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Why Struggle? Podcast w Barbara J. Faison

Why Struggle? Podcast w Barbara J. Faison

By Barbara J. Faison

Why Struggle? podcast with Barbara J. Faison shares ideas, insights and simple practices to live an intentional life and thrive. Enjoy meditations, affirmations, and practices along with musings from daily living. - all the links
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Why Struggle? Podcast w Barbara J. FaisonAug 13, 2022

2024 - Week 22 - Stay Grounded

2024 - Week 22 - Stay Grounded


2024 - Week 22 - Pat Yourself on the Back

You can listen to this on my podcast - 8:36 mins or click the link above for the YouTube Channel version (audio only)

This is a podcast about trusting yourself and patting yourself on the back.

How are you doing? I’m feeling really proud of myself right now. Over the long weekend my husband and I did a lot of work around the house.  We both worked diligently on our projects around the house. Mine included cleaning out the refrigerator, cleaning out and organizing the pots and pans, organizing our sunroom, which had become very cluttered. And also our guest room. Well, let’s just say no one could sleep in there. Lol.

It was a very active weekend filled with lots of bags being thrown out and things being donated. Monday evening around 7:30 pm I went to sit out in the retreat space in the back of my yard, and before I could sit for five minutes, mosquitoes reminded me that it was too late to be out there. I went back to the house and was really ready to begin my evening wind down for the night. We made a lot of progress. I thought about my mom and how she would say, “Baby, remember to pat yourself on the back.”

The next thing I know, TD suggested that we move a few more things from one room to the next. Now? I thought to myself. We had been going nonstop all weekend. I’m thinking to myself, and I have been cooking. So in addition to all the cleaning and organizing, I’m cooking food. I went along with it.

At 9:00 PM, TD decides he wants to shampoo the carpet. I looked at him and said you know it’s 9:00 PM, right? And you know we both have to work tomorrow and we have been going nonstop for three days. He said yes, he knew all of those things and he proceeded to spray spot carpet cleaner in certain areas. Usually I would be more helpful and pick up items that could be picked up so he could shampoo the carpet more thoroughly. I picked up a few things that I could off the floor. My body was tired. My legs hurt, my feet hurt and I was emotionally spent.

My body was done. I took a shower. I got in the bed. I wrote a few items in my journal since I was on day 42 of journaling and I wanted to keep that commitment to myself and then I went to bed.

This reminded me of one of my book excerpts, “You Can’t Make Anyone _____. ”

“You Can’t Make Anyone ”

Wouldn’t it be nice to have people do what we want them to do all day long? Good luck with that. We live in a society of free will. Every day we make choices. Each person takes a path that will be filled with learning experiences for that individual.

You can’t make anyone do anything they don’t want to do. The only behavior you can control is your own. A reminder of this is watching a two-year-old or any child have a tantrum. The child will stop when ready, no matter what anyone tries to say or do to him/her. We can’t control anyone as much as we may think we can. Learn to accept people for who they are, not who you want them to be. Learn to manage your ability to respond to others and check in with yourself. Learn to step back and check your expectations.

Practice: Before you ask anyone to change his/her behavior, think about your expectations. Is the change for your benefit because it would make you more comfortable? How would you feel if someone wanted you to change your behavior?

Affirmation: I accept people for who they are in my life.

End of excerpt.

Did TD shampoo the carpet? Of course he did. Lol. TD leaves for work about 5:15 am, so I’m not usually fully awake.  Did I rest well? I sure did. After I woke up I sent this text:

Hey baby, the carpet looks great. I was just exhausted. My legs and my entire body was aching. Sorry I couldn’t be of more assistance.

 Keep listening.

May 29, 202408:37
 2024 - Week 21 - Stay Grounded

2024 - Week 21 - Stay Grounded


2024 - Week 21 - Stay Grounded

You can listen to this on my podcast - 9:39 mins or click the link above for the YouTube Channel version (audio only)


This podcast is about staying grounded.

This past weekend my husband, TD, and I went out to San Antonio, Texas to visit with his sister and her husband. Whenever I travel, I like extra time to recuperate from the travel. What that means for me is giving myself permission to rest a little bit more in the morning instead of jumping up out of bed and starting my day. 
After sitting on the flight for over an hour due to mechanical difficulties, Delta has us change planes.  The flight to San Antonio had so much turbulence due to the storms in Houston that the flight crew was unable to leave their seats.  Nothing like a flight with constant turbulence to remind you of what's important in life. I took a lot of deep breaths while watching The Beekeeper on the plane.  A great way to practice! I am grateful we made it safely to our destination.
Enjoy Day 22 from the National Meditation Playlist on my YouTube channel,  it is a grounding meditation and it feels like a just right meditation based upon my experience with the flight. By the way, the return flight was perfect, no turbulence at all. Give thanks for all things.

May 22, 202409:39
2024 - Week 20 - Take A Breath

2024 - Week 20 - Take A Breath

All the links: LINKTR.EE/Barbarafaison

2024 - Week 20 - Start with A Breath


This is a podcast about starting with one breath as the foundation for being present.

Here’s a quick story about this week’s podcast. I received a download in bed yesterday morning and created a note in my OneNote file on my phone. Last night as I was about to email it to myself to review, I accidentally deleted it. Soooo… I went back to see what I was talking about for National Meditation Month last year and I think this is what needed to be shared. No, I know this is what needed to be shared.

Enjoy this encore podcast of week 20 from 2023. And you also get an opportunity for a brief breathwork practice. I hope you enjoy it! I did pull a card so be sure to listen for the card in the moment.

I would say we are back into the business of the” busyness” of life after the pandemic. Time is a premium for most of us and we all have the ability to make choices about where and how we spend our time. When I say that I use my voice to heal, educate and inspire as a voice talent, meditation guide and trainer, I usually get a few responses like:
“I could never meditate, I can’t stop my mind.”

“Meditation is so hard.”

“I don’t have time to meditate.”

“People tell me I have a great voice.”

“I’ve always wanted to be a voice actor.”

“I want to learn to meditate, I just don’t know where to start.”

Meditation is a practice. Think about a snow globe. When you shake it up, eventually the snow settles to the bottom, that’s what meditation feels like. The thoughts in your mind begin to settle more and more with practice. There are still days my mind has thoughts swirling around and around, and other days I feel very settled. It’s still practice.

I really tried to do the 30 minute meditation practice. It didn't work for me. I started doing 10 - 15 minute meditations where I would sit on my own and that worked much better.

Sometimes we just need a place to start. Let’s start where you are. Breathing is the foundation for a meditation practice. Enjoy this five minute breathing practice that can be done anytime and help with calming your nervous system and focusing on the present moment.

Here's the link on my YouTube channel in case you want to listen another time. -

Please let me know how you did with the five minute breathing practice. Leave a comment where you are listening to this podcast. You can also email me at And if social media is better for you, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram, are best.

I hope you will check out my National Meditation Month playlist to try some of the meditations and short practices out there. I have over 40 on the list. Just pick a day and go for it. Leave a comment or post and emoji if you joined me.

If you want to join the Breathe with Barbara LIVE session for tonight we start at 8 pm eastern. You can register on my website at live meditation, you can also use MONEY for 10% off your order as a promo code.

May 15, 202411:44
2024 - Week 19 - Our Personal Guidance Systems (PGS)

2024 - Week 19 - Our Personal Guidance Systems (PGS)


This is a podcast about trusting your Personal Guidance System.

Guess what y'all? It’s National Meditation Month… I get a little geeky about this because meditation has been such an important part of my life since the 90’s.

I started meditating because I was struggling and tired of the struggle. Back then there was no YouTube or podcasts or any of the really cool technology that we have now. I bought Shakti Gawain’s CASSETTE TAPE called Creative Visualization which was a 30 minute program. I thought I was going to EXPLODE. Trying to sit and visualize for me was very stressful. You see, when someone walks me through a beautiful visualization practice, I don’t see a thing, just the black behind my eyelids. Lol

Meditation is such a personal practice. Some people see images, others are really impacted by sounds and other people, like me, are more connected to feelings and sensations when they practice.

My meditation practice is one of the key steps I take daily as I walk that journey. My practice now is totally different than when I first started. One of my favorite quotes from Dr. Michael Beckwith, is meditation is paying undistracted attention to reality, to the eternal, and to that which is real. It is learning to have dominion over your attention, so that you can place your attention where you want it to be.

Science has now proven that what we focus on, our attention, and how we focus on it, our intention is what we manifest in our lives. If we focus on what we don’t have, what we want, will not show up.

I believe we all have what I call a PGS, Personal Guidance System. It is our own personal GPS, that navigates us around this earth. It is ALWAYS there even when we don’t believe it is. It is there even if we don’t listen to it.

Early on in my meditation journey after I finished meditating, I believe it was in 1995/96, my PGS was very clear that I didn’t need to go to work that day. There was nothing wrong with me, I was not sick. I had finished my 10 minutes a day practice and as I was walking around my apartment, I felt something in me that said… Don’t go to work today. I remember it being very clear. Stay home.

Guess what I did, I went to work. Just like the GPS will tell us something, and sometimes we ignore what the GPS says, the PGS will tell you something and it’s up to you to listen and act. Just because we know how to get somewhere doesn’t mean it is the best way to go at that moment.

The mind chatter I had about not going to work that day went something like this.

“ I can’t just call into work sick, I’m not sick.”

“ How can I call into work, or call out to work sick?”
“ I don’t have a personal emergency.”

“ I need to go to work.”

I went back-and-forth in my head with my mind about calling in because I was not sick. There were no wellness days back then. I think I had so much chatter because I had a wonderful boss who would have been fine with me taking the day. And again, I didn’t trust my PGS.

I was stalling and I was late leaving for work. I worked in downtown Atlanta and drove to the train station to go into the city. I turned left out of my apartment complex to drive to the station that was about five minutes closer than the usual station I went to. All that mind chatter had me flustered. I wanted to get on the train earlier, so I turned left. It was a split second decision to make that left turn. When I turned left a car came from around the curve and T-boned me.

A little backstory. I was driving my 1990 silver Volkswagen Jetta, which I didn’t care for. My whole life I had owned Japanese cars, they were very quiet. I wanted to try something different so I tried a German car. The truth is I DID NOT like that car, it was very loud. Look at that attention thing rearing its head. This was before I even knew about the power of our thoughts.

Keep listening.


May 08, 202410:36
2024 - Week 18 - Beach Day Trip

2024 - Week 18 - Beach Day Trip

All links -

2024 - Week 18 - Beach Day Trip

Destin FL is one of my favorite places to go to the beach. The blue water from the Gulf of Mexico can be mistaken for beaches from other countries. I remember when I had pictures of Puerto Rico and Destin in my camera roll and I couldn’t tell them apart.

2019 was the last time I was at the beach, we were in Panama City, FL. It had been wayyy toooo long. I missed hearing the waves of the ocean and feeling the wind caress my skin. When I found myself being irritated more than usual, I knew what it was. My body was calling me to the beach. I needed to be near the water. I suggested to my husband, TD, that we take a day trip to Savannah to go to Tybee Island. Bonus: We have never been, so we got to do something new, a twofer. lol

The drive from our house was less than four hours and it was a lovely Saturday to be on the road. I could feel my body getting ready to be near the water as we got closer to our destination. I have learned that my body gives me clues all th e time, when I’m paying attention. My shoulders started to relax as did my face. I was smiling for no reason at all. lol

When we arrived the wind was brisk and it was sunny. The temperature was too cool for me to get in the water. I was near the water and that was just right. Beach baby. Beach baby. We settled into our room then went to the beach to do what I call deep beach sitting. It's my version of just being with nothing to do but people watch and enjoy being on the beach. No book. No music. Just the beach chair and the wind and the sound of the waves.

Watching the families play and listening to the waves crashing helped me continue to relax. There was a family with a mom and three children near us. We chatted with them and enjoyed watching them bury one of the boys in the sand. Later for dinner we ate outside (it was very breezy and cold) at a local restaurant.

Sunday morning we walked to a local healthy restaurant across the street. The couple next to us was from Atlanta and we laughed as their waitress mentioned she was coming to Atlanta on vacation. TD asked if we lived on or near the beach would we go someplace like Atlanta on vacation? I said, yes, because to go on vacation is to go somewhere different.

We walked to the pier and watched people fish and take pictures. The group of birds flying in and out onto the roof of the pier was fascinating.

I recorded a breath break from the pier, you can find it on my YouTube channel under videos it’s called a Mindfulness Practice -

Walking along the beach and being near the water was just what my body needed. I loved creating memories I can reflect on that make me smile. Our day trip to Tybee Island was what we both needed. When was the last time you took a day trip somewhere? Where did you go? 

Leave a comment where you are listening to this podcast, I'd love to know.

You can also email me at And if social media is better for you, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram, are best.

Our Breathe with Barbara LIVE sessions start next week on Wednesday, 5/8. If you are interested in joining us, you can register on my website at live meditation, you can also use MONEY for 10% off your order as a promo code.

Apr 24, 202407:26
2024 - Week 17 - Pinochle, Platelets and Resident Alien

2024 - Week 17 - Pinochle, Platelets and Resident Alien

2024 - Week 17 - Pinochle, Platelets and Resident Alien All the links:

Doing new things is great for your brain. I am an LL- a lifelong learner and I’m grateful that for the most part I enjoy trying new things. I’ve been doing new things so long it really is second nature for me, most of the time. Watching a genre of a movie or a series you normally wouldn’t watch is doing something new. It can also be picking up something new when you go grocery shopping or turning down a different street on your way home. It doesn’t have to be major, just something “different” from the usual.

This week I did three new things: Pinochle, donated platelets and watched Resident Alien on Netflix.


Last weekend I went over to my friend Kym Kennedy's house for a birthday celebration. At these gatherings, we pretty much hang out for the day. It's always a lot of fun and people come and go based on their availability.

I arrived mid afternoon after a four hour shift working at the local library. We offer passport processing at our branch and Saturday is usually very busy. I was looking forward to it and relaxing. After greeting the ladies that were there, I grabbed a plate of food and sat down to join the festivities.

We laughed and talked, and then started to play cards. I grew up playing cards which included tonk, bid, whist, gin rummy, spades to name a few. The card game they started to play was pinochle. I don't recall ever playing pinochle. I was up for something new. Why not?

When the ladies started to explain the game and pulled out a piece of paper to write down how to score, I thought to myself this will take a lot of mental energy. Lol. Not quite what I expected and not very relaxing. I laughed with them that pinochle required a lot of thinking. These ladies are older than me and had been playing pinochle since they were in their teens or earlier. The birthday guest of honor, Elona and I were the ones learning how to play the game. I joked and complained a bit as they were explaining how to play, and I loved how they talked us through all the steps. It was a lot of fun after I got out of my head about all the thinking required.

Donating Blood Platelets

Yesterday I donated blood platelets for the first time after receiving a request from a friend who had a family member who needed them. I’ve donated blood numerous times, so this is definitely something new and different. The process was very streamlined with the application and forms being online, I was ready to go. I am a bit of a researcher so I did go to YouTube to know what to expect. I didn’t say doing new things didn’t mean you couldn’t research, did I? Lol. I was in an out a within few hours.

Resident Alien

The third recent new thing I did was start watching Resident Alien on Netflix. It's a science fiction series about an alien who comes to earth and takes on human form. Sci-fi is not a genre I watch much so I thought I would try this series out. I found it to be hilarious with quirky characters and great writing. it’s light hearted for the most part so I can watch it and get a good laugh.

