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Aliveness Intimacy Purpose

Aliveness Intimacy Purpose

By Anna @ Upgreatable

Welcome to Aliveness Intimacy Purpose Podcast, the show that is designed for everyone who is willing to reconnect with their truest authentic self, liberate the lover they were born to be, unlock their soul’s purpose, and step into their true power. All that while feeling fully alive! Join Anna @ Upgreatable and her guests, as they share powerful insights, cutting-edge teachings, and tools in the field of intimacy & relationships, developmental psychology, spirituality, the body’s innate intelligence, and personal transformation.
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Ep. 43 How to become an Ecstatic Lover

Aliveness Intimacy Purpose Aug 14, 2020

Ep.51 Tap into the Medicine & Magic within your Body

Ep.51 Tap into the Medicine & Magic within your Body

In this episode, we talk about the medicine & magic you can unlock within your body to access the most powerful way of living and loving.

The number one reason you feel stuck, frustrated, and hopeless that no matter what you do things do not change, or you are unable to break free from the repeating cycle in your relationships, or you feel confused about what is your next best step in life - YOU ARE NOT PRESENT IN THE BODY but instead live most of the time up in your head.

When the mind is disconnected from the body, it’s fear-based, it’s trying to survive and fit in.

When we bridge the mind with the body and get present in our core, the mind starts listening to the greater wisdom that is arising through our body instead of directing. It moves away from the fearful way of thinking and becomes available to possibilities, creativity, wisdom, inspiration, and love.


Being Present in the Body is a doorway to our most profound healing, transformation, and ability to generate the depth of connection and intimacy in our relationships.  


The magic & medicine is already within you!

Apr 30, 202431:40
Ep. 50 Why nervous system capacity & resilience are your super powers and how to build them

Ep. 50 Why nervous system capacity & resilience are your super powers and how to build them

In this episode, I am sharing why expanding your nervous capacity & building resilience is a key to thriving in your life and relationships.

As well as I give you practices on how to expand and strengthen them.

Your nervous system interacts with life at all levels and all the time.

The state and capacity of your nervous system define whether you operate from the place of surviving or thriving.
Lots of people are walking around with their nervous system constantly being dysregulated (fight & flight state), getting easily triggered and overreacting. We bring dysregulation into our every interaction with others and create more of it in the world.
We don’t have the capacity to have disagreements in our relationships in a healthy way, instead, we collapse, overreact, or become defensive.

Whether you want to be able to stay grounded and centered in the middle of a conflict and receive feedback without closing your system & collapsing, or you want to share your voice and art with the world and be seen in a bigger way or bring sexual depth into your intimacy, expanding your nervous system capacity and building resilience is essential.

Resilience & strong nervous system are not built through mental exercise but rather through expanding somatic capacity.

Nov 27, 202321:53
Ep. 49 How to allow the fullness of your expression in relationships

Ep. 49 How to allow the fullness of your expression in relationships

In this episode, I am discussing how to allow the fullness of your expression in relationships & everywhere you go.

Inside I share:

* What affects your ability to share the truth of your heart, feelings, and desires freely

* What are the early age scenarios that block authentic self-expression in adulthood

* What is required to facilitate true expression

* The difference between Projecting vs. Revealing ways of communicating that will deeply impact how your partner will receive what you want to share.

If it speaks to your heart and you are ready to dive deeper and master the Art of conscious communication, authentic self-expression, and revealing your core needs and desires in a way that generates deeper connections in your relationships I invite you to join my program, The Art of Loving.

The link to learn more details:

Oct 25, 202329:12
Emotional Alchemy & Healing Trauma

Emotional Alchemy & Healing Trauma

In this episode, we will explore how to work with trapped emotions and heal our trauma⁣

We are designed to live as an open vessel – allowing experiences to pass through us and the emotions to be felt, processed, and released.⁣

All emotions are created equal, they are just energies of different frequencies.⁣

The problem is not an intense or difficult emotion we might experience.⁣

The problem starts when instead of feeling, expressing & moving an emotion through the body at the time of a traumatic event we bottle it down inside of our system and it turns into a trapped emotion (or stuck energy). ⁣

