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Balancing Stories

Balancing Stories

By Meghan Kitchen

Sharing stories about the balancing in our lives and in ourselves with culture, expectations, identity and more. Conversations hosted by Meghan Kitchen. Episode topics include: Parenting, Marriage, Grief, Activism, Cooking, Photography, Jewellery, Film Making, Gender & Identity, Racism, Names, Disownment, Assimilation, Immigration, Third Culture Kids, Traditions, Representation, Inclusion, Publishing, Translation, Education, Introverts, Holistic Lifestyle, Uterine Health, Social Media, Corporate Culture, Equity versus Equality, Body Acceptance, What is Home? and so much more.
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54: Balancing in the Playroom – Empowering Identity & Nurturing Empathy Through Play

Balancing StoriesAug 26, 2021

The Gift of Time and Podcasting with Meghan Kitchen

The Gift of Time and Podcasting with Meghan Kitchen

It’s my birthday week and there is something about birthdays that makes you reflect back and look forward.

When I look to the future, it’s not about a bucket list and big adventures, though I hope to make time for those thoughts too. The choices currently circling around my head are about creating a life, the boring day to day life, that I will be happy to be living. I want to share some of the things I’ve learned through my guests and the process of podcasting that will guide me in creating a healthier happier everyday Meghan. Including an announcement that feels big to me. For my birthday, I’m giving myself time.

Jun 16, 202214:35
85: Raising Kids While Raising Ourselves with Cat Tiu

85: Raising Kids While Raising Ourselves with Cat Tiu

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Episode 85: Raising Kids While Raising Ourselves with Cat Tiu


“Here’s to strong women. May we know them, may we be them, may we raise them.”

This was the quote that inspired Cat (Carmelita Tiu) to start her podcast and community. Her content drew me in, so I invited her to join me for a conversation about raising kids while raising ourselves.

Also, raising kids is NOT just for parents. With the messy stuff, kids often seek out the cool aunt, mom's best friend or a teacher. In this episode, we dig through the messy, uncertain parts of supporting kids to find some ways to work it out and to help listeners feel less alone in the thick of it.

Jun 09, 202248:31
84: Tall Girl, Hold Your Head High with Chelsea

84: Tall Girl, Hold Your Head High with Chelsea

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Episode 84: Tall Girl, Hold Your Head High with Chelsea


Tall Girl, you hold your head up high. Chelsea is here to share her story, from dating to fashion, from the USA to Germany, from slouching to confident… What’s tall got to do with it? Let’s find out.

Jun 02, 202236:40
83: Things I Tell My Kids, That I Should Tell Myself

83: Things I Tell My Kids, That I Should Tell Myself

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Episode 83: Things I Tell My Kids, That I Should Tell Myself


On the way to and from school my son processes life by talking. I have no idea where he gets it from.

He tells me things he’s learned, experienced, wondered, and asks me endless amounts of questions.He treats me like I treat google. Except, he asks the things I know google can not answer. The nuanced questions about friendships and life that there is no one answer to. So, we work our way through what has happened or could happen, we even practice kind words and come backs. And almost everyday, as the words of advice come out of my mouth, I think, if only I could practice what I preach. So here are a few things that have come up recently, It’s the things I tell my kids that I should tell myself.

May 26, 202220:50
82: Culture, Personalities and Literacy around Money with Lisa Severing

82: Culture, Personalities and Literacy around Money with Lisa Severing

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Episode 82: Balancing Culture, Personalities and Literacy around Money with Lisa Severing


How do we feel about money? What is our normal with financial literacy?

In this conversation, we look at the connection between sociology and finance: looking back at the influences of upbringing, culture, personalities and access to literacy around money. Lisa Severing and I use our stories to explore the bigger picture of how we manage ourselves with saving, spending, investing and debt. Listen to hear all about Meghan’s squirrel-ness (functional and not so functional), and great finance tips for everyone.

Lisa says, managing money is not magic, it is a skill to be learned and everyone can do it!

May 19, 202246:00
81: Resetting as a Highly Sensitive Person with Kellie Daab

81: Resetting as a Highly Sensitive Person with Kellie Daab

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Episode 81: Resetting as a Highly Sensitive Person with Kellie Daab


Kellie is a Highly Sensitive Person.

But…What is an HSP? How did Kellie discover this about herself? How does this "label" impact her life?and How did she change her business to create more balance? We talk through these questions and so much more. 

May 12, 202242:45
Moving Days - Out of Office

Moving Days - Out of Office

Follow on social media for all updates for Balancing Stories Podcast. Send encouragement with a 5 star review on your favourite platform. If you like what you hear and want to support the podcast (and Meghan), you can leave a tip through Buy Me A Coffee -

Apr 21, 202203:00
80: Balancing Assertiveness – A Fixer Upper Story

80: Balancing Assertiveness – A Fixer Upper Story

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Episode 80: Balancing Assertiveness – A Fixer Upper Story


So, we bought a fixer upper. I wanted to record this in retrospect but we are still in it. The journey is still twisting and turning.