Doing new things regularly is a great way to get out of your comfort zone and keep your mind engaged and active. Would I play pinochle again, yep! I would also donate platelets again. And I’m still watching Resident Alien, I’m almost done with season 2.

What’s something new you have tried recently? Leave a comment where you are listening to this podcast and share what you see, smell, hear, taste or touch in this moment.

You can also email me at And if social media is better for you, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram, are best.

Apr 24, 202407:23
2024 - Week 16 - Take a Breath🥰

2024 - Week 16 - Take a Breath🥰


2024 - Week 16 - Take a Breath

You can listen to this on my podcast - 8:13 mins or click the link above for the YouTube Channel version (audio only)

Wouldn't it be nice to have people do what we want them to do all day long? Good luck with that. We live in a society of free will. Every day we make choices. Each person takes a path that will be filled with learning experiences for that individual.

You can't make anyone do anything they don't want to do. The only behavior you can control is your own. A reminder of this is watching a two-year-old or any child have a tantrum. The child will stop when ready, no matter what anyone tries to say or do to him or her

We can't control anyone as much as we may think we can learn to accept people for who they are, not who you want them to be. Learn to manage your ability to respond to others and check in with yourself. Learn to step back and check your expectations.

Practice: before you ask anyone to change his or her behavior, think about your expectations. Is this change for your benefit because it would make you more comfortable? How would you feel if someone wanted you to change your behavior?

Affirmation: I accept people for who they are in my life.

That was an excerpt from my book/e-book/audiobook Why Struggle? life is too tight to wear tight shoes is the Deep Breathing Practice.

Suzanne is my oldest friend and we usually chat a few times a week. Whenever I get annoyed because "someone didn't do something I thought they should do," she reminds me that people have their own priorities that take up space in their head. And that is a very valid point. lol
When I woke up this morning I had things on my mind that I wanted to do. I bet you did as well.  What I plan or need to do, where I want to go, who I plan to reach out to and so on. Unless you are working on something together, people may not be thinking about what you have on your mind. I know what's wrong with them right? Don't they know my priorities?

Expecting someone to make your thoughts a priority is futile. They are not in your head thinking your thoughts. I've gotten better about stopping my mind from creating stories which may or may not be true. What helps me is to take a few breaths. Hmmm, sounds like a great time to practice taking a breath.

Let's do it. What we'll do is take four breaths in through the nose and eight breaths out through the mouth. It's simple and easy and takes just over a minute. You can do a few rounds of this breathing while driving or walking, too.  It's a great way to relax your mind and your body. You can practice this a few times during the day as well.

I'll do the counting and you do the breathing.

Are you ready? Let's begin.

Breathe in 234 out 7654321

In 234 out 7654321

In 234 out 7654321

In 234 out 7654321

In 234 out 7654321

In 234 out 7654321

In 234 out 754321

Take a moment to notice how you feel right now in this present moment.

This breathing technique is very powerful. Whenever we breathe out longer than in, we're sending a signal to our brain to calm our body down.

Maybe the next time you find yourself moving into a state of annoyance because someone isn't reading your mind, try breathing out longer than you breathe in to keep yourself in a calm place. This was 4 in and out 8, you can do any number that works for you. As long as the exhale is longer than the inhale, you will feel the benefits of the breathing practice.

So how do you feel after taking a few intentional breaths? Let me know by leaving a comment wherever you are listening to this podcast.

You can also email me at And if social media is better for you, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram, are best.


Apr 17, 202409:19
Week 15 - Celebrations!

Week 15 - Celebrations!


2024 - Week 15 - Celebrations!

This is a podcast about celebrating friendships and enjoying life.

My dear friend Bonnie is celebrating her birthday and a group of us will go salsa dancing on Friday. When I was chatting with her earlier this week, neither one of us could remember exactly when we met. Well, we remembered when we met, we just couldn’t remember the year. We’re pretty sure it was around 2000ish. Lol

At that time, I was dancing once or twice a week around various places in Atlanta. One Friday night while I was at the Duplex listening to music and dancing in place, Bonnie came over and struck up a conversation. That act started the beginning of our friendship.

Over the next 20+ years, we experienced a lot! Whenever I had a program and needed support, Bonnie was there. She would be there early, stay for the program, and help me clean up afterwards. In fact after I got married, my husband noticed whenever something was taking place whether it was people coming over to the house or an event that I was part of, Bonnie was there. I told him, we should all have a friend like Bonnie. If she can be there, she will be there from the beginning to the end.

We have had countless meals together and laughed until we couldn’t stop. We have traveled together and danced salsa in Miami and Puerto Rico until the wee hours of the morning. As we grew older, we would laugh the next day after we stayed out way too late and remind ourselves that we were not 25, 35, 45, or even 55.

I have lost count of all the times Bonnie was there. Whether it was helping get my mom to an event because I needed to be there early or I checking on her when she was in the rehab center. I’m so grateful my mother got a chance to meet her. After my mother passed and when it was time to go through her things, Bonnie’s support and presence was like a healing balm.


Apr 10, 202408:13
2024 Week 14 - Staying Grounded

2024 Week 14 - Staying Grounded

All the Links -

2024 - Week 14 - Staying Grounded

This is a podcast about how I stay grounded.

Last week I mentioned using your phone to remind you during the day to stop and check in with yourself. 

Are you checking in with yourself? Are you noticing how you feel and paying attention to how you are moving through the day?

I notice when I’m rushing or moving fast I drop things. I might have too many things in my hand as I’m walking to the car and I drop something. Maybe if I put my water bottle down and make another trip that wouldn’t happen. Lol. So lately I have been noticing and stopping and putting my hand in the center of my chest and taking a few breaths and lovingly saying to myself, “Barbara, slow down.”

Spring brings a different energy than winter. When the weather is nice it makes me want to be outside more and do a lot.  New ideas and adventures are naturally a part of spring since we were more inside and closed off during the winter months.  I’ve learned it’s important to stay grounded during the day so I can be more focused on what I desire.

Here are a few ways I stay grounded with life during the spring.

  • I take a few minutes to sit outside and be with nature

  • I press my feet into the ground and remind myself that I am safe and grounded

  • I limit myself to no more than three major activities a day

I’ve recently released a five minute grounding meditation that also uses your voice. I hope you enjoy listening. 

Check in with your body and notice how you feel now. You can also find this meditation on my YouTube channel under videos.

I’d love to know how you felt after practicing the grounding meditation. Leave a comment where you are listening to this podcast. 

You can also email me at And if social media is better for you, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram, are best.

Our Breathe with Barbara LIVE sessions start next week on 4/10. If you are interested in joining us, you can register on my website at live meditation, you can also use MONEY for 10% off your order as a promo

The card I pulled for us today from my Relax, Listen and Trust Your Inner Guidance Card Deck in this moment is:

#8 - LISTEN - My body TELLS ME what it NEEDS

It sure does. It might be movement, food, rest, water. Learning to listen to your body is a PRACTICE and Practice. Keep Practicing.

Apr 03, 202411:24
2024 - Week 13 - Deep Breathing Practice

2024 - Week 13 - Deep Breathing Practice


2024 - Week 13 - Deep Breathing

We are officially in spring. Yay! And there’s still a lot going on in the world. I don’t know about you, but I’m starting to really have to remind myself to stop and take deep breaths during the day even more.

One of my practices is to have my phone alarm at different times during the day. I change the word alarm to an affirmation or something I want to be reminded of, like take 5 deep breaths. I call this my Affirmation Alarm Practice.

My alarm at 1:11 PM is All is Well with high-fives emojis and hearts. At 4:44pm the alarm prompts me to Take. Deep. Breaths. The 10:30 PM alarm is Thank You for This Day with emojis as well. Emojis remind me to be less serious… Yes, I have to be reminded of this often. lol

After over 25 years meditating daily, practice is what it’s all about. It’s also the little things like connecting with your breath and your body and finding moments of beauty and presence.  Did you know that taking a few deep breaths during the day regularly helps reduce stress and overwhelm? You probably know what’s next. Lol. Yep, it's time to practice.

The excerpt from my book/e-book/audiobook Why Struggle? life is too tight to wear tight shoes is the Deep Breathing Practice.

Deep Breathing Practice

Sit comfortably with your back straight if possible. Gently close your eyes and begin to become aware of your breath. Simply breathe in and breathe out. Pay attention to your breath as you breathe in and out and allow your body to settle into this practice.

Just breathe in and breathe out. Place your hands on your stomach as you continue to breathe.

On your next in breath take a deep breath in while pressing your belly out as if you are trying to push your belly button out as far as you can. On your next exhale, press your belly button back into place.

Continue pressing out your belly button on your exhale and pressing your belly button back into place on the inhale.

Once you are comfortable with this belly breathing begin counting to 3 on the in breath as you expand your stomach. Hold your breath for a count of 3, then contract your stomach for the count of 3. You should feel more air moving through your body.

Continue breathing deeply for up to ten minutes. When you are ready to return to the present moment, open your eyes and allow your breath to return to normal.
Continue using this deep breathing technique during your day or whenever you want a reminder to be in the present moment. This deep breathing is also very helpful to reduce stress or anxiety.

Purpose: Reminder to be present.

End of excerpt

Mar 27, 202410:03
2024 - Week 12 - THIS Moment

2024 - Week 12 - THIS Moment

All the LINKS -

You can listen to this on my podcast - 9:11 mins or click the link above for the YouTube Channel version (audio only)

This is a podcast about taking in all that is happening in the moment and flowing with life.

When I have my live meditation sessions I often talk about the infinity symbol and how it is a lovely reminder to flow with life. The word infinity is from the Latin word 'infinitas' and it means 'unboundedness' or 'endless'.

The infinity symbol reminds me of the ebbs and flows of life. All the perceived ups and downs and the waves of emotions we may feel throughout the day. The symbol looks like a sideways number eight. I draw the infinity symbol in the air and I share what I see as a flow; going with the changes of life as they come. Feeling down and then rising up and falling back down then coming back up again, and the cycle repeats. 

Life is lived in moments. In one moment I can be filled with immense joy and in another I may receive news that knocks me down to my knees.

I asked my husband, TD, for an infinity necklace and I received a beautiful infinity necklace from him. The necklace reminds me to go with the flow. To allow myself to align with life and all that is happening around me. When I touch the necklace I remember to RELAX and F.L.O.W. - For me, flow means, Feeling. Loving. Open. Willing.

The seasonal changes of moving from winter to spring is also a nudge to notice and for me to notice moments even more.

Have you seen the beauty all around you? What have you noticed? 

I recently had to stop and take in the trees in my backyard… they are called loropetalums. As we say in the south… Laura Petlums. Lol. They came with the house and come in various hues and ours are a vibrant fuchsia. Simply breathtaking.  

As I was backing out of the driveway, I noticed a few magenta calla lilies that TD planted around the mailbox. I am so grateful for him sharing beauty where I can notice it around the house. I pulled over and just stopped for a moment to smile and appreciate those flowers and the others he planted. It was a moment.

Right now this in this moment,  the excerpt from my  book/eBook/audiobook, Why Struggle? Life is too short to wear tight shoes being shared is,  This Moment.

This Moment

Stop. What are you doing right now? What you are doing right now is this moment. If you are reading or listening to this book, be in the moment. Pay attention to what is NOW. THE PRESENT MOMENT!

If you find your thoughts drifting back to the past or into the future, STOP and BREATHE. Breathe in and breathe out. Conscious breathing connects you with the present moment.

Feel all the emotions life has to offer – joy, pain, sorrow, happiness, peace, etc. The past is over. No matter what is happening, I guarantee that you will feel another emotion before you even realize it.

The future is not certain. You only have this moment. There will never be another moment like this one.

Practice: For one day, take the time to notice things around you. Be in each moment by stopping during the day to be aware of your breath. Breathe in and breathe out. Take a slow drive, look at nature, and revel in the beauty that surrounds you.

Affirmation: I feel all the elements of this moment and revel in the beauty of life.

End of excerpt.

As I was looking out of my window typing this post, I noticed those vibrant loropetalums once again and smiled. They looked even more magical today, it felt like they knew I was talking about them. Seeing them prompts me to look for more beauty everywhere. I mean after all, spring is here!

Leave a comment where you are listening to this podcast and share what you saw, smelled, heard, tasted or touched in this moment.

You can also email me at And if social media is better for you, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram, are best.


 Use MONEY (not case sensitive) as the coupon code.

Mar 20, 202409:10
2024 - Week 11 - Patience and Acceptance

2024 - Week 11 - Patience and Acceptance

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This is an episode about patience and acceptance.

Do you know the expression patience is a virtue? I never got that virtue. lol I must've been missing on the day that they were giving that out to people. I remember my father teasing me growing up, calling me his pet nickname for me, Doll. “Doll you just gotta be patient.” He would tell me. Yeah, me, not so much.

Well, what I've learned in all of these decades of life is whatever I need to stay in practice with is what I will have the opportunity to practice even more.  Teaching keeps me accountable.

There's nothing like a fever blister on my lip to remind me of the my relationship to patience, acceptance and wisdom. I’ve gotten fever blisters my whole life. I woke up a few days ago with a bigjuicy fever blister on the right side of my lip, the usual spot where I have a fever blister show up.

One thing a fever blister has taught me is acceptance and divine timing. The fever blister goes through the stages it goes through before it goes away.  I have to look at it for however many days as I use a topical ointment on it. So what do I do?

Wait and accept.

I heard years ago asking for patience is asking for more opportunities to be patient. So I ask for wisdom. I connect with the wisdom I feel in the moment. And I accept where I am knowing that I will not be there forever.  I've learned over the years that if I have a fever blister, it is likely because I have not been expressing myself in important areas of my life and/or not eating well.

It could be something as simple as not saying something to a friend, holding back on expressing something to my husband. Or fill in the blank.

The excerpt from my my book/eBook/audiobook, Why Struggle? Life is too short to wear tight shoes is Acceptance.

“Grant me the serenity to change the things I can, the courage to accept the things I cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference.” These words by Reinhold Niebhur can change your life if you choose to live them.
Acceptance isn’t resignation. Acceptance is receiving what has been presented. When my grandfather and father died within two weeks of each other, I had to accept that as a fact. Denying the obvious would not change what happened. I felt all the emotions that would be expected in that situation.
Allow yourself to accept things so you can move forward with your life. Remember you don’t want to walk around with a hot coal in your hand, so learn the art of accepting each moment and moving
forward. We will never understand everything that happens.
When something happens, accept the event as a fact. Let the next moment come into play and be present to that moment.
Practice: When someone does something that you don’t agree with, repeat the affirmation, “I cannot change the way that person is. I accept the beauty they have to offer.” Try this for one day, one week,
and one month; then make it a life practice.
Affirmation: I am open and accepting of all people.

End of excerpt.

Being impatient shows up for me in many areas, including moving too fast and not appreciating the moment. Yes, I am a meditation teacher and that is still something I continue to work on. It’s practice and A PRACTICE. Teaching keeps me in my practice of having the wisdom to know when I may not be patient.

I laugh when I am thing of one of the expressions my mother used to say..."Baby, I can live in hell if I know when I'm getting out." it makes me smile and allows me to accept where I am for the moment.