There are multiple reasons why we didn’t release an emotional charge at the time an upsetting event happened – maybe we didn’t have resources to process, we didn’t know how, or support was not available or we were not encouraged to express what we felt by our caregivers.⁣

Unprocessed emotions become unfinished energy patterns that deeply inform our living experience. ⁣

We look at the external world through the lenses of our trauma and project what we feel onto it. ⁣

So, the external world appears as unsafe, people not trustable, love not lasting…⁣

The only way to find freedom from the past and expand our capacity to receive the fullness of life - is to heal trauma and release trapped emotions.⁣

Healing requires time, space, grace, and to feel fully seen. ⁣

There are subtleties to the healing and emotional release process I share in this episode. ⁣

If you are ready to go deeper into your journey of liberation and expanding capacity to receive the fullness of life, I am here to support you.⁣

Currently, I have an open 1-on-1 spot. If you want details send me a DM.⁣

The Awakened Lover group container program is coming later this year. DM to join Waitlist.⁣

May 12, 202245:17
Ep. 47 How to Release Trapped Emotions with Tony Bryce Scott

Ep. 47 How to Release Trapped Emotions with Tony Bryce Scott

In this episode, with my special guest Tony Bryce Scott, we talk about Trapped Emotions and the tremendous impact they have on the quality of our lives - our health, well-being, relationships, our ability to love, connect, our productivity…etc.

Tony is a pain magician who is using the Emotional Code method to help his clients release trapped emotions in an easy way and return to a state of balance.

We all go through upsetting or traumatic events throughout life that causes us to experience negative emotions. If we don’t process them at the time of the event (feels too overwhelming, don’t have inner resources to process...etc) emotions get stuck at our subconscious level.

It does not always have to be a significant event for an emotion to get trapped but the impact on the quality of our life can be tremendous until we release it.

Every emotion has a frequency. When emotion gets stuck inside of our body it often becomes our default state of being - sadness, frustration, anger..etc - because our body vibrates at that frequency. On top of that, this is the frequency we are now broadcasting into the world and attracting more of into our lives (due to the hologram nature of our reality).

Time Stamps:

01:43 How Tony started his journey in the field of healing

08:00 How emotions get trapped inside of our bodies

14:01 The nature of Subconscious - what is required to release emotions

23:54 Emotions we inherit from the previous generations & what happens when we release them

40:45 How the wall around our heart impacts our ability to create intimacy & connection with another

44:43 How the process of releasing trapped emotions looks like

01:09:30 Tony’s favorite daily practices to take care of the emotional state

To connect with Tony:

Feb 06, 202201:28:27
Ep. 46 The Journey from Wounded to Healthy Masculine

Ep. 46 The Journey from Wounded to Healthy Masculine

I am honored to have Joe in this episode and discuss the topic of Masculinity, Relationships, and Intimacy.

In this episode, we talk about ''The Journey from Wounded to Healthy Masculine'' - wounded masculine traits, what is needed for creating more meaningful connection and fulfilling sexual intimacy, how we can support the men in our lives, and how we can stop punishing each other for our past wounds (men and women).

Joe Keich is conscious love & intimacy coach. For the last 12 years, he has been studying many aspects of spirituality, personal development, psychology, and sexual intimacy. He has become devoted to connecting partners through what he calls conscious love – something he is convinced is a part of every human’s ultimate realized experience of being met in partnership. 

Jul 16, 202150:32
Difference between Male vs. Female Sexuality

Difference between Male vs. Female Sexuality

In this episode, I will discuss the main difference between Male and Female Sexuality and what causes frustration when it comes to lovemaking.

I will give you some practical tools on how to become an ecstatic lover for your partner and create a deeper level of sexual intimacy and connection

Jul 08, 202124:17
Ep. 44 Release the old to align with your next level of expansion

Ep. 44 Release the old to align with your next level of expansion

There is a saying ''your new life will cost you the old one''. 

There are periods in our lives when we will be initiated to face and release our oldest fears, unconscious programs, and stuck energies that are on the way to rise to the next level of our expansion.

It might feel like an uncomfortable and challenging period of our lives. We might experience an extreme intensity of emotions that comes together with facing the old stuff (stories, beliefs, unprocessed emotional material) that no longer serve us.