This is just to say, you are not getting “happy to be home” it was tough but it was all worth it Meghan. You are getting, still in the weeds, done taking peoples S.H.I.T. – honestly, why can’t people just do their job, and don’t make promises if you can’t deliver…Meghan.

That’s who you will be hearing from today as I talk about balancing my communication style as a woman, surrounded by men, who needs to be heard. Through all of it, my balance between assertive and nagging has changed. This is my story.

Apr 14, 202221:41
79: Fertility Journey Across Borders with Kristin Izsak

79: Fertility Journey Across Borders with Kristin Izsak

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Episode 79: Fertility Journey Across Borders with Kristin Izsak


A Fertility Journey Across Borders

I interviewed Kristin, a Canadian international teacher, married to a pilot, who lived in multiple countries and sought medical support in even more, over a month ago when we both had availability. But, while emailing about show notes over the weekend, we decided to re-record to include her current status… pregnant that is.

She realized, after a long twisty-turny fertility journey – which you will hear about in this episode, that if it works out or doesn’t work out, she needs support either way. And that letting people in on the news has made this pregnancy the most peaceful.

Content warning that we talk about uterine heath, pregnancy loss and fertility treatments in this conversation.

Apr 07, 202237:14
78: Leaving Ukraine – One Woman’s Story with Anastasia Vladychynska

78: Leaving Ukraine – One Woman’s Story with Anastasia Vladychynska

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Episode 78: Leaving Ukraine – One Woman’s Story with Anastasia Vladychynska


This is one woman’s story about leaving Ukraine.

We recorded this conversation on March 17th, 2022.

When we chatted, it had been 3 weeks since Russia invaded Ukraine, starting a war that would, as of today 4 weeks after the invasion, displace 10 million people. This includes those moving within Ukraine to safer cities along with the woman and children who could cross borders and seek refuge in other countries. Anastasia is one of them. This is her story of leaving Ukraine.

Mar 24, 202242:25
77: Parenting with an Accent with Author Masha Rumer

77: Parenting with an Accent with Author Masha Rumer

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Episode 77: Parenting with an Accent with Author Masha Rumer


I am parenting with an accent. My Finnish husband and American me are attempting to raise multilingual kids in Germany. And… well… it’s not great and there is a lot of guilt around our lack of success. Then I received Parenting with an Accent and realized, I am not alone.

Author Masha Rumer was born in the former Soviet Union. As a teenager in the 90’s, her family sold everything, and sought refuge in the United States. Her immigrant experience, becoming a parent and the stories in between led her to research how language and culture is passed between generations after immigration.

Now for a disclaimer:

In this interview, we talk about Russian language, literature and food. This interview was recorded on February 21st, the Monday before Russia invaded Ukraine. Masha wants you to know she is horrified by the war, in no way supports it, and is worried about her relatives in Ukraine.

In an interview for KQED, Masha said: “Many of us left the former Soviet Union because we don’t agree with the policies, and yet we’re still finding it reverberates all over the world all over again… It’s a very complicated relationship. Many of us speak the Russian language, which was forced upon people from across the former Soviet Republics. But at the same time, it’s the language we grew up with, and now we’re finding ourselves in a difficult time where we’re ashamed of what the government is doing.”

In her book she explores the relationship we have with the languages we inherit and how that impacts our willingness to speak “other” languages in a new host country. because of the impression it would give. So, along with a collective stance against the war and a united support for Ukraine, I’d like to put out a friendly reminder that not all Russian speakers agree with the politics their language is associated with, especially right now. Let’s be kind to one another.

Mar 17, 202246:12
76: Finding Love Again, From Widow to Wife with Jane Kitchen

76: Finding Love Again, From Widow to Wife with Jane Kitchen

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Episode 76: Finding Love Again, From Widow to Wife with Jane Kitchen


It’s a story of my mom finding love again, going from widow to wife. By the end of the episode, we are ready to celebrate and look forward to her wedding, but first, some thoughts.

We start with a look at love itself and how society can make us feel about it. Including what it’s like when the love you have doesn’t line up with the rules of life you were raised with. Then we hear about my mom’s new love, and her feelings around a new marriage, followed by thoughts on identity, acceptance, and how we are raising the next generation.

Mar 10, 202249:10
75: Body Acceptance and Dressing Authentically with Dacy of Mindful Closet

75: Body Acceptance and Dressing Authentically with Dacy of Mindful Closet

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Episode 75: Body Acceptance and Dressing Authentically with Dacy of Mindful Closet


Dacy of Mindful Closet is here to chat about all the layers of how we curate our wardrobes. From social expectations to personal motivation, from fear and grief to body acceptance, dressing ourselves can be a difficult balance. Whether it be a balance in our lives or in ourselves, the goal is to find and wear our authentic personal style.

