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Eps #3-Wise Women's Movement- How to Vote

The Holly Hall ShowAug 27, 2020

How you know you're Experiencing an Empathic Upgrade

How you know you're Experiencing an Empathic Upgrade

How you know you're Experiencing an Empathic Upgrade!

May 31, 202408:53
Return to Soul Meditation
May 30, 202406:21
The Dark Rivers Soul Journey-Explained

The Dark Rivers Soul Journey-Explained

May 30, 202406:29
How to know you are in a Soul Ascension

How to know you are in a Soul Ascension

How to know you are in a Soul Ascension. I see this in my work with clients as an astrologer. However, you do not need to know astrology to understand if and when you have had soul ascension. In 5m you will know!

May 02, 202405:58
The ONE-How you are plugged in

The ONE-How you are plugged in

Have you ever wondered where you come from? Where do we all come from? This little short explanation is the beginning of a series. Enjoy.

Apr 26, 202401:04
UFO of GOD- Book by Chris Bledsoe-Angels, Our Creators and a Simple Country Man
Apr 26, 202401:02:29
Channeled Messages-The Dark River of Souls-Revealed

Channeled Messages-The Dark River of Souls-Revealed

The title of this message may lead you to believe one thing, but the reality is that the vast majority of us have found ourselves immersed in the metaphorical river it refers to at some point in our lives. The message contained herein has the potential to alter the course of your existence in a profound way.

Lets get you out of the river!

Mar 27, 202406:36
UFO, Nasa and Mufon Oh My! Chris Bledsoe Clip

UFO, Nasa and Mufon Oh My! Chris Bledsoe Clip



Mar 27, 202402:30
The Heros Journey-Explained Pt 2 of 4

The Heros Journey-Explained Pt 2 of 4

There are many ways to meet your shadow side and heal it.

The shadow is conceptually the blind spot of the psyche;the repression of one's id, while maladaptive, prevents shadow integration, the union of id and ego. The shadow is projected onto one's social environment as cognitive distortions. 

When someone's shadow-self is characterized by insecurity, they may experience deep emotional reactions when they are surrounded by successful people or when they feel that their partner is checking out other attractive people in the room. They may also feel triggered when their sibling gets a promotion or their best friend loses weight.

Enjoy the podcast

Mar 02, 202409:17
The Heros Journey-Explained 1 of 4 Series

The Heros Journey-Explained 1 of 4 Series

"The Hero's Journey" redirects here. For other uses, see The Hero's Journey (disambiguation).Illustration of the hero's journey

In narratology and comparative mythology, the hero's journey, also known as the monomyth, is the common template of stories that involve a hero who goes on an adventure, is victorious in a decisive crisis, and comes home changed or transformed.

The Hero's Journey is a narrative framework that describes the typical stages of an adventure or quest undertaken by a hero in mythology, literature, and storytelling. This concept was popularized by the American scholar Joseph Campbell in his book "The Hero with a Thousand Faces."

The Hero's Journey consists of several key stages, which often include:

1. **The Call to Adventure:** The hero is called to leave their ordinary world and embark on a journey or quest.

2. **Refusal of the Call:** Initially, the hero may hesitate or refuse the call to adventure, often due to fear or a sense of inadequacy.

3. **Meeting the Mentor:** The hero encounters a wise figure or mentor who provides guidance, advice, or magical tools to help them on their journey.

4. **Crossing the Threshold:** The hero leaves their ordinary world behind and enters the unknown or the "special world" of the adventure.

5. **Tests, Allies, and Enemies:** Along the way, the hero faces a series of challenges, meets allies, and confronts enemies that test their skills and resolve.

6. **Approaching the Inmost Cave:** The hero comes to the edge of a dangerous place or faces a critical challenge that represents their greatest fear or the central conflict of the story.

7. **The Ordeal:** The hero faces their greatest trial, often a life-threatening challenge that forces them to confront their fears and weaknesses.

8. **The Reward:** After overcoming the ordeal, the hero receives a reward, such as knowledge, power, or an object of great value.

9. **The Road Back:** The hero begins the journey back to their ordinary world, often pursued by enemies or facing new challenges.

10. **The Resurrection:** The hero faces a final test, which may require them to use all of their newfound skills and wisdom.

11. **Return with the Elixir:** The hero returns to their ordinary world, transformed by their journey, and brings back a boon or "elixir" that benefits their community or society.