What allows you to accept what is right now? Let me know your thoughts you can leave a comment wherever you are listening to this podcast.

You can also email me at And if social media is better for you, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram, are best.
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Mar 13, 202408:24
2024 - Week 10 - Money

2024 - Week 10 - Money

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Week 10 - Money

This is an episode about money, content creation and online platforms.

Money is not Evil

Money is not the root of evil. Money or currency is a representation of what people think will make them happy. Being rich will set you free from all the demons of the world, right?

Does money truly motivate you, or is it the freedom that having money provides? If we lived in a society where having a golden duck was the expected level of being rich, would everyone try to find as many golden ducks as they could?

What is a lot of money? Does money equate to happiness? Investigate your beliefs about money and take time to get clear about your relationship to money. You may have to go deeper into your family dynamics to gain more insight.

Practice: Imagine you won the lottery for the amount of money you feel would set you up for life. Think of all the things you would do with your winnings. After thinking of everything, what’s next?

Whoo. The money talk is done. Well, almost. Since we are talking about money, I’m going to offer a 10% discount on the products in my store (including free shipping for US orders), including live meditation sessions. Use MONEY (not case sensitive) as the coupon code.

Let me know your thoughts about money, online platforms or whatever, you can leave a comment wherever you are listening to this podcast.

You can also email me at And if social media is better for you, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram, are best.

All my links are here:

Mar 07, 202411:00
2024 - Week 9 - Embrace Change

2024 - Week 9 - Embrace Change

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Week 9 - Embrace Change

You probably got up this morning and got dressed. You may have showered, brushed your teeth, eaten breakfast, driven to work, read the newspaper, and had a cup of coffee or tea. You have already been through at least six changes. Every moment is a new change, every second is different from the last one.

Change is a natural part of the life cycle. Learning to embrace change is a major step toward peace of mind. Imagine seeing an old friend whom you loved dearly and giving him/her a loving hug. Think of this image the next time you have to handle a major change in your life.
Picture yourself opening your arms and welcoming the opportunity to grow. Change will show up at your door regardless of how you feel about it. Learn to open the door and welcome your new friend, CHANGE, with a warm embrace.

Practice: Think of all the things that change in one hour. If you are having difficulty accepting change, repeat the affirmation, “I am open and willing to accept change in my life.”

Affirmation: I trust the process of life and I easily flow with change.

End of excerpt.

I hope you enjoyed the Embrace Change excerpt from my book/eBook/audiobook, Why Struggle? Life is too short to wear tight shoes.

I changed the flow of this newsletter/podcast for this episode to remind myself to mix things up.

Another change I made at the beginning of the year that is working really well for me is reading before bed. Instead of having television be the last thing I do before bed, I have been reading a book, something light and fluffy or journaling. I can feel a difference when I go to sleep.

Trying new things is change. Doing something new opens you up for new possibilities and resources.

Can you think of a change that would benefit you? Or what have you recently tried that has been helpful?

You can leave a comment wherever you are listening to this podcast. If you’d like to share your thoughts with me is the best way to reach me. And if social media is better for you, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram, are best.

The spirit of trying something new, I’m hosting a Celebrate You gathering this Wednesday2/28, from 8-9 eastern for us to connect as a community, share our experiences and practices that are helping us live life better. If you’d like to join us, you can use the zoom link provided or email me at

Feb 28, 202406:53
2024 - Week 8 - Be Grateful

2024 - Week 8 - Be Grateful

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Week 8 - Be Grateful

This is an episode about how I believe being grateful is an attitude and a practice.

A few weeks ago I talked about the The 40 day plan my friend, Regenna London created over 16 years ago. It’s a journal with questions, reminders and encouragement to focus on what you desire for 40 days. One thing I love about this plan is it gets the momentum going for me and I usually continue beyond the 40 days. 

It is day 52 of 2024 and I’m still reading, writing & journaling, doing qigong daily and really grateful that I am. Sometimes we need a little boost or encouragement to get started and to keep going. Regenna and I chatted earlier this week and we are both still doing what we started on day 1 of the Forty Day Plan. Yay, us! Please remember to patch yourself on the back! Mom taught me that.

I believe gratitude is an attitude and a practice.  Most days I wake up with immense gratitude. Grateful for another day to be here. Grateful for good health, my family and loving relationships and much more. This week I restarted a few other practices that I haven’t done in a while. Morning pages and EFT- Emotional Freedom Technique also known as tapping.

I used to do morning pages back in the last century, lol when I was writing more regularly over 30 years ago. I learned about this practice from Julia Cameron’s book, The Artist’s Way. My version of morning pages is to set a timer to write for a specific period of time and write out what comes up. I set my timer for five minutes and today what came up was immense gratitude. It was a stream of conscious flow of the things that I am so grateful for in my life. In addition to what I mentioned earlier, a few other things I feel grateful for in this moment:

  • Drinking a hot tonic from my mom‘s china cup 

  • Listening to the birds as I journaled at my kitchen table 

  • Having practices that sustain me 

  • My beautiful home 

  • Friends I’ve known for over three decades 

  • An interesting life 

  • Breathing through both of my nostrils lol

  • Recognizing that the word evolve has the word love in it

  • Dear friends that keep me smiling and laughing

Doing daily writing or journaling feels great right now. I’m telling you, for me, discipline and commitment beat motivation and inspiration every day. I talked about that and the 40 Day Plan in episode six, Be Yourself.

I hope you enjoy the Be Grateful excerpt from my book/eBook/audiobook, Why Struggle? Life is too short to wear tight shoes.

Practicing gratitude for me is often just saying thank you all day long, silently and aloud. I can feel my body surging with such warm feelings when I do this simple practice. Writing down these gratitude gems was an additional surge of energy that started my day off just right.

What do you feel grateful for right now? You can leave a comment wherever you are listening to this podcast. If you’d like to share your thoughts with me - is the best way to reach me. And if social media is better for you, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram, are best.

Feb 22, 202409:07
2024 - Week 7 - Be Kind

2024 - Week 7 - Be Kind


This is an episode about how I mind my mind and manage less desirable thoughts.

There is still a lot of stuff going on in the world and in our personal lives… welcome to life!

I do believe that being loving to ourselves and others is the answer to most “situations” - the truth for me is that there are many times I may not be in the space of being loving toward others, however; I can usually make the choice to be kind. Being kind may be stepping away from a conversation, choosing not to share my perspective and not saying anything at all. Yep… being quiet. Lol

Do you ever have random thoughts? Of course you do, we all do. Are you being kind to yourself when you do? Learning to be kind to yourself when we have these thoughts that pop up, that we likely don't want or like, is a Practice.

What are you saying to yourself when you have these thoughts? Are you upset or mad because you had a thought you didn’t like? Or are you being kind?

Let me tell you, learning not to beat yourself up is a whole thing. Lol.

Scientific research says we have anywhere between 60,000 and 80,000 thoughts a day, and a large percentage of those are subconscious thoughts. Subconscious thoughts are playing in our mind all the time, it’s how we are able to breathe, walk and move without having to think about it unless we choose to think about it.

The brain takes in everything and processes it, so it’s important that we are discerning about what we listen to and immerse ourselves in. What we have the ability to do is to redirect our thoughts.

So how do you do that? I created my version of affirmations that I call Go To Phrases. GTP's. These are phrases I interject when my mind starts to go down crazy circle, silly street, or anxious avenue.

Through practice I learned to be aware of these thoughts and I start to say my GTP’s, a few of them are:

  • All is well in my world

  • Things always work out for me

  • I am in the right place at the right time with the right people doing the right thing

  • My timing is always divine

  • I am wise and make the best decisions now and always

So what does this do? This allows the thoughts to settle down.

Train your brain. Be kind to your mind. And learn to redirect your thoughts. It is PRACTICE.

Here's what you do:

  1. Choose one to three Go To Phrases: they may be affirmations, scriptures, or whatever you desire that will calm your body and mind down so you can refocus.

  2. Repeat these phrases throughout the day, even when you're not having unwanted thoughts.

  3. When you have the unwanted thoughts, continue to repeat the phrases out loud or silently.

  4. Practice. Practice. Practice.

  5. Notice, when you immediately begin to use the GTP's and pat yourself on the back.

Kindness starts with me. Love starts with me. Everything starts with me. Another one of my go to phrases is peace of mind is mine.

What’s one of your GTP's? Feel free to reach out if you’d like to share your thoughts with me - is the best way to reach me. And if social media is better for you, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram are best.

Feb 14, 202409:16
 Week 6 - Know Yourself🥰

Week 6 - Know Yourself🥰

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This is an episode about how I believe discipline and commitment trump inspiration and motivation.

I’ve known Regenna London since 1995 and in those years we have experienced a lot of life together. As a fellow creative (she’s a Gemini, so you know some creating is going on there) we have been each others talk it out partners for projects and life.

I think it has been about 16 years since she created her Forty Day Plan, which is a journal with questions, reminders and encouragement to focus on something for forty days to help you live life better.

Regenna and I have been using this plan since its inception, between 2 - 4 times a year. It’s a great way to create structure for me and to have discipline to complete projects or goals. I also realize that it is winter, so I choose things that are not as challenging to do and I still feel like I’m moving forward in life.

We are on Day 38 - Be Proud - Courage has its rewards is the encouragement for today. Indeed, it takes courage to do something for 40 days. Only two more days left!

I know myself, so I chose three things to focus on:

  1. Read something daily.

  2. Journal or write my affirmations.

  3. Practice Qigong.

I know me…I also chose to start cleaning out my pictures on my phone and tablet, so I’ve been doing that, just not every day. And sometimes I pull a card from my card deck. Lol.

How am I doing with the plan? I finished a book called Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach and I’m reading a few other books as well. I also gave myself permission to not finish a some books I started reading. I get to decide how I want to spend my time. Why spend precious hours reading a book that I will most likely not remember days after I finish it? 

I’m sharing the Be Yourself excerpt from my book/eBook/audiobook, Why Struggle? Life is too short to wear tight shoes, today.

Be Yourself 

I am very fortunate to have a great circle of friends. When you love yourself and understand who you are and what you bring to the world, you only want to be you. I am a great Barbara but not a good Suzanne or any other friend. Suzanne is my oldest friend, we’ve been friends over 50 years. I love her dearly for who she is.

How many times have you thought, “If they really knew me, they probably wouldn’t like me?” How long have you pretended to be someone else simply to please other people? Pretending to be someone you aren’t takes a toll on us mentally, physically and spiritually.

If I depended on being motivated or being inspired to do any of these things, it wouldn’t happen. The Forty Day Plan gives me structure, accountability and encouragement. I’m grateful for Regenna who created The Forty Plan journal…it keep me committed and accountable.

What keeps you committed? Feel free to reach out if you’d like to share your thoughts with me - is the best way to reach me. And if social media is better for you, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram, our best.

Feb 07, 202408:24
2024 - Week 5 - Be Adventurous

2024 - Week 5 - Be Adventurous

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This is an episode about how the mind creates ideas and stories. And how it’s important to decide what’s important to you and not let your mind get carried away.

My birthday was January 22, which fell on a Monday and my intention was to do a trip to a cabin with my husband, it’s a vacation we’ve not done together before. I like doing new things and not necessarily traveling to places I’ve been before, unless it’s going to Destin Florida, which I absolutely adore. I digress.

In my mind, I found a place, and we would go there and be nice and cozy. I also created this lovely weekend of snuggling up somewhere, and staying warm and just relaxing. Well, my mind creates all kinds of interesting stories and adventures. As it came closer to the time to book something, I didn’t want to do that.

A part of me wanted to stay home. Another part of me wanted to go away. I was back and forth for a few weeks. I just couldn’t decide. See how the mind does!

Guess what I did... I let go. I just said things would work out. And they did.

The weekend of my birthday it was cold… I know I’m from the south so cold is relative. lol it was hovering in the 14° range, so I think that is cold just about anywhere. The idea of packing and checking in and out of somewhere and driving a few hours (in the cold) to get home did not sound appealing. TD and I enjoyed an adventurous weekend around town.

One definition of adventurous is willing to take risks or to try new methods, ideas or experiences. We created our own birthday weekend adventure.

On Friday night we went to watch our son, Tyriel, coach as one of the assistant coaches for Woodland High School girls basketball. On Saturday evening we discovered a new restaurant in Peachtree City, about 45 mins away, called The Yacht Club. The food was delicious and our server was very attentive. The weekend was filled with trying new restaurants in cities nearby, watching the movie American Fiction, which was entertaining, and just spending time together. It was a delightful adventure. One of my requests was that I didn’t cook all weekend… and I didn’t.

On Monday, I also got to have brunch with Yvette Lee, a dear friend and the composer of the music you hear on this podcast and other meditations. We enjoyed breakfast at one my favorite restaurants, The Flying Biscuit, the original one in Atlanta. Yummy.

While the idea of being at a cabin sounded nice, being home and waking up when we wanted to was even nicer. I live in the south for a reason, I was so glad to be able to sleep in and get up when I wanted to. I was so glad we were home in our OWN bed… with our flannel sheets. TD gets a special thanks for just going with the flow of whatever I decided to do. MUAH!

So… there mind stories. The weekend was just right! And you know what? It was just the adventure we needed.
Learning to navigate all the stories my mind can make up is PRACTICE.

Be Adventurous is the excerpt from my book/eBook/audiobook, Why Struggle? Life is too short to wear tight shoes, I’m sharing today.

What new experience/adventure have you had lately? 

I’d love to hear from you. You may reply to this newsletter/blog post or you can reach me at If social media is easier for you to reach out, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are best.

Jan 31, 202408:58
2024 - Week 4 - You Are Not Alone 🥰

2024 - Week 4 - You Are Not Alone 🥰

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This week I intended to do a different book excerpt. After my morning meditation, this is the one that presented itself for today. Here we go.

I have one brother. Tony has two children, Byron and April, and one grandchild, Aiden. I married TD and gained two bonus sons, Tyriel and Dewayne. My mother used to say we are a small family, but we are mighty.

My parents instilled in us a bond that continues to this day. My brother has been my protector, my agitator, my friend, and my confidant my entire life.

Growing up, I was involved in theater, band, oratorical contests and more. Growing up, he was there, (like it or not) at all of the dance recitals, music recitals, graduations, theater productions, and whatever ever else I had going on. I can still hear my parents saying, “you support and protect your sister.”

And to this day, he still does. He has been to book signings, salsa birthday parties and most recently my meditation hike. I am so grateful to have him in my life.

I am a person who has to talk things out. And while talking things out, I usually find the direction I need to go. Tony is one of my talking partners. He knows just the right questions to ask and offers encouragement along the way. A few of his signature statements include, “You’ll figure it out” and “It seemed like a good idea at the time.” Both are very true for me.

This weekend I celebrated another birthday and I give thanks that while my parents are no longer here, my brother is. I used to call my parents on my birthday to thank them for having me. When my mother was alive, I would share how grateful I was for my brother and she told me, your brother doesn’t like acknowledgement, he never has. And he still doesn’t. Hmm. Interesting, he has a nickname for me I don’t like, and he still calls me that anyway. lol I think we are even now. Oh well, so much for the little sister behaving. lol

So for those people who think the good guys don’t win, I disagree. My brother Tony Faison is a good guy. And I’m grateful to have this good guy in my life. So here’s to my brother, who I love, appreciate, and adore. And I’m so grateful to have him on this journey with me.

