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Your Best Year Starts Here! with Nigel Risner and Neil Martin

Your Best Year Starts Here! with Nigel Risner and Neil Martin

By Neil Martin

Want to create your best year yet? Well, when is NOW a good time to start? It doesn't matter if it is 1 January, 19 November or ANY other day of the year, this podcast will make sure Your Best Year Starts Here!
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090 - Like A BOSS??

Your Best Year Starts Here! with Nigel Risner and Neil MartinAug 10, 2020

218 - The Power of Saying No

218 - The Power of Saying No

Welcome back to "Your Best Year Starts Here" with your hosts, Neil and Nigel! In this energising episode, we delve into the transformative journey from exhaustion to exhilaration, illustrating the profound impact of self-care and strategic decision-making on personal and professional performance.

  • Recovery and Performance: Nigel shares his remarkable turnaround from a state of energy depletion to delivering an outstanding presentation skills day. His experience underscores the critical importance of listening to our bodies and the undeniable connection between well-being and peak performance.
  • The Art of Saying No: Discover the liberating power of saying no to good opportunities to make room for great ones. Nigel's personal anecdotes reveal how this practice opened doors to phenomenal opportunities, highlighting the significance of prioritising and making space for what truly matters.
  • Time Investment: Neil and Nigel discuss the common challenge of managing time effectively, emphasizing the necessity of declining requests that detract from our primary goals. They offer insights into overcoming the fear of disappointment and the importance of committing fully to chosen endeavours.
  • Self-Trust and Reflection: The conversation explores the importance of trusting one's instincts and the value of reflecting on past decisions. By examining where our attention has been most fruitful, we can make informed choices about where to focus our energies moving forward.
  • Setting Boundaries: Nigel shares candid examples from his personal and professional life, demonstrating how setting boundaries and asserting oneself can lead to increased self-esteem and respect from others.
  • Value vs. Price: A discussion on the delicate balance between the value we provide and the fees we charge. Neil and Nigel encourage listeners to stand firm on their worth and not to undermine their value through discounts, drawing a compelling analogy with the cost of refreshments at conferences.
  • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to your physical and mental health; it's the foundation of your ability to perform at your best.
  • Prioritise Wisely: Learn to say no to opportunities that don't align with your goals or values, freeing you up to pursue what truly excites you.
  • Invest Your Time: Treat your time like the precious resource it is. Say no to time-stealers and yes to activities that contribute to your growth and happiness.
  • Trust Yourself: Have faith in your instincts and experiences. They are powerful guides in making decisions that serve your best interests.
  • Maintain Your Value: Stand by the value you bring. Compromising on your worth not only affects your income but can also diminish the perceived value of your work.
Apr 08, 202410:13
217 - The Importance of Self-Care in Performance

217 - The Importance of Self-Care in Performance

In this heartfelt episode of "Your Best Year Starts Here," Neil Martin and Nigel Risner delve into a critical aspect of professional and personal life: the imperative of self-care and its direct impact on our performance. Join us as we navigate through Nigel's personal anecdote about confronting his limitations and the profound lessons it unfolds for all of us.

  • Nigel's Candid Experience: Nigel opens up about his recent struggle with low iron levels, necessitating iron infusions, and how this physical ailment significantly impacted his professional obligations. Despite feeling unwell, he proceeded with a scheduled presentation, which, while well-received, was not up to his usual standard.

  • The Interplay of Health and Performance: The episode underscores the often overlooked connection between our physical well-being and our professional output. Nigel's story illustrates how health issues can subtly undermine our capabilities, affecting the energy and quality we bring to our work.

  • Acknowledging and Acting on Limitations: A pivotal takeaway from Nigel's experience is the courage it takes to acknowledge when we are not at our best and the wisdom in taking necessary steps to address it, even if it means rescheduling important commitments.

  • The Ripple Effect of Compromised Performance: Nigel's reflection on his decision to push through his commitments serves as a reminder of the broader implications of not being in top form. It's not just about individual performance but also about how our state affects those around us, including colleagues, clients, and in Nigel's case, his audience.

  • Self-Care as a Priority: This episode serves as a poignant reminder that taking care of oneself is not just a personal necessity but a professional responsibility. Ignoring early warning signs of fatigue or illness can lead to diminished quality of work and potentially more significant consequences.

