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Menopause Conversations

Menopause Conversations

By Angela Counsel

Menopause Conversations is a podcast for women in their mid-stage of life. We explore the issues that impact women as they transition through peri and post menopause. Join us and become part of the conversation as we explore the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of being a women in her mid-stage of life. Episodes include a mix of interviews with Wise Women as well as some solo episodes from Naturopath and Menopause Coach, Angela Counsel.
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Balancing Your Chakras_Pt 2

Menopause ConversationsMay 21, 2020

Supporting Brain Health in Menopause

Supporting Brain Health in Menopause

No, you’re not going crazy!

You are likely experiencing typical symptoms of the menopause transition.

In this episode of Menopause Conversations, we talk through the impact of Menopause on your Brain and address the increased concern many women have about developing Alzheimer’s or Dementia.


If you have a parent or grandparent with Alzheimer’s or Dementia, this does not have to be your story also.


Two thirds of people suffering from Alzheimer’s are women, it is the second leading cause of death in Australia and the leading cause of death in women.


While there has been a drastic increase in Alzheimer’s, there is also an increase in study and testing in the area leading to more diagnoses but also greater understanding of the contributing factors to this, how our brains change during menopause and what we can do to support our brain health and minimise risk.


In this episode we talk about:

  • The connection between the brain & our hormones & how they communicate with each other.
  • The symptoms we experience like affected memory, behaviour, our ability to think clearly, as well as others.
  • Diet, lifestyle, stress & toxins that play a role.
  • The difference between Women & Men’s brains, especially as both go through hormonal changes.
  • What studies show in terms of the changes taking place in our brain and just how amazing the body is in adjusting to this rewiring.


Most importantly, what you can be doing to take charge of your health.


If you want to empower yourself with more knowledge, you can find some great additional resources on the topic below:

  • The Upgrade by Dr. Louann Brizendine
  • The Menopause Brain by Dr Lisa Misconi
  • Dr Sarah McKay – while her work is not specifically on Menopause, she is doing a lot of work on changes that happen to women during their life cycle, puberty to menopause & beyond. You might like to check out her book: The Women's Brain Book - The nuroscience of health, hormones and happiness.

Jun 04, 202432:40
From Couch to Mountain with Yvonne Shepherd

From Couch to Mountain with Yvonne Shepherd

This weeks podcast is a little something different as we welcome Yvonne Shepherd, the creator of Women’s Fitness Adventures.

Yvonne has helped change the lives of many women in their 50s & over from burnt out Corporate workers to exhausted mothers, grandmothers and women that are feeling a little lost, unlike themselves & looking to experience more adventure in their lives in a supportive environment.


Through 10 years of Women’s Fitness Adventures Yvonne has created a space for women to come together, support each other, have some fun and do things they never thought they’d be able to do.

She has helped to empower thousands of women to grow stronger and more confident, forge lasting friendships and unforgettable memories.

If a community of amazing women looking for adventure, travelling to exciting places around the world, creating new friendships, looking & feeling good & discovering or rediscovering what their own capabilities & strengths are, you’ll love listening to this episode.


Whatever success means for you, you might find it by joining this group. You too could be achieving something beyond your wildest dreams and have a whole new lease on life.


To learn more about Yvonne’s work, Women’s Fitness Adventures and the Couch2Mountain Program, take the time join her upcoming webinar on 6th June via this link.

And for a little hit of inspiration, enjoy a look at what others have had to say about their recent adventure:

May 28, 202436:32
Beyond Booze with Sarah Rusbatch

Beyond Booze with Sarah Rusbatch

Have you ever asked yourself why it is that you need or want that glass of wine or beer? Stress, boredom, the social aspect of drinking or something else entirely?

What about the effects that alcohol is having on your health, especially if you are already consuming other things like medications?

In this episode of Menopause Conversations we are joined by special guest, Sarah Rusbatch.

Sarah is a multi award winning Grey Area Drinking Coach, Menopause Coach, Author of the best-selling book 'Beyond Booze', Motivational Speaker and founder of a community of over 20,000 women. She has been featured on ABC News, Mamania, Body & Soul, Women's Health & The Sunday Times and is also a regular contributor on Channel 9.

Sarah has supported thousands of individuals to change their relationship with alcohol with a goal to 'love yourself', and live your best life so we encourage you to take a listen to this fascinating and thought provoking discussion as we talk about:

  • The alarming statistics of alcohol consumption in women over 45 & it being on the rise.
  • The difference between how women's bodies metabolise alcohol vs men and the increased health risks in older women.
  • What you gain when you remove alcohol.
  • Why you think you can't do without it and changing your thinking about what that means.
  • Grey Area Drinking
  • The messaging in both society & marketing around social use, using it to unwind or deal with stress, 'you deserve it', and 'how do I have fun without it?'
  • What does an unhealthy relationship with alcohol look like?
  • Non-alcoholic wines and other drink replacements.

To learn more about Sarah, get in touch or discover more about the great working she is doing, you can find her via:

To grab a copy of her book, visit any big department store (in Australia) or go online to purchase via her website, Amazon or Booktopia.

May 21, 202451:42
Beyond the Scales - A balanced look at Health in Menopause
May 13, 202414:45
Menopause Demystified
May 06, 202458:11
Weight Loss Drugs - Are they Good or Bad?
Apr 29, 202417:52
Clearing the Cholesterol Cloud - The Good the Bad & Why We Need It!
Apr 23, 202425:23
Is Soy Healthy or Not?
Apr 16, 202421:25
What does Hormone Imbalance mean?
Apr 09, 202418:59
Why Do You Promote Against HRT?

Why Do You Promote Against HRT?

In this episode I address the question I am often asked, Why do you promote against HRT?

The short answer is, I don't. I am pro-choice and believe this should be each individuals choice, not my choice or that of a Dr but yours.

It is important to be educated on the risks and benefits when making that choice as some women do need HRT, some simply can not take it, some women try it and it doesn't work for them, others choose not to take it and are looking for an alternative and naturopathic approach. This is where my scope of practice lies.

Join me for the next 20 minutes as I dig deeper into the topic of HRT and in the context of what is actually happening to your body during this stage of life. I'll offer some information for you to consider to make the right choice for you.

If you want to understand more about menopause, I am offering a free Menopause Demystified Masterclass (no sales pitches).

You can register here:

Apr 02, 202419:42
Why diet's don't work for Meno-Belly.
Mar 18, 202430:53
Nurturing Your Menopause Well-Being in the Environment

Nurturing Your Menopause Well-Being in the Environment

Welcome to Menopause Conversations, in this week’s episode I am delving into the role that your environment plays on your hormones and health. 

Let's begin by understanding the role of genes in our menopause experience. Our genetic makeup is what makes us unique individuals. While we all possess specific genes inherited from our parents, it is the environment that determines their activation and expression. Genes act as our body's potential, dictating how it could behave. However, they require external stimulation to be activated or deactivated. For instance, when we exercise, we stimulate specific genes related to muscle strength. Similarly, environmental factors can trigger or suppress certain genes, influencing our health and well-being during menopause.

Moving on to nutrition, we discover a fascinating concept: our digestive system is actually external to our bodies. Visualize it as a big hose running through us, with the inside of the hose being external and the outside being internal. When we consume food, it enters this external environment and interacts with our microbiome, breaking down nutrients and processing toxins. Proper nutrition is crucial for our brain function, hormonal balance, and overall cellular health. Consuming foods that align with our individual needs can trigger positive gene expression and contribute to improved well-being.

