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Blockchain Won't Save the World

Blockchain Won't Save the World

By Anthony Day

Cutting through the hype, telling inspiring stories from people and organisations who are creating real change in the world with Blockchain and Exponential technologies.
Listened to in over 150 countries worldwide.
Hosted by: Anthony Day, Blockchain Leader at Midnight
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S4E9 Web3 Wallets w. Metamask & Mesh (Kai Huang & Bam Azizi)

Blockchain Won't Save the WorldMay 24, 2024

S4E9 Web3 Wallets w. Metamask & Mesh (Kai Huang & Bam Azizi)

S4E9 Web3 Wallets w. Metamask & Mesh (Kai Huang & Bam Azizi)

Wallets are a critical interface for any user of Dapps and Web3 services. But the UX and functionality is often so complex or limited. Not for long...

If you've been in Web3 for a while, chances are you've used Metamask once or twice. You're ok with having to manually add your random tokens, or get quoted astronomical gas fees from time to time. But better things are on the way.

Metamask and Mesh are working together to bring aggregation of multiple accounts across the crypto-verse, more comprehensive transaction history, integrations with a wide range of brokers and exchanges, and simpler logins with high levels of security. Want to know more?...

On this show we discuss:

- A beginners guide to Metamask

- What use cases / pain points Mesh are we trying to address with their multiple integrations and feeds

- Lessons learned from Mesh and Metamask's massive integration efforts

- The importance of Stablecoins in scaling Web3

- When we will see wider adoption of Web3, dapps and decentralised tech

May 24, 202442:14
S4E8 Data Science in Web3 Gaming w. Helika CEO, Anton Umnov

S4E8 Data Science in Web3 Gaming w. Helika CEO, Anton Umnov

Web3 gaming is just getting started, but most people think it's just about the protocol or the tokens... What about the DATA?

We get a fascinating insight into what game developers need to create decentralised gaming economies... The team at Helika have worked with top studios like Yuga Labs, Proof of Play, Animoca Brands and many more, and have seen the early promise of Web3 gaming fall flat because of one particular challenge: DATA.

Actually, it's more than just data. It's how to design, collect, interpret and act on data; as well as designing a coherent game economy that can work in harmony with a decentralised crypto economy. No mean feat.

In this show we'll discuss:

- The maturity of the Web3 gaming ecosystem

- What makes Web3 hard for traditional game developers

- The importance of data for Web3 games

- What is different when it comes to decentralised games and digital assets

- Best practices for data management in gaming

- Advice to any company looking to build with Web3 tech

May 06, 202451:43
S4E7 Chainstack: Integrating Every Blockchain w. JJ Jager (CEO)

S4E7 Chainstack: Integrating Every Blockchain w. JJ Jager (CEO)

Want to meet the man who's trying to integrate ALL the Blockchains? That's no mean feat. Jan-Jaap Jager is transforming Web3 and making it easier for anyone to build Dapps on one or many different chains...

We've said this before, but Web3 will never reach 'mass adoption' if applications are hard to develop, and we don't provide tooling for developers and teams who don't want to learn random Blockchain coding languages.

Step forward Chainstack! It is their mission to make Blockchain development and infrastructure easy to use, and to give developers and organisations as much choice as possible when it comes to starting and supporting their Web3 journeys. Public. Private. Subnets. APIs. It's all here...

In this show we'll cover:

- The origins of Chainstack

- The problems with building on Blockchains today

- The importance of BaaS and SaaS for Web3 to scale

- The most exciting or impactful use cases that Chainstack enables

- What it takes to manage a portfolio of 25+ Blockchains

- Advice to anyone looking to build Dapps or Blockchain offerings

Apr 19, 202456:03
S4E6 Filecoin & a DePIN Masterclass w. Porter Stowell

S4E6 Filecoin & a DePIN Masterclass w. Porter Stowell

DePIN is a sector where Blockchain tech is having a major impact. We talk this, and Filecoin’s 6-year history with Porter Stowell.

Decentralised Physical Infrastructure Networks: In short, the democratisation of compute, storage, communication and more. Optimising existing industrial-grade infrastructure and also allowing individuals to participate in a P2P sharing economy. Sound interesting and disruptive? It is.

Amazon and Google aren’t exactly quaking in their boots, but they’re watching with interest, and have been making moves in Web3 to make sure their legacy businesses doesn’t get blindsided by Blockchain.

Filecoin has been leading the charge, particularly in storage, since 2017 and was one of the most love projects from Web3’s previous growth cycle. Porter gives us his take on the emergence of DePIN, what it REALLY takes to scale viable decentralised networks, as well as:

- A Filecoin 101 for those who are new here

- How to manage supply and demand in DePIN networks

- The art of the ‘deal’ for B2B, large-scale storage

- What more is needed for DePIN networks to become attractive to enterprises and a wider user base

Apr 05, 202453:16
S4E5 Venly: Solving Blockchain's Tooling Problem w. Tim Dierckxsens

S4E5 Venly: Solving Blockchain's Tooling Problem w. Tim Dierckxsens

Note: This episode contains at least 2 very important knowledge bombs about the importance of SaaS for Web3, and the art of dealmaking for chain partnerships!

