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The A.O.B Olagunju Podcast

The A.O.B Olagunju Podcast

By A.O.B Olagunju

Do you seek transformation? Join A.O.B Olagunju as he inspires you with the truth of God's word and other life proven principles that'll help you grow spiritually, enjoy mental immunity and emotional balance. If you consistently yearn for positive change, this podcasts will help you claim your mind power, redefine your relationship with doubt and fear, and build a new life centred around true success. I Share Strategies For Mindfulness, Entrepreneurship, Peak Performance, Work-Life Balance & Motivation. I Help You Unlock The Power Within! Please SHARE this podcast if you found it valuable!
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Ignoring Your Doubters

The A.O.B Olagunju PodcastJun 22, 2018

Leadership is an Identity

Leadership is an Identity

In the latest episode of The A.O.B Olagunju Podcast, titled "Leadership is an Identity," listeners are taken on a profound journey exploring the intricate facets of leadership. A.O.B Olagunju, known for his insightful perspectives, delves into the concept of leadership as more than a role or position—it's an intrinsic part of one's identity.

The episode kicks off by challenging conventional notions of leadership, urging the audience to look beyond titles and authority. Olagunju passionately argues that true leadership is a reflection of one's character, values, and influence rather than a mere position in an organizational hierarchy.

Throughout the episode, Olagunju draws on personal anecdotes and examples from diverse fields to illustrate how individuals can embody leadership in their daily lives. He emphasizes the importance of authenticity, stressing that genuine leaders don't conform to stereotypes but instead embrace their unique qualities to inspire and guide others.

The podcast explores the idea that leadership isn't confined to a specific setting—it extends beyond boardrooms and offices. Olagunju contends that anyone, regardless of their role or status, has the potential to exhibit leadership qualities. By sharing anecdotes of unsung heroes and everyday leaders, he encourages listeners to recognize and cultivate their own leadership identity.

As the episode unfolds, Olagunju tackles the challenges associated with leadership, acknowledging the responsibility it entails. He provides practical insights on navigating difficult decisions, fostering collaboration, and leading with empathy. Listeners gain valuable strategies for honing their leadership skills and positively influencing those around them.

What sets this episode apart is its motivational tone and empowering message. "Leadership is an Identity" serves as a call to action, inspiring individuals to embrace their innate leadership qualities and make a meaningful impact in their spheres of influence. Whether you're a seasoned executive or an aspiring leader, this episode offers thought-provoking insights that resonate across various aspects of life.

Tune in to The A.O.B Olagunju Podcast for a thought-stirring exploration of leadership that challenges preconceptions and encourages listeners to embrace their unique leadership identity.
Mar 29, 202405:19
More Friends (Not Less But) No Enemies

More Friends (Not Less But) No Enemies

In the most recent episode of The A.O.B Olagunju Podcast, titled "More Friends (Not Less But) No Enemies," host A.O.B Olagunju delves into the profound theme of cultivating meaningful connections while consciously steering clear of actions that could foster enmity. The episode champions the idea that while it may be impossible to entirely eliminate adversaries from one's life, individuals possess the agency to ensure that enmities are not a product of their deliberate actions.

Olagunju advocates for the pursuit of friendship with determination and commitment, emphasizing the inherent value of positive social bonds. The podcast underscores the rejuvenating aspect of forging connections, juxtaposed against the draining and detrimental consequences of cultivating animosity. The overarching message resonates with the notion that energy is a finite resource, and investing it judiciously in the realm of relationships can yield profound dividends.

Throughout the episode, Olagunju explores practical strategies and attitudes that contribute to the creation of a friendlier and more harmonious social environment. Listeners are encouraged to approach the task of making friends with sincerity and authenticity, fostering connections that go beyond surface-level interactions.

The title, "More Friends (Not Less But) No Enemies," encapsulates the podcast's central philosophy. It encourages individuals to actively seek out and nurture friendships, understanding that a richer, more fulfilling life often emerges from positive social connections. Simultaneously, the emphasis on avoiding unnecessary enmity serves as a reminder of the importance of self-awareness and intentional behavior in maintaining a harmonious social landscape.

As A.O.B Olagunju skillfully navigates the intricacies of friendship and enmity, listeners are treated to insights that prompt reflection on their own relationships. The episode serves as a guide for those seeking to optimize their social interactions, offering a roadmap for building a network of friends while conscientiously sidestepping the pitfalls that lead to the creation of enemies. With its engaging discourse and practical wisdom, "More Friends (Not Less But) No Enemies" stands as a compelling testament to the transformative power of intentional, positive connections in our lives.
Feb 19, 202405:51
Overcoming Scarcity Mentality

Overcoming Scarcity Mentality

In the latest episode of The A.O.B Olagunju Podcast, titled "Overcoming Scarcity Mentality," listeners embark on a transformative journey aimed at breaking free from the limitations of a scarcity mindset. A.O.B Olagunju dives deep into the psychological and emotional aspects of scarcity, unraveling its impact on personal development and success.

The episode commences with a thoughtful exploration of scarcity mentality; a mindset that perceives resources as limited, leading to feelings of lack and competition. A.O.B Olagunju skillfully dissects the roots of this mindset, drawing connections between individual beliefs and the broader societal narratives that contribute to scarcity thinking.

Listeners are guided through practical strategies and mindset shifts designed to empower them to overcome scarcity thinking. The host shares personal anecdotes and draws on research-backed insights, offering a comprehensive toolkit for reframing perspectives and fostering an abundance mindset.

