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ATW - Angelika Tishler Wellness

ATW - Angelika Tishler Wellness

By Angelika Tishler Wellness

All Things Wellness - tools and techniques to becoming the best version of you.
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Intuition and how to enhance your intuitive abilities.

ATW - Angelika Tishler WellnessApr 28, 2022

Intuition and how to enhance your intuitive abilities.

Intuition and how to enhance your intuitive abilities.

We all have intuitive abilities, however often we either ignore our intuition or simply do not trust it.  

This podcast will explain what intuition is and how to increase your intuition. 

Apr 28, 202228:13
Power of Now

Power of Now

This podcast describes how all the power to effect change in your life lies in the present moment.
When you focus on the present moment, your thoughts and the way you feel then you have choices. You can choose the way you want to respond to your thoughts, or focus your attention on another thought.
If you are not aware of your thoughts or the way you feel about them, then you are living by default and reacting to what is happening in your life.
Mar 20, 202226:47
Guided meditation with Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael

Guided meditation with Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael

This podcast consists of a 25 minute guided meditation, calling in Archangel Michael to vacuum away any low vibrational and fear based energies from your body, mind and auric field. Followed by calling in Archangel Raphael to heal all areas of the body and mind.
This is a powerful meditation when you feel stuck in fear, doubt and worry.
Mar 05, 202228:46
Infinity symbol meditation

Infinity symbol meditation

This podcast consists of a 20 minute meditation focusing on an infinity symbol. This meditation helps to balance the upper and the lower chakras or left and right part of your body and mind depending on which versions you focus on.
Both versions focus the attention from your heart space.
As you inhale, you can either move your energy from your heart space forward, above your head and then to your back body and then then through the heart again. Then as you exhale you move the energy forward from your heart and then down below your feet, to your back body and through the heart again.
The second version which helps to balance the left and right part of the body and mind also begins at the heart. As you inhale, move your energy from your heart to the left, up over your head, to the right and back into the heart. As you exhale, move the energy from your heart to the left and then down below your feet and then to the right and back to the heart space.
Every time your mind wanders, bring your awareness back to your breath and the infinity symbol.
Feb 21, 202227:45
Clogged Pipes - concept from my book M3=Magic

Clogged Pipes - concept from my book M3=Magic

This episode does not contain a meditation.  It is a concept from my book M3 (Meditation, Manifestations and Miracles) = Magic. 

You are an energy being in a physical body to create and experience life.  Every time you focus on what makes you happy and use your discernment to feel what you resonate with, you are unclogging your pipes.  

In this podcast, I read chapter 2 of my book which explains what clogged pipes are and why you have clogged pipes.  The more you bring awareness to the way you feel about any given topic or belief system, the more you realize whether this belief is aligned with you or not.  

If it aligns with you, great, keep it.  If it doesn't align with you, let it go and recreate yourself. 

If you are interested in my E-book, visit

Feb 13, 202226:43
25 Minute Meditation - Grounding, Alternate Nostril Breathing and Focus on 3rd Eye.

25 Minute Meditation - Grounding, Alternate Nostril Breathing and Focus on 3rd Eye.

This podcast consists of 3 practices that will help to focus your mind and clear away excessive noise and chatter.
Part 1 will be grounding your body and creating a field of positive energy around your body.
Part 2 will be alternate nostril breathing - if you are new to this practice, please listen to my podcast on alternate nostril breathing.
Part 3 will be focusing your awareness on your 3rd eye chakra. The space between your eyebrows and about an inch within the mind. Continue to focus on your breath, the way you feel, the present moment and the 3rd eye.

Feb 05, 202228:50
Ujjayi breathing meditation

Ujjayi breathing meditation

This podcast consists of a 15 minute meditation focusing on ujjayi breathing. This breathing technique is very calming and relaxing to the nervous system and sounds like ocean waves. The first 5 minutes describes how to practice ujjayi breathing and the benefits. This is followed by 15 minutes of practice.
If at any point this breath is uncomfortable, simply continue the meditation by focusing your attention on your regular comfortable breath.
Jan 24, 202227:54
Moving meditation to help quiet the mind

Moving meditation to help quiet the mind

This podcast is a 25 minute moving meditation, called the Windshield Wiper pose.  Excellent technique if you find it very difficult to sit still during meditation. 

I have been teaching yoga classes for almost 20 years now and usually start my classes or end my classes with this pose.  

Make sure you are wearing comfortable clothes and you are in a space where you will be uninterrupted for the next 30 minutes.  As you lie down on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor, listen to the this guided meditation.  It will help you to connect your breath with the movement. When you focus on your breath and the movement, you are in the present moment. Whenever a thought enters your mind, simply return your attention to the breath, movement and the way you feel.  Slow down the breath and movement as much as you can and feel your body, mind and spirit relax. 