Next, let's explore the impact of social interactions and mental well-being. The people we surround ourselves with significantly influence our gene expression. Some individuals thrive when interacting with others, while others prefer solitude or smaller groups. These preferences are driven by our genes and can influence our stress levels. Understanding and honouring our social preferences can help create an environment that supports our unique needs, promoting overall mental well-being during menopause.

Now, let's turn our attention to the physical environment and nature's influence. The place we inhabit plays a crucial role in our gene expression and overall health. Each individual has different preferences for their environment. While some find solace in nature, others thrive in bustling city environments. Nature has been shown to have profound effects on well-being, reducing stress and lowering blood pressure for many individuals. However, it's important to recognize that different people may have diverse responses to various environments. Creating a supportive environment that aligns with our genetic blueprint can enhance our menopause experience and alleviate symptoms.

To wrap up, we invite you to join the "Thriving in Menopause Without HRT" workshop. This comprehensive workshop offers a holistic approach to help you navigate this transformative phase. Over the course of five days, you will gain insights into your genetics, environmental influences, and actionable steps you can take to create a blueprint for optimal well-being. From understanding your nutritional needs to identifying the right exercise frequency and designing a supportive social and physical environment, this workshop empowers you to make informed choices that align with your unique physiology and genetics. Join us and discover how to embrace your menopause journey with grace, resilience, and joy.

Join us on Menopause Conversations and embark on the journey to thriving in menopause. Sign up for the "Thriving in Menopause Without HRT" workshop today, to register visit

Jul 19, 202321:20
The Secret to Thriving in Menopause Without HRT

The Secret to Thriving in Menopause Without HRT

Welcome back to the Menopause Conversations Podcast! In this episode, we are going on a personal journey, sharing of experiences and discoveries in menopause. Get ready to be inspired and empowered as we delve into a story of transformation and importance of personalised health.

I, a naturopath, kinesiologist, and personalised health coach, has dedicated my career to women's health and gut health. However, when it came to menopause, I found myseld unprepared and unaware of its true impact. Menopause was not given much attention during my naturopathic studies, and my knowledge was limited to common symptoms like hot flushes and mood swings. It wasn't until I experienced perimenopause firsthand that I understood the complexity of this transitional phase.

During perimenopause, I had just given birth to my second child and attributed the physical and emotional changes to the demands of motherhood and a busy clinic. However, as my symptoms persisted and worsened, I began to connect the dots and realised that menopause was the underlying cause. Mood swings, joint pain, body aches, weight gain, and a sense of purposelessness became prominent challenges in my life.

Determined to find a solution, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and personalised health. I learned about genetic personalised health and the profound impact it can have on overall well-being. By understanding my genetic makeup and listening to my body's needs, I made strategic changes in my diet, exercise routines, and sleep patterns. The results were astounding—I effortlessly shed weight, experienced a reduction in pain, and gained strength and vitality. My stress levels decreased, and I discovered a renewed sense of purpose.

Inspired by my own transformation, I now share my knowledge and strategies with other women. I invite you to join "The Secret to Thriving in Menopause Without HRT" workshop, starting on July 17th. In this workshop, participants will learn how to create their own menopause blueprint based on their genetic profile. I will guide you in making informed decisions about food choices, exercise routines, and lifestyle adjustments tailored to your body's unique needs. This workshop is an opportunity to embrace optimal health and well-being during menopause.

Don't miss out on this life-changing opportunity! Register for "The Secret to Thriving in Menopause Without HRT" workshop today at and take the first step towards a thriving menopause experience.

Jul 09, 202322:55
Intermittent Fasting – Is it Right For Everyone?

Intermittent Fasting – Is it Right For Everyone?

In today's episode, we'll be discussing an intriguing topic: intermittent fasting for women in menopause. Menopause brings about various changes in our bodies, and exploring different strategies to support our well-being is essential. So, let's dive into the world of intermittent fasting and its potential benefits and considerations specifically tailored to women in menopause.


Intermittent Fasting: Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that alternates between periods of fasting and periods of eating. It involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting, typically in specific time windows. The fasting periods are longer than the typical overnight fast and can range from several hours to a full day or more. There are various intermittent fasting methods, such as the 16/8 method (16 hours of fasting, 8 hours of eating) or alternate-day fasting, where fasting and non-fasting days alternate.

Restricted Time Eating (also known as Time-Restricted Eating): Restricted time eating is a form of intermittent fasting that focuses on limiting the daily eating window rather than the duration of fasting. It involves condensing all meals and caloric intake within a specific time frame each day. For example, a common approach is the 14/10 method, where you fast for 14 hours and have a 10-hour eating window. This means all meals and snacks are consumed within that 10-hour period, while fasting for the remaining 14 hours.

In summary, intermittent fasting is an overarching concept that encompasses various fasting patterns, while restricted time eating is a specific type of intermittent fasting that focuses on limiting the daily eating window.

Points For Intermittent Fasting for Women in Menopause:

Hormone Regulation: Intermittent fasting can help regulate hormones in women going through menopause. By providing a consistent eating window, it can potentially alleviate hormonal imbalances and reduce symptoms such as hot flashes and mood swings.

Weight Management: Menopause often leads to weight gain due to hormonal changes. Intermittent fasting can be an effective strategy to manage weight during this phase. By limiting the eating window, it can help create a calorie deficit, promote fat loss, and maintain a healthy weight.

Insulin Sensitivity: Intermittent fasting has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity, which is crucial for women in menopause. As hormonal changes can affect insulin regulation, intermittent fasting may help maintain stable blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of developing insulin resistance.

Mental Clarity: Some women in menopause experience cognitive challenges like brain fog and memory issues. Intermittent fasting may promote brain health by increasing the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which supports neuron growth and improves cognitive function.

Anti-inflammatory Effects: Menopause is often accompanied by increased inflammation in the body. Intermittent fasting has been linked to reducing inflammation markers, potentially offering relief to women experiencing inflammatory symptoms such as joint pain and stiffness.

If you're curious about whether intermittent fasting is suitable for your genetic profile and body type, I invite you to join me for a transformative workshop called "The Secret to Thriving in Menopause Without HRT." In this workshop, we will delve deeper into the world of genetics, body types, and personalized approaches to menopause management. You'll gain valuable insights and tools to determine whether intermittent fasting aligns with your unique needs. Don't miss out on this empowering opportunity to navigate menopause with confidence. Visit to secure your spot today. Together, let's unlock the secrets to thriving in menopause without HRT.

Jul 02, 202318:50
Gut Health & Menopause

Gut Health & Menopause

This week’s episode of the Menopause Conversations Podcast is all about gut health and the role that your gut bacteria plays in balancing your hormones and supporting your brain health as you move through your menopause transition. We will be covering the following topics:

1 – why having a healthy gut is vital for balancing your hormones

2 – the importance of a healthy gut brain connection when it comes to moods and brain function

3 – some simple steps you can take to improve your gut function

Let’s start with the role of specific gut bacteria required to balance your hormones. These bacteria are know as your Estrobolome.  The estrobolome refers to a group of bacteria in the gut microbiome that plays a crucial role in activating and regulating estrogen in the body. It influences estrogen metabolism and balance, which can impact various aspects of our health, particularly during menopause.  When the estrobolome is unhealthy or imbalanced, it can contribute to issues such as heavy bleeding, uterine fibroids, breast tenderness, and other menopausal symptoms.

