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Authentically You

Authentically You

By Authentically You Podcast

Hey y'all welcome to Authentically You, Madison and Gabby here! Authentically You is a Christian-based podcast that was created with the intention to encourage believers to grow in faith, as well as encourage others to begin growing! Our goal is to reach across nations to share God's Word, while also sharing everyday struggles and how God has helped us through it all. We are so blessed to have you joining us today, and we pray that our episodes bless you and your relationship with the Father
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Growing In Spending time with God

Authentically YouNov 13, 2023

Growing In Spending time with God

Growing In Spending time with God

Madi gives some insight on why spending time with God is vital to our daily lives, and some practical tips on how to grow in that devotional time
Nov 13, 202316:56
Growing With God

Growing With God

Hey y’all! Join Gabby today as she talks about the different ways that you can grow in a relationship with God. We pray that this episode will bless you, and help you bless others🤍
Sep 09, 202224:06
Learning Boundaries While Growing

Learning Boundaries While Growing

Hey y’all! Join Madison and Gabby as they dive into ways to draw Godly and healthy boundaries while continuing to grow :)
Sep 02, 202231:11
Welcome to Season Three

Welcome to Season Three

Hey y’all! We are so blessed that we are about to pour out a new season! This new season’s theme is going to be “Bloom”! We pray that this season blesses you and guides you deeper into a relationship with God
Aug 26, 202209:05
End of Season 2… exciting announcements for Season 3 😉

End of Season 2… exciting announcements for Season 3 😉

Y’all!!! We have SO MANY exciting things coming up for Season 3! Join us for more details on our aspirations, and some inside info on what we have planned!
Jul 01, 202213:03
God's Timing isn't Our Own

God's Timing isn't Our Own

Join Madi this week as she dives into some recent experiences that have lead her into deeper trust to God's timing, and His plans. Sometimes His timing doesn't look like our timeline, but it's always better than ours. We hope this encourages you throughout your week!
Jun 24, 202220:12
The Beauty in Surrender

The Beauty in Surrender

Madi dives in deep with what Gods been teaching her lately, with surrendering hopes, dreams and plans!
Jun 10, 202223:07
19 Things I’ve Learned in 19 Years

19 Things I’ve Learned in 19 Years

Hey y’all! Join Madison this week as she talked about 19 things that she’s learned in her 19 years. Also be sure to check out next weeks episode, as it will be the start of our new series about influencing, what you’re allowing to influence you, and so on!
Mar 19, 202236:18
Perfect Heavenly Father

Perfect Heavenly Father

Join Madi as she tells her story about a God encounter she had a few weeks ago, that had begun a beautiful healing process in her life
Feb 18, 202216:11
Valentines Episode pt 1: Why Loving Others is Important

Valentines Episode pt 1: Why Loving Others is Important

Join Madi as she digs into first Corinthians 13 verses four through six, and focuses on how loving others is important to bettering yourself, and how doing so can point them to God! This is part one of two of our Valentine’s Day episodes so we hope you enjoy and be sure to tune into part two!
Feb 14, 202215:03
Madison’s testimony of 2021

Madison’s testimony of 2021

Hi y’all! Welcome to my testimony of last year 🤍 sorry for the bad audio quality, left my mic at home but enjoy!
Feb 04, 202231:16
Christ our Hope

Christ our Hope

Merry Christmas! Join Madison as we dive into Matthew and Luke, talking about the obedience of both Mary and Joseph, the hope that the birth of Jesus gave everyone, and the faithfulness of God throughout everyone’s lives, starting from Abraham, to David, to Simeon. We hope you have a merry Christmas and remember to spread the hope of the gospel everywhere you go!
Dec 24, 202127:39
A Righteous Purpose

A Righteous Purpose

Join us this week as Madison discusses purpose and trust in God and his plan for your life. Dive into Ezekiel chapter 3 and Isaiah 42!
Dec 03, 202118:36
Still Angry but Still Healing-Madison’s story and healing process