  • A Universal Lesson: While Nigel's story is rooted in his experiences as a speaker, the underlying message resonates across all professions. Recognizing and respecting our physical and mental limits is crucial, irrespective of our field of work.

As we wrap up this episode, we are reminded of the critical balance between pushing through challenges and recognizing when to step back for our well-being. Let this episode be a reminder to listen to our bodies, prioritize self-care, and ensure that we are always performing at our best, not just for ourselves but for everyone around us.

Apr 01, 202408:49
216 - The One About Embracing Adventure and Growth

216 - The One About Embracing Adventure and Growth

Welcome to another insightful episode of "Your Best Year Starts Here," featuring your host, Neil Martin, and the ever-enthusiastic Nigel Risner. This week, we dive deep into the realms of personal growth, the spirit of adventure, and how embracing the unexpected can lead to a fulfilling life.

Recap and Resolution: We kick off by revisiting a previous promise made by Nigel concerning the three crucial elements for a fulfilling life. Having momentarily forgotten the latter two in the previous episode, Nigel comes back with clarity and enthusiasm to share his insights.

The Three Essential Elements:

Sense of Purpose: Reiterated as the foundational element, having a clear sense of purpose guides all actions and decisions, serving as a compass for personal and professional growth.
Capacity for Growth: Emphasized in the previous discussions, the ability and willingness to grow and evolve are vital in facing life's curveballs and embracing change.
Spirit of Adventure: Introduced as the key element this episode, Nigel shares his personal take on the importance of seeking new experiences, pushing boundaries, and finding joy in the unexpected.

Adventures and Experiences: Nigel shares personal anecdotes, from his transformative experience in the Masai Mara to planning future escapades in Botswana. These stories highlight the importance of stepping out of comfort zones and injecting fun and adventure into life.

Planning and Flexibility: A significant portion of the discussion revolves around the balance between having a plan and being open to life's unpredictability. Neil and Nigel discuss the limitations of overly detailed long-term planning and advocate for a more flexible, goal-oriented approach.

Comfort Zones and Growth: The conversation delves into the concept of comfort zones, the inevitability of facing challenges, and how growth often requires stepping into the unknown and embracing fear as a catalyst for development.

Behavior and Alignment: Closing the episode, the duo touches on the importance of aligning actions with goals and values. They discuss the transformation of disciplines into habits and the impact of consistent, aligned behavior on achieving desired outcomes.

Embrace the spirit of adventure and be open to new experiences as a pathway to growth.
Balance planning with flexibility to navigate life's uncertainties effectively.
Growth lies beyond comfort zones; facing and embracing challenges is essential for personal development.
Align daily behaviors with long-term goals and values for a fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

Reflect on your sense of purpose and how it guides your actions and decisions.
Identify areas for growth and consider new adventures or experiences that could contribute to your personal development.
Review your planning approach and ensure it allows for flexibility and adaptation to unforeseen circumstances.
Assess your daily behaviors and routines to ensure they align with your long-term vision and values.

Join us next week for more insights and actionable advice to make this your best year yet. Remember, life is an adventure—embrace it, grow with it, and let your actions reflect your purpose.
Mar 25, 202415:54
215 - From Self-Worth to Speaking Out: The One About Authenticity and Support

215 - From Self-Worth to Speaking Out: The One About Authenticity and Support

Welcome to another enlightening episode of "Your Best Year Starts Here" with your hosts Neil Martin and Nigel Risner. Dive into a candid conversation filled with wit, wisdom, and the occasional jump in tonality. In this episode, we explore the importance of intuition, the continuous journey of learning, and the art of sharing knowledge and experiences.


  1. The Power of Podcasting and Friendship: Neil and Nigel kick off the episode reflecting on their dynamic partnership and the joy of reuniting for the podcast. They discuss how their intuitive understanding of each other and their banter makes the podcast special.

  2. Unremembered Plans: The duo acknowledges the plans they had made in previous episodes but humorously admit to forgetting them, leading to a spontaneous and organic discussion.

  3. A Lifelong Learning Journey: Nigel shares insights from a seminar by Jack Canfield, emphasizing the importance of always being open to learning. He introduces an acronym for LIFE: Letting Intuition Free Every Day, and discusses how trusting our intuition can simplify life.

  4. The Importance of Authenticity in Speaking: Nigel talks about his experiences speaking to diverse audiences without notes, relying on his intuition and genuine desire to help others. He stresses the importance of sharing one's truth and knowledge freely to make a positive impact.

