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By Antonio Myers

Autism is my super blessing! I'm a high-school valedictorian, college graduate, world traveler, disability advocate. I'm a Unitarian Universalist. I'm a Progressive Liberal. I'm about equal rights, human rights, civil & political rights, & economic, social, &cultural rights. I do servant leadership, boundless optimism, & Oneness/Wholeness. I'm good naked & unashamed! I love positive personhood, love your neighbor as yourself, and do no harm! I'm also appropriately inappropriate! My self-ratings: NC-17, XXX, X, X18+ & TV-MA means empathy! I publish shows at 11am!
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I am truly open to being an Unitarian Universalist minister.

I am truly open to being an Unitarian Universalist minister.

“Ministers are spiritual leaders of our faith communities. They help us explore life’s questions, challenge us to live out our values, and comfort us in times of suffering. Ministers teach, preach, listen and learn by leading congregations, serving as chaplains, and working for justice in the community.

Unitarian Universalist (UU) ministers are a diverse group. They include people of different genders and sexualities, and those who are single or partnered. Ministers have different racial identities and ethnicities, different abilities, and come from many ages and stages of life. Their personal beliefs are as diverse as Unitarian Universalism, and all are committed to UU values. Rather than telling others what to do or believe, ministers encourage people to make sense of the world in their own way, supporting them on their life’s journey.

Ministers serve in a variety of settings—in congregations and beyond. Ministers with the Unitarian Universalist Association are highly trained and highly capable. They go through demanding training and preparation outlined in the fellowshipping process with the UUA, and after being fellowshipped, most get ordained by a UU congregation. Ministry in Congregations and in the Community

UU ministers serving congregations act as the spiritual and administrative leaders of their congregations. They lead worship services and give sermons, challenge and guide the congregation’s spiritual focus, provide pastoral care and counseling, conduct special services, and represent Unitarian Universalism in the community. Ministers work closely with congregations’ volunteer leaders to providing vision, direction, and day-to-day administration, often supervising staff. Some ministers specifically serve a congregation’s religious education or social justice program. All congregationally-based ministers lead in partnership with members of the congregation because the members get to choose whom they will call and settle as their minister, because of our commitment to congregational polity.

There are growing number of UU community ministers who typically serve outside of congregations. They may serve in hospitals, hospices, nursing home, universities, prisons, or military bases as chaplains. They may serve as an executive director of a non-profit organization or work as a religious community organizer. Some community ministers work as pastoral counselors or are seminary professors. All UU community ministers bring their UU values to their work, holding up the UU spirit of personal growth and social justice.” - “Explore the links below to learn how Unitarian Universalists weave these traditions and identities into who they are today.

Atheist and Agnostic
Muslim.” - “Unitarian Universalists believe more than one thing. We think for ourselves, and reflect together, about important questions:

The existence of a Higher Power
Life and Death
Sacred Texts
Prayer and Spiritual Practices.” - “Unitarian Universalism values deeds not creeds and we need not think alike to love alike.” -Antonio Myers. Link: In the PDF file, I must state that everyone as Unitarian Universalists don’t have the same beliefs on each and every topic.
Jun 07, 202401:10:33
The secular version of “spiritual gifts.”

The secular version of “spiritual gifts.”

“I don’t want to limit my calling to houses of worship, in fact, most of my duties and my responsibilities will be in secular sceneries.” -Antonio Myers.
Jun 06, 202434:40
My special guest Angie Read Doyal, and I talk about health consciousness, reasonable workplace accommodations, and thriving after her stroke.

My special guest Angie Read Doyal, and I talk about health consciousness, reasonable workplace accommodations, and thriving after her stroke.

"Angie Read Doyal is the co-author of Marketing to Gen Z: The Rules for Reaching this Vast—And Very Different—Generation of Influencers, the author of Mental Health Hacks: 10 Easy Hacks to Help Manage Anxiety and Depression, and now her personal story Invisible Scars: Stroke Survival, Recovery, and the Unexpected Mental Health Fallout.
Angie considered her life truly blissful. She had an adoring husband, three wonderful teenaged children, and a 25-year ambitious career as a public relations professional. She was active and healthy and about to embark on a mission to travel the world to share her passion and knowledge of marketing to Gen Z. But then life took a horrendous turn.
Completely out of the blue, at the age of just 46, Angie had a right-side ischemic stroke that required emergency brain surgery to remove a blood clot. In the blink of an eye, Angie went from a successful career woman and doting mom to an empty shell, terrified for her future and angry at the injustices of her situation.
Despite surgery going well, Angie was far from her previous levels of health and well-being. Anxiety and depression had taken over her life. She had lost her vibrant, energetic self, she couldn’t work, and she had to depend on her friends and family. Dignity and independence had been replaced with fear and sorrow. Angie was desperate to get back to her normal self but each day, all she could feel was that her body and brain were betraying her, despite having successfully ‘graduated’ from intense physical, speech and occupational rehabilitation.

Realizing that things were spiraling out of control, Angie agreed to being admitted to an in-patient mental health facility—twice. It took years of dedication, self-discovery, and continuous professional support. Angie completed an Intensive Outpatient Program and learned about simple daily practices that would enable her to manage the symptoms of anxiety and depression. She went through talk therapy and required prescription medication.
Her perseverance paid off. Not only was Angie able to return to her career, but she was also in a much better position to support her family, especially when her 22-year-old son had his own mental health crisis.
Now, Angie is back, better and bolder! Enjoying the smaller things in life like time with her friends and family, running, weekends on the lake, and any chance to see the Kansas City Chiefs dominate their opponents. Her own experiences have taught Angie that there is still a huge stigma surrounding mental health and her new passion is to share her story, so nobody has to suffer alone." _ ABOUT – Angiereadbooks (

Jun 05, 202438:21
I am enjoying growing in my maturity and my completeness.

I am enjoying growing in my maturity and my completeness.

“Being perfect is not about lawlessness, it’s about being whole is being mature and complete even when I sometimes feel incomplete.” -Antonio Myers.
Jun 04, 202446:01
Rape culture inspired my sexual self-destructive behavior of my much younger days.

Rape culture inspired my sexual self-destructive behavior of my much younger days.

“Some victims of rape or other sexual violence incidents are male. It is estimated that approximately one in six men experienced sexual abuse during childhood.[1][better source needed] Historically, rape was thought to be, and defined as, a crime committed solely against females. This belief is still held in some parts of the world, but rape of males is now commonly criminalized and has been subject to more discussion than in the past.[2]
Males are far less likely to report sexual abuse than females.[3] Rape of males is still taboo, and has a negative connotation among heterosexual and homosexual men.[4][5] Community and service providers often react differently to male victims based on their sexual orientation and the gender of their perpetrators.[6] It may be difficult for male victims to report a sexual assault they experienced, especially in a society with a strong masculine custom. They might be afraid that people will doubt their sexual orientation and label them homosexual, especially if raped by a male, or that they may be seen as un-masculine because they were a victim, and therefore many statistics underestimate how many males are raped due to their unwillingness to report sexual assault and rape.[7] Most of the time, male victims try to hide and deny their victimization, similar to female victims, unless they have serious physical injuries. Eventually, the male victims may be very vague in explaining their injuries when they are seeking medical or mental health services.[3]” -Wikipedia.
Jun 04, 202425:09
I am 💯 certain of the fundamentals of me

I am 💯 certain of the fundamentals of me

“I am a free-thinking, free-living, free-loving, and free-spirited person in every which way (self-explanatory.)” -Antonio Myers.
Jun 04, 202440:50
The sexual stereotypes of black men and non-sexual stereotypes of black men that my non-black women past sex partners and my past black women sex partners believed about me.

The sexual stereotypes of black men and non-sexual stereotypes of black men that my non-black women past sex partners and my past black women sex partners believed about me.

