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The Hot Mic @ Arch DevOps

The Hot Mic @ Arch DevOps

By Michael "Fritz" Fritzius

Are you a business owner with a story to share? Let's face it: building a dream from the ground up isn't easy. But it is easy to think that it's all sunshine and rainbows. This podcast, The Hot Mic @ Arch DevOps, talks about peoples' stories about how they got started, what their dream is all about, what they're passionate about, but also the challenges and struggles they face as they create something out of nothing.

Enjoy the listen.

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Ean Murphy - Do You Hate Numbers? Listen to This Episode

The Hot Mic @ Arch DevOpsMar 01, 2021

Paul Benigeri - Helping the Nano-Influencers
Jun 22, 202131:24
Kuda Biza - It's Nunbelievable
May 18, 202125:15
Antoan Rusinov - Marketing and Board Games
May 11, 202126:25
Terry McDougall - Entrepreneurship is Not for Sissies
Apr 01, 202128:07
Kate Trusova - Zero Waste Lifestyle During the Pandemic
Apr 01, 202130:40
Purdeep Sangha - Being Distinct and Helping Businesses Help Themselves
Apr 01, 202120:55
Robert Hall - Staying Kissable with Gummies

Robert Hall - Staying Kissable with Gummies

A good friend of mine got me introduced to today's guest, and after hearing what he's got going on, I'm sold on the mission. Robert Hall is the founder of So-B and he's answering the call to improve lip health for everyone. Every year 45 million suffer from ailments causing unsightly lip health, and growing up it affected him in a negative way. He shared with me how he started the company in October 2020 and what the journey's been like. Many of the lessons he's learned center around actively listening to customers, and finding out ways to fold in suggestions from a small segment of those customers. The real treasure, and a great way to improve your offering, is figuring out the best blend of all the data to create a wonderful experience across the whole customer base. Not many companies do this on purpose, because it's hard, but the road less travelled is the most rewarding. Find more about Robert on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn by searching for 'sobliphealth'. Enjoy the listen. 

Apr 01, 202134:51
Dr. Denise Dennis - Marketing Automation the Right Way
Apr 01, 202131:22
Noah Pusey - Old and Busted Performance Reviews? Not Hotness with Ripple
Apr 01, 202130:03
Amber Comadira-Smith - The Sweet Side of Entrepreneurship
Apr 01, 202133:37
Jas Rawlinson - On Unrealistic Expectations with Entrepreneurship
Apr 01, 202133:11
Jane Tabachnick - Simply Good Press
Apr 01, 202132:34
Nelly Yusupova - Putting the Horse Before the Cart
Apr 01, 202129:55
Hanieh Sigari - Helping others to age well, live well, & do good.
Mar 01, 202129:56
John Bunting - The Startup Startup
Mar 01, 202127:30
Ean Murphy - Do You Hate Numbers? Listen to This Episode

Ean Murphy - Do You Hate Numbers? Listen to This Episode

You know, one of the most stressful parts of business for a lot of entrepreneurs is looking at the books. Ugh. I mean shoot even sometimes I don't like to look at where money's going, but if you plan to have a profitable business, you probably should be at least taking a peek at it once in awhile. Ean Price Murphy is a Mastery Level practitioner of Profit First Bookkeeping, a program designed to give you full transparency and insights on where your money is going, and how to think in terms of driving more profit for your company. On today's episode we talk about the mindset that goes into creating such a business, and the effects of engineering your environment to force yourself into being more successful. It's a relaxing yet energetic mix of mindfulness, brain hacking, financing and spreadsheet, but most of all: moxie. Which is great, because that's the name of her business. If you hate numbers but know you need awesome bookkeeping, reach out to Ean by googling Moxie Bookkeeping, and find her on LinkedIn and Facebook. Let's 'pivot' into the episode now. That's a spreadsheet joke. Sounded better in my head. Anyway, here we go! 

Mar 01, 202129:45
Nicholas Prouten - Hot Mic Unplugged: Crypto, Ubiquity, Precious Metals and Psychology
Mar 01, 202137:10
Sidd Masand - Civil Engineer By Day, Rock and Roll Engineer By Night

Sidd Masand - Civil Engineer By Day, Rock and Roll Engineer By Night

He's a civil engineer by day, and a Youtube video producer by night. Sidd Masand is the brains behind the Rock and Roll True Stories channel on Youtube, and hearing his story is a great example of human spirit in action. The financial crash in 2008 and 2009 and a lot of extra work stress made him realize he really wanted to reclaim his freedom and passion for work. So he started up a Youtube channel. And it's ended up being a pretty good revenue stream. The biggest piece of advice he has is, find a niche and go all in. It takes a lot of bravery to do that, but if you go that direction it'll pay off huge. And you won't wear yourself out trying to be all things to all people. If you want to hear more about the stories this chill Canadian is putting together, search for Rock and Roll True Stories to track down his channel. Let's jump into the conversation now. 