Still Angry but Still Healing-Madison’s story and healing process

TRIGGER WARNING: SEXUAL HARRASMENT AND ASSAULT. PLEASE LISTEN WITH ADVISEMENT. BE GENTLE WITH YOURSELF🤍 Hi everyone. These next couple of episodes will be a little heavier, as Gabriella and Madison share their stories of sexual-harassment and assaults, and where they are now in their healing journey. They go into quite a bit of detail, so please be aware of that, and if you aren’t quite in a place to listen, please feel free to listen to are two episodes from last season, we do not go into any details, and it is not explicit at all. Be gentle with yourself and your healing journey and realize that time does not heal. It’s been over three years sense Madison‘s first case with sexual-harassment, and she still finding healing. Be gentle with yourself friends. Love you all🖤🖤🖤
Nov 12, 202146:18
Taking a Day of Rest

Taking a Day of Rest

Hi friend! Madison here. I hope you guys are having a great week! Today we are talking about taking a day of rest, and intentionally scheduling out a day for the Sabbath. I know how hard it is especially if you have kids, if you work, or if you’re a college student, or just have a life in general, to find a day to just rest and take it for you and God. But it is so vital, and so important. Exodus 20:8-11 God commands as part of the 10 Commandments to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. He tells us to rest, just like he rested after six days of work. I hope this helps you and blesses you in some way! Enjoy your day friend!
Oct 29, 202117:41
Fearless and Free

Fearless and Free

Hey y’all! This is a message that I gave to a youth group and I thought I would share it with everyone! This is some ways to battle fear, and partially my journey with it.
Oct 25, 202131:39
Balancing school, work, life and the stress of it all with Karis Hortin

Balancing school, work, life and the stress of it all with Karis Hortin

Join us today as we have our special guest Karis Hortin to talk about how to handle life, and the stress of it all when things get crazy. We talk everything as far as school tips, balancing responsibilities, burn out etc.
Oct 09, 202148:13
Heart Of Worship series pt 4

Heart Of Worship series pt 4

Hey y’all! This is our final episode of the heart of worship series, and this episode is brought to you by yours truly :) Madison and Gabby kind of jump in on different powerful moments that they’ve experience in worship, and what worship means to them. Be sure to tune in next week for an episode with our special guest, Karis Hortin, on balancing school and work, and handling the stress! Also be sure to leave us a Rating or a review depending on the platform you listen on, let us know what your loving and what you wanna hear more of!
Oct 01, 202137:57
Heart of Worship series ep3: Breakthrough in Worship with Tyler Combs

Heart of Worship series ep3: Breakthrough in Worship with Tyler Combs

Welcome to our second episode of the Heart of Worship series! Today we have Tyler Combs with us talking about what a proper heart of Worship looks like and the vulnerability of that! Be sure to tune in next week for our final episode of the series with us!
Sep 24, 202134:49
Heart of Worship ep2: Worshipping with a Heart of Obedience with Josh Vera

Heart of Worship ep2: Worshipping with a Heart of Obedience with Josh Vera

Welcome to our second episode of the Heart of Worship series! Today we have Josh Vera with us talking about how what a proper heart posture for worship looks like, coming into worship with a heart of obedience, drowning out the enemies lies and his voice, expectancy and more! Be sure to tune in next week for our third episode of the series with Tyler Combs!
Sep 18, 202157:05
Heart Of Worship ep.1 : How to Lead With A Heart of Worship with Aanisah Watkins

Heart Of Worship ep.1 : How to Lead With A Heart of Worship with Aanisah Watkins

Welcome to our very first episode of the Heart of Worship series! And also our very first episode of our second season! Today we have Miss Aanisah Watkins with us talking about how she leads worship with the right heart posture, and what she feels a heart of worship is and what it looks like. Be sure to tune in next week for our second episode of the series with our worship pastor of Harvest Church, Josh Vera!
Sep 10, 202155:48
Welcome back! Intro to Season 2

Welcome back! Intro to Season 2

Hey y’all! Welcome back to the second season of our podcast! Here’s a quick catch up of our new updates! We were previously known as the Face to Face podcast and although we’ve lost access to that account, you can check out our first episode seasons under the name Face to Face on any platform for podcast! Tune in this Friday for the first official episode, and first part of our four week series “The Heart of Worship”! So happy for this new season and we pray it blesses you!
Sep 06, 202110:34