  5. The Challenge of Continuous Learning: Both Neil and Nigel emphasize the danger of thinking we know everything. They encourage listeners to remain students of life, constantly seeking new knowledge and perspectives.

  6. The Value of Support and Community: The conversation shifts to the importance of supporting others, especially highlighting the need for more women speakers and the challenges they face. They discuss the nuances of support within communities and the importance of not undermining one's value.

  7. Self-Worth and Compensation: A candid discussion on the importance of valuing oneself and one's services. Nigel shares personal anecdotes about setting fees and the challenges of balancing generosity with self-respect.

  8. Closing Thoughts: The episode wraps up with a reminder of the importance of never stopping the learning process and always being open to new ideas and perspectives.

Key Takeaway: This episode is a treasure trove of wisdom on the power of intuition, the never-ending journey of learning, and the importance of sharing knowledge. Neil and Nigel remind us that by staying true to ourselves, continuously seeking growth, and supporting one another, we can navigate life and business more effectively and compassionately.

Join us next week for more insights and inspiration as we continue to explore the pathways to making this your best year yet. Don't forget to share your thoughts and takeaways with us!

Mar 18, 202412:22
214 - From Scrambled Eggs to Life's Mission

214 - From Scrambled Eggs to Life's Mission

In this heartfelt episode of "Your Best Year Starts Here," Neil Martin and Nigel Risner delve into the profound topic of finding and following one's sense of purpose. Nigel, with his captivating storytelling, shares insights from his own life and professional journey, emphasizing the importance of purpose, adventure, and growth.

Key Highlights:

  • Sense of Purpose: Nigel revisits a mantra that has guided him for years, highlighting the necessity of having a sense of purpose, a spirit of adventure, and the capacity for growth in one's life. He elaborates on how a clear sense of purpose has always directed him towards inspiring and empowering others.

  • Integrity and Mission: Nigel discusses the challenges of staying true to one's purpose, especially in situations that might not align with one's core values, like speaking engagements where alcohol is involved. This segment underscores the importance of integrity in professional settings.

  • Everyday Purpose: The conversation turns to how a sense of purpose influences daily decisions and relationships. Nigel shares personal anecdotes to illustrate how losing sight of one's purpose can lead to dissatisfaction and disconnection.

  • Simple Pleasures and Basic Needs: Nigel humorously recounts his experiences with hotel breakfasts, using them as a metaphor for the importance of being heard and understood. These stories serve as a reminder that it's often the simple things in life that matter most.

  • The Power of Sharing Purpose: The episode concludes with a reflection on the impact of sharing one's purpose with others. Neil and Nigel encourage listeners to communicate their purpose to those around them, fostering understanding and support.

Listener Takeaways:

  • Reflect on your own sense of purpose and consider how it influences your daily life and decisions.
  • Stay true to your values and mission, even when faced with challenges or temptations that might steer you off course.
  • Appreciate the simple things in life and recognize their role in fulfilling your sense of purpose.
  • Share your purpose with others to build connections and find support in your journey.

Engage with Us:

We'd love to hear how you're finding and following your sense of purpose. Share your stories with us on social media or send us a message. If there's a topic you'd like us to discuss in future episodes, let us know!

Mar 11, 202410:13
213 - The Art of Waiting: Patience in a 'Now' Economy

213 - The Art of Waiting: Patience in a 'Now' Economy

Welcome back to "Your Best Year Starts Here" with Episode 213! In this week’s episode, we dive into the theme of patience and waiting, exploring how these virtues play a crucial role in both our personal and financial lives.

  • The Paradox of Patience: We kick off the episode with a discussion on the modern struggle with patience, especially in an age where instant gratification is the norm. The expectation to have everything 'now' has been exacerbated by services like Amazon, making the traditional virtue of patience seem almost obsolete.

  • A Personal Bitcoin Story: Nigel shares a fascinating encounter in Barbados, leading to an impromptu investment in Bitcoin. This anecdote serves as a backdrop to discuss the broader theme of waiting and investing in things we might not immediately understand but can offer unexpected returns over time.

  • The Concept of T.I.M.E.: We explore the acronym T.I.M.E. ("Things I Must Earn"), emphasizing the importance of investing time and resources into ventures that may require patience but promise potential growth.

  • Investment vs. Expenditure: The conversation delves into the distinction between spending money on ephemeral pleasures versus investing in assets like Bitcoin, where the value may fluctuate but also holds the potential for significant returns.

