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Anchor Church City

Anchor Church City

By Anchor Church Sydney

Weekly preaching audio from Anchor City.

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Weekly Gatherings: 10am Factory Theatre, Marrickville 2204.

Lead Pastor: Matt Sparks
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Whatever It Takes

Anchor Church CityFeb 09, 2020

For the Sake of the Church | When Siblings Fight

For the Sake of the Church | When Siblings Fight

Our futures determine how we move in the present. This week Arnaldo, Lead Pastor at Anchor South West brings the word from 1 Corinthians 6:1-11. The witness of the church is at stake when we don't learn how to fight well as brothers and sisters in Christ. Listen in as we explore the reality that "our eschatological reality, which is based on our past redemption, should shape our present relationships."

Jun 02, 202441:50
10th Birthday

10th Birthday

God has done and we believe will continue to do immeasurably more than all we ask for imagine! Today we give God all the glory he deserves for all he's done in the last 10 years!

May 26, 202428:29
For the Sake of the Church | Porneia in the Church

For the Sake of the Church | Porneia in the Church

In a culture of promiscuity the body of Christ is called to holiness as we to honour God with our bodies.

May 20, 202452:35
For the Sake of the Church | Fools for Christ

For the Sake of the Church | Fools for Christ

In the previous chapters Paul has rebuked the Corinthians for dividing over which human leaders they follow and evaluating them according to worldly measures. In chapter four he explains how Christian leaders should be 'rightly' regarded; as well as what it means to follow them in the 'foolish' way of the cross.

May 12, 202440:33
For the Sake of the Church | Spiritual People

For the Sake of the Church | Spiritual People

In a culture and church that feels more divided than ever, what does it look like for us to be one unified body under Christ?

May 05, 202443:02
For the Sake of the Church | Wisdom & Power

For the Sake of the Church | Wisdom & Power

Christianity is not 'cool'! Never was and never will be! At the centre of our faith is a foolish message, spoken to ordinary people, in unimpressive ways. Yet there lies the very power of God!

1 Cor 1:17-19, 20-25, 26-29, 2:1-5
Apr 28, 202448:33
Parables: The Lost Sheep (Luke 15:1-7)

Parables: The Lost Sheep (Luke 15:1-7)

James Wong preaches on the Parable of the Lost Sheep from Luke 15:1-7.
Apr 27, 202436:14
Parables: The Sower (Matthew 13:1-23)

Parables: The Sower (Matthew 13:1-23)

Jesus told parables to conceal as much as he did to reveal truth. Jesus tells this parable to demonstrate the varied responses to his message. Which soil are you like? To those who have ears.
Apr 14, 202441:20
FORMED: Witness

FORMED: Witness

When Jesus ascends to heaven, he places the mission of God into the hands of ordinary people. How are we called to partner with him by being his witnesses in our city today?
Apr 07, 202441:55
Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

Is there a way to make death sting a little less?

Mar 31, 202425:17
Good Friday

Good Friday

What would you be willing to give up for someone that you love? Listen to this Good Friday message on the unfathomable love of God from Pastor James Wong.
Mar 29, 202435:43
Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

The gap between our expectations and reality can often be difficult to come to terms with. As Jesus enters Jerusalem in 33AD, this proves to be true for the Jewish people. Is Jesus the one who will fulfil their expectations?
Mar 24, 202430:55
FORMED: Service

FORMED: Service

Our world constantly say 'move up'! Promotions, progress and upward mobility. Yet, if we're to be formed into the likeness of Jesus, we need to adopt His posture of humble service!
Mar 17, 202447:07
FORMED: Generosity

FORMED: Generosity

How do we fight against the consumerism, materialism and individualism of our age and be formed more and more into the image of Jesus? By practicing the discipline of generosity.
Mar 10, 202446:27
FORMED: Community

FORMED: Community

Last year the U.S. Surgeon General along with the World Health Organisation released a report titled 'Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation.' Despite being more digitally 'connected' than ever, we are living in a world that has a loneliness problem. The good news is that Jesus invites us into, and offers us, a better way: a vision for community that can satisfy our longings for relationship and is what we were truly created for.
Mar 03, 202446:07
FORMED: Sabbath

FORMED: Sabbath

Today, non-stop work has become a virtue. Busy is compulsory. Pausing is a missed opportunity. Now more than ever, we need to take up the practice of Sabbath and hear the invitation of Jesus to come to him and receive rest for our souls.
Feb 25, 202439:16
FORMED: Solitude

FORMED: Solitude

In a world of constant noise and information, we need to cultivate the places and times for silence and solitude.
Feb 18, 202445:06
FORMED: Fasting

