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By Exclamation

Hello and welcome, fellow Awsomologists, to Awsomology, the show where Ben and Sue find awesome things and dish them up just for you.
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Meet Alan and Learn About Our CUSO

AwsomologyApr 11, 2019

Busting Social Media Myths

Busting Social Media Myths

Welcome to Season 3, Episode 1! We're welcoming a new co-host and breaking down four of our 'favorite' social media myths. 

Jan 26, 202137:45
#009 More News From the Home Office

#009 More News From the Home Office

We all know a little something about things not going like planned, right? How about a great example of that happening in the best way possible? This week on Awsomology what we thought was going to be a light-hearted look into our teammate’s home offices and home-work lives turned into a deep conversation about gratitude, attitude, and lessons learned.

Special thanks to Katy and Nicole from the Exclamation Team for spending the time with us, opening up, and just generally being people we’re glad to call our friends. Listen and enjoy!

Apr 03, 202049:10
#008 Remote Work in a Weird World
Mar 26, 202058:23
#007 A Quick Message from Awsomology

#007 A Quick Message from Awsomology

We're keeping things short and sweet this week so we can focus on bringing you the most useful info at a challenging time. Tune in for a short message from our team and we'll see you soon.

Mar 19, 202001:44
#006 We Get the Heebie Jeebies
Mar 12, 202001:02:37
#005 A Conspiracy of Wackiness
Mar 05, 202001:29:44
#004 A Flow State of Mind
Feb 27, 202001:14:37
#003 Kylie Draws a Crowd
Feb 20, 202001:07:15
#002 Mark's Amazing Journey
Feb 13, 202001:14:13
#001 The First Podcast of the Rest of Our Lives

#001 The First Podcast of the Rest of Our Lives

Hello and welcome, fellow Awsomologists, to Awsomology, the show with Sue and Vince where we find awesome things and dish them up just for you.

We didn't want to leave anything out, so this episode is bursting with awesome stuff. New sounds, new segments, and even new beliefs! (Well, maybe...)

And how about that new show artwork? A huge shout out and thank you to Kylie, our Junior Designer Extraordinaire! You made us look 1,000 times cooler than we really are :)

Feb 06, 202001:06:25
Happy Endings and New Beginnings

Happy Endings and New Beginnings

Don’t think of this as a goodbye, friend, think of it as ‘See ya later!”. In this episode, we’re talking more about where we came from and revealing some big news about where the Simplicity Show is going.

What can you expect from us in the (very near) future? What’s with all of the secrecy? Well, it’s no fun if we don’t make you listen to find out.

Jan 23, 202053:30
Quality Time with our CEO

Quality Time with our CEO

Ring in 2020 with our President/CEO Pat Wesenberg hot on the heels of her election to be Chair of the National Credit Union Foundation board of directors. We learned some of what the Foundation does (see the link below for more), how Pat got her start in Credit Unions, and we were reminded how awesome it is to spend time with the best Credit Union CEO on the planet. (Yes, we used a little flattery, she’s the boss, you gotta.)

Ready to spend some time with us as we spend some quality time with a genuine Credit Union believer?

Jan 09, 202045:30
End of Year Spectacular - Part Two

End of Year Spectacular - Part Two

Welcome back for Part Two of the Podcast we didn’t want to end. We did (finally) get to the point and lay out the origins (comical, mythical, and dark) of some of the holiday traditions we know and love. Want to learn about kissing under the mistletoe, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade, and even the Christmas Pickle?

Pour yourself some holiday spirit and tune in now to hear learn a little, laugh a little, but mostly scratch your head in wonder at how we ended up celebrating the way we do.

Dec 23, 201901:16:45
End of Year Spectacular - Part One

End of Year Spectacular - Part One

Are you ready for an extra-bonus-sized deep dive into 2019, the goals we set, and the roadblocks we met along the way? Well you’re in luck, buddy!!

We sat down to record with the intention of starting with a ‘quick update’ and it turned into such a great chat, that we had to see where it led us. Spoilers: it led to an episode SO LONG that we’re splitting it up into two parts and giving you an extra taste of holiday goodness next week too!

If you only listen to one podcast this year, make it these two ;)

Dec 19, 201935:45
Hungry for Holiday Traditions

Hungry for Holiday Traditions

As the Holiday Season gets underway for real, we’re thinking (and talking, and dreaming) about our favorite Thanksgiving traditions. Ok, we’ll admit it, it’s mostly about food, but HOW GREAT is holiday food?