We've got more Blockchain infrastructure than we can possibly use... But is it USABLE?

Tim from Venly will explain the importance of developer tools to make Web3 more accessible to everyone...

Blockchains are brilliant. Tokens are tremendous. But development on most chains can be dire... Esoteric languages, confusing contracts, limited interoperability, and APIs that don't connect to anything legacy organisations actually use today. Venly are looking to change that.

In this show we'll talk about:

- The challenge of building with Blockchains today

- What do we mean by 'tooling' for Web3

- What's in the Venly tooling stack

- Example use cases where enterprises and projects are benefiting from SaaS / BaaS solutions

- What more is needed to see wider Web3 adoption

Mar 23, 202451:14
S4E4 VeChain: A Sustainable Blockchain with a Purpose w. Sunny Lu

S4E4 VeChain: A Sustainable Blockchain with a Purpose w. Sunny Lu

How many Layer 1 Blockchains do you know that are mission-driven to support sustainability? VeChain might be the only one…

Not only that, they’re the only Blockchain whose whitepaper was co-authored by BCG. This is a serious team, with serious ambitions, and Sunny Lu joins us to answer YOUR questions.

Many Blockchains will say they are ‘sustainable’… Which is a common reference to the fact that their energy usage (through Proof of Stake Consensus) is 99% lower than Bitcoin’s. But are they driving change through enabling sustainability projects? VeChain are, and along with insights into the technology and the use cases, we talk about:

- The history of VeChain

- Why Blockchains uniquely benefit sustainability initiatives

- Collaboration with BCG and how a top consultancy committed to writing a Web3 whitepaper

- Blockchain incentive design, and how mature ‘X to Earn’ models have become in 2024

- What more is needed to see wider use of Blockchain and decentralised technology

Mar 09, 202453:57
S4E3 zkLogin & Sui: Scaling Blockchain-based Identity w. Kostas Chalkias

S4E3 zkLogin & Sui: Scaling Blockchain-based Identity w. Kostas Chalkias

Onboarding is one of the biggest UX challenges with Web3, and Mysten Labs think they've cracked it with zkLogin. Single sign-on but privacy-preserving. I'm joined by Kostas Chalkias (AKA Kostas Kryptos) to learn more...

Google, Facebook and Apple have cornered the single sign-on (SSO) market in an attempt to improve UX but also capture more about YOU and what you do online... The emergence of Zero Knowledge technology paired with the existing SSO providers' tools can enable simple UX while protecting your ID and data. Curious? You should be.

Join me and Kostas, where we'll talk about:

- The problems with SSOs and credentials today

- An introduction to zkLogin

- Use cases and what can be built on top of zkLogin

- A beginners guide to the Sui network

- What more is required to see zk tech adopted more widely

- Guidance for people building with Blockchain and zk

Feb 24, 202458:52
S4E2 AvaCloud and the Importance of BaaS w. Nick Mussalem (Head of Product, AvaLabs)

S4E2 AvaCloud and the Importance of BaaS w. Nick Mussalem (Head of Product, AvaLabs)

We'll never get to widespread adoption of Blockchain and Web3 unless we can make it easy for enterprises and governments to easily integrate the tech. AvaCloud (from Ava Labs) believe they have cracked this problem...

I'm joined by Nick Mussallem, Head of Product for Ava Labs, who will share everything the Avalanche community has learned about Blockchain adoption. They have partnered with major enterprises, AAA games, top brands, and have a bustling Web3 ecosystem.

AvaCloud is the Avalanche 'Blockchain as a Service' (BaaS) offering that aims to make adoption and integration of decentralised technologies easy-peasy. But what does that mean, and why weren't we doing this before?

In this show we discuss:

- The rise of Avalanche and why it's different to other Blockchains

- The importance of Blockchain as a Service and how it helps

- The creation of AvaCloud and what's 'in the box'

- Use cases and real world examples of AvaCloud in action

- Advice for anyone looking to build with Blockchain technology

(Note: apologies for my audio quality - realised I wasn't using the podcast mic halfway through the show! smh)

Feb 10, 202451:42
S4E1 Charles Hoskinson Shares All He Has Learned About Blockchain Adoption (BTC, ETH, ADA, Midnight)

S4E1 Charles Hoskinson Shares All He Has Learned About Blockchain Adoption (BTC, ETH, ADA, Midnight)

Season 4 of BWSTW kicks off with the legendary Charles Hoskinson. He shaped the direction of Ethereum and Cardano, and now Midnight. So you'll want to hear what he has to say about what is needed for Blockchain and Crypto to properly scale...