Mar 01, 202128:44
Lee Chambers - You Are Not Your Business
Mar 01, 202127:25
Matt Rosenthal - The Department of Redundancy Dept.
Mar 01, 202131:48
Laurent Notin - In the Middle of a Challenge There is Opportunity
Mar 01, 202128:59
Frederick Shegog - Here Now For a Reason
Feb 01, 202133:08
Chantelle Quow - Do You Have a Plan for Being TOO Successful? You Should!
Feb 01, 202124:57
Vinnie Fisher - Rise and Grind - The Right Way
Feb 01, 202126:60
Sanjeev Chitre - The Periodic Table of Entrepreneurship

Sanjeev Chitre - The Periodic Table of Entrepreneurship

I've only known Sanjeev for... well, officially 36 minutes as of this recording. But already I've found him to be an amazingly sharp guy, always willing to share what he's learned about entrepreneurship. There are some key things in here that every new entrepreneur needs to know about before they run out and build their thing. See, there's a reason why most businesses fail. It's because people largely keep making the same mistakes. It's part of the human condition. But there's a scientific way to go about building business that greatly increases your chances of success, and Sanjeev's got it figured out. Four things to keep in mind: is the market confused about what it wants? Do you bring a unique differentiation to the table? Is there a large market for what you do? And do you have the team or capabilities yourself to make it happen? If the answer to all four is 'yes' then you're on the right track. And if not, now you have some areas for improvement. Yeah! Science! You can build a business in a measurable way. After listening to Sanjeev's wisdom, check the show notes for how to learn more about him and his new book coming out in Q1 2021. Let's get going. 

Feb 01, 202129:21
Charles Read - Navigating the Waters of Tax Law, and Having a Blast Doing It
Feb 01, 202128:29
Craig Inzana - The Right Time to Stop

Craig Inzana - The Right Time to Stop

Craig Inzana and I met awhile back when both of us were entrepreneurs, and things ended up changing on his end. Turns out it was for the better. He's now working at a marketing agency where he's able to bring everything he learned about business and himself, to the table. Over the last couple years, he's learned that it's really easy to go down rabbit holes and take on different challenges rapidly. That's kinda how the entrepreneurial brain works! But when trying to build a company of employees and foster stability, that approach doesn't work so hot. I was kinda concerned about bringing up the topic of business ownership today and made sure he was cool talking about it, and he was. And this episode is full of great advice. One day we'll get him back, and when that happens he's got a plan to rebuild the right way, and rock socks. Find Craig all over social media, and in particular on LinkedIn. For now, enjoy the listen and the learning. 

Feb 01, 202139:39
Dustin Miller - PolyInnovator - Maybe Stop Pushing
Feb 01, 202130:20
Steve Pereira - Becoming a Completed Nerd
Feb 01, 202139:00
Ashlee Dozier - Building Business and Smelling Spectacular

Ashlee Dozier - Building Business and Smelling Spectacular

*sniff* You smell that? Well probably not, because you're listening to this. But if the technology were available, smell would be a great way to enjoy this episode. Got the change to talk with Ashlee Dozier today about Anuket Luxury Apothecary. Named for an Egyptian goddess, she shared the story about how she started off working in the public health space, and after some big life challenges, decided to pack everything in storage and travel the world. One of the places she happened to end up was Egypt. And one of the places the guide happened to bring her to was a small family-owned perfumery. And one of the scents they happened to specialize in was Papyrus. It smelled so good, she bought a good amount of it to send home. Turns out that people here in the US loved the fragrance so much they convinced her to start a business. The rest is history. Funny how that happens! Although she's a fairly new business owner, she's already carved out a deep niche as one of the only suppliers of this essential oil in the US, and is helping support that small perfumery back in her second home of Egypt. This is a really good conversation that will give you some neat insights in the world of apothecary, supply chain and entrepreneurship. If you're looking to change how you smell, Ashlee is all over social media under the handle @anuketluxury. Check out the website at or email her directly at She's always down to talk shop, smells and stuff. Let's listen in now. 