Yet, if we resist going inwards, observing what is coming on the surface of our conscious awareness and is ready to be released we do not create space for the new to enter our lives!

In this episode, I am sharing my own very recent experience of facing the old, observing, healing, and releasing. It is my vulnerable and fully transparent share to help you on your own growth and expansion journey!

Mar 28, 202132:07
Ep. 43 How to become an Ecstatic Lover

Ep. 43 How to become an Ecstatic Lover

Through Sexual Intimacy, we are capable of evoking the best parts from each other 

Yet, very often we don't know how to show up as a fierce ecstatic lover for each other because we are afraid to communicate what we crave sexually, we can't read each other mind and we end up building resentment of not being met sexually. 

In this episode, I want to simplify your life and to share how to become an ecstatic lover for your woman. What women crave sexually, levels of Sexual Intimacy, how to communicate about your sexual desires.

The tips I share are practical and simple, yet the majority of women will see an ecstatic lover in you if you apply them.

Aug 14, 202023:40
Ep. 42 How to find perfection in your every experience

Ep. 42 How to find perfection in your every experience

''Everything that is in front of you is perfect.'' When I heard this phrase for the first time lots of resistance showed up.

How heartbreak, loss, or disease can be perfect???

Until I have started seeing what is it all about - why we are choosing certain experiences (at a soul level) and the bigger picture of everything unfolding.

Everything in our lives is happening to help us evolve and expand. Every experience was for your own benefit to help you awaken to a new reality. Every pain that you have experienced was there to help you rise to a new level.

Heartbreak allowed you to connect with the deeper layers of your heart and develop your capacity to love at a completely different level or revealed the layers of programs that kept you attracting the same patterns of relationships; losing a job led you to your true purpose, going through a disease taught you compassion. 

If you choose to see it for what it was instead of looking at every experience through the lenses of victim consciousness.

When you realize that everything happening you have created (at a soul level) to discover your magnificence you awaken to the truth of who you are - sovereign creator of your life.

In this episode, I share some of my experiences that helped me to heal my sexual wounding and my anxious attachment style. It's raw and vulnerable. 

Jul 12, 202034:17
Ep. 41 Sovereignty as a foundation of self-mastery & thriving relationships

Ep. 41 Sovereignty as a foundation of self-mastery & thriving relationships

For this episode, I have invited a special guest, William Apple, Self-Mastery Coach & Mentor.

In this episode with William, we are discussing the subject of Sovereignty as a foundation of Self-Mastery and thriving interdependent relationships.

This episode is full of gold!!!

Most of the time we live with our attention constantly being outwards. Our Mind is scanning the environment we live in for the threats, we are trying to fix the external world, manipulate and change people so that we can feel better and safe; we are projecting our wounds on others.

We don't have a strong sense of self and try to find it through how the external world relates to us.

It leaves us feeling empty, disconnected, and never able to get ahead of the game.

When we reclaim our Sovereignty we ''return'' back home to our core and experience who we truly are - Master Creators of our lives.

We understand that nobody and nothing out there is responsible for our well-being, safety, and feeling good because we are the creators, we are the wholeness that we seek. We are responsible for what shows up in our world moment by moment. We do not need validation or permission to be who we are.

Sovereignty is a foundation of interdependent thriving relationships.

When two individuals are in the state of sovereignty and form an interdependent relationship it becomes about gifts exchanging with no attachment, no blame, shame, judgment, and projection of our wounds over the other person.


You can connect with William Apple on Facebook:

Jul 03, 202001:05:06
Ep. 40 The deeper learning during and after lockdown time

Ep. 40 The deeper learning during and after lockdown time

For this episode, I have invited a special guest, Richard Clarke, a Transformational life coach & mentor.

In this episode, we are discussing the interesting times we have been facing during the lockdown - what we have learned during and after, the discomfort we went through and the light (deeper meaning)  we have unlocked on the other side of if...

Jun 24, 202057:13
Ep. 39 We want to be loved unconditionally while carrying a bag full of conditions

Ep. 39 We want to be loved unconditionally while carrying a bag full of conditions

We want to be loved as we are, without any conditions.

Yet, we are programmed to set conditions on how we love ourselves and others.

''If'' and ''when'' and what comes after - are all the possible ways we set conditions on loving selves and others.