Charles is recognised as one of the leading thinkers when it comes to Web3, but is also the founder of a number of non-Blockchain businesses making use of disruptive technologies, so he brings a broad commercial perspective He also knows what it takes to scale Blockchain and Crypto ecosystems, from the code, to the community, to regulation and engaging with market intermediaries.

In this show we talk about the path ahead for Blockchain technologies for further enter the mainstream, including:

- What Charles has learned about adoption from his years with Cardano

- The imperatives for further use of decentralised technologies

- The main use cases where Blockchains can drive meaningful change

- His vision for Midnight, and where a data protection Blockchain succeed where others have so far failed, and

- Advice for enterprises and governments looking to engage with Web3, Blockchain & Dapps

Jan 28, 202454:16
S3E27 Season 3 Finale - The Roast of The Bear Market

S3E27 Season 3 Finale - The Roast of The Bear Market

Oh Mama! Who's ready to ROAST some Blockchains? Our favourite season-ending format is back, with some very special guests...

This is where we cut loose, make fun of ourselves (and others), throw a little shade (in a respectful way) and generally find humour in the weird nuances of Blockchain and Web3.

This time round, we're roasting the daft things that happen when the Bear Market comes around, token values drop, funding gets cut, scam projects get exposed, and dodgy 'influencers' start looking for work in AI or McDonalds...

And to help stoke the fires, and bring the funny, I'm joined by some legendary Web3 OGs who have seen more than their fair share of stupid Blockchain things in their illustrious careers:

Mathew Sweezey (The Enterprise Guy)

Irina Heaver (The Crypto Lawyer)

Diego Borgo (The Brand and Culture Guy)

Sandra Helou (The Metaverse Builder)

Keir Finlow-Bates (Architect & Engineer Extraordinaire)

Emily Landon (The Web3 Recruiter)

So join us for a light-hearted look at the ridiculous things that go on in our industry, peppered with some jokes, some war stories, and some predictions of when this Bear Market will end...

Nov 25, 202357:15
S3E26 Aptos & The State of Enterprise Blockchain w. Charles Adkins,

S3E26 Aptos & The State of Enterprise Blockchain w. Charles Adkins,

We finally did it! Charles Adkins, an enterprise innovation and blockchain veteran is finally going to bless the podcast, and share his view on why 300 Fortune 500's using NFTs is barely the start of Web3 adoption...
If you don't know, Charles is the guy who advises the likes of Nike, Walt Disney, Red Bull, and Polygon how to drive success with emerging technology. And for the past year he's been helping Aptos to secure some of the world's most notable Blockchain collaborations.
Is Blockchain dead? Does the Metaverse still need Web3 technology? Are all the projects and funds flowing into AI now?... We discuss this and more, including:
- Why should the enterprise world be interested in Blockchain?
- What makes a great Blockchain use case?

- Why does Charles always have a copy of 'Move Over Brokers, Here Comes the Blockchain' within reach?
- What is Aptos doing differently that is making enterprises take note?
- What will drive wider adoption of decentralised technologies?
- What advice would he give other chains or enterprises building with Blockchain technology

Nov 11, 202356:60
S3E25 Midnight: Empowering Data Protecting DApps w. Mauricio Magaldi (Head of Product)

S3E25 Midnight: Empowering Data Protecting DApps w. Mauricio Magaldi (Head of Product)

Midnight, a data protection Blockchain developed by Input Output (IOHK)(a core contributor to Cardano), has just launched, but what does this mean for Web3?
I'm joined by Midnight's Head of Product, Mauricio Magaldi, for a wide-ranging discussion on why data remains a huge issue (and cost) in Web2 as well as Web3, and how Midnight's unique architecture and zero knowledge technology can help any developer to build better apps.
This is a show for anyone who uses, builds or buys applications in their daily life.
We discuss:
- Why data remains an underrated issue for individuals and companies
- What do we mean by data protection, and what good looks like
- Why decentralisation can be great for apps, but where major Blockchains have failed in terms of data and metadata protection to-date
- Why Midnight exists today
- What Midnight's technology is all about
- How to get involved in early access to Midnight's devnet

Oct 28, 202358:26
S3E24 Cloud Killer: Storj and the Decentralised Storage Movement w. Ben Golub

S3E24 Cloud Killer: Storj and the Decentralised Storage Movement w. Ben Golub

For Web3 and Decentralised Apps (DApps) to reach mainstream, we need a place to store data that isn't just the Blockchain. We need decentralised storage! And Storj has been leading the way since 2014. But there's a twist. Decentralised storage isn't just (only) about enabling Web3...
I'm joined by Ben Golub, CEO of Storj Labs and the former CEO of Docker, who knows a thing or two about scaling technology. And we're going to have a 'full stack' conversation about how, when and if DApps will ever reach mainstream.
In this show we'll be discussing:
- The history of DApps and how they differ from 'traditional' apps
- The importance of Decentralised Storage to scale DApps
- How Storj is differentiated from other solutions (centralised and decentralised)
- Why you shouldn't store everything on a Blockchain
- What more is needed to see wider adoption of Web3
- Advice to anyone looking to build DApps that scale