 To find out more about ujjayi breathing - which I talk about in this episode, please visit

Jan 15, 202228:55
Moon Cycles

Moon Cycles

In this podcast, I will be talking about the moon cycles.  There are 13 moons in each calendar year. Every moon has a new moon, first quarter moon, full moon and then last quarter moon phase. At different times in the moon's cycle, the moon is either giving energy or taking energy.  

If you are interested in learning more and taking part in the Monthly Moon Sisters Ceremony and Meditation led by Melanie from Parry Sound Friendship Centre in Ojibway Territory, please go to   The full moon ceremony changes month to month based on the full moon, so check the Parlour Project website for the date. 

The Zoom link for the Monthly Moon Ceremony is ID = 471 452 910  and PW 214483  

Jan 08, 202223:32
Meditation focusing on a candle flame or a fire.

Meditation focusing on a candle flame or a fire.

The podcast features a guided meditation focusing on a candle flame or gazing at a fire. 

This is a wonderful meditation technique for someone new to meditation with a very busy mind.  Your eyes remain open and focus on a flame.  This act alone is very calming and almost hypnotic.  The back ground has delta wave music that helps to deepen the state of meditation. 

Jan 01, 202227:48
Welcome to 2022!

Welcome to 2022!

What to expected for the ATW Podcasts in 2022.  

In this podcast, I talk a little about my up bringing and my spiritual awakening.   Each podcast will either be a spiritual/metaphysical or wellbeing topic that I will discuss or a meditation.  If it is a meditation, it will be included in the title. 

Happy New Year and I wish you all a year of personal power and stepping into the beautiful soul that you are. 



Jan 01, 202225:59
Reflections on 2021 and themes for 2022.
Dec 24, 202127:40
Help, I can't quiet my mind!

Help, I can't quiet my mind!

Have you ever said, "I can't meditate. I have a constant monkey mind".
Well, you are not alone. Meditation is not about stopping your thoughts. It is about focusing your attention on the present moment. It is the act of being, not doing. It is about observing and not reacting.
Meditation is a practice. Every time you meditate you benefit from it even if you do not notice any changes at first. The benefits are accumulative.
In this podcast, I talk about how to set yourself up for a successful meditation practice. The key here is consistency. It is more beneficial to meditate for 10 minutes every day then meditating once a week for 1 hour.
Remember: practice, practice and practice.
Jul 22, 202128:39
Guided Fire Meditation

Guided Fire Meditation

The element of fire can be both destructive and creative.  Fire can burn away and transmute negative and stagnant energy and also fuel your desires and passions.  

In this guided meditation, you will be asked to release any negative thoughts, belief systems and patterns that no longer serve you into a bonfire that you are gazing at.   Once your mind is still, you will be asked to focus on your desires and passions and fuel them with the creative energies of the fire element. 

Jul 07, 202128:25
Guided Mindfulness Meditation

Guided Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness is being consciously aware of the present moment, your thoughts and the way you feel. It is you observing or witnessing whatever is happening in the moment without any judgement or expectations. Mindfulness can be practiced at anytime regardless of what you are doing, washing the dishes, painting, walking in the woods or driving. Mindfulness meditation helps to reduce stress and anxiety, increases mental focus, helps to lengthen your attention span and increases emotional health.
Jun 22, 202128:36
New Beginnings and the loss of a loved one.

New Beginnings and the loss of a loved one.

On June 6th, 2021, our 16 year old Beagle named Pluto was put to sleep.  

In this podcast I share the experience and the 4 things that it taught me:

  1. Everything is in a state of change
  2. Signs are everywhere. How do you perceive them?
  3. How do you grieve?
  4. What is your legacy?

Use this moment to tell those you love that you love them.  Give your pets, loved ones, your self and environment love, time and attention. 

Jun 09, 202126:16
Guided Water Meditation

Guided Water Meditation

Release tightness, tension, stress and low vibrational energy through this guided water meditation.

May 29, 202128:22
Guided Heart Meditation

Guided Heart Meditation

This guided heart meditation will help you to fill your heart with love, compassion and empathy. 

There is nothing more important than you connecting with your own divine love, light and wisdom.  When you fill yourself with love and light on a regular basis, you are then able to act as a beacon of light, love and hope to others. 

May 26, 202127:36
Water Meditation

Water Meditation

Release tightness, tension, stress and low vibrational energy through this guided water meditation.
May 13, 202128:13
7 Layers of Thought

7 Layers of Thought

In this Podcast, I discuss the 7 layers of Thoughts from the book 'A Course in Mastering Alchemy' written by Jim Self and Roxane Burnett.  It is a book that offers tools to shift, transform and ascend.   

I absolutely love this book and use the various techniques all the time.  