What does it mean to love unconditionally, all the ways we are withholding love, how to love unconditionally while respecting your values and personal boundaries, how to make unconditional love ''workable'' in relationships...this episode is about all that.

Jun 04, 202034:34
Ep. 38 How we create our own suffering & how to find liberation from it

Ep. 38 How we create our own suffering & how to find liberation from it

We are rarely stuck for the reasons we think we are.

There are layers of programs that are ‘’ managing’’ our lives & create our own suffering.

They are imprinted in our cells, our nervous system, our bodies take a shape of them.

Most of them are hidden in the depth of our subconscious and they show up every time we are about to approach the edge of our comfort zone

Mentally convincing yourself out of programs imprinted at a subconscious level can only give a temporary break.

Unconscious programming will keep on running your life until you bring it to the surface of conscious awareness and recalibrate your inner system.

In this episode, I share my own journey of brining unconscious programming to the surface and the practice you can use to start working with your unconscious programs and commitments, to rewire your inner system from inside out, to find liberation on the other side and become a magnet to manifest what you desire in life...

May 17, 202046:17
Ep 37. Blending Feminine & Masculine into a sacred union within us

Ep 37. Blending Feminine & Masculine into a sacred union within us

When infinite meets ever-changing flow, when consciousness meets energy, when discipline meets fluidity, when being meets inspired action we have a sacred union of masculine and feminine.

Creating a perfect inner marriage of feminine and masculine within us is what our wholeness is calling for.

We see a beautiful trend in the world happening - Feminine (energy) rising in both men and women - and we are invited to connect with Heart, Intuition, Compassion, Listening, Feeling, Nature, and creating from the state of flow.

It feels like a deep soothing juicy breath of fresh air after many years of operating in primarily Masculine-driven world of structures, forcing results, hustling, doing more…

Yet, it’s all about creating a union! Like a river can’t exist without the banks or a cell will die without a membrane - feminine needs masculine and vice versa.

In this episode, with my amazing guest, Catherine Strawbridge, we are discussing how to blend our feminine and masculine for healthy dynamics in everyday life, creating businesses, working on our projects…

May 06, 202044:26
Ep. 36 Pleasure as access to your power, healing and awakening

Ep. 36 Pleasure as access to your power, healing and awakening

A Human who is connected to his pleasure is a ''dangerously'' powerful human... Why? 

Because Pleasure is our access to personal power, healing, and awakening...

That's why in some cultures, religions, and traditions pleasure has been and is still positioned as something shameful, bad and sinful...because it is easier to control someone who is disconnected from his pleasure.

In this episode, I talk about pleasure in general and sexual pleasure/orgasmic energy as a doorway to our well-being, personal power, higher states of consciousness and healing...

Pleasure strengthens your manifestation power as well - during sexual pleasure our ego-mind disappears, time dissolves, and we go into the infinite (no one, nowhere, in no time). Set intention into the quantum field, open up to receive and expect miracles...

Apr 20, 202047:06
Ep. 35 I am Creator - If I am the Problem, I am the Solution

Ep. 35 I am Creator - If I am the Problem, I am the Solution

This episode is to support you during this time of uncertainty and bring some light on what is happening at the global level.

The ''reality'' we once knew changes form. 

There is no guarantee except for the truth that I am the creator and I am responsible for what shows up in my life moment by moment - through the way I speak, think, feel, what perception I choose and what I focus on.

Claiming our power as creators mean that we acknowledge - we are at the source of everything and everything that happens in our lives is in our favor (although if our ego-mind does not agree) 

There are so many theories about the virus, I am not here to question any of them...

The one thing is clear - if we are at the source of all creations we must have manifested this ''darkness'' - not intentionally, not consciously but as a direct response to the layers of unconscious programs and dark energies we have been operating from - repressed traumas, frozen fears, stories of separation, hatred, scarcity...

And this our opportunity, our wake-up call to transmute them into the Light and Rise Together.

This is our grandest opportunity to do the shadow work and choose consciousness & energy we want to operate from going forward.

Because Consciousness + Energy is all that is...The Universe is a perfect marriage of Consciousness (Masculine) & Energy (Feminine)...We are Consciousness + Energy.