With this conversation which focuses on dressing authentically, Dacy and I would like to acknowledge that not everyone has the freedom and safety to wear what is authentic for them. We hope we can get to a place where everyone can walk through life expressing themselves without fear or consequence.

Mar 03, 202240:45
74: From Expat to Repat – Who Am I Now? With Brandi Lunn

74: From Expat to Repat – Who Am I Now? With Brandi Lunn

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Episode 74: From Expat to Repat – Who Am I Now? With Brandi Lunn


From Expat to Repat… Brandi and her husband spent over 10 years abroad, living in France and Germany, continuing to renew contracts and extend their adventure… But life became heavy and the pandemic put pressure where resilience once thrived. It left them asking if this was the life they still wanted.

We look back at her expat life, the person she became while living abroad, and the challenge of moving back home to a life that doesn’t quite fit anymore, making her look back to her European life with rose colored glasses.

While mourning the place she left behind, there is a silver lining. Moving home has given her a new, or should I say renewed, sense of identity. For the first time in a long time, she feels like a daughter and a sister. Our conversation rounds out with Brandi balancing all the feelings, accepting that grief and joy can co-exist.

Feb 24, 202241:34
73: What Can We Do About Food Waste? With Mei Li of Food Waste Feast

73: What Can We Do About Food Waste? With Mei Li of Food Waste Feast

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Episode 73: What Can We Do About Food Waste? With Mei Li of Food Waste Feast


Food Waste Happens. It is a big picture thing with a lot of moving parts and waste at every turn. So, what can we do about food waste? What difference can I make?

Cook book author and former Mei Mei restaurateur, Mei Li, is here to motivate us at the household level with Food Waste Feast. Home cooks can make a difference because so much food waste happens after we buy our groceries: The forgotten salad, half a lemon the recipe didn’t call for, it all adds up.

Making little changes with not just how we cook and but how we think about food can make big differences to our wallets and bonus points! the environment too. We can save money, create delicious food and make the world a better place… It’s oh so satisfying.

Feb 17, 202241:00
72: The Making of a Digital Nomad Life with Anne Claessen

72: The Making of a Digital Nomad Life with Anne Claessen

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Episode 72: The Making of a Digital Nomad Life with Anne Claessen


Remote working is on the rise and many are asking, where can I take this?

In this episode, I speak with Anne of Digital Nomad Stories and The Podcast Babes about her balance between who she was, with law school and an MBA to the life she tried out with less plans, more travel but more instability, to where she is now, finding a middle ground.

And that middle ground is being her version of a Digital Nomad. But what does it take to have this type of life? We chat about the lessons from Anne’s life as well as the many digital nomads she has interviewed for her podcast.

Feb 10, 202240:30
71: International Perinatal Support with Johanna of Afloat

71: International Perinatal Support with Johanna of Afloat

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Episode 71: International Perinatal Support with Johanna of Afloat


You deserve support.

In this episode, we hear from Johanna who works with the growing initiative of Afloat to support people in their perinatal time. From fertility to parenting and the path in between, Afloat was born out of a need in the international community to find support. We hope this conversation can motivate listeners to seek support or help build these initiatives to support others.

Feb 03, 202231:54
70: Balancing Chapters in Life and Writing with Laura Tremaine

70: Balancing Chapters in Life and Writing with Laura Tremaine

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Episode 70: Balancing Chapters in Life and Writing with Laura Tremaine


Laura Tremaine is a writer and podcaster balancing between her Oklahoma roots and her Los Angeles, California wings. Along the way, she met her husband, Jeff Tremaine of Jackass and Ridiculousness, had two wonderful kids, became a podcaster three times over, and wrote her first book (Share Your Stuff, I’ll Go First). Now, in early 2022, as she focuses on her next book, she is balancing her creative life along with family, mental health, cooking dinner and this little thing called a global pandemic. Between sips of Dr. Pepper we chatted about it all, including her refreshing 40-something awakening of not caring what others think. Listen to it all in episode 70 of Balancing Stories.

Feb 02, 202253:06
69: Opening 2022 – Mini Mantras to Start a Year

69: Opening 2022 – Mini Mantras to Start a Year

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Episode 69: Opening 2022 – Mini Mantras to Start a Year


In Episode 68 and 69, over the changing of the year, I am sharing my mini mantras.

The question is, why do I need these? Why do I need to tell myself (often literally out loud) to take these tiny actions, to consciously make an effort to make my life better?

Wait for it… Culture.

With each of these simple tasks, that may be reflexes for others, I need to convince myself to change my behavior because I was raised (in my family, in my community or by society) in many cases to do the opposite.

In this episode, I share mini mantras about being open for the new year and creating space: in your place, in your mind and on your calendar. With bonus unofficial mantra for 2022 – What about me?

Feb 02, 202226:15
NEW NAME: Introducing Balancing Stories

NEW NAME: Introducing Balancing Stories

I’m Meghan Kitchen and this is Balancing Stories

Today is the day Balancing Cultures becomes Balancing Stories.