If you’ve listened before, you know that our solemn promise to our listeners at the Simplicity Show podcast is that we’ll start with a plan, abandon that plan almost immediately, and wander back to it when the mood suits us. This episode is no exception.

We talked about traditions, we talked about our families, and ultimately, we made pronouncements involving cinnamon rolls. It’s the information you need.

Dec 04, 201901:15:28
Where Did the Internet Come From?

Where Did the Internet Come From?

In this episode, we put on our thinking caps AND our … um… learning socks? .. and invited our friends from IT into the bunker for a chat.

We talked about the origins of the internet, where the technology intersected with our personal timelines, and why we owe it all to Nicola Tesla. And then things got an acceptable amount of weird.

Nov 21, 201901:27:55
Are We All Just Improvising?

Are We All Just Improvising?

Watching an Improv troop make the most amazingly funny things up on the spot seems like some kind of wizardry, right? Well, it’s not a magical power (well, maybe a little bit), it takes practice, rules, and discipline.

This time on the Simplicity Show, we talk about the process, the science, and a little about the magic of Improv and play our own favorite Improv game “Think About It”.

Nov 07, 201901:30:19
How to Be the Most Creative You

How to Be the Most Creative You

You (Yes, YOU) are a creative person, and on this episode of the Simplicity Show we're talking all about how you can open up your creative mind, even if you're not in a 'creative' job. Learn a little about the neuroscience, how we open up the flood gates of creative goodness in our work, and get our five tips for doing the same in yours.

Nov 06, 201901:17:11
Why Do People Love Horror Movies?

Why Do People Love Horror Movies?

Do you love a good, gory jump-scare? Get a thrill out of things that go bump in the night?

Maybe you’re wired to run when something spooky comes your way?

Either way, let us blow your mind. This week we’re talking about the science behind horror movies and why some people, like our special guest, love ‘em while OTHER PEOPLE (that’s us, we’re other people) avoid them like a gross, gooey monster.

Oct 24, 201901:31:52
Things Get Eventful With Alex

Things Get Eventful With Alex

What does it take to plan a great event – or even a pretty ok event – from start to finish? What’s the best? What’s THE ACTUAL WORST?? What does a hungry porcupine sound like?

We’re wrapping up our ‘mini-series’ offering expert advice on a whole range of Marketing work with our friend, teammate, and Special Event Diva, Alex Westerhausen. It sounds pretty straightforward, friends, but things got weird in the best ways.

Oct 10, 201901:09:30
Talkin' Wisconsin

Talkin' Wisconsin

Whether you believe you have the ‘Wisconsin Accent’ or not, we ALL know that there are things we say that you won’t hear in any other part of the world, ain’t that right?

We asked our team for suggestions, and fer cripes sake, we got so many we didn’t know what to do wit ‘em, dontcha know?

Sep 12, 201901:17:14
Your Dollars Make a Difference With Ashley Winch

Your Dollars Make a Difference With Ashley Winch

Whether it’s time, talent, or cold, hard cash, we can all give back. How can your dollars can make a real difference in your community? We sat down with Ashley Winch, Executive Director of the Marshfield Area United Way to learn just that. We talked about local programs, dispelled some myths, and learned how every dollar counts.

Sure, there was some shameless plugging of our PB&J sandwich-making skills, but can you really blame us?

Aug 29, 201951:03
The Writing We Do

The Writing We Do

What do you have to do to make our Simplicity Show co-host/Head writer on our Marketing team SUPER nervous? EASY! Just ask her a ton of good questions and make her formulate smart thoughts without hiding behind her trusty keyboard!

Aug 15, 201901:12:01
Our Expert Graphic Designer

Our Expert Graphic Designer

Can you tell that we love sitting down with the amazingly talented people on our team? Today Ben Bauer, our favorite team leader and expert graphic designer, joined the show.

A repeat guest and fan favorite, Ben talks about his journey as a designer, some tips on how to get started in design, and the role of stock vs. original design in the workplace. And you don't want to miss the part where he rants about the worst movie title typeface choice in the history of the world!

Aug 02, 201901:02:08
How Our Podcast Happens

How Our Podcast Happens

 We’re on all kinds of journeys, right? From not knowing anything about something, to knowing a little, to knowing a lot, and eventually, if you keep working, feeling like an expert. Some things are easy (but not very many) and some things take longer to get the hang of, but what they all have in common is that you have to take the first step to get anywhere. 

Sure, we’re waxing philosophical, but it’s all to explain that on our newest podcast we’re talking about one of our journeys, the one that brought us to this moment right here. And here. And this next sentence too. See? You’re right here with us!