So, what are some factors that influence the estrobolome? Several factors can affect its composition and health. Genetics, diet, alcohol intake, environmental exposures, and medications all play a role. I will share some strategies that can help you have a healthy estrobolome shortly.

Now that you have a better understanding of the role of specific bacteria in balancing your hormones let’s have a chat about the role of other bacteria in reducing symptoms such as foggy headedness, depression, anxiety and reducing your risk of alzheimers and dementia.  

The gut and brain are intricately connected through a communication pathway known as the gut-brain axis.  

  • Nervous system connects brain and gut.
  • More serotonin receptors in gut than brain
  • Research has shown a direct link between unhealthy gut bacteria and depression
  • A healthy gut microbiome plays a vital role in maintaining optimal brain function and regulating mood. 
  • Imbalances in the gut microbiota can disrupt this connection and contribute to mood swings experienced during menopause.
  • the gut microbiome is involved in the production of neurotransmitters, including serotonin and dopamine. These neurotransmitters, often referred to as "feel-good" chemicals, influence our mood and emotions. 
  • When estrogen levels from the ovaries decline during menopause, serotonin and dopamine levels can also be affected, impacting our emotional well-being. This is where a healthy gut becomes crucial. There are oestrogen receptors in the gut (refer to the estrobolome that I have already spoken about)

If you want to learn more about how you can navigate this time of life with ease join me for the free 5 day Secret to Thriving in Menopause Without HRT workshop starts on July 17th, this workshop will provide you with valuable insights and actionable steps to improve your experience of menopause. Here's what you'll gain over the 5 days:

  • Discover the root cause of most symptoms, including the dreaded "meno-belly," which is not solely related to hormones.
  • Understand how your genes influence your menopause journey, including whether you'll develop a meno-belly or not.
  • Learn about epigenetics and how you can leverage this knowledge to reduce symptoms and say goodbye to your meno-belly.
  • Create your personalized Menopause Blueprint, a practical guide with customized steps to help you eliminate your meno-belly and other symptoms.

To secure your spot, simply visit Don't miss this opportunity to empower yourself and thrive in menopause naturally. Join us for the "Secret to Thriving in Menopause Without HRT" workshop starting on July 17th.

Jun 26, 202327:07
Debunking HRT Myths

Debunking HRT Myths

In this episode, we will address some of the misconceptions surrounding Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and offer alternative approaches to navigating the menopause transition.

Let's dive in and explore five key points from this episode:

  • HRT is not a cure-all: I've noticed a lot of chatter on social media claiming that HRT is the only way to alleviate menopause symptoms and prevent conditions like osteoporosis, heart disease, and dementia. However, it's crucial to understand that there is no definitive research supporting these claims. While HRT may reduce the risk of osteoporosis, there are other effective strategies for managing bone health that I discussed in a previous episode.
  • Non-HRT options exist: Many women I speak with are hesitant to take HRT, either due to personal health concerns or simply a preference for alternative methods. I want you to know that there are numerous options available that can help you effectively manage symptoms, lose weight, and thrive during menopause without relying on HRT.
  • Personalised nutrition and exercise: When it comes to eating well, it's essential to understand that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Each of us has a unique genetic makeup and health history that determines what our bodies truly need. It's about finding the foods that nourish your specific body and support its thriving. Similarly, exercise should be tailored to your body's preferences and requirements. Some women benefit from weight-bearing exercises, while others find strength in activities like yoga or weightlifting.
  • Minimising exposure to environmental toxins: Environmental toxins, such as xenoestrogens and obesogens found in plastics, personal care products, and pollution, can disrupt our hormones. By reducing our exposure to these toxins, we can help bring our hormones back into balance. It's about being mindful of the products we use and the environments we inhabit.
  • Managing stress as a priority: Stress plays a significant role in hormonal balance during menopause. As our ovaries produce fewer hormones, the burden falls on our adrenal glands, responsible for producing stress hormones. Managing stress levels becomes crucial. Incorporating stress-reduction techniques like meditation, deep breathing, and spending time in nature can support hormone balance and alleviate menopause symptoms.

Remember, these are just some of the key points I covered in this episode. I want you to know that your menopause journey is unique, and it's essential to listen to your body and make informed decisions based on your individual needs and preferences.

Jun 18, 202329:06
The Importance of Magnesium in Menopause

The Importance of Magnesium in Menopause

In this episode of Menopause Conversations, we shine a spotlight on the crucial role of magnesium during the menopause transition. We will discuss the significance of addressing magnesium deficiency and highlights its benefits in restoring hormonal balance.

Here are five key takeaways from the episode:

  • Magnesium deficiency is common: Due to depleted soil, most of our food lacks sufficient magnesium. Coupled with high stress levels, women in perimenopause often experience magnesium deficiency. Supplementing with magnesium is essential for optimal health.
  • Calming the nervous system and stress response: Magnesium plays a vital role in modulating the HPA axis, our stress response system. By ensuring sufficient magnesium levels, we can effectively manage stress and prevent a prolonged stress response, leading to improved overall well-being.
  • Balancing blood sugar levels and insulin: As estrogen levels decrease during menopause, women may become insulin resistant, leading to weight gain and potential health issues. Magnesium helps regulate blood sugar levels, reduces sugar cravings, and supports insulin balance, promoting better metabolic health.
  • Enhancing sleep quality: Erratic sleep patterns often accompany the menopause transition. Magnesium supplementation aids in calming the nervous system, promoting relaxation, and improving sleep quality. Taking a magnesium supplement before bed or enjoying an Epsom salt bath can support restful sleep.
  • Supporting hormone production: Magnesium plays a critical role in supporting the adrenal glands, which take over hormone production as ovarian function declines. Adequate magnesium levels help maintain optimal progesterone production and contribute to hormonal balance during perimenopause and beyond.

Addressing magnesium deficiency has wide-ranging benefits, including reducing stress, improving sleep, supporting thyroid function, boosting energy levels, and even slowing down the aging process. While blood tests for magnesium deficiency are not accurate, women experiencing stress and hormonal changes can benefit from magnesium supplementation.

Discover the various forms of magnesium supplements available, such as magnesium citrate for constipation relief and magnesium glycinate for easy absorption without bowel issues. Angela recommends a combination product that includes magnesium, taurine, and B vitamins to enhance energy, stabilize blood sugar levels, and support menopause transition and beyond.

Remember, optimizing magnesium levels is a foundational step for women navigating menopause. Tune in to the full episode to gain a deeper understanding of the role of magnesium in promoting overall well-being during this transformative stage of life.