Throughout the episode, A.O.B Olagunju underscores the importance of recognizing and challenging limiting beliefs that fuel scarcity thinking. Listeners are encouraged to examine their thought patterns, acknowledging that true abundance begins with a shift in mindset. The podcast serves as a beacon of empowerment, inspiring individuals to rise above scarcity-induced fears and embrace a mindset of abundance and possibility.

Interactive elements are woven into the episode, creating opportunities for self-reflection and engagement. A.O.B Olagunju invites listeners to actively participate in the journey toward overcoming scarcity mentality, fostering a sense of community within the podcast's audience.

As the episode unfolds, A.O.B Olagunju shares practical steps and daily practices that individuals can incorporate into their lives to reinforce abundance thinking. From gratitude exercises to visualization techniques, the podcast provides actionable insights that empower listeners to take charge of their mindset and create a positive ripple effect in various aspects of their lives.

"Overcoming Scarcity Mentality" stands as a testament to The A.O.B Olagunju Podcast's commitment to personal growth and empowerment. In this episode, A.O.B Olagunju delivers a compelling narrative that not only identifies the pitfalls of scarcity thinking but also offers a roadmap for listeners to navigate towards a mindset of abundance and fulfillment.
Feb 12, 202405:45
Pouring Out Yourself

Pouring Out Yourself

In the latest episode of The A.O.B Olagunju Podcast, titled "Pouring Out Yourself," listeners are taken on a thought-provoking journey into the essence of success and accomplishment. The central message revolves around the profound idea that to truly succeed in any endeavor, one must wholeheartedly pour themselves into it.

The host, A.O.B Olagunju, delves into the concept that genuine success requires a personal investment. Whether it's pursuing a career, nurturing relationships, or chasing dreams, the episode emphasizes that meaningful achievements demand a commitment of one's time, energy, and passion. Drawing on the analogy of God's creation of man as described in Genesis 2:7, the podcast suggests that the very act of creation involved pouring a portion of divinity into humanity, positioning humans as the pinnacle of God's creations.

Throughout the episode, the narrative unfolds to underscore the idea that the quality of one's efforts is directly correlated with the extent to which they invest themselves. Listeners are encouraged to reflect on their pursuits and consider the level of dedication they bring to each endeavor. The episode challenges the notion that success can be achieved without a genuine, personal contribution, asserting that only by pouring oneself into their goals can an individual unlock their full potential.

A.O.B Olagunju skillfully weaves together anecdotes, motivational insights, and a touch of spirituality to drive home the message that success is an intimately personal journey. Listeners are prompted to assess their own commitment levels, prompting introspection and self-discovery.

"Pouring Out Yourself" serves as a catalyst for personal growth, urging individuals to be intentional about investing their authentic selves into their aspirations. As the podcast unfolds, it leaves listeners with a powerful reminder that the pursuit of success is not merely an external journey but a deeply internal one, requiring a genuine pouring out of oneself for the fullest realization of potential.
Feb 05, 202405:20
Preparing For What You're Praying For

Preparing For What You're Praying For

In the latest episode of The A.O.B Olagunju Podcast, titled "Preparing For What You're Praying For," host A.O.B Olagunju delves into the profound concept that God not only grants our prayers but also evaluates our readiness to handle the blessings we seek. Olagunju articulates a powerful perspective, emphasizing that divine responses to our supplications go beyond a simple yes or no—they are intricately tied to our preparedness.

The episode unfolds the idea that our prayers may seemingly go unanswered not because God is indifferent, but because we might lack the necessary preparation to manage the fulfillment of our desires. Olagunju highlights the importance of aligning our capacity with our requests, emphasizing that God, in His wisdom, matches blessings with our ability to handle and steward them effectively.

Listeners are taken on a reflective journey, exploring the concept that supplication without adequate preparation can lead to delays, stagnation, and, ultimately, frustration. Olagunju draws on real-life examples and anecdotes to illustrate how individuals may unknowingly hinder the manifestation of their prayers by not investing in personal and spiritual growth.

Throughout the episode, A.O.B Olagunju encourages the audience to assess their own preparedness for the blessings they seek. By doing so, he suggests, individuals can not only enhance their chances of receiving what they desire but also minimize the risk of being overwhelmed or unfulfilled once those desires materialize.

"Prepare For What You Prayed For" is a thought-provoking exploration into the intricate dynamics of prayer, preparation, and divine timing. It serves as a reminder that our requests are met with divine consideration, and aligning ourselves with the capacity to manage those blessings is a crucial step towards unlocking the full potential of our prayers. As listeners engage with this episode, they are invited to introspect, evaluate, and, most importantly, prepare for the profound outcomes of their heartfelt supplications.
Jan 29, 202404:15
Your Mentality Affects Your Relationships

Your Mentality Affects Your Relationships

In the latest compelling episode of The A.O.B Olagunju Podcast, titled "Your Mentality Affects Your Relationships," host A.O.B Olagunju delves into the profound impact of an individual's mindset on the dynamics of their relationships. With insightful exploration, Olagunju emphasizes that a man's way of thinking can significantly shape his experiences in relationships, transcending the binary of good or bad, positive or negative.

The podcast episode challenges the conventional notion that the outcome of a relationship is solely dependent on the other party involved. Instead, Olagunju posits that our own beliefs play a pivotal role, serving as a lens through which we perceive and interpret the events within our relationships. He asserts that a limiting belief, whether conscious or subconscious, can act as a formidable barrier, constraining the benefits and opportunities that could otherwise flourish.

Olagunju articulates the empowering idea that individuals are inherently responsible for what they attract and extract from their relationships. By fostering a positive and growth-oriented mindset, one can unlock a cascade of benefits and possibilities. The episode delves into the concept that a distorted mindset can cloud one's judgment, leading to missed opportunities and strained connections.

