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Have You Not Heard?

Have You Not Heard?

By Angel H Davis

Explore the healing and wholeness that is available through the combination of sound psychology and God's truths. Join Angel as she shares armchair wisdom from a seasoned therapist's point of view for humanity's good and God's Glory. She'll host guests, tell real-life stories of healing and relevant truths from the word of God. Grab a friend and join in for encouraging and uplifting content and inspiration.
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Overcoming Addiction w/Tommy Doyle

Have You Not Heard?May 27, 2021

Remaining Strong in Love w/ Suzanne Chambers
Feb 01, 202443:36
Battling Compassion Fatigue w/ Sharon Danley
Oct 26, 202342:38
“Hope in the Midst of the Unknown” w/ Heather Hill
Oct 02, 202352:00
For the Love of Our Children: Final Espisode

For the Love of Our Children: Final Espisode

We are wrapping up our series on Gender identity and kids. Today I'll share more stats, quotes and helpful tips to remember. Let's remember, most of all, as Christians, we have the God of hope on our side. He knows all and He created our kids to be alive for 'such a time as this'. I am praying that we all become equipped to help them live out their God given purposes and true identity.

God's commodity for thriving in life began in the Garden of Eden and included the boundary lines of gender, not to restrict us, but to give us true freedom and subsequently, our world could thrive. The big questions are: Who do you believe created mankind? Who do you believe knows what is best for mankind?

I talk about parents knowing what is best for their kids because they can understand more, anticipate what life will be like for them in the future and know pros and cons of choices. How much more then, would our Father know for us? Let's usher in peace for our children by trusting and believing what God our creator has said, and hold onto His healthy boundary lines for our kids, until they are able to do it for themselves.

Please rate, review and share this podcast so more people can hear and know the hope and healing that comes from sound psychology and Biblical truth. Let's be part of healing our world, one person at a time. Selah.




Frank Turek: Correct, Not Politically Correct - Stand to Reason Podcast

For female Detransitioners:

Sex Change Regret website:

"Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters" by Abigail Shrier

"Correct, Not Politically Correct: About Same-Sex Marriage and Transgenderism" by Frank Turek

Aug 02, 202344:12
For the Love of Our Children: Bonus

For the Love of Our Children: Bonus

Today, I’m jumping on to give you a few tips and information that could help on this journey with your teens and kids. I’ll be wrapping up this episode series at the end of July. Please go back and listen to the other episodes if you haven’t had a chance. Like, share, and review so that more people can hear and know the healing and freedom that can come from good sound psychology and God‘s truth! Be part of healing, our world, one person at a time.

Jul 15, 202317:40
"For the Love of our Children Part 5: The Influence of Grandparents w/ Paul Chambers

"For the Love of our Children Part 5: The Influence of Grandparents w/ Paul Chambers

We continue in our series of gender ideology and children from a Grandparent's point of view. What are the concerns that Grandparents have and how can we positively make an impact in our grandkids lives? Why should we care about this issue at all? And how do we address it in a productive way?

Paul Chambers joins me today to discuss his journey. He discusses how he and his wife are addressing the issues and gives resources he has found along the way. Paul is straight forward with the word of God and his own beliefs, and shares practical information and tips on addressing this important topic with your Grandkids.

Whether you are a parent, grandparent or friend, you will benefit from Paul's wisdom. Listen in. Share the episdoe with a friend. And per normal, like and review this episode so more people can recieve the hope and healing that comes from God's word and sound psychology! We are changing the world, one person at a time. It matters. You matter. God bless.

Jun 28, 202336:48
For the Love of Our Children Part 4: What's Up in the Schools?
Jun 21, 202342:59
For the Love of our Children Part 3: Instilling a Biblical Worldview w/ Jessica and Travis Gay
Jun 13, 202355:47
For the Love of Our Children: Part 2 w/ Lisa Mason

For the Love of Our Children: Part 2 w/ Lisa Mason

One of my favorite preacher friends is back with us:)! Lisa unabashedly, in humility, speaks Truth in love. And that's what we are going to do today. I've asked her back (check her out on episode #11) to chat with me about the Bible and gender. She gives us a crash course on the Biblical worldview regarding gender, and then we discuss the day's issues.

Listen in as we wrestle with the rise of gender identity confusion/dysphoria. We look at how the church addresses these issues redemptively and where the church may be missing the mark. Some of the questions we ponder are: How does a Biblical worldview help us navigate what the world is calling normal? How can we help? How do we have redemptive conversations? What difference can you and I make?

The tagline for this Podcast is "Helping a hurting world one person at a time." So, please, please, please (as Lisa would say), helps us spread the word by hitting the like button, forwarding the episode to your friends, commenting, or giving a review. In doing so, this allows the message to go far and wide. You can do this one thing today to make a difference for our youth. Let's spread Hope and Healing that comes from Biblical truth and sound psychology! Soli Deo Gloria.


"No Reason to Hide", Erwin Lutzer

"The Secular Creed", by Rebecca McLaughlin

"Gay Girl, Good God", Jackie Hill Perry,

"Five Lies of our Anti-Christian Age", Rosaria Butterfield. (coming in September 2023)

For female detransitioners:

Tips for Redemptive Conversations:

1. Listen, listen, listen

2. Ask clarifying questions. i.e. Where did you learn that? Who are you allowing to define you? What defines you? How do you feel about that? I don't know what that term means, can you explain it?

3. Address their feelings and emotions. Affirm them AND let them know they don't define them. Feelings are not their identity.

4. Lovingly point them to Jesus and HIs love for them. They are already defined and have an identity in Him. And He purposely made them male or female.They are just as God intends them to be.

5. Deal with their wrong thinking. (thinking that contradicts God's word).

6. Get the root of what their dysphoria or confusion is about. Search the internal. An external solution will not fix an internal problem. (it might give temporary relief, but cannot address the root issues).