The excerpt from my book/eBook/audiobook, Why Struggle? Life is too short to wear tight shoes, You Are Not Alone.

You are Not Alone

Life is challenging. How often have you thought you were the only person going through something

difficult? You are not alone. We are afraid to share our fears and stories because we don’t want to be

judged by others. People are not as strong, confident, and wise as they seem. Other people are afraid,

lonely, and going through tough times, too.

You may think you are the only person experiencing whatever you are feeling. Trust me, there is someone else experiencing the same fear, anxiety, pain, hurt or joy you are feeling. Remember, no matter what is happening, you are NOT alone.

My mom used to remind me to have a “talking partner.” She said it was important to have someone

you could be vulnerable with to express your fears or concerns. You will instinctively know who you can share your thoughts with at these times. Trust your intuition and find a talking partner.

Practice: Think of something you feel self-conscious about. Share this feeling with someone you trust and respect. As you become more comfortable, share more of your feelings with other people.

Affirmation: Life is joyous. I am surrounded by love.

End of excerpt.

I am grateful to have my brother around to call me nicknames I don’t like and to laugh and share memories. He is one of the best talking partners I could have because we have such a deeply personal history together. I definitely feel supported and grateful to have him in my life. Who are your talking partners?

Feel free to reach out if you’d like to share your thoughts  barbarafaison is the best way to reach me. And if social media is better for you, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram, our best.

Jan 24, 202408:58
2024 - Week 3 - Know the Stages of Grief

2024 - Week 3 - Know the Stages of Grief

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2024 - Week 1 - Your Belief System

In the 80’s  AT&T had a marketing campaign called Reach out and Touch Someone. 

It was all about the power of your voice. The power of your voice to offer comfort. The power of your voice to offer healing. The power of your voice to offer just what is needed at that time.

 Over the weekend, we celebrated the life of Mary A Hopson. Mrs. Hopson was the mother of a dear friend of mine, Gina. Mrs. Hopson was a fashionista, and a beautician, and a part of my village growing up in Albany, Georgia.

Earlier in the week before the service on Saturday, I reached out to Gina just to say hello. We talked for over an hour, laughing, and reminiscing about a deep and rich history we’ve had for over 40 years.  It reminded me of the power of your voice and the power of having a rich history with someone.  

As we celebrated, Mrs. Hopson’s life, I was reminded of my own mother and father and what an amazing community and support I had growing up. Reid comes in waves. At least it does for me.

 My childhood in Albany, Ga was filled with community and two of my oldest dearest friends, Suzanne and Gina are part of a rich history. In 2022 we said goodbye to Suzanne’s parents and  Mrs. Hopson was the final parent of ours to join the others in our village wherever they are. 

Grief comes in waves, at least it does for me. I found myself reliving the grief of losing my own mother through the experience of being there for Gina as we celebrated a life well lived. I took time to be with my feelings and emotions on my solo drive back from Albany, stopping in familiar places and enjoying the mixture of sunshine and cold… I mean it is winter, right? 

The excerpt that I’m sharing this week from my book/ebook/audiobook, Why Struggle? Life is too short to wear tight shoes, is Know the Stages of Grief. 

Know the Stages of Grief

Life is a cycle. We are born. We live. We die. Death is as natural as living. Recognizing and accepting the laws of nature can help us live more in the present moment. As we learn to accept our lives and live without struggling over the inevitable, we can truly appreciate the gift of life.

Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance are the stages of grief. The time for each stage is as unique as your fingerprint. Experience the emotions as they arise and be gentle with yourself at this time.

Remember we may also experience grief when we make changes in our lives such as a change in a relationship, moving to a new city or a change in your work environment. A loss is a loss, give yourself permission to grieve as you feel necessary.

Practice: Remember when someone you loved died and how you felt. Think about the emotions you felt.

Were they denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance?

Affirmation: I accept the flow of life. Peace of mind is mine.

 Winter is also known as a time for grief to be an emotion that comes up for people. What are your thoughts about grief? You can connect with me at barbarafaison is the best way to reach me. And if social media is better for you, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram, our best.

 The card I pulled for us for this moment is: 

#2 - RELAX - The TURN OFF my devices for 15 MINUTES

This is a great practice I do often. It allows me to be more present to what is happening in my life. 

I hope you check out my YouTube channel, Barbara Faison, where I share ideas, insights and reminders to be in the present moment called Breath Breaks and more.

If you'd like to take a breath break, you can find over 50 on the Breath Break Playlist. Be sure to subscribe, follow, share and leave a comment if you joined!

Feel free to share your thoughts, ask a question or just say hello to me - via email at

Thank you for your support and being on this journey with me.

Until next time, keep breathing and do something new.

Be well and be kind to YOU.

Jan 18, 202407:15
2024 - Week 2 - Breathing Practice🥰

2024 - Week 2 - Breathing Practice🥰

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(2024) - Week 2 - Breathing Practice

It’s winter y’all and I really get into nerd mode at this time of the year. I enjoy reading and learning and resting. Right now I’m listening to the audio program, Unlock Your Wise and Mindful Brain on the Insight Timer app. As a premium member you get access to thousands of courses, including mine and I love learning, so there you have it.

In the audio course, Dr. Karolien Notebaert, shares scientific proof that mindfulness is beneficial and essential for our well-being. In fact, she says as a scientist she really didn’t believe mindfulness meditation was beneficial until she tried it. And now it is one of the things she highly recommends to manage stress and to help with brain function. 

Did you know that mindfulness can be practiced for 5 to 10 minutes a day to help you relax, increase your self-awareness, and calm your nervous system.

I’m coming up on a birthday on the 22nd and giving myself permission to rest during the winter months even more than before. I mean, after all, that’s what the winter is for. Deep rest. I mean before you know it, it’ll be spring and I’ll be out and about. Lol.

Fun fact, I’m dictating the first draft of this newsletter into my phone while lying in bed, listening to the rain. 

The excerpt from my excerpt from my book/eBook/audiobook, Why Struggle? Life is too short to wear tight shoe is the breathing practice.

For this practice, you may be seated or lie down, and it’ll only take two or three minutes.

Feel free to pause this until you’re ready to start.

Let’s begin.

Breathing Practice

Sit comfortably with your back straight if possible.
Close your eyes and begin to become aware of your
Simply breathe in and breathe out.
Pay attention to your breath as you breathe in and out.

Just breathe in and breathe out.

Breathe in and breathe out.
Feel the air moving through your nose and through your chest.

Just breathe in and breathe out.
Continue breathing and being aware of your breath and use this breathing technique throughout your day.
Try this practice for 5 minutes a day.

End of excerpt.

How do you feel? if you'd like to practice you can check out this three minute breathing practice on my YouTube channel and on online platforms like Spotify, Pandora, YouTube, Apple Music, Amazon and more. Just search for Barbara J. Faison as the artist and you will find me. I'd love for you to follow me, put me on your monthly playlist and choose the notification bell to learn when I have posted new meditations.

If you’re interested in checking out, mindfulness meditation live, I offer live sessions on Wednesday, 1/10 and 1/17, you can find all the links here or to register. No experience needed, just your willingness to be there.

That’s it for now. if you’d like to share your thoughts - barbarafaison is the best way to reach me. And if social media is better for you, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram, our best.

Considering breathwork or meditation as a tool for living life better? Here are a few resources that can support you:

  • On the 2nd and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 8 - 9 pm eastern I host my Breathe with Barbara LIVE session that includes gentle movement, breathwork, meditation and silence. These gatherings are intimate, about 6-8 people, and only $15 a session. You can find the link to register at
  • If you prefer having a teacher for instruction, I offer one on one sessions as well as group sessions (min of 3 people). Send me an email or a message through the contact form on my website if you are interested.

Jan 10, 202407:55
2024 - Week 1 - Your Belief System

2024 - Week 1 - Your Belief System

All the links -

There was a time we were told that when you drank alcoholic beverages you lost brain cells and that was that. The cells were gone. Wait… what? Once you lost brain cells, they were gone? Yep! I grew up in that time. I grew up, thinking that if I drank, I would lose brain cells, and that was just not an option for me. It’s OK. Don’t be sad. lol

Being the nerd I was and still continue to be…that worked out well for me, because I don’t like the way I feel after I drink. So I don’t really drink. I might have an alcoholic beverage once every two or three years. And when I mean beverage, I mean a few sips. In fact, I don’t remember the last time I had anything alcoholic to drink.

Nerd Alert! Good news…that is not true. And we have lots of science that now proves that the brain can change and adapt to experiences - it's called neuroplasticity. It's your brain’s ability to absorb information and evolve to manage new challenges. The brain evolves as we do, as long as we engage with activities that keep us mentally active and alive; physical activity, memorizing names, using your non-dominant hand to eat are just a few ways to keep that brain active and engaged.

I believe we all have a PGS - Personal Guidance System - that is our own GPS that helps us navigate this experience called life, when we pay enough attention to it and decide to act on it. 

I believe that every moment is a new opportunity. And while we have started a new year, I believe every day is a new day and we have 86,400 seconds a day to start anew when we desire. Yep, that’s the number of seconds in a 24 hour day. I told you, I was a nerd. Lol.

So I hope you will enjoy this excerpt from my book/eBook/audiobook, Why Struggle? Life is too short to wear tight shoes, it’s about beliefs. I talked about some of the things I believed in Episode 51 from 2023, it goes into more depth if you’re interested in hearing more.

So, will you take a look at your beliefs and review them? 

I enjoy hearing from you so don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with me at If social media is easier for you to reach out, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are best.

Jan 03, 202408:60
Week 52- Celebrate Everything!

Week 52- Celebrate Everything!


Week 52- Celebrate Everything!!

Listen to this on my podcast - 5:30 mins or my YouTube Channel
We are now in the season of winter. Words associated with winter include: Rest. Introspection. Hibernation. Death. Loss. Cold. Celebration. Holiday. Hope. Festivities. Joy.

Guess what, you get to decide what you want winter and your life to be. If you live long enough you will experience loss and death and you will also experience celebrations and festivities.

I remind myself often that whatever I DECIDE to experience, EXPERIENCE IT FULLY. lol. When I recently enjoyed a slice of cake with Moosetracks ice cream, I really enjoyed it. I savored the taste of the chocolate, the ice cream, how it felt as I took my time and really enjoyed the experience.

The excerpt that I’m sharing this week from my book/eBook/audiobook, Why Struggle? Life is too short to wear tight shoes, is Celebrate Everything!

Celebrate Everything!

Life is a journey. A trip. A deck of cards. Life defies a single definition because moment by moment, life changes. Life is different for each person every moment. Just as life changes, we change and grow based on our experiences. Treat yourself to something because you met a goal – celebrate!

Life simply is. Being alive is cause for celebration! Take a moment to think of a reason to celebrate. Treat yourself to something because you met a goal – celebrate! Perhaps you didn’t use your cell phone when you were having a meal. CELEBRATE!

Every day find reasons to be grateful for life and celebrate! Sometimes it’s just as simple as not beating yourself up about something you did. Now that is cause for a major celebration.

Practice: Think about the music you’ve listened to, the movies you’ve seen, the friends in your life and how they may have changed over the years. Treat yourself to something you enjoy. You deserve it.

Affirmation: I celebrate life and I am grateful for all my life experiences.

A few things I am celebrating include health, spending time with my family over the holiday season and continuing to be kind to myself. 

Thank goodness for technology and software to schedule posts. What are you celebrating in this moment? You may reply to this newsletter/blog post or you can reach me at If social media is easier for you to reach out, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are best.

Thank you so much for your support. Your support is so appreciated.

I'd love your support during the holiday season. My products include - my book, e-book, audio programs, card deck, online meditation sessions and more. The Relax, Listen and Trust Your Inner Guidance Card Deck is a one of a kind deck that I won’t be reproducing, so grab your deck before they are sold out. Find out more at

All the products in my store have a 10% discount and free US shipping, including live meditation sessions.

Your support is always greatly appreciated... share a gift with a friend, family member or colleague or just get an extra copy. :)

Use the discount code SHIP10 to get your discount.

The card I pulled for us this moment:

#1 LISTEN - I am SAFE and all is well in my world. 

Be sure to stay grounded over the holiday season. Step outside and connect with nature and repeat this affirmation regularly.

If you'd like to purchase my card deck for yourself or a friend, 

Use PROMO CODE: Ship10 for Free US shipping & 10% off

If you need a quick breath break you can take one right here.

Thank you for your support and being on this journey with me.

Until next time, keep breathing and do something new.

Be well.

Feel free to share your thoughts or ask a question - via email at

Keep breathing...
Barbara J. Faison
your mindfulness & meditation ambassador


Dec 25, 202305:30


All the links: LINKTR.EE/Barbarafaison

Week 51 - What I Believe
Around this time I start to review my year and check in with what is important to me.

I’m thinking about how I have been spending my time and how I want to spend my time in the future.

Asking questions helps me stay focused. Am I sharing my T.A.G.S. - Talents, Abilities, Gifts, Skills, to the best of my abilities? An important question is - have my beliefs and philosophies changed?

The excerpt that I’m sharing this week from my book/ebook/audiobook, Why Struggle? Life is too short to wear tight shoes, is part of the about this book section. In this part of the book I share my life philosophies.

I hope you enjoy it!

About this Book

It’s been about 23 years since Why Struggle? The book was published.

The initial book was a very important part of my personal and spiritual growth, just as this new endeavor for the e-book and audio book continues to allow me to Learn, Evolve, and Grow (LEG). My personal beliefs and life philosophies are the same, and I’ve added a few more since I’ve lived a lot more life.

My beliefs and life philosophies are:

• Be Loving. Love is the most powerful, healing, transformative power.
  Being loving is the answer to most situations.

• Be Truthful. I must find my personal truth and what brings me joy
and peace.

• Move forward. Everything happens for a reason. Many times I will
never know why specific things happen, I must move forward

• Be Forgiving. Learn to forgive myself and others, quickly. There are
no mistakes – only learning experiences.

• Be Open. I am a student and teacher in the school of life. Teachers
are everywhere, and I must be an open and willing student at all
times. Usually, when I am the “teacher” I learn way more than I
could ever teach.

• Order is a natural law. Everything happens in divine order.

• Be Calm. Calm and chaos are both mental choices, I can choose
  differently at any time.

• Be Easy. Life is about timing and FLOW
  (Feeling Loving Open Willing). I am learning to get out of the way 

• Be One. We are all interconnected because we are one.

• LEG. My main purpose is to Learn, Evolve, and Grow (LEG) as much
  as I can. Everything else will fall into place.

• Be Still. Time in silence and having spiritual practices such as
  meditation, radical forgiveness, journaling and tapping (Emotional
  Freedom Technique) are essential for my overall well-being.

• Trust my PGS. My Personal Guidance System (PGS) will lead, guide
   and direct me when I relax and get still enough to hear its

Who knew in 1999 I would be teaching meditation classes and be that lady that might say to you...“I have a message for you.” There is no way on earth I would have had that insight back then. It all started with questions and wanting answers. It all started with wanting to live a better life. It all started with simply not wanting to struggle. Struggling is a choice. Life is what you decide it will be regardless of the emotions you experience. I have learned that taking time to be still helps me get clear and make better choices.