A central theme emerges throughout the episode – the undeniable correlation between one's mindset and the ultimate outcome of a relationship. Olagunju encourages listeners to introspect and evaluate the state of their own hearts, emphasizing that a misaligned mindset can manifest in various aspects of a relationship, causing disruptions and conflicts.

Listeners are left with a poignant takeaway – that their mindset serves as the compass guiding the trajectory of their relationships. "Your Mentality Affects Your Relationships" is a thought-provoking exploration of the profound connection between inner beliefs and external realities, urging individuals to cultivate a mindset that fosters positive, fulfilling, and harmonious connections.
Jan 20, 202404:36
Managing The Economy of Your Heart - Part 4

Managing The Economy of Your Heart - Part 4

In this concluding part of The A.O.B Olagunju Podcast's latest episode, titled "Managing The Economy of Your Heart," listeners are taken on a profound exploration of personal wealth and prosperity. A.O.B Olagunju asserts that the economy within us holds more significance and influence than the external economic forces. Delving into the concept that our life results and ultimate destiny are determined within our hearts, he emphasizes that one's mental economy is the most valuable economy. The prosperity of the soul, as discussed in the episode, intricately shapes an individual's overall well-being. The wisdom drawn from Proverbs 23:7 serves as a cornerstone for this episode, reinforcing the idea that a rich mind begets a rich life. Divided into four parts, this concluding segment provides a captivating finale, urging listeners to reflect on the profound connection between the wealth of the heart and earthly prosperity.
Jan 18, 202404:48
Managing The Economy of Your Heart - Part 3

Managing The Economy of Your Heart - Part 3

In the latest episode of The A.O.B Olagunju Podcast, titled "Managing The Economy of Your Heart," listeners are taken on a profound journey into the intrinsic importance of the internal economy. A.O.B Olagunju explores the idea that the economy within us holds greater significance and power than the external economic forces at play. This episode delves into the concept that our life results and ultimate destiny are shaped by the economy of our hearts.

Highlighting the central theme, Olagunju emphasizes that our mental economy is the most valuable economy we possess. The prosperity of our souls becomes the determining factor for personal prosperity, stressing that the wealth within our hearts translates to our earthly wealth.

Drawing inspiration from the book of Luke 6:45, this third part of the episode intricately weaves together spiritual insight and practical wisdom, underscoring the profound truth that a rich mind is the precursor to a rich life. As the episode unfolds in four parts, it offers listeners a comprehensive exploration of the vital principles encapsulated in managing the economy of the heart.
Jan 17, 202404:30
Managing The Economy of Your Heart - Part 2

Managing The Economy of Your Heart - Part 2

In the latest episode of The A.O.B Olagunju Podcast, titled "Managing The Economy of Your Heart," listeners are taken on a profound exploration of the internal dynamics that shape our lives. The episode asserts that the economy within us holds greater significance and power than the external economic factors that surround us. A.O.B Olagunju emphasizes that our mental economy is our most valuable asset, with the prosperity of our souls intricately linked to the prosperity of our entire beings.

Highlighting the notion that the richness of one's heart directly influences their earthly wealth, the episode delves into the idea that a wealthy mind begets a wealthy life. Divided into four compelling parts, this second part draws inspiration from the wisdom found in the book of Proverbs 4:23, encapsulating a journey of self-discovery and the critical role our internal economy plays in defining our ultimate destiny. Tune in for insights that transcend conventional economic discussions, focusing on the wealth within that shapes the wealth we experience in our everyday lives.
Jan 16, 202404:32
Managing The Economy of Your Heart - Part 1

Managing The Economy of Your Heart - Part 1

Welcome to the latest episode of The A.O.B Olagunju Podcast, titled "Managing The Economy of Your Heart." In this insightful episode, A.O.B Olagunju delves into the profound concept that the economy within us holds greater significance and power than the external economic forces. He emphasizes that our life results and ultimate destiny are shaped within the economy of our hearts.

Highlighting the crucial notion that your mental economy is your most valuable asset, the episode draws a direct connection between the prosperity of your soul and the overall prosperity of your person. A.O.B Olagunju passionately communicates that the wealth in your heart profoundly influences your earthly wealth, underscoring that a rich mind leads to a rich life.

This captivating episode unfolds in four distinct parts, with the first part anchored in the wisdom of 3 John 1:2. Join A.O.B Olagunju as he navigates the intricacies of managing the economy of your heart, guiding listeners on a transformative journey toward a more prosperous and fulfilled life.
Jan 15, 202405:03
Let It Shine - Part 2

Let It Shine - Part 2

In the latest episode of The A.O.B Olagunju Podcast titled "Let It Shine - Part 2," A.O.B delves into the profound message encapsulated in Matthew 5:16b. Drawing inspiration from the biblical verse, the episode passionately emphasizes that God's glory manifests when individuals embrace their inner light and let it shine forth, rather than succumbing to the shadows of obscurity. A.O.B eloquently articulates the idea that true glorification of God occurs when we actively showcase our talents, kindness, and positive influence to the world. Through insightful anecdotes and biblical wisdom, the podcast encourages listeners to break free from the chains of hesitation, fear, or self-doubt and radiate their unique brilliance. "Let It Shine - Part 2" serves as a compelling reminder that by allowing our light to shine, we become vessels of God's glory, positively impacting those around us and contributing to a brighter, more compassionate world.
Jan 13, 202405:45
Let It Shine - Part 1

Let It Shine - Part 1

In the riveting latest episode of The A.O.B Olagunju Podcast titled "Let It Shine," host A.O.B delves into the profound implications of Matthew 5:16a. With meticulous insight, he unravels the essence of the word 'Let' in this biblical reference, asserting that it is more than a mere suggestion; it is an action word that places a profound responsibility on the individual.