Oct 13, 202338:58
S3E23 Moonbeam: Interoperable Blockchains and the Future of DeFi w. Derek Yoo (Founder, Moonbeam)

S3E23 Moonbeam: Interoperable Blockchains and the Future of DeFi w. Derek Yoo (Founder, Moonbeam)

Why haven't we made interoperable Blockchains, yet? Why should we care? Is Decentralised Finance a credible alternative to big banks? And how did Moonbeam get to 1 MILLION smart contracts?
All big questions in the world of Web3, and ones that Derek Yoo (Founder of Moonbeam) is very familiar with. But the macro market story will tell you, we're not quite at 'mass adoption' of DeFi, and we're still seeing a lot of Blockchain maximalism in the world, as new chains grapple for product-market fit.
We'll discuss all this and more, including:
- The importance of DevX and UX
- Derek's rationale for building on the Polkadot network
- DeFi maturity and its value to the world today
- How Moonbeam attracted a million smart contracts to the platform
- The wider challenge of attracting developers Blockchains and Web3
- 'Competition' from the proliferation of L2s and L3s
- What more is needed to see wider use of DApps and Web3 tech

Sep 30, 202354:31
S3E22 Draft Kings: Blockchain, Sports & Digital Collectibles w. Matt Kalish (Co-Founder & President)

S3E22 Draft Kings: Blockchain, Sports & Digital Collectibles w. Matt Kalish (Co-Founder & President)

How did a sports betting company become a world leader in Blockchain? Co-founder Matt Kalish explains how NFTs and the Reignmakers fantasy sports experience are unlocking entirely new business models...
This is one of those shows that will make things 'finally click'...
When you see a business with high digital penetration, based on real-world events and data feeds, and with high levels of fan engagement, there's a strong basis for fast-paced innovation.
Matt and the Draft Kings team have captured the imagination of thousands of fans and consolidated the 'fantasy sports' category. They're publishing content licensed by top sports associations like the PGA, UFC and NFL, with individual player NFTs selling for thousands of dollars.
On this episode we find out why and how Draft Kings have been thriving in Web3, and cover:
- The origins of DK's interest in Web3
- An introduction to the Reignmakers products

- How to combine the best of sports, gaming and NFTs
- What's coming in Reignmakers Football Season 2
- How DK measure the impact of Blockchain and NFT tech
- The challenges of working with Web3 technology
- The response of 'traditional' customers of DK as well as of the wider Web3 and NFT communities

Sep 15, 202346:39
S3E21 Gamifying Exchanges with Blocktrade CEO, Christian Niedermueller

S3E21 Gamifying Exchanges with Blocktrade CEO, Christian Niedermueller

Crypto exchanges have created some drama in Web3 lately. Can we do better? Christian and Blocktrade believe so, and have a plan for disrupting the 'traditional' role that exchanges play... through play!On this show, Christian Niedermueller, CEO of Blocktrade, shares his views on the world of exchanges, and why he and the Blocktrade team are going to transform the customer experience, and bring trust back to crypto.Two major parts of the recipe will. be 'gamification' and 'education'. There is still a big gap in peoples' understanding of how Web3 works and given exchanges are typically one of the first touchpoints with crypto, there is a responsibility to help educate customers. But this doesn't have to be a dull, bank-esque experience, and the Blocktrade team are pioneering new ways to make learning and engaging with crypto fun and memorable. On this episode we'll discuss: - Christian’s Blockchain origin story and the founding of Blocktrade- The role and importance of exchanges in Web3 (and Web2)- How Blocktrade is differentiated from other exchanges- The role exchanges play in educating people and businesses about Crypto- The power of gamification in customer education and retention- What is needed to see wider adoption of Web3
Sep 01, 202352:55
S3E20 Canton: The World's Most Ambitious Blockchain Network w. Yuval Rooz (CEO, Digital Asset)

S3E20 Canton: The World's Most Ambitious Blockchain Network w. Yuval Rooz (CEO, Digital Asset)

One of the most insightful shows EVER! Web3 is not about siloed, slow, monolithic databases. It’s about open, interoperable, innovative platforms available to all. And Canton Network promises to be the missing link to connect the world’s global financial system with Blockchain.
Canton only recently announced its whitepaper and vision, but has already made quite an impact. With tech companies and financial giants like Goldman Sachs, Deloitte and Microsoft as founding members, there’s some serious scale and value already accessible to the network.
I’m joined by Yuval Rooz, CEO of Digital Asset, and one of the architects of Canton, who will give us the full story of how Canton was formed, how he plans to construct a decentralised network of DLTs across the globe, and what’s in it for the average citizens of Earth…
In this show we talk about:
- The history of Digital Asset and recent DA projects
- Canton’s vision and how the consortium was started
- The Canton problem statements: 1. Lack of privacy (all data published to all nodes) 2. Unpredictable fees / competition for block space
- How Canton technology compare to other options for Financial Services e.g. DLTs (Corda, Fabric), Public Chains (Ethereum, Ripple), or traditional APIs
- How Canton creates value for consortium members
- How Canton can foster open innovation, in the spirit of DeFi / Public networks
- The next steps on the Canton roadmap