I’ve learned to ask important questions to help me continue to move forward in life. How do I feel right now? Am I struggling right now, if so why? If I am struggling, I remember that struggling is a choice and I ask myself if I really want to take that emotional rollercoaster ride that might be the next step. I’ve learned to BREATHE deeply and often in order to come back to right now. What can I do right now to feel better? Breathe. Maybe listening to a song or playlist or taking a walk can help me have a different feeling. Do I really need to call someone or can I figure things out myself?

Did you notice the blooper in this one?

Dec 18, 202308:40
Week 50 - Why Struggle? Slow Down🥰

Week 50 - Why Struggle? Slow Down🥰


It feels like we are back in full swing with the constant going and doing. So much to be done, so little time. Sigh. One of my practices is to set alarms on my phone and change the word alarm to something like… take three deep breaths or stop and breathe.

The excerpt that I’m sharing this week from my book/ebook/audiobook, Why Struggle? Life is too short to wear tight shoes, is SLOW DOWN. LOL. It seems appropriate with all the hustle and bustle of the holidays going one.

I hope you enjoy it!

Slow Down

When was the last time you did anything without rushing? We can reach out and touch people in numerous ways including the phone, email, and social media. Technology offers our society such wonderful enhancements to daily living that we sometimes forget to slow down. We get up with our smartphones, cuddle with them and go to bed with them and sometimes we allow them to dictate all of our daily activities.

Technology is not human and has no discretion or judgment. Remember to disconnect from technology to fully engage in life and with people. Set personal boundaries around the time you spend on the phone, computer or tablet. Be sure to schedule or factor in time for relaxation and down time.

Commit to turning off the phone and enjoying the beauty around you. If you are with someone, enjoy time with a human; the technology will be there after you are done.

Practice: Choose a time to spend alone in nature. Take a walk and slow down, breathe the air and feel the sun against your skin. Slow down and give every moment your undivided attention.

Affirmation: I allow my mind, body, and spirit to slow down and be at peace.

In the mindfulness community it is said that if you don’t have 10 minutes to meditate, you probably need to meditate for 2 hours, or something like that. Lol.

And this week, I'll be hosting my Breathe with Barbara LIVE session on Wednesday, from 8 - 9 pm (ET) where we will dance, move, shake, breathe and meditate. I would love for you to join us.  You can find the link here or on my website,  You can also use SHIP10 for 10% off through the end of the year.

The card I pulled for us today is also a reminder to take a few moments during your day to stop and be present. You can check out this 10 conscious breaths track on YouTube if you have four minutes to spare, I hope you do… or will take four minutes for yourself today.

If you took the 10 conscious breaths or a moment, I’d love to know how you felt.  Or if you just want to say hello! You may reply to this newsletter/blog post or you can reach me at If social media is easier for you to reach out, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are best.


The card I pulled for us today from my Relax, Listen and Trust Your Inner Guidance Card Deck


Please give yourself the gift of taking a moment to just stop, breathe and BE.

I'd love your support during the holiday season. My products include - my book, e-book, audio programs, card deck, online meditation sessions and more. The Relax, Listen and Trust Your Inner Guidance Card Deck is a one of a kind deck that I won’t be reproducing, so grab your deck before they are sold out. Find out more at

All the products in my store have a 10% discount and free US shipping, including live meditation sessions. The last sessions for the year are on 12/13 and 12/20 from 8 - 9 pm eastern.

Your support is always greatly appreciated... share a gift with a friend, family member or colleague or just get an extra copy. :)

Use the discount code SHIP10 to get your discount.

Show less

Dec 11, 202306:52
Week 48 - Think Like a Child

Week 48 - Think Like a Child

Week 48 - Think Like a Child


You can listen to this on my podcast - 7:01 mins         

In the US, the holiday season has officially started. Over the weekend my hubby, TD and I were in Columbia, TN visiting his family. TD’s great niece, Leliana will be three this week and she was full of energy and brought a lot of joy to the household. If I could just get little of that energy! Lol.

It’s always a blast to be around young children to watch how they engage with people and the world around them. Spending time around her reminded me of one of the topics in my book, Why Struggle? life is too short to wear tight shoes, Think Like a Child.

Take a listen and let me know your thoughts.

Think like A Child

Do you remember the last time you laughed until you cried? When was the last time you were really curious about how something worked? When was the last time you looked at something and were amazed? A young child has a unique outlook on life and can help you remember how awesome life is.

Children are born with a natural curiosity about everything. Having children in your life can help

you become a more creative problem solver, learn to accept the inevitable, and laugh at yourself more. Young children help you remember a sense of awe. Being around children and younger people allow you to see life through different eyes.

Take time to really watch, listen and learn from the young people in your life. Wisdom is not limited to a certain age.

Practice: Spend the day with a child between the ages of two and six years old. Go to a park with no specific agenda. Observe the child and notice how they are amazed at the simple things that adults have taken for granted. The next time you need to solve a problem, think like a child.

Affirmation: I celebrate the spirit of the child in my heart.

If you spent time around a young child lately, what did you notice? You may reply to this newsletter/blog post or you can reach me at If social media is easier for you to reach out, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are best.

The card I pulled for us today from my Relax, Listen and Trust Your Inner Guidance Card Deck

#3 TRUST - My INNER GUIDANCE takes me where I need to be NEXT. Well, I find that to be very true. My guidance led me to create all the products I have, including this card deck. This is a one of a kind deck that I won’t be reproducing, so grab your deck before they are sold out.

See images on my blog. All the links: LINKT.REE/BARBARAFAISON

Nov 27, 202307:01
Week 47 - What are You Practicing? 🥰

Week 47 - What are You Practicing? 🥰

Week 47 - What are You Practicing?

All the links -

In episode 39 - Gratitude is an Attitude and a Practice - I shared that enhanced optimism, better sleep and lower levels of anxiety and depression are a few of the benefits of practicing gratitude. Did you also know that people who practice gratitude experience less aches and pains? That’s a great reason to write, speak or express gratitude regularly.

Enjoy this excerpt from my book called, Be Grateful.

Be Grateful

I say “thank you, God” all day long. I feel so blessed and grateful for my life and the people in my life.

Even when things are not as great as I would like them to be, I’m still grateful for I know I have the ability to move forward.

Do you have all five senses? BE GRATEFUL.

Can you walk? BE GRATEFUL.

Are you able to eat? BE GRATEFUL.

Do you have shelter? BE GRATEFUL.

Do you have clothing for your body? BE GRATEFUL.

Can you read? BE GRATEFUL.

Can you think and express yourself? BE GRATEFUL.

Being grateful has now been scientifically proven to be a stress buster. Grateful people are more optimistic and reap the health benefits of the practice. Cultivate the practice of appreciation and look for what you are learning from your experiences. Simply say out loud throughout the day, “thank you.”

Practice: Do you have clothing, food, and shelter? What about sight, touch, smell, taste, hearing? Be grateful if you do. The next time you begin to feel ungrateful, think of all the basic things in life you have to give thanks for.

Affirmation: I am grateful and appreciate my life.

So, let’s practice. Right now I am grateful for a fresh haircut, divine downloads and a visit from a cute stray dog. What are you grateful for at this moment? You may reply to this newsletter/blog post or you can reach me at If social media is easier for you to reach out, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are best.

I pulled a card from all the categories this week, that's called a card pull. Do you see a theme or a story with the cards?

#2- RELAX - I TURN OFF my devices for 15 Minutes 

Give thanks that you have devices to turn off...and turn them off. Let me know if you did!

I'd love your support during the holiday season. 

My products include - book, e-book, audio programs, card deck, online meditation sessions and more. - Find out more at

Your support is always greatly appreciated... share a gift with a friend, family member or colleague. :)

Use the discount code SHIP10 for 10% discount and free US shipping for any products on my website, including live meditation sessions. The last sessions for the year are on 12/13 and 12/20 from 8 - 9 pm eastern.


Nov 20, 202305:58
Week 49 - Embrace Change

Week 49 - Embrace Change

Week 49- Why Struggle? Embrace Change All the links -

How are you treating life? I hope you are slowing down and getting the rest you need. I am practicing Hygge (pronounced HOO-ga) - which means to surround yourself with people, activities, and things that make you feel cozy, loved, happy, or content. Check out week 45 - How do you Hygge? to find out more about the practice.

Change is what life is all about, right? Doing less, following nature’s guidance and getting enough rest are a few changes I’m learning to embrace. 

When I wrote my book/ebook/audiobook, Why Struggle? Life is too short to wear tight shoes, it was as much a reminder for others as it was for myself. 

I’ve been sharing excerpts from the book and will continue doing so over the next few weeks. It's a simple change that allows me to share some of the topics and it's great way for people to find out what the book is all about. 
I hope you enjoy this excerpt called Embrace Change.

Embrace Change!

You probably got up this morning and got dressed. You may have showered, brushed your teeth, eaten breakfast, driven to work, read the newspaper, and had a cup of coffee or tea. You have already been through at least six changes. Every moment is a new change, every second is different from the last one. Change is a natural part of the life cycle. Learning to embrace change is a major step toward peace of mind.

Imagine seeing an old friend whom you loved dearly and giving him/her a loving hug. Think of this image the next time you have to handle a major change in your life. Picture yourself opening your arms and welcoming the opportunity to grow. Change will show up at your door regardless of how you feel about it. Learn to open the door and welcome your new friend, CHANGE, with a warm embrace.

Practice: Think of all the things that change in one hour. If you are having difficulty accepting change repeat the affirmation, “I am open and willing to accept change in my life.”

Affirmation: I trust the process of life and I easily flow with change.

Life is filled with changes and interruptions. I’m learning to go with the flow even more. lol. Most times.

I take a deep breath and say to myself… Barbarawhat if you decided to go with this instead of fighting it? This question helps me reset my mind and reminds me that everything happens at just the right time.

How are you embracing change? You may reply to this newsletter/blog post or you can reach me at If social media is easier for you to reach out, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are best.

The card I pulled for us today from my Relax, Listen and Trust Your Inner Guidance Card Deck


The body remembers and keeps score when you something bothers you. I know exactly what this is about. I'll do some self-forgiveness work to release this energy.

I'd love your support during the holiday season. My products include - my book, e-book, audio programs, card deck, online meditation sessions and more. The Relax, Listen and Trust Your Inner Guidance Card Deck is a one of a kind deck that I won’t be reproducing, so grab your deck before they are sold out. Find out more at

All the products in my store have a 10% discount and free US shipping, including live meditation sessions. The last sessions for the year are on 12/13 and 12/20 from 8 - 9 pm eastern.

Your support is always greatly appreciated... share a gift with a friend, family member or colleague or just get an extra copy. :)

Use the discount code SHIP10 to get your discount.

All the links -

Nov 13, 202307:27
Week 45 - How do you Hygge?

Week 45 - How do you Hygge?

All the links -

Week 45 - How do you Hygge?

You can listen to this on my podcast -  

Have you heard of the Danish practice called Hygge? Hygge (pronounced HOO-ga) is the Danish concept of cozy comfort that brings happiness and contentment. I just love the sound of that. The article - Pouring From and Empty Cup? Three ways to refill emotionally shares more about this concept.

Here is a quick excerpt:

“To practice hygge, surround yourself with people, activities, and things that make you feel cozy, loved, happy, or content. Go simple: spend time with your favorite people, add a small vase of flowers to your space, don fuzzy slippers once home, eat a treasured comfort food, or listen to a favorite song.”

All of those suggestions certainly sound like it would invite you to feel cozy, loved, happy or content.

On Saturday, my dear friend, Kym, hosted 12 women at her house for a Coffee and Conversations gathering that we have been enjoying now for over 11 years. Sometimes we have a topic, other times we chat, we eat, laugh, and share updates on our lives. We never know who will show up and it doesn’t matter. What’s important is that we are together and take the time to be with each other. Spending Saturday with these beautiful, amazing women is one way I fill my cup.

What tree or plant speaks to you and why was one of our questions to ponder. I have a few giant elephant ears in my yard that die all the way down in the winter and come back to life in the late spring. I love the consistency and resilience of this plant. It will go all the way down to the ground where it doesn’t look like it was ever there. And then in the spring, little green sprouts will come out and the ears will come back to full bloom.

Laughing this weekend with kind, talented, intelligent women at our gathering was definitely a way to practice hygge. My crochet group gatherings, walking in nature and taking epsom salt baths are a few other ways I fill my cup.

Let me know how you practice hygge or fill your cup. You may reply to this newsletter/blog post or you can reach me at If social media is easier for you to reach out, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are best.

Nov 12, 202306:31
Week 44 - Self-Confidence is Like the Weather

Week 44 - Self-Confidence is Like the Weather

All the links -

When I wrote my book, Why Struggle? Iife is too short to wear tight shoes, I wanted it to be a reference for myself and for others. I envisioned someone picking up the book, reading one of the principles, the practice and speaking the affirmations out loud.

So, let's do that.

Enjoy this excerpt from my book called, 

Self-Confidence is Like the Weather

Some days I wake up feeling fantastic! Some days I don’t feel as great when I wake up.

It’s okay. Life is still happening all around. Self-confidence and self-esteem are like the weather.

Hot, cold, cloudy or rainy – the weather is always changing. Some days we feel great about ourselves. Other days, we want to crawl back under the covers and wait for a new day.

When I’m having a particularly challenging day, I go to bed as early as I can. Oftentimes, if I can, I will take a nap. There is something about sleeping that mentally shifts my energy and helps me move forward. I am comforted by knowing that tomorrow is a new day and there’s a 50/50 chance the sun will shine.

Always know there are other people having stormy days just like you. Look at yourself in the mirror and be grateful to be alive.

Practice: Look at yourself in the mirror daily. Look for all the lines, wrinkles, and perfections. Affirm aloud, “I love all of me - body, mind, and spirit.”

Affirmation: I accept myself for the beauty I have to offer and I share myself with the world.

Here's a little backstory for you. When I wrote the book in 1999, I used exercise instead of practice and I missed an error. It was supposed to be - look for all the lines, wrinkles and imperfections. When I updated the book to the new edition in 2017, I kept the word perfections because we are all just perfect as we are.

What are your thoughts about self-confidence? You may reply to this newsletter/blog post or you can reach me at If social media is easier for you to reach out, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are best.

The card I pulled for us this moment

#1 LISTEN - I NOTICE and APPRECIATE the sounds around me.

I love hearing the sounds of the geese honking as they fly in the sky. I will listen for them this week.

There are so many resources available to support a meditation practice in person and online.

  • Our Breathe with Barbara LIVE Sessions are the 2nd and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 8 - 9 pm eastern. My live sessions include gentle movement, breathing, meditation and silence. I would love for you to join me, the sessions are only $15.
  • If you prefer having a teacher for instruction, I offer one on one sessions as well as group sessions (min of 3 people). Feel free to reach out to me via email or on my website, pick the option that works best for scheduling a brief conversation.
  • If you prefer using APPs, I encourage you to check out the Insight Timer app, it is the #1 app for free meditations for sleep, anxiety, and stress, and I have over 40 meditations, book excerpts, and my courses (for premium members) and more out there. The link is
  • I have meditations on other APPS including Aura, Meditation Station, Spotify, Pandora, YouTube, Apple Music, Amazon and more. Just search for Barbara J. Faison as the artist and you will find me there. I'd love for you to follow me and put me on your monthly playlist.
  • You can also find upcoming events and where you can meditate with me. All the links are on

Oct 30, 202305:50
Week 43 - Self-Love is a Practice

Week 43 - Self-Love is a Practice


My mission is to share my voice to heal, educate and inspire. I have learned that for me self-love is practice, like most of life. My mom used to tell me to “pat myself on the back” and I know that reminder from her still runs through my head and it does help me have more love and compassion for myself. Saying I’m proud of myself for whatever is happening is another way I express love to myself. 