A.O.B passionately conveys the message that to shine in life, one must embrace personal responsibility. Drawing parallels between the biblical verse and real-life scenarios, he explores how taking charge of one's journey is indispensable for radiance and success. Listeners are guided through a thought-provoking journey, encouraging self-reflection on the actions required to illuminate their paths.

As the episode progresses, A.O.B builds a compelling case for the transformative power of personal responsibility, emphasizing that true radiance stems from conscious choices and intentional actions.

"Let It Shine" emerges as a beacon of motivation, urging individuals to embrace the opportunities to illuminate their lives. A.O.B's engaging storytelling and insightful commentary create an episode that resonates long after it concludes, leaving the audience inspired to take ownership of their journey and let their light shine brightly in the world.
Jan 12, 202405:45
Excuses Are Personal

Excuses Are Personal

In the latest episode of The A.O.B Olagunju Podcast, titled "Excuses Are Personal," listeners are taken on a thought-provoking journey into the realm of personal accountability and success. A.O.B Olagunju dives deep into the concept that the majority of excuses we give in life are not as valid as we often portray them to be.

Throughout the episode, Olagunju challenges the listener to reflect on their own life and confront the excuses they may have been using as roadblocks to their success. The central theme revolves around the idea that success is not merely about external circumstances but is deeply rooted in one's mindset and willingness to overcome challenges.

Listeners are encouraged to question the narratives they construct around their limitations and to recognize that many obstacles are, in fact, opportunities for growth. Olagunju argues that those who have achieved remarkable success often distinguish themselves by finding solutions where others only see barriers. The episode sheds light on the transformative power of taking responsibility for one's actions and choices.

With a captivating storytelling style, Olagunju shares real-life examples and anecdotes that illustrate how individuals have triumphed over adversity by refusing to succumb to excuses. The narrative emphasizes the importance of resilience, determination, and a proactive mindset in the face of challenges.

"Excuses Are Personal" serves as a wake-up call for listeners to reevaluate their own thought patterns and belief systems, encouraging them to adopt a mindset that fosters personal growth and achievement. By acknowledging that excuses are a personal choice, the episode inspires a shift in perspective that empowers individuals to take charge of their destinies.

As the episode unfolds, A.O.B Olagunju skillfully weaves together motivational insights and practical advice, leaving the audience with a renewed sense of purpose and a heightened awareness of the impact of their choices. "Excuses Are Personal" is a compelling exploration of the factors that differentiate success from stagnation, urging listeners to break free from the chains of self-imposed limitations and embrace a path of limitless possibilities.
Jan 11, 202405:45
5 Important Entrepreneurial Skills In 2024

5 Important Entrepreneurial Skills In 2024

In the latest episode of The A.O.B Olagunju Podcast, titled "5 Important Entrepreneurial Skills In 2024," host A.O.B Olagunju delves into the evolving landscape of entrepreneurship, shedding light on crucial skills essential for success in the dynamic business world. 1. Emotional Intelligence: Olagunju emphasizes the significance of emotional intelligence in entrepreneurial endeavors. He explores how understanding and managing emotions, both one's own and those of others, can lead to effective communication, better decision-making, and stronger leadership. 2. Human Relations/Team Spirit: The podcast highlights the pivotal role of human relations and team spirit in fostering a collaborative and productive work environment. Olagunju discusses strategies for building strong interpersonal connections and cultivating a positive team culture, emphasizing their impact on overall business success. 3. Public Speaking: Recognizing the power of effective communication, Olagunju underscores the importance of public speaking for entrepreneurs. He provides insights into honing this skill, explaining how compelling presentations can enhance credibility, attract investors, and elevate one's business profile. 4. Sales & Marketing: In this episode, Olagunju explores the ever-relevant skills of sales and marketing. He discusses contemporary strategies to navigate the competitive market, emphasizing the need for entrepreneurs to be adept at promoting their products or services effectively. 5. Negotiation: Olagunju delves into the art of negotiation and its critical role in entrepreneurial success. The podcast explores techniques for effective negotiation, including understanding the interests of all parties involved and creating mutually beneficial agreements. 6. Artificial Intelligence: Addressing the impact of technology on entrepreneurship, Olagunju introduces the importance of understanding and leveraging artificial intelligence. He discusses how entrepreneurs can embrace AI to streamline operations, analyze data, and gain a competitive edge in today's tech-driven business landscape. Throughout the episode, A.O.B Olagunju combines insightful commentary with real-world examples, offering a comprehensive guide for entrepreneurs looking to thrive in 2024. Whether you're a seasoned business professional or a budding entrepreneur, this podcast provides valuable insights into the essential skills needed to navigate and succeed in the contemporary entrepreneurial landscape.
Jan 10, 202406:17
One Day At A Time

One Day At A Time

In the latest episode of The A.O.B Olagunju Podcast, titled "One Day At A Time," I delve into the profound philosophy of embracing life moment by moment. I emphasize the importance of steering away from the overwhelming pressure of attempting to compress an entire year into a single day.

In this insightful episode, I explore the notion that true fulfillment and growth come from savouring each day, rather than succumbing to the hurried pace of modern life. Through personal anecdotes and practical advice, I guide listeners towards adopting a mindful approach to living, encouraging them to appreciate the small victories, navigate challenges with resilience, and cultivate a genuine connection with the present.