  • The Psychology of Waiting: We discuss how the act of waiting can be a strategic and beneficial practice, not just in financial investments but also in personal growth and relationships.

  • The Power of Perseverance: The episode concludes with a profound insight into perseverance, defined as the product of patience and persistence. This formula encourages listeners to stay the course, highlighting that success often comes to those who are willing to wait and work for it.

  • "Time stands for Things I Must Earn."
  • "Patience, particularly around things you are willing to lose anyway, you never know what's going to come back."
  • "If you are giving someone attention to get something back from it, you are really taking from the relationship."
  • "Perseverance is patience multiplied by persistence."

Episode 213 is a thoughtful exploration of the lost art of waiting and the strategic patience required in today's fast-paced world. Whether it's a financial investment, personal growth, or nurturing relationships, the ability to wait can lead to unexpected and often rewarding outcomes. Join us as we unpack these themes, share personal anecdotes, and perhaps inspire you to embrace the wait in your journey to making this your best year yet.

Remember, your best year starts right here!

Mar 04, 202415:21
212 - Beyond Consistency: Embracing Life's Interruptions

212 - Beyond Consistency: Embracing Life's Interruptions

Welcome back to "Your Best Year Starts Here"! In this poignant episode, we dive deep into the essence of what it truly means to aim for your best year, especially when life throws its curveballs.

Our hosts share personal stories and insights, shedding light on the importance of adaptability, realism, and the undervalued power of saying 'no'.

  1. The Value of Real Connections: Despite life's busyness and unexpected challenges, the foundation of real love, trust, and friendship endures. Our hosts reflect on their long-standing relationship and how genuine connections allow for reconnection when the time is right.

  2. The Realism of Life's Challenges: Life's unpredictable nature often demands a detour from our planned paths. From family commitments, health issues, to emotional trials, our hosts open up about their personal experiences, emphasizing that it's okay to adjust your sails when necessary.

  3. Redefining Success: The conventional push towards non-stop achievement is put under scrutiny. The episode discusses the fine line between pursuing your dreams and maintaining a balanced life, where family, health, and personal well-being cannot be overlooked.

  4. A Fresh Take on SMART Goals: Revisiting the concept of SMART goals, our hosts propose a shift from purely 'realistic' to 'relevant' goals, advocating for objectives that stretch yet are attainable, keeping us within reach of our dreams without veering into the realm of the unattainable.

  5. The Courage to Say 'No': Learning to decline opportunities that don't align with personal and family values is a theme. It's about making choices that fit within the framework of your life, even if that means opting for less rather than more.

  6. Humanity Over Perfection: The episode touches on the importance of embracing our human side in professional settings. From unexpected family appearances during work calls to the simple act of sharing personal stories, it's a call to be as professional as we can be, yet as human as we must be.

  7. Life Lessons and Laughter: Amid the deep discussions, there's no shortage of light-hearted moments and laughter, reminding us of the joy found in the journey, not just the destination.

This episode is a heartfelt reminder that your best year doesn't necessarily mean achieving every lofty goal but finding a balance that allows for growth, happiness, and, importantly, peace of mind. As our hosts aptly put it, sometimes the bravest thing you can do is to adjust your dreams to the realities of your life, ensuring you don't just chase success but also embrace the joy along the way.

Thank you for tuning in, and remember, being true to yourself and your needs might just be the key to your best year yet.

Feb 26, 202413:57
211 - Retro Nigel vs Robo Neil - An Experiment in AI

211 - Retro Nigel vs Robo Neil - An Experiment in AI

Welcome to episode 211 of the "Your Best Year Starts Here" podcast! This time, we're spicing things up with a unique concept of "Robo vs Retro".

In the robo corner, we have AI Neil - a digital iteration of the real Neil, built using the latest artificial intelligence algorithms and trained to mimic his responses, insights, and idiosyncrasies. AI Neil is not just a bot; it's an artificial embodiment of Neil's wisdom, wit, and quirks.

In the retro corner, we're bringing in a blast from the past - Nigel from 1999. Expect some timeless wisdom and the foundational philosophies that have shaped Nigel into the person he is today.

We kick things off with a glimpse into the past, listening to 1999 Nigel talking about self-mastery and creating your best year. He reminds us about the importance of recognizing our past, present, and future, focusing on where we want to go rather than dwelling on the past.