“The stereotype of all black men, all men and all black people as not being marriage material, not being father material, and not being family people material is false and I am grateful that the women of my sexual past eradicated that stereotype from their psyches thanks to my polite correction of them.” -Antonio Myers.
Jun 03, 202401:53:19
My child-self is full of church, Christianity, The Pastorate, Bible, & The Holy Trinity, ending childhood Christian persecution.

My child-self is full of church, Christianity, The Pastorate, Bible, & The Holy Trinity, ending childhood Christian persecution.

“I faced martyrdom and potential career derailment for my adult years for Jesus innumerable times as a kid. There were deadly weapons (fully loaded) while being pointed at me and aimed at me in the midst of my praying, singing Christian songs, and proselytizing by a handful of criminals who had religious intolerance in their hard hearts. They chose not to kill me because they were shocked and amazed that I was that committed to Christendom and Christ.” -Antonio Myers.
Jun 03, 202439:33
My special guest Amanda Udis-Kessler and I discuss the Inclusive spirit of Progressive religion and Liberal religion.
Jun 02, 202401:10:32
The complexity of my religious views stem from my anguishing upbringing.

The complexity of my religious views stem from my anguishing upbringing.

“An Overview of Religious Persecution

Religious persecution can be defined as the systematic hostility or ill-treatment encountered by an individual or group because of their religious beliefs. It may be manifest in a variety of forms. Laws may discriminate against those who subscribe, or fail to subscribe, to a particular religion, resulting in minority traditions experiencing harsher punishments for breaching the law. “Personal status laws” that control marriage, divorce, inheritance and child rearing, may also be used to discriminate against particular faith groups.

In the most severe cases, persecution may take a violent form, with minorities facing physical attacks and threats from the government or wider community. The Holocaust, during which six million Jews were killed under a Nazi regime, is one of the worst examples of widespread and systemic religious persecution known to humankind.

Aside from legal discrimination, minority groups may find themselves socially excluded from communities, forced to worship in secret for fear of public criticism

Religious freedom

The principle of the freedom of religion and belief asserts that individuals should be free to believe in any faith system according to their conscience. This principle also supports the rights of atheists and agnostics not to subscribe to a particular religion. Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights enshrines freedom of religion, belief and conscience as a right for all peoples. This right includes freedom to change your religion or belief, and freedom to manifest your religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.” Link:
Jun 01, 202456:18
I’m a secular Pagan, a secular Hindu, a Secular Humanistic Judaism practitioner, a Black Secularism personifier, a secular Buddhist, a Buddhist Humanist, & a Humanistic Buddhist.

I’m a secular Pagan, a secular Hindu, a Secular Humanistic Judaism practitioner, a Black Secularism personifier, a secular Buddhist, a Buddhist Humanist, & a Humanistic Buddhist.

“Ours is a community of people who, having moved beyond religion: Endeavor to understand and be grounded in science and reality. Strive to improve the quality of our lives, end needless suffering, find peace, prosper together as one human community and thrive in harmony with the other species we share this fragile world with. Recognize and honor the things that sustain life, that advance our civilization, and enable us to succeed as a species. Understand that what is truly sacred in life is the natural world we cannot violate, damage or destroy without putting our own lives in peril. Reject antiquated and dysfunctional religions that, thousands of years old and divisive, are impediments to human progress.” Link:
Jun 01, 202424:15
I breath a sigh of relief from the strongholds of back then.

I breath a sigh of relief from the strongholds of back then.

“Relief is a positive emotion experienced when something unpleasant, painful or distressing has not happened or has come to an end.[1]
Relief is often accompanied with a sigh, which signals emotional transition.[2] People from all over the world can recognise sighs with relief,[3] and judge relief to be a fundamental emotion.[4]
In a 2017 study published in Psychology, relief is suggested to be an emotion that can reinforce anxiety through avoidance[5][6] or be an adaptive coping mechanism when stressed or frustrated.[7]” -Wikipedia.
May 31, 202428:08
Peacing the previous (my past sex partners and I failed each other miserably because our abusers failed us miserably.)

Peacing the previous (my past sex partners and I failed each other miserably because our abusers failed us miserably.)

“Advocacy is an activity by an individual or group that aims to influence decisions within political, economic, and social institutions. Advocacy includes activities and publications to influence public policy, laws and budgets by using facts, their relationships, the media, and messaging to educate government officials and the public. Advocacy can include many activities that a person or organization undertakes, including media campaigns, public speaking, commissioning and publishing research. Lobbying (often by lobby groups) is a form of advocacy where a direct approach is made to legislators on a specific issue or specific piece of legislation.[1] Research[whose?] has started to address how advocacy groups in the United States[2] and Canada[3] are using social media to facilitate civic engagement and collective action.”
May 31, 202453:33
“Doubting Antonio”: I am the black, and autistic version of “Doubting Thomas.” I am open to secular pastoring, faith-based pastoring (no religious right), and being President of The United States.

“Doubting Antonio”: I am the black, and autistic version of “Doubting Thomas.” I am open to secular pastoring, faith-based pastoring (no religious right), and being President of The United States.

“A doubting Thomas is a skeptic who refuses to believe without direct personal experience – a reference to the Gospel of John's depiction of the Apostle Thomas, who, in John's account, refused to believe the resurrected Jesus had appeared to the ten other apostles until he could see and feel Jesus's crucifixion wounds.” -Wikipedia.
May 31, 202401:05:32
The objectifications of house of worship leadership and the parishioners.

The objectifications of house of worship leadership and the parishioners.

“So many people in religious institutions have been destroyed, wrecked, annihilated, killed, lost, devastated, wasted, demolished, overturned, overwhelmed, upset, nullified, undone, put to an end, shattered, smashed, scuttled, ravished, engulfed, submerged, overrun, extinguished, eradicated, devoured, consumed, burned up, burned down, gone to pieces, razed, lying in ruins, sacked, broken, dead, and ruined.” -Antonio Myers. “I am not a fan of linear thinking, black or white thinking, monolithic thinking, herd mentality, group think, my way or the highway thinking, binary thinking, and all or nothing thinking.” -Antonio Myers.
May 30, 202401:02:11
My audio love letter to the women who want me to be a family man, a pastor, and U.S.A. President.

My audio love letter to the women who want me to be a family man, a pastor, and U.S.A. President.

“Just as Christiana Njoku identified in her article ‘What Women Want from Men’:

Any man that shows himself as being honest and straightforward in his dealings with others, automatically becomes more appealing and desirable to a woman. If a man is dependable, truthful, genuine, and speaks from the heart, no woman would want to stay away from such a man, because he and his words can be trusted.”
May 29, 202445:13
The pathology of me (yours truly.)

The pathology of me (yours truly.)

“The authors' study found that many young people believe in several moral statutes not exclusive to any of the major world religions. It is not a new religion or theology as such, but identified as a set of commonly held spiritual beliefs. It is this combination of beliefs that they label moralistic therapeutic deism:
A God exists who created and ordered the world and watches over human life on earth.
God wants people to be good, nice, and fair to each other, as taught in the Bible and by most world religions.
The central goal of life is to be happy and to feel good about oneself.
God does not need to be particularly involved in one's life except when God is needed to resolve a problem.
Good people go to heaven when they die.[7]
These points of belief were compiled from interviews with approximately 3,000 teenagers.[8]”.
May 28, 202446:33
The rest of my extraordinary reasons for my not being a traditional family man.

The rest of my extraordinary reasons for my not being a traditional family man.

“Amatonormativity Vs. Other Types of Normativity:
As a culture, we have grown increasingly aware of the multiple aspects and types of identity that people possess. While variability in identity is growing increasingly diverse, the cultural beliefs about what makes an identity “normal” are being increasingly revealed. There are many different “normal” or stereotypically expected components of identity that address relational and sexual norms.