The Hero's Journey is a powerful storytelling tool that resonates with audiences because it reflects the universal themes of growth, transformation, and the triumph of good over evil. It has been used in many famous stories and films, including the "Star Wars" saga, "The Lord of the Rings," and "The Wizard of Oz."

Discover your Heros Journeys

Feb 19, 202410:36
The Art of Calm (+by sun sign)

The Art of Calm (+by sun sign)

Staying calm can be influenced by various factors, including personality traits associated with sun signs in astrology. However knowing your entire chart thro a reading is important, focus on:





Here's a general guide for each sun sign:

1. **Aries (March 21 - April 19)**: Practice patience and channel your energy into productive activities. Engage in physical exercise to release tension.

2. **Taurus (April 20 - May 20)**: Create a peaceful environment and stick to a routine. Ground yourself through nature walks or indulging in sensory pleasures.

3. **Gemini (May 21 - June 20)**: Practice mindfulness to quiet your busy mind. Engage in deep breathing exercises and focus on one task at a time.

4. **Cancer (June 21 - July 22)**: Find comfort in familiar surroundings and prioritize self-care. Seek support from loved ones when feeling overwhelmed.

Book a Session

5. **Leo (July 23 - August 22)**: Practice positive self-talk and cultivate a sense of self-confidence. Engage in creative pursuits to channel excess energy.

6. **Virgo (August 23 - September 22)**: Make lists and prioritize tasks to reduce anxiety. Take breaks to avoid overthinking and perfectionism.

7. **Libra (September 23 - October 22)**: Seek balance in all aspects of life and surround yourself with harmony. Practice relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation.

8. **Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)**: Embrace introspection and acknowledge your emotions. Release pent-up energy through intense physical activity.

9. **Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)**: Maintain a sense of humor and focus on the bigger picture. Explore new perspectives through travel or learning experiences.

10. **Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)**: Set realistic goals and establish boundaries to manage stress. Take breaks to recharge and prioritize self-discipline.

11. **Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)**: Embrace your individuality and allow yourself to detach from stressful situations. Connect with like-minded individuals for support.

12. **Pisces (February 19 - March 20)**: Practice visualization and embrace your intuitive nature. Find solace in creative outlets and prioritize self-care routines.

Remember, while astrology can provide insights, individual experiences and coping mechanisms may vary. It's essential to explore various techniques and find what works best for you to stay calm and centered.

Feb 14, 202412:53
Feb 12, 202405:49
What is Cosmic Consciousness

What is Cosmic Consciousness

Book a Session

"Cosmic Consciousness" is a term that has been used to describe a state of heightened spiritual awareness or a deep connection with the universe. It often refers to a transcendent or mystical experience where an individual feels a profound sense of unity with the cosmos, a heightened perception of reality, and a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.

The concept of Cosmic Consciousness has been explored in various spiritual and philosophical traditions. It is sometimes associated with the idea that individuals can achieve a higher state of consciousness, transcending the limitations of the individual self and experiencing a profound connection with the entire cosmos or a universal consciousness.



The term gained popularity through the work of Richard Maurice Bucke, a Canadian psychiatrist, who wrote a book titled "Cosmic Consciousness: A Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind." In his book, Bucke described cosmic consciousness as a new form of awareness that he believed was emerging in the human species.

It's important to note that interpretations of Cosmic Consciousness can vary among different belief systems and spiritual traditions. Some view it as a spiritual awakening or enlightenment, while others may approach it from a more secular or psychological perspective. Overall, it is a concept that reflects the idea of a profound and expanded state of consciousness that goes beyond the individual self to encompass the vastness of the cosmos.

Feb 04, 202404:51
Return to Soul Series "DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL"-eps 1
Jan 17, 202417:08
The Tipping Point of 2024

The Tipping Point of 2024

The humanity tipping point is a crucial juncture where collective choices and actions determine the course of our shared future, steering either towards positive transformation or potential crises. It symbolizes a critical mass in awareness and behaviour that shapes the trajectory of human civilization.

Holly Hall from Shares her downloads in this Series.


Jan 10, 202405:50
Couples Heal using Astrology?!

Couples Heal using Astrology?!

Couples Heal using Astrology?! Astrology can be a valuable tool for couples for several reasons:

1. **Understanding Compatibility:**

- Astrology provides insights into the compatibility of individuals based on their birth charts. It analyzes the positions of planets and their influence on personality traits, helping couples understand each other's strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas of compatibility or conflict.