I am so happy I started my podcast life with Balancing Cultures. It was the title and direction I needed at the time but the conversations have grown beyond the lanes of that name. I found myself either forcing culture into the conversation or not having guests on if I couldn’t link it back to the title. I have been limiting the conversations we could be having because of a single word in the title.

Although I have felt this for a while, it wasn’t until I recorded my mini mantra episodes (episodes 68 and 69) about making small changes that I decided it was time assess the friction in my podcasting. So, I spent the last few weeks brainstorming names, creating new cover art, rewriting taglines to create an open door to more stories. You could say I’m un-niching myself. Rather than focusing on the balancing of cultures, conversations will open up to explore how we balance in life with culture, expectations, identity, and more.

This small change will make a big difference for me as a host and podcast creator. So sit back, relax, subscribe and follow so episodes come to you. Balancing Stories are on their way, I can’t wait to share them with you!

Jan 20, 202202:36
68: Closing 2021 – Mini Mantras to End a Year

68: Closing 2021 – Mini Mantras to End a Year

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Episode 68: Closing 2021 – Mini Mantras to End a Year


In Episode 68 and 69, over the changing of the year, I am sharing my mini mantras.

These are very small, free actions that have helped me with my physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Did I mention they are free? And not in the, please sign up for my newsletter in order to get this PDF kind of way. These actions can take seconds and involve no passwords.

The question is, why do I need these? Why do I need to tell myself (often literally out loud) to take these tiny actions, to consciously make an effort to make my life better?

Wait for it… Culture.

With each of these simple tasks, that may be reflexes for others, I need to convince myself to change my behavior because I was raised (in my family, in my community or by society) in many cases to do the opposite.

In this episode I will start with the mini mantras that are useful year-round but especially good for ending the year, in preparation for a reset.

Dec 30, 202123:43
67: Empty Nest Christmas – Remembering Traditions, Adjusting Expectations, & Redefining Christmas

67: Empty Nest Christmas – Remembering Traditions, Adjusting Expectations, & Redefining Christmas

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Episode 67: Empty Nest Christmas – Remembering Traditions, Adjusting Expectations, & Redefining Christmas


My mom is here to talk about Christmas.

Like all the episodes I do with my mom, we have a working title, overall theme but no outline. However, this episode ended up with 4 distinct segments: Part 1 The Italians (my mom’s paternal side) moving to the US and establishing Christmas traditions, Part 2 My mom’s childhood – same same but different, Part 3 Married with children – building new traditions, Part 4 How all of that influences her feelings about what she has now - an Empty Nest Christmas.

Dec 23, 202142:52
Encore 27: Balancing Christmas - Trees, Presents, Food, & Negotiating Traditions

Encore 27: Balancing Christmas - Trees, Presents, Food, & Negotiating Traditions

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Encore of Episode 27: Balancing Christmas – Trees, Presents, Food, & Negotiating Traditions


Balancing Christmas Encore! Last year I sat down with my brother (across an ocean) to talk about Christmas.

We were both born and raised in the USA but both ended up marrying Europeans. I married a Finn and live in Germany and my brother married a half German, half Belgian, American born, raised with European values wife. You can get to know her back in episode 5 – Third Culture Kid in Retrospect. But in this episode, we talk about Christmas for us as kids, what it has become now that we mix and match traditions with our partners, and how we embrace the magic of the season with our kids. Tangents Include: Real versus Fake Trees, Hallmark Ornaments, when to open presents, food, food and more food, where does Santa live, and more.

Spoiler Alert! Please DO NOT listen to this episode with children. There is chat about Christmas morning and more. We do not want to be responsible for the crushing of their dreams.

Dec 16, 202154:15
66: Identity in the Workplace – Gender Equality & Racial Equity in Corporate Culture

66: Identity in the Workplace – Gender Equality & Racial Equity in Corporate Culture

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Episode 66: Identity in the Workplace – Gender Equality & Racial Equity in Corporate Culture


Identity, Equity, Equality… just a few words that highlight my conversation with Leanne.

First, we talk about how cultures can shape us. Then we dog into corporate culture which leads us to the big topics of gender equality and racial equity. Which lead to a chat about equity versus equality. Which brought us back to, what needs to change in corporate culture. And somewhere in the middle, Leanne teaches me a bit about British History.

Dec 09, 202139:38
65: Her Finland – Helping Non-Finns Make Their Finnish Dreams Come True

65: Her Finland – Helping Non-Finns Make Their Finnish Dreams Come True

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Episode 65: Her Finland – Helping Non-Finns Make Their Finnish Dreams Come True


Do you dream about Finland? Varpu of Her Finland is here to talk about making Finnish dreams come true, especially for non-Finns… or in our case, Finns outside of Finland.

We talk about Finnish culture, about my Finnish dream, about her current adventure and personal Finnish dream, and I finally get some answers about a particular Finnish tradition around Easter.