He continues to explore the importance of thoughts, words, and actions, underlining the need for better ones in all three areas. He mentions various aspects of personal development, from acknowledging self-talk, both positive and negative, to setting goals and creating affirmations. The younger Nigel also stresses the importance of perseverance, celebrating successes, and providing feedback.

The conversation then segues to the concept of "Auto University", a term coined by Nigel to describe the self-education one can achieve while travelling or commuting, by listening to speakers, motivational, inspirational leaders, and more.

AI Neil also chimes in on the power of podcasts and audiobooks as tools of learning and entertainment, transforming mundane tasks into opportunities for self-development and enrichment.

Finally, retro Nigel highlights the crucial role of a supportive team in pursuing your dreams. He emphasises that we are only as strong as our weakest link, reminding us of the value of strengthening weak areas and working together.

The episode concludes with AI Neil echoing this sentiment, quoting Steve Jobs's famous line on teamwork, and encouraging listeners to assemble the right team for achieving their goals.

In this special "Robo vs Retro" episode, we attempt to blend the richness of past wisdom with the possibilities of future technology. It's an exciting journey, and we can't wait to hear your thoughts on it. Should we continue with AI Neil and Retro Nigel, or bring back the real versions? Your feedback will shape our next steps!

Stay tuned for more episodes of "Your Best Year Starts Here"!

Jun 06, 202309:26
210 - The One Where We Talk AI

210 - The One Where We Talk AI

As we were talking about AI, we decided to use it to write some show notes too... We gave Chat GPT the episode transcript, and this is what it gave us back:

Podcast Show Notes: Episode 210 - The One Where We Talk AI

  1. Introduction: Welcome back to our 210th episode. We reflect on the journey since the inception of the podcast, celebrating four or five years of broadcasting our message to the universe.

  2. Consistency & Great Content: The importance of consistency and high-quality content. We discuss how the two are essential for long-term podcasting success.

  3. The Timelessness of Good Content: A discussion on creating evergreen content, taking the example of a book written in 2006 that still holds relevance today. The longevity of content and its ability to be remembered is vital.

  4. Individuality & Uniqueness: Everyone has a unique set of skills and qualities. We explore how this uniqueness should be reflected in your content to make it uniquely yours.

  5. Contentment & Content: A wordplay on contentment and content. The quality of your content and your level of contentment are directly proportional. If you are not satisfied with the content you produce, it could affect your happiness levels.

  6. The Importance of Universal Principles: We discuss the significance of evergreen principles that hold true regardless of time or changes in technology.

  7. The Value of Honesty & Transparency: The importance of being honest and transparent with your audience, especially in times of rapid legislative changes or uncertainties.

  8. Trust & Reputation: A conversation around the importance of trust in building and maintaining relationships with your audience. Trust can take years to build but only seconds to lose.

  9. The Impact of AI on Content Creation: We discuss the pros and cons of using AI in content creation. The importance of maintaining your unique voice and style, even when using AI tools, is emphasised.

  10. Outsourcing & Authenticity: A cautionary tale about outsourcing content creation without maintaining oversight. The potential risks to trust and authenticity are explored.

  11. Personal Touch vs. Over-polished Content: The downside of overly polished content that may lose the personal touch and authenticity. We compare this with music that can sometimes be 'overproduced', losing the raw emotion of the original piece.

  12. Closing Thoughts: Reflections on the journey so far, and a call to action for listeners to focus on producing unique, high-quality content consistently.

Remember to join us next time for more insightful discussions and tips for your content creation journey.

May 22, 202313:47
209 - The One With The Thing About Golf

209 - The One With The Thing About Golf

Nigel wanted to talk about golf... there is a good reason for it

May 15, 202314:51
208 - Always Always Quality

208 - Always Always Quality

What more can we say?

May 08, 202314:11
207 - If You Want Change...

207 - If You Want Change...

We put the show title into an ai and let it make some suggestions. This was AFTER we'd recorded the show so we didn't talk about those things, but you might find them useful (unlike most of our show notes). So here they are:

If you want change, there are several steps you can take to create a positive impact in your life and in the world around you:

  1. Self-reflection: Identify the areas of your life that you want to change. Be honest with yourself about your strengths and weaknesses, and understand the reasons behind the desired change.

  2. Set clear goals: Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for the changes you want to make. This will help you stay focused and motivated.