Feb 01, 202126:38
Noa Ronen - Look Beyond the Solution That Keeps You Stuck
Feb 01, 202131:50
Bronwyn Reid - Helping David Make Friends With Goliath
Feb 01, 202134:12
Vanessa Zamy - Supercharge Your 9 to 5
Feb 01, 202134:11
William Walley - Slingin' Wisdom by Storytelling

William Walley - Slingin' Wisdom by Storytelling

Got a different episode for y'all today. I met William Walley through a mutual friend who was also a previous podcast guest, and learned more about him on a call a few months ago. And I gotta say: William is the embodiment of 'good old boy'. From the deep south here in the US, he's fashioned himself into an amazing storyteller, painting pictures of his life and lessons learned in a way that you can apply to yours right away. Since our last call of course a lot's happened in the world regarding COVID and political strife, but he keeps plugging away, living life on his terms. This episode inspired me to maybe come up with another type of podcast along these lines. I think you'll appreciate his easy style and willingness to share what he's learned. If you'd like to hear more of him, he's got his own podcast as well called 'World of Walley', and a Facebook page of the same name. Find his personal page on Facebook by looking for, as he describes, 'a bald-headed Bruce Willis looking guy'. There's some key wisdom in today's episode for you whether you're an entrepreneur or not, so listen in and see how it applies. Let's get going. 

Feb 01, 202136:49
Jelena Radonjic - Spending 90,000 Hours Being Unhappy :(
Feb 01, 202125:08
Angel Ribo - Don't Wait, Take Imperfect Action Now
Feb 01, 202130:60
Lisa Cox - It's Ok to Suck At Certain Things
Feb 01, 202137:25
Michael Castiglione - The Cure for Sales Cancer

Michael Castiglione - The Cure for Sales Cancer

Today's guest is Michael Castiglione, Los Angeles native and franchise owner at Sandler Training. In our first conversation I had a few weeks back it was impressive how open he was about sales, and what it truly means to sell with a heart for service. So I asked him if he wanted to be on a podcast and here we are! 2020 has been the year of reslience and sales is one of the best ways to build even more of it. And we have some awesome takeaways for you. Learning to love the word 'no' and treat it as an option to learn more. Driving yourself to having more quality conversations. Not being afraid to take people out of a pipeline. And how to use the acronym BAGELS to set goals for yourself every day. I had a hard time keeping up with typing all the great advice I heard today, and am eager to implement it. You will be too. After listening, reach out to Michael on LinkedIn. He's easy to find, just look for a cheesy smile and bald head--his words not mine. Come on in and join the conversation. 

Feb 01, 202130:49
Raj Goodman Anand - 3rd Time's the Charm
Feb 01, 202118:14
Swire Ho - Turning Prospects Into Fans With Promo Products

Swire Ho - Turning Prospects Into Fans With Promo Products

Got the chance to talk to Swire Ho today and find out what he's got going on with his company, Garuda Promo. We often think that promotional products are just cheap throwaway items that you get at conferences that last a few days before they're used up. And I mean, there are plenty of products like that out there. But Swire's mission is different: incredibly high quality products for the purpose of helping build deep relationships with people. Each item that you gift a previous, current or future client is something that they should really enjoy, and have a constant reminder of the kind of relationship that's being forged between them and you personally. Listen in for tips about what he's learned about himself on the entrepreneurial journey, what sectors to go after and the value of true relationship building. Swire and I are already chatting so come on in and join us. 

Feb 01, 202122:38
Steven Slutzky - Looking Back on the Last 20 Years (and Forward to the Next 20)
Feb 01, 202140:49
Craig Lewis - Don't Lose Your Crown, Kings
Feb 01, 202142:23
Matt Sodnicar - Staying Chill About Entrepreneurship While Staying Just Warm Enough
Feb 01, 202129:02
John Paragon - The Paragon of Business Scalability - Literally
Feb 01, 202145:20
Kathleen Celmins - Video Marketing Might Be the Only Option Now
Feb 01, 202132:01
Jay Shifman - Misuse, Not Abuse
Feb 01, 202132:15
Ange Dove - Ahead of Her Time and Too Successful. Good Problems To Have?
Feb 01, 202135:08
Sharon Davies - Getting Ghosted in Sales? Try This One Weird Trick
Feb 01, 202144:49
Raj Subrameyer - Discovering Your Inner Genius
Dec 04, 202030:29
Simi Mandelbaum - Therapy Couches and Spreadsheets
Dec 03, 202025:02