A few weeks ago I received what I call a “digital download”. This might be an idea, a reminder or the title of my next meditation. As I began to stir in my bed, I started to receive a self-love meditation, so I grabbed my phone. Let me say this, I don’t sleep with my phone in the bedroom. My husband brings it to me when he leaves for work, so when I get a download, I can grab it. Anywho…I usually open my One Note App and begin speaking what I received into the app. Then I edit it and start the recording and testing process.

Special thanks to Laura Mandelson, Tracey and Mike Ramsey, Pam Zicca, Yvette Lee, Jennifer Medders, Hilal Tamrat, and Susan Kelley-Delaine for testing this meditation. The music is by Yvette C. Lee.

You can take a listen here or on my YouTube channel under videos. I’d love for you to leave a comment or emoji if you do. And if you haven’t subscribed to my YouTube channel, why not? It’s free!

Following guidance is an act of self-love. I am proud of myself for being ready, open and willing to hear guidance and accept the guidance when received. 

What does self-love look like for you at this moment? You may reply to this newsletter/blog post or you can reach me at If social media is easier for you to reach out, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are best.

The card I pulled for us this moment
#8 - QUESTION - What do I DESIRE MORE OF in my life?

Hmmm.  That's a really good one. I'm going to ponder that!

If you need a quick breath break you can take one right here.

Thank you for your support and being on this journey with me.

Until next time, keep breathing and do something new.

Be well.

Feel free to share your thoughts or ask a question - via email at

Keep breathing...
Barbara J. Faison
your mindfulness & meditation ambassador

Oct 23, 202313:29
Week 42 - Open Mind?

Week 42 - Open Mind?


My Grandma Honey taught me to crochet when I was young, not sure what age exactly, I suspect about 10 years old. I've crocheted on since the 80's. In 2009 I discovered Creative Expressions Crochet Group, a monthly gathering of all levels of crocheters/crafters where I have found a community that inspires me to grow and learn even more and not just about crochet.  Most second Saturdays I will be socializing, crocheting and sometimes learning new stitches. 

In episode 40 I shared that self-care is not a One and DONE. My crochet group time is part of my ongoing self-care. At our meeting on Saturday we re-visited a stitch called corner to corner - and I have to tell you something. When we did this stitch before, I was NOT open minded about it at all. lol. 

While were learning,  I shut down and got extremely frustrated. I also had added extra pressure on myself because I was trying to make a blanket for a gift  so I needed to have it done by a specific date.  After our meeting I went home and tried to make a blanket using the stitch, it was awful. I regrouped and used a different stitch and the blanket I made was just right.

Pam, our facilitator brought three beautiful blankets she created using the stitch and I made a decision that THIS time I would open my mind and give it a try. I took a deep breath and started on the stitch as I sat with another of our members, who confirmed I was doing it right and encouraged me along the way. Before I knew it… voila! I had a dishcloth made with the corner to corner crochet stitch.

When I feel myself struggling I ask a few questions.

  • Is my mind REALLY OPEN?

  • Where am I getting in my own way?

  • What happens if I decide to not fight or struggle and go with this?

I’m quite proud of myself for getting out of my own way and opening my mind. My dishcloth is done and will get used.

Let me know what new thing(s) you’ve done. You may reply to this newsletter/blog post or you can reach me at If social media is easier for you to reach out, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are best.

The card I pulled for us today is the

#2 Relax - I TURN OFF my devices for 15 MINUTES

Take a tech break and during that time, just notice what's happening around you. Tune into your sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch.

Relax, Listen and Trust Your Inner Guidance Card Deck - ORDER YOUR DECK HERE.

Your support is always greatly appreciated... share a gift with a friend, family member or colleague. :)

My products include - book, e-book, audio programs, card deck, online meditation sessions and more. - Find out more at

My Breathe with Barbara LIVE Sessions for the month start this week - we are live via Zoom from 8 - 9 pm eastern on this Wednesday, 10/18. Our group sessions are small and intimate usually less than 10 people. 

You can register at

Oct 16, 202307:05
Week 41 - Just Breathe

Week 41 - Just Breathe

“Autumn is about to show us how beautiful it is to let things go.” - Anonymous

I'm letting go of resistance more and more these days. Reminding myself that it is important to rest, relax, and rejuvenate. And that most things are not that serious. lol

So today's podcast is encouraging you to take 303 seconds to listen to Just Breathe, an offering available on my YouTube channel. Take the time to be with yourself for a full five minutes and just breathe.

Click here for the Just Breathe - 5 minute practice.

So, how do you feel? I'd love to know how you felt if you took the 5:03 mins. 

You may reply to this newsletter or you can reach me at If social media is easier for you to reach out, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are best.

The card I pulled for us today is the

#4 LISTEN - I ACCEPT that my feelings are VALID

How you feel is how you feel. Accept how you feel in the moment and open yourself up to the next feelings that come along.

Use PROMO CODE: Ship10 for Free US shipping & 10% off

Relax, Listen and Trust Your Inner Guidance Card Deck - ORDER YOUR DECK HERE.

The card I pulled for us today is the

#4 LISTEN - I ACCEPT that my feelings are VALID

How you feel is how you feel. Accept how you feel in the moment and open yourself up to the next feelings that come along.

Use PROMO CODE: Ship10 for Free US shipping & 10% off

Relax, Listen and Trust Your Inner Guidance Card Deck - ORDER YOUR DECK HERE.

I'm live this week on the Insight Timer APP on Tuesday, 10/10 at
10 AM. I didn't realize all the 10's until after I scheduled the session. Affirm Your Life will be the topic where we will meditate and use affirmations. 

My Breathe with Barbara LIVE Sessions for the month start this week - we are live via Zoom from 8 - 9 pm eastern on this Wednesday, 10/11 and next Wednesday, 10/18. Our group sessions are small and intimate usually less than 10 people. 

You can register at

Oct 09, 202310:30
Week 40 - Not One and Done

Week 40 - Not One and Done

Week 40 - Not One and Done

All the Links -


September was Self-Care Month and we are now in another month. While self-care month is over taking good care of yourself is not a one and done situation.  How many things can you think of that are one and DONE? You know what I mean, right? You do it once and that’s it. For example, I wanted to go skydiving before I turned 40, I did a tandem skydive jump (that’s when the instructor is connected to you when you jump) at age 38, that was a one and done. I don’t see myself doing that again. lol

Can you imagine if we could just say I forgive you once and that took care of the past, present and the future? Hah! Or if I said I was grateful for my food once and that was it? As far as I can tell, that doesn’t happen. Life is lived in each moment, and our experiences and emotions are also happening in the moment.

My observation is that many life experiences are mostly NOT ONE and DONE. When we are graced with another day on earth, there are new opportunities for us to be fully present with our day. Connecting with being alive, feeling grateful and being kind to myself first, helps me radiate positive energy out to others.

Having regular self-care practices that keep me grounded are essential for me. Some of my practices include, qigong, kindness, forgiveness, gratitude, compassion and of course, meditation.

Self-care is ongoing, not a ONE and DONE.

Last week I shared a five minute gratitude meditation. Today I’m sharing a new meditation that's less than 10 minutes and perfect for starting your day, its called Morning Gratitude Practice  You may also find this practice online at the usual digital places like Amazon Music, Apple Music, Spotify and YouTube. You can check it out HERE

Thank you so much Laura Mandelson, Pam Zicca, Kristina Armstrong and Galena White for listening to this particular track.

I’m working on several new tracks for breathwork and meditation. If you are interested in testing them out, I’d love for you to share your thoughts before I publish them. You may email me at to join my tester list or click here.

Right now my self-care also includes relaxing with my crochet projects, putting on my pajamas early, and resting more.

What does ongoing self-care look like for you this autumn season? You may reply to this newsletter/blog post or you can reach me at If social media is easier for you to reach out, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are best.

 Relax, Listen, and Trust Your Inner Guidance.

The card I pulled for us this moment
#2 - QUESTION - How can I take a moment for myself?

Hmmm. Appropriate for self-care being ongoing.
How can you take a moment for yourself today?


Relax, Listen and Trust Your Inner Guidance Card Deck - ORDER YOUR DECK HERE.

Keep reading at

Alt text - Middle aged African-American woman with short hair stands in front of a tree lit by the sun. A drawing of a purple circle sits by her head with gold text - The Why Struggle? Podcast. Below is an image of two gold footprints.

Oct 02, 202315:13
Week 39 - Gratitude as a Practice is Self-Care

Week 39 - Gratitude as a Practice is Self-Care

Week 39 - Gratitude as a Practice is Self-Care

All the Links -


My mission is to use my voice to heal, educate and inspire by sharing tools to help people live life better. I have embraced gratitude as an attitude and a practice. I do have moments of “why me” and “what in the world is going on” - and I have learned to find the gratitude in the experience.
At one time we thought the brain was fixed and couldn’t be changed. Science continues to discover that we have the ability to change our brain and gratitude is one way we can reshape our brain. Enhanced optimism, better sleep and lower levels of anxiety and depression are a few of the benefits of practicing gratitude. I love having the science to back up what used be called, whoo whoo. lol.

As soon as I become aware that I am alive and awake, thank you, God are my first words. A few years ago my husband, TD, and I started saying our morning prayers before he would leave for work and they always start with…thank you, God… and then we continue on with what we are grateful for in that moment. It has become a powerful practice for us as a couple and it only takes a few minutes.

Take a quick moment to think of something you are grateful for right now…right now I am grateful that temperature is changing, I am grateful for having dependable transportation, and I am grateful that i enjoyed dancing and fellowshipping with friends over the weekend.

Interested in practicing? I have a five minute gratitude meditation you can find online at the usual digital places like Amazon Music, Apple Music, Spotify and YouTube. You can check it out HERE.

Here’s a gratitude shoutout to the wonderful people who have tested my meditations over the years: Tracey Ramsey, Mike Ramsey, Yvette Lee, Laura Mandelau, Hilal Tamrat, Pam Zicca, Suzanne Schley, Regenna London, Susan Kelley-Delaine, Jennifer Davenport, Galena White, Lisa Zunzanyika, Kym Kennedy and Brittney Renee.

I’m working on several new tracks for breathwork and meditation. If you are interested in testing them out, I’d love for you to share your thoughts before I publish them. You can email me at to join my tester list or click here .

What are you grateful for right now? You may reply to this newsletter or you can reach me at If social media is easier for you to reach out, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are best.

Relax, Listen, and Trust Your Inner Guidance.

I pulled a card from all the categories this week, that's called a card pull. Do you see a theme or a story with the cards?

#9 - RELAX - I ACCEPT - where I am in my life RIGHT NOW 
#3 - LISTEN - I RECITE LYRICS or words that UPLIFT 
#2 - TRUST - I am able to CREATE the life I DESIRE to live
# 3 - QUESTION - How can I be more CONTENT in my life?
How can I be more content in my life? When I relax and accept where I am in my life right now and allow myself to listen to words/lyrics  that uplift me I am able to trust that I am able to create the life I desire to live.


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Keep reading at

Alt text - Middle aged African-American woman with short hair stands in front of a tree lit by the sun. A drawing of a purple circle sits by her head with gold text - The Why Struggle? Podcast. Below is an image of two gold footprints.

Sep 25, 202307:30
Week 38 - Breathing Space

Week 38 - Breathing Space

All the Links -

This is the week that officially starts off the next season, autumn. And since last week, the temperatures have dropped a little bit and it is cooling off. The quote I shared last week is still with me.

“Autumn is about to show us how beautiful it is to let things go.” - Anonymous

Are you slowing down any? I’ve been writing and recording a few audio tracks and so I’m sharing one with you today. It’s called Breathing Space and is five minutes long. If you take the 300 seconds to listen, I’d love for you to leave a comment on my YouTube channel. The meditation is at 5:20 if you want to listen here.

Click here for the Breathing Space Practice on YouTube.

I’d love to know if you took time to slow down or maybe enjoy time in nature. You may reply to this newsletter or you can reach me at If social media is easier for you to reach out, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are best.

I’d love to know your thoughts, leave a comment here or you can reach me at If social media is easier for you to reach out, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are best.

The card I pulled for us today is


Being able to sit with, be with and accept my feelings is practice and I am getting better, what about you?


15% off all products and FREE US shipping

Keep reading at

Alt text - Middle aged African-American woman with short hair stands in front of a tree lit by the sun. A drawing of a purple circle sits by her head with gold text - The Why Struggle? Podcast. Below is an image of two gold footprints.

Sep 18, 202310:31
Announcement and I Surrender

Announcement and I Surrender


In honor of Self-Care Month, I'm offering 15% off the products on my website until the end of the month. You can use the code SELFCARE15 to get the 15% off.

Enjoy this offering of I Surrender. I hope it inspires or encourages you!

I’d love to know your thoughts, leave a comment here or you can reach me at If social media is easier for you to reach out, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are best.

Sep 13, 202305:11
Week 37 - Slow Down

Week 37 - Slow Down

I’m Barbara J. Faison, Your Meditation Ambassador, and if you are new here, welcome! In January I started a weekly newsletter which also serves as a blog post on my website, and the audio is my podcast called the Why Struggle podcast with Barbara J. Faison. So weekly you can read or listen.  My intention is to offer ideas, insights and inspirations to help you struggle less and enjoy life more. However you might be engaging with me, I am grateful for you listening and/or reading!

I found out that September is Self-Care Month, yes, I know, there is a month or day for so many things. I'm going with this one since it's about self-care. lol. In honor of Self-Care Month, I'm offering 15% off the products on my website until the end of the month. Use code SELFCARE15 for the discount

Autumn or fall is the time when in the northern hemisphere we are starting to slow down, in some places the temperatures are dropping-not so much in Atlanta. It's coming though.

“Autumn is about to show us how beautiful it is to let things go.” - Anonymous

Seasonally we are moving from the excitement, energy and joy of summer into the slowing down, releasing and letting go of autumn. Nature shows it all. The trees are letting go of the leaves to prepare for the winter. I feel it. Do you?

I'm giving myself permission to go with the feeling of wanting to DO LESS... and in case you need it... I am giving you permission to do the same.

I hope you enjoy this excerpt from my book, Why Struggle? life is too short to wear tight shoes.

When was the last time you did anything without rushing? We can reach out and touch people in numerous ways including the phone, email, and social media. Technology offers our society such wonderful enhancements to daily living that we sometimes forget to slow down. We get up with our smartphones, cuddle with them and go to bed with them and sometimes we allow them to dictate all of our daily activities.

Technology is not human and has no discretion or judgment. Remember to disconnect from technology to fully engage in life and with people. Set personal boundaries around the time you spend on the phone, computer or tablet. Be sure to schedule or factor in time for relaxation and down time.

Commit to turning off the phone and enjoying the beauty around you. If you are with someone, enjoy time with a human; the technology will be there after you are done.

Practice: Choose a time to spend alone in nature. Take a walk and slow down, breathe the air and feel the sun against your skin. Slow down and give every moment your undivided attention.

Affirmation: I allow my mind, body, and spirit to slow down and be at peace.