Dec 02, 202133:26
64: What’s in a Name? The Culture a Name Carries & Our Balancing with Belonging

64: What’s in a Name? The Culture a Name Carries & Our Balancing with Belonging

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Episode 64: What’s in a Name? The Culture a Name Carries & Our Balancing with Belonging


Jorge with a J is here to tell us more about the power of a name to give us a sense of belonging, to make us stand out, to connect us to heritage, to pass on legacy and to help us build bridges.  A name can say so much. Here is one man’s story from immigrant parents, to Canadian upbringing to living abroad and his name along the way.

Nov 25, 202138:05
63: Can We Talk About Balance? Moving, Changing, Becoming, Balancing

63: Can We Talk About Balance? Moving, Changing, Becoming, Balancing

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Episode 63: Can We Talk About Balance? Moving, Changing, Becoming, Balancing


Balance and the In-Between: Most of us have moved at some point in our lives, to a new city or country, and had to strike a balance between here and there, then and now. So today, Nicole from the Expat Cast is here and we are chatting about Balance. We’re asking ourselves: Who were we, Where are we, & What do we want? We don’t have the answers but here’s a podcast full of questions to ponder.

Nov 18, 202149:40
62: Future Proofing with GrowGetters – Empowering Women through Skill Building & Community

62: Future Proofing with GrowGetters – Empowering Women through Skill Building & Community

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Episode 62: Future Proofing with GrowGetters – Empowering Women through Skill Building & Community


Are you a GrowGetter?

In this episode I speak with the founders of GrowGetters, because it’s now or never for so many women around the world. Let’s get future proof!

They want to inspire women to stop, to reflect, to ask: am I happy?

Does this place serve me? What I’m doing right now, does it serve me?

GrowGetters are empowering women to be future ready though skill building and community.

Nov 11, 202146:52
61: The New Face of Grief – For when life is not what we thought it would be

61: The New Face of Grief – For when life is not what we thought it would be

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Episode 61: The New Face of Grief – For when life is not what we thought it would be


Let’s talk about Grief.

Katie Rössler is back on Balancing Cultures to share her story of living through it, writing it down, and now sharing with the world… The New Face of Grief.

Katie’s debut book is self-help meets memoir meets grief 101. Helping us feel informed and empowered when life is not what we thought it should or would be.

(Check out Katie’s other interview in episode 16)

Nov 04, 202140:45
60: Why We Moved– Considerations, Emotions & Reflections Around Moving

60: Why We Moved– Considerations, Emotions & Reflections Around Moving

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Episode 60: Why We Moved– Considerations, Emotions & Reflections Around Moving


Why did we move? Why do we move?

In over 60 episodes, I have talked to many guests about why they move and in this episode it’s the main event. My mom is back for a reflection on the considerations and emotions around moving.

We will talk through four different phases of her life (which overlap with mine in a few cases) and how the reasons for moving changed: From a young couple, to a family, to a widow with grown children, to retirement. My mom looks back at the great, the grief and the growth.

Oct 07, 202151:41
59: Choosing to Stay Abroad – Life with a Blend of Cultures, Outsider Benefits & Creative Pursuits

59: Choosing to Stay Abroad – Life with a Blend of Cultures, Outsider Benefits & Creative Pursuits

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Episode 59: Choosing to Stay Abroad – Life with a Blend of Cultures, Outsider Benefits & Creative Pursuits


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked: Why did you leave California?

California is great. I will always be Californian. When people ask where I’m from, I still say California. But I did not leave my heart in San Francisco. I packed it up, brought it to Europe and now it belongs to Munich.

And I’m not the only one.

Eleanor Mayrhofer is here to chat about her Californian upbringing with a blend of cultures that showed her the benefits of being an outsider and opened her up to international life. Despite the headaches of expat life: From visas and taxes to quitting corporate life and starting a business. Eleanor is still choosing to stay abroad.

Sep 30, 202146:01
58: Interview Extras – Umlauts, Inspiration, Education & An Airlift

58: Interview Extras – Umlauts, Inspiration, Education & An Airlift

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Episode 58: Interview Extras – Umlauts, Inspiration, Education & An Airlift


Welcome to interview extras and behind the scenes of Balancing Cultures. I like to have fun with my guests, which means we warm up with chit chat, sometimes take a quick break in the middle, go off on fun conversational detours and check in after the questions.

I’ve saved clips from 4 recent interviews to share with you from:

Episode 50 Clarity with Keltie, Episode 51 Laxmi’s Mooch with Shelly, Episode 56 An American in Finland with Jade, and Episode 57 Parenting Non-Binary with Callie.

But as I said, these are the extras, so the topics are: Changing our names, Book title inspiration, Finnish education, The Afghan Airlift, and Living in Germany.

Check the show notes for more about the guests and their other episodes.