  3. Create an action plan: Break your goals down into smaller tasks and create a step-by-step plan to achieve them. This will make the change more manageable and less overwhelming.

  4. Educate yourself: Learn as much as you can about the change you want to make. Research best practices, read books, attend workshops or seminars, and engage with others who have successfully made similar changes.

  5. Seek support: Surround yourself with people who share your vision and can provide encouragement, advice, and assistance. Consider joining support groups or finding a mentor who has experience in the area you want to change.

  6. Be patient and persistent: Change takes time and effort. Don't be discouraged if you don't see immediate results. Keep working toward your goals, and remember that setbacks are a natural part of the process.

  7. Monitor your progress: Regularly evaluate your progress and adjust your plan as needed. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small, and use them as motivation to continue moving forward.

  8. Embrace a growth mindset: Believe that you can learn and grow through effort, perseverance, and resilience. View challenges and setbacks as opportunities for personal development.

  9. Stay positive: Maintain a positive attitude, even when faced with obstacles. Visualize your success and practice gratitude for the progress you've made.

  10. Be adaptable: Be open to change and willing to modify your plan as new information becomes available or circumstances change. Flexibility is key to successfully navigating the change process.

Remember that change is a process and not an overnight event. By following these steps and staying committed to your goals, you can create meaningful and lasting change in your life and the world around you.

Apr 10, 202312:20
206 - Wouldn't It Be Nice If

206 - Wouldn't It Be Nice If

The verdict is still out on if show descriptions are worth it. I mean, seriously, we could write anything here and would you actually care? Maybe we should put something random or ai generated and test that?

Apr 03, 202311:12
205 - Bigger, Better, Don't Rush

205 - Bigger, Better, Don't Rush

Does anyone actually read these show descriptions? We're not sure... if you do then message us on social media and maybe we'll make them more useful :-)

Mar 27, 202314:23
204 - Guess Who's Back!

204 - Guess Who's Back!

Did you miss us? It's been a while (sorry) but we are BACK!

Mar 20, 202313:09
203 - The One About Looking Back and Connecting Dots

203 - The One About Looking Back and Connecting Dots

Sometimes the biggest breakthroughs are INSANELY obvious (and maybe that is why we miss them)

Oct 31, 202211:54
202 - The One About The Number One Question

202 - The One About The Number One Question

Everyone searches for answers, but first...

Oct 24, 202211:54
201 - Motivational Speakers Aren't Always Motivational

201 - Motivational Speakers Aren't Always Motivational

It's normal to have a bad day sometimes...

Oct 17, 202211:53
200 - 4 Years Later and Still In Joy

200 - 4 Years Later and Still In Joy

200 episodes!!! We actually got here. But where are we going next? Will there even be an episode 201?

Sep 26, 202212:16
199 - Your Competition Is Doing This

199 - Your Competition Is Doing This

What are you going to do different to end this year on a high?

Sep 19, 202211:07
198 - Why Did You Start in the First Place?

198 - Why Did You Start in the First Place?

Lost momentum? Ask yourself why you started... or and if anyone knows Ken we'd love to hear from him!

Sep 12, 202213:57
197 - Did You Miss Us?

197 - Did You Miss Us?

Sorry.. for the first time EVER we missed a week... But we are back :-)

Sep 05, 202213:49
196 - The One Where We Don't Know Which Episode We Are On

196 - The One Where We Don't Know Which Episode We Are On

We've been doing this almost 4 years... and yet we've forgotten what episode we are recording!

Aug 22, 202212:12
195 - Cinemas, Innovation and Me Too Stuff

195 - Cinemas, Innovation and Me Too Stuff

I guess the alternative title could be grow or die...

Aug 15, 202213:40
194 - Should We Quit?

194 - Should We Quit?

Nothing lasts forever. Sometimes we just have to recognise that it is time to quit.

Aug 08, 202214:14
193 - The One About Dragons and Broken Straps

193 - The One About Dragons and Broken Straps

Let's talk Dragon's Den, broken straps and bouncing back!

Aug 01, 202212:14
192 - Expectation Hangovers

192 - Expectation Hangovers

Learn to say NO. Set clear expectations. Manage communication. That's the cliff notes.