Jun 11, 202319:19
Oestrogen Deficiency - A Misleading Term

Oestrogen Deficiency - A Misleading Term

In this episode of Menopause Conversations, Angela addresses the common use of the term "oestrogen deficiency" and why it is misleading in relation to menopause. She highlights several key points that challenge the notion of menopause as a disease and emphasize the importance of understanding the natural process. Here are five key takeaways from the episode:

  • Menopause is not a disease: Menopause is a natural biological process that marks the transition to the end of a woman's reproductive years. It is experienced by all women who have had a period, and it should not be considered a disease or disorder.
  • Menopause is not oestrogen deficiency: While oestrogen levels do drop during and after menopause, it is incorrect to label menopause as oestrogen deficiency. The body naturally lowers oestrogen levels because it is no longer preparing for pregnancy. Oestrogen deficiency implies that there is something wrong with women, which is not the case.
  • Symptoms associated with menopause: Many symptoms that are commonly associated with menopause may have underlying causes other than menopause itself. Factors such as stress, diet, sleep, alcohol consumption, thyroid issues, or nutrient deficiencies can contribute to these symptoms. It is essential to explore the root causes rather than attributing everything to menopause.
  • Hormone therapy as a therapy, not replacement: Hormone therapy (previously known as hormone replacement therapy or HRT) should be viewed as a therapeutic intervention rather than a hormone replacement. It may be necessary for some women to alleviate specific menopausal symptoms, but it should not be a lifelong treatment. Hormone therapy is recommended for the short term, and its use should be carefully evaluated based on individual circumstances and risks.
  • Addressing misconceptions and having an open conversation: There is a need to challenge the prevailing narrative that every woman needs to be on hormone therapy to navigate menopause successfully. Angela emphasizes the importance of having an open conversation about menopause, its misconceptions, and alternative approaches. By addressing stress, nutrient deficiencies, and other underlying factors, women can find balance and thrive during this stage of life without relying solely on hormone therapy.

Join Angela in future episodes as she explores more misconceptions surrounding menopause and invites guest experts to shed light on the diverse perspectives and experiences associated with this life phase.

Jun 04, 202318:21
Understanding Bone Health in Menopause

Understanding Bone Health in Menopause

Welcome to the Menopause Conversations podcast. In today's episode, we'll delve into the fascinating topic of bone health during menopause. We'll explore the common misconceptions surrounding bone density measurements, the significance of osteopenia, the importance of bone strength versus density, and practical strategies to maintain strong and resilient bones as you age. So, let's dive in and unravel the complexities of bone health in menopause.

Key Points:

Bone Density Measurements: Bone density is commonly measured using a DEXA scan, which provides T-scores and Z-scores. T-scores compare bone density to that of a healthy 30-year-old, disregarding age and other factors. Z-scores compare bone density to people of the same age, sex, and ethnic background, providing a more accurate assessment.

Osteopenia: Osteopenia is a term used to describe lower bone density that is one to two standard deviations below the average for a healthy 30-year-old. It is not a medical diagnosis but indicates a higher risk for osteoporosis. Some experts criticize the use of osteopenia as a disease category, suggesting it has been over-medicalized.

Bone Density vs. Bone Strength: Bone density is not the sole indicator of bone health. Strong bones require not only density but also quality and strength. Factors such as nutrition, exercise, lifestyle, and exposure to environmental toxins influence bone health. High bone density does not guarantee fracture prevention if the bones are brittle and weak.

DEXA Scans and Limitations: DEXA scans, while commonly used to measure bone density, are not perfect predictors of fracture risk. Results can vary depending on the machine used. Additionally, DEXA scans focus on density rather than strength. Therefore, it is important to consider other factors beyond bone density when assessing bone health.

Maintaining Strong Bones: To promote strong bones during menopause and beyond, several strategies can be employed:

  • Ensure adequate calcium intake from various sources, such as leafy greens, nuts, and seeds.
  • Maintain optimal vitamin D levels through sunlight exposure and supplementation if necessary.
  • Consider vitamin K2 and soy isoflavones as supplements that may support bone density.
  • Engage in weight-bearing exercises, such as walking, jogging, and weightlifting, to stress and strengthen the bones.
  • Quit smoking, as it can hinder bone regrowth and overall health.
  • Limit alcohol consumption, as it interferes with calcium absorption.
  • Live a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and minimizing exposure to toxins.

Remember that while HRT may reduce the risk of osteoporosis, it is not a guaranteed preventative measure. Consulting with a healthcare provider can help determine the most appropriate options for individual circumstances. Prioritizing overall health through a holistic approach will contribute to maintaining strong bones and reducing fracture risk during menopause and beyond.

Join us for a game-changing free webinar, "Menopause Demystified: Unravelling Hormonal Changes, Minimising Symptoms, and Embracing a Vibrant Life!" This exclusive event is a must-attend for anyone seeking clarity, support, and practical strategies to thrive during menopause. Led by Angela, Naturopath and Menopause Coach, this webinar will provide invaluable insights into understanding hormonal changes, minimizing bothersome symptoms, and embracing a vibrant and fulfilling life. Don't miss out on this transformative opportunity. Reserve your spot today and take the first step towards reclaiming your power and embracing menopause with confidence! 

You can choose between 2 dates – June 26th and 27th, both at 7pm AEST (same webinar on both nights)

Sign up now!

May 28, 202342:17
Embracing Menopause: Overcoming Shame and Shifting Mindsets

Embracing Menopause: Overcoming Shame and Shifting Mindsets

In this episode of Menopause Conversations, we delve into the topic of menopause and the shame that often surrounds it. As a female podcaster, I understand the importance of open discussions about menopause and aim to empower women through knowledge and support. Let's explore the key points discussed in this episode:

  • Breaking the Silence: Menopause is often considered a taboo subject, leading to a lack of understanding and shame. Many women hesitate to even mention the word "menopause" due to societal stigmas and the fear of being judged.
  • Changing the Narrative: While progress has been made in recent years, there is still lingering shame and misconceptions around menopause. Women's bodies are remarkable, capable of menstruation, pregnancy, and childbirth. Yet, the very process that allows for these miracles is often shrouded in shame and silence.
  • Taboos Around Periods: The shame associated with menopause can be traced back to the secrecy and taboo surrounding periods. In the past, discussing menstrual issues or seeking help was discouraged, which created a culture of silence and misunderstanding.
  • Aging and Loss: Menopause is often associated with aging and loss, leading to negative stereotypes and societal expectations. Media portrayals of menopausal women as "old hags" or "crazy" perpetuate the shame and fear surrounding this natural transition.
  • Challenging the Worst-Case Scenario: The narrative that menopause is the worst time of a woman's life can be detrimental to mental health and overall well-being. While some women do experience physical and emotional changes, it is crucial to dispel the myth that menopause universally leads to a decline in quality of life.
  • Taking Control: Menopause is a time of transition and change, and women have the power to navigate it with grace and resilience. By understanding their bodies, managing stress, adopting healthy lifestyle choices, and seeking support, women can embrace menopause as a transformative phase.
  • Medical Misunderstandings: Many women face dismissive attitudes from healthcare professionals who lack adequate knowledge about menopause. This further fuels feelings of shame and discourages women from seeking help. It's crucial to advocate for more comprehensive education and support within the medical community.
  • Shifting Mindsets: Menopause conversations need to be open, honest, and multidimensional. By challenging the shame and stigma associated with menopause, we can empower women to approach this phase with positivity, self-care, and self-compassion.
  • Mental Health Matters: Menopause can impact mental health, with increased risks of depression, anxiety, and other conditions. However, it is essential to differentiate between natural hormonal changes and underlying mental health concerns. Addressing mental well-being during menopause is a vital aspect of overall self-care.
  • The Wisdom of Menopause: Menopause can be seen as an opportunity for personal growth, self-discovery, and pursuing one's passions. By shifting our mindset and embracing this new stage of life, women can embrace their wisdom and lead fulfilling lives.

It's time to break the silence, challenge societal stigmas, and foster open conversations about menopause. Together, we can empower women to approach this transition with confidence, support, and the understanding that menopause is a normal and natural part of life.