"One Day At A Time" serves as a reminder that life's journey is best experienced gradually, allowing for self-discovery and the joy of living authentically. Tune in for a transformative discussion that encourages listeners to embrace the beauty of the present and embark on a journey of self-acceptance.
Jan 09, 202405:45
Life's Turn By Thoughts

Life's Turn By Thoughts

In the latest episode of The A.O.B Olagunju Podcast, I delve into the profound concept that life is not a mere sequence of predetermined turns but is intricately shaped by the power of one's thoughts.

Titled "Turn By Thoughts," this episode challenges the conventional wisdom of a 'Turn By Turn' existence and underscores the pivotal role of mindset in shaping our destinies.

I explore the idea that what you think significantly influences the path you take in life; a perspective that reframes success, opportunities, and personal fulfillment. By emphasizing the need to consciously shape our thoughts, the episode encourages listeners to embrace a proactive approach in navigating life's journey.

"Turn By Thoughts" is an insightful exploration into the transformative impact of mindset, urging individuals to recognize the agency they possess in crafting their own narrative.

Join me as we unravel the profound connection between thought patterns and life's twists and turns, reminding you that your turn begins with your thoughts.
Jan 08, 202405:45
Do Not Rest On The First Day

Do Not Rest On The First Day

In the latest episode of "Do Not Rest On The First Day," we delve into the profound wisdom of balancing work and rest, drawing inspiration from the very order established by the Creator. While rest is undeniably vital for a healthy life, the key lies in its appropriate allocation. The central theme underscores the principle: work precedes rest, and the beginning is a time for labour, not relaxation.

The episode emphasizes the divine example set by God Himself during the creation of the heavens and the earth. Just as God worked diligently for six days before entering into rest on the seventh day, the message resonates that one must first engage in labour before deserving the privilege of rest. The narrative warns against the peril of resting when it's time to work, highlighting the potential consequences for one's destiny, humanity, and future generations.

The poignant reminder echoes that if you choose to rest while others are diligently working, you may find yourself working when others are enjoying their well-deserved rest. The episode concludes with a powerful insight: waking up to a life filled with tasks left by those who diligently worked while you were at rest; a sobering realization urging listeners to prioritize work before embracing the solace of rest.
Jan 07, 202405:45
5 Cs You Must Embrace in The New Year

5 Cs You Must Embrace in The New Year

In the latest episode of my podcast, I delve into essential principles to embrace for a transformative new year. Titled "5 Cs You Must Embrace in This New Year," this episode is a guide to unlocking your full potential.

I start with the power of compliments. Discover how acknowledging and appreciating yourself and others can create a positive ripple effect in your personal and professional life. From there, I delve into commitment, exploring the role of dedication and determination in achieving your goals.

Contentment takes centre stage as I discuss the importance of finding joy in the present moment. Learn how cultivating contentment can enhance your overall well-being and lead to a more fulfilling life. The episode then transitions to the critical concept of consistency, emphasizing the impact of small, regular actions on long-term success.

Finally, I explore competence - the mastery of skills and knowledge. Discover how continuous learning and honing your abilities can set you on a path to excellence.

Join me in this insightful journey as we navigate the 5 Cs and provide actionable insights to make the coming year your most successful and fulfilling one yet.
Jan 06, 202406:17
5Cs You Must Avoid in The New Year

5Cs You Must Avoid in The New Year

In this compelling episode, we delve into the crucial topic of self-improvement for the New Year, exploring the "5 Cs" that can hinder personal growth. First, we tackle the habit of complaining, unraveling its negative impact on mindset and motivation. Moving on, we dissect complacency, shedding light on how comfort zones can hinder progress. The discussion then navigates through the pitfalls of constant comparison and unhealthy competition, illuminating the importance of individualized journeys. Lastly, we confront the destructive nature of condemnation, emphasizing the need for empathy and understanding. Packed with insightful advice, this episode serves as a guide to navigate away from these pitfalls, fostering a positive mindset for a transformative year ahead.
Jan 05, 202406:17
A Happy New Year is More Than Just The Wishes

A Happy New Year is More Than Just The Wishes

In the latest episode of "The A.O.B Olagunju Podcast," titled "A Happy New Year is More Than Just Wishes,"

A.O.B Olagunju explores the profound concept that a joyous new year extends beyond mere wishes. Delving into the idea that happiness is intricately tied to our beliefs, choices, and actions,

Olagunju guides listeners through a thought-provoking journey. The episode emphasizes how the steps we take play a pivotal role in shaping a fulfilling and prosperous new year. By dissecting the essence of genuine happiness, Olagunju challenges the conventional notion of New Year wishes, urging the audience to consider the transformative power of personal convictions and intentional decision-making.

Join this insightful exploration to gain a deeper understanding of the elements that contribute to a truly happy and meaningful new year experience.
Jan 04, 202405:45
The New Year: Endure or Enjoy

The New Year: Endure or Enjoy

Welcome, dear listeners, to a captivating episode of The A.O.B Olagunju Podcast that delves deep into the essence of time and personal agency. In this thought-provoking installment titled "The New Year: Endure or Enjoy," we embark on a reflective journey challenging the conventional notion of a fresh start with the turn of the calendar.

In this episode, we unravel the profound truth that the distinction between the old and new year transcends mere dates - it resides within the realms of your thoughts, beliefs, choices, and actions. Together, we explore the idea that you are the chief architect of the experiences that unfold in the coming year.

Throughout the conversation, we navigate the transformative power of mindset and how it acts as a compass, steering the course of your year. By examining the impact of your thoughts, the strength of your beliefs, and the consequences of your choices, we shed light on the fundamental principle that you are the author of your own narrative.

The central theme of "Endure or Enjoy" invites contemplation on whether you merely endure the passing of time or actively choose to relish each moment, irrespective of external circumstances. We dissect the concept that the quality of your year is not predetermined by external factors but rather shaped by your conscious decisions.