If you are aware of the thoughts you think and the layer of thought you are thinking in, then you can change the way you think if it is not aligned with you.  My hope is that you spend more time consciously being aware of what you are thinking and how you feel when you think those thoughts. 

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to send me an email at  

Apr 29, 202127:21
Ho'oponopono Meditation

Ho'oponopono Meditation

Ho'oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice that helps you to free yourself from everything that is not love. A practice for forgiveness and reconciliation. It is a process of making things right in your relationships with yourself, others, and your environment.

Ho'oponopono translates to:

  • I'm sorry - taking responsibility (repentance)
  • Please forgive me - asking for forgiveness
  • Thank you - expressing gratitude
  • I love you - giving love

This podcast includes a 20 minute guided meditation. 

Relax, find yourself in a comfortable position where you will be uninterrupted for the next 30 minutes. Just be present, have an open mind, let go of judgement and expectations and allow this powerful  practice to work it's magic. 

Apr 15, 202128:29
Yoga Nidra - Sleep Yoga
Apr 09, 202125:53
What is Grounding?

What is Grounding?

Grounding or Earthing is a practice where you electrically reconnect with the earth and absorb the healing negative ions into your body.  This practice helps the body and mind to become more balanced.   There is a wonderful movie called, "The Earthing Movie", which can be found on either Amazon Prime or Netflix. It goes into a lot more detail about the science of grounding. 

This Podcast does contain a 15 minute guided meditation.  It is best to listen to this meditation outdoors, either sitting or lying on the earth.  If that is not possible, then simply use your imagination and visualize yourself somewhere in nature that resonates with you. 

Mar 21, 202129:31
Practicing Mindfulness

Practicing Mindfulness

This Podcast includes a 20 minute guided meditation on being mindful.  

Mindfulness is consciously observing what you are thinking, feeling and sensing at any given moment.  It is about witnessing what is unfolding within you and around you without reacting to it.  When you observe and not immediately react, you have a choice on how you wish to respond.  

Mindfulness helps to increase focus and wellbeing, while reducing stress and tension.  It helps to bring awareness to who you really are,  as you observe your thoughts and feelings without judging them as good or bad.   

Mar 13, 202128:53
Shine Your Light Guided Meditation

Shine Your Light Guided Meditation

This podcast will consist of a 20 minute guided meditation focusing on raising your vibration and your light and then expanding this positive, benevolent energy outwards.  Fill yourself with love, light and positive energy and then shine this light outwards into the world.  

Feb 25, 202128:20
Connecting With Spirit

Connecting With Spirit

I recently experienced the loss of a loved one and asked him to send me a sign from the other side after he passed.  In this podcast, I share this experience and offer suggestions on how you can raise your vibration and open yourself up to receiving messages for yourself. 

Feb 21, 202125:22
Guided Meditation on Physically Relaxing the Body

Guided Meditation on Physically Relaxing the Body

In this episode, I will lead you through a practice called the Sponge.  The Sponge is wonderful for physically releasing stored stress and tension in the body. An excellent practice to do before meditation or before you drift off to sleep.  Following the Sponge, you will be guided to focus on various parts of your body.  This will help you to develop more focus and mindfulness.  

Find yourself in a quiet space where you will be uninterrupted and lie comfortably on your back. Relax and enjoy. 

Feb 14, 202128:47
Alternate Nostril Breathing to help balance the left and right hemisphere of the brain.

Alternate Nostril Breathing to help balance the left and right hemisphere of the brain.

Alternate Nostril Breathing or in Sanskrit Nadi Shodhana helps to cleanse or purify the subtle energy channels in the body.  

This is an excellent practice to:

  • balance the left and right hemisphere of the brain
  • help with respiration
  • reduce anxiety and stress
  • improve cardiovascular health
  • prepare for meditation
Feb 07, 202126:23
Chakra Guided Meditation

Chakra Guided Meditation

Chakras are energy wheels or centers.  There are actually 114 chakras, however this guided meditation will focus on the 7 major chakras.  Relax and listen to this guided meditation to help balance and raise the vibrational energy in your chakras.  

  • Crown Chakra (purple or white)
  • 3rd Eye Chakra (Indigo or purple)
  • Throat Chakra (blue)
  • Heart Chakra (green)
  • Solar Plexus Chakra (yellow)
  • Sacral Chakra (orange)
  • Root Chakra (red)
Feb 04, 202128:38
I AM Guided Meditation

I AM Guided Meditation

The 2 most powerful words in the English language are: I AM.  These 2 words broadcast to the world who you are.  Be very conscious of the words you put after I AM, as they will either empower you or disempower you.  

This podcast includes a 20 minute guided meditation. 

Jan 29, 202128:24
Cord Cutting Meditation

Cord Cutting Meditation

Cord Cutting is a technique that can be used to cut or release negative connections with a person, place or situation.  

