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Behind The Binge

Behind The Binge

By Marissa Kai Miluk, MS, RDN, LD

Behind The Binge podcast, hosted by Registered Dietitian Marissa Kai Miluk, is your resource to learn more about how to cultivate a healthful relationship with food and your body, free from binge eating.

You CAN create a life free from the diet war. Behind The Binge Podcast is your place to hear simple, yet powerful ideas and stories that will inspire your next steps to food freedom.
Find us on Instagram @behind.the.binge
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#11 How we can use our brain's neuroplasticity in recovery [Mindset MATTERS!]

Behind The BingeMay 19, 2021

#64 Raising Kids To Be Intuitive Eaters [w/ Dr. Taylor Arnold of @growing.intuitive.eaters]
May 06, 202437:32
#63 She Stopped Bingeing In A Few Weeks While Training For An Iron Man [Past Client Oivia's Story]

#63 She Stopped Bingeing In A Few Weeks While Training For An Iron Man [Past Client Oivia's Story]

Olivia is a triathlete, IronMan athlete, and my lovely past group coaching client. Olivia came to me after decades of a tumultuous relationship with food. From Weight Watchers to binge eating, she was READY to heal.

When she started group coaching, she was actively training for an IronMan (which if you don't know consists of a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bicycle ride, and a marathon 26.22-mile run completed in that order, a total of 140.6 miles--WOW).

Her story is inspiring, relatable, and emotional. I hope this gives you hope that if Olivia can do this, so can you!

AND group coaching is currently open for enrollment! If you want to be sharing the same food freedom stories as olivia next year, apply now and let's overcome binge eating together!

Instagram: @binge.nutritionist

Feb 08, 202436:19
#62: What Does It Mean To “Listen To Your Body”? How To Tune Into How Food Makes You Feel
Nov 17, 202314:13
#61 Candid Thoughts on Weight Loss & Nutrition Advice on Youtube

#61 Candid Thoughts on Weight Loss & Nutrition Advice on Youtube

Have you ever heard a podcast or watched a YouTube video by a well-known, qualified professional that just left you feeling like you just need to cut out more food in order to lose weight to be healthy?

It can be such a head spin...

I have some favorite self-help youtubers and podcasters that I like to listen to, but I get whiplash with the random health advice:

- Don't eat sugar

- Fast until noon

- Cold plunge!

I know to tune out the "black and white" rules that aren't helpful or applicable to my lifestyle, but you may not know how to do that.

Today I'm sharing my thoughts on why you should be cautious about weight loss and nutrition advice you hear online, even if they claim they are "backed by science".

Nov 06, 202336:28
#60 “It's not just about dopamine!" Why ADHDers Are More Prone to Binge Eating.
Oct 20, 202324:38
#59 PCOS Increases Risk for Binge Eating [feat. Sam Abbott, MSEd, RD, LDN]
Oct 13, 202338:30
#58 Portion control will NOT help you recover from binge eating
Oct 06, 202316:39
#57 Prioritizing health behaviors without falling back into diet culture [managing blood sugar, cholesterol, and more through intuitive eating]
Jun 21, 202329:14
#56 Structure is helpful for binge eating recovery. Going "all-in" can be harmful.

#56 Structure is helpful for binge eating recovery. Going "all-in" can be harmful.

Hi hello! Welcome back to Behind The Binge Podcast.

Last week I had a discovery call with someone who was interested in my coaching program. She was skeptical about my methods since another intuitive eating coach told her to just eat whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted, and she would eventually stop binge eating...

She was told that any sort of structure on her journey to healing her relationship with food is restrictive.

After releasing all rules and trying to just "listen to her body", she was left feeling overwhelmed, out-of-control with food, and bingeing more than ever...🥴

Well, I'm here to tell you that my jaw almost hit the floor 😱 when she told me this because this is absolutely not true, and this type of advice could lead someone who struggles with binge eating to get stuck in an even deeper binge spiral. Binge eating already in and of itself is highly chaotic, so adding in advice that is also pretty chaotic is a recipe for disaster, to say the least.

So in todays episode I want to share:

- When structure and planning can support binge eating recovery

- What a structured approach might look like

- When structure might not be so helpful

- How to eat intuitively while still having structure

Links mentioned in the episode: Behind The Binge Academy:

Impulse Eating vs Intuitive Eating Masterclass:

Free Binge Freedom Cheat Sheet:

Unconditional Permission To Eat:

Find me on social media!

Apr 18, 202334:43
#55 Reset after a binge without restricting again [with Morgan Yoder, RD]
Feb 17, 202312:36
#54 Four questions to ask yourself when feeling influenced by diet culture on social media [plus a conversation on probability of sustaining weight loss]
Feb 10, 202324:04
#53 Bingeing when home alone? Here's why and how to stop
Jan 27, 202311:04
#52 What you MUST do to stop binge eating in 2023
Jan 05, 202312:09
#51 Binge Freedom Hierarchy of Needs [What to prioritize in your binge eating recovery]

#51 Binge Freedom Hierarchy of Needs [What to prioritize in your binge eating recovery]

You don't want to miss the savings on Behind The Binge Academy enrollment before Nov 30! Click here to learn more: 

Today we are going to be exploring the possibility of a binge freedom hierarchy of needs. Similar to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, some things in binge recovery are more critical to address before others. Meaning, you can't try to meditate to cope with your emotions on an empty stomach.