7. Ask to pray for them. "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

DO ALL IN LOVE and give Hope that is in Christ. We ALL can be made new creations through Him.

Jun 05, 202356:39
"For the Love of Our Children" Part 1

"For the Love of Our Children" Part 1

It is May and Mental Health Awareness month. I can’t think of anything better to focus on than our teens. I always loved working with teens, because I felt it was preventive medicine for their future. We have all heard the concerning statistics of how mental health issues are rising in teens. Suicide, anxiety and depression have skyrocketed (If you haven’t listened to my Episode #80 on "Hope for the Problem of Suicide, w/Matthew Sleeth", check it out). This is only the start of the mental health issues, so it’s hard to know where to focus.  What I have found over my 34+ years of counseling is that at the heart of most people’s problems is Identity. And during the preteen/teen years is where this exploration hits a high note. Who am I? What is my value? What is my purpose? Am I seen, known, loved, accepted?  On this Podcast for the next 6 weeks, we will be focusing on the the journey of identity. In the cultural climate we are in, that means we need to address gender identity/confusion and gender dysphoria, because it seems this is the ‘measuring stick’ youth (and adults) are being encouraged to use. As Christians’ how do we help kids navigate this journey? My goal in this series is to have conversations; give information, educate, empower and equip parents, grandparents, leaders, and youth. I will not tell you what to do or how to think, although some of my opinions (as well as my guests) will come through.  I want us to think about these issues thoroughly and be equipped to help kids do the same. Today is an introduction and laying of the groundwork to these conversations. This is not the an easy topic to explore, but it's essential. We have an entire generation of youth who need hope and healing. Let's join together and help change their world. Resources:   Secular: *Brain Development: *Partners For Ethical Care: “No Child is born in the wrong body”. *Scott Newgent:  Fighting to stop childhood medical transition world-wide *Abigail Shrier "Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing our Daughters" ⁠ *" Correction: Transgender Surgery Provides No Mental Health Benefit": *Erin Friday: *Tavistock Gender Clinic closing:   Christian Resources: * Dr. Ann E. Gilles, PhD. *Sophia Galvin *Dr. Juli Slattery    *Preston Sprinkle: *Lou Phillips:  *Sam Allberry:  *Caleb Kaltenbach  “Messy Truth” and “Messy Grace”  *Jackie Hill Perry, “Gay Girl, Good God” *Erwin W. Lutzer, "No Reason to Hide" *Rosaria Butterfield: "The Secret Life of an Unlikely Convert: AN ENGLISH PROFESSOR’S JOURNEY INTO CHRISTIAN FAITH" *Nancy Pearcy , "Love Thy Body”,  *Andrew Bunt, "Finding Your Best Identity: A Short Christian Introduction to Identity, Sexuality, and Gender” *Jonathan Morrow:            
May 18, 202348:04
Experiencing God's Peace in an Anxious World w/Kasey Shuler
May 03, 202345:42
A Story of God's Faithfulness w/ Marilou Braswell

A Story of God's Faithfulness w/ Marilou Braswell

Marilou is the Director of FCA Cheer, a mom, grandma, friend, and awesome tennis player. She also has a passion and zeal that comes through her personal relationship with Christ. Listen in and get a dose of Marilou's excitement for life, Jesus and FCA Cheer. Be sure to listen to the end, because just like an epic sports game, the best stuff comes in the last minutes. Be sure to like, share and review this podcast episode, so you can be part of helping a hurting world with God's truth, one person at a time.

Mar 23, 202337:31
Freedom from Sex Trafficking w/ Christy Freeland

Freedom from Sex Trafficking w/ Christy Freeland

This is not a topic that we want to delve into, but if there is anyone to jump in it with, it's Christy. Her personal testimony of life abundant after sex trafficking and trauma, points us to the hope and healing that is possible. There is freedom and there is healing after sexual abuse. Grab a friend, and listen in. Be sure to like and share this episode. Who knows who might listen to it and find healing and hope through your small actions? Let's help God heal our world, one person at a time. 

More about Christy:
Christy's vision is to create a non-profit that provides a bridge to funding for individuals to receive trauma-informed, faith-based, mental health treatment through the tenets of: Word (Scripture/Discipleship), Worship (Music, Arts, & Prayer), & Wise Counsel (Counseling/Therapy).

To contact her: or 


National Human Trafficking Hotline: 888-373-7888

Scriptures: John 1:12; Isaiah 61:1-3; Psalm 91:14-15; 1 Corinthians 10:13; 1 Peter 5:7; Psalm 12:6; 2 Corinthians 14:16-18 

Feb 28, 202346:16
Good News from Around the World: Revivals from Cuba to Asbury w/ Carolyn Moore

Good News from Around the World: Revivals from Cuba to Asbury w/ Carolyn Moore

God is bringing light into the dark around the world. Today, my friend Carolyn, who happens to be an amazing Pastor, is sharing her experience and knowledge of what is happening in our midst. If you are weighed down by what's wrong with our world, this will encourage you. Carolyn's message will inspire you to 'dig deep your wells' with Jesus. Revival starts in our hearts and goes forth from there. So listen in, share with a friend, and let's participate in what God is doing right here, right now, in our midst.
Carolyn is a church planter and a passionate follower of Jesus. And she loves His Word! She’s a speaker, blogger, podcaster, writer, Head Minister, Wife, Mom, and Grandma. Check out episodes #9 and #91 for more of her wise words and holy passion.
Luke 9:1-2 And he called the twelve together and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases, 2 and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal.
Pray for Cuba: Freedom—the proliferation of the Gospel. Systems would be free from corruption. Free from dependency.
Pray for National Day of Collegiate Prayer- February 23rd.
Feb 16, 202335:42
God Centered Friendships w/ Jan Firth