Join me in the Menopause Conversations Facebook Group to explore more about menopause and how it can be a transformative and empowering journey.

May 21, 202324:27
The Impact of Diet Culture on Menopause

The Impact of Diet Culture on Menopause

In this episode, I want to touch on the topic of diet culture and its significant impact on the menopause journey for women. If you're a woman who is anywhere in the middle of the menopause transition (around 40 and above), this episode is especially relevant to you.

I personally grew up in the era of low-fat and low-carb diets, where going on various restrictive diets was the norm in an attempt to lose weight. However, what many of us didn't realize is that these dieting practices were actually impacting our experience of the menopause transition.

As a podcaster focused on supporting women through this transformative phase, I often receive criticism for seemingly perpetuating the diet culture that pressures women to conform to a certain body image. However, I want to clarify that my program is not about diets. It's about empowering women to reconnect with their bodies, listen to their bodies, and restore hormonal balance by truly understanding how their bodies work and what is best for them.

I, too, have followed different diets throughout my life, recommending the popular keto diet to many seeking weight solutions. While it initially seemed effective, I realized that it was just another restrictive diet with limitations. There have been countless diets like Weight Watchers, liquid diets, and more that have shaped our beliefs about our bodies.

It's important to recognize that the reasons behind our past dieting efforts were often rooted in striving for an unrealistic image of ourselves. We were chasing a different body, influenced by airbrushed images and glossy magazines. Moreover, the belief that being thin automatically equates to being healthy is a misconception we need to challenge.

During the menopause transition, many women start putting on weight and feeling uncomfortable in their bodies due to the natural changes occurring. However, it's crucial to understand that weight gain does not equate to being unhealthy. There are various body types, and health is determined by factors beyond size. We need to break free from the limited role models and embrace the diversity of body shapes and sizes.

The low-fat era instilled a fear of certain foods and led to nutrient deficiencies, as fats were replaced with sugar and additives in processed foods. Cholesterol, demonized during that time, is actually essential for hormone production, especially during menopause. It's important to consume healthy fats from natural sources and avoid manufactured fats that can be harmful to our health.

Counting calories and obsessively tracking food can create stress and guilt around eating. Instead, we should shift our focus to the quality of food and listen to our bodies' needs. It's about nourishing ourselves and enjoying food without feeling guilty.

Over-exercising and not eating enough can be counterproductive during menopause. Our bodies perceive stress, and excessive exercise combined with inadequate nutrition can hinder our well-being. It's crucial to find a balance and listen to our bodies' signals.

It's time to embrace the changes that come with menopause and shift our focus from anti-aging to embracing the wisdom and opportunities that lie ahead. Aging is a natural process, and rather than trying to fight it, we should celebrate and create something fantastic for the next half of our lives.

Let's foster a better relationship with food by understanding our individual body needs and nourishing ourselves accordingly. Accepting and embracing our bodies as they are essential for our well-being. It's about thriving through intuitive eating and self-acceptance.

May 14, 202332:46
What’s in Your Genes? Unlocking the Power of Epigenetics in Your Menopause Journey

What’s in Your Genes? Unlocking the Power of Epigenetics in Your Menopause Journey

Welcome back to another episode of Menopause Conversations Podcast! Today we're going to delve into the fascinating world of genetics and how it influences your journey through menopause. We'll also explore the concept of epigenetics and why it's crucial, especially as you navigate the various symptoms of menopause. Understanding epigenetics empowers you to take control of your experiences. So, grab a cup of tea, settle in, and let's dive right in!

In this episode:

1. Unraveling Genetics: We'll start by demystifying genetics and DNA. Genetics refers to your unique DNA sequence, the study of which provides insights into your physical health attributes, such as eye color, hair color, and height. We'll also explore genes associated with specific health conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. While genes can predispose you to certain conditions, it doesn't mean you're destined to experience them. We'll debunk the myth that you have no control over your genetic fate.

2. The Power of Epigenetics: Ever heard the saying, "It's all in your genes"? Well, not quite! Enter epigenetics, the study of heritable changes in gene expression without altering the DNA sequence itself. Epigenetics reveals that you have the ability to influence whether a specific gene is turned on or off, similar to pulling the trigger on a loaded gun. We'll discuss how epigenetics gives you the power to make a difference and reshape your genetic destiny.

3. Taking Charge of Gene Expression: We'll introduce you to the exciting world of epigenetic control and explore the factors that can influence your gene expression. From the food you eat to your environment, exercise habits, and stress levels, various elements play a significant role in determining which genes are activated or suppressed. We'll emphasize the impact of nutrition, physical activity, environmental factors, mindset, and belief systems on your gene expression during menopause.

Remember, menopause is not a one-size-fits-all journey. By understanding the dynamic relationship between genetics and epigenetics, you can take proactive steps to optimize your health, well-being, and overall experience during this transformative phase of life. So, let's explore the incredible potential within your genes and empower you to live your best life during menopause!

Tune in to this episode of Menopause Conversations Podcast and take charge of your genetic destiny today. It's time to unlock the secrets of your genes and embrace the power of epigenetics in shaping your menopause experience. Stay tuned and join us on this exciting journey!

May 07, 202315:17
The Importance of Addressing Stress in Women's Health

The Importance of Addressing Stress in Women's Health

In this episode, Angela shares her recent experience of moving to a new home in regional Queensland and the impact it had on her health. She talks about how the stress of the move caused her body to become imbalanced, resulting in symptoms such as insomnia, body aches, and a weakened immune system. She emphasizes that this experience is common for many women who are dealing with a lot of stress in their lives and not taking care of their health needs. Angela shares that once she was able to address the stress by eating the right foods and getting back into a routine, her symptoms disappeared, and she began to feel great again. She emphasizes that addressing stress is crucial for maintaining women's health and encourages listeners to identify what works best for them in terms of personalized health needs.

Apr 25, 202311:11
Metabolic Syndrome and Menopause

Metabolic Syndrome and Menopause

Welcome back to this week's episode of Menopause Conversations Podcast. This week's topic is metabolic syndrome, specifically insulin resistance, and its impact on menopause and weight gain.

Key messages:

· Metabolic syndrome is a medical condition that involves a group of risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and other health problems

· Insulin resistance is a form of metabolic syndrome that can develop over time and has symptoms such as high blood sugar levels, increased hunger, and difficulty losing weight

· Insulin is a hormone that helps the body take up glucose from food and store it in cells for energy

· When the cells are full, insulin stores the excess glucose as fat, primarily around the waist

· Insulin resistance occurs when the body continually puts glucose into the body through food, and insulin has to store it as fat after the cells are full

· Low-fat diets and artificial sweeteners can trigger insulin resistance and lead to weight gain

· Women who have PCOS have an imbalance in insulin resistance, making it a metabolic condition rather than a reproductive one

· During menopause, estrogen levels decline, which can reveal insulin resistance that was masked before

· To manage insulin resistance, one should consume more fibre, fat, and protein in their diet, along with adding more vegetables

Insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome can be managed through diet and lifestyle changes. Eating more fibre, fat, and protein, along with adding more vegetables, can help improve gut health and manage insulin resistance

Thanks for tuning in to this week's episode of Menopause Conversations Podcast.