Sep 23, 202122:55
57: Parenting Non-Binary – Balancing Religious Upbringing, Feminist Values, Military Family & Being an LGBT Ally

57: Parenting Non-Binary – Balancing Religious Upbringing, Feminist Values, Military Family & Being an LGBT Ally

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Episode 57: Parenting Non-Binary – Balancing Religious Upbringing, Feminist Values, Military Family & Being an LGBT Ally


Parenting is hard work. It’s not just the endless to do lists; It’s the exhausting confrontation of who we are, how we grew up, and what controls our decision making. It’s also the concerns we have about the world and how we prepare our kids to be a part of it.

Callie knows these challenges very well. She is the mom of a non-binary child but her story does not start there. In this episode, we talk about the evangelical culture she grew up in, how she confronted her upbringing by embracing feminism, how feminism fits into her life as a military spouse and how she channels her mix of midwestern values and feminism into parenting a non-binary child (yeah – it’s a good story).

Sep 16, 202148:03
56: An American in Finland – From the Pursuit of Happiness to the Happiest Country in the World

56: An American in Finland – From the Pursuit of Happiness to the Happiest Country in the World

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Episode 56: An American in Finland – From the Pursuit of Happiness to the Happiest Country in the World


It’s the classic story of an American girl meets a Finnish guy.

Well, at least there are two of us.

They met in the USA but basketball took them abroad and back to his home country.

Jade is here to talk about her side of the love story as an American in Finland:

From learning the language, to finding a job, adjusting to the communication style and the weather. Jade tells us all about her Nordic adjustment and answers the ultimate question: Is Finland really the happiest country in the world?

Sep 09, 202146:01
55: How We Talk About Eating Disorders – How Conversations Have Changed & Should Change

55: How We Talk About Eating Disorders – How Conversations Have Changed & Should Change

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Episode 55: How We Talk About Eating Disorders – How Conversations Have Changed & Should Change


Conversations matter.

In the last 50 years, the conversations around eating disorders have drastically changed

From the conversations in medical education, to the inclusion of conversations as a part of diagnostics and treatment, and our awareness around the conversations we have about our own bodies.

In this episode, I invited my godmother Eileen, who is a dietician working in the field of eating disorders for 40ish years, to talk about the truths and assumptions around eating disorders and more.

Sep 02, 202146:00
54: Balancing in the Playroom – Empowering Identity & Nurturing Empathy Through Play

54: Balancing in the Playroom – Empowering Identity & Nurturing Empathy Through Play

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Episode 54: Balancing in the Playroom – Empowering Identity & Nurturing Empathy Through Play


How do we share our culture? Whether it’s between generations or with friends along the way, how do we have conversations about what makes us different with confidence in who we are and with openness to other cultures?

It starts in the playroom! Representation of culture in books and toys helps children develop and take pride in their identity. Talking through our similarities and difference in a fun way helps nurture empathy.

The founders of Indigrow Kids are here to talk about their hopes for early childhood cultural exploration which is inspired by their own experiences.

Aug 26, 202138:38
53: All About Periods – A Conversation with My Mom about the Conversations We Never Had

53: All About Periods – A Conversation with My Mom about the Conversations We Never Had

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Episode 53: All About Periods – A Conversation with My Mom about the Conversations We Never Had


We need to talk about periods. As a follow up to Ep. 43, We need to Talk about the Uterus, and Ep. 46, I’m Ready to Talk About My Uterus, here is a conversation with my mom about periods. All the things that were never said to us, the things my mom wished she would have said to me, and how we want the conversation to change for my daughter.

Aug 19, 202130:30
52: Relocation & Personal Development - Balancing Expat Expectations around Work & Life in Germany

52: Relocation & Personal Development - Balancing Expat Expectations around Work & Life in Germany

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Episode 52: Relocation & Personal Development - Balancing Expat Expectations around Work & Life in Germany


Location, Location, Relocation!

In this episode, I speak with Madalina who is a relocation consultant and cross boarder recruiter. For me, the best part of the interview was learning about her personal experience as an expat that has given her an empathy superpower when supporting clients.

When jobs were scarce in her home country of Romania, she looked abroad and found work in Munich, Germany. Through the process of moving between countries and supporting others in her HR role, she found a passion for helping non-German speakers and non-EU citizens jump through hoops of finding home.

We recorded our interview in June, but needed to jump back on the mics in August for an update because some amazing things happened. We had a great chat about personal development, being the outlier in a group (by gender, age, nationality, etc.) and how we can learn from each other’s differences.

Aug 13, 202149:13
51: Author Interview Laxmi’s Mooch – A Conversation about Books, Balancing and Body Hair

51: Author Interview Laxmi’s Mooch – A Conversation about Books, Balancing and Body Hair

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Episode 51: Author Interview Laxmi’s Mooch – A Conversation about Books, Balancing and Body Hair


Author Shelly Anand is here to discuss her debut children’s book that reflects her own upbringing as an Indian-American. This became an episode about a kid’s book that is about so much more than kid’s books; A conversation for everyone, not just those with kids in their lives.