God Centered Friendships w/ Jan Firth

Friendship is a gift from God. And it takes all of God's resources to grow them, keep them healthy and thriving over time. It started in the Garden of Eden, as God created Adam and Eve for relationship with Himself and each other. It continues throughout the Bible narrative; David and Jonathan; Ruth and Naomi; Jesus and Mary, Martha and Lazarus, to name a few. And we were left to carry on the legacy here on earth. Thank God, all relationships in Christ will be made whole and healthy in eternity. Until then, we can count on the Holy Spirit to use our friendships to grow us, strengthen us, teach us and form us more into His image...if we allow Him the freedom to work.
Today I am introducing to you my God-ordained friend Jan, and we share a bit of what God has taught us and done in us through our friendship journey. I hope it edifies you. please like, rate, and share so more friends can hear God's hope and healing!
Feb 06, 202335:29
"I AM" Enough Part Two

"I AM" Enough Part Two

It's been 'a minute', but here's the second part that I promised you! Listen in as I share more from the teachings I gleaned from Spiritual Director in 2001. If you didn't get a chance to listen to the first part in August 25th, 2022, Episode 90, please do. This episode will make more since if you go:)!
What is enslaving us? What is keeping us from believing our true identity in Christ, as a beloved son or daughter? What is keeping us from living in freedom and fullness? What is keeping us from feeling secure, seen and accepted? What is keeping us from living in peace?
These timeless truths of God will address this and more. Grab your friend; your favorite hot beverage and enjoy. My prayer is that you will more than enjoy; but that you will ingest these truths through the power of the Holy Spirit, and be forever changed. In Jesus name, Amen!


“I am El-Shaddai—‘God Almighty.’ Genesis 17:1
“I am the God of your father, Abraham,” He said. “Do not be afraid, for I am with you and will bless you. Genesis 26:24
“I Am Who I Am. Say this to the people of Israel: I Am has sent me to you.” Exodus 3:14
And God said to Moses, “I am Yahweh—‘the Lord.’ Exodus 6:2
“I am the Lord who heals you.” Exodus 15:26
“I am the Lord your God, who rescued you from the land of Egypt, the place of your slavery. Exodus 20:2
“I am merciful.” Exodus 22:27
“Yahweh! The Lord! The God of compassion and mercy! I am slow to anger and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness.” Exodus 34:6
Jesus answered, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. The only way to the Father is through me.” John 14:6
“Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me. Or believe because of the miracles I have done.” John 14:11
The Lord God says, “I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am the One who is and was and is coming. I am the Almighty.” Revelation 1:8
“I am the One who lives; I was dead, but look, I am alive forever and ever!” Revelation 1:18
Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Jan 13, 202321:36
Journaling for Spiritual Growth w/ Marc Schelske
Nov 10, 202246:05
"Keeping the Faith" w/ Caleb DelMarter

"Keeping the Faith" w/ Caleb DelMarter

What a joy to hear the deep faith coming from a 20 year old man. Caleb shares how life events have shaped his faith and view of the world. He also gives us wisdom in relating the Gospel to his age group - the Gen Zers. We even discuss the Russian/Ukrainian war. Whether you are a life long Christian, a new believer or a seeker, I think you will enjoy and gain insight from our chat. Grab a friend and listen in. Please like, share, and review this episode so more people can be encouraged by the hope and healing that comes from Jesus!
Oct 31, 202238:53
"Pursuing Your Passions" w/Kacina Hewell

"Pursuing Your Passions" w/Kacina Hewell

What a treat to have Kacina Hewell with us today. She is a Mom, wife, entrepreneur and follower of Jesus. Kacina is swimming 'upstream' in our current culture by pursuing her passion of being a stay at home Mom. She also has found time to start her own business. Grab a friend and listen in as we chat about faith, family, business and life. 

For more information about "Better To Give Gifts" check out on Instagram.  

Acts 20:35 (ESV) " In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

Oct 05, 202234:39
"When Women Lead" w/ Carolyn Moore

"When Women Lead" w/ Carolyn Moore

Pastor Carolyn Moore is back! Talking with Carolyn is always a treat. Her passion for Jesus and the body of Christ is palpable. Her honesty and encouragement are refreshing. And she has great wisdom from her journey on the 'road less traveled' for women. Men also will benefit from this conversation. So grab your people, pull up a chair, lace up your walking shoes or start the car, and listen in! Be sure to help Carolyn's message reach others by liking, rating and sharing this podcast episode. Blessings and cheers to Kingdom Building! 

 About the book: “What if the Kingdom of God is straining toward the day when all God’s people are deployed in the work of the Great Commission? Women are already leading powerful movements around the world. The evangelistic explosion being documented in many closed countries is largely due to the leadership of women. Missionaries tell of the critical role of women in introducing the gospel to new groups. This book can help to equip a new generation of women to rise up with tools in hand to welcome and advance God’s Kingdom on earth.”

To order:  Or at Amazon

Sep 13, 202246:32
"I AM" Enough

"I AM" Enough

Great to back with ya'll! I've missed you. Today we are chatting about hearing from the Great "I AM". God is enough. Sufficient. All complete. And more than able to help us in our inadequacies. We also chat about how He purposely gave us imperfections (yup, you heard that right), out of His love for us. I share my experience of 'hearing' personally from the the Great I AM and how it impacted me, and subsequently applies to you. Listen in and share with a friend, so you can be inspired and enabled to receive the truth that in Him and through Him you are enough! 

Exodus 3: 14-15; Isaiah 43:1-2 

Aug 25, 202228:44
 "The Power of Our Words" w/ Joyce Heard

"The Power of Our Words" w/ Joyce Heard

Joyce Heard is back!  I know you are excited. She is here to challenge and edify us with the questions: What are you doing with your tongue? With the words that you speak? Are we building up or breaking down? Are we harming or helping? Discouraging or encouraging? Are we speaking words that bring darkness or light? What our world needs now more than ever are words that bring life. And Joyce shows us the way. Listen. Share with a friend. And start speaking uplifting words to those around you. Who knows, God may use you to change a life. 