Mar 09, 202324:59
Timing is Everything in Menopause

Timing is Everything in Menopause

Welcome to this week's episode of Menopause Conversations podcast. In this episode, we discuss the importance of chronobiology and how understanding your personal biorhythm can positively impact your health, especially during menopause. Chronobiology refers to the study of the body's natural rhythms and cycles, including your sleep cycles, eating cycles, and movement cycles.

As women, we are highly dependent on cycles, including your menstrual cycles, daily cycles, and seasonal cycles. Your personal biorhythms are essential to your health, and being out of alignment with them can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, depression, sleep disorders, and hormonal imbalances.

The host shares her personal story of discovering her natural sleep cycle and how making a simple change to her exercise routine improved her health. She emphasizes that each person is unique and that understanding one's personal biorhythm is crucial to living a healthy life during menopause.

Angela also shares the story of one of her clients who made changes to her routine and discovered that understanding her personal biorhythm positively impacted her health. The client was able to reduce joint pain, lose weight, and think clearer by aligning her exercise routine to her personal biorhythm.

Overall, this episode highlights the importance of understanding your personal biorhythm and how it can help you live a healthier life during menopause.

Feb 28, 202324:24
Understanding Menopause and Bio Individuality

Understanding Menopause and Bio Individuality

In this episode, we dive into the topic of menopause and the challenges that women face during this time. Our host shares her own personal journey and experiences with menopause, including symptoms such as hot flushes, joint pain, weight gain, and difficulty sleeping. She also touches on the importance of understanding the concept of bio individuality and how it applies to a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Key Points:

  • Our host experienced symptoms of menopause despite eating a healthy diet and taking supplements.
  • She initially tried to lose weight through diets, but realized that diets do not work for everyone, especially during menopause.
  • The concept of bio individuality suggests that every woman's experience of menopause is different, and therefore a generalized approach to diet and lifestyle does not work.
  • The host suggests avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and hot chili foods to help with hot flushes and eating more vegetables to improve overall health.
  • It is important to find an individual solution that works for each woman and her unique symptoms and needs.

Thank you for listening to this episode on Understanding Menopause and Bio Individuality. We hope you found it informative and helpful. Don't forget to tune in next week for another insightful episode.

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about the changes happening in your body during menopause? Look no further! Join me for the completely free 5-day Secret to Thriving in Menopause Workshop starting on February 26th, 2023.

In this workshop, I will guide you through the mysteries of menopause and give you the tools to understand your body and hormones. You'll even discover your genetic profile, which will help you determine the best foods, exercise, sleep patterns, and more for your individual needs.

By the end of the workshop, you'll have a personalized Menopause Blueprint that will show you exactly what you need to do to thrive during this next stage of life. With my guidance and support, you'll gain confidence and feel empowered to make positive changes for your health and well-being.

Don't wait any longer, sign up for the free 5-day Secret to Thriving in Menopause Workshop now! Click the link to register: Don't miss this opportunity to take control of your health and feel your best during menopause. I can't wait to see you there!

Feb 20, 202320:18
The Role of Phytoestrogens in Balancing Hormones

The Role of Phytoestrogens in Balancing Hormones

In this first episode for 2023, we will be discussing Phytoestrogens, a natural way to regulate hormones during menopause.


  • Welcome to Menopause Conversations for 2023
  • Introduction to the topic of Phytoestrogens and their role in regulating hormones during menopause
  • Importance of understanding natural ways to manage hormones during menopause

What are Phytoestrogens?

  • Definition: compounds found in certain foods that mimic the effect of estrogen in the body
  • Regulate hormones by filling up estrogen receptors in the body and clearing excess estrogens
  • Common sources: soy, flaxseed, sesame seeds

Benefits of Phytoestrogens

  • Soybeans can reduce hot flushes, night sweats, improve vaginal dryness, and improve bone health
  • Flaxseed can bring down hot flushes and improve cardiovascular health
  • Sesame seeds are good for cardiovascular health, rich in zinc which is important for skin, bones, brain health, immune system and more.

Research on Phytoestrogens

  • A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that soy isoflavones reduced hot flushes in perimenopausal women
  • A study in the Journal of Women's Health found that flaxseed reduced hot flushes, night sweats, and improved vaginal dryness
  • A study in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Journal found that Sesame seed oil reduced hot flushes and depression in post-menopausal women
  • A systematic review and meta-analysis published in the Journal of Food and Sciences and Nutrition found that soy products reduced hot flushes.
  • Maryon Stewart's research on phytoestrogens and their impact on menopause symptoms


  • The inclusion of phytoestrogens in the diet can not only regulate      hormones but also improve overall health.
  • More research is available on the efficacy of phytoestrogens in      reducing hot flushes and other menopause symptoms.
  • Join us for our next episode to learn more about managing hormones      during menopause naturally.

Extra Resources

Link to Interview with Maryon Stewart on Phyto-Oestrogens

Link to podcast on HRT

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about the changes happening in your body during menopause? Look no further! Join me for the completely free 5-day Secret to Thriving in Menopause Workshop starting on February 26th, 2023.

In this workshop, I will guide you through the mysteries of menopause and give you the tools to understand your body and hormones. You'll even discover your genetic profile, which will help you determine the best foods, exercise, sleep patterns, and more for your individual needs.

By the end of the workshop, you'll have a personalized Menopause Blueprint that will show you exactly what you need to do to thrive during this next stage of life. With my guidance and support, you'll gain confidence and feel empowered to make positive changes for your health and well-being.

Don't wait any longer, sign up for the free 5-day Secret to Thriving in Menopause Workshop now! Click the link to register: Don't miss this opportunity to take control of your health and feel your best during menopause. I can't wait to see you there!

Feb 13, 202322:04
Overcoming Childhood Trauma with Beverley Webb
Feb 06, 202346:17
Saving the Children

Saving the Children

This episode of Menopause Conversations Podcast is a little different from normal. The first difference is that I have a Wise Man on the podcast rather than a Wise Woman. The second difference is the topic – saving children from sex trafficking. I wish that I didn’t have to have this conversation with Marc but the work that Marc does with Destiny Rescue is real and it is needed.

Destiny Rescue is a Not-for-Profit organisation started in Australia over 18 years ago and is dedicated to fighting the trafficking and sexual exploitation of children in seven nations. Their highly trained agents run covert and raid rescue operations, day and night to locate and rescue children being used and abused.

With the ongoing support of generous donors, Destiny Rescue has successfully liberated over 5,200 individual victims of human trafficking. They have been instrumental in the closing of many bars, clubs and brothels known to be targeting children for sex work and have seen numerous perpetrators prosecuted.

Their tireless work has also helped keep hundreds more young ones from entering the sex trade through various local community prevention programs and delivered justice and care for those who have been rescued

I didn’t say much in this episode because I felt that I needed to be quiet and let Marc share the story of these children. By the end of the episode I was in tears. If there is anything that you can do to assist please visit and either give a one time gift or help to rescue a child.

Jan 30, 202358:03
Medically Induced Menopause with Doris Mounsey

Medically Induced Menopause with Doris Mounsey

In this week’s episode of Menopause Conversations I am speaking to Doris Mounsey about her health journey and how that led her to experience medically induced menopause. I often speak about natural menopause but when you have medical conditions or treatments that result in you being in menopause prematurely things can be very different. Women in this situation often experience sudden and severe symptoms as the body has to quickly adjust to the dramatic loss of hormones. This was Doris’s experience and she was left feeling lost and alone as the Drs didn’t really have any solutions for her.

