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The Female Passion Project

The Female Passion Project

By The Female Passion Project

"The Female Passion Project" is here to motivate, inspire, and empower women all around the world to chase after their craziest dreams and find what ignites your soul. Hosted by Angelique Vestil, this podcast is a conversation between you and I to help unleash the best version of YOU. Every episode is like sitting across from a good friend and talking through the truths about life. We're all about sharing tips & tricks to live your best life NOW. Come hang out!
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33: The Power of Connection

The Female Passion ProjectApr 21, 2020

33: The Power of Connection

33: The Power of Connection

Connection is something that is essential to our survival. As humans, we crave the feeling of belongingness and community. In this episode I share why I believe connection is so important and essential to life. 

Apr 21, 202006:52
32: How to Find Your Purpose

32: How to Find Your Purpose

What is your purpose in life? I know, it's a tough question... But it's definitely something to think about. I'm a true believer in the idea that passion + talent + legacy = purpose. And once you know those 3 things, it will help you discover your true purpose in life. It's important to keep in mind that you are always evolving, which means your purpose is always changing. In this episode, I talk through some exercise to help you find your purpose and discover your life's true meaning.

Apr 14, 202010:19
31: The Truth About Entrepreneurship, with Jeanne Louise

31: The Truth About Entrepreneurship, with Jeanne Louise

My cousin, Jeanne Louise and I talk about our digital entrepreneur journey and the truth about the work that goes into working online. Sometimes working online is hard, so before you make the shift it's important to consider whether the digital entrepreneur lifestyle is for you. 

I've been working in the online space for 4+ years and Loise has had her own Google ads agency for 4+ years. Join in on this very open conversation about what it's really like to work online.

Feb 25, 202026:04
30: How to Be Happy, with Mike Chang

30: How to Be Happy, with Mike Chang

On today’s episode  I have my cousin Jeanne Louise, owner of a google ads agency called JL Media Digital Solutions, and Mike Chang, co-founder of Sixpackshortcuts. Together we talk about our inward journey with spirituality, the balance between masculine and feminine, dealing with inner child trauma, understanding your emotions, finding balance and creating happiness from the inside.

Mike talks about his success with his business and his spiritual awakening that he had after he left the company. He spent several years trying to understand his internal self and continues to share his knowledge and wisdom with the world.

Everything we talk about relates back to spirituality, creating balance in your life, how to be happy and positive all the time.

Feb 19, 202034:32
29: Finding Your Zone of Genius

29: Finding Your Zone of Genius

On this episode, I talk about how I found my genius. Finding your genius takes time and takes experience working through jobs you like and don’t like. The sooner you find your genius, the better. And sometimes in order to find your genius in your dream job or your dream industry, you have to work for free. Figure out what things gets your foot in the door and who you can gain the most amount of knowledge being around. Figure out a way where you can take everything you do and learn to foster your own genius.
Feb 04, 202014:32
28: Having an Ego Death and Agreeing to Work for Free

28: Having an Ego Death and Agreeing to Work for Free

On this episode, I talk about having an ego death and offering to work for free. Working for free doesn’t necessarily mean working for nothing in return. Instead of working for money work in exchange for something more: knowledge, a portfolio, testimonials, a network of people, a mentor.

For me, when I offered to work for free. It opened me up to a great deal of opportunities in the wellness industry. One opportunity opened, and another, and another. Working for free gets you experience and gives you the confidence to work in your dream field, which I get to experience on a daily basis now!

Jan 28, 202011:23
27: Choosing Yourself - Viewing Yourself Through Your Own Eyes

27: Choosing Yourself - Viewing Yourself Through Your Own Eyes

There’s a difference between choosing yourself and selfishness. Choosing yourself is an act of putting yourself first, because at the end of the day you’re the most important person in your life. On this episode, I share 4 practices to view yourself through your own eyes and not through the perception of other people. I talk through meditation, doing a social media detox, exercise and practicing gratitude.

Jan 21, 202019:24
26: Benefits of Having an Accountability Partner to Reach Your Goals, with Kevin Attebery

26: Benefits of Having an Accountability Partner to Reach Your Goals, with Kevin Attebery

There are tons of benefits of having someone to hold you accountable of reaching your goals. And while the process of reaching a goal can be exciting, it’s important to never be attached to the outcome. On this episode, Kevin and I talk about living out our dream lives, how we got to this point and the importance of knowing your WHY and what you’re driven by. Knowing these things will help you find a greater purpose in life and will allow you to feel driven even on days you feel burnt out.

