabeth and Liz Coyles' Masterclass WOMAN here. 

Dec 30, 202151:52
176. Finding Your Happiness - The Journey of Heartbreak to Finding Love with Liz Coyles and Amy Elizabeth
Dec 20, 202144:42
175. Creating a Beautiful Life Worthy Of An Exhibit

175. Creating a Beautiful Life Worthy Of An Exhibit

This time of year is a time for us to look at back and reflect on how we showed up for ourselves. Where did you expand, where did you grow? Are you living in alignment with your desires? In this episode, Amy Elizabeth reflects on the miracles and shifts that took place in 2021. When we are consciously create our lives, we are living our masterpiece. The goal is to create a life so beautiful, so vibrant, that it is worthy of having it's own exhibit. 

Dec 09, 202116:19