Jul 25, 202213:15
191 - Satisfaction vs Loyalty

191 - Satisfaction vs Loyalty

Do you read these show notes? We're not sure that many (or any) people actually do. If you are one of the rare people that does then HELLO!! Oh and sorry.. this episode was a few hours late getting published :-(

Jul 18, 202212:41
190 - Don't Get Third Date Syndrome in Your Business

190 - Don't Get Third Date Syndrome in Your Business

You wouldn't do it in personal relationships, so don't do it in business ones...

Jul 11, 202214:11
189 - Too Much, Too Soon, Too Big

189 - Too Much, Too Soon, Too Big

Overdo it and you're likely to fail

Jul 04, 202213:15
188 - Something Like A Phenomenal

188 - Something Like A Phenomenal

The difference between being phenomenal or being a bit of a knob...

Jun 27, 202212:59
187 - Stop Working on Your Weaknesses

187 - Stop Working on Your Weaknesses

Ever been told to work on your weaknesses? It's the WRONG advice...

Jun 20, 202214:07
186 - The Mixtape

186 - The Mixtape

Revisiting 10 golden nuggets from our first 10 episodes!

Jun 13, 202212:16
185 - Amazon, Apple and McDonalds

185 - Amazon, Apple and McDonalds

What do Amazon, Apple and McDonalds all have in common? Join us for another episode of Your Best Year Starts Here, when we answer this (and talk about a bunch of other stuff too)

Jun 06, 202217:18
184 - Speaking, Training and Feeling Understood

184 - Speaking, Training and Feeling Understood

If you are only focused on getting people to understand you, then you are losing most of the people you are talking to...

May 30, 202216:33
183 - Need to Grab Attention

183 - Need to Grab Attention

Oi!!!! Yeah, you... What is your biggest challenge right now? We'd love to hear from you so we can make sure we cover topics that will help you on the show. Hit us up on our socials and let us know ;-)

May 23, 202216:49
182 - Weird and Open to Feedback

182 - Weird and Open to Feedback

Dear listener, serious question... do you actually read these show notes? If you do please hit us up on Facebook (or any of our other social media channels) and let us know. Why? Because sometimes we wonder if these are just words filling a box that nobody pays any attention to!

May 16, 202216:12
181 - How Can You Moan Sitting in Business Class?

181 - How Can You Moan Sitting in Business Class?

Nigel moans about business class... (yes, really). I wonder what feedforward we will get for this episode!

May 09, 202213:15
180 - The Power Is In The Pause

180 - The Power Is In The Pause

Nigel is back and Neil says something he likes so much that it became the episode title!

May 02, 202214:12
179 - Be The Verb

179 - Be The Verb

If you want to be the noun, you have to do the verb!

Apr 25, 202212:17
178 - Nigel is Speechless

178 - Nigel is Speechless

What happens when a motivational speaker loses their voice? Does the show go on? What about if someone is unable to show up in your life? What would happen?

Apr 18, 202212:10
177 - Live In The Solution

177 - Live In The Solution

Every silver lining has a cloud. So do you look for it? Do you live in the problem or the solution?

Apr 11, 202212:59
176 - The Courage To Quit

176 - The Courage To Quit

Sometimes that common advice of "don't quit" is COMPLETELY WRONG

Apr 04, 202214:33
175 - Where Are You? (and the when did you last pick up the phone?)

175 - Where Are You? (and the when did you last pick up the phone?)

Home working? Office working? Blended working? Live events? Zoom? Hydrid? The world has changed... (pick up the phone).
Mar 28, 202212:55
174 - The Reason Why Most People Suck

174 - The Reason Why Most People Suck

We've talked about it before... but we need to talk about it again!

Mar 21, 202215:30
173 - Customer Experience Matters (especially when it sucks)

173 - Customer Experience Matters (especially when it sucks)

Sometimes well know organisations create a memorable customer experience for all the WRONG reasons... (and it's not only the big names that do it)

Mar 14, 202214:26
172 - Taking The Towels and The Sweets Away

172 - Taking The Towels and The Sweets Away

Like seriously, some people and places do stuff like that...

Mar 07, 202215:11
171 - Feedback, Feedforward and Something Even More Important Than That

171 - Feedback, Feedforward and Something Even More Important Than That

This one is a BIGGIE!

Feb 28, 202213:25
170 - The Importance of Being You

170 - The Importance of Being You

Dear fake people, please STOP!

Feb 21, 202217:47
169 - Quit With The Covid Excuses

169 - Quit With The Covid Excuses

Seriously, we are over them now... Oh and we talk about Valentines and stuff too

Feb 14, 202216:32