Jan 14, 202054:44
25: The Power of Building a Goal Setting Habit

25: The Power of Building a Goal Setting Habit

Goal setting is really awesome and beneficial tactic to turn your dreams into reality. On this episode, I share my 6-step goal setting process that helps me attain my goals on a yearly, monthly, weekly and daily basis. When setting goals becomes a habit, you’ll start to see a domino effect for everything you dream of accomplishing and start seeing them turn into your reality. 

Jan 07, 202016:47
24: The Importance of Knowing Your Why & Mapping Out Your Dream Life

24: The Importance of Knowing Your Why & Mapping Out Your Dream Life

Mapping out your dream life will help you figure out your why. When you start to ask yourself why you are doing things instead of asking how, your vision and the necessary action steps will become more clear. Once you know your why, the how will be figureoutable.

Oct 16, 201909:07
23: Don't Let Age Define What You Are Capable Of

23: Don't Let Age Define What You Are Capable Of

On this episode Angelique Vestil talks about separating age from what you are capable of. Age does not define who you are and it does not define what what you are capable of. You can do anything you want to do NOW. 

People's perspective on age is based on this societal norm and a societal timeline that you should be this at this age and that at that age. Don't let that number define what you are capable of. Don't live for  one day if you can do it now. 

Oct 14, 201918:40
22: Thoughts on Modern Day Dating Culture, with Bree Quiachon & Steph Mangahas

22: Thoughts on Modern Day Dating Culture, with Bree Quiachon & Steph Mangahas

On this episode, Angelique Vestil, Bree Quiachon, & Steph Mangahas talk through modern day dating. We talk through our personal dating experiences on what dating looks like, today's hookup culture, effectively dating, red flags when dating, dating advice, and more. Tune in to hear more on this fun conversation on dating culture in this generation. 

Oct 09, 201944:09
21: Going Through a Massive Identity Crisis

21: Going Through a Massive Identity Crisis

This episode talks about dealing with and figuring out identity. Our identity evolves as we go through life and it’s important to understand we are not defined by one, single Identity. Angelique Vestil talks through why we go through identity crisises and techniques on how to figure out your identity.

Oct 07, 201922:03
20: The Healing Power of Journaling

20: The Healing Power of Journaling

On this episode of The Female Passion Project podcast, Angelique Vestil talks through the healing power of journaling. Journaling is a powerful tool that will help you understand your emotional, mental, and physical state.

Angelique shares a technique on how to use journaling to heal and transform your life. She shares her journaling techniques, different kinds of journaling, and how journaling has helped her understand her internal emotions at a higher level.

Oct 02, 201929:23
19: Cultivating Self Love Within and Reframing Limiting Beliefs, with Charley Noda

19: Cultivating Self Love Within and Reframing Limiting Beliefs, with Charley Noda

Charley Noda (@charleynoda) is a self love and female empowerment coach that helps women  step into their power and feel truly divine. Charley was once a flight attendant struggling with depression. Her journey of self love has lead her to now live in Bali, Indonesia where she shares her self love journey with her clients. 

This episode is centered around all things self love. Charley has spent years working on self-love within herself, studying the mind and how it works. We go deep into Charley's story, discovering self love within, reframing limiting beliefs, the importance of solitude, the power of journaling, a technique that will help jumpstart your self love journey, and more. 

Sep 30, 201941:33
18: Reflecting on our STUDY ABROAD semester, with Alexis Mergus

18: Reflecting on our STUDY ABROAD semester, with Alexis Mergus

Alexis Mergus and Angelique Vestil reflect on their semester studying abroad in Rome, Italy. The conversation is centered around deciding to study abroad, our favorite study abroad memories, the hardships of studying abroad, going through culture shock and reverse culture shock. 

Our study abroad experience was full of so many challenges and a lot of growth. Every experience was a life lesson in disguise and we talk through some of our favorite study abroad stories. 

Sep 25, 201901:13:46
17: Doing Something That Scares You Everyday

17: Doing Something That Scares You Everyday

On today’s episode on The Female Passion Project podcast, Angelique Vestil talks about why you should do something that scares you every single day. Facing your fears is hard but learning to be comfortable with the uncomfortable opens doors for new opportunities to present themselves,

Doing something that scares you leads to so much growth within your personal, mental, and emotional state. Angelique shares her own personal stories with taking a leap of faith and the opportunities that occurred because of it. 

