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Holy Spirit Fall

Holy Spirit Fall

By barbara

Do you know the “Divine Works” of the Holy Spirit? Do you know the Deity of the Holy Spirit? All this is vital in order to understand the presence and work of the Holy Spirit. There are emblems of the Holy Spirit, the dove, the oil, the anointing, the seal and many more that we will explore in these episodes of come Holy Spirit Fall.
Currently playing episode

Introduction: "New Age and Mysticism in the Church"

Holy Spirit Fall Feb 18, 2021

Introduction: "New Age and Mysticism in the Church"

Introduction: "New Age and Mysticism in the Church"

How can we tell if someone is giving themselves over to New Age beliefs? One good way would be to know what the word of God says about it.  We will explore the different ways Satan has crept into many Spirit filled churches and how to discern it. So, that you if you find yourself there, you get set free from it once and for all.

Feb 18, 202102:31
The Church Destroyer "Absalom”

The Church Destroyer "Absalom”

Absalom a smooth operator, ego stoker spirit that stands at the church entrance and makes statements like this, If I were the pastor... In this teaching we will learn how this spirit is charming and cunning in order to bring you down and spilt the church and bring the leaders down if they are not discerning and hip to it's deception. This is my last installment of Supernaturally Dangerous. Hope you Enjoyed it. And please pay attention to this teaching with no distractions to get it all in. God. Bless
Jul 27, 202028:05
Jessica Rabbit/Jezebel Part 2

Jessica Rabbit/Jezebel Part 2

The truth of the matter is that Jezebel is at work in our churches and must be stopped and we are not to be afraid but stand firm and confront it full force.  God is giving everyone a chance to repent and rid of her tactics once and for all.  It is a sin to tolerate her and let her control our lives.

So, either you have some decree of influence from this spirit or you are dealing with a full blown Jezebel spirit.  God is able to deliver anyone that has a willing and open heart.

Jul 13, 202033:17
Devil with the Blue Dress On ! Jezebel

Devil with the Blue Dress On ! Jezebel

Jezebel loves to be in control of everything, especially those in authority. She is out to destroy the true men and women of God and wants the high positions in the church and will do anything to get there. Even kill others in doing so. Beware!
Jun 29, 202032:24
I ain’t Playing Church, Familiar Spirit 2

I ain’t Playing Church, Familiar Spirit 2

When a familiar spirit is working side by side with members of the body of Christ and how to rid of these spirit’s from influences someone’s life.
Jun 15, 202039:38
Prayers for our Nation and president

Prayers for our Nation and president

We need the heavens to hear us. Calling out all prayer warriors to let your voices be heard!!!!
Jun 02, 202005:25
Dealing with Demons and a familiar Spirit

Dealing with Demons and a familiar Spirit

A familiar spirits works against the children of God to try and lure us back into bondage. You will learn how to discern them and keep them from influencing you back into a life of sin.
Jun 01, 202029:18
The Worship Of Strange Fire

The Worship Of Strange Fire

We want to worship God in spirit and in truth that sends a sweet aroma unto God. But we have to get ride of any profane worship that is a strange fire to God.
May 18, 202022:30
When Our Emotions go Haywire

When Our Emotions go Haywire

This teaching is about how our emotions can get out of control. So we will learn how to discern weather we are being ruled by our fleshly emotions which open the door to demonic activity and can make things for us supernaturally dangerous.
May 11, 202030:44
Healthy Balance Christianity

Healthy Balance Christianity

Not only should we be healthy physically but more importantly we need to be healthy spiritual as well and avoid being spiritually un-balance.
May 03, 202025:19
Beware of Counterfeit Religion

Beware of Counterfeit Religion

Here we’ll explore the word of God and find out through many scriptures what it will take to have true religion by taming our tongue.
Apr 27, 202021:08
Angel of Light

Angel of Light

We will learn about the pitfalls that come from the angel of light, Satan. And what to watch out for in dealing with the supernatural.
Apr 20, 202024:01
Do you know Him? Or know about Him?

Do you know Him? Or know about Him?

Walking in the spirit and not giving into the flesh through a personal relationship with Christ.
Apr 13, 202020:33
April 10, 2020

April 10, 2020

Apr 10, 202000:60