2. **Communication Styles:**

- Astrology can shed light on communication preferences and styles. For example, an individual with a strong Mercury influence might communicate more analytically, while someone influenced by the Moon may express emotions openly. Understanding these differences can enhance communication within a relationship.

3. **Conflict Resolution:**

- By analyzing astrological aspects related to conflict and resolution, couples can gain insights into how they approach disagreements and challenges. This awareness allows them to find more constructive ways to navigate conflicts and maintain a harmonious relationship.

4. **Personal Growth:**

- Astrology encourages personal growth and self-awareness. When individuals understand their astrological profiles, they can work on personal development, which positively impacts the relationship. Couples supporting each other's growth often experience a deeper connection.

5. **Timing and Transits:**

- Astrology considers planetary transits, which can influence specific periods in individuals' lives. Understanding these transits can help couples navigate times of change, challenges, or opportunities. It provides a roadmap for both personal and relationship development.

6. **Shared Interests and Values:**

- Astrology can highlight shared interests, values, and goals between partners. Aligning life paths and aspirations fosters a sense of unity and shared purpose, contributing to a more fulfilling and meaningful connection.

7. **Prevention of Misunderstandings:**

- Misunderstandings often arise from differences in perspectives and approaches. Astrology helps couples anticipate potential challenges and celebrate each other's unique qualities, minimizing the likelihood of misinterpretation.

8. **Timing for Major Life Events:**

- Astrology can offer guidance on auspicious times for significant life events, such as marriage, starting a family, or making important decisions. Couples can use astrological insights to make informed choices about the timing of major milestones.

9. **Empathy and Compassion:**

- Knowing each other's astrological profiles fosters empathy and compassion. Recognizing that cosmic energies influence certain behaviors or reactions encourages a non-judgmental understanding, promoting a more supportive and loving partnership.

10. **Fun and Shared Exploration:**

- Exploring astrology together can be a fun and bonding experience for couples. Learning about each other's charts and discussing astrological concepts can deepen the connection and create shared interests.

While astrology can offer valuable insights, it's essential to approach it with an open mind and recognize that individual experiences may vary. It should be used as a complementary tool for self-awareness and relationship enhancement rather than as a strict determinant of compatibility.

Try a Couples session now! Full or Mini BOOK MINI BELOW OR FULL ABOVE

Jan 02, 202407:47
Healing Momma Trauma- A Course in Healing

Healing Momma Trauma- A Course in Healing

Healing a trauma with one's mother as an adult child can be a deeply transformative and healing process. Trauma is an emotional wound that can be caused by a variety of experiences, including abuse, neglect, violence, or any event that overwhelms an individual's ability to cope. Trauma can affect one's mental, emotional, and physical health, and can have lasting impacts on one's relationships, self-esteem, and overall sense of well-being.

One reason why someone may want to heal a trauma with their mother as an adult child is that the mother-child relationship is often the most significant and influential relationship in a person's life. The mother-child bond begins at birth and can have a powerful impact on a person's development and attachment style. If this relationship is disrupted or traumatic, it can have a profound impact on a person's sense of self, their ability to form healthy relationships, and their overall mental and emotional health.

Healing a trauma with one's mother as an adult child can also provide an opportunity to address unresolved issues and emotions that may have been present for many years. As adults, we may have a greater capacity to process our emotions and understand the root causes of our trauma. This can provide an opportunity for us to work through our pain and find healing and closure.

In addition, healing a trauma with one's mother can help to repair and strengthen the mother-child relationship. When we are able to work through our pain and come to a place of forgiveness and acceptance, we can create a deeper sense of connection and understanding with our mothers. This can be especially important if we have children of our own, as we may want to create a healthy and supportive family environment for them.

Overall, healing a trauma with one's mother as an adult child can be a challenging but deeply rewarding process. It can help us to find closure, strengthen our relationships, and move forward more positively and healthily.

a course in Healing coming soon

Dec 17, 202308:52
Finding your own Unique Calm

Finding your own Unique Calm

A Guided Meditation for Inner Harmony. Dive into Serenity, Unwind Stress, and Cultivate Calmness. Connect with Nature's Peace, Discover the Stillness Within. Embark on a Journey of Self-Discovery, Navigating the Waters of Calm to Rejuvenate Mind, Body, and Soul."