Here’s how amatonormativity is connected to other forms of normativity:

Amatonormativity Vs. Heteronormativity
Heteronormativity refers to the assumption that all people are heterosexual and does not allow for individuals who hold diverse sexual orientations, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, or asexual, which describes people who experience no sexual attraction to others. Like amatonormativity, heteronormativity operationally defines what is considered normal, however heteronormativity refers to sexual attraction and amatonormativity describes romantic attraction.

Amatonormativity Vs. Allonormativity
Allonormativity describes the stereotype that all people experience some form of sexual attraction. Allonormative makes space for heterosexual attraction as well as alternative attractions including lesbian, gay, and bisexual. However, an allonormative view ignores the existence of asexual individuals.2 Allonormativity is often assumed alongside amatonormativity due to the cultural construct that joins romantic love and sexual attraction into a conflated expectation.

Amatonormativity Vs. Cisnormativity
Cisnormative expectations refer to the construct of being cisgender, which is holding an identity that matches the sex a person was assigned at birth.3 Cisnormative beliefs do not make space for individuals whose identities reflect aspects of transgenderism. Individuals who endorse cisnormativity also tend to endorse amatonormativity – “normal” people identify as the sex assigned at birth and grow up seeking and prioritizing romantic relationships.

Amatonormativity Vs. Mononormativity
People who believe that individuals should have only a single, monogamous romantic partner at any given time support mononormativity.4 Both mononormativity and amatonormativity address expectations regarding the pursuit of romantic relationships, however, mononormativity is based on the assumption that all people are interested in romantic relationships. Mononormativity is at the opposite end of the spectrum from polyamory, which describes being romantically involved with multiple people simultaneously.

Amatonormativity Vs. Sexual Normativity
Sexual normativity refers to the assumption that all people experience sexual desire and seek opportunities to act on that desire.5 This concept is highly related to amatonormativity as they both create a culture in which the lack of interest in romantic or sexual relationships is seen as abnormal6 The absence of desire for sexual involvement or romance are not abnormal, just individual differences.” -Choosing Therapy.
May 27, 202401:01:08
Cruddy crime and adventurous adolescence

Cruddy crime and adventurous adolescence

“In my childhood, masculinity was all about: brutality
brute force
strong-arm tactics
full force
destructiveness.” -Antonio Myers.
May 27, 202442:09
I created my own gospel: The Gospel of Belonging. My version of oneness and wholeness.

I created my own gospel: The Gospel of Belonging. My version of oneness and wholeness.

“I am so glad that I am no longer confused by my stances on religion, faith, spirituality, and theology.” -Antonio Myers.
May 26, 202427:05
My compassionate concerns with practicing a religion in regards to the practitioners.

My compassionate concerns with practicing a religion in regards to the practitioners.

“The term "violence" is a complicated concept which broadly carries descriptive and evaluative components which range from harming non-human objects to human self-harm.[3] Ralph Tanner cites the definition of violence in the Oxford English Dictionary as "far beyond (the infliction of) pain and the shedding of blood." He argues that, although violence clearly encompasses injury to persons or property, it also includes "the forcible interference in personal freedom, violent or passionate conduct or language (and) finally passion or fury."[4] Similarly, Abhijit Nayak writes:
The word "violence" can be defined to extend far beyond pain and shedding blood. It carries the meaning of physical force, violent language, fury, and, more importantly, forcible interference.[19]
Terence Fretheim writes:
For many people, ... only physical violence truly qualifies as violence. But, certainly, violence is more than killing people, unless one includes all those words and actions that kill people slowly. The effect of limitation to a "killing fields" perspective is the widespread neglect of many other forms of violence. We must insist that violence also refers to that which is psychologically destructive, that which demeans, damages, or depersonalizes others. In view of these considerations, violence may be defined as follows: any action, verbal or nonverbal, oral or written, physical or psychical, active or passive, public or private, individual or institutional/societal, human or divine, in whatever degree of intensity, that abuses, violates, injures, or kills. Some of the most pervasive and most dangerous forms of violence are those that are often hidden from view (against women and children, especially); just beneath the surface in many of our homes, churches, and communities is abuse enough to freeze the blood. Moreover, many forms of systemic violence often slip past our attention because they are so much a part of the infrastructure of life (e.g., racism, sexism, ageism).[20]” -Wikipedia.
May 26, 202432:29
I no longer have sex for all of the morally wrong reasons deeply rooted within the sexual traumas.

I no longer have sex for all of the morally wrong reasons deeply rooted within the sexual traumas.

I no longer have sex because I sometimes feel: Irritability, Aggravation, Agitation, Annoyance, Grouchy, Grumpy, Crosspatch, Exasperation, Frustration,
Rage, Anger, Outrage, Fury, Wrath, Hostility, Ferocity, Bitterness, Hatred, Scorn, Spite, Vengefulness, Dislike, Resentment, Disgust, Revulsion, Contempt, Loathing, Envy, Jealousy, Torment, Torture, Sadness, Suffering, Agony, Anguish, Hurt, Depression, Despair, Neglect, Alienation, Defeatism, Dejection, Embarrassment, Homesickness, Humiliation, Insecurity, Insult, Isolation, Loneliness, Rejection,
Sympathy, Pity, Mono no aware,
Fear, Horror, Alarm, Shock, Fear, Fright, Terror, Panic, Hysteria, Mortification,
Nervousness, Anxiety, Suspense, Uneasiness, Apprehension (fear), Worry, Distress, and Dread.” -Antonio Myers.
May 26, 202431:32
I no longer see myself as sin-natured due to my Autism.

I no longer see myself as sin-natured due to my Autism.

“Autistic people may display a range of strengths and abilities that can be directly related to their diagnosis, including:

Learning to read at a very early age (known as hyperlexia).
Memorising and learning information quickly.
Thinking and learning in a visual way.
Logical thinking ability.
May excel (if able) in academic areas such as science, engineering and mathematics as they are technical and logical subjects that do not heavily rely on social interaction.
Having an extraordinarily good memory (being able to remember facts for a long period of time).
Being precise and detail orientated.
Exceptional honesty and reliability.
Being dependable in regards to schedules and routines.
Having an excellent sense of direction.
Be very punctual.
Strong adherence to rules.
Able to concentrate for long periods of time when motivated.
A drive for perfection and order.
A capability for alternate problem solving.
A rare freshness and sense of wonderment.” -
May 25, 202413:19
I hold the humanity of Christians and non-Christians in high regard.

I hold the humanity of Christians and non-Christians in high regard.

“As long as we are not living in our full humanity, we cannot
create a world for humanity.” -Tarana Burke.
May 25, 202415:31
My Grandma Clara’s desire for me to be a godly family man and a godly senior pastor.

My Grandma Clara’s desire for me to be a godly family man and a godly senior pastor.

“Cowardice asks the question, 'Is it safe?' Expediency asks the question, 'Is it politic?' Vanity asks the question, 'Is it popular?' But, conscience asks the question, 'Is it right?' And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but one must take it because one's conscience tells one that it is right
-Martin Luther King Jr.”
May 25, 202401:30:24
My special guest Dr. Indushree Rajan and I talked about combatting human trafficking, sexual slavery, and systemic racism. We also discussed her therapeutic healing modalities that aids her clientele.

My special guest Dr. Indushree Rajan and I talked about combatting human trafficking, sexual slavery, and systemic racism. We also discussed her therapeutic healing modalities that aids her clientele.