The quality of our lives is the ''quality'' of the consciousness we operate from - Victim or Creator  + the ''quality'' of energy we bring - Love or Fear.

The New Earth is emerging and to thrive in this new reality we get to cleanse low vibration frequencies we have been operating from - shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, anger, pride...

This is our invitation to awaken to who we truly are, our divinity. We are creatures of light energy. Embodying the energy of who we are will liberate us from the fearful mind and stories it creates.

It's our invitation to expand and claim back our power as creators. 

All the resources I mention you can find at 

Mar 27, 202043:04
Ep. 34 How to transform taboos into light & in service of deepening love

Ep. 34 How to transform taboos into light & in service of deepening love

In this episode, I want to bring light to the topic of taboos. How they are created, how to bring them into the light and in service of deepening love. 

We all have some parts of our sexuality that are not fully expressed but rather repressed in most of us.

At a certain age in our childhood, we might have received a message that expressing ourselves in a certain way is not ok - that love will be taken away if we do that.

This part becomes a repressed part of ourselves. When sexuality is developed in us it tends to be the same wound - we repress a certain way of expressing ourselves and it becomes our kink or taboo.

It gets stuck in our nervous system (cause sexual energy cannot flow freely) and creates tension and closure in our body.

The healing happens when we start opening the tensed parts in our nervous system where repressed sexual energy is stuck. 

Opening liberates a big amount of life force energy and our taboo, expressed with love and connected to the heart, becomes a gift we can offer our partners.

Mar 17, 202030:21
Ep. 33 How to bring variety and novelty into our intimate relationships. Erotic Archetypes

Ep. 33 How to bring variety and novelty into our intimate relationships. Erotic Archetypes

In our intimate settings, we normally resort to a habitual way of expressing love, the one that feels the most natural for us. We have our ''go to'' habit.

Maybe these are lighter energies of tenderness, devotion or taking care of energy.

Although we fall in love with the ''go to'' expression of love our intimate partners are offering us in the beginning, with time it can get less exciting. It is like feeding each other pizza with the same topping over and over again. 

We, men and women, love the range and have a full range of erotic energies available inside of our bodies. These energies are called Archetypes and each of them brings its unique energy into our unions.

Most of the time we are limiting our capacity to express love in a full spectrum of energies because we think ''it's not my way, it does not feel natural''.  ''Unnatural'' does not necessarily mean you do not have it, but rather you have not explored and trained expressing love in some ways yet.

We can always grow as lovers, bring novelty and variety into our intimate settings through exploring erotic archetypes within us and embodying them.

As our devotion to love and sexual gifting.

Feb 26, 202041:42
Ep. 32 Evolving through dark periods to unlock your next level of expansion and gift on the other side

Ep. 32 Evolving through dark periods to unlock your next level of expansion and gift on the other side

To move to the next level of your expansion, to unlock the next layer of your gifts, to experience and receive greater you will be asked to release old stuff that is on the way - your core wounds, programs, stories...

Every wound that has been imprinted at your body level due to some traumatic events (even if it was a spank or an experience of rejection from a girl living next door when you were 5) comes with a lesson and a gift. The lesson can be only unlocked when we are ready to receive it and see the gift on the other side of it.

When we are ready, life brings us circumstances to trigger the old wounds in order to heal, integrate the wounded part and receive the gift on the other side of it...

The wounds are like thorns, it's painful to remove them but on the other side is healing, liberation and receiving greater.

Many people avoid facing their wounds, old hurts, deepest fears and use different kinds of protection mechanisms to push them away and avoid the feeling of pain.

In vain, what you avoid to face will keep on controlling and running your life.

The only way out is the way in!

In this episode I share:

* How wounds, traumas get imprinted at our body level and why you will be initiated to release them at a certain period of your life

* Why protection mechanisms we put in place to never feel the same hurt will only delay the healing

* What is important to remember when you go through the dark periods of your soul

* Why every trigger is your Medicine

* How to create liberation through going to the edges of your deepest fears.

...and more

Feb 07, 202038:10
Ep. 31 How to stream sexual energy in a healthy way. Levels of sex. Roles of feminine and masculine in ecstatic lovemaking

Ep. 31 How to stream sexual energy in a healthy way. Levels of sex. Roles of feminine and masculine in ecstatic lovemaking

There is a saying how you do sex is how you do life...