You will learn how to prioritize what needs are not being met and why you may feel stuck at times knowing what you "should" be doing but not having the motivation to do it. 

More about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs:

Follow me on Instagram: 

Check out our coaching programs to overcome binge eating for good:

Nov 21, 202219:31
#50 Morgan shares how she overcame binge eating, faced her food fears, & now helps you do the same!

#50 Morgan shares how she overcame binge eating, faced her food fears, & now helps you do the same!

Y'all!! Meet Morgan!! Morgan is the newest member of the Behind The Binge team. She is our Associate Dietitian, meaning she is seeing clients 1:1 to help them stop binge eating and learn to become intuitive eaters. She has been SUCH a joy to have on the team and I'm stoked that she is back from maternity leave so you can start working with her again!

Today, morgan shares about her past struggles with disordered eating and why she became a dietitian.


-How she faced her fears of eating in front of others.

-How she was able to hide her disorder for so long

-What was her breaking point that started her recovery

-What her relationship with food is like now

And so much more!

If you want to work with Morgan, you can apply here:

Check out more of Morgan:

Oct 10, 202229:22
#49 Overcoming binge eating after a bikini competition diet. [Emily H.'s story of finding food freedom]

#49 Overcoming binge eating after a bikini competition diet. [Emily H.'s story of finding food freedom]

Today we are joined by my past group coaching client, Emily H. Emily was part of behind the binge academy for 6 months starting in February 2022.

When she first started, she struggled with the all-or-nothing mentality. She was big on healthy eating and macro counting, down to every gram, and working out excessively, but then would find herself on the other end of the spectrum bingeing, purging, and isolating.

Can you relate?

On her application for behind the binge academy, she mentioned her goals. She said she would like to break free from bingeing and obsessing over food. She wanted a balanced life without being focused on perfection.

I'm so excited to share her story with you today so you can how she accomplished exactly that! From bingeing and restricting, and bikini competitions, to a balanced, healthful life of food freedom.

I want to remind you that behind the binge academy is open for enrollment RIGHT NOW. The academy is my signature group coaching program following my proven framework to give you everything you need to find binge freedom. It’s 3 months of group coaching and online modules that will help you rewire your binge brain, regulate your appetite, build body trust & attunement, and create a healthful life without restrictions of diet culture. 

Join now!

It only opens a few times a year and I don’t want you to miss this cohort before the year ends. This is the exact program Emily did to overcome binge eating and I would love to help you do the same. For more information and to apply, go to

Sep 22, 202246:08
#48 Can intuitive eating be used for weight loss? [What to do when you want both]

#48 Can intuitive eating be used for weight loss? [What to do when you want both]

Back for another solo episode! Today I'm talking about if intuitive eating can be used for weight loss or not. There's a lot stirring online about intuitive eating, and I've even seen some creators use intuitive eating language to describe their weight loss programs. Are they wrong? Let's explore it together!   

Specifically, you'll hear about: 

-When and how intuitive eating came to be 

-What intuitive eating is 

-What intuitive eating isn't 

-& how to navigate intuitive eating if you want weight loss.  

As always, here are the links mentioned throughout the episode: 

#4 Dietitian Reacts to 75 Hard:

#32 Diet culture in disguise: Noom [& is their new mood app for anxiety any better?] Part 1.

#33 The so-called "science" of Noom [A deep-dive into their research]. Part 2:   

Join the waitlist for my signature group coaching program, Behind The Binge Academy!   

Instagram: @binge.nutritionist @behind.the.binge

Sep 09, 202216:32
#47 Are you eating too much? Or not enough? How to meet your body's needs without calorie counting.
Aug 30, 202218:20
#46 Q&A! [grocery store overwhelm, night binges, fitness goals, & more!]
Aug 22, 202223:18
#45 Your period can tell you a lot about your health; Hypothalamic Amenorrhea, Fertility, & more! [with @period.nutritionist]

#45 Your period can tell you a lot about your health; Hypothalamic Amenorrhea, Fertility, & more! [with @period.nutritionist]

Welcome back to the pod, everyone! 

Today we are getting real by talking about your menstrual health. Did you know that missing a period or having irregular periods may be a very critical sign that there is a struggle within your relationship with food? I wanted to bring on someone who specializes in this topic to share how your menstrual cycle can be used as a fit vital sign, and trust me when I say that there is no one better to invite on the pod to have this conversation with than the period nutritionist, Cynthia Donovan.

I am so excited for you all to listen in to this episode where we are going to be talking about everything from the dangers of a missing or irregular period, how your menstrual cycle can impact your appetite and your mood, to how having a regular period can help with your fertility. Such an important topic to consider in our intuitive eating journey. With that said, let’s dive right in!

Cynthia is a Registered Dietitian in the US with a Master's of Science in Nutrition. Cynthia has been a Registered Dietitian for over 10 years. Cynthia is a non-diet dietitian and believes in Health at Every Size. Helping women recover from Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (no period) & find food freedom is a specialty area of hers. Cynthia was driven to specialize in HA due to her own struggles with a missing period & infertility. Cynthia has worked in various areas in the field of nutrition which has led her to where she is today, operating her own virtual practice & working with the most amazing women across the world, helping them recover their period and find balance with food and exercise.