FORMED: Fasting

Lead Pastor Matt Sparks teaches on Fasting, the next or practice in our FORMED series.
Feb 11, 202438:46
FORMED: Scripture Meditation

FORMED: Scripture Meditation

Voices shape us, be that the parental voice, educational voice, or social voice. The most important shaping voice in the life of a Christian is God. That's why having a pattern of regular, intentional, spiritual reading of scripture is essential for Christlikeness. There is no healthy, sustaining faith that does not put down deep roots into the Word of God.
Feb 04, 202442:44
FORMED: Series Introduction & Prayer

FORMED: Series Introduction & Prayer

We are constantly being formed by the culture around us, the people we spend time with, and the content we consume. The question isn't are we being formed, but rather, who are we being formed into? For the disciple of Jesus; how can we be formed more into the people God has called us to be? James Wong introduces this key series and teaches on the first practice - prayer.
Jan 28, 202441:11
Parables: The Wise and Foolish Builders (Luke 6:46-49)

Parables: The Wise and Foolish Builders (Luke 6:46-49)

The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders is so iconic they made a Sunday School song about it. But what is this story truly about; and what does it mean for us today? Guest preacher Adrian Tam from City To City Australia helps us understand Jesus' words from Luke 6.
Jan 21, 202443:34
Parables: The Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18:21-35)

Parables: The Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18:21-35)

Forgiveness is falling out of fashion in our (cancel) culture; quickly becoming the distant relative that you rarely see; an outdated relic left to gather dust on the shelf of artifacts that our society no longer sees as necessary or useful. But what does Jesus think about forgiveness? What did he teach his disciples about it? James Wong teaches on the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant from Matthew 18.
Jan 14, 202444:31
Parables: The Hidden Treasure (Matthew 13:44-46)

Parables: The Hidden Treasure (Matthew 13:44-46)

As humans, we love beautiful things! Whether it’s a a beautiful landscape, or a renaissance painting, or a piece of fine jewellery... But have you ever thought of the Gospel as beautiful? To kick off 2024, James Ayre (Pastor at Anchor South West) unpacks Matthew 13:44-46 to show us the beauty of the Gospel and how it’s worth giving up everything for.
Jan 07, 202436:28
Christmas 2023 - A Peace That Lasts

Christmas 2023 - A Peace That Lasts

Peace is something we all long for: whether in the world events around us, our relationships with others, or even in a sense of inner-peace found within ourselves. The Good News of Christmas is that Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, offers us peace that can never be taken away and that will truly last forever.

Dec 24, 202327:34
The Supremacy of Christ

The Supremacy of Christ

(Colossians 1:15-20)

Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and he is returning. How should we live while we wait?

Dec 17, 202338:44
Formed by the Presence

Formed by the Presence

Renewal comes when the people of God are renewed by the presence of God. The question posed by the story of Exodus 33 and 34 is this: will we be a people formed by God’s presence or by God’s absence?

Dec 10, 202339:09
Faith In The Midst (Mark 4:35-41)

Faith In The Midst (Mark 4:35-41)

Fear is one of the most common human experiences. We experience it in acute moments of crisis, but also in the day-to-day worries and anxieties of life. How can the follower of Jesus respond to the presence of fear and anxiety in their life? What alternative story do we have to offer a world plagued by fear? James Wong delivers a faith-fueled message based on the words of Jesus in Mark 4:35-41.
Dec 03, 202336:58
Celebration Sunday 2023

Celebration Sunday 2023

Celebration Sunday
Nov 26, 202316:29
Scandalous Witness (1 Peter) | Shepherds, Lambs & Lions

Scandalous Witness (1 Peter) | Shepherds, Lambs & Lions

Humble leaders and humble churches.
Nov 19, 202331:45
Radiant | A Posture of Pride and a Heart of Humility

Radiant | A Posture of Pride and a Heart of Humility

Radiant is Anchor City's women's ministry.
Women can easily find themselves entangled in a web of social and community expectations that are sometimes conflicting, often competing, and always overwhelming. In this parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, Jesus illustrates why the posture of pride that our society preaches is problematic. Jesus explains that only a heart of humility can accept his gift of righteousness and when we look to him for help, we are made radiant with joy.
Nov 18, 202325:24
Scandalous Witness (1 Peter) | The Fiery Trial

Scandalous Witness (1 Peter) | The Fiery Trial

1 Perter 4:1-19
Nov 12, 202339:08
Scandalous Witness (1 Peter) | Keep Doing Good

Scandalous Witness (1 Peter) | Keep Doing Good

How should we respond when we suffer for our faith? Peter exhorts us to keep doing good; living counter-cultural lives that evoke the curiosity of the world around us and following in the example of our Saviour Jesus.
Nov 05, 202351:50
Scandalous Witness (1 Peter) | A Gracious Thing