Sexual energy is perhaps the most powerful one - it creates life! But unfortunately, many of us have not been taught at schools how to own and stream sexual energy in a healthy creative way. We often do not know how to express sexual desires and own every part of our sexuality.

In this episode, I discuss, 

* how to own your sexuality in a way that inspires others

* why sex is ''sticky''

* levels of sex - from physical take -away to energetic lovemaking

* roles of feminine and masculine for a deep level of ecstatic lovemaking

Jan 31, 202028:07
Ep.30 Why life is always happening for you. Living in the flow

Ep.30 Why life is always happening for you. Living in the flow

I am starting a new season of ‘’Master the Art of Graceful Living’’ podcast show.

The first episode in this season is a special one as I am sharing the truths I have learned on my own path of transformation…


· Universe is always working out for you, although at times it seems the opposite, although at times you experience the contrast

· Four stages of consciousness we can evolve through in this human body...from being a victim to creator

· How you create your reality with every breath you take

· Why mindset work on its own is not sustainable and why embodiment is a doorway to the transformation that lasts

· Why moving to the edges of your greatest fears is what creates healing

· The practices I use to live in the state of flow

...and much more...

Jan 14, 202001:00:42
Ep. 29 Embracing Light and Dark side of your Sexuality

Ep. 29 Embracing Light and Dark side of your Sexuality

Many of us are holding shame when it comes to exploring and embracing every part of our sexuality.

Yet, sexuality is a vehicle for spiritual exploration. The full spectrum of it - light and dark.

We judge and shame some of our desires we dim as being too much or inappropriate.

When we suppress, deny or make wrong the darker side of our sexuality we push it down into the shadow and it shows up as an addiction, infidelity and other unhealthy dynamics…

Sacred sexuality is not only tantric lovemaking; sacredness is the darker rougher side of it as well. All of it is sacred if there is an intention of love present! ...and you can make an art out of it!

In this episode, I am discussing the light and dark side of sexuality, how to embrace it all, how to bring the darker side into the light and enjoy every piece of it with the intention of love and connection to the heart.

Jan 01, 202023:42
Conscious Ending of a Relationship

Conscious Ending of a Relationship

The end of a relationship is a painful process for most couples…even when we close it gracefully...⁣

But how you end it is how you begin your next one!

The myth we have been told ‘’time heals everything’’…with time we learn to cope with, time lessens the pain, but the pain does not stop if we don’t properly feel through and heal from the breakup...

If we don’t heal properly and are unwilling to own our part of the relationship coming to an end, we end up bringing unprocessed stuff - mistrust, resentment, anger, and our blind spots - into the next one…⁣

In this Episode, I want to share with you tools on how to go through the end of a relationship with ease and grace. So that you can emerge from the darkness of it with greater strength and a deeper love for the world instead of closing your heart.

…you are here to experience legendary love and it might be just around the corner:)

Dec 22, 201927:09
Different ways we can communicate love in intimate settings

Different ways we can communicate love in intimate settings

In this episode, with love&sex coach, Jaylene Acheson, we discuss different ways & languages we can communicate love to our partner in intimate settings.

We talk about languages of love, how we can give and receive love in each other language in intimate settings; the importance of communicating our desires and needs; how we can play around polarity to create passion and variety. 


Gary Chapman ''The five languages of love''

Dec 17, 201945:19
How to support your woman open up Sexually

How to support your woman open up Sexually

As with every aspect of our lives, we are in relationship with our sexuality. There is a saying how you do sex is how you do your life.

This episode uncovers what a woman needs to open up sexually. 

So it's mostly dedicated to men (or anybody who plays the role of a woman's lover) - to help them navigate the feminine world. I share tips on how to support your woman open up sexually and to draw her pleasure out, as well as what are the gifts masculine can give to feminine.

But it is as well for women because women don't always know what they need to open up sexually.

Dec 15, 201923:40
What a man wants, what a woman craves. How to encourage each other growth without killing polarity

What a man wants, what a woman craves. How to encourage each other growth without killing polarity

We are not taught at school how to love well, how to be great lovers and compassionate partners.

Unfortunately...How we show up in relationships is how we show up in the world!