Listen in to learn more about:

  • Cynthia’s own “aha” moment that something needed to change in the way she was treating her body. [11:13]
  • The ways a healthy period is so important for our overall physical and mental health. [25:47]
  • How we can know if we are ovulating + the importance of ovulation. [35:15]
  • How this issue becomes a concern to someone who wants to get pregnant. Is weight a concern when it comes to fertility? [41:34]


Connect with Cynthia

social: @period.nutritionist on insta & TikTok and

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May 16, 202258:23
#44 Meal Prep for Intuitive Eating [with Workweek Lunch]

#44 Meal Prep for Intuitive Eating [with Workweek Lunch]

Today I want to talk about meal prep as it relates to one of the first things I implement with my clients when it comes to healing our relationships with food which is consistent eating patterns. I know this can put up a lot of guards and concerns as any sort of meal structure can feel a remnant of diet culture. Let me reassure all of you that meal prep as an intuitive eater is not at all the same as any previous experiences you may have had in diet culture with portions and parameters in meal planning.

With all of that in mind, I decided who better to have on the pod with me to talk about meal prep than the Meal Prep Queen herself, Talia Koren. She is the founder of Workweek Lunch, a blog and digital meal plan subscription that helps thousands of people all over the world master meal prep…myself included! Listen in as I talk with Talia about how meal prep can help support you on your journey to food freedom.

Talia is the author of the Workweek Lunch Cookbook, which includes 60 approachable and delicious recipes that are designed to be prepped and stored. She is a self-taught home cook, and she started WWL in 2016 to teach her peers how to cook easy, balanced meals to save time and money through her Instagram, which has now grown to over 495k followers. Before WWL, Talia was a staff writer at Elite Daily and worked in the entertainment industry after graduating from Ithaca College in 2014. When she's not developing new recipes for the WWL Meal Prep Program, Talia loves to travel, snowboard, binge-watch TV and go on adventures with her dog Coconut.

Listen in to learn more:

  • A meal prep misconception that Talia wants to debunk. {7:48]
  • What an intuitive eating approach to meal prepping looks like. {9:02]
  • How to address this fear many have with meal prepping. [14:45]
  • Prioritizing intuitive eating, gentle nutrition, and meal prepping without it falling into diet culture’s often black and white thinking. {21:31]
  • Talia’s beginner tip for someone just getting started in meal prepping. [27:05]


Connect with Talia






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May 09, 202237:36
#43 What to do when you just can’t stop eating

#43 What to do when you just can’t stop eating

Welcome back! 

Today I am bringing you another solo episode, and we are going back to the basics of binge recovery together. After polling you on Instagram, I realized that so many of my listeners are at the beginning of their binge freedom journey and are really looking for those simple yet actionable steps that they can take right now to overcome their binge eating patterns. So I promise that by the end of this episode, you will be able to walk away with one workable thing you can do today to uncover what patterns keep you stuck in the binge eating cycle + start moving forward in healing your relationship with food.

Listen in to learn more about:

  1. Understanding why you may feel insatiable at times. [4:08]
  2. Knowing how to recognize when you can’t get satisfied. [8:18]
  3. Identifying what will give you that satisfaction. [9:00]
  4. The importance of becoming curious and beginning to problem solve ways to find a more consistent pattern of satisfaction in your day. [11:05}
  5. A tangible step you can take to help move past those moments when you feel like you just can’t stop eating. [12:05]


Binge Freedom Cheatsheet: What to do before, during, or after a binge 

Academy Summer Cohort begins on May 16th! Enrollment opens on May 6th. 

#38 Satisfaction: An Overlooked factor in reaching fullness -

#40 - Do I Still Binge? -

#41 It's not about the food! The psychology of binge eating [with Dr. Nina Savelle-Rocklin, Psy.D] -

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May 02, 202221:42
#42 // 3 mistakes new intuitive eaters make
Apr 25, 202212:48
#41 It's not about the food! The psychology of binge eating [with Dr. Nina Savelle-Rocklin, Psy.D]

#41 It's not about the food! The psychology of binge eating [with Dr. Nina Savelle-Rocklin, Psy.D]

#41 It's not about the food! The psychology of binge eating [with Dr. Nina Savelle-Rocklin, Psy.D]

Joining me on the pod today is the amazing Dr. Nina Savelle-Rocklin. She is a psychoanalyst, author, and radio host specializing in eating disorders, with an emphasis on binge eating disorders.

Dr. Nina encourages us to be detectives by not looking at our binge eating as the problem but instead as the solution to a problem we might not yet be able to see or identify. How we should look for ways to identify what is eating at us that caused us to binge instead of the behavior itself.

Internationally recognized for her unique perspective in the field of eating psychology, she is the author of The Binge Cure: 7 Steps to Outsmart Emotional Eating and Food for Thought: Perspectives on Eating Disorders, and co-editor of Beyond the Primal Addiction. She’s the author of more than fifty articles about emotional eating, and her YouTube series Break Free from Bingeing helps viewers using an anti-diet approach. She also hosts The Dr. Nina Show radio program on LA Talk Radio.