Proverbs 10:20-21 ; Psalm 81:10; Luke 6:45; Ephesians; Colossians 4:6; Isaiah 51:16  

Jun 02, 202242:36
Where is God in the Midst of Tragedy?

Where is God in the Midst of Tragedy?

Even more, tragedy has happened in the world since we chatted last. I want to share more hope and healing in the midst of this. I am sharing wisdom from "A Grace Disguised" by Jerry Sittser. And, of course, from the word of God. Share, like, and tell a friend. Let's share hope and healing amid these awful tragedies.John 16:33

“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

2 Corinthians 1:3-5

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ.” 33:27

The eternal God is your refuge,
    and his everlasting arms are under you.

Isaiah 60:19-20 

"…for the Lord your God will be your everlasting light,
    and your God will be your glory.

…For the Lord will be your everlasting light.
    Your days of mourning will come to an end."

1 Peter 5:10

"And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast."

May 27, 202222:58
Life Stuff!

Life Stuff!

Where are my procrastinators out there? Whoop Whoop! I am the Queen procrastinator and normally all goes well with that method. But (sigh) every once and while it catches up with me:)! But hopefully my Plan B is God's Plan A and this short reflection will edify you and encourage you in the Lord. I pray, maybe even bring healing to your soul, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Don't forget to help me spread the word; like, comment, subscribe and share this Podcast so God's hope and healing can be known! Thank you and God Bless! 


Exodus 34:5-9Amplified Bible

Then the Lord descended in the cloud and stood there with Moses as he proclaimed the Name of the Lord. Then the Lord passed by in front of him, and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth (faithfulness); keeping mercy and lovingkindness for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin; but He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished, visiting (avenging) the iniquity (sin, guilt) of the fathers upon the children and the grandchildren to the third and fourth generations [that is, calling the children to account for the sins of their fathers].” Moses bowed to the earth immediately and worshiped [the Lord]. And he said, “If now I have found favor and lovingkindness in Your sight, O Lord, let the Lord, please, go in our midst, though it is a stiff-necked (stubborn, rebellious) people, and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us as Your possession.”

Psalm 86:15English Standard Version

15 But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious,
slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.

Psalm 103:1-4English Standard Version

Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and all that is within me,
bless his holy name!
Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and forget not all his benefits,
who forgives all your iniquity,
who heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit,
who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy,

17 But the steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him,
and his righteousness to children's children,
18 to those who keep his covenant
and remember to do his commandments.
19 The Lord has established his throne in the heavens,
and his kingdom rules over all.

20 Bless the Lord, O you his angels,
you mighty ones who do his word,
obeying the voice of his word!
21 Bless the Lord, all his hosts,
his ministers, who do his will!
22 Bless the Lord, all his works,
in all places of his dominion.
Bless the Lord, O my soul!

1 John 4:7-11New Living Translation Loving One Another

Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love.

God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. 10 This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.

11 Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other.

May 12, 202217:28
The Anchor Prayer w/ Marc Schleske

The Anchor Prayer w/ Marc Schleske

I think you will find this spiritual practice shared by Marc to be a great resource. It is deeply personal to him and you can tell. Some of our best downloads from God through Holy Spirit come in our darkest days. They are intended to bless others, and Marc sure has. Enjoy our chat and invite a friend to join in with you. And will you help me get this word out? If you like, share and rate the Podcast more folks have a chance to come across it and be blessed by the simple profoundness of the prayer. 

Marc Alan Schelske is a husband, dad of two, writer, speaker, recovering fundamentalist who drinks tea & rides a motorcycle. He’s a pastor with nearly 25 years of ministry experience, who has also been on an arduous journey of emotional and spiritual recovery resulting in an intense interest in the connection between emotional growth and spiritual growth, and how God works in and through our internal brokenness and trauma. He’s written three books,Discovering Your Authentic Core Values, The Wisdom of Your Heart: Discovering the God-given Purpose and Power of Your Emotions and the Untangle Workbook, among other resources for spiritual growth. He hosts the The Apprenticeship Way podcast and he writes about intentional spiritual growth at

"The Anchor Prayer"

I rest in faith, trusting Father. I walk by faith, following Jesus. I hear in faith, obeying Spirit. In You, I remain. 

Apr 28, 202259:34
Jesus' Stress Management Plan

Jesus' Stress Management Plan

Happy Good Friday. Today we have part two of our Maundy Thursday episode. Thank you for your patience as I managed my stress well:)! Let's learn from the One who endured stress like no other, and thrived through it. For the list of the 12 stress management tips, please see the show notes from yesterday's episode. 4-14-22.


Apr 15, 202231:59
Maundy Thursday, Happy 2nd Anniversary, "I'm Not Ashamed of Jesus" day

Maundy Thursday, Happy 2nd Anniversary, "I'm Not Ashamed of Jesus" day

Maundy Thursday. The day of great distress and agony for Jesus. What an amazing day to look at how the One who was stressed beyond anything we could ever imagine being stressed by, handled it. This marks the day of the display of servant hood and foretelling of what was to come, with Jesus washing the Disciples feet and His agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. In the garden, He pours out His heart, to the point of sweating blood, due the realization and weightiness of what is about to come. Who else to better learn from on how to handle life's toxic stressors than the one who bore it all? (We will unpack that tomorrow:).
Also this day happens to be: "I am not ashamed of Jesus" day. So let's lift Him high; share His name and fame and maybe help someone get relief from their stress. You can do that through simple acts of love and care. Start by sharing with them this Podcast or others like it that bring the hope and healing that comes through Christ. As we share Jesus's love, let's not forget to explain the fact that He freed us from our sin that is a death sentence, through His death and resurrection. The Good News of the Gospel is that we can choose His death on the Cross as our payment. Then we have a 'get out of jail card' free from any penalty of sin and the access to be healed from the effects of sin! Now if that doesn't relieve stress, I'm not sure what can!
Thank you faithful followers for helping "Have You Not Heard?" thrive. Through your listening, sharing, rating, reviewing and encouragement, God is using this little Podcast to share His hope and healing to a hurting world. Let's keep on keeping on together and help His word spread.
*The Gospel according to Mark
*John 13:34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."
*Dr. Jim Denison, "The Daily Article" 4-14-22
*"The Hour Had Come" by David Mathis (
*"What is Maundy Thursday and Why do Christians Celebrate It?" (
Maundy Thursday Prayer:

Lord God,
You sent your Son into the world,
And before his hour had come,
He washed his disciples’ feet.
You had given all things into his hands.
He had come from you, and was going to you,
And what did he do?
He knelt down on the floor,
And washed his friends’ feet.
He was their teacher and their Lord,
Yet he washed their feet.
Lord God, help us learn from his example;
Help us to do as he has done for us.
The world will know we are his disciples
If we love one another.
Strengthen our hands and our wills for love
And for service.
Keep before our eyes the image of your Son,
Who, being God, became a Servant for our sake.
All glory be to him who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
One God, now and forever.

Jesus’ Stress Management Plan
1. He was empowered by the Holy Spirit (Mark 1:9-13)
2. He knew who He was(his identity) and whose He was, as a result, knew His authority. (Mark 1:22),(Mark 1:11)(Mark 2:17), (Mark 2:10)
3. He lived in Community(Mark 3:13-19; Mark 6:7)
4. He spent time alone with God in Prayer (Mark 1:35; Mark 3:13, Mark 6:45-46, Mark 9:2)
5. He knew how to spend His energy(Mark 1:35-39)
6. He was led by the Spirit and His Father; He was not dictated by the circumstances or the expectations of people. (Mark 2:27-28)(Mark 3:1-6)(Mark 1:37-38, Mark 3:32-35)(Mark 9:14-29),(John 15:19)
7. He operated out of Faith, not fear. (Mark 10:32-34)
8. He depended on God to meet His needs and the needs of other’s. (Mark 8:1-9)
9. He lived with an attitude of humility and servanthood.(Mark 10:31; Mark 10:44)(Mark 8:35; John 13:1-17)
10.He lived authentically. Poured His heart out to God(Mark 14:32-36) ; received care from others(Mark 15:40)
11. Lived in Forgiveness (Mark 11:25)( Luke 6:27-31)(Luke 23:34)
12. He was motivated by LOVE!!!!! (Mark 8:2; John 15:21; 1 John 3:16).
Apr 14, 202213:57
Thinking can lead to Joy and Hope!

Thinking can lead to Joy and Hope!

What you think becomes a belief, and your belief drives your feelings and actions. These lead to behaviors. And eventually, influence your destiny. Joy, encouragement, and hope from God’s truths are superpowers for our souls and insulate us against the wear and tear from the hardships and darkness that are swirling around us. You can learn to access
How do we obtain this joy and hope and keep it when the arrows of darkness are flying around us? That’s what we are exploring today. Grab a friend and join in.
2 Corinthians 10:5; Romans 12:2; Isaiah 30:15; Isaiah 1:18
10 Steps to help:
1. Think about what you are thinking about.
2. Be willing to seek the truth even if it clashes with your thoughts.
3. Decide if you will believe God's word or the other thoughts you are hearing/believing. Many of our beliefs come from childhood. Why am I still thinking this?
4. Remember that the temptation that got Adam and Eve kicked out of the garden (constant communion with God) was the 'tree of knowledge'. They wanted to know what God knew or thought they knew what was best. That is the root of original sin. Pride. “Pretensions that set themselves up against God”.
5. If what we think does not align with God's word/truth, are we willing to lay down our old thought and latch onto the new?
6. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Pray. Ponder.
7. Ask Holy Spirit to seal it in you.
8. Ask friends to help
9. Write it down.
10. Keep reading, singing, worshipping, praying, and remembering.
Mar 31, 202231:56
Parenting Today w/ Autumn Fullington

Parenting Today w/ Autumn Fullington

Today we have the great pleasure of hearing wisdom from a young Mom. Autumn was a childhood friend of my daughter's and spent many nights at our home. What a joy to see the Lord working in her life and the point she is today. Parenting out of strength and hope from God's word and empowerment. She uses Deuteronomy 6: 5-9 as a guideline in her parenting. You will gain wisdom, practical tips and be inspired in your own faith life regardless of your stage of life. Grab your cup of coffee and enjoy!
And be sure to like, share and rate this Podcast so more people can receive hope and healing from God and His word!
Mar 17, 202239:29
The Benefits of Awe, Resilience and PTG - Part Two

The Benefits of Awe, Resilience and PTG - Part Two

Mar 03, 202235:38
The Benefits of Awe, Resilience and PTG

The Benefits of Awe, Resilience and PTG

Did you know there is a science of awe? Really, there is. Science keeps pointing us to what God has said is true. Both lead us to help for our mental health and positive effects for healing from trauma.  I share research and tips for healing the body, soul and spirit. Invite a friend. And share on your social media so more people can receive the healing and hope that good sound psychology and Biblical truths can bring them. 


"Understanding and Treating Posttrumatic Stress Disorder",   and "Awestruck: How Embracing Wonder Can Make You Happier, Healthier, and More Connected."  Jonah Paquette, Psy. D.

"A Grace Disguised" by Jerry Sittser 

"The God of All Comfort" by Dee Brestin

"The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe", by C.S. Lewis

Feb 18, 202231:27
Hope for the problem of Suicide w/ Dr. Matthew Sleeth

Hope for the problem of Suicide w/ Dr. Matthew Sleeth

Okay, he's the real deal ya'll. Dr. Sleeth (or Matthew as he likes to be called), is a former emergency room physician who resigned from his position as chief of the medical staff and director of the ER to teach, preach, and write about faith and the environment. He is Christ follower who has a heart for caring for God's creation. He means that literally with the planet (check out: and God's people. He ministers to 1,000 in churches, business, prisons, ministries and one on one. His unique way of looking at scripture through the lens of his medical knowledge will bring you a fresh understanding of God's word. God, the author of life has much to say to us regarding suicide prevention. Listen  as Dr. Sleeth shares his wisdom, experience and well researched information, combined with his heart of love for God and people. It may just save your life or someone you know. And please please please, share this one with your friends, family, pastor. You never know who is hurting internally and needs a life line of hope. 

Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

About the book: Hope Always: In Hope Always you will find: Research based and scientifically grounded information about the suicide epidemic. Biblically based information to start a conversation about the spiritual and emotional battles that so many of us face. And a practical toolkit to consult when a loved one is dealing with suicidal ideation. 

Free Toolkit:

Video Series and Leader Guide: "At last! The guide the church needs to make sense of America’s burgeoning suicide and overdose epidemic. Matthew Sleeth, M.D., one of the nation’s most trusted voices, invites you into his home to learn sound medicine, practical helps and biblical truths.

Find out why committed Christians are four to six times less likely to die by suicide than atheists. Learn how to start a conversation about suicide. Explore nine practical ways you can protect your loved ones from a worldview that says suicide is just another option. This four-part series will equip you to become an advocate for the sanctity of life in a culture of suicide!"

More about Dr. Sleeth and his ministry: 

Feb 03, 202251:22
Silence, Suffering and the Voice of God w/ Krista Williams

Silence, Suffering and the Voice of God w/ Krista Williams

Bible teacher extraordinaire Krista Williams joins us today to continue the conversation on hearing God's voice. She unpacks how we listen to Him through the word, aka the Bible. Also, she unpacks what God is up to in suffering and when He seems silent. Krista unpacks the story of Eli and Samuel along with the Book of Job to illuminate truths about God and our ability to hear Him. She points to the 'treasures in the dark' places of our lives and how to notice them. This conversation is one I know I needed and think you will too. Per normal, please share with friends, and let's help get the hope and healing available through Christ to as many as we can. "For such a time as this".

Deuteronomy 18:21; 32:47 

1 Samuel 3 (Eli and Samuel) 

Matthew 13:12

Judges 6-8 (Gideon)

Book of Job (highlighted Job 4) 

Jan 20, 202253:23
The New Year, Epiphany and an Invitation to Rest

The New Year, Epiphany and an Invitation to Rest

We are coming for you 2022!! This 'hope and healing' tribe is going to press into your word; your presence; hearing your voice and receiving the rest that only you can give. We are going to allow you to give to us, so we can in turn give to others. We are not victims, we are overcomers. We can trust God and believe what His word says. We "Rest in faith, trusting Father. Walk by faith, following Jesus. Hear in faith, obeying Spirit. In God we remain" (adapted from "The Anchor Prayer", Marc Alan Schelske). Let's do this!!!! 

Scriptures: Hebrews 4:9-11 and Matthew 11:28-30 

Jan 06, 202215:07
"Building Resilience" w/ Julie Caldwell

"Building Resilience" w/ Julie Caldwell

Julie is back! She was with us on Episode 67 talking about "True Worship". What I love about Julie is her authentic and practical walk with God. She shares how she reconnected with God through the Pandemic and the gold nuggets that she has gleaned from it. The over reaching nugget is  how to withstand the storms of life; building resilience. 

Julie makes the supernatural look natural; which I believe is what our true Christian walk is meant to be. This episode builds on the last episode (71) on "Discerning God's Voice", so if you haven't listened to that, check it out.  I am praying you are inspired to go deeper with God, entering into the grand adventure of an intimate relationship with Him. And then naturally lead others into that as you share the exciting (and challenging) ways that it is effecting your life. For such a time as this; let's partner and share God's hope and healing to a hurting world! 

Dec 16, 202145:08
Discerning God's Voice w/Cindy Mackey

Discerning God's Voice w/Cindy Mackey

Teacher extraordinaire and founder of "Heart 2 Heart Ministry",  Cindy shares her years of wisdom from personal experience as well as from year's of teaching others to hear God's voice. Her life's passion is to help others connect intimately to God's heart of love and have a personal, transformative relationship with God, through the power of Holy Spirit. Beyond being inspired you will gain some practical tools to enhance or begin your ability to hear God's voice. Your life will never be the same! Grab a friend and join in on the adventure. Be sure to like, subscribe and share this episode. 

1. Building your faith through scripture

2. Remember it's a skill you're learning, like learning a new language.

3. Asking God if you have any unconfessed sin that might be blocking hearing His voice.

4. "Priming the Pump"; quieting your mind. Turn off electronics, focus on worship, nature, meditate on the word. 

5. Share honestly where you are at the moment with God. Bring all your doubts, fears, problems to God. Talk to Him. Metaphorically give them to Him. Put them in His hands.  

To learn more about Cindy and training opportunities:

4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice, Dr. Mark Virkler


Hebrews 11:6; John 8:38; John 10:1-4; Revelation 3:20 

Dec 02, 202150:28
Give Thanks

Give Thanks

Today in honor of Thanksgiving we give thanks as led by the scriptures in Colossians 1:9-13. Praying for all today. Those who are rejoicing, and those who are grieving and feeling alone. Thanking God that He is with us no matter the circumstances of our lives. Praying you encounter His Presence today.  Blessings. 