Aug 18, 202353:56
S3E19 Helium: Broadband on the Blockchain w. Abhay Kumar

S3E19 Helium: Broadband on the Blockchain w. Abhay Kumar

'Decentralise everything' they say... Helium accepted the challenge. How do you decentralise wireless telecoms to allow anyone or any device to connect to the internet? Listen in to find out more...
On this show we discuss how a 10-year old silicon valley project pivoted to Blockchain, then made a full migration from roll-your-own protocol to Solana, and a lot more besides!

- The history of Helium Network and the DePIN network
- What makes the combination of IOT and Blockchain so powerful
- Early applications for Helium
- Plans for migration to Solana
- What it takes to grow an ecosystem like Helium and the challenges of working with physical hardware
- Advice to others building with Web3 and Blockchain tech

Aug 04, 202349:16
S3E18 Playing Blockchain Games on LinkedIn w. Alex Altgausen, Founder of Banksters

S3E18 Playing Blockchain Games on LinkedIn w. Alex Altgausen, Founder of Banksters

For the first time EVER, we play a Blockchain game LIVE on the Blockchain Won't Save the World podcast!... This was serious fun. Seriously...
Web3 gaming is not 'owning your NFTs'. Alex will explain why Blockchain infrastructure and gamification can transform more than just casual gaming... With a background in trading, exchanges and multi-technology innovation, Alex Altgausen has a broader outlook on Web3 than many. He pioneered the launch of StormGain (a sophisticated competitor to traditional crypto exchanges) and recently founded Banksters: a game and innovative gamification infrastructure combined. Games are about fun, and providing meaningful experiences and rewards for users' commitment and engagement with their games. They rarely care about what technology is under the hood, and we'll explore this deeper on the show. We talk about:- What it takes to build and grown a Web3 game like Banksters- The potential for Blockchain to disrupt the Gaming industry- How to think objectively about the value in the technology- How major game developers are looking at Web3 tech today- Advice for others game developers based on the Banksters experience
Jul 20, 202301:07:15
S3E17 Kaleido: Plug & Play Blockchain (Web3 Doesn't Have to be Hard) w. Sophia Lopez & Steve Cerveny

S3E17 Kaleido: Plug & Play Blockchain (Web3 Doesn't Have to be Hard) w. Sophia Lopez & Steve Cerveny

Kaleido has been consistently making it easier for anyone to use Web3 technology: multi-chain, across the stack, for B2B and B2C, but what more is needed to see Web3 scale if the technical barriers are being removed?... I'm joined by Sophia Lopez and Stephen Cerveny, the co-founders of Kaleido, who have been working relentlessly since 2015 to make it as easy as possible to stand-up Web3 tech. Just a few clicks and you're running and Ethereum node. A few more clicks are you've created a private network using Hyperledger Fabric. And more recently, Kaleido have included Polygon, Avalanche, ISO compliance, SOC2 compliance, and a whole lot more. There is literally no excuse for saying that setting up Blockchain technology is 'hard' any more...
In this episode we will talk about:
- The history of Kaleido, for those who don’t know
- What the team has been working on over the past few months
- Learnings from the past 12 months’ of Web3 (FTX, 3AC, Luna etc.) and the imperatives they give us for scaling Web3 in future
- The current state of ‘Enterprise Blockchain’ and emerging pockets of growth
- What went wrong with well know 'Gen 1' DLT projects that were shut down (SGX, B3i, We.Trade) and how we overcome similar challenges
- How can we enhance Developer Experience and make it easier for anyone to build in Web3
- How far we are away from delivering fully decentralised websites, apps and e-commerce

Jul 07, 202301:00:52
S3E16 Planet Algorand - Purpose to Post-Quantum w. Staci Warden (CEO, Algorand Foundation)

S3E16 Planet Algorand - Purpose to Post-Quantum w. Staci Warden (CEO, Algorand Foundation)

What an episode! One of the most insightful and enjoyable so far, and Staci is the first guest on the show to throw me off my intro game!