Have a listen to the story that Doris has to share, of how she found a way to manage her symptoms naturally and now helps other women who are on a similar journey to what Doris has been on.

If you have enjoyed this episode or any of the previous episodes of Menopause Conversations please leave a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you are listening to this podcast.

Jan 25, 202338:17
The Power of Laughter with Bron Roberts
Jan 16, 202342:59
Mid-Life Relationships with Iman Iskander
Jan 10, 202337:34
Intimacy and Menopause with Janet McGeever

Intimacy and Menopause with Janet McGeever

Jan 02, 202301:00:46
Finding Your Purpose with Anne McKeown
Dec 26, 202230:26
Finding your inner Wise Woman with Lisa Fitzpatrick

Finding your inner Wise Woman with Lisa Fitzpatrick

In this week’s Menopause Conversations Podcast with Lisa Fitzpatrick we go on a journey to find your inner wise woman. Lisa shares a time when she was looking for a wise woman to guide her through a troubling time in her life, but she couldn’t find anyone. This led her on a journey of discovery and now she works with women to help them to connect to their internal guidance system.

In this conversation we discuss breaking the rules that we have been taught by the dominant patriarchal society that has kept women trapped for many generations. And yes, there is a discussion around witches, in fact it was a question about witches that first attracted me to Lisa and why I wanted to have her as a guest on the podcast.

As we uncover what it is to be a wise woman Lisa shares that wise women are comfortable with the mystery of life whereas before finding our wisdom, we often are looking for certainty and control. She shares how our wisdom comes from deep within our wombspace and how we can connect to our own womb.

In this current world where chaos appears to be the dominant force, healing of the world will come from our feminine energy. Once women are able to re-connect to their physical, emotional and spiritual energies there will be a healing power that re-balance a world that seems to be spiralling out of control.

This is an episode that might need a couple of listens, we go deep in some places. I thoroughly enjoyed this conversation, and it isn’t often that I get to have such an open conversation with someone who is on a similar wavelength to me. If some of what we speak about is a little difficult to grasp, please be gentle on yourself and know that the more you listen the more you will understand.

If you would like to connect with Lisa, her website and social media links are:




Dec 20, 202201:06:39
Finding Your Courage
Dec 12, 202252:03
Reflecting on 2022

Reflecting on 2022

As we reach the end of 2022, I invite you to reflect on the past 12 months – the good, the bad and the ugly. In this episode I share with you an exercise that I do with the members of my embrace Inner Circle to reflect and celebrate your achievements for the year as well as let go of the experiences that have not been so great.

Grab your journal and create a quiet space where you can spend some time simply reflecting on the year that was. You could make a ritual of this experience by lighting a candle, making a relaxing cup of tea, burning some beautiful essential oils, anything that helps you to get into a calm place.

This is the final episode for 2022 but that doesn’t mean you need to miss out on your weekly dose of the Menopause Conversations podcast. For the next 2 months I will be re-publishing some of the past 100 episodes. Many of these episodes will be under the title of Wise Women Conversations because that was the name of the podcast before this current name of Menopause Conversations. Enjoy listening to these republished episodes and I will be back in 2023 with some brand new episodes and guests for you to listen to. Have a great holiday break and I will be back in 2023.

Dec 05, 202219:04
Menopause After Cancer
Nov 28, 202249:60
Interview with Women's Fitness Adventures
Nov 21, 202242:23
Looking after your skin as you age with Kim Morrison

Looking after your skin as you age with Kim Morrison

As we age and our hormones shift, many women start to notice that their skin changes. It isn’t as tight as it was in the past and often, they start to notice lines and wrinkles that weren’t there in the past. I get so many questions about the best skincare to use as you age that I decided to chat with Kim Morrison, the Founder and Creator of a fantastic natural skin care brand called Twenty8.

Kim Morrison is a 5 times best-selling, award-winning author, founder of Twenty8 Essentials, an aromatherapist, health and lifestyle educator, mentor, Master NLP Practitioner and Time Line therapist, Advanced Hypnotherapist and a multi-tasking wife and mum. With two aspiring athletic children, one a ballerina and the other a rugby player, Kim is married to former NZ Cricketer Danny Morrison who, as a family, moved to the Sunshine Coast in 2006.

With athletic goals herself, she played netball well into her 40’s and proudly represented Auckland from 1983-1986. Kim took up the crazy sport of ultra marathon running in her early 20’s and set a world record as the youngest female to run 100miles in less than 24 hours. She went on to represent Australia at the world indoor 24 hour championships in the UK where she set 8 Australian records in 1990.

68-year-old world record holder Cliff Young was her mentor at the time and, to this day, lives by his ethos that success is 90% mental and 10% physical. She has used her running story as a direct metaphor for life – riding the highs, hitting the walls, pushing through the pain barriers, crossing the line and never, ever giving up!

In this episode Kim shares:

  • The changes that happen to your skin as you age
  • The myths around the anti-ageing marketing messages
  • Why it is important to use skincare that doesn’t have toxic ingredients
  • How you can have a simple skincare routine that enhances your skin
  • Why the most important thing you can do for your skin has nothing to do with the skincare products that you use

If you want to learn more about the work that Kim does and her skincare range, Twenty8 visit:


Kim Morrison Training – Facebook Business Page

Twenty8 Essentials – Facebook Business Page


Kim Morrison



Kim Morrison


Kim Morrison


Kim Morrison


Nov 14, 202201:03:15
A few of My Favourite Resources
Nov 07, 202226:25
Managing Menopause Naturally with Maryon Stewart
Oct 31, 202237:42
The Truth Behind Some Scary Menopause Headlines

The Truth Behind Some Scary Menopause Headlines

Headlines like “Menopause is Costing Women $17bill in lost income a Year” or “Nearly 1mill women leave the workforce due to Menopause” are quite scary and give women the idea that menopause will cause them to lose their jobs. While it is possible that some women make decisions to leave their job while they are in their menopause transition the issue is not as big a problem as the headline makes out.

In this episode of the Menopause Conversations podcast I have a look at some of these headlining statistics and delve into the ‘real’ truth behind the numbers. One thing that I learn many years ago when I was studying to be an Accountant is that you can often “mold” the numbers to tell the story that you want to tell. Add these headlines to the fact that women are being told that everything is “normal” leads women to feel like they are not being heard or that there is nothing that they can do to feel great again, and that life is a downward slide as they reach their menopause transition.

This episode is a little bit of a rant from me, but I think that it is important that we don’t take things at face value, especially the narrative that there is nothing good that happens with menopause and the only way to get through this time of life is to take HRT.

Apparently, HRT not only stops every symptom, it also makes sure that you don’t lose your share of the $7bill and you get to keep your job until official retirement age! Check the episode that I did on HRT HERE

What do you think about what I have had to say in this episode?  Come into the Menopause Conversations facebook group to continue the conversation

Oct 22, 202231:09
Yoga for Your Face
Oct 17, 202242:11
Finding Financial Freedom with Renovating
Oct 10, 202249:49
Walking for Your Health

Walking for Your Health

It was recently reported that Drs in the UK are prescribing walking to maintain great health rather than medications, this was music to the ears of our guest on the Menopause Conversations podcast this week.  Yvonne Shepherd is the owner of Women’s Fitness Adventures a company whose mission is to encourage women to become stronger for life through fitness, adventure and social connection.  Yvonne has seen the impact that getting out and moving in nature has had on the health and lives of women in her community.  Many of Yvonne’s members are over 50, with some enjoying life on the trail well into their 70s.  