"Working To Make A Change As a media psychologist, Dr. Rajan has spoken on several Los Angeles and Orange County based radio talk shows, as a mental health advocate for survivors of human trafficking and an expert on the global sex trafficking crisis, and more generally, as a psycho-educator about various issues including: complex trauma, medical trauma, mindfulness based practices in address of depression and anxiety, and most recently, best mental health practices during the Covid-19 global pandemic, and social justice issues. "Fear comes in one moment, and possibility in the next. We can't comprehend all that life offers us until we are present to the moments that comprise it. It is only when we get accustomed to wading in the waves, that we can truly behold the beauty of the ocean."~ Dr. Indhushree Rajan Diana Rivera​MA, PCC, Ph.D. Licensed Clinical Psychologist/Certified Coach/Facilitator June 10, 2021, Diana worked with Indushree on the same team: "Dr. Indushree Rajan is an outstanding clinician. I have had a chance, as a close colleague, to observe her incredible work as a psychologist: highly astute, sensitive, critical thinking, ethical and so compassionate! I refer to her all the time because I know clients will have a warm, loving and safe space to bare their heart, mind and soul. 5-star recommendation." Dr. Laura Ruaro, Psychologist in Private Practice May 4, 2021, Laura worked with Indushree on the same team: "Indushree is an experienced and passionate Psychologist. She develops strong and committed relationships with her clients and is committed to learning and self-development. She is a highly esteemed colleague; I highly recommend her." Klarissa Castro [Ph.D. Product Design | Owner of Jewelry business focused on Women Empowerment | Passionate about Wellbeing Programs & improving Mental Health April 30, 2021, Klarissa worked with Indushree on the same team: "I had the pleasure of working with Dr. Rajan. She is the most insightful and empathic clinician I know. She is very passionate about her work, and it shows with the results she produces. I highly recommend her as a psychologist. As a colleague, she was always there for support. Loved working with her!" Jake Koplowitz: "I cannot express enough gratitude for the transformative experience I’ve had under Dr. Rajan’s care. When I was referred to her by a friend, I was grappling with stress, anxiety, and depression stemming from job loss and strained relationships. I have previously used a CBT approach to therapy and wanted to try something more well-rounded, which made Dr. Rajan a perfect fit. What sets her apart is her eclectic approach to therapy. Drawing from various modalities like CBT, psychotherapy, talk therapy, and humanistic therapy, she tailored our sessions to suit my unique needs. This holistic approach not only provided me with practical tools to manage my challenges but also fostered profound introspection and growth. Under Dr. Rajan’s guidance, I’ve not only learned to navigate the complexities of my circumstances but have also cultivated a deeper understanding of myself and my relationships. Her compassionate presence and insightful guidance have been instrumental in my journey toward healing and resilience. I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Rajan to anyone seeking a compassionate and effective ally in their mental health journey." Link to her website: Home - The Conscious Life (
May 24, 202451:25
Casual dating etiquette thanks to my career

Casual dating etiquette thanks to my career

“Benefits of casual dating:
You get to have romance and touch in your life without the commitments of a serious or long-term relationship.
You have someone to hang out with in your downtime.
You have someone to do "couple" and "relationship" things with, without the commitment.
You can get to know someone in a laid-back, pressure-free way.
You can potentially date multiple people at the same time.
You can have sex with a regular partner.
You get to spend time with someone you like who likes you back.
You can get to know someone in a casual way while deciding whether you want to pursue a serious relationship with them.
You can determine if someone isn't a good fit for a long-term relationship with you before actually entering into a long-term relationship with them.
You can enjoy spending time with someone you like even though you know you two wouldn't make a great couple in the long. term.
You can enjoy dating someone without having to share your whole life with them.
You can enjoy the fun parts of dating without a lot of the more mundane or difficult parts of maintaining a long-term partnership.
Things aren't purely sexual usually—you and the other person genuinely like spending time with each other, even when you're not having sex.
You have more independence and flexibility since you don't need to totally sync your life up with the other person's life.
You don't need to find the "perfect" partner—you can enjoy spending time with anyone whom you find fun to be around, even if they're not the "perfect" fit for you.
You might find out you really like each other and decide to enter into a more serious relationship.
Risks of casual dating:
One person may start to form real romantic feelings or emotional attachment to the other person, and the other person may not feel the same way.
If you develop feelings for the other person and they don't feel the same, you can end up getting hurt.
If the other person develops feelings for you and you don't feel the same way, you may end up feeling guilty about hurting that person.
Some people may not communicate clearly about what they want from casual dating, causing misunderstandings and hurt feelings.
Some people may use casual dating as an excuse to avoid communicating about needs and boundaries.
Some people may use casual dating as an excuse to be careless, selfish, or dismissive of the other person's needs.
Some people may use casual dating as an excuse to lie to the other person.
Some people may say they want to casually date, when in reality they are hoping for a serious relationship.
If your relationship isn't exclusive, there may be a higher risk of acquiring sexually transmitted infections.
There's a possibility for jealousy if one or both parties is also dating other people.” -Mindbodygreen. “Sexual Trauma Symptoms
Everyone is affected differently by sexual trauma, depending on their age and available support system. Some survivors of sexual trauma can show symptoms of PTSD, while others may exhibit drastic changes in personal hygiene, concentration, and mood. Individuals may also adopt unhealthy coping skills, such as substance use or self-harm, to cope with their distress.

Signs and symptoms of sexual trauma may include:

Changes in sleep pattern (i.e., insomnia or nightmares)
Changes in social behavior or friend groups
Changes in hygiene
Poor concentration
Changes in school or work performance
Mood changes (i.e., depressed, irritable, cries easily, etc.)
Self-injurious behaviors.
Experimenting with substances
Sexually acting out by children (provocative language/body language or imitating sexual acts).” -ChoosingTherapy.
May 24, 202424:21
Sexual logical fallacies, sexual trauma responses, and the sexual parts of the sexual brain.

Sexual logical fallacies, sexual trauma responses, and the sexual parts of the sexual brain.

“Effects of Sexual Trauma Experiencing sexual abuse puts individuals at risk of experiencing long-term effects from their trauma. In children, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) like sexual trauma can contribute to chronic health problems, mental illness, and substance misuse in adulthood.6 These challenges can also negatively impact their ability to pursue education, job opportunities, and personal growth. Negative Coping Strategies People may develop negative coping strategies in response to sexual trauma. Some may engage in ‘numbing’ tactics like substance use, disordered eating, and self-harm. Others may dissociate to disconnect from their bodies or external surroundings. Self-isolation or avoiding trauma triggers are additional examples of unhealthy coping patterns. Physical Symptoms Sexual trauma can coincide with various somatic experiences that range in severity. Some of the physical effects of sexual assault include sexual dysfunction (vaginal pain, erectile dysfunction, limited to no libido), acute or chronic pain, muscle tightness, gastrointestinal distress, headaches, and panic attacks. Difficulty Going Back to Normal Life Readjusting to daily life after experiencing trauma can be challenging as survivors may have difficulty in their relationships, returning to work or school, and regaining a sense of normalcy and identity. They may also experience sexual anxiety, as even healthy sexual experiences may trigger flashbacks of their trauma.6 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) PTSD from sexual abuse can occur with either an immediate or delayed onset. Hallmark symptoms include ruminating thoughts about the abuse, flashbacks, nightmares, hypervigilance, and intense feelings of shame or guilt. Not everyone who experiences sexual trauma will develop PTSD, but a lack of support, poor coping skills, and complex trauma can increase the risk. Relationship Difficulties Sexual trauma triggers can seep into everyday life, and they may become more pronounced in intimate relationships. For example, some people find being emotionally or physically vulnerable with another person challenging. They may struggle to trust others due to a past history of betrayal. Similarly, they might present as either overly guarded or permissive with partners. Mental Health Conditions Sexual trauma is a risk factor for numerous mental health conditions, including anxiety, substance use disorders, eating disorders, personality disorders, and dissociative disorders. Sexual trauma itself likely does not single-handedly cause these conditions. However, the unresolved effects can result in significant distress, leading to subsequent issues. Loss of Self The emotional effects of sexual assault can erode an internal sense of safety and chip away at core values. Some people report a deep hollowness after experiencing or processing trauma. These feelings may speak to the intense fear, anger, and helplessness that can emerge after such a life-threatening event. Emotional Dysregulation Emotional dysregulation is often a product of feeling powerless and unsafe after significant events, including sexual trauma. Emotional dysregulation can include problems expressing emotions, intense and sudden mood swings, and lashing out. Some people may also struggle with self-destructive behaviors or suicidal thoughts. Depersonalization & Derealization Depersonalization refers to feeling detached from the body or inner thoughts. Similarly, derealization is a disconnect from the outside world, where the external environment may feel foggy, dreamlike, or otherwise distorted. Both are aspects of dissociation, and they may exist together or separately in response to experiencing sexual trauma.” -Choosing Therapy.
May 24, 202401:10:10
My special guest Rahti Gorfien and I talk about her outstanding neurodiverse individuality.