I’d love to know your thoughts, leave a comment here or you can reach me at If social media is easier for you to reach out, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are best.

The card I pulled for us today is the 


Before I created this newsletter/blog/podcast, I watched this video on self-forgiveness using tapping also known as Emotional Freedom Technique. I use tapping in our live meditation sessions, it's a powerful tool.

You can check it out here.

15% off all products and FREE US shipping


Your support is always greatly appreciated... share a gift with a friend, family member or colleague. :)
- Find out more at

The next Breathe with Barbara LIVE session for this month is on Wednesday, September 13 from 8 - 9 PM eastern via Zoom. I would love to have you join us.  All of the links are in my LINKTR.EE/BARBARAFAISON.


Keep reading at

Alt text - Middle aged African-American woman with short hair stands in front of a tree lit by the sun. A drawing of a purple circle sits by her head with gold text - The Why Struggle? Podcast. Below is an image of two gold footprints. At the bottom, text: with Barbara J. Faison

Sep 11, 202307:21
Week 36 - Sharing Your T.A.G.S.

Week 36 - Sharing Your T.A.G.S.

Week 36 - Sharing Your T.A.G.S.

You can read AND see pictures on my blog -

All the links are here - LINKTR.EE/BARBARAFAISON


I’m Barbara J. Faison, Your Meditation Ambassador, and if you are new here, welcome! In January I started a weekly newsletter which also serves as a blog post on my website, and the audio is my podcast called the Why Struggle podcast with Barbara J. Faison. So weekly you can read or listen.  My intention is to offer ideas, insights and inspirations to help you struggle less and enjoy life more. However you might be engaging with me, I am grateful for you listening and/or reading!

Take a moment to imagine a deck on a house on the beach; the golden sunlight is shining, the vivid turquoise water is next to white sand. The white deck of the house is overflowing with vibrant fuchsia, purple and yellow flowers and palm trees. The sky looks like a mixture of pink and blue cotton candy swirled together.

I think of our world as a cosmic jigsaw puzzle and we are here to find where we fit in the puzzle. Are you a piece of the sky, the water, the flowers? Our life experiences help us discover our T.A.G.S. - Talents, Abilities, Gifts, and Skills. Each moment is purposeful. Nothing is wasted in life. Take each moment for what it is and your experiences will help you discover and uncover your T.A.G.S.

Last week I saw a friend of mine I met in a writer’s group back in the 1990’s. I seem to be saying that a lot these days. Lol. Ade and I speak and text each other regularly so we didn’t feel like it had been 11 years since we had actually seen each other in person. She was in town so we had a great time together over a few days.

Wednesday evening we enjoyed a delicious meal of Indian food at Planet Bombay where we had exceptional customer service! Thursday morning we went to one of my favs, the Flying Biscuit.

I love having conversations and discovering new things about my friends.

Ade is an artist… an author… a writer…a creative.

She creates handmade cards, repurposed jewelry and has published three books.
In her own words…

“I see the world through a window of words....wonderful wandering words..

I write because it is who I am; how I am.

My writing is the voice of my soul.”

I hope you will take a moment to see her work at

In my twenties and thirties, I thought life was all about self discovery. I believe we are constantly learning, evolving and growing. For me, life is all about self creation. One of my tags is doing what I’m doing here, writing and sharing my life.

Where do you want to fit in the cosmic jigsaw puzzle? The water, the trees, the flowers?

What are your T.A.G.S. and how are you sharing them with the world? I’d love to know, you may reply to this newsletter or you can reach me at If social media is easier for you to reach out, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are best.

Keep reading at

Alt text - Middle aged African-American woman with short hair stands in front of a tree lit by the sun. A drawing of a purple circle sits by her head with gold text - The Why Struggle? Podcast. Below is an image of two gold footprints. At the bottom, text: with Barbara J. Faison

Sep 05, 202307:27
 Week 35 - Take Three or Ten

Week 35 - Take Three or Ten

Week 35 - Take Three or Ten

You can read AND see pictures on my blog -

All the links are here - LINKTR.EE/BARBARAFAISON

My mission is to use my voice to heal, educate and inspire by sharing tools to help people live life better. I’ve mentioned before that I am an LL, a lifelong learner, and an LS, a lifelong sharer. My mother was an elementary school teacher, my father, a librarian and my paternal grandmother was also a teacher. As the saying goes, I got it honestly and the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree.

One of my dear cousins, Narla, is a teacher in Pensacola, FL. Growing up our families would visit each other during the year and we would write each other letters between visits. It makes me smile to think about how writing and sharing our interests kept us connected for decades.

Narla still sends lovely cards for my birthday, wedding anniversary and just to say she is thinking about me and our family. There is nothing like receiving handwritten correspondence in the mail in 2023. She has been such a great supporter of my work and meditation sessions. I truly appreciate the encouragement.

I love getting notes, emails and text messages from Narla letting me that my meditation work is impactful and that she shares my information with others. What makes this so special is that Narla is NOT on any social media, so her sharing my work with others is very intentional and I am so grateful for her spreading the word about my offerings.

Narla just emailed a link to an article called Why You Should Take a Minute to Meditate (Almost) Every Day by Dan Harris, Former ABC News anchor and Author/co-founder/host of @10percent Happier- book + app + podcast.

Dan talks about taking one minute to meditate most days for a month. He gives examples of when you can meditate in your day to make it a habit. The article is a quick read if you want to check it out.

Creating space in your day for what is important is essential to taking care of yourself. I mentioned last week on my blog post that sometimes taking a few breaths is a great way to move into meditation. 

Why not try one or more of these practices?

  • Take a moment to stop and take three conscious breaths. Breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth.

  • Set a reminder on your phone to take three or more conscious breaths when the alarm goes off…it’s a great practice to start.

  • If you have 3:33 mins, take 10 conscious breaths. You can find a link to this practice on my YouTube artist channel, Barbara J. Faison. This track is also on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Insight Timer and other digital platforms. I’d love for you to bookmark my page and listen wherever you get your music or meditations online.

If you stopped to take any conscious breaths, let me know by replying to this newsletter or you can reach me at or direct message me on social media, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are best.

Keep reading at

Alt text - Middle aged African-American woman with short hair stands in front of a tree lit by the sun. A drawing of a purple circle sits by her head with gold text - The Why Struggle? Podcast. Below is an image of two gold footprints. At the bottom, text: with Barbara J. Faison

Aug 28, 202307:23
Week 34 - A Stress Relief Breath Practice

Week 34 - A Stress Relief Breath Practice

Week 34 - A Stress Relief Breath Practice

You can read AND see pictures my blog -

All the links are here - LINKTR.EE/BARBARAFAISON

On Saturday I had the pleasure of presenting a De-Stress with your Breath Program for Teens at the Henry County Library, in Stockbridge Georgia. I get extra excited when I am able to share simple practices that anyone can do to reduce stress!

Breathing is a part of what we do anyway, we only need to remember to access our breath intentionally as we move through the day. Did you know that breathing practices can help you calm down or have more energy?

After over 25 years offering personal development training and programs I have learned that whoever needs to be there, will be there. It may be one person or hundreds of people. The just right audience will be at the place when the time is just right.

Ivy and Danny were the just right people on Saturday at the program. Ivy asked me how I got into breathing stuff. :) I told her that working with the breath is easier for most people than meditation, so I like to start there. She also shared that she sometimes had trouble going to sleep and staying asleep, like many people, so I shared a few tips with her including:

  • Write down things that are on your mind before you get in bed and say out loud… that’s for another day, it’s time to rest.

  • Put devices away (phones, tablets, computers) anything that emits light an hour or more before you get into bed. (I know… you can do it!)

  • Stand up and shake your body out, breathe in and out and let  whatever sounds  come out naturally come out when you do this.

You can also practice 4 - 4- 8 breathing to reduce stress and is great for calming your body and mind down before bed or while in bed if you wake up.

This is an excerpt from my four minute practice that is available for free on my artist YouTube channel, Barbara J. Faison, and also on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Insight Timer and other digital platforms. I’d love for you to listen to bookmark my page and listen on whatever digital places you use.

If you tried the 4-4-8 breathing practice, reply to this newsletter or you can reach me at  or direct message me on social media, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are best.

Keep reading at

Alt text - Middle aged African-American woman with short hair stands in front of a tree lit by the sun. A drawing of a purple circle sits by her head with gold text - The Why Struggle? Podcast. Below is an image of two gold footprints. At the bottom, text: with Barbara J. Faison

Aug 21, 202308:47
Week 33 - Finding JOY!

Week 33 - Finding JOY!

Week 33 - Finding JOY!

You can read AND see pictures my blog -

All the links are here - LINKTR.EE/BARBARAFAISON

What is joy? According to the dictionary, it’s a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. When was the last time you felt that feeling? I mean PURE JOY?

On Friday night, my friend, Bonnie and I went out salsa dancing. On the way to the club, The Sanctuary, Bonnie and I tried to remember the last time we were “really” out dancing. We knew it was before “RONA” AKA, Covid 19, and we were pretty sure it was in 2019. Well thanks to Facebook I was able to take it back to Bonnie’s birthday in April 2019. Had it really been four years? Oh my!

If you are new or want to know more about my salsa journey and these awesome friends, check out Week 26 - Music and Lasting Friendships.

Over 11 years ago I discovered I had osteoarthritis in my right hip and right knee, so my dancing has been a bit limited for the past few years. Physical therapy last year helped a lot even though I have pain most days. I decided I would dance and listen to my body and I’m so glad I did. I put on my dance shoes, thank goodness I could still wear them, and hit the floor.

We weren’t sure how many people we would know at the club, since we had been missing in action for so long. You know, what, we didn’t care. We have learned that no matter what, we are GOING to have a good time. And we had a blast!  Back in the day, we used to be at that club most Friday nights and other places during the week. Bonnie and I laughed and reminisced about our memories of dancing for over 20 years in the car on the way. 

When we arrived we found out that DJ Tito was the DJ. He used to be one of the main DJ’s when we went out regularly. We knew the salsa music would be on fire, so we were ready for a great time. People came that we didn't know would be there, so it was like a salsa family reunion.

Watching Bonnie, Terri, Jamie, Adiascar, Anana, Jazzie, Mark, Icesis and others I felt my heart swelling with pleasure and happiness! Oh, yeah, that’s the definition of JOY. Dancing to the music and watching my friends and others enjoying themselves was PURE JOY!

Were there moves I just can’t do anymore, absolutely? Can I dance as long as I used to? Nope! I still felt the joy of dancing with partners who allowed the music to lead them. Bonnie and I left around 1 AM, wearing our salsa glow. If you want to see some of my salsa crew dancing, check out the short on my YouTube channel.  And if you haven't subscribed, I love for you to support me there.

Keep reading at

Alt text - Middle aged African-American woman with short hair stands in front of a tree lit by the sun. A drawing of a purple circle sits by her head with gold text - The Why Struggle? Podcast. Below is an image of two gold footprints. At the bottom, text: with Barbara J. Faison

Aug 14, 202308:41
 Week 32 - Appreciating and Celebrating!

Week 32 - Appreciating and Celebrating!

Week 32 - Appreciating and Celebrating!

You can read or listen on my blog -

Life is a journey. A trip. A deck of cards. Life defies a single definition because moment by moment, life changes. Life is different for each person every moment. Just as life changes, we change and grow based on our experiences. 

Life simply is. Being alive is cause for celebration! Take a moment to think of a reason to celebrate. Treat yourself to something because you met a goal – celebrate! Perhaps you didn’t use your cell phone when you were having a meal. CELEBRATE!

Every day find reasons to be grateful for life and celebrate! Sometimes it’s just as simple as not beating yourself up about something you did. Now that is cause for a major celebration.

Think about the music you’ve listened to, the movies you’ve seen, the friends in your life and how they may have changed over the years. Treat yourself to something you enjoy. You deserve it.

Affirm this: I celebrate life and I am grateful for all my life experiences.

That was Celebrate Everything, an excerpt from my book, Why Struggle? Life is too short to wear tight shoes.

I’m celebrating Kym Kennedy, Spiritual Teacher, Radical Forgiveness Coach and Scrabble Enthusiast. Back around 2008ish, I met Kym at the Single’s Ministry at Hillside Church. Kym has introduced me to so many of my current practices, one of which is a powerful tool called radical forgiveness. A tool is only helpful when you decide to use it.

Over the past 15 years I have learned so much from watching Kym truly embody using her tools and practices while offering her loving guidance to me and so many others. Kym has been a friend, mentor and supporter of my work as a meditation ambassador and I am grateful for her kind, loving encouragement.

Kym said she wanted to laugh for her birthday and celebrate with friends... and that's what we did. Sunday was Kym's birthday so a beautiful gathering of friends celebrated with her birthday at a brunch at the Uptown Comedy Corner. One of our friends, Lisa Zunzanyika gave Kym, a framed gift that was the word LOVE made from Scrabble tiles that read, ”LOVE only worth 7 in the game but priceless in this house.”

Gathering together with friends, enjoying the music and laughter was a lovely way to celebrate Kym. It reminds me that LOVE IS IT. LOVE IS what life is ALL about. 

I am so grateful for the love of my family, friends and supporters. Today I am celebrating this unpredictable journey called life and my dear friend, Kym Kennedy for who she is and all the lives she continues to touch by just being who she is.

Oh, and Kym and I won gifts as part of a raffle. Kym won a piece of jewelry and I won a delicious body scrub by Wazuri. We were having so much fun we forgot to take a group picture... you can see a video some of us singing to I Like it by Debarge here.

So who or what are you celebrating? Feel free to reach out to me at or direct message me on social media, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are best.

The card I pulled for us today is the

#10 LISTEN - I GIVE myself GRACE

WHEW! That is truly and ongoing practice!

Use PROMO CODE: Ship10 for Free US shipping & 10% off

Our Breathe with Barbara LIVE session for this month start on Wednesday from 8 - 9 PM eastern via Zoom. I would love to have you join us.

Alt text - Middle aged African-American woman with short hair stands in front of a tree lit by the sun. A drawing of a purple circle sits by her head with gold text - The Why Struggle? Podcast. Below is an image of two gold footprints. At the bottom, text: with Barbara J. Faison

Aug 07, 202307:43
Week 31 - More New Things!

Week 31 - More New Things!

Week 31 - More New Things!


I’m Barbara J. Faison, Your Meditation Ambassador, and if you are new here, welcome! In January I started a weekly newsletter which also serves as a blog post on my website, and the audio is my podcast called the Why Struggle podcast with Barbara J. Faison. So weekly you can read or listen.  My intention is to offer ideas, insights and inspirations to help you struggle less and enjoy life more. However you might be engaging with me, I am grateful for you listening and/or reading!

It’s been many years since I “really” set goals. You know the real goals where you write down what you are planning to do by a specific date, along with an action plan. I decided back in the early 2000’s I would call my version of goals… Getting On A Life System. Get it -  G.O.A.L.S. - Getting On A Life System. So I ditched the official goal setting and planning and just started moving in the direction of my desires and worked on getting out of my own way. That part is still something I have to be mindful of.  

I will tell you that for a former planner, it’s not the easiest way to approach life. Lol. Like most things in life, it is practice, so I continue practicing being open to new opportunities and experiences. Being grateful for all of my experiences helps a lot. I believe that gratitude is an attitude and a practice. Appreciating where I am, who I am with, and my experiences has been a huge part of being able to relax more into life’s natural flow.