Dec 17, 202308:16
New Moon Truth Vs Fear- ACT NOW!

New Moon Truth Vs Fear- ACT NOW!

The new moon energy is about truth. What are you seeking to find within your own personal truth that will be in alignment with your philosophy and your belief systems? You have the opportunity to seek out what you're afraid of because what you're afraid of is the exact opposite of what your truth is. For example, I was talking to a client today and I've been working with her for over three years. She's at the point now where she realizes that her truth is to be able to have freedom within her career and to work with a company that's in alignment with her belief systems. She found just that it was a magical moment! But now she's talking herself out of it because it is not the income she would like to acquire which leaves her feeling scared, confused and empty. So what is her fear that money equals scarcity confusion and emptiness yes and so she should do the exact opposite and follow with her through this and her fear will disappear.

Dec 14, 202301:25
Why chose to love in the Loneliest Time in History?

Why chose to love in the Loneliest Time in History?

Addressing disconnection often involves fostering empathy, improving communication, building supportive communities, and encouraging a balance between technological engagement and face-to-face interactions. Promoting mental health awareness and cultivating a sense of shared purpose can also contribute to reconnecting individuals on personal and societal levels.

Dec 06, 202308:23
Life is not FAIR! Mercury/Mars in Libra
Oct 20, 202309:33
Shifting into The Peter Pan 5D

Shifting into The Peter Pan 5D

"Peter Pan" is a classic tale by J.M. Barrie that revolves around the story of a boy who never grows up, his adventures in the magical world of Neverland, and his companions, including Wendy, John, Michael, Tinker Bell, and the Lost Boys. The story is rich in symbolism and themes, and it can be compared to concepts of 5D reality shifting, consciousness, and spiritual growth in various ways. Here are some key comparisons:

1. **Neverland as a Symbol for Higher Dimensions:** In "Peter Pan," Neverland is a fantastical world where time stands still, and inhabitants never age. This can be seen as a representation of higher dimensions, such as the fifth dimension (5D reality), where time and space function differently. In the context of spiritual growth, this can be interpreted as the pursuit of a higher state of consciousness that transcends the limitations of the physical world.

2. **Peter Pan as the Ego:** Peter Pan's refusal to grow up can be seen as a symbol of the ego, which resists change and clings to a youthful, self-centered state. In the context of spiritual growth, individuals often need to let go of their ego-driven desires and attachments to progress on their spiritual journey.

3. **Wendy as the Guide:** Wendy serves as a nurturing and guiding figure for the Lost Boys in Neverland. Similarly, in spiritual growth and consciousness exploration, individuals often have mentors or guides who help them navigate the unfamiliar terrain of expanded consciousness.

4. **Tinker Bell's Faith:** Tinker Bell's belief in fairies and her ability to heal through the power of positive thought is reminiscent of the importance of belief and intention in spiritual growth and manifesting realities in the 5D context. It emphasizes the role of a positive mindset in shaping one's reality.

5. **The Shadow and Captain Hook:** Captain Hook and his pirates can be seen as representations of the shadow self or the negative aspects of one's psyche. Facing and overcoming one's inner demons, as is often emphasized in spiritual growth, is a theme present in "Peter Pan."

6. **Flight as Liberation:** Flight, particularly Peter Pan's ability to fly, can symbolize the idea of liberation and the ability to rise above earthly limitations. In the context of 5D reality shifting and spiritual growth, this can be compared to the concept of ascending to higher states of consciousness and breaking free from the constraints of the physical world.

7. **Return to the Real World:** In the story, Wendy and her brothers ultimately choose to return to the real world. This can be interpreted as a reminder that spiritual growth and 5D reality exploration are not about escaping the physical world entirely but about gaining wisdom and insights to enrich one's life in the here and now.

In summary, "Peter Pan" can be seen as a metaphorical tale that touches on themes relevant to 5D reality shifting, consciousness expansion, and spiritual growth. It highlights the journey from ego-centered existence to a more enlightened state, the role of mentors and guides, the power of belief and intention, and the transformation of the self through facing inner challenges.