My special guest Rahti Gorfien and I talk about her outstanding neurodiverse individuality.

"About Rahti Gorfien:
As a struggling actor and standup comic, I used to start support groups for myself around writing, getting to auditions, etc. I really liked Julia Cameron’s ‘The Artists Way’ and worked through that book 3 times…once solo and twice in groups I formed with friends. Speaking of groups, I also started a Wishcraft Team inspired by Barbara Sher that collectively resulted in a yoga business, a bookstore and a DJ. I seemed to have a gift for facilitating change.
Finally, I knew it was the right business to pursue because one day my husband said “You’re good at this stuff. Start charging.” And since I was burning out on cooking, temping and a myriad of other serial day jobs, I took his advice.
In retrospect, the diversity of my background is clearly a key element in the evolution of my coaching style. As an actor, playwright, standup comic, private cook, company manager, restaurant hostess and adoptive parent, I can accurately say that I’ve experienced life from many enriching perspectives. I even spent several years as a full-time yogini living at an ashram in Pennsylvania! If you haven’t guessed by now, I’m a seeker, and as a result my approach is both humorous and compassionate. As for street cred in terms of days and hours, in addition to having become a professionally certified coach, I have been helping individuals realize their creative, vocational, and personal potential since 1990. So bring it.

Professional Certified Coach, PCC
ACCG Accredited ADHD Coach by the ADD Coach Academy
Career Specialty Services Provider (CSS)
CCC, “Creativity Coaching Training” taught by Eric Maisel, Ph.D., the founder of this highly respected program for coaches who want to work effectively with artists in all mediums.
Member ICF, IAC
Speaking Appearances include Sarah Lawrence MFA Writing Program, Momasphere, The Actors Center, Curves for Women
NYU Tisch School of the Arts
30 years' experience as an actress in New York City
Online contributor for Momasphere, Sanemoms, and Advice Columnist for Park Slope Parents.
As a playwright, my play When It Rains, was sited by Backstage as one of the best plays of 2004 in their end-of-year-round-up.

Certifications, Degrees, and Experience:

Professional Certified Coach, PCC
ACCG Accredited ADHD Coach by the ADD Coach Academy
Career Specialty Services Provider (CSS)
CCC, “Creativity Coaching Training” taught by Eric Maisel, Ph.D., the founder of this highly respected program for coaches who want to work effectively with artists in all mediums.
Member ICF, IAC
Speaking Appearances include Sarah Lawrence MFA Writing Program, Momasphere, The Actors Center, Curves for Women
NYU Tisch School of the Arts
30 years' experience as an actress in New York City
Online contributor for Momasphere, Sanemoms, and Advice Columnist for Park Slope Parents.
As a playwright, my play When It Rains, was cited by Backstage as one of the best plays of 2004 in their end-of-year-round-up." Link to her website:
Rahti Gorfien, Certified Life Coach - Creative Calling Coaching.
May 24, 202450:30
My special guest Lois Hollis and I talk about her wise coinage of the term "shame guilt."

My special guest Lois Hollis and I talk about her wise coinage of the term "shame guilt."

"I’m a Trailblazer

As a student and teacher, I am educating others on the dangerous impact of shame guilt upon each of us. My” I’m Good” Docu-series further illustrates how changing the shame guilt system solves our mental health crisis.
In 1964 as a registered nurse, I joined the University of Maryland open-heart surgical and nursing team. I modified my traditional nursing skills to meet the challenges of the new field of open-heart surgery.
In 1966 I was a Nurse Entrepreneur. I helped establish one of the first kidney hemodialysis units in the United States at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. I assisted with research, teaching, and consulting to support other dialysis centers.

Before the availability of the hepatitis vaccine, I contained a hepatitis epidemic at Thomas Jefferson Dialysis Unit and developed protocols for hepatitis management in hemodialysis to other units.
I co-founded the AANNT American Association of Nephrology Nurses and Technicians in 1971 to standardize procedures for hemodialysis nursing.
With sadness and the resistance of colleagues, I left traditional medicine in 1980 for holistic health to save my daughters’ life and my own.
I know firsthand the importance of healing and the spirit of living. I am blessed for extra years by overcoming heart disease, kidney dysfunction, brain traumas, rib fractures, and 30 years of migraine headaches. I had three miscarriages, but God gave me three beautiful daughters.
Why I chose shame guilt for study? Shame and guilt reinforce each other to produce negative emotions such as anger, depression, addictions, etc. Shame guilt harms our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual states. Lack of knowledge and their secrecy gives them power."

"Fun Facts About Lois:

I was a Registered Nurse at the Indy 500 in 1967 when Mario Andretti won.
I saw the Russian ballet dancer Rudolf Nureyev leap from one side of the stage to the other at the Philadelphia Academy of Music. The audience stood in silent shock. Seconds later, the sound of thunder swept the theater with clapping. What a moment!
At the airline’s expense in 1970, I was helicoptered onto a yacht touring the Greek Islands because my flight was delayed reaching the boat loading dock. I doubt the airlines can have this type of customer service now. It was fun!
Enjoying a free ski lift ticket since I am over 70
My Polish stamina, mission, and homemade chocolate keep me energized and feeling good.

Link to her website:
Bio – Emotional Counseling | Wellness Counseling | Lois Hollis

May 23, 202423:50
My ethical non-monogamy in moderation thanks to my higher calling (the polar opposite of the unethical (not illegal) non-monogamy of my past.)

My ethical non-monogamy in moderation thanks to my higher calling (the polar opposite of the unethical (not illegal) non-monogamy of my past.)

“Why People Choose ENM
There are many reasons to desire an ethically non-monogamous relationship setup. These are just a few of them:2

The Ability to Explore One's Sexuality
Sexuality can change over time, and it can take time for us to understand fully. For those who wish to explore their sexual identity by experimenting with consenting people of a different gender, kink preference, or sexual desire than their partner, ENM makes sense because it doesn't require them to give up a primary relationship in order to become better in touch with their sexual identity. Some Relationships Don't Meet All of a Person's Needs
Expecting one human to fit perfectly with you and love everything you love is a lot of pressure. To alleviate this pressure, people who practice ENM have the freedom to look outside their relationship for others who may have similar sexual or romantic interests that their partner doesn't.