Listen in to learn more:

  • Learn more about the psychological and emotional context that can play a role in the development of binge behaviors. {11:07]
  • Dr. Nina offers reasons why just approaching the food can become a barrier to long-term remission from binge eating. {15:40]
  • The role trauma plays in perpetuating binge eating cycles. [20:53]
  • How we should respond to ourselves: validate, acknowledge and reassure = comfort in words. {35:58]
  • One last practical tip from Dr. Nina: If you wouldn't say something to a friend, a child, or someone you love, don’t say it to yourself. [45:31]


Connect with Dr. Nina





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Apr 18, 202249:20
#40 Do I Still Binge? How I manage "urges.”
Apr 11, 202233:19
#39 Reiki and Breathwork supports binge freedom through energy healing [with Jhaynane Sung]

#39 Reiki and Breathwork supports binge freedom through energy healing [with Jhaynane Sung]

Lately, I’ve been hearing a lot about Reiki and breathwork but not knowing much about it.

Reiki may sound like a “new age” concept to some, but it’s anything but new. It’s a form of energy healing with roots in ancient cultures. Reiki uses what’s known as universal life force energy—ki or qi—to improve people’s lives and ailments.

So when a Reiki practitioner approached me, I knew I had to have her on the pod to educate us! Perfect timing, right?!  So, if you have an emotional tie with your relationship with food (like so many of us do ), then this episode is for you, friend.

On the show today, I’m joined by the amazing Jhaynane Sung, a holistic nutritionist, and Reiki practitioner. . She shares her practices, her experience as a Reiki practitioner, and shows how she integrates breathwork and energy work with her clients.

Jhaynane is a holistic nutritionist, reiki practitioner, 3rd generation healer, wellness, and spiritual life coach. She helps women heal through food, shadow work, and inner child work. Since receiving her Master’s in nutrition at American University, her mission has evolved from being weight-loss-focused to mindfulness-centered as she began her own personal binge eating healing journey. Since then, she has helped countless women move away from dieting culture to focusing on body positivity and mindful eating. Her focus is to help women find their power by healing emotional and binge eating from trauma around food because of being ashamed and tormented by their looks for far too long.

Listen in to learn more:

  • Jhaynane shares her journey with binge eating [4:45]
  • The reason Jhaynane no longer focuses on weight loss with her clients. [6:25]
  • What does energy work look like for those struggling with their relationship with food or their body? [10:26]
  • How does the practice of Reiki help, and what is involved? [11”:49]
  • Practical steps that you can take to bring yourself inward and implement this in your everyday life. [27:27]
  • Plus much more, including why inner child work is so important, especially for women of color.


Connect with Jhaynane




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Apr 04, 202248:57
#38 Satisfaction: An overlooked factor in reaching fullness
Mar 28, 202230:36
#37 Responding to your comments [Intuitive Eating "rules", extreme hunger, building body trust, can IE support weight loss, & more]
Mar 21, 202240:08
#36 Navigating joint pain and fitness barriers in a larger body [with Physical Therapist, Dr. Lisa Folden]

#36 Navigating joint pain and fitness barriers in a larger body [with Physical Therapist, Dr. Lisa Folden]

Joining me today on the pod today is with the fabulous, Dr. Lisa Folden. . She is a licensed physical therapist, mom-focused health coach, and the owner of Healthy Phit Physical Therapy & Wellness Consultants in Charlotte, NC.

Dr. Lisa shares with us how she got started in Physical Therapy, why she chose a  weight-neutral approach to health, common misconceptions regarding fitness and body size,  and some of the lessons she has learned along the way. We also talk about practical and easy steps you can take if you are seeking a healthier lifestyle.

As a body-positive women’s health expert and health at every size (HAES) ambassador, Dr. Folden assists women seeking a healthier lifestyle by guiding their wellness choices through organization, planning strategies, and holistic goal setting. Dr. Folden is a mom of three, published author, and speaker who understands the complex needs of the modern busy woman. Therefore, she considers helping busy moms find their ‘healthy’ one of her top priorities.

Dr. Lisa is a regular contributor to articles on topics related to physical therapy, health, wellness, self-care, motherhood, body positivity, and pregnancy and has had the distinct honor of being featured in Oprah Magazine, Shape Magazine, Livestrong, Bustle, and several other publications. Additionally, she is a member of the National Association of Black Physical Therapists, the Association of Size Diversity & Health, The Know Women, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and serves as an expert panelist for H.E.R. Health Collective (2021-2022)

Listen in to learn more:

  • Does weight determine someone's physical health and why are there such mainstream misconceptions around this?
  • Dr. Lisa offers ideas on how to do health-promoting activities when physical activity is uncomfortable or even painful in a larger body.
  • How can someone regain that trust with their own body to move in ways that feel good rather than rely on external pressures or standards?
  • Plus much more, including the MOST IMPORTANT tip  for maintaining “physical fitness” throughout our life


Connect with Dr. Lisa


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Mar 14, 202259:00
#35 Overcoming binge eating as a parent in your 40s [with Stefanie Michele]

#35 Overcoming binge eating as a parent in your 40s [with Stefanie Michele]

Many experts and researchers have found that children, teenagers, and adolescents diagnosed with eating disorders are heavily influenced by their parents, friends, and even school discussions.

We look up to our parents for advice, and they influence many of their words and actions subconsciously.

Today, I’m honored to be joined by Binge Eating Recovery Coach Stefanie Michele (@IAmStefanieMichele). We discuss important topics like how easily we can be influenced by our role models early in childhood. . We also examine how Stefanie, a mom with 3 daughters, recovered from binge eating and learned how to role model intuitive eating for her daughters. Stefanie offers advice to those struggling moms who don’t want to pass on diet culture to their children.