Sep 23, 201933:27
16: Face Your Fears and Get Uncomfortable

16: Face Your Fears and Get Uncomfortable

Angelique Vestil addresses the idea of facing your fears head on and becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable. She talks from her own story and personal experience of overcoming fears and using a strategy to get your personal, emotional, and mental state in check to move your life forward. 

Sep 18, 201933:27
15: My Journey With Self Love and Becoming More Expressive With My Emotions

15: My Journey With Self Love and Becoming More Expressive With My Emotions

Angelique Vestil shares her story about a recent self love circle she went to. She talks about the challenges and hardships of self-love and actually getting to a point where she truly loves herself. Angelique gets vulnerable as she shares her story about the challenges she faces and learning to overcome them. 

Sep 07, 201924:24
14: The Meaning of Life and Protecting Your Energy

14: The Meaning of Life and Protecting Your Energy

Angelique Vestil unpacks the meaning of life. The idea that we need to always be evolving to be actively living the meaning of life. She talks about protecting your energy, detaching from old versions of you, and how she started becoming more consciously aware of who she was surrounding herself with. 

Sep 02, 201930:16
13: Moving To A New Country And Dealing With Social Anxiety

13: Moving To A New Country And Dealing With Social Anxiety

Angelique Vestil shares her story on how she just moved to Chiang Mai, Thailand and the hardships that comes along with moving to a city. She openly talks about struggling with social anxiety, overcoming things that are super uncomfortable, making new friends, and the best ways to get involved in the community of a new city.

Aug 29, 201926:45
12: How to Biohack Your Productivity | Productivity Hacks To Be More Efficient

12: How to Biohack Your Productivity | Productivity Hacks To Be More Efficient

On this episode, Angelique Vestil talks about biohacking her productivity. She uses two techniques: binaural beat therapy and the pomodoro technique as productivity hacks to be more efficient with her every day life and average work day. 

Aug 28, 201915:30
11: Chasing Your Dreams, Pursuing Music and Radiating Positivity, with Michaella Aloba

11: Chasing Your Dreams, Pursuing Music and Radiating Positivity, with Michaella Aloba

On this episode, Michaella Aloba ( talks about her journey of being an artist/musician and reigniting her love for writing and creating music. 

A leasing coordinator by day and an artist by night. Michaella gets super vulnerable and talks about a recent breakup she had when she lived in Arizona. Since then she’s moved back to her hometown in Chicago and she talks about her never ending journey of self love, building confidence, and how she overcomes certain insecurities. 

Not only does she talk about her music journey, but she talks about how she attracts positive energy into her life by radiating positivity and her amazing support system that supports her chasing after her dreams. She also gives a piece of advice for every young artist out there that is trying to make a name for themself in the music industry.

At the end of the day she doesn’t care about the fame, all she wants is for people to feel something from her music and to use it as an outlet to express herself. Which all just shows how amazing and beautiful her heart is. 

Join us in this conversation. 

Aug 20, 201954:51
10: Concentrate on What You Love and Find Your Purpose, with Rachel Geronimo

10: Concentrate on What You Love and Find Your Purpose, with Rachel Geronimo

After graduating university, Rachel Geronimo (@simplygeronimo) had no plans and randomly decided to teach English in Taiwan. Later she realized it was one of the best decisions in her life. She went on to teach English in Korea, and is leaving to teach English in the Middle East in Kurdistan. Throughout this time she has solo traveled, backpacked South America, and has traveled to over 50 countries before her 30s 

Now this conversation is way more than just about traveling. She shares some of her favorite memories from traveling but also gets real about some of the ugly/scary moments she encountered while traveling. She talks about how getting outside of your comfort zone will help you find your greater purpose in life

We also get really deep about coming from a first-generation Filipino family and talk about some topics that are sometimes untouched or are hard to talk about... It’s hilarious, it's deep, it's emotional, and all of the above so listen in to join us in this conversation. 

Aug 06, 201902:35:28
9: Transitioning from Undergrad to Grad School and Struggling with Mental Health, with Sarah Cortez

9: Transitioning from Undergrad to Grad School and Struggling with Mental Health, with Sarah Cortez

Sarah Cortez (@sarah_naiome) shares her story on her transition from undergrad to grad school. She graduated in Psychology from Marquette University and got her Masters in social work at University of Illinois at Chicago.

She shares her story about the hardships of her transition from undergrad to grad school, how she struggled with mental health and had absolutely no idea what to do or how to get better, learned more about her anxiety and how to live her every day life with it, created and built her own support system to get a better understanding on her mental health, and how social media doesn’t always show the reality of every day life so it’s OKAY if you’re not living a picture perfect life. 