More Than Enough Love to Go Around
There are people who are capable of loving and exploring physical, sexual, and emotional intimacy with multiple people at once and who feel more satisfied and fulfilled in life when they are able to do that.” -
May 22, 202401:13:42
The hassle and razzle-dazzle of my career and my life as a self-partnered individual

The hassle and razzle-dazzle of my career and my life as a self-partnered individual

“Self-partnering is showing that being single doesn't need to be lonely or incomplete. A self-partnered individual would feel whole on their own and does not necessarily feel compelled to seek fulfillment through having another person as a partner at all costs. “I never believed the whole ‘I’m happy single’ spiel…But I’m very happy [being single]. I call it being self-partnered.” — Emma Watson.” Link:,a%20partner%20at%20all%20costs.
May 21, 202432:20
My last episode on my consciously being a solo-polyamorist despite my family man desire.

My last episode on my consciously being a solo-polyamorist despite my family man desire.

“Cloning model: The mentor teaches the learner as if they were a clone of the mentor.
Nurturing model: The mentor assumes a parental role to create an open, supportive environment where the learner can learn and try things themselves.
Friendship model: The mentor acts more as a peer "rather than being involved in a hierarchical relationship".
Apprenticeship model: The mentor and learner predominantly have a professional relationship.[30] Peer mentoring: Relationships that involve individuals in similar positions. One person may be more knowledgeable in a certain aspect or another, and they can help each other progress in their work. In most cases, peer relationships provide a lot of support, empathy, and advice because the situations are quite similar.
Situational mentoring: Short-term relationships in which a person mentors for a specific purpose. This could be a company bringing an expert in regarding social media, or internet safety. This expert can mentor employees to make them more knowledgeable about a specific topic or skill.
Supervisory mentoring: This relationship involves a mentor with a higher position than the learner. The mentor can answer many questions and advise the best course of action.[31]
Mentoring circles: Participants from all levels of the organization propose and own a topic before meeting in groups to discuss the topic, which motivates them to grow and become more knowledgeable. Flash mentoring is ideal for situations like job shadowing and reverse mentoring.
Flash mentoring: A short-term form of mentoring that focuses on single meetings rather than a traditional, long-term mentoring relationship.[32]” -Wikipedia.
May 20, 202427:18
My challenges of being a family man and the massive costs of being a global social justice warrior.

My challenges of being a family man and the massive costs of being a global social justice warrior.

“Because I choose to reject hyper-materialism and hyper-individualism, I may endure: internal suffering
Internal agony
Internal afflictions
Internal tortures
Internal torments
Internal discomfort
Internal soreness
Internal aches
Internal aching
Internal hurts
Internal throbs
Internal throbbing
Internal smarting
Internal prickings
Internal stings
Internal stingings
Internal twinges
Internal shooting pains
Internal stabs
Internal pangs
Internal spasms
Internal stitches
Internal cramps
Internal irritations
Internal stiffness
Internal tenderness.” -Antonio Myers. “My calling may cost me friendships, events, environments, people, things, talk buddies, hangout buddies, small talk buddies, acquaintances, associates, colleagues, co-workers, habits, attitudes, glance buddies, business deals, opportunities, and “living large.” -Antonio Myers. “Some people in the worlds of media communication, advertising media, broadcast media, digital media, electronic media, hypermedia, interactive media, mass media, MEDIA Programme, multimedia, new media, news media, print media, published media, art media, storage media, media player softwares, recording medium, and social media will antagonize me.” -Antonio Myers. “In the worlds of Culture, Geography, Health, History, Human activities, Mathematics, Nature, People, Philosophy, Politics, Secularity, Religion, Society, and Technology, some will antagonize me.” -Antonio Myers.
May 20, 202401:13:40
Women and myself in the past regarding the mutual feeling of insatiable appetite for each other. Intimate partner/domestic violence, intimate partner/domestic sexual violence, the rape of sex workers.

Women and myself in the past regarding the mutual feeling of insatiable appetite for each other. Intimate partner/domestic violence, intimate partner/domestic sexual violence, the rape of sex workers.

“The seven trauma responses: fawn, freeze, flight, fight, fright, flag, and faint wee other reasons why the women and I in our past were magnetic towards each other.” -Antonio Myers.
May 19, 202431:19
All of the reasons why my past women sex partners and myself gravitated towards each other.

All of the reasons why my past women sex partners and myself gravitated towards each other.

“How can I help?
If you see street harassment happening, there are a few ways you can potentially help if you feel safe enough to do so.

When in doubt, assume you should help. If you are not sure whether a situation is harassment or not, assume that it is and ask the person being harassed if they need help. You can say something like “Are you OK?” or “Are they bothering you?”
Step in. If you can, practice bystander intervention by calling out the harasser on what they just did and why it was not acceptable. You can say something like, “You just touched that man when he didn’t want you to. That’s not OK. Stop harassing people.”
Check in with the person being harassed. If you see harassment occur, consider asking the person who was harassed if they are OK and if they need any help.
Report. You can report that you witnessed harassment to public transportation officials, law enforcement, or the harasser’s employer.
You can also help to end street harassment and increase awareness around the issue in a couple different ways.

Never blame the victim. If someone tells you about street harassment they have experienced, the best thing you can do is to listen without judgement and tell them that they did not deserve what happened. You should never reduce their experiences by saying things like “this happened to you because you’re so beautiful,” or “maybe you shouldn’t have worn that dress today.”
Share your experiences. If you feel comfortable doing so, talk with people in your life about street harassment when it occurs. This can not only let others know that they are not alone in these experiences, but can help to raise awareness of the frequency of street harassment and its harmful effects among those who haven’t experienced it.
Call out your friends. If you witness your friend harassing someone on the street by cat-calling them, whistling, making a sexual comment, repeatedly asking for their information, etc., tell your friend to stop. Take time to explain to them why what they did was harassment and that it is wrong.
Where can I learn more or get help?
To speak with someone who is trained to help, call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800.656.HOPE (4673) or chat online at y en español a
If you or someone you know has been affected by gender-based street harassment, support is available in English and Spanish at 855.897.5910 or through online chat.
To learn more about street harassment and for details about the sources for this page, visit Stop Street Harassment.” -RAINN
May 18, 202450:25
My work-life balance (I’m open to the family man life: my wife, my kids, my pet, and our house.)

My work-life balance (I’m open to the family man life: my wife, my kids, my pet, and our house.)

“What kind of boundaries do you have?

Look at the following characteristics to determine what kinds of boundaries you have:


You can say no or yes, and you are ok when others say no to you.
You have a strong sense of identity. You respect yourself.
You expect reciprocity in a relationship-you share responsibility and power.
You know when the problem is yours and when it belongs to someone else.
You share personal information gradually in a mutually sharing/trusting relationship.
You don’t tolerate abuse or disrespect.
You know your own wants, needs and feelings. You communicate them clearly in your relationships.
You are committed to and responsible for exploring and nurturing your full potential.
You are responsible for your own happiness and fulfillment. You allow others to be responsible for their own happiness and fulfillment.
You value your opinions and feelings as much as others.
You know your limits. You allow others to define their limits.
You are able to ask for help when you need it.
You don’t compromise your values or integrity to avoid rejection.

You can’t say no, because you are afraid of rejection or abandonment.
Your identity consists of what you think others want you to be. You are a chameleon.
You have no balance of power or responsibility in your relationships. You tend to be either overly responsible and controlling or passive and dependent.
You take on other’s problems as your own.
You share personal information too soon. . .before establishing mutual trust/sharing.
You have a high tolerance for abuse or being treated with disrespect.
Your wants needs and feelings are secondary to others’ and are sometimes determined by others.
You ignore your inner voice and allow others expectations to define your potential.
You feel responsible for other’s happiness and fulfillment and sometimes rely on your relationships to create that for you.
You tend to absorb the feelings of others.
You rely on others opinions, feelings and ideas more than you do your own.
You allow others to define your limits or try to define limits for others.
You compromise your values and beliefs in order to please others or to avoid conflict.