Stefanie is a Binge Eating Recovery Coach specializing in helping women overcome food and body image issues. She holds degrees in Human Development Psychology and Occupational Therapy with a certification in Integrative Health Coaching and an Intuitive Eating Counselor certification. After struggling with multiple eating disorders for 25 years, Stefanie experienced her recovery with the help of a body image coach. She considers her "boots-on-the-ground" experience of recovery her most teachable asset. Stefanie lives in NJ with her husband and 3 daughters.

Listen in to learn more:

  • How Stefanie had struggled with her relationship with food as a child in the 80s. [6:44]
  • Practical steps Stefanie took when she realized at 40 that it had been decades of struggling with binge eating with no relief. [20:25]
  • The implications of how Stefanie’s recovery journey impacted her life as a mother and wife. [45:48]
  • Plus much more, including advice for those struggling and who don’t want to pass diet culture on to their kids. 

Connect with Stefanie



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Mar 07, 202254:12
#34 How cheat days fuel weekend binges [& how to start breaking the cycle!]
Feb 28, 202224:43
#33 The so-called "science" of Noom [A deep-dive into their research]. Part 2

#33 The so-called "science" of Noom [A deep-dive into their research]. Part 2

In this episode of Behind the Binge, I'm continuing our deep dive into Noom to uncover if they live up to the statements they claim. Noom claims to center its brand around "evidence-based behavioral science."

But do they?

Today, I will take you through the studies they use to back up their various claims so we can decide if they walk the walk, they're talking.

If you haven't listened to the first part,  make sure to go back and listen to Episode 32.

Listen in to learn more: I'll add timestamps with the final draft


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Feb 21, 202251:02
#32 Diet culture in disguise: Noom [& is their new mood app for anxiety any better?] Part 1.

#32 Diet culture in disguise: Noom [& is their new mood app for anxiety any better?] Part 1.

You’ve probably seen the ads for the app Noom. They claim it’s “not a diet” but Noom is very much immersed in diet culture — and it is very much a diet.

In this episode of Behind the Binge, I’m taking a deep dive into Noom, some of the “science” behind it, and the 2 apps they have now; for weight loss and anxiety...

So why am  I talking about diets and weight loss apps?  One of the main reasons I want to dive into this was I received an ad from Noom claiming to help me overcome my anxiety in just 16 weeks….um WHAT?!

So, I went undercover to find out the real truth and I’m sharing that with you!

Listen in to learn more: 

  • Noom’s weight loss app and some of the misinformation about their claims. [7:03]
  • Who founded Noom? (not psychologists like they claim) [18:07]
  • Look at the science and research behind their “long term studies” [18:53]
  • How Noom really feels about FAST weight loss. [23:01]
  • Plus much more information about Noom and their new Noom mood app

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Feb 14, 202246:01
#31 - 6 Ways to Support Your Partner in Binge Eating Recovery

#31 - 6 Ways to Support Your Partner in Binge Eating Recovery

Has your loved one opened up to you about their binge eating struggles? Are you concerned about how best to support them through their recovery?

In today’s episode, I’m sharing my tips for ways to support your partner or loved one while they are in a binge eating recovery. I just know that you’re going to love this episode and hope you find it helpful for those supporting your partner, friend, or loved one on their journey to food freedom.

There are a variety of ways you can support your partner with a binge eating disorder. It can be really overwhelming to support someone with something that you don’t fully understand, but if you’re here it’s very clear you have a great love for your partner and want nothing more than to take their hurt away.

Unfortunately, if someone attempts to support their partner by using statements like  “everybody overeats sometimes,” or “don’t worry about it, I promise you haven’t gained that much weight,” while they may be trying to be helpful or supportive, they may actually be perpetuating the beliefs that are fueling their disorder.

Listen in to learn more:

  • Ask your partner for what THEY need during their recovery [4:50]
  • Communication and Honesty are really important, especially when it comes to diets and diet culture. [8:31]
  • Validate your partner’s feelings and share that you are seeking to understand what they are going through. [12:35]
  • Plus much more as well as finding resources for your own mental health while supporting your partner with their recovery.


Check out the original blog post -

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Feb 07, 202213:21
#30 How to practice "gentle nutrition" as an intuitive eater [with Lauren Sharpe, RD]

#30 How to practice "gentle nutrition" as an intuitive eater [with Lauren Sharpe, RD]

One of the common misconceptions of Intuitive eating is that Intuitive eating is a diet for weight loss and that it doesn't promote good nutrition.

But nutrition is an entire principle of intuitive eating! It’s called Gentle Nutrition. If you aren't familiar with it, it involves making choices about what you eat that are both satisfying to your taste buds and also honoring what your body needs based on external health values.

On the pod today, I’m joined by the amazing Lauren Sharpe, RD who also happens to be one of my BFFs!  We dive into how she identified her own struggles with food rules, the basics of what gentle nutrition is, and how to use the nutritional hierarchy of needs as a way to honor your health!

Lauren is a Registered Dietitian that is passionate about helping women end the binge/restrict cycle, end food guilt, feel confident in their bodies, and stop thinking about food 24/7. Lauren is the owner and founder of Empower Method Nutrition and a lover of all things true crime, chocolate, and cozy sweat sets.

I just know that you’re going to love this episode and it is so informative for those dabbling in gentle nutrition.