Oct 11, 202311:35


This is channeled by Source. Enjoy


Holly Hall

Clairvoyant Life Coach *BEST*


My Book- AMAZON 101 Answers from the Universe-






Oct 06, 202309:47
Health Issues & Solutions found using Astrology

Health Issues & Solutions found using Astrology

Astrology is not considered a scientifically validated method for diagnosing health issues or providing specific medical solutions. However, some individuals believe that astrology can offer insights into one's general well-being and potential health tendencies. Here's how health issues and potential solutions are sometimes explored through astrology:

1. **Natal Chart Analysis**: Astrologers may examine a person's natal chart, which is a personalized map of the positions of celestial bodies at the time of their birth. Some astrologers believe that certain planetary positions or aspects can indicate predispositions to specific health concerns. For example, the Moon's placement might be associated with emotional well-being, while aspects involving Neptune could be linked to issues related to sensitivity and intuition.

2. **Energetic Balance**: Astrology often emphasizes the concept of energetic balance. Astrologers may suggest that imbalances in a person's astrological profile could manifest as physical or emotional health issues. For instance, an emphasis on the Earth element might suggest a need for grounding and stability in one's life.

3. **Lifestyle and Well-being**: Astrology can also be used to encourage self-reflection and healthier lifestyle choices. For instance, an astrologer might recommend dietary changes, stress reduction techniques, or exercise routines based on a person's astrological profile and potential areas of vulnerability.

4. **Psychological Insights**: Some astrologers focus on the psychological aspects of health. They may explore how a person's astrology chart can shed light on their emotional and mental well-being, helping individuals understand and address issues related to stress, anxiety, or mood disorders.

5. **Holistic Approach**: Astrology is often considered as part of a holistic approach to health and wellness. It is rarely used in isolation but rather in conjunction with traditional medical advice and practices.

It's important to note that astrology's efficacy in addressing health issues is a matter of personal belief, and its use should not replace professional medical advice or treatment. While astrology can offer insights into personality traits, life patterns, and potential areas of focus, it is not a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment. Anyone facing health concerns should consult with qualified medical professionals for proper guidance and care.

Oct 04, 202322:43
Discovery Readings

Discovery Readings


Discovering your personality through astrology is a process that involves analyzing the positions of celestial bodies at the time of your birth, such as the sun, moon, planets, and the 12 zodiac signs. Each of these elements is associated with specific personality traits, tendencies, and characteristics. Here is a description of how astrology is used to understand personality:

1. **Natal Chart:** To understand your personality through astrology, an astrologer creates a natal chart, also known as a birth chart or horoscope. This chart is a snapshot of the sky at the exact moment and location of your birth. It includes the positions of the sun, moon, planets, and other celestial objects in relation to the 12 astrological houses and the 12 zodiac signs.

2. **Sun Sign:** Your sun sign is the most commonly known aspect of your astrological profile. It represents your core identity and the traits that you typically exhibit. For example, if your sun sign is Aries, you might be seen as assertive, adventurous, and independent.

3. **Moon Sign:** The moon sign reflects your emotional nature and inner self. It can reveal your emotional needs, instincts, and reactions. People often find that their moon sign provides a deeper understanding of their emotional responses.

4. **Ascendant (Rising) Sign:** Your ascendant or rising sign is the zodiac sign that was on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth. It influences your outward demeanor and how you appear to others. It can also affect your first impressions and personal style.


5. **Planetary Placements:** The positions of other planets, such as Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, in your birth chart also play a significant role in your personality. Each planet represents different aspects of your life and character.

6. **Aspects:** Astrologers analyze the aspects, which are angles formed between celestial bodies in your birth chart. These aspects can indicate how different parts of your personality interact and complement each other. For instance, a harmonious aspect between the sun and moon may suggest inner balance, while a challenging aspect might highlight internal conflicts.

7. **Houses:** The astrological houses represent different areas of life, and the planets within them can reveal where you are likely to focus your energies and experience certain life events.

8. **Synthesis:** Astrology is not just about individual components but how they interact and blend together. An astrologer synthesizes all the elements in your chart to provide a comprehensive understanding of your personality, strengths, weaknesses, and life patterns.

9. **Character Traits:** Astrology offers insights into your character traits, communication style, relationships, career inclinations, and much more. It can provide a framework for self-awareness and personal growth.

It's important to note that astrology is a belief system and not a science. While many people find value in astrological insights, others may view it with skepticism. The interpretation of astrology can vary among astrologers, and not everyone subscribes to its principles. Ultimately, whether you choose to explore astrology as a tool for understanding your personality is a personal decision.