You are likely to say no if the request involves close interaction.
You avoid intimacy (pick fights, stay too busy, etc.)
You fear abandonment OR engulfment, so you avoid closeness.
You rarely share personal information.
You have difficulty identifying wants, needs, feelings.
You have few or no close relationships. If you have a partner, you have very separate lives and virtually no shared social life.
You rarely ask for help.
You do not allow yourself to connect with other people and their problems.” Dr. Brian Grady.
May 17, 202421:32
Ambiamory (my Ambiamorous lovestyle)
May 16, 202434:47
Heteroflexiblity and cisgenderflexibility

Heteroflexiblity and cisgenderflexibility

“Sexual fluidity is one or more changes in sexuality or sexual identity (sometimes known as sexual orientation identity). Sexual orientation is stable and unchanging for the vast majority of people, but some research indicates that some people may experience change in their sexual orientation, and this is slightly more likely for women than for men.[1] There is no scientific evidence that sexual orientation can be changed through psychotherapy.[2][3] Sexual identity can change throughout an individual's life, and does not have to align with biological sex, sexual behavior, or actual sexual orientation.[4][5][6]
According to scientific consensus, sexual orientation is not a choice.[7][8][9] There is no consensus on the exact cause of developing a sexual orientation, but genetic, hormonal, social, and cultural influences have been examined.[9][10][11] Scientists believe that it is caused by a complex interplay of genetic, hormonal, and environmental influences.[7][9][11] Although no single theory on the cause of sexual orientation has yet gained widespread support, scientists favor biologically-based theories.[7][12] Research over several decades has demonstrated that sexual orientation can be at any point along a continuum, from exclusive attraction to the opposite sex to exclusive attraction to the same sex.[13]” -Wikipedia. “Genderfluidity is a non-fixed gender identity that shifts over time or depending on the situation. These fluctuations can occur at the level of gender identity or gender expression. A genderfluid person may fluctuate among different gender expressions over their lifetime, or express multiple aspects of various gender markers simultaneously.[1][2] Genderfluid individuals may identify as non-binary or transgender, or cisgender, which means they identify with the gender associated with their sex assigned at birth.[3][4] Genderfluidity is different from gender-questioning, a process in which people explore their gender in order to find their true gender identity and adjust their gender expression accordingly.[5] Genderfluidity continues throughout lives of genderfluid people.[6]” -Wikipedia.
May 15, 202423:48
My types of advocacy and my styles of activism that I am called to do.

My types of advocacy and my styles of activism that I am called to do.

Below is the lifestyles that I am meant to live: “For instance, they:
Question the way policy is administered
Participate in the agenda-setting as they raise significant issues
Target political systems "because those systems are not responding to people's needs"
Are inclusive and engaging
Propose policy solutions
Open up space for public argumentation
Other forms of advocacy include:
Budget advocacy: another aspect of advocacy that ensures proactive engagement of Civil Society Organizations with the government budget to make the government more accountable to the people and promote transparency. Budget advocacy also enables citizens and social action groups to compel the government to be more alert to the needs and aspirations of people in general and the deprived sections of the community.
Bureaucratic advocacy: people considered "experts" have more chance to succeed at presenting their issues to decision-makers. They use bureaucratic advocacy to influence the agenda, although at a slower pace.
Express versus issue advocacy: These two types of advocacy when grouped together usually refers to a debate in the United States whether a group is expressly making their desire known that voters should cast ballots in a particular way, or whether a group has a long-term issue that isn't campaign and election season specific.
Health, environment and climate change negotiations advocacy: supports and promotes patients' health care rights as well as enhance community health and policy initiatives that focus on the availability, safety and quality of care.
Ideological advocacy: in this approach, groups fight, sometimes during protests, to advance their ideas in the decision-making circles.
Interest-group advocacy: lobbying is the main tool used by interest groups doing mass advocacy. It is a form of action that does not always succeed at influencing political decision-makers as it requires resources and organization to be effective.
Legislative advocacy: the "reliance on the state or federal legislative process" as part of a strategy to create change.[5]
Mass advocacy: any type of action taken by large groups (petitions, demonstrations, etc.)
Media advocacy: "the strategic use of the mass media as a resource to advance a social or public policy initiative" (Jernigan and Wright, 1996). In Canada, for example, the Manitoba Public Insurance campaigns illustrate how media advocacy was used to fight alcohol and tobacco-related health issues. We can also consider the role of health advocacy and the media in "the enactment of municipal smoking bylaws in Canada between 1970 and 1995." [6]
Special education advocacy: advocacy with a "specific focus on the educational rights of students with disabilities."
Different contexts in which advocacy is used:
In a legal/law context: An "advocate" is the title of a specific person who is authorized/appointed in some way to speak on behalf of a person in a legal process.
In a political context: An "advocacy group" is an organized collection of people who seek to influence political decisions and policy, without seeking election to public office.
In a social care context: Both terms (and more specific ones such as "independent advocacy") are used in the UK in the context of a network of interconnected organisations and projects which seek to benefit people who are in difficulty (primarily in the context of disability and mental health).
In the context of inclusion: Citizen Advocacy organisations (or programmes) seek to cause benefit by reconnecting people who have become isolated. Their practice was defined in two key documents: CAPE, and Learning from Citizen Advocacy Programs.” -Wikipedia.
May 14, 202421:47
My grandma’s transition was the number one cause of my past unethical (not illegal) sexual conduct.

My grandma’s transition was the number one cause of my past unethical (not illegal) sexual conduct.

“Because of gender expectations, being a male child victim of sexual abuse can lead to:[52]
Pressure to prove his manhood physically and sexually (becoming stronger and engaging in dangerous or violent behavior; having multiple female sexual partners).
Confusion over gender and sexual identity.
Sense of being an inadequate man.
Sense of lost power, control, and confidence to his manhood.
Problems with closeness and intimacy.
Sexual problems.[note 4]
Fear of becoming 'homosexual' or 'gay'.
Homophobia.” -Wikipedia. “The sexual conquest contests in my life are over forever.” -Antonio Myers
May 14, 202433:35
The types of slavery & trafficking I endured in my boyhood & my constructive criticism of religion.

The types of slavery & trafficking I endured in my boyhood & my constructive criticism of religion.

“Slavery is the ownership of a person as property, especially in regards to their labour.[1] Slavery typically involves compulsory work, with the slave's location of work and residence dictated by the party that holds them in bondage. Enslavement is the placement of a person into slavery, and the person is called a slave or an enslaved person (see § Terminology).
Many historical cases of enslavement occurred as a result of breaking the law, becoming indebted, suffering a military defeat, or exploitation for cheaper labor; other forms of slavery were instituted along demographic lines such as race or sex. Slaves may be kept in bondage for life, or for a fixed period of time after which they would be granted freedom.[2] Although slavery is usually involuntary and involves coercion, there are also cases where people voluntarily enter into slavery to pay a debt or earn money due to poverty. In the course of human history, slavery was a typical feature of civilization,[3] and was legal in most societies, but it is now outlawed in most countries of the world, except as a punishment for a crime.[4][5]
In chattel slavery, the slave is legally rendered the personal property (chattel) of the slave owner. In economics, the term de facto slavery describes the conditions of unfree labour and forced labour that most slaves endure.[6]” -Wikipedia. “Smuggling is the illegal transportation of objects, substances, information or people, such as out of a house or buildings, into a prison, or across an international border, in violation of applicable laws or other regulations. More broadly, social scientists define smuggling as the purposeful movement across a border in contravention to the relevant legal frameworks.[2] There are various motivations to smuggle. These include the participation in illegal trade, such as in the drug trade, illegal weapons trade, prostitution, human trafficking, kidnapping, exotic wildlife trade, art theft, blood diamonds, heists, chop shops, illegal immigration or illegal emigration, tax evasion, import restrictions, export restrictions, providing contraband to prison inmates, or the theft of the items being smuggled.” -Wikipedia. “I endured witnessing all of the above in my childhood.” -Antonio Myers.
May 13, 202401:11:49
Child abusers, child abuser apologists, adult abusers, & adult abuser apologists in the crime world.