Listen in to learn more: timestamps coming after final edits

  • Lauren shares about her journey to becoming a dietitian and how that changed her relationship with food
  • What is gentle nutrition and how it is more than just “nutrients”
  • Practical strategies on when and where to start with gentle nutrition
  • Tips if you need to reduce a specific food based on a particular medical lab value or health issue.
  • Plus much more including conversations around if weight plays a role in practicing gentle nutrition.

Connect with Lauren

Instagram: loandlemons or @empoweredmethodnutrition



Check out when Marissa was a guest on Lauren’s podcast =  The Food Therapy Podcast: Why Do We Binge? 

Gentle Nutrition by Rachel Hartley, RD 

Food Isn’t Medicine by Dr. Joshua Wolrch,

Jan 31, 202254:20
#29 ADHD's role in binge eating recovery (with ADHD Dietitian Nutritionist, Becca King)

#29 ADHD's role in binge eating recovery (with ADHD Dietitian Nutritionist, Becca King)

Did you know that adults and kids who have ADHD brains have potentially high overlapping symptoms with disordered eating behaviors,? They have a tendency to use food as a way to unconsciously deal with boredom, stress, and try to deal with intense or complicated situations.

Those with ADHD may be particularly likely to forget to eat and binge later.  ​They may have trouble planning and shopping ahead (executive function deficits), which can result in spur-of-the-moment and uncontrolled eating.

So how can those with ADHD overcome this and learn to trust the signals their body is giving them?

Look no further friends - as that is exactly what we are discussing today on the Behind The Binge Pod! This is a fun convo as Becca and I both have ADHD.

Today, I’m honored to be joined by my friend and fellow dietitian, Becca King. We discuss the misconceptions around ADHD and fearmongering regarding foods and some of the fake rules. We also take a look at how medication plays a role in our nutrition as well as we examine the question- does food aid in the development of ADHD!

Becca King is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist from Charlotte, North Carolina. As an adult with ADHD who struggled for years with disordered eating, Becca is passionate about helping other adults with ADHD who struggle with binge eating, chronic dieting, and body image issues find food freedom and improve their self-esteem. She uses the Principles of Intuitive Eating and a weight-inclusive approach to nutrition for ADHD in her virtual practice.

Listen in to learn more: 

  • Becca shares her journey of being diagnosed with ADHD and how she got started working with ADHD and binge eating. [2:45]
  • Learn how those with ADHD  can manage intuitive eating despite their lack of awareness and interpreting body clues. [5:28]
  • Tools and strategies when you are gathering data to become an intuitive eater.[14:01]
  • We examine the myth that you need to restrict carbs and/or sugar when it comes to managing your ADHD. [21:41]
  • Plus much more including medication for ADHD and binge eating.

Get started in my group coaching program -  Enrollment for Winter 2022 cohort is now open!!

Behind the Binge Academy -


Connect with Becca on Instagram:  Adhd.nutritionist

Jessica McCabe - videos about ADHD

Jan 04, 202201:12:28
#28 Caroline’s journey through the honeymoon phase & how gender identity impacted their body image [Past Client Story]
Dec 27, 202101:03:51
#27 The 8 types of self-sabotage and the relation to binge eating [with Ashley Beaudin]

#27 The 8 types of self-sabotage and the relation to binge eating [with Ashley Beaudin]

Do you self-sabotage? Some of us are well aware of our self-sabotage with addictive behaviors like binge eating, alcohol, or even drugs.

Although many of us aren't always aware that we are sabotaging ourselves, and connecting behavior to these behaviors is no guarantee that it will prevent you from doing it.  We really need to look back on our experiences from childhood to see the motivating factors behind them.

On the show today, I’m chatting with my friend and self-sabotage coach, Ashley Beaudin, all about self-sabotage, why we do it and what action you can take to prevent it.

Ashley Beaudin is a self-sabotage coach that helps creatives heal their self-sabotage and cultivate truly supportive lives and businesses. She is known for her gentle presence and soul-stirring voice. When she is not holding space for humans, you can find her discovering new donuts or having some heart-to-heart convos.

Listen in to learn more: 

  • Ashley shares how she got involved in the specific work of being a self-sabotage work [4:40]
  • What is self-sabotage?  [8:01]
  • Action you can take when you feel the shame associated with self-sabotage. [14:24]
  • The 8 different types of self-sabotage [21:43]
  • Plus lots more including practical tips to prevent these self-sabotaging actions.
Ways to connect with Ashley

Behind the Binge Academy -

Dec 20, 202101:02:48
#26 Building body confidence without toxic positivity [with Molly Seifert]

#26 Building body confidence without toxic positivity [with Molly Seifert]

If you had a magic wand and could change anything, You would most likely have a list of things ready to change about yourself and your body, right? What about if someone asked you about the things that you love about your body? Most likely, we all struggle a little with this one!

What about if we could have that body confidence without all the toxic positivity that goes along with it? Imagine being able to be confident about our bodies while appreciating them at the same time.

On the show today, I’m talking with my internet pal and member of my coaching program, Molly Siefert about how to have body confidence without all the toxic positivity that goes along with it.

Molly is a Body Image Coach and Mentor who teaches women and professionals the skills of body acceptance and confidence! It lights her up to watch people feel SO comfortable and confident in their skin that they can be unapologetically themselves and engage in their life deeply. Molly deeply believes that you are here for a purpose and that purpose is simply to be YOU and she loves guiding people back home to themselves.