Laxmi’s Mooch is the story of a young Indian girl in a diverse classroom who becomes self-conscious about her differences – specifically her mustache – and how her questions help everyone around her understand more about themselves. 

The more we balance and interact with other cultures, the more we see our differences. Shelly says, “with diversity comes curiosity.” It’s only natural to compare and contrast our behaviors, bodies and beliefs with others. But how can we move forward with understanding and acceptance rather than judgement?

In this episode, we hear about: Shelly’s Story as the child of Indian immigrants growing up in the southern United States. A Behind the scenes look at the writing of Laxmi’s Mooch. And a deep dive into why these conversations are so important for every member of the family.

*Shelly also gives us some fresh announcements about upcoming books!

Aug 05, 202144:32
50: Cultivate Life with Clarity – Celebrating 50 Episodes with Stories of Getting Unstuck and In Motion

50: Cultivate Life with Clarity – Celebrating 50 Episodes with Stories of Getting Unstuck and In Motion

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Episode 50: Cultivate Life with Clarity – Celebrating 50 Episodes with Stories of Getting Unstuck and In Motion


Keltie Maguire is here to talk about Clarity. What it is, why she sought it for herself, how she helped me, and where we go from here. Because clarity is not just knowing what we want, need and value… it’s taking action! Getting Unstuck and In Motion!

Jul 29, 202140:36
49: Interview Extras – Baby Names, Bike Shops, Social Media & The Patriarchy

49: Interview Extras – Baby Names, Bike Shops, Social Media & The Patriarchy

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Episode 49: Interview Extras – Baby Names, Bike Shops, Social Media & The Patriarchy


Welcome to Balancing Cultures Interview Extras! The stuff that is too good ⁠not to share but ⁠didn't fit in the episodes⁠. Including tangents from ⁠Jane (ep. 40)⁠, Meredith (ep. 45)⁠, Ashlee (ep. 41) ⁠& Ella (ep. 47)⁠.

Jul 08, 202129:47
48: Uncovering My Confidence – Third Culture Kid Adaptability in Workplace Culture

48: Uncovering My Confidence – Third Culture Kid Adaptability in Workplace Culture

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Episode 48: Uncovering My Confidence – Third Culture Kid Adaptability in Workplace Culture


Third Culture Kids are often adaptable.

But adaptability can be both a help and a hindrance.

Elizabeth Skinner says, moving every 2-4 years gave her the instinct of assimilation. In school, this helped her adapt to each new environment. But once she was old enough to choose life for herself, she was still following other people’s lead. In the workplace, she felt off balance and took years to uncover her core values and what she wanted from life.

In this episode, we hear about international life, and how Elizabeth took her TCK adapting skills from anxiety inducing to confidence boosting.

Jul 01, 202132:59
47: Contemporary Composing – In Search of Inspiration, Connection & Equity

47: Contemporary Composing – In Search of Inspiration, Connection & Equity

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Episode 47: Contemporary Composing – In Search of Inspiration, Connection & Equity


When I say composer, who do you think of? Do you think of powdered wigs and tailed coats? Maybe you think of modern composers and the sound tracks to blockbuster movies. Either way, who is the person you think of? A man? A white man?

Ella Jarman-Pinto is neither of those things and she is here to make more room for marginalized people in the world of composing. She grew up surrounded by music, both parents in the jazz scene encouraging her to test and try and create music without risk of wrong. Being told Everything you create is valid.

Along the way, Ella lost her passion to create but a little boy named Marvellous John helped bring her back. Now she has a drive to change the face of composing and boost equity along the way.

Content warning: there is mention of pregnancy loss in this episode around the 20 minute mark.

Jun 24, 202141:52
46: I’m Ready to Talk About My Uterus – A Story of Periods, Pregnancies, & a Hysterectomy

46: I’m Ready to Talk About My Uterus – A Story of Periods, Pregnancies, & a Hysterectomy

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Episode 46: I’m Ready to Talk About My Uterus – A Story of Periods, Pregnancies, & a Hysterectomy


I am ready to talk about my uterus.

What I didn’t realize along the way was how much the culture around me influenced how I spoke or didn’t speak about things, how those influences made me feel about my own body, and how all of it impacted my actions.

From lack of conversations around periods

To my limited education about my own biology

To concern for my career if I spoke about family planning

To silence around pregnancy loss

To accepting medical gaslighting

To questioning my own intentions while seeking medical support

To a final sense of relief when doctors confirmed my pain was real

My story includes a lot of topics that are taboo and triggering. I know some listeners have faced or are still facing these challenges. I appreciate all of you who have messaged me to share your stories after the last uterus episode. I hope the continuation of my story is helpful for someone out there.

Jun 17, 202139:03
45: Intuitive Health & Holistic Lifestyle – Coaching, Education & Small Changes to Find Balance

45: Intuitive Health & Holistic Lifestyle – Coaching, Education & Small Changes to Find Balance

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Episode 45: Intuitive Health & Holistic Lifestyle – Coaching, Education & Small Changes to Find Balance


Health is about all the small choices we make through the day, the habits we hold and the values that drive them.