Join us as we uncover the keys to embracing personal responsibility and taking charge of your own destiny. We'll explore practical strategies for cultivating a mindset that transforms challenges into opportunities and turns ordinary moments into extraordinary memories.

In this episode, we aim to inspire and empower you to seize control of your narrative, embracing the new year as a canvas upon which you paint your unique experiences. The bottom line is clear: you possess the innate ability to shape your year—whether you endure it or joyfully savour every twist and turn.

Tune in and embark on a journey of self-discovery as we navigate the empowering terrain of personal agency in "The New Year: Endure or Enjoy." Because, in the end, the true measure of your year lies not in the ticking of the clock but in the choices you make and the life you create.
Jan 03, 202405:45
New Year, New Resolutions

New Year, New Resolutions

In this thought-provoking episode, I unravel the traditional approach to New Year's resolutions, going beyond the surface-level commitment. Instead of merely endorsing the yearly ritual, I scrutinize the significance of adopting a genuine mindset transformation and the dedication required to see resolutions through to realization.

We delve into the psychology of resolutions, challenging listeners to question whether setting goals once a year truly leads to lasting change.

Join me on a journey to break the cycle of repetitive resolutions. We offer practical tips and strategies to help viewers cultivate a mindset conducive to lasting change. By the end of the episode, our aim is to inspire a shift in perspective — one where resolutions are approached as continuous opportunities for self-improvement, rather than fleeting promises easily abandoned.

Discover the secrets to meaningful resolutions and unlock the potential for genuine transformation in "New Year, New Resolutions: Breaking the Cycle."
Jan 02, 202405:07
The Year of My Dream

The Year of My Dream

In this episode, A.O.B Olagunju beautifully paints a vision of a life lived with purpose and intention. "The Year of My Dream" is not just a title; it's a proclamation, a declaration that this year is the canvas on which we paint the visions of our heart's desires. A.O.B urges us to imagine waking up every morning with a sense of purpose and excitement, knowing that each day holds the potential to be a chapter in the story of our dreams.

This isn't about wishful thinking; it's about intentional living. A.O.B encourages us to visualize and feel the year of our dreams, emphasizing that the power of manifestation lies in living as though our dreams are already on their way. The episode serves as an invitation to step into the realm of our dreams and make every moment count.

Join A.O.B Olagunju on this journey, and may your dreams shine brightly. Thank you for stepping into "The Year of My Dream" with me.
Jan 01, 202404:18
Conflict of Influence

Conflict of Influence

Many struggle through life because their hearts and their tongues are not in harmony; they both struggle to have influence on their lives. We are either saying what we don't mean in our hearts or we are thinking about issues that we feel are too great for our mouth to alter. It is very impossible to pray good prayers when all your thoughts are negative and expect to have good answers from the Lord. But when positive meditations meet with positive declarations, the result will be positive manifestations. Listen to this latest episode of my podcast to learn more. Kindly drop your feedback as well.
Sep 05, 202104:11
Train Up Your Mind

Train Up Your Mind

The next most power force after spiritual forces is the mental force. Whatever does not get through your mind will not get through your life. Your mind is the gateway to your life.
However, the mind does not have the ability to train itself, it is how we handle it that determines how it turns out to be and the direction it leads our lives.
The transformation of our lives begins first with the transformation of our minds. If our minds will not change, then our lives will not change.
Listen to this latest episode of my podcast to learn more.
Aug 29, 202105:19
Change Through Prayers

Change Through Prayers

Friend, do you know that the change you desire to see in your life begins first with you?
So, most times, you and not your situation should be the focus of your prayers, because when God fixes your life, you become empowered and eligible to fix other things that may be out of place in your life.
But if you continue to ask God to change your situation, while there are other areas of your life that is yet to be addressed, particularly if you have any character flaw that is responsible for your unwanted situation, you make it difficult for God to help you and ultimately make mockery of the potency and workability of prayer.

Learn more from the latest episode of my podcast titled 'Change Through Praters'. Kindly drop your feedback.
Aug 22, 202102:37
Spirituality By Mentality

Spirituality By Mentality

A lot of people struggle to find balance in their spiritual pursuit and their quest to please God without them making any headway. But we must realize that our minds are critical to either the success or failure of our lives; spiritually or otherwise.
You see, your mentality is what determines your actuality. For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Even our spirit only empowers us to do the things we have purposed in our hearts.
Carnal living is only a product of carnal thinking, and spiritual living is a product of spiritual thinking. They both emanate from the mind.
Learn more by listening to the latest episode of my podcast titled 'SPIRITUALITY BY MENTALITY'. Do not forget to drop your comment as well.
Aug 15, 202103:53
The Transformation Process

The Transformation Process

One of the reasons why a lot of people struggle in their Christian journey is because they do not realize that salvation is not a once and for all experience, but a lifelong process and experience.
Our transformation is a function of our mentality, and our mentality is a function of our conformity, whether to the standard of God or that of the world.
We must consistently allow the word of God to rule our minds if we want our life to become an example of the good, acceptable and perfect will of God.
You see, transformation spiritually and otherwise is not possible without first undergoing a mental renewal.
Listen to the latest episode of my podcast. Kindly drop your feedback on the platform.
Aug 08, 202104:10
Overcoming The Egypt Within