Jul 18, 201901:26:52
Nicole's Story

Nicole's Story

It started as a pretty simple invite to Nicole Bird, one of the super-cool members of the Marshfield business community, to join us on the podcast. She loves to help people with their health and wellness through her business Mission Nutrition, we love to drink her tasty drinks so much that we sometimes forget that they’re so good for us. It was a match made in heaven, right?

Yes! But then we realized we had this great chance to have a much larger conversation about who Nicole is, what it’s like for her to navigate life, business, and meeting new people as (often) the only little person around, and how we can all do better about seeing and respecting each other.

It was awesome. Nicole is awesome. And we hope you love it.

Jul 05, 201941:57
How Video Happens

How Video Happens

We had so much fun talking to ourselves (we usually do) that we decided to do it again and talk about how we do (or don’t, as the case may be) video production.

Fun fact: we mention upwards of 7000 times in this podcast that we started with almost no experience. That might not be true, but what IS true is that if we can do it, so can you!

Join us as we walk you through the three simple steps to the videos we create, talk about our success and lessons, and generally get lucky enough to spend time talking about something we love to do.

Jun 20, 201901:33:22
Our Expert Photographer

Our Expert Photographer

This time around we sat down to talk to ourselves (which is not that unusual, if you know us) and, turns out, it was a pretty great conversation!

But seriously, for this episode of the podcast, Sue interviewed Vince about his work in photography, where he got started, how we take advantage of having a great photographer on our team, and some tips and tricks that anyone can use to take better pictures right now. (Really, like, today-today.)

Jun 06, 201901:24:06
Exclamation Goes to Convention

Exclamation Goes to Convention

Exciting things are happening on our team! Exclamation Services (our Credit Union Service Organization) had the chance to take the CUSO on the road and talk to some of our Credit Union friends about what we're up to. 

We sat down talk to some of Exclamation Services team about their first time at the Wisconsin Credit Union League Convention as vendors (instead of attendees), what a great experience Convention is for basically everyone, and some of the new and innovative ways Credit Unions and their partners work together to make things awesome for members.

May 23, 201946:58
Would You Rather...?

Would You Rather...?

This week we make amends for putting our teammates on the spot and answer Would You Rather..? questions 'live on air'. It's a great time to learn more about us, feel awkward as we overshare, and (most importantly) find out where YOU can see the video that inspired it all. 

May 09, 201936:51
Life Lessons from the Avengers

Life Lessons from the Avengers

This week we’re jumping in to possibly our favorite topic of all time - the Avengers.

Is this just a chance for us to nerd out on the MCU? Are there actual real life lessons can we learn from them? You have to listen to learn, Friend.

We chat about how those lessons (spoiler alert) apply to our personal and credit union lives, give a (final?) update on those pesky resolutions, and debate Team Iron Man vs. Team Captain America.

Apr 26, 201901:11:13
Meet Alan and Learn About Our CUSO

Meet Alan and Learn About Our CUSO

This week we’re introducing you to one of our newest team members, Alan Bergstrom. Well, really he’s a Team Captain, because he’s the new CEO of Exclamation, our CUSO.

What does all of that mean? You have to listen to learn, Friend.

We found out what brought Alan into the Simplicity Family, what kind of cool and useful things Exclamation will do, and even answers to the most important questions we could think of.

Apr 11, 201941:59
Ask Us (Almost) Anything

Ask Us (Almost) Anything

We're dealing with the big questions on this episode of our podcast.

Why are we here? What did it take to get where we are? Who shot first, Han or Greedo? 

That's right, friends, ALL of the big questions.

For this episode of the Simplicity Show we gave our friends on the Simplicity Team a chance to ask us anything and we'll break it all down, just for you. 

Mar 29, 201901:10:31
Erin & Chris Howard

Erin & Chris Howard

We hope you're not too tired of us bragging about the amazing people we get to work with because we're coming your way with another great example. In this episode of The Simplicity Show, we had some quality time with our friends Erin and Chris Howard, owners of Howard Properties in Marshfield, WI. 

The Howards are more than just great landlords, they're visionary property developers, community volunteers, and evangelists for a better Downtown America, wherever you are. 

Feb 28, 201901:07:46
This is How We DO the State GAC

This is How We DO the State GAC

How do 350 CU employees and volunteers showing up in Madison affect your everyday life? What do you learn when you put a whole mess of Credit Union believers in a room with their state representatives? If you haven’t thought you should be on the 1st floor and realized you had to be on the 3rd floor at the last second, have you even experienced the State GAC?