Holly Hall

Clairvoyant Life Coach *BEST*


My Book- AMAZON 101 Answers from the Universe-

Oct 04, 202305:38
Channeled-The Law of Opposition

Channeled-The Law of Opposition

This is channeled by Source. Enjoy

The Law of Opposition can be related to principles in philosophical logic, particularly in terms of contradictories and contraries. Contradictory propositions are those that cannot both be true and cannot both be false at the same time, while contrary propositions cannot both be true but can both be false. For example, "It is raining" and "It is not raining" are contradictory propositions, while "It is raining heavily" and "It is raining lightly" are contrary propositions.

Sep 25, 202308:24
What is the SOULS Gravitational Pull-Download from Source
Sep 19, 202320:14
Secret to Manifest Now! Harnessing Solutions
Sep 19, 202308:11


How's everyone feeling?I've noticed lately that the sun isn't really shining as bright the leaves aren't as green I'm feeling a shadow where a shadow doesn't belong I'm wondering,is everybody else feeling this way?

Sep 05, 202302:21
Who am I series-5-Setting Goals

Who am I series-5-Setting Goals

Goal setting is a powerful tool for achieving personal and professional success. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to effectively set goals:

Remember, goal setting is a dynamic process. Regularly reassess and refine your goals as you grow and circumstances change. With determination, focus, and a well-structured approach, you can turn your aspirations into tangible accomplishments.

Aug 19, 202305:26
Who am I series-4-Asking for Feedback

Who am I series-4-Asking for Feedback

Seek Feedback: Ask for honest feedback from friends, family, mentors, or colleagues. Hearing different perspectives about your strengths and areas for improvement can offer valuable insights into how you are perceived by others.

Perspective refers to an individual's point of view, understanding, or interpretation of a particular situation, concept, or event. It encompasses one's beliefs, experiences, emotions, and knowledge that shape how they perceive and make sense of the world around them. Perspective is not limited to visual perception but extends to mental, emotional, and intellectual viewpoints as well.

Aug 19, 202306:27
Who am I series-3 exploring Fears

Who am I series-3 exploring Fears

Face Your Fears:

Acknowledge and confront your fears and insecurities. Understand what holds you back, whether it's fear of failure, rejection, or the unknown. Overcoming these challenges can lead to personal growth and a better understanding of yourself.

Part 3 of 7

Aug 18, 202303:20
Who am I? Why am I here?? 7 part series PT 2 Passion Unveiled

Who am I? Why am I here?? 7 part series PT 2 Passion Unveiled

Welcome to "Passion Unveiled," this takes you on a journey of self-discovery and helps you uncover those hidden passions that lie within. Explore the stories of Emily, as she embarks on a transformative journey, pushing the boundaries of her comfort zone to unearth the passions she had never known existed. I think that you will very much relate Emily.

Aug 11, 202306:14
Who am I? Why am I here?? 7 part series PT 1

Who am I? Why am I here?? 7 part series PT 1

"Know thyself" is an ancient philosophical concept that encourages self-awareness and understanding. In this 7 part series I will cover seven steps to help you get to know yourself better: Self-Reflection: Take time to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Consider your strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs. Write in a journal, meditate, or simply spend quiet moments thinking about who you are and what matters to you.

Aug 10, 202310:06
UFO of GOD- Angels, Our Creators and a Simple Country Man-Chris Bledsoe

UFO of GOD- Angels, Our Creators and a Simple Country Man-Chris Bledsoe

A riveting interview is full of WOWS and unforgettable information and insights! Chris Bledsoe, a deeply religious, after losing everything in the 2007 financial crisis and suffering from a debilitating chronic disease. Fishing along the banks of the Cape Fear River with three co-workers and his teenage son, he walks away from the group and cries out to God in a desperate prayer for help. Suddenly, a UFO appears and saves his life and cures him of his illness. This is the true story of hope, love, lies and deception, involving officials from the CIA, NASA, DIA, a string of professors, and MUFON. Prepare to go on a spiritual journey of awakening and transformation with a visit from the Lady, remote viewing, assassination plot of the Pope, dripping orbs, a burning tree, the Monroe Institute, and healing .... https://ufoofgod.com ________________________________________________ HOST READINGS-CLASSES- Holly Hall Clairvoyant Life Coach *BEST* LINKT.EE/Askhollyhall HERE ALL MY LINKS ARE HERE! My Book- AMAZON 101 Answers from the Universe- STORE- FIND ME HEAR ME ASK HOLLY HALL CONTENT & PREDICTIONS ‌

Jul 19, 202301:02:29


WWW.ASKHOLLYHALL.COM MASTER ASTROLOGER #reading gs #askhollyhall #100percentcode #soundoffreedom #savethechildren

Jul 10, 202301:60
Isn't everyone Clairvoyant?