Child abusers, child abuser apologists, adult abusers, & adult abuser apologists in the crime world.

“21 Characteristics of Pharisees: Loves to hang out in high places with VIP status (Matthew 23:5-6) Only accepts positive confession & self-praise from people (Matthew 23:7-12) Loves money, is covetous & a show-off (Matthew 23:16, Luke 16:14) Exploits the simple for their money. Despises the poor, sick & needy (Matthew 23:14, Luke 7:36-50, 21:1-6) Exalts expensive buildings, important people, objects & lifestyle (Matthew 23:17-22) Thinks of self better than a sinner. Trusts in own self-righteousness (Luke 7:36-50, 18:9-14) Outwardly holy to get noticed & to get others to follow, inwardly hypocrite (Mathew 6:5, 23:5,15, 25-26) Seeks after signs & wonders (Matthew 16:1-4, 27:40-43, Mark 8:11-12, Luke 11:29-32) Believes in own deceit (Matthew 15:12-14, 23:16, John 9:39-41) Twists the Scriptures, omits weightier doctrinal issues (Matthew 16:6-12, 23:23-24) Upholds the traditions of men over the Word (Matthew 23:4, Mark 7:5-13) Challenges the authority of the Word (Matthew 21:23-27, 22:34-46, Luke 17:20-21) Hates to be corrected by the Word (Luke 7:29-30, John 8:39-59, 12:42) Misleads many into the broad road to destruction (Matthew 23:13) Suppresses those who warn them of own errors (Matthew 23:34-35, Luke 22:2, John 12:42) Fails to identify the true Christ from the Scriptures (Matthew 12:14-37, John 5:18, 10:24-39, Luke 7:29-30) Rejects the real Messiah, expects a false messiah (Matthew 26:62-68, Mark 3:6, Luke 22:2, Acts 1:6.” - “All of these traits belong to the criminals that I mentioned in this episode.” -Antonio Myers.
May 13, 202439:31
I fully know what is right and wrong for me.

I fully know what is right and wrong for me.

“ In my personal and my professional lives, I no longer feel that I am being held captive by: uncertainty
lack of certainty
incertitude.” -Antonio Myers.
May 12, 202401:03:01
My special guest Rita Bliven and I discuss Early Traumas and Attachment Issues, The Impact of Traumas and Attachment Issues in Identity and Relationships, & The Attachment Styles Tales in the Bible.

My special guest Rita Bliven and I discuss Early Traumas and Attachment Issues, The Impact of Traumas and Attachment Issues in Identity and Relationships, & The Attachment Styles Tales in the Bible.

"I have written Canyons & Fireworks which details my lifelong journey of healing from an extreme avoidant attachment style. Through encounters with God, faith, family, Christian community, reading books, and years of counseling I have learned to truly open up and enjoy loving relationships. From this place of healing and love I have been able to enjoy the abundant life of the Bible.  In Canyons & Fireworks, I am honest about the cause, confusion, victories, setbacks, and time full recovery takes.  Although I am not a doctor, my goal is to help others identify and tear down the walls that block love so that true intimacy, identity, and purpose can flourish. I am happily married to my best friend, Rob, and I love being a stepmom. We live in a suburb of Charlotte, NC where we enjoy the outdoors together. I like to bike ride at my local parks and paint on my back patio." _ Canyons & Fireworks – From Avoidant to Abundant ( "You may benefit from discovering your attachment style if: Love seems to evade you. Your relationships are not fruitful. Intimacy makes you uncomfortable. You often feel suffocated in relationships. You are not one to miss people. You are successful but something is still missing. It’s hard for you to feel love. You have been described as mysterious. You do not experience the same emotions as others. Even in good company you feel lonely. Being alone scares you. You have been described as needy. You feel desperate to hear from your significant other. You miss people quickly. You excessively worry about your relationships. You need to keep loved ones close at all times. Focus is difficult if you think someone is mad at you. When the “high” of a new relationship wears off, you think the relationship is over. You mainly live in autopilot. You cling to people. You are afraid of abandonment." -Rita Bliven.
May 12, 202401:01:02
I’m done talking about my sexual past, the crime boyhood, my marital status, & theatrical religion.

I’m done talking about my sexual past, the crime boyhood, my marital status, & theatrical religion.

“Hypersexuality is a term used for a presumed mental disorder that causes unwanted or excessive sexual arousal, causing people to engage in or think about sexual activity to a point of distress or impairment.[1] It is controversial whether it should be included as a clinical diagnosis[1][2] used by mental healthcare professionals. Nymphomania and satyriasis were terms previously used for the condition in women and men, respectively. Consistent with there not being any consensus over what causes hypersexuality,[15] authors have used many different labels to refer to it, sometimes interchangeably, but often depending on which theory they favor or which specific behavior they have studied or have done research on; related or obsolete terms include compulsive masturbation, compulsive sexual behavior,[16][17] cybersex addiction, erotomania, "excessive sexual drive",[18] hyperphilia,[19] hypersexuality,[20][21] hypersexual disorder,[22] problematic hypersexuality,[23] sexual addiction, sexual compulsivity,[24] sexual dependency,[14] sexual impulsivity,[25] "out of control sexual behavior",[26] and paraphilia-related disorder.[27][28][29].” -Wikipedia. “ payments were normalized by the religiously narcissistic felons.” -Antonio Myers.
May 12, 202401:24:19
The religious narcissists of the crime world and my being a live-in lover for women part of my past.

The religious narcissists of the crime world and my being a live-in lover for women part of my past.

“The women that I was fraternizing with endure the male gaze. According to Wikipedia: “In feminist theory, the male gaze is the act of depicting women and the world in the visual arts[2] and in literature[3] from a masculine, heterosexual perspective that presents and represents women as sexual objects for the pleasure of the heterosexual male viewer.[4] In the visual and aesthetic presentations of narrative cinema, the male gaze has three perspectives: that of the man behind the camera, that of the male characters within the film's cinematic representations; and that of the spectator gazing at the image.[5][6]” -Wikipedia. “I was the only man in the eyes of women that genuinely practiced gentlemanly chivalry when it comes to my tone of voice, body language, facial expressions, eye contact, gestures, word choices, behavior, thoughts, feelings, and deeds.” -Antonio Myers.
May 11, 202447:01
What was it like being Christian with my Grandma Clara and the types of infidelity part of my past.

What was it like being Christian with my Grandma Clara and the types of infidelity part of my past.

“My past in terms of trauma was filled with unfaithfulness
extramarital relations
extramarital sex
breach of trust
fooling around
playing around
playing the field
a bit on the side
fornication with other’s spouses without the permission of all married parties involved .” -Antonio Myers.
May 11, 202401:42:42
I had to be Christian all by myself as a 5 year old in street crime, and my young man sex work past.

I had to be Christian all by myself as a 5 year old in street crime, and my young man sex work past.

“As a five year old, I had to do: Prophecy
Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Giving, Leadership, Mercy, Word of wisdom
Word of knowledge, Faith, Gifts of healings, Miracles, Distinguishing between spirits, Tongues, Interpretation of tongues, Whoever speaks, and Whoever renders service all on my own within the organized crime.” -Antonio Myers.
May 10, 202401:09:00
Sexual thinking styles, sexual attachment styles, sexual learning styles, sexual love languages, and sexual lust languages.

Sexual thinking styles, sexual attachment styles, sexual learning styles, sexual love languages, and sexual lust languages.

“Sex requires people to be: intelligent
ratiocinative.” -Antonio Myers.
May 10, 202401:17:56