If you frequently think of a person or relive a situation that upset you in the past, this technique may help to severe the energetic connection.  

A cord cutting guided meditation is at the end of this podcast.  

Jan 27, 202128:13
Creating Energetic Boundaries

Creating Energetic Boundaries

When you go outdoors on a cold and snowy day, you prepare yourself by wearing a warm coat, winter boots, hat and scarf.  

Why not prepare your energy field before you go into a meditation or out into the world?  Everything is energy.  When you go out into the world there is  an ocean of energy that you interact with.   If you have a strong energy field or auric field then you are more balance and resilient to what is going on energetically around you, 

Jan 16, 202127:06
3 Daily Practices To Help You Become The Best Version Of You

3 Daily Practices To Help You Become The Best Version Of You

These are my top 3 tips for becoming the best version you.  

The quote that I reference in the podcast being from Dr. Joe Dispenza is actually a quote by Albert Einstein;

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results". 

Jan 14, 202125:60
Yoga - Uniting Body, Mind and Spirit

Yoga - Uniting Body, Mind and Spirit

In this podcast, I talk about my yoga journey which began in the late 90's.  I didn't even like my first yoga class, yet a few years later I became a yoga teacher. 

 What is yoga? What are the different styles? What are the benefits of yoga? 

There are so many different styles of yoga and every teacher adds their own flair and energy to the classes that they teach.  There is a style of yoga out there for everyone. 


Jan 07, 202124:21
Guided Meditation With Focus On The Breath

Guided Meditation With Focus On The Breath

When I think of Wellness, I think of the mind.  I believe that everything stems from your mind.  If you are conscious of your thoughts, feelings and expectations in the present moment, then you are choosing the quality of what you are eating and drinking, how you are moving your body and who and what you engage your time with. 

I challenge you to a 21 day meditation challenge.  Be consistent.  

For the next 21 days, should you accept this challenge:

  • Pick the same time of day to meditate
  • Pick the length of the meditation (5 minutes, 10 minutes or 15 minutes)
  • Pick the same location, where you will be comfortable and uninterrupted. 
  • Practice the same meditation technique (focusing on your breath)
  • Journal your daily reflections and feelings

After 21 days, how do you feel? What is the quality of your mind? Has anything shifted or changed?

FYI, the deep breathing in the back ground is my 15 year old beagle named Pluto.  

Dec 30, 202027:27
Synchronicity or Coincidence?

Synchronicity or Coincidence?

<li>Both synchronicity and coincidence are defined as striking occurrences of 2 or more events at one time. Coincidence refers to chance or luck and synchronicity refers to the presence of a deeper intelligence. Synchronicities feel like magic to me and very positive, with an I am on the right track feeling. There is a quote by Albert Einstein, " There are only two ways to live life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." I choose the latter, what about you? </li>
Dec 17, 202024:04
ATW - Who am I and why am I recording Podcasts?

ATW - Who am I and why am I recording Podcasts?

My name is Angelika Tishler and I will be discussing all things wellness related.  

My journey of self discovery began in the 1990's.  I have always been inquisitive and a voracious reader.  I love learning.  

Each episode, I will be sharing tools and techniques that have helped me to become the best version of me.  

Some episodes will offer a guided meditation, some offering a tool or technique and some will be an interview with someone who has deeply impacted me on my journey.  

My goal is to share information and help others navigate through these challenging times. 

Dec 11, 202008:42
Reality versus Imagination - Ocean meditation

Reality versus Imagination - Ocean meditation

Due to Covid, most of us in Canada are not able to escape to a tropical ocean side vacation.  We can however imagine ourselves on a warm and tropical beach on a beautiful sunny day, listening to the sounds of ocean waves.  When we close our eyes and visualize something soothing like this, our brains do not know the difference between actually being on the beach or simply imagining it.   Our bodies however will actually relax and reap the benefits of this experience. 

Join me on this guided ocean meditation.  Create a space where you will be uninterrupted.  Lie down on a towel or a zero gravity chair.  Add ocean wave music (YouTube has many selections), have a bright light overhead, place some coconut oil under your nose, turn a fire place on and feel the warmth, etc.......   Be creative, this is your imagination.  The more detail you add, the more your mind with think it is at the beach and the more benefits your mind and body will receive.  Have fun with this. 

Dec 07, 202020:16
Meditation - Going deep within

Meditation - Going deep within

Meditation is a way for you to tap into your innate wisdom.   This episode uses the analogy of each person on this planet being a drop of water in an ocean of consciousness.  Unaware, you are existing on the surface of the ocean, as a victim to the circumstances around you.  With awareness, you can go within, or go below the surface of the water where there is stillness and still navigate through life but from a place of stillness where you have the ability to choose the way you wish to respond.

Dec 05, 202021:10