Isn't everyone Clairvoyant?

Yes and no!

find out how to release your dormant clairvoyant intuitive skills have a reading with me even if it's only 15 minutes

Jul 06, 202300:59
Uncover the Surprising History of Intuition Part 2

Uncover the Surprising History of Intuition Part 2

Today, intuition continues to hold a significant place in various fields and aspects of life. It is valued in business, where entrepreneurs rely on their gut feelings to make strategic decisions. In the arts, intuitive creativity drives the work of musicians, writers, and visual artists, enabling them to tap into deep reservoirs of inspiration. In personal development and spirituality, intuition is seen as a guiding force, helping individuals connect with their true selves and navigate their unique life paths.

Jun 27, 202300:32
Unveiling the History of Intuition Part 1

Unveiling the History of Intuition Part 1

In conclusion, the history of intuition is intertwined with the human experience. From ancient civilizations to modern times, intuition has been recognized, explored, and embraced as a powerful tool for insight, wisdom, and decision-making. It is a fundamental aspect of human consciousness that transcends cultural, philosophical, and scientific boundaries, shaping our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. As we continue to evolve and explore the depths of our consciousness, intuition will undoubtedly remain an essential and transformative force in our lives.

Jun 27, 202300:32
MainStream Job to $piritual $uccess

MainStream Job to $piritual $uccess

Yes, you to can find bliss in your spiritual journey from mainstream career to dream career, just like Rad! About Radhika Lakhani I help people experience rapid transformation & align to their soul's highest purpose. I share from my own transformation (from major life lessons to manifesting my dream life) + professional experience helping hundreds of families as a divorce lawyer & mediator.

Inner Wellness Teacher | Life & Business Coach | Thought-Leader | Speaker | Children's Advocate BA (Hons), LL.B./J.D., LL.M. (ADR) HOST: READINGS-CLASSES- Holly Hall Clairvoyant Life Coach BEST LINKT.EE/Askhollyhall HERE ALL MY LINKS ARE HERE! My Book- AMAZON 101 Answers from the Universe- STORE- FIND ME    / askhollyhall    / @hollyhallshow   HEAR ME ASK HOLLY HALL CONTENT & PREDICTIONS PODCAST THE HOLLY HALL SHOW Available as Video and/or Audio on all Platforms Below: Pandora Shorts on YouTube Stitcher Link: Pandora Link:

Jun 27, 202342:32
Story of Aries the Warrior God

Story of Aries the Warrior God

In the realm of astrology and mythology, there is a tale of Mars, the fiery planet, and the warrior archetype associated with it. Let me take you on a journey to a time long ago, where the story of Mars, the Aries warrior, unfolds.


Holly Hall

Clairvoyant Life Coach *BEST*


My Book- AMAZON 101 Answers from the Universe-






Jun 14, 202305:22
ASTRO NEWS-Aphrodite and Venus: The Mythical Goddess and Astrological Planet

ASTRO NEWS-Aphrodite and Venus: The Mythical Goddess and Astrological Planet

Welcome to our special episode, where we delve into the captivating world of Aphrodite, the ancient Greek goddess of love, beauty, and desire, and explore the astrological significance of the planet Venus. Join us on this enchanting journey as we uncover the fascinating connections between mythology and astrology.

PLUS Predictions and Understanding of Venus Influence June/July 2023

Jun 06, 202310:12
Exploring Humanity: The Meaning of Being Human

Exploring Humanity: The Meaning of Being Human

In this thought-provoking podcast, inspired from a podcast with Donald Hoffman: Reality is an Illusion on the Lex Fridman Podcast on YuTube. I dive deep into the question of what it truly means to be human. From the mysteries of consciousness and the nature of free will to the evolution of our species and the role of technology in our lives.