Yvonne has built a great community of women who train with her to get fit and strong for different adventures and she also creates those great adventures as well.  With hiking trips all around Australia and overseas there are always a variety different experiences available for various levels of fitness, and if you don’t feel fit enough to do a specific adventure Yvonne will support and train you so that you feel confident and take on any adventure that you want.

For the month of October (2023) Yvonne is offering a special discount for members of this podcast.  

Listeners can save an additional 10% on an Annual Membership to Women's Fitness Adventures. This offer is valid through until October 31st, 2023. Use the code ANGELA at the checkout, where the discount will automatically be applied.

This represents a 33% saving over monthly membership, - that's almost 4 months free.  To join visit -

To follow more of Yvonne’s adventures visit




Oct 03, 202251:07
Reclaim Your Swimsuit Confidence

Reclaim Your Swimsuit Confidence

If you have ever felt that you have missed out on precious summer memories because of how you feel in a swimsuit, then this episode is for you. Anita McLachlan from Sequins and Sand and Summer Confidence Society chats to me about the very real issue that many women experience in summertime. Having owned an online swimsuit retail store for many years Anita soon realised that she wasn’t really in the business of selling swimsuits, she was actually in the business of giving women back their confidence and their self-acceptance

In this episode we discuss

  • The difference between body confidence and swimsuit confidence
  • The role of the media in women’s confidence about their body, particularly in a swimsuit
  • The annual Cossie Confidence photoshoot that has women coming back year after year to have their photos taken in their swimsuits and how this event has changed the lives of many women
  • The importance of finding the right swimsuit that provides support and confidence

Speaking with Anita is always fun, and she brings a special sense of fun wherever she goes. I am sure that you will enjoy listening to this episode as much as I did recording it.

If you want to learn more about the work Anita is doing with the Summer Confidence Society, she is running some free Masterclasses in October. The Reclaim Your Swimsuit Confidence Masterclass is for you if:

      ⭐ You feel stuck. You hesitate and miss out on making precious summer memories because of how you feel in a swimsuit; you know it’s time to care less and do more of what matters most.

      ⭐ You're tired of 'making do' and settling for what you know isn't serving you well. It's time to find the swimsuit style that will lift your spirits and feel great on.

      ⭐ You’re tired of wasting precious time and money on swimsuits that just don’t fit right and don't do the job for you.

      ⭐ You want a new swimsuit but don’t know where to start, you're overwhelmed and confused.

The Masterclass is being run on 2 dates (choose the date/time that suits you best) – October 5th at 7pm AEST & October 6th at 12pm AEST

To register visit –

Sep 26, 202239:60
Taking Care of Your Vaginal Health
Sep 19, 202238:57
Listening to the Messages from your body

Listening to the Messages from your body

Every single day you receive messages from your body, some messages are louder than others. Have you ever heard them? The only way in which your body can communicate with you is through symptoms, these are the messages from your body.

The human body spends its entire life trying to stay in balance, this is what we call homeostasis. When your body is out of balance you will experience symptoms while the body tries to re-balance itself again. If you don’t listen to the messages and the situation doesn’t change your symptoms will get worse and worse until you have no choice except to stop and make change (or you die!)

As women go through their menopause transition, they often start to experience new symptoms that appear to come out of nowhere. They haven’t come from nowhere and they are not caused by your hormones. In fact, hormones are simply messengers that pass messages between different cells in your body. Your reproductive hormones are quite protective and as these hormone levels come down you start to lose some of the protection these hormones provided you and symptoms start to be more evident. The symptoms aren’t new, they are simply more evident now that the protection offered by oestrogen and progesterone is being diminished.

Some of the common messages that occur in the menopause transition are:

  • Joint pain, which is inflammation mainly caused by food choices
  • Hot flushes caused by general stress and liver stress
  • Weight gain caused by stress or insulin resistance (due to food choices)

There is an underlying cause for every symptom that you are experiencing, and stress generally is playing a significant role. 

So what can you do?

  1. Stop and listen to your body rather than mask with pills.
  2. Don’t think that you are broken, you aren’t. Your body is simply trying to bring itself back to balance.
  3. Process any past trauma(s)
  4. Respond by eating the right food for your body, move your body the way that feels best, reduce your exposure to environmental toxins, reduce stressful situations in your life and change your mindset around ageing and menopause.
  5. The books that I mentioned in the podcast were
  6. The Body Keeps Score by Bessel Van der Kolk
  7. The Secret Language of Your Body by Inna Segal
  8. You Can Heal Your life by Louise Hay

If you want to learn more about what is happening to your body as you move through your menopause transition and more importantly the steps that you can take to navigate menopause with ease then join me for the free 5 Day Secret to Thriving in Menopause Workshop. To register click HERE.

Sep 12, 202227:44
What is Personalised Health?

What is Personalised Health?

Everyone has tried diets that didn’t work or have found out that what used to work doesn’t work now.  Every woman’s experience of menopause is different 

  • some have hot flashes and night sweats and others don’t
  • some put on weight and others lose it
  • some have excruciating joint pain and others don’t
  • there are so many different symptoms associated with menopause and no 2 women have the same experience

Your experience of menopause is unique to you, this is why what works for others might not work for you.  It is time to get rid of the cookie cutter approach when it comes to menopause and start seeing every woman as the unicorn that they are.  This is what personalised health is all about, recognising your uniqueness and creating a solution that will work for you

So what makes you different to every other woman on the planet – your genes? (except for identical twins but I will get to that in a minute)

Your genes determine

  • How tall or short you are
  • What your natural hair, skin and eye colour are
  • Where you predominantly store fat
  • Whether you are naturally lean
  • Whether you grow muscle easily or store fat easily
  • Whether you have a higher risk of certain diseases eg CVD, Breast Ca
  • Your genes also give you some clues as to how and when you will go through menopause

But genes are not the full story

  • Genes give clues but we also need to consider epigenetic factors
  • Epigenetic = above the genes
  • These are the factors that determine whether a specific gene is turned on or off.  
  • Epigenetic factors include – diet, lifestyle, environment, toxic exposure (cigarettes, drugs etc), relationships, family/social, work, stress, travel
  • Basically every decision/action you have taken in your life impacts your genes
  • With identical twins even though their genes are the same their life decisions (epigenetics) are not, this is why you can have twins with totally different health expressions

How does all this information help you to work out what is the right eating or exercise plan for you?

You were born with an inherited body type based on skeletal frame and body composition. Most people are unique combinations of the three body types: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph or a combination of any 2

  • Ectomorphs are generally tall and lean
  • Mesomorphs tend to be shorter and more muscular
  • Endomorphs tend to hold onto more fat
  • The different body types give us clues as to the biology of your body for example:

            o When to eat, how much to eat

            o When to exercise, the type of exercise

            o How your brain handles stress

            o The impact of various hormones on your body

All of this information is evidence and science based.

If you want to learn how you can identify your body type and the best eating and exercise for you by joining the free 5 day Secret to Thriving in Menopause workshop.  I will go through each of the body types in detail and give you the opportunity to create your own personalised menopause blueprint.  My clients have had 100% success rate when they identify their body type and then adjust their living to their personal biology which is based on their genes, their epigenetics and their health history.

To register for the workshop click here

Sep 05, 202228:12