Listen in to learn more :

  • Molly shares her journey to becoming a body image and confidence coach [2:15]
  • The definition of confidence in the realm of body confidence  [5:30]
  • Practical tips on how to navigate the fear someone might be holding on to  [14:09]
  • Plus lots more tips and ideas including a mock client session examining body image and confidence.
Ways to connect with Molly

Instagram:  @mollykatewellness



Don’t forget to check out my newest course, Overcoming Your Body Image Barriers to Binge Freedom -

Behind the Binge Academy -

Dec 14, 202151:43
#25 Things to Consider When “Boredom Eating”
Dec 06, 202123:44
#24 Do you have to restrict carbs to manage blood sugar with diabetes? [Intuitive diabetes management with Amanda Ciprich, RD]

#24 Do you have to restrict carbs to manage blood sugar with diabetes? [Intuitive diabetes management with Amanda Ciprich, RD]

Are you trying to manage diabetes with your diet? What if I told you that you could ditch dieting and lower your blood sugar at the same time? 

That sounds crazy, right?  You are probably thinking "yeah -  I could do that but my numbers would be crazy and my medical team would NOT be happy with me!.”

Well, what if I told you that you could eat what you want when you want…including sugar... WHILE reducing your A1C and enjoying the freedom to enjoy your life again!

On the show today, I’m talking with a fellow intuitive eating dietitian, Amanda Ciprich about how to manage your diabetes intuitively!

Amanda Ciprich is a registered dietitian who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes almost 10 years ago. During the early stages of her diagnosis, she felt herself going down a path of restriction and obsession, which left her feeling weighed down and consumed by her diabetes diagnosis. She craved the freedom to enjoy her life without diabetes getting in the way and knew there had to be a way to find her love for food once again.

Amanda ultimately decided to pursue a career as a registered dietitian to teach other people living with diabetes and their families how to manage their blood sugars without giving up the foods they love. Amanda's approach gives you tools that incorporate prioritizing yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically so you can navigate any scenario that life with diabetes throws at you.

Listen in to learn more :

  • Does weight play a role in diabetes management? [9:04]
  • How praise and “good” lab values affected Amanda’s quality of life [27:19]
  • What factors affect blood sugar other than food? [41:10]
  • Plus lots more tips and ideas to help you manage your diabetes, eat what you want when you want, and enjoy life again!

Ways to connect with Amanda

Instagram:  @t1d.nutritionist



Don’t forget to check out my newest course, Overcoming Your Body Image Barriers to Binge Freedom -

Behind the Binge Academy -

Nov 30, 202159:43
#23 Overcoming Body Image Barriers to Find Binge Freedom for Good!

#23 Overcoming Body Image Barriers to Find Binge Freedom for Good!

It’s almost the end of 2022, can you believe it? Are you ready to overcome binge eating? Ready to pursue positive health without stalking the scale? Well, today’s episode is for you!

In this episode, I share 3 body image barriers to overcome that are keeping you from binge freedom. I also tell you all about my latest course and BLACK Friday special. You won’t want to miss it!

To get those details now - head over to

Listen in to learn more :

  • How to Get specific on Why you want binge freedom and what your goals are.
  • Redefining what being “healthy” means and what are your values when it comes to health and wellness
  • How to manage comments from family and friends as well as weight stigma?
  • All the details on my new course, Overcoming your Body Image Barriers to Binge Freedom, AND my Black Friday Special!

What’s so special is that I am launching this course for Black Friday LIVE for 3-days where I will teach the materials in real with a Q&A at the end of each so you can get clarity straight from me to take what you learned in each live lesson and apply it to your life. The training will happen live on the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday after Thanksgiving, (November 29 - December 1)

You will also get the course recordings to keep for LIFE with any updates I make to it! I don’t think I’ve ever offered a lifetime resource this valuable. 

This is only happening ONE TIME live where usually only my coaching clients get live access to me like this, so let’s prepare you for a life free from your war with food and your body in 2022!


Don’t forget to check out my newest course, Overcoming Your Body Image Barriers to Binge Freedom -

Behind the Binge Academy -

Nov 22, 202132:08
#22 Heal your relationship with movement & embrace culture [with Natasha Ngindi]
Nov 15, 202132:05
#21: Why Dietitian Bonnie Roney went from low-carb weight loss coaching to intuitive eating (@diet.culture.rebel).

#21: Why Dietitian Bonnie Roney went from low-carb weight loss coaching to intuitive eating (@diet.culture.rebel).

Do you have a good relationship with food?

A good relationship with food involves that no foods are off-limits, and you don't feel guilt or shame when eating those foods that are typically labeled “good” or “bad.” Our relationship with food, whether good, bad, or in between, starts when we are young and what we experience in our childhood.

In this episode, we are chatting with Bonnie Roney aka The Diet Culture Rebel Coach. Bonnie shares her story dealing with diet culture and disordered eating, growing up vegetarian, becoming a dietitian with a focus on low carb weight loss, and how and why she switched to intuitive eating.

Bonnie Roney is a Registered Dietitian & Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor who lives in sunny Tampa, Florida. Bonnie helps others heal from disordered eating using an Intuitive Eating approach so they can enjoy food again & eat without guilt.