Don’t miss Staci Warden, CEO of Algorand Foundation, sharing her insights for how Blockchains and Web3 can aim higher, solve real-world problems, and pass the test of time… Staci is one of the most respected leaders in Web3. She has overseen the growth and expansion of the Algorand ecosystem, new technology, new team and some exciting recent announcements.
It’s so important to have experienced leaders identifying and addressing the challenges of Web3 today. We have incredible technology but it take more than that to drive change. On this episode we discuss:
- Staci’s path to becoming CEO of Algorand Foundation
- What it takes to build and scale a protocol like Algorand in 2023
- What Staci has observed from Web3 in the past year, and the imperatives that give us for Web3 going forward
- How Enterprises or industrial applications play a role in scaling Web3

- The issues and importance of Quantum computing-resistant Blockchains
- Verticals or geographies where Algorand is seeing strong adoption
- The importance of tooling for a Blockchain ecosystem - Python, Python, Python
- Advice for anyone building with Web3 tech today ('Easy internet money is gone')

Jun 23, 202352:33
S3E15 The Importance of Privacy in Web3 w. Harry Halpin (CEO, Nym Technologies)

S3E15 The Importance of Privacy in Web3 w. Harry Halpin (CEO, Nym Technologies)

Blockchains are immutable, transparent and pseudonymous. But do they protect your privacy? We get a data protection masterclass from Harry Halpin who has been leading Nym and championing this domain for years... I've said it to anyone who will listen for the past few years that while we're open to mass adoption of the decentralised internet, not all of Web3 is going to blend well with existing Web2 technologies and business models.
And for goodness sake, do not connect your crypto wallet to your doxxed facebook account! But the issues around data protection and privacy go far deeper than this.
In this show we talk about:
- A brief history of Nym, ''mixnets' and how they led to Bitcoin
- The importance of privacy-preserving technology in Web3 and Web2
- The particular areas, problems or industries where the need for privacy chains is more prevalent
- The issues with Meta and Amazon offering NFT and Web3 integrations
- New technologies around identity and zero-knowledge, incl. zk-nym (privacy-enhanced attribute-based credentials)
- How individuals can get more agency and confident in managing privacy
- What more is required to scale Web3 in a privacy-preserving way
This is a topic that everyone should feel the need to level-up on, and I can assure you, this will be a great place to start!

Jun 09, 202359:40
S3E14 Foundations in Web3 w. Frederik Gregaard (CEO, Cardano Foundation)

S3E14 Foundations in Web3 w. Frederik Gregaard (CEO, Cardano Foundation)

Cardano has one of the strongest ecosystems in Web3, but why? Frederik, the CEO of Cardano Foundation will help to explain all... With a Market Cap of $14Bn (at time of recording) and seen by many as the largest competitor to Ethereum as a smart contract Blockchain, there's good reason to follow the growth of Cardano to-date. It has been a story of pragmatic, peer-reviewed and largely hype-free development since it was founded in 2015 and launched in 2017. But that's just the tech side. What about the 'ecosystem'?As CEO of Cardano Foundation, Frederik is responsible for a non-profit organisation whose mission is to advance operational resilience, education, and adoption of the Cardano Blockchain and the tools and dApps built around it. But how does that work in practice? We talk about:- The role of Foundations in Web3, and what do they do on a day-to-day basis- The challenges and imperatives for growing Web3 ecosystems- The verticals that will drive adoption of decentralised technology- The interaction between Blockchains, AI and the Metaverse in our future- Advice to anyone building with Web3 tech today
May 26, 202354:11
S3E13 Onboarding Enterprises to Web3 w. Alan Vey (CEO of Aventus)

S3E13 Onboarding Enterprises to Web3 w. Alan Vey (CEO of Aventus)

Enterprises could bring 1 Billion users to Web3. But how do you get them excited about decentralised tech? Alan Vey and the Aventus team know exactly how... Aventus have worked with a wide range of ‘Web2’ companies, from cargo tracking at Heathrow Airport, to loyalty management with Cashback app, to helping Beatport launch music NFTs to 50m users and over 100k record labels.So they know a thing or two about what enterprises do and don’t want when it comes to Web3, and what are the biggest challenges that come up along the way. On this show we discuss:- What enterprises really think of Blockchain and Web3- How to look for valuable use cases for enterprises- Use cases in supply chain, music, art and loyalty- How enterprises really feel about crypto- Advice for anyone building with Blockchain
May 12, 202359:37
S3E12: Hyperledger Hype w. Daniela Barbosa (Exec. Director, Hyperledger Foundation)

S3E12: Hyperledger Hype w. Daniela Barbosa (Exec. Director, Hyperledger Foundation)

Whatever happened to Hyperledger? Good news: it’s still growing, but in ways you might not have expected… We’re incredibly lucky to have booked 1hr in Daniela Barbosa’s hectic schedule for an update on Hyperledger, Linux Foundation, Enterprise Blockchain and what’s on the roadmap for 2023 and beyond.
This session is action-packed. Daniela takes us through ALL the Hyperledger projects (Fabric, Besu, Cacti, Besu, Burrow, Sawtooth, Aries, Indy, Iroha, Bevel, AnonCreds, Bevel, Caliper, Cello, Ursa, Solang, Transact), as well as ongoing collabs with other Web3 ecosystems (Ethereum, Cardano, Hedera, Casper, Polygon). And you thought it was just about Fabric!...
In this show we talk about:
- What’s has been happening with Hyperledger over the last 12 months- What Daniela wants to bring to the Hyperledger community since taking over from Brian Behlendorf- The current state of ‘Enterprise’ Blockchain in the context of the wider Web3- Whether ‘Public vs. Private’ Blockchain is still a relevant debate- Guidance for any organisations looking to start using Blockchain technology- Daniela’s biggest learnings about Web3 in the last 12 months, and what more is needed to see wider adoption
Apr 28, 202357:45
S3E11: 'Full Stack' Marketing for Web3 w. Mark & Carolyn from Blokhaus.