Overcoming The Egypt Within

You see, building a prosperous, successful and great mindset is an intentional adventure; you've got to be deliberate both in your decisions and actions. If you do nothing, nothing will change.
Someone once said that, "You cannot stop a bird from flying over your head, but you can stop it from perching on your head." How true!
Friend, you cannot sit and watch the birds of Egypt; the birds of slavery, the birds of servitude, the birds of failure, the birds of pains and sorrow, the birds of regrets to stop you from reaching the peak of your your destiny.
It is often said that, the only thing that is constant is change, but you've got to be involved in the process for things to actually turn out in your favour. Listen to this latest of my podcast titled 'Overcoming The Egypt Within' to learn more. Don't also forget to drop your feedbacks.
Aug 01, 202104:55
The Egypt Within

The Egypt Within

You see, the greatest problem of the Israelites was not the fact that they lived in the land of Egypt, their greatest problem was that they refused to let go of the memories of Egypt even after they had left the land.
The truth is that, mental torment is worse than physical torment. Until you are mentally free, you are not completely free.
What the Egypt mentality does to a man is that it either keeps pulling him back in life or just keep him at the same spot.
You can listen to the latest episode of my podcast titled 'The Egypt Within', to learn more about the dangers of building self limiting beliefs as a result of past experiences.
Jul 25, 202104:01
3 Things That Are Killing Your Self-Confidence

3 Things That Are Killing Your Self-Confidence

There's actually little or nothing we can achieve in life without self-confidence among other things. The greater our confidence, the greater our propensity to succeed in our life endeavours.
However, a lot of people are sabotaging their self-confidence without knowing. In this podcast, I have listed out three things that you may be doing whether consciously or unconsciously to limit your self-confidence. I hope you identify them and work on yourself.
Kindly remember to drop your feedback.
Jun 27, 202111:00
5 Things To Avoid During Crisis

5 Things To Avoid During Crisis

Life is full of challenges, and the time of crisis can be the most devastating season in the life of a man. The rate at which people are getting depressed around the world today is fast increasing. But whether we come out of our crisis better or bitter is a function of how we respond to it and manage it.
One of the major ways we can guarantee victory over the challenges of life is how we manage the important resources God has given to us in the times of crisis. This is exactly what this podcast sets out to help you understand.
In times of crisis, there are things to do and there are also things to avoid. This podcast titled '5 Things To Avoid During Crisis' will inspire you and change the way you respond to crisis; you will not only overcome your crisis, but also come out better and stronger. Kindly drop your feedbacks.
Jun 13, 202115:44
The Power Of Choice

The Power Of Choice

Choice is so powerful, because it is what informs our decisions and ultimately determines the results we achieve in life. In this latest episode, I shared on the importance of choice and why we must focus on building a positive and great mindset as it is the foundation for making the right and best choices in life. Listen to this inspirational message and be transformed. Kindly leave your sincere feedback for improving the platform.
Jun 06, 202103:55
5 Poverty Branded Relationships You Must Avoid

5 Poverty Branded Relationships You Must Avoid

There is no doubt that relationship is very important in our life's adventure, but much more to that is the kind of relationships we keep. And the kinds of relationships we keep can either delay, derail or even destroy us.
Aside for spiritual growth, financial growth is another important reason why it's important you keep the right set of people in your life. If you have financial dreams you intend to attain in life, your relationship is one major area you want to give a serious attention, which must not be taken lightly.
Listen to this latest episode of my Podcasts titled '5 Poverty Branded Relationships You Must Avoid'. This podcast specifically bothers on some wrong or negative relationships you must avoid in order to achieve your financial goals in life. Kindly listen to the podcast, and let me know if you have others that are not mentioned on the list. I would also appreciate your sincere feedbacks.
May 30, 202113:46
Nothing Change Unless You Change

Nothing Change Unless You Change

The world today is full of individuals, groups and institutions who are desiring a dramatic change, but are neither improving nor changing themselves. But the reality is that nothing actually change unless we change ourselves; hence the change we desire begins with us.
Modernization may improve and technology may advance, but laws and principles still abide; one of such is the law of cause and effect. We can microwave food, but definitely not destiny; we have to follow through the eternal and unchangeable process of transformation.
Kindly listen to the latest episode of my podcast and be inspired for all round transformations.
Don't forget to also drop your comments after listening; it will help a lot to ensure we keep improving the platform for the betterment of humanity. Shalom!
May 23, 202104:33
4 Reasons Why People Settle For Less In Life

4 Reasons Why People Settle For Less In Life

There is no doubt that almost everyone in the world would like to be great in life, but it also very clear that only few actually make it to the top. However, it is important for us to know that the result is not necessarily predetermined, it is a product of our individual choices. While some keep pushing and pursue to the end, some other give up along the way and eventually settle for less than they are designed for. Listen to the latest episode on my podcast and learn some of these factors that hold people back from the best that destiny has for them. This podcast will both inspire and challenge you to want more, do more and ultimately become more in life. Don't forget to send in your sincere feedback if you are blessed by this message.
Apr 11, 202102:36
Lift Up Your Eyes

Lift Up Your Eyes

Good day to you dear friend!

I believe you're doing very good today.
We all go through challenges in life, at one point or the other; and one of the key factors that determine the ultimate outcome is where we turn our attention to for help.
Some people look on themselves, some look around on other fellow men, while some look up to God. While there is nothing wrong with the first two categories of people, they are limited. God remains our ultimate source of help; in fact the scripture tells us that He is our present help in time of need.
Friend, where you look at among other things determines what you get and what you look like, so learn to look up to God.
I have put together this audio podcast that I titled 'LIFT UP YOUR EYES' to encourage you to learn to place your focus on the only guaranteed source of help as you walk through their year.
Jan 17, 202102:37
A Renewed Mindset For A New Life Experience

A Renewed Mindset For A New Life Experience

One of the major reasons most us fail to realize our new year resolutions is because we fail to do the fundamental thing - changing or upgrading our way of thinking. A new life experience requires a renewed mindset. We cannot achieve new results until we have changed our thoughts.