Listen in to learn more :

  • Bonnie’s relationship with food developed growing up in a vegetarian family. [2:35]
  • You can’t rush the journey when establishing a new relationship with food [11:25]
  • What was it moving from a low-carb diet coach to taking a stand against diet culture? [17:00]
  • Plus much more information on anti-diet culture and how being healthy really gets to the root of our relationship with food.

Connect with Bonnie on their website  or follow her  on Instagram @diet.culture.rebel


If you'd like to follow along with me on socials, you can find me here:

Instagram @behind.the.binge @binge.nutritionist

Youtube: Binge Nutritionist

Send me an email:


Nov 10, 202141:46
#20: Healthism & Body Confidence [Unlearning fatphobia with Victoria Welsby)

#20: Healthism & Body Confidence [Unlearning fatphobia with Victoria Welsby)

Our bodies are constantly changing. How we feel about our bodies has changed over the years as well. A lot of us have a complicated relationship with our body right? A lot of our feelings about our bodies are probably unconscious, you may not even be aware of them. We start to embrace diet culture, become fatphobic or have low body confidence.

You may not realize it but Fatphobia is not just about challenging how society views fat people based upon their physical size and shape. It also looks at our fear of becoming fat and disliking ourselves in our own bodies.

In this episode, we are chatting with Victoria Welsby about unlearning fatphobia and how it is impacting someone's self-esteem and authenticity. Victoria Welsby (they/them) is a world-leading expert on dismantling fatphobia and diet-culture, TEDx speaker, and best-selling author. They went from being homeless, abused with self-esteem that was achingly low into the courageous fat activist and change maker they are today. Victoria helps people fall in love with themselves and is dedicated to shifting the way society views fat bodies.

Listen in to learn more : 

  • Victoria’s journey and what brought them to the place where they are today.
  • How does fatphobia impact someone’s self-esteem and authenticity?
  • Why Victoria is thankful for their cheating ex-boyfriend?
  • Practical advice for those just starting on their journey to becoming their true self with body confidence.

Connect with Victoria on their website or follow them on Instagram @fierce.fatty


If you'd like to follow along with me on socials, you can find me here:

Instagram @behind.the.binge @binge.nutritionist

Youtube: Binge Nutritionist

Send me an email:


Nov 03, 202147:32
#19 Emotional eating is okay. Seriously. [Stop the stigma & reap the benefits of comfort food]
Oct 26, 202122:51
#18 How Mya Kwon is bringing the Anti-Diet approach to the dietetics curriculum

#18 How Mya Kwon is bringing the Anti-Diet approach to the dietetics curriculum

In this episode (#18) we speak with Mya Kwon about the work she is doing to bring weight-neutral practices to the curriculums of various health majors, like dietetics!

Mya is a Registered Dietitian and holds a Master of Public Health in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Washington. She practices and teaches from an anti-diet and weight-inclusive approach.  She is currently a nutrition faculty at Seattle Pacific University, teaching a wide range of nutrition courses for various health majors from this weight-inclusive lens, and feels passionate about educating students about the harms of weight-biased care.  

Additionally, in her online business, she facilitates a virtual group program called “Body Respect,” geared towards helping individuals move away from food guilt and body shame, and into food + body peace.  

She can be found on Instagram @foodbody.peace and her website,

In this episode you'll hear:

  • Mya's journey to teaching and dietetics [5:17]
  • How Mya is addressing some of the gaps in the dietetics curriculum at the university level to help see the whole patient  [10:20]
  • Defining the anti-diet approach to health and nutrition  [14:21]
  • The Effectiveness of Diets and weight-centric approaches. [ 16:04]
  • Mya shares examples of her own clients that went diagnosed due to a previous experience with a weight-centric approach [21:35]
  • The impact of weight-neutral modalities and how that impacts future practitioners. [24:41]
  • & more great discussion on weight-centric bias and how it affects our mental, physical and emotional health. 


If you'd like to follow along with me on socials, you can find me here:

Instagram @behind.the.binge @binge.nutritionist

Youtube: Binge Nutritionist

Oct 18, 202149:55
#17 Weight bias in healthcare: Dr. Maggie Landes shares why she aligns with Health at Every Size® as a physician.
Oct 06, 202155:56
#16 Intuitive eating with a chronic disease [Andrea's Story]
Sep 21, 202135:10
#15 What is Body Grief? with Bri Campos, LPC

#15 What is Body Grief? with Bri Campos, LPC

Episode 15. In this episode, we are chatting with Bri Campos all about Body Image and Body Grief. Brianna (Bri) Campos is a licensed mental health counselor based in New Jersey. As a body image educator and the founder of Body Image With Bri, she’s passionate about all things body image and practices through the lens of Health at Every Size® and Intuitive Eating. Utilizing a weight-inclusive approach, she combines her clinical skills and lived experience to teach others how to maneuver through their own unique body image journeys. Follow her on Instagram: @bodyimagewithbri and visit her online. In this episode you'll hear: Jumping from body hate to body love [4:53] How Bri was thrown into her own body image healing journey [8:13] Misconceptions Body Positivity [9:53] Defining Body Grief [12:14] Health & Body Image [15:50] Body Image and your Beliefs[20:14] Bri’s Formula for Body Image [30:09] & more body image goodness! If you'd like to follow along with me on socials, you can find me here: Instagram @behind.the.binge @binge.nutritionist Youtube: Binge Nutritionist

Sep 13, 202149:37