S3E11: 'Full Stack' Marketing for Web3 w. Mark & Carolyn from Blokhaus.

Marketing Blockchains AND Blockchains for Marketeers! The emergence of Web3 requires new marketing skills and brings new tools for marketeers. Join us for a marketing masterclass from the team at Blokhaus.Web3 isn't just cringey crypto parties and expensive stadium sponsorships. Ecosystems and network effects are critical to sustain decentralised communities, and like it or not, that means customers, developers, VCs, apps and infrastructure providers need to find each other. There are also cringey parties, and we'll be talking about those too!In this LinkedIn Live session, we discuss:- What is a 'full stack' Web3 marketing agency- The difference between marketing Web3 products, apps and services vs. ’traditional’ marketing- New Web3 ‘tools’ for marketeers, and how they change / enhance the marketing mix- Which industries or brands have made the best impact in Web3- The recipe for a successful Web3 event- How can traditional marketeers increase their learning and awareness of Web3 and Web3 tech
Apr 14, 202301:00:16
S3E10: Is Enterprise Blockchain Bigger Than We Think? w. Giovanni Franzese (Head of Blockchain, Ericsson)

S3E10: Is Enterprise Blockchain Bigger Than We Think? w. Giovanni Franzese (Head of Blockchain, Ericsson)

Depending on who you listen to, Enterprise Blockchain is either thriving or dead. Giovanni Franzese gives us his informed view on where we REALLY are...As Ericsson's Global Head of Enterprise Blockchain, Giovanni has been at the core of many of the world's most cutting edge Blockchain projects, solving enterprise problems that most people didn't even know existed!Giovanni's role is to enable large organisations to adopt Blockchain and DLT technologies, creating, deploying and managing end-to-end solutions across Private and Public Clouds. He is also a member of the Board of Directors for the Corda Foundation. So he's seen some things!...On the show, we discuss:- How he first found his way into Blockchain and Web3- The story of building and growing Blockchain within Ericsson- The opportunity for Blockchain tech in Telco and other key industries- Use cases with a focus on Finance and Trade- General advice to enterprises building with Blockchain
Mar 31, 202301:03:21
S3E9: How Web3 Changes EVERYTHING for Music and Artists w. Sergio Mottola (President, Public Pressure)

S3E9: How Web3 Changes EVERYTHING for Music and Artists w. Sergio Mottola (President, Public Pressure)

Don't miss Sergio Mottola, President of one of the most active and innovative music platforms - powered by artists, labels, brands and superfans - talk about why 'Blockchains' haven't transformed music yet, but how NFTs just might...

PUBLIC PRESSURE was created in light of huge promise, but ultimate failure of 'Blockchain' (as an infrastructure) to change the balance of power and economic models within the music industry. There was a more specific need. More deliberate ingredients. And more accessible technology... And now, Sergio sees that the real change can take place. It's not just about 'tokenising everything' either. PUBLIC PRESSURE have forged a number of commercial partnerships in the 'traditional' music industry (festivals, labels, artists) as well as the emerging Web3 community (gaming, NFTs, and the awesome Moonsama community on Polkadot).

If you didn't understand how Web3 will, and importantly won't change the music and creator economies. You need to listen to this! In this show we will cover:
- Sergio's journey as a Founder using Web3 tech
- The mission and competitive advantages of PUBLIC PRESSURE
- Opportunities for Web3 tech to disrupt the music industry (and why it hasn't happened so far)
- Why music communities should be looking at gaming and other Web3 communities for partnerships and growth
- What more is required to see Web3 tech gain more traction in music, with artists and consumers
Mar 18, 202301:01:47
S3E8: Why the World Needs an Internet Computer w. Dominic Williams (Founder, DFINITY)

S3E8: Why the World Needs an Internet Computer w. Dominic Williams (Founder, DFINITY)

I've never made a show like this before... A full 'Web3 founders journey' from Dominic going all the way back to 2013, Gamecoin, Ethereum and the trials and tribulations of Internet Computer, the Blockchain boasting the most transactions per-day of any chain. Be warned, shots are fired during this episode!...
Dominic Williams, Founder and Chief Scientist at DFINITY, created Internet Computer to remove the need for centralised IT systems and dependence on the Googles and Amazons of the world. And maybe take a chunk out of Ethereum’s dominance of Web3 along the way. His goal is not to remove Web2, but to work in harmony with it. Not to bring single-chain maximalism, but to seek a world of trustless connection between multiple blockchain networks. So Dominic is a pragmatist also.