In this episode, Meredith Keith-Chirch of M for Health is here to talk about intuitive health and holistic lifestyle choices.

After getting to know Meredith, and a great tangent about living car free, we discuss how important is it to look at our health outside of cultural expectations and social norms to find our individual balance. We touch on friend, family and work pressures, the benefits and flexibilities of routine, and how it all starts with one small change.

Jun 10, 202149:15
44: The Power of Introverts - Quiet Leadership & Thriving in an Extrovert’s World

44: The Power of Introverts - Quiet Leadership & Thriving in an Extrovert’s World

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Episode 44: The Power of Introverts - Quiet Leadership & Thriving in an Extrovert’s World


I’ve always been told I’m an extrovert.

I’m a podcast host. I’m the one who stood up at the end of birth class and said “I need mom friends”. I’m the teacher who volunteers to teach sex ed and yells vagina to break the ice. Even back in high school I loved being on stage for plays and at university, I was the editor of the student humor magazine.

But, over the last year and a half, with pandemic inflicted solitude, I have found more and more opportunities to embrace my introvert side. It was always there, none of us are 100% Extrovert, but I had been convinced that my extrovert side was more valuable.  However, despite the world showing favor to the loud and social, we need people from both sides of the spectrum.

In this episode, you’ll hear from Faris Khalifeh who encourages us to see the benefits in the balance and the power of quiet leadership. Show notes are on and while you’re there: sign up for the newsletter and find links to support with buymeacoffee and patreon.

Jun 03, 202135:23
43: We Need to Talk About the Uterus – Advocating for Women’s Health: Periods, Fibroids, Hormones & More

43: We Need to Talk About the Uterus – Advocating for Women’s Health: Periods, Fibroids, Hormones & More

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Episode 43: We Need to Talk About the Uterus – Advocating for Women’s Health: Periods, Fibroids, Hormones & More


Those born with a uterus, and the systems around it, are balancing cultures.⁠ We balance the culture of awkwardness around our own bodily functions to the point that we accept the lack of conversation, knowledge and care.⁠

In this episode, I chat with Karen Mannion about our personal experiences with fibroids and explore the larger topic: A need for more conversations for the sake of our health and future generations. ⁠

Listeners who follow Balancing Cultures on social media know, since this interview was recorded, I ended up having surgery and removing my uterus. I will make an episode in a few weeks to follow up. ⁠

For now, here is a chat between two uterus owners trying to challenging cultural norms.⁠

May 28, 202150:48
42: Learning to Read – How Culture Shapes our Introduction to Literacy

42: Learning to Read – How Culture Shapes our Introduction to Literacy

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Episode 42: Learning to Read – How Culture Shapes our Introduction to Literacy


Ann Heiliger is back to take us from board books to emerging readers. BUT this is not just about learning to read. Ann is our deep dive guide, through the frustrating to the motivating, with book recommendations and a few laughs thrown in the balance it out.

In the first half of this extra-long episode, we look critically at the US with comparisons to Finland. We discuss the gap between academic standards and the cultural pressure to be exceptional, causing a race for success.

In the second half, we look at Ann’s personal story as a mom of twins who learned to read this year in two very different ways. Did her teaching skills come in handy? Listen to find out.

May 20, 202101:33:46
41: Balancing Social Media – Discernment, Boundaries, Authenticity, & Protecting our Mental Bandwidth

41: Balancing Social Media – Discernment, Boundaries, Authenticity, & Protecting our Mental Bandwidth

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Episode 41: Balancing Social Media – Discernment, Boundaries, Authenticity, & Protecting our Mental Bandwidth


There are so many things in life that are good to a point: Ice cream, sunshine, socializing and the topic of today… Social Media

There is no denying that social media helps entrepreneurs and writers gain exposure and make connections but we still need to balance between useful and too much.

For this conversation, I invited Ashlee Gadd to join me. She went viral with her collective motherhood blog Coffee and Crumbs but she has also felt low lows of social media overload. Today, we start with the social media love story that pushed her into the spotlight. Then we explore how, over the years, she’s used discernment, boundaries, and authenticity as a part of her balancing to protect her mental bandwidth.

May 13, 202157:19
40: Celebrating One Year of Podcasting – Behind the Scenes of Balancing Cultures

40: Celebrating One Year of Podcasting – Behind the Scenes of Balancing Cultures

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Episode 40: Celebrating One Year of Podcasting – Behind the Scenes of Balancing Cultures


We It has been one year since my first episode "aired" in May 2020. In what I thought was the middle of the pandemic, I pushed through with my pre-pandemic plans of starting a podcast.

In this episode, I hand the interviewing reins over to my mom so I can reflect on: Why podcasting? What inspired the name? How I developed the logo? How do I know the guests? How do I balance? What have I learned? My advice for others. What's next? The Newsletter! Sign up on

May 06, 202139:29