We learned all of this and more when we sat down with some of the cool Simplicity CU teammates to talk about their personal experiences at the 2019 Wisconsin State Government Affairs Conference.

Feb 14, 201956:01
Introverts and Extroverts on the Team

Introverts and Extroverts on the Team

How are Extroverts and Introverts different? What are some common reactions, coping skills, or misconceptions? If you make your boss also be your therapist on company time, do you pay them or do they pay you?

Feb 01, 201901:27:32
Adam Schnabel: Author and Adoptive Dad

Adam Schnabel: Author and Adoptive Dad

We welcomed our resident Best Selling Author, friend, and teammate Adam Schnabel into the studio to talk about his family's journey to adoption, his journey to publishing, and more. 

Jan 15, 201958:34
Are You Resolute this New Year?

Are You Resolute this New Year?

As New Year’s Eve comes and goes, we’re faced with the eternal question:

“Can I get away with eating Christmas Cookies for breakfast just one more day?”

No, wait, not THAT question (obviously the answer is ‘Treat Yo’self!’) - the question of whether or not you HAVE to set New Year’s Resolutions. Listen in as we explore the contradictory info you can find on the internet (shocking) and reveal what our resolutions would be… if we set them ;)

Dec 31, 201801:09:17
Veterans Day 2018

Veterans Day 2018

Join us as we do our small part to honor our nation's Veterans and learn how they can find healing at the Highground in Neillsville.
Nov 09, 201822:21
Words & Phrases that Will Change Your Life...

Words & Phrases that Will Change Your Life...

Or at least explain some of those unexplainable feelings you've had. In this episode we talk over some foreign phrases that don't have English equivalents. You'll finally recognize 'the ghost in the stairs' and know when you're 'paying the pig.'
Aug 23, 201801:01:31
Are You Smarter Than a 3rd Grader?

Are You Smarter Than a 3rd Grader?

In this episode we discuss our financial education programs with Ashley Landwehr, Organizational Trainer, and find out if we're smarter than a 3rd grader.
Jul 24, 201858:11
Getting Emotional(ly Intelligent) with Katy and Kelly

Getting Emotional(ly Intelligent) with Katy and Kelly

What's emotional intelligence? Who's rocking it and who's... not? Find out as we chat with Katy and Kelly from our team and then discuss some practical tips to flex those emotional intelligence biceps.
Jun 29, 201801:32:43
Dynamic Duos with Jen and Sarah

Dynamic Duos with Jen and Sarah

In this episode we talk super-hero teams, credit union teams, and giant spider mouth parts... really.
Jun 07, 201844:49
Things Get Stressful

Things Get Stressful

Ok, it's not really stressful.. in fact, it's a lot of fun. But it's ABOUT stress.

In this episode we talk about the causes and symptoms of stress, what some of our teammates do to handle stress, the likelihood of a raptor attack, and ice pick lobotomies.

BOOM: That's a teaser.
May 24, 201852:07
Running the Numbers with Nick Faber

Running the Numbers with Nick Faber

In this episode of the Simplicity Show podcast we talk to Nick Faber, our new CFO, (A.K.A. The Eagle) and definitively answer the age-old question: How funny can an Accountant be? (You were wondering, admit it.)

Disclaimer: No Accountants or Marketers were harmed – either physically or mentally – during the recording of this podcast.
May 17, 201838:02
Down to Business with Derek Freis

Down to Business with Derek Freis

NOTE: This episode was originally released on January 19, 2018.

Every time we turn around here at Simplicity CU we see another one of our friends that also happens to be a great resource for all kinds of useful info.

A little while ago, we caught up with our buddy Derek Freis, (recently promoted) VP of Business Lending and picked his ample brain. We talked about how important it is for him to know a member’s story, the effect of the Member Business Lending Cap, and found out who was the Shaggy to his Scooby-Doo.
May 17, 201820:52
Retirement & Investment Services with Jason Buchinger

Retirement & Investment Services with Jason Buchinger

NOTE: This episode was originally release on April 27, 2017 Let's talk saving, retirement, and investing with Jason Buchinger, our Retirement & Investments Services planner.
May 17, 201809:58
Mortgage Chatter with Sarah Arnoldy

Mortgage Chatter with Sarah Arnoldy

NOTE: This podcast was originally released on March 13, 2017.

Join us as we sit down with Sarah Arnoldy, one of our very own mortgage lenders, to talk over renting vs. buying, various mortgage grants, and our upcoming Homebuyer's Seminar.
May 16, 201822:21