Nov 25, 202115:20
Entitlement, Anger and Forgiveness w/ Lindsey Waggoner

Entitlement, Anger and Forgiveness w/ Lindsey Waggoner

Lindsey is a former two-sport collegiate athlete, a professional therapist, works with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and most importantly, a follower of Christ. Listen in as she shares her journey of faith through messy relationships. Her honesty and forthrightness will bless you. Whether you are single or in a relationship, her story of following God through all the ups and downs will give you wisdom as you navigate your path with the Lord.
What is entitlement? How do you deal with it? Why is it better to let it go and move into forgiveness? And what is the path to forgiveness? Lindsey shares all of these things and more. Grab a friend and listen in! And don't forget to rate, review and share this episode so more people can benefit from Lindsey's wisdom.
Nov 11, 202141:55
Keeping Your Eye on Jesus

Keeping Your Eye on Jesus

Today's episode is in honor of Ms. Jean. 91 years young when she passed into the arms of Jesus. So much wisdom. A life lived in prayer and faith. A true inspiration. Let's learn from her on how to do the simply profound thing: Keeping our eyes on Jesus by 1. Obedience 2. Faith 3. Hope and 4. Love. It's so simple it's hard. Yet, Holy Spirit is faithful. Join in and share with others. 

Hebrews 6:19; Hebrews 11; Hebrews 12:1-3; 1 Peter 3: 13-16; Romans 15:13; Psalm 119 

Oct 28, 202133:47
True Worship leads to True Identity w/ Julie Caldwell

True Worship leads to True Identity w/ Julie Caldwell

Worship is a way of life for Julie Caldwell. Julie thinks outside of the box regarding what worship is and what it can accomplish in our lives. Ultimately true worship leads us to knowing God and our true identity. She's known as wife, mom, worship leader, songwriter, seminary student and an all around fun and authentic person. (oh, and she happens to be a great musician, too) You are going to enjoy her! Be sure to listen to the end as Julie lead's us in worship! 

Please rate and review this episode. And send it to a friend. Help us share the #hope #healing that can only be found through #Christ. Contact Julie at:

Julie's original worship song: 

"Pour Me Out"

In my weakness, you are strong

In my darkness, you are light

In my sadness, you are joy

In my fear, you are almighty

In my despair, you are hope

In my doubt, you are faith

In my trouble, you are peace

When I tremble, you are unshaken

I want to pour me out, so you can fill me up

I want to be a vessel for your purpose, Lord

I want to lay me down, so you can raise me up

A new creation in your perfect love.

I want to pour me out, I want to lay me down (2x)

so you can raise me up (2x)

Psalm 28:7New International Version

The Lord is my strength and my shield;
my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.
My heart leaps for joy,
and with my song I praise him.

Oct 14, 202150:54
We are BACK...

We are BACK...

Listen in as Angel catches you up on her September happenings and muses about life and what God is up to in it. Also, where we are going as a Podcast Family. Please rate, review and share so more people can hear and recieve the healing and hope that comes from good sound psychology and God's truths and power! The combination is DY-NO-MITE! 


Isaiah 40:31; Romans 15:13; Hebrews 11:1; Romans 5:3-4; Hebrews 10:23; Psalm 31: 24

Oct 07, 202129:46
True Love Part Five w/ Kathleen Flynn

True Love Part Five w/ Kathleen Flynn

Kathleen is with us again! She shares candidly regarding her last couple of years that have been fraught with heartache and hardship, and yet, she is leaning on the truths of God and His love for her. You will be inspired, edified and encouraged. She gives concrete examples of what "love in action" looks like and how we can all share that more profoundly with each other. For such a time as this...let's love hard and deep.

Romans 12:9-21; 1 Corinthians 13; 1 John 4

Aug 29, 202146:45
True Love Part Four

True Love Part Four

We start unpacking Romans 12:9-21: Love in Action. Today we focus on overcoming evil by doing good, according to Christ. Grab a friend, and let's get rolling. 

Aug 12, 202123:04
True Love Part Three

True Love Part Three

Today my friend Kisa Raye (Season 1 Episode 22; Season 3 Episode 5)  and I are exploring the impact of God's love on our hearts and souls. Listen in as Kisa shares how meditating, pondering and unpacking the Cross has altered her life and those she has studied with. Knowledge in the New Testament emphasizes knowing God not simply as an intellectual apprehension, but a response to faith and an acceptance of Christ. It includes perceiving, learning, understanding, willing, performing, and experiencing. (

This is the time for us to be shored up in Biblical knowledge of God's love. There is a hurting world out there who need God's love. Let's KNOW Him and His love so we can be conduits for others. Please help us get the word out by commenting, sharing and rating this Podcast. 


"Matchless: The Life and Love of Jesus", Angie Smith 

Tony Evans (The Tony Evans Bible Commentary, pg. 1377)  1 John 4:9-10 1. Love is visible 2. Love is an act of will 3. Love is sacrificial 4. Love serves the unlovable 5. Love addresses sin 

“We have come to know [by personal observation and experience], and have believed [with deep, consistent faith] the love which God has for us. God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides continually in him.”
1 John 4:16 AMP

"Therefore become imitators of God [copy Him and follow His example], as well-beloved children [imitate their father];  and walk continually in love [that is, value one another—practice empathy and compassion, unselfishly seeking the best for others], just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and sacrifice to God [slain for you, so that it became] a sweet fragrance." Ephesians 5:1-2 

"There is no fear in love [dread does not exist]. But perfect (complete, full-grown) love drives out fear, because fear involves [the expectation of divine] punishment, so the one who is afraid [of God’s judgment] is not perfected in love [has not grown into a sufficient understanding of God’s love]." 1 John 4:18 

Aug 05, 202133:21
True Love Part Two

True Love Part Two

What is True Love according to the Bible? And how did Jesus exhibit it? We continue the exploration today. I am praying that Holy Spirit will speak to each heart listening and for our hearts to be expanded to receive God's Agape love. With that, then we will be enabled to love with genuine love and become vessels through whom God can use to accomplish His purposes here on earth. There is a world of hopeless, dying folks who need Jesus' love. Let's drink deep and then go and share!  

Seedbed daily Text 7-24-21; Ephesians 3:16-19, Dan Wilt "The Holy Spirit Is Our Inner Energy Source"

“Genuine Love is the only commodity that can be given away without ever running out”. (Understanding the Enneagram, pg 333)

Commodores(aka: Lionel Richie), 1980, “Jesus is Love"

Matthew 22:37-40 (NKJV)37 Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” (Deuteronomy 6:4-7)

Romans: In the Grip of Grace Bible Study Session 5, (Max Lucado), Laurie McClure, OBS Leader Editor,

We love because He first loved us. — 1 John 4:19

Matthew 5: 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.