Aug 02, 201901:15:31
8: What Happens After You Graduate and Learning to Stop Comparing Yourself to Other People, with Rachel Bandy

8: What Happens After You Graduate and Learning to Stop Comparing Yourself to Other People, with Rachel Bandy

Today on the podcast I have a really amazing friend of mine Rachel Bandy (@rachelmbandy). Rachel graduated with me at Marquette, moved back home for the summer, and is going to law school in Chicago in the fall. 

Join us on this emotional conversation on how we uncover the truths about the transition after college - the hardships of it all and how different life is, talking about what this weird in between moment in our life feels like, the negative aspects of social media and how you can unfollow people in real life too, how self reflection lead to so many positive things in her life, and why self love is so so important.

Aug 01, 201940:46
7: From College Drop Out to Six Figures, with Jeanne Louise

7: From College Drop Out to Six Figures, with Jeanne Louise

Jeanne Louise (@loiseydoodle) dropped out of nursing school, fell into depression, was partying all the time, fell into the corporate world, eventually quit her corporate job, started her own business, and now makes six figures.  

Join us in this conversation about going against societal norms, collapsing timelines, talking through what’s wrong with the old school way of thinking, how technology has become so prevalent in this digital era, and how most fears in our lives are not our own. 

Jul 30, 201948:41
6: Overcoming Fear And Understanding Your Self Worth, with Neve Moos

6: Overcoming Fear And Understanding Your Self Worth, with Neve Moos

On this episode I have a very special guest, who is a dear friend of mine and was one of of my college roommates for two years, Neve Moos (@neve_moos). Neve graduated college and signed a three month sublease in Los Angeles, California with absolutely no plans and is now styling celebrities full time.

Join us in this fun and emotional conversation about our lives in college versus our lives post graduation. Neve speaks on how she chose to chase her dreams in LA, is now styling celebrities, learned how to overcome anxieties, learned more about self love,  and now understands her self worth by pushing herself out of her comfort zone

Jul 29, 201901:18:04
5: You Have to Work Before Knowing What Your Dream Job Actually Is, with Bree Quiachon

5: You Have to Work Before Knowing What Your Dream Job Actually Is, with Bree Quiachon

Bree Quiachon (@breequiachon) is used to living her life working hard and hustling after her career dream goals. She shares her experience working with new startups, how sales has shaped her career, and how taking unpaid internships helped her gain new mentors. Join us on this conversation on how we’re trying to navigate through post grad life and how in order to figure out your dream job, you have to test the waters in the workforce.

Jul 22, 201946:50
4: Why It's Okay to Not Fit the Mold of Society - The Angelique Vestil Story

4: Why It's Okay to Not Fit the Mold of Society - The Angelique Vestil Story

A story on my career path through jobs, internships, entrepreneurship, side hustles, and more and how I realized the corporate world wasn't for me.

Jul 11, 201936:51
3: Sensory Immersion Workshop Day 1 with Jeanne Louise

3: Sensory Immersion Workshop Day 1 with Jeanne Louise

A conversation with Jeanne Louise @loiseydoodle, on Day 1 of the @SoulSierra Sensory Immersion Retreat. Join us on our conversation talking through our journey and how essential oil education, kundalini yoga, a cocoa ceremony, and a sound healing bath opened our minds and hearts so that we are able to flourish our personal, spiritual, and business lives. 

Jul 07, 201941:40
2: Why Traveling is the Best Thing for Personal Development

2: Why Traveling is the Best Thing for Personal Development

In this episode of @thefemalepassionproject, the founder, Angelique Vestil, shares her story about her travels and why it was one of the best things that has pushed her outside of her comfort zone. She shares the amount of personal development and personal growth that she had through her travels and why it has pushed her to find her true passion in life instead of working for corporate America. Her travels in her 20s enabled growth and personal ambition that turned into her chasing her dream of starting her own business. Listen to the full episode for a rant about what Angelique learned through her travels. 

Jul 04, 201934:14
1: Introducing The Female Passion Project

1: Introducing The Female Passion Project

On each episode of The Female Passion Project, @angaroundtheglobe founder, Angelique Vestil interview passionate women from all around the world who have made their living by pursuing their true passions in life. Expect admirable cohosts, some laughs, and some personal motivation to do whatever it takes to pursue your true passions. On this podcast, Angelique hopes to uncover the truths about reality, reveal new passion projects, and to unleash the girl boss within you so that you can live your life on your own terms. 

Jul 03, 201901:09