I have put together this audio podcast that I titled "A RENEWED MINDSET FOR A NEW LIFE EXPERIENCE to inspire you to change your way of thinking so that you can positively change your life.

Listen to this message meditatively, and let it motivate and inspire you for a better experience this year. Kindly follow my podcast to always get notification for my latest episodes.
Jan 10, 202103:13
What Do You See?

What Do You See?

Happy New Year to you dear friend.
The year is still fresh and loaded with diverse opportunities.
However, it is to every man as far as he can see. It is our spiritual and mental sights that determine the limit of our destiny. So, I have put together this audio podcast to encourage you on what I have captioned "WHAT DO YOU SEE?" Listen to this message meditatively, and let it inspire you into dreaming big for the New Year. I pray that the eyes of your understanding be opened to see what God has prepared for you is year. Amen.
Kindly listen to this latest episode and be inspired for better and greater year.
Jan 03, 202104:11
3 Things To Understand About Creation

3 Things To Understand About Creation

Creation in any area of life and at whatever level is a very mysterious adventure. But when we possess the basic and relevant understanding of what it entails, we are sure to end up with very good results. Listen to my latest episode of the Moment of Change and be inspired for a new beginning as you prepare to enter the new year.
Dec 15, 202005:19
The Future is Mind Bound

The Future is Mind Bound

One of the reasons why many are yet to experience the future they long desired is because they erroneously believe it's time bound and are waiting endlessly for something that may never happen. Listen to this latest episode of Moment of Change with A.O.B Olagunju and learn how to attract the life that you desire, deserve and designed for. Kindly drop your feedbacks on what you think about this podcast.
Nov 29, 202003:23
2 Things to Understand About Creating The Future

2 Things to Understand About Creating The Future

In our attempt to create the future, we will always be faced with two things: opportunity and threat. Yes, we know that we have the opportunity to start afresh and make right all the past wrongs, yet we are often threatened by the past pains. Hence, the need for focus and discipline to enable us or reach our goals. I believe this episode will inspire you to the next levels in life.
Sep 06, 202004:60
3 Vital Requirements For Creating The Future

3 Vital Requirements For Creating The Future

At one point or the other, we may desire to create something new that befits the future we desire or decide to make necessary adjustments that will guarantee we arrive at a beautiful future. For this reason, it is very important for us to understand what it takes and require to achieve that which we desire. In this episode, I talked about the three things that are required of you to create the future. Listen to this message and be inspired for a colourful future.
Aug 31, 202005:41
Creating The Future

Creating The Future

Someone said that the best way to predict the future is to create one. That is very true! When you set a target, you already have an idea of the kinds of results you should expect. When you take your destiny in your hands, your chances of winning in life is very wide, compared to when you are depending absolutely on others. And that is exactly what this latest podcast is designed to do; taking absolute responsibility for the future you desire. Enjoy the message and kindly send in your feedbacks.
Aug 18, 202003:56
Thinking Your Way Out of Problems

Thinking Your Way Out of Problems

The Scripture states that out of the heart are the issues of life. It then implies that everything we require to make our lives great lies within us. The strange thing is the fact that many people do not know that the solutions to the problems they are going through lies in their heart, so they keep struggling. Friend, you can get through any issue of life seamlessly if you can just learn to think through. This is what this episode of my podcast is about. Listen to it and be inspired! Don't forget to drop your feedbacks.
Jul 30, 202011:39
How to Win in the Second Half - Part 3

How to Win in the Second Half - Part 3

One of the things I have learnt in life is that sometimes, it is not about whether you are losing or gaining, you may just need to make adjustments, change your strategies and up your game so that you can preserve your win. Listen to this third part in the special series of 'How to Win in the Second Half' and learn about the importance of reviewing strategies, the power of determination and focus either to turn the game in your favour or to maintain your winning status. Kindly drop your feedbacks and let me know what you think.
Jul 14, 202005:18
How to Win in the Second Half - Part 2

How to Win in the Second Half - Part 2

This is the second episode in the series on 'How to Win in the Second Half'. I encourage you to search for the first episode and listen to it. In this episode, I shared on the importance of reviewing your goals. You see, setting goals is not enough, and goal setting is not a once and for all thing; the system shouldn't be static; it must be flexible enough for it to deliver. Listen to the message and kindly drop your feedback.
Jul 09, 202005:19
Inside Out

Inside Out

Today, people of the world are paying more attention to how glamorously they look from the outside, while paying little or no attention to minds. But the interesting thing is that life is lived inside and not outside in. So which one we decide to give priority to won't change the order, it will only change our overall life experiences; whether we have control or we are always out of control. Listen to this latest episode and find out where your real power lies, hence where attention should be.
Jun 30, 202022:60
The Good Father

The Good Father

First, Happy Father's Day to all our fathers and fathers to be! May you live long to celebrate more of it in Jesus Christ name. Amen. As we mark the Father's day for this year, it's important that we take a critical look into what are roles are as fathers. Most of the problems experienced around the world today are due to lack of good fatherhood. Making the choice to be a father is not as important as making the choice to be a good one. In this podcast, I tried to share with you the two paramount things that makes a good father. I believe it will bless you and yours. This message is for all the fathers around the world, fathers to be and the women that love them. Don't just listen to this message, but also share it with all the father figure in your life. I also like to hear your feedback. Thank you.
Jun 21, 202017:45
Where is Your Mind Fixed?

Where is Your Mind Fixed?

Do you know that your victory over the battles of life is a function of where you have decided to focus your mind? Listen to this podcast for more inspiration and be blessed.
Jun 16, 202004:08