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By AwareLife

At AwareLife, founder, blogger, and podcast host Jasleen Kaur is a high school student hoping to keep her readers and listeners informed on some of the many important events going on throughout the world. With a life full of hustle and bustle, it is easy to become uninformed about the world we live in. With AwareLife you can gain an overview of events and topics from a multitude of categories just by clicking your search bar or tuning in to the podcast!
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Driving 65 in a (19)50: Racism within our Roads

AwareLifeDec 21, 2022

Driving 65 in a (19)50: Racism within our Roads

Driving 65 in a (19)50: Racism within our Roads

Imagine it’s mid-July, windows down, and you’re driving down I-43 through the heart of Milwaukee; the speed limit is 55, but you’re going a solid 10 over. As a society, we don’t appreciate how convenient these highways have become. They are essential to the daily lives of many in the Greater Milwaukee area, connecting families and communities; however, we have also forgotten how these keys to the city have torn lives to pieces and implemented segregation that has furthered Milwaukee’s ranking as one of the most segregated cities in the United States. In this episode of AwareLife, Jasleen Kaur dives into the inequities that we drive over every day and how they have a lasting generational impact, even in 2022. So, with that, sit back, relax, and become aware of racial inequity.

AwareLife. Live informed. 

Dec 21, 202224:10
A Word Jumble

A Word Jumble

Today's episode of AwareLife will delve into topics from public speaking to destressing in your life! As you can tell, this episode isn't as traditional as the last, but it goes into being aware of yourself rather than your surroundings sometimes which we at AwareLife believe to be just as important. So here is a meaningful word jumble from Jasleen Kaur! 

Sep 12, 202218:45
Not your Model Minority

Not your Model Minority

The Model Minority stereotype has negatively impacted the Asian American community for nearly half a century now. In today's episode of AwareLife we will be taking a deep dive into these negative effects and how we can combat this stereotype now in order to prevent it from being embraced within the next generation. Live the AwareLife. Live informed.

Jul 10, 202225:20
Welcome to AwareLife!
Jun 20, 202201:22