Through engaging conversations and insightful commentary, I aim to shed light on the complex and multifaceted nature of human existence. Whether you're a seasoned scholar or simply curious about the world around you, this podcast offers a fascinating look at the many facets of what it means to be human.

May 12, 202308:49
Manifest Your Desires: A Guided Hypnosis Meditation

Manifest Your Desires: A Guided Hypnosis Meditation

This guided hypnosis meditation is designed to help you manifest your desires by combining the power of visualization, positive affirmations, and deep relaxation. By focusing your mind on what you want to achieve and imagining it as if it has already happened, you can create a powerful shift in your subconscious mind that will help you attract abundance, love, success, or whatever else you desire. During the session, you will be guided through a deep relaxation process that will allow you to let go of any tension or stress in your body and mind. Then, you will be invited to visualize your desires and repeat positive affirmations to yourself, while feeling the emotions that come with them. The session will end with a gentle transition back to your waking state, leaving you feeling refreshed, energized, and empowered to manifest your desires. Whether you are new to manifesting or have been practicing it for a while, this meditation can help you tap into the power of your mind and create a more fulfilling life.

May 11, 202305:09
My Life Story-From mainstream career- a Serial Entrapeunser! to 6 Figure Income!

My Life Story-From mainstream career- a Serial Entrapeunser! to 6 Figure Income!

Life is a journey full of twists and turns, and my story is no exception. Like many others, I have experienced the highs and lows of life, from the exhilarating rush of new love to the devastating pain of heartbreak. Along the way, I have also made some unconventional career choices, leading me down unexpected paths that have shaped who I am today.

Growing up, I followed a conventional path, following my parents footsteps, including divorce, 2x! I fell in love, many times, as is often the case with young love, the relationship ultimately ended in heartbreak, leaving me feeling lost and adrift.

However, as I embarked on this path, I quickly realized that it was not the right fit for me. I found myself feeling unfulfilled and restless, longing for something more. (relatable?)

In the aftermath of this breakup, I knew that I needed to make a change in my life. I began to explore different career paths and eventually found my calling in a field that allowed me to combine my passions and talents in a way that felt truly fulfilling. Along the way, I also found love again, this time with someone who shared my passions and supported me in pursuing my dreams.

Throughout my journey, I have learned that life is full of surprises and unexpected twists and turns. By following my heart and taking risks, I have been able to find fulfillment and happiness in both my personal and professional life. While the road has not always been easy, and still has its pains, I am grateful for the lessons I have learned and the person I have become as a result.




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My Book- AMAZON 101 Answers from the Universe-






Holly Hall

Clairvoyant Life Coach

May 09, 202325:40




JOIN the COMMUNITY- HERE  Classes and exclusive offers!

My Book- AMAZON 101 Answers from the Universe-






May 07, 202331:29
My Love Story-Finding Unconditional Love

My Love Story-Finding Unconditional Love

Whether you are currently seeking unconditional love or have already experienced it, you may relate to My Love Story, or it may help you either way it offers a space to reflect, connect, and learn from my experiences. Join me as we explore the transformative power of love and the journey towards finding and experiencing unconditional love.

May 05, 202319:41
Predictions by Sign for Week of May 1 2023

Predictions by Sign for Week of May 1 2023

Astrology predictions, Holly Hall shares her insights and predictions on upcoming astrological events and their potential impact on our lives. From exploring the impact of planetary alignments on our individual zodiac signs to predicting major global events and trends, this Astro News podcast provides a unique perspective on the power of astrology. Tune in to stay ahead of the astrological curve and gain a deeper understanding of the forces that shape our lives.

#astrology #askollyhall #relationship #love #planets #zodiac #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces#predictions #freedom #canada #Canadian #global #globalpredictions #psychic #clairvoyant #premonitions #manifest#fyp#moon#venus#sun#mercury#mars#retrograde#Finances #money#abumdance#affirmation #abundance #manifest #meditation #love#

  1. Red pill, awakening, reality, illusion
  2. Astrological chart, zodiac signs, spiritual growth, self-discovery
  3. Karma, higher consciousness, enlightenment, reincarnation
  4. Life purpose, existentialism, mindfulness

TT-Every day I talked about the energy of the day! BUT U HAVE TO GO TO MY TIKTOK OR INSTA @ASKHOLLYHALL


May 02, 202323:31
May 01, 202314:04
Weekend Predictions April 28th 2023
Apr 28, 202301:53