John 1: 14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

Jesus saw their hearts: John 11,  Luke 5:22, John 2:22

Jesus forgives John 4, John 8 Luke 23:34 “And Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.’”

Jesus Spoke truth in love (kindness)- Nicodemus (John 3:3-21) Samaritan Women (John 4) John 12:44-50.

Jesus Served: Heals the lame man and fed the 5,000;  the Crippled Man ,Luke 5; Heals the blind man; John 9.

Jesus sacrificed: “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.”

Jesus spent time with the God in prayer; spent time with His Disciples and friends.

Jesus taught/shared wisdom. John 10-17 

Jesus comforts/compassionate: John 11: 17-35  "Jesus wept".

Jesus received love: John 12

Jesus radically obeyed: John 12:49-50; John 19:17;John 19:30.

Jesus said no: To Lazarus’ friends (John 11:1-8), , to His Disciples when He told them to feed the thousands (Mark 6: 35-37 …send them away to go get something to eat…Jesus: You give them something to eat.) “Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one” (Matthew 5:37).

Jesus set boundaries: He gave us boundaries for our safety and well being: Go and sin no more; Don’t tell anyone about this healing; Get in the boat and go to the other side; remain in me; obey my commands. “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen” (Matthew 6:6).  Luke 5:16, John 14:6, Luke 16:13, John 5:44 

Jul 29, 202136:13
True Love Part One

True Love Part One

Here we go...diving into the deep waters of God's love. YIKES!! I am paddling in shallow waters and need Holy Spirit's help. That's GOOD NEWS, because He will take this little offering and do more with it than I ever could. 

Our audacious goal for this mini-series:) is to have a true roadmap of what love really is. TODAY, we will look at 1. Biblical Love and 2. Why it matters.  Specifically 3 areas: 1. Receiving His love so we can share it with others, 2. So we can stand in truth, and 3. We can walk in obedience. Grab a friend and let's have fun learning about and growing in this unending journey into the heart of God's love. Where the Grand Adventure begins! 

Exodus 34:6-7; Romans 5:5; 1 John 2:5; 1 John 4:16; 1 John 3:16; Ephesians 3:18-19; Romans 8:38-39;John 14:15; 1 John 5:2-3; John 14:21

Study how Jesus loved in the Gospels:

1. How did He love? 2. What is He showing us about love?  3. What do you like or or not about His example? 4. Are you willing to conform your idea of what love is to His truth? Why or why not? 

Jul 22, 202124:09
True Love: Introduction

True Love: Introduction

Today we start unpacking Romans 12:9-21.  WOAH! It is jammed packed full of goodness. So much so, that I feel like we need to take our time and do a deep dive into the truths and other scriptures related.  So join me, invite a friend, and let's look at a TRUE roadmap of what love really is. We need this in our current culture, which is defining love individually, based on feelings, whims, and latest trends. God is love and He never changes. Let's follow Him into the 'gold mine' of love that can help change our hurting world, with His hope and healing. 

1 John 4:1-12; 1 Corinthians 12:31(b)- 1 Corinthians 13 

Jul 15, 202114:13
Transformed Minds and Hearts - Part Two

Transformed Minds and Hearts - Part Two

Well, my best laid plans obviously were not God's:)! After the last episode, He kept showing more about mind transformation in relation to Romans 12:1-2, so it became obvious we were supposed to continue to explore these scriptures and truths. I hope it is helpful to you on your journey of transformation. I'm praying it inspires you to invest the time to get vulnerable with the Lord (and other safe humans in your life), so that your thought life can become inline with His word. This is where the 'grand adventure' begins...let's do the work to bring more of God's Kingdom here on earth. Hope and healing to a hurting world.  


"Surviving Religion 101", Michael J Kruger

Romans 12:1-8; Psalm 139

Jul 08, 202129:24
Transformed Minds and Hearts

Transformed Minds and Hearts

Romans 12 is a 'now' book! It elaborates how as redeemed people, through Christ, we are to live in an unredeemed world. Meaning a God-less world. A world that doesn't elevate God's existence and truths. Such a world can be confusing and make us unsure of how to act, what to think and who to believe. What I love about the Bible is it is as applicable today as it was all those thousands of years ago. Paul gives us direct and clear instructions on how to live in these times. And our motivation is God's mercy and the empowerment to live as redeemed people is through Christ's Grace. We all have access to it...we just need to utilize it. Let's make an impact on this hurting world with God's hope and healing through His truth and grace. Get your worship on!!!! 

Mark 9:23-24 “‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes. ”Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” Resources: Angel's Book, "The Perfecting Storm" : Books/Websites on Truth of God's word:

Tom Doyle, "The Incredible Journey"

Jul 01, 202130:51
Parenting: Lessons from the Pandemic and Life in general w/Julie Smoak

Parenting: Lessons from the Pandemic and Life in general w/Julie Smoak

Some of ya'll know Jules, on-air talent on The JOY FM. If you don't, you are in for a treat. Full of positive energy and great wisdom, Jules shares honestly and authentically about parenting challenges. She proclaims, 'she's not perfect and learning as she goes, as we all are'. In my opinion that's one of the reasons she is a wise sage regarding this journey! Jules shares lessons she's learned during the Pandemic and navigating social media and cultural issues with her kids. I would say, her best parenting tip is pointing her kids to Jesus and nurturing an authentic, informed relationship with Him. She shares so many nuggets of wisdom that will inspire and help you on your journey. Listen in and share with a friend. I know you will relate and be blessed! 

Connect with Jules:; @thejoyfm (Instagram and Facebook)

Instagram: @jules_show
Facebook: @thejulesshow 

Jun 26, 202144:40