I’m so grateful for the opportunities to be involved with the Kindred Healing Center, owned by Oriola E. The Kindred Center is an affordable one-stop shop location for integrative mind, body, and spirit healing located within the Historic Lakewood Heights Holistic Health Oasis area in the City of Atlanta. You can learn more at

Oriola has been a dedicated supporter of my work as a Meditation Ambassador over the years and has offered numerous opportunities for me to share my work with individuals and organizations locally and virtually. I am eternally grateful for her!

In addition to being an awesome human being, Oriola is the ultimate connector. Through her center I was a part of the Flowers and Fruit Mindfulness program where I met Daisy Mugford and through that connection I was able to offer my meditation as a part of the 5th Saturday hike at the Cascade Springs Nature Preserve.  Daisy shared the history of this 135-acre preserve in southwest Atlanta as we hiked trails to Utoy Creek which was the site of a Civil War battle and we ended our hike with a meditation at the Cascade Falls waterfall. Read MORE at ⁠⁠

Alt text - Middle aged African-American woman with short hair stands in front of a tree lit by the sun. A drawing of a purple circle sits by her head with gold text - The Why Struggle? Podcast. Below is an image of two gold footprints. At the bottom, text: with Barbara J. Faison


Jul 31, 202308:00
Week 30 - Knowing What's Missing

Week 30 - Knowing What's Missing

Week 30 - Knowing What's Missing


When I woke up on Sunday morning, I felt a little off, like something was missing. I’m doing my daily meditation, mindfulness, trying new things and other practices. Still, something didn’t feel right. 

It’s been a busy month. Between having car issues and regular life, things have been very active. Last week, I talked about knowing what you believe and trusting your Personal Guidance System (PGS). I know I am a creature of habit, like many people, I have my routines down and there are regular places I go to shop and eat. Paying attention and listening to my PGS sometimes means turning down a new street to get home or trying a different grocery store. I did that last week, I went to Lidl and it was a lovely store that I will return to for shopping.

It wasn't that... it was something that didn't register right away.

As I got ready for the day I remembered, I hadn’t been to the water. I had been to the pool at the rec center to get my water workout in. I had not been over to the local lake near my house. This particular lake is at Clayton International Park about 7 miles from me. If you have seen my breath breaks with a large lake, it was probably there.

As soon as I pulled up, I knew this was what I was missing. This body of water with the sounds of life, people, music and nature. Yes, that was it!

Walking around the lake was just what my mind, body and spirit needed. The temperature was just right, and I could feel my body releasing a huge sigh of relief as I strolled through the park.

I love watching the geese on the lake and I even got to see cute baby goslings with their orange feet. I believe they are Canadian geese based on their color and look.

Keep reading or listening on to find out more.

Jul 24, 202307:45
Week 29 - What do You Believe?

Week 29 - What do You Believe?

Week 29 - What do You Believe?



What do you believe about yourself? Your abilities? Your family? Your beliefs are like seeds planted in soil – when nourished in the proper environment, seeds grow into beautiful foliage. As children, our belief system is based on the world we live in. Once we are grown, we must get clear about what works best for us as an adult.

A few things I remember hearing as a child that impacted my belief system were:

  • Children are seen and not heard

  • Good girls don’t wear red lipstick and red fingernail polish

  • Women don’t go to clubs by themselves

I know what you’re thinking, are you serious? Yes, growing up in the 60s these were just some of the expressions being thrown about in that decade.

Well, thank goodness change is happening regularly and I have a natural rebellious streak in me. I didn't think I took them to heart, although I'm sure they made an impression on me.  In my observation, children are definitely expressing themselves in 2023. I do love a good red lipstick and nail polish. Lol. And I don’t remember how many times I went out salsa dancing by myself.

When was the last time you thought about what you believe and if it is serving you now? I pulled out the second edition of my book, Why Struggle? Life is too short to wear tight shoes to look at the beliefs and philosophies I shared in 2017. I wanted to be sure I still believed what I did back then. I do still have the same beliefs and a few more. I won’t list them all, here are a few. I believe:

  • Love is the most powerful, healing, and transformative power there is. Be kind even when you can't be loving.

  • I am a student and teacher in the school of life. Teachers are everywhere, and I must be open and willing to be a student at all times.

  • Trusting my personal guidance system (PGS) is practice, and I have to relax to hear it.

I also believe that everything in life is purposeful. There are no mistakes. I’m in the right place, at the right time, with the right people, doing the right thing.

Life is practice. I continue to practice training my mind to focus on what I desire, and not on what I don’t have. Planting seeds of the flowers I would love to see in my garden. That’s what life is about.

When was the last time you checked your belief system? 

Feel free to reach out to me at Barbarafaison or direct message me on social media, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are best.

The card I pulled for us today is the

#1 QUESTION - I Where do I feel GROUNDED in my life?

What say you to that question?

Use PROMO CODE: Ship10 for Free US shipping & 10% off

Keep reading on to find out more.

Jul 17, 202306:36
Week 28 - Celebrating Being On the Road Again

Week 28 - Celebrating Being On the Road Again


Week 28  - Celebrating Being On the Road Again!

You can read this and more on my blog - ⁠⁠

Remember the song On the Road Again by Willie Nelson? If you don’t Google it. lol

That’s how I felt on Saturday. A few of the lyrics are:

I can't wait to get on the road again

On the road again

Goin' places that I've never been

Seein' things that I may never see again

And I can't wait to get on the road again.

For a few weeks or longer, my car has been making some weird sounds, and well, I’ve been acting like I didn’t hear them. Lol. You know the minor inconveniences of life that require your attention, oftentimes we/or I may avoid them, because I just don’t wanna deal with it.

I have lived long enough to know that that doesn’t usually work out so well. Avoidance btw is not a good strategy.

I would get in the car, and ask for guidance and protection, and it was working out pretty good. Until this happened…

Last Tuesday as I was about to leave to go to the store my car began squealing when I started it. I cringed as my husband came over to look at the car, he diagnosed it as possibly something related to belts or the AC. Ugh. Drats, I knew I was about to get off the road.

You see, this car was my mother’s car. It’s a 2007 Lexus SUV with over 200K miles. I told my husband I had been hearing strange noises for a few weeks so we knew it wasn't safe to drive. I began cleaning out the car so it could be towed.

As I began the process I started feeling very melancholy. I remembered the times I would drive my mother around, you see when she moved in with me in 2012 this was the car we used. My 2007 Solara was not as comfortable as her car was, so hers became our main car. My mother wasn’t into “things” so her buying this car was huge. This is not just a car, it is a mobile memory capsule. It’s filled with vivid memories including when my brother, Tony, my mom and I drove to Philly to her last living brother’s funeral. It happened to be in 2008 when Barack Obama won the election and we got caught up in the DC traffic. Mom and I traveled around laughing about stories of my childhood and her life in this car.

The car is 17 years old so a decision would have to be made about what to do based on the diagnosis. I decided I would put on salsa music and celebrate whatever would be next for the car and I went down memory lane while taking stuff out. Yeah, I had a lot in my car.

Music is great for shifting your mindset. You know when you hear a certain song you are transported to that time and sometimes it takes you back to when you first heard this song? I put in my Juan Luis Guerra’s 440 cd (yes, I said cd) and began dancing and singing as I cleaned out the car. I really fell in love with salsa music after hearing his song, Quisiera, while I was out dancing. The song roughly translates to I would like to. I cleaned out car and moved from melancholy to gratitude thinking over the memories I shared with my family and friends in this car.

I love how music can shift your state of mind so quickly. Next I wanted to have ease with the towing and the conversation about the car repairs. On Wednesday morning AAA came quickly to tow the car. Justin, the driver, asked a few questions and was courteous and professional and there was a picture of Tigger and Winnie the Pooh on the side of his tow truck. That totally made me laugh. The funny thing is I have miniature stuffed Pooh and Tigger hanging via carabiners on my rearview window. All I could do was smile and give thanks for the ease and grace with the pickup.

You can read this and more on my blog - ⁠⁠⁠

Jul 10, 202310:43
Week 27 - New Things Again with Old Friends

Week 27 - New Things Again with Old Friends

Week 27 - New Things Again with Old Friends



I met Regenna London in 1995 when I was doing some freelance writing. Didn’t know that, did you? Ha ha… Gotta keep you guessing. At the time she was co-owner of The Source Bookstore in Decatur GA. I interviewed Regenna and her husband for a local Black magazine called The Atlanta Tribune. Writing, metaphysics and wanting to make a difference in the world were topics we both loved. We connected and started hanging out and a true friendship developed.

Fast forward to 2023 and after almost 30 years of friendship we often laugh about our parallel lives. If I’m experiencing something like a job change, she has something very similar happening in that life pillar as well. It doesn’t matter what, relationships, finances, health, it either happens to me first or her first.

We are both air signs, I’m an Aquarian, Regenna is a Gemini, so we often have very engaging conversations about life, purpose, and what we call God winks. God winks are those subtle things you notice when you are paying attention like repeating numbers, like 333 or 222, something significant happening on your mother’s birthday or something lining up when you didn’t think it would. We can have a long conversation about God winks.

Dear, old friends are a staple in my life and I am so grateful. Earlier this year Regenna moved back home to Virginia and she came to town last week to visit family and friends. It has been years since I’ve done a facial, so we decided to treat ourselves. The Elaine Sterling Institute School of Esthetics, Nails and Massage is a beauty school in Atlanta, Georgia and we treated ourselves to a facial, makeup, manicure and pedicure. I used to go to schools for services decades ago, the prices are very reasonable and it helps the students gain confidence and build their skills. I forgot about that until I was speaking with my friend, Terri Nicole a few weeks ago and she mentioned the school. Yay! Doing something new!

Keep reading on

Jul 03, 202308:09
Week 26 - Music and Lasting Friendships

Week 26 - Music and Lasting Friendships


Week 26 - Music and Lasting Friendships

On Friday night I met two friends, Bonnie and Jartu at Volare Bistro for dinner. The food was delicious. We laughed so much thinking about how much fun we had dancing salsa and traveling together. Yes, I met these lovely ladies while I was out dancing salsa. Bonnie reminded me we are at a club called The Duplex on a Friday night. She said I was at my table just dancing my heart out and she came over to say hello. And that started the beginning of a 20+ friendship, all because of salsa dancing.

Back in the 90s we didn’t have a way to track things unless you wrote them down. There were no cell phones or no handheld devices that you could keep up with things like now… thanks to Facebook I have a few pictures to share of some of my salsa experiences.

My discovery of Latin music was because of a dear friend, Ade, who lived in the same apartment complex with me. She invited me to go to a club. I was not a club girl. I tried it after college; it just wasn’t my thing. At first I said no. She went out with some friends and the next week she asked me to go again. So, I did something new. And doing something new like going out to a club that played salsa music introduced me to a whole new world. I thank Ade for asking me again.

I went from going out that night, to immersing myself in the music. I took a Latin dance class at Georgia State University through the continuing education program. I started going out on Friday nights to the same club we went to, The Sanctuary, which still has Latin Night on Fridays. They had and still have classes before they open for dancing.

Because life continues on we don’t get out dancing like we used to. And when I say we used to, I mean, we would be out 2 to 3 times a week dancing salsa. I kept a change of clothes and my dancing shoes in my car at all times. I might get a phone call or make a call to Bonnie or Jartu, and say, “where are we dancing tonight?”

Bonnie, Jartu, and I have traveled together to Puerto Rico, Miami, and Destin, FL. We have been together since the early 2000’s. In 2009 we traveled to Puerto Rico and when we went to San Juan to go dancing, the place was closed for a private event. When we returned to the Ritz Carlton there was a band playing in the lounge so we had our own party with them. We enjoyed dancing and meeting people and the rain forest while we were there.

Dancing connected me with such a group of generous, kind people. We had our usual spots on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Over the years we have celebrated birthdays and marriages, divorces, losses of parents, children and all the things that span 20 years of living.

It was music, specifically salsa music that brought us together. It is our love for each other that keeps us together as friends. Last year one of our salsa friends, Gregory, transitioned to the Big dance floor and we came together to celebrate his life. Gregory Fitzpatrick gave me this t-shirt, Drop it like it’s hot, salsa style, because I used to do a dance move where I would drop down to my heels, come back up and do a body roll… the good old days! We came together as a community of dancers to celebrate Gregory’s life with dance. It was great to see each other and feel what only music can make you feel.  

Jun 26, 202306:47
Week 25 - My M.A.P.

Week 25 - My M.A.P.

Week 25 - My M.A.P  All the links are at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠


Dear God, what positive, creative, constructive, thought, word, attitude, or action is the next step to move us forward in life? This is the prayer my husband, TD, and I say before he goes to work at oh dark 30. About 5:15 AM most days. It is adapted from one by Catherine Ponder. We each also say a personal prayer where we include appreciation for each other.

How do you start your day? I love starting my day with prayer and gratitude. I've heard that without a map, or direction, you could end up anywhere.

My M.A.P. is Meditations. Affirmations. Prayers. These are some of my practices.

You may have heard me say that meditation is not a goal, it is a practice. Practice means to perform an activity, repeatedly or regularly to improve, or maintain one's proficiency.

Train your brain. Be kind to your mind. Pay attention to what you’re thinking about and how you feel.

We are all creators. I create meditations, videos, and content. Every moment you are creating with your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and your state of being. Setting clear intentions can help with creating and manifesting what you desire in your life. Yes, you, too, are a creator.

What we focus on expands and grows like seeds planted in a garden. If we focus on something we don’t have, that continues to expand and grow. It may end up being a weed. If we have gratitude for what we do have, that expands and grows.

Did you know you can train your brain? It's one reason I love affirmations. Affirmations are positive, portable, present tense and powerful phrases to direct your thoughts. Put that beautiful mind to work by bringing in your desires using focus, intention and attention.

Back in the 90s I started using affirmations regularly and eventually it became a daily practice for me. Thoughts are real and they also have energy.

I learned to train my mind to use what I call GTPs, go to phrases. GTPs are affirmations that I have trained my mind to focus on. So when I find myself traveling down, anxious avenue, depressed drive, or crazy circle, I redirect my thoughts to one of my GTPs like, in this moment all is well.

One of the ways I manage my energy and thoughts during the day is using my phone to remind me. I called these affirmation alarms. Throughout my day I have my phone set to alarm with go to phrases. When the alarm goes off, I take note of where my thoughts are. What am I thinking at that moment? This is a pattern interrupt. I say the affirmation out loud three times. This practice allows me to have awareness so I can redirect my thinking. I can set an intention to focus on something else that I desire. Now my attention is back on track.

At 2:22 PM my alarm pops up with – I am healthy and travel and move with ease.

My 4:33 PM alarm pops up with – My services are valuable, and I am well compensated for my work.

The 10:30 pm alarm is - I give thanks for this wonderful day.

Thoughts are alive. What are you thinking about? Everyone is creating every day with what they are thinking and where they are focusing their attention.

You can use a simple affirmation such as I am safe, all is well or I am willing to trust myself.

Life is all about practice. Whatever we practice we strengthen, grow, and expand in our lives. My M.A.P., meditations, affirmations and prayers are the foundation of my day.

Here’s a longer one I say that sets the tone for my day. I've been saying this one for over five years.

Keep reading on my website.

All the links are at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Jun 19, 202309:14