In this session we'll discuss:
- Why the world needs the Internet Computer
- The science behind ‘Proof of Useful Work’ vs. PoS and PoW
- What it takes to build and scale a decentralised protocol
- What we have learned from the recent issues with Luna, 3AC, FTX in 2022, and the imperatives for 2034
- Whether enterprises or industrial applications play a significant role in scaling Web3
- Advice to anyone building with Web3 tech today
There's also some tangents where we discuss issues with Solana, FTX, the Crypto Media and many 'insider' issues than few people ever get to hear about. Do not miss this one!...
Mar 04, 202301:06:40
S3E7 Vodafone's Digital Asset Revolution w. David Palmer

S3E7 Vodafone's Digital Asset Revolution w. David Palmer

Vodafone have launched a Blockchain-enabled Digital Asset platform for monetising Petabytes of B2C and B2B data, and David Palmer is the man behind it. You NEED to hear his story...

Telecoms companies are somewhat familiar with the idea of distributed networks and interoperability, and furthermore the telco industry has seen some of the world's largest Blockchain platforms deployed to address issues like roaming, privacy and cross-carrier settlement.

Vodafone are taking it up a level with their Digital Asset Broker platform, allowing a global network of devices to securely and privately trade with one another. They are already looking at use cases with IoT, Energy, Automotive, and much more. And have locked down a number of major partnerships.

In this session we discuss:
- The Telecoms industry's relationship with decentralisation and Blockchain
- How Vodafone is looking at emerging technology today
- Digital Asset Broker: what does it do, and how Blockchain helps
- The Digital Asset Broker ecosystem and partnerships
- The importance of Enterprise and Government use cases in Web3
- What more is needed to see wider adoption of Web3 technology in Telco in future
Feb 18, 202359:35
S3E6 Opal Mining in the Metaverse w. Josiah Kotzur (Outback Opal Hunters, DeStore Network)

S3E6 Opal Mining in the Metaverse w. Josiah Kotzur (Outback Opal Hunters, DeStore Network)

Josiah's race to be first to sell 'phygital' opal stones in the Metaverse was recently filmed by the Discovery Channel, and now you can hear his story on the Blockchain Won't Save the World podcast...

If you're looking for innovative examples of Web3 and the Metaverse, you're going to love this!

During their TV series, Josiah and his partner Lisa become the first small-scale mining company to run 100% on renewable energy, leading other mining companies in becoming carbon neutral and selling phygital Opals in virtual store in the metaverse.

During this show, we discuss:
- What does it take to mine opal sustainably?
- How does Blockchain and the Metaverse enhance the buying or selling experience of opal?
- What have the DeStore team learned so-far about the challenges of launching phygital assets?
- What guidance would you give to others looking to set up a business in the Metaverse?

Josiah's is a super interesting story, and you don't often hear about the link between Australian opal and the Metaverse. Also check out their TV show 'Outback Opal Hunters' coming to Discovery in your country soon...

Jan 28, 202301:01:12
S3E5 Blockchain Gaming Explained w. Kieran Warwick (Illuvium CoFounder)

S3E5 Blockchain Gaming Explained w. Kieran Warwick (Illuvium CoFounder)

Everything you want and need to know about Blockchain and Web3 Gaming in a single, epic episode! Kieran Warwick (and his brothers) created and launched Illuvium - a 'AAA' game with epic graphics, compelling gameplay, extensive roadmap, and underlying NFT economy. There is nothing out there like this, and Kieran breaks down why Blockchain gaming changes everything, but also why we shouldn't be too bullish just yet. Life after Axie Infinity and ponzinomic 'play to earn' NFT games needs to change, and the Illuvium team thinks they have the recipe: mixing the best of Pokemon, WoW, Minecraft and MMORPG that we loved in our childhood with elements of ownership, interoperability and tokenomics that work in harmony with game mechanics. In this session we discuss: - The back story to how Illuvium was founded - Why there is so much excitement, activity and funding around Web3 gaming - The Illuvium vision and roadmap - The implications of 'Interoperable Blockchain Games' - How the bear market, Luna, 3AC, FTX etc. impacted activity in the Illuvium ecosystem, and what happens next - What more is required to see wider use of Web3 / decentralised technologies in gaming We also cover some Q&A around how Illuvium and Web3 games make money, what are the metrics that matter for game developers, and whether we'll see a collabo between Illuvium and Moonsama in the Polkadot ecosystem. Essential listening for anyone interested in Blockchain and gaming.
Jan 14, 202301:20:28
S3E4 - BVLGARI on Blockchain and Timeless Luxury w. Massimo Paloni, Chief Innovation Officer

S3E4 - BVLGARI on Blockchain and Timeless Luxury w. Massimo Paloni, Chief Innovation Officer

Blockchain, NFTs