Scandalous Witness (1 Peter) | A Gracious Thing

1 Peter 2:13-3:7
Oct 29, 202354:38
Scandalous Witness (1 Peter) | God's People

Scandalous Witness (1 Peter) | God's People

God's People
Oct 22, 202339:39
Scandalous Witness (1 Peter) | You Shall Be Holy

Scandalous Witness (1 Peter) | You Shall Be Holy

The pressure on any minority is to fit in and thus lose their distinctiveness. Peter instructs these chose exiles not to conform but to be an alert, obedient, holy, and loving people fuelled by the Word of God.
Oct 15, 202344:59
Scandalous Witness (1 Peter) | Chosen Exiles

Scandalous Witness (1 Peter) | Chosen Exiles

How do we live as Christians in a world that is increasingly Christian? Do we fight? Do we flee? Peter offers us a difference way: the way of being elect exiles.
Oct 08, 202344:33
Christian Baal (1 Kings 18)

Christian Baal (1 Kings 18)

A showdown between gods. Can we have confidence in the work and love of God?

1 Kings 18 can answer that.
Oct 01, 202301:12:52
Compassion Sunday 2023

Compassion Sunday 2023

Jesus says that a compassionate response to need is what genuine love for neighbour looks like. On Compassion Sunday 2024 we will look at the famous parable of the good Samaritan.
Sep 17, 202336:12
Friendship & Live Panel Discussion

Friendship & Live Panel Discussion

Friends: We love them, we need them and we all recognise the important role they have to play in our lives. But what does it mean to be a 'Godly' friend? How can we avoid settling for 'low-quality' friendships and instead have and be the kind of friends who enrich each other's lives the way God intended? James Wong shares four traits of Godly friends from Proverbs before facilitating a panel discussion with Mitch Brice and Chrystal Buckingham-Jones.
Sep 10, 202301:01:23


Sep 03, 202343:21


Relationship series - Singleness 2023
Matt Sparks
Aug 27, 202339:12
Job: The Righteous Sufferer | A Voice from the Storm

Job: The Righteous Sufferer | A Voice from the Storm

After 37 chapters of apparent 'silence' - God speaks. Job encounters the awe-inspiring, terrifying God and is humbled.
Aug 13, 202350:52
Job: The Righteous Sufferer | The Art Of Lamenting

Job: The Righteous Sufferer | The Art Of Lamenting

The book of Job is an invitation to enter into the ancient art of lamenting. In this message James Wong explains the place of lament in the Scriptures and gives us practical steps to help us grow in this necessary yet forgotten practice.
Aug 06, 202346:37
Job: The Righteous Sufferer | Comfort

Job: The Righteous Sufferer | Comfort

Six things NOT to say to someone who is suffering!
Jul 30, 202340:05
Job: The Righteous Sufferer | Job’s Suffering

Job: The Righteous Sufferer | Job’s Suffering

God's power and goodness violently collide with the suffering of this world. How do we make sense of this tension? How does God run the world? What kind of God is he? Why do bad things happen to good people? Is there such a thing as innocent suffering? Job launches us into the heart of the human experience and gives us a God who doesn't answer our questions but is with us in our pain.
Jul 23, 202358:52
Global Mission Sunday 2023 | Beautiful Feet

Global Mission Sunday 2023 | Beautiful Feet

God's Vision for the world is to unite all things together under Christ. We play a part in God's mission as people who declare and demonstrate the reign of God in Christ. We also celebrate our partnership with Scott & Ruth and their work in the Philippines.
Jul 16, 202318:12
Running with Perseverance (Hebrews 12:1-11)

Running with Perseverance (Hebrews 12:1-11)

How do we endure in our faith for the long haul?
Jul 09, 202336:36
Encountering the Risen Christ (Luke 24:13-35)

Encountering the Risen Christ (Luke 24:13-35)

Guest preacher Adrian Tam from City To City Australia preaches on Luke 24:13-35.
Jul 02, 202338:39
Movement Sunday 2023 | Power & Practices

Movement Sunday 2023 | Power & Practices

A Movement Sunday message by Lead Pastor James Dawson of Anchor Northern Beaches.
Jun 25, 202334:60
Rise & Fall of Kings (1-2 Samuel) | Return of the King

Rise & Fall of Kings (1-2 Samuel) | Return of the King

What do we do when our heroes are exposed? Where do we turn when those we put our hope in let us down and disappoint us? James Wong points us to the only sure hope we have in the final installment of our series in 1 & 2 Samuel.
Jun 18, 202348:40