In this episode, I interview the Intimacy&Relationships coach, Joe Keich. We talk about how to navigate men/women's different approaches to life, how to drop into feminine/masculine essence to keep polarity alive, artful expression of needs through the body, unconditional love in relationships, how to encourage growth without becoming a coach for your partner...and much more.


· How to artfully play around Masculine vs. Feminine polarity in relationships at 06:09 

· How to encourage your partner growth without showing up as a teacher or coach, without killing sexual polarity at 13:48

· Energetic agility at 18:21

· How to keep opening heart even when you feel unsafe at 22:06

· Freedom vs. love&connection cravings of masculine and feminine at 35:35

· How to be available for open communication without projecting, but seeing the world from each other perspective at 44:21

· One of the biggest cravings of a man at 50:25

· Unconditional love vs. boundaries in relationships at 52:45

Resources mentioned:

* David Deida ''The way of a superior man''
* John M. Gottman ''What Makes Love Last?''
* Karen Brody ''Open Her''
* Londin Angel Winters ''Awakened Woman's Guide Everlasting Love''

Nov 27, 201901:12:03
Shift your inner state to create more of what you desire in life: daily tools
Nov 19, 201932:34
The Sacred Dance of Giving and Receiving

The Sacred Dance of Giving and Receiving

It's all about balance in life...

Ying and Yang, Doing and Being, Masculine and Feminine energy, Giving and Receiving...

In this Episode with Transformation Life coach, Richard Clarke, we are discussing how to create a balance between Giving and Receiving in life.

Your individual growth lies where it feels the most uncomfortable for or receiving.

Yet, most people we work with are struggling with receiving...

We say we want abundance, we say we crave love...but are we really ready to receive it? Is our internal system open to receive?

It all starts with small things. Watch how you react when somebody offers you a compliment or a cup of coffee...are you open to receiving it, not only mentally but ''bodily''? Does your body constrict or expand?

When we are bad at receiving we can't give from the place of abundance, instead we can only give from the place of fear, lack, and resentment. 

We have been conditioned to believe that we need to work hard to earn what others are trying to give us...abundance, we are blocking receiving.

When we learn to receive we stop sabotaging things that are coming into our lives. 

Nov 04, 201943:56
Modern Manhood, feminine & masculine dynamics, what makes relationships thriving

Modern Manhood, feminine & masculine dynamics, what makes relationships thriving

In this podcast episode, I interview Jay Williams, Men’s Transformational Mindset Coach at Maskless Men. 

We are talking about what does it mean to be a man in the modern world, about breaking down the outdated stories and taking off the mask of masculinity. As well we discuss masculine vs. feminine different approaches to life, what a man craves vs. what a woman craves in relationships. We cover how to reignite desire in long-term relationships and the importance of agreements and clear communication for building legendary love.

…and much much more

Oct 25, 201901:18:28
Embodying the energy that you are to create a quantum flip in any area of your life

Embodying the energy that you are to create a quantum flip in any area of your life

We are energy beings.

Our energy speaks before we do. We feel other people energies before they introduce themselves. We might not even be able to explain why, but we love to be around some people while would prefer to minimize the company of others.

We are constantly broadcasting energy into the world and receive back the equivalent of what we are broadcasting. Like always attracts like. Love energy attracts love, abundance energy attracts abundance, while lack will inevitably attract more lack into your life.

Yes, energy is that powerful.

Energy is designed to move freely through our body. But as life is happening we are going through different kind of uncomfortable or even painful experiences. If we are not able to embrace and release what we are going through in real-time, we stockpile emotional charges inside of our bodies and energy gets stuck.

When energy is not moving, there is no communication and we experience unease (anxiety, excessive worry, overwhelm…etc), which eventually leads to disease.

When energy can’t flow freely in our body we look into the external world through distortions. We make decisions, which are not good for us, we attract other distorted energies because like always attracts like.

We try to ‘’solve’’ our life through our mind, but the mind alone can’t do it. When the mind is disconnected from body it struggles, tries to survive, to make things happen. We get stuck in poverty, familiar patterns, unable to manifest what we desire.

The fastest way to shift and create sustainable results in any area of your life is at the energy level, cause energy moves faster than anything else, faster than changing beliefs.

In this episode with Richard Clarke we make an introduction into the world of Energetics: how energy moves, how it creates our external world and how to start shifting our energy to create more of what we desire in life.

Sep 30, 201943:38
Redefining Relationships & Sexuality

Redefining Relationships & Sexuality

In this new episode with well renown sex & relationships coach Cam Fraser we are going discuss redefining relationships and sexuality.

In today’s world with many options of quick dating apps, free relating, and divorce rates rising is there any hope for committed relationship and why do we need to opt for it at all if, as we hear a lot, love eventually dies, sex becomes a nightmare routine and we end up with tons of requirements coming from our partner and no pleasure in return…☺

In the current model of relationship, it seems that we are over romanticizing love and expecting it to deliver all of our deeply held desires.

We tend to overload our relationships with expectations, hopes, needs.

We believe it’s our partner’s job to fulfill us romantically, spiritually, emotionally, sensually, and sexually.

We forget to nourish all elements required for our relationships to thrive.

It’s becoming evident that this model of relationships does not work.

But it does not have to be this way and we can do much better!

In this episode with Cam Fraser we are going to discuss:

· unhealthy dynamics between masculine and feminine and how to move away from it

· why a relationship can eventually become your freedom harbor

· how to reignite desire in long-term relationships

· three elements that are necessary to make your relationships harmonious, healthy and thriving

· why we need to stop outsourcing our pleasure and take responsibility for our sexual interactions being a pleasurable experience

· how to balance different libido levels in a relationship and how to expand your erotic menu

…and much more

Do not miss this one if you want to learn how to transform your relationships into thriving!

Sep 17, 201901:00:41
Morning Routines

Morning Routines

Why morning routines?⁣

We are waking up in the morning, rushing to check our emails, social media accounts, and do the things we normally do to prepare ourselves for the day...⁣

We do not have space for something new to enter our lives because we go into our habitual way of thinking and feeling, unconsciously recreating the state of anxiety, worry, and overwhelm and consequently producing the same results over and over again.⁣

It does now have to be this way...⁣

Morning routines will help to reconnect with yourself, break habitual patterns of thinking, release heavy energies and set intentions for the day ahead.⁣

Whether 15 minutes or an hour morning routines is a key to become more in control of your internal state and consequently what shows up in your life day by day!⁣

Sep 09, 201956:18
My journey of self-love

My journey of self-love

Self-love…Nowadays it sounds like a cliché.

Many people get frustrated when they hear advice ‘’you first need to love self ’’…what does it even mean and where do you begin ’’to learn to love yourself’’?

Yet, everything comes back to self-love…

What we attract and manifest reflect our level of self-worth, self-love, and self-appreciation…in ALL areas of life.

Learning to love self is a life-changing journey, but it can be challenging at times…

In this episode, I would like to share with you my own journey of reconnecting with my sense of worth and learning to love self more. I will share with you what I have been doing and keep on doing on a daily basis to learn to art of loving self…

Sep 01, 201932:49
Awakening through Sexuality

Awakening through Sexuality

Nowadays many of us still consider Sexuality a taboo topic in some parts, although sexual energy is the most powerful life force energy. 

Sexuality is our source of aliveness, joy and creativity. When we reconnect with our sexual energy we can heal and release our traumas and manifest miracles!

In this podcast with Paul Hanrieder we will discuss:

* shame and guilt around sexuality

* sexuality as a tool for rapid awakening

* exploring our edges as a person through sexuality

* healing through sexuality

* how through exploring your sexuality you can reach a state similar to psychedelics experience   

...and more!

Aug 30, 201901:01:56
Exploring Sensuality and Sexuality

Exploring Sensuality and Sexuality

We are born to be sensual and sexual and to express our sensuality and sexuality. Sexuality is fundamental human energy within us that has a relationship to our creativity, drive, connectedness to others and self.

Unfortunately, there is still lots of shame around this subject. Many of us avoid getting in touch, exploring, expressing their own sensuality and sexuality.

In this podcast with Richard Clarke we will discuss:

* How to explore and reconnect to your own sensuality and sexuality

* Masculine & feminine inner wholeness

* How to use sexuality as a creative life force energy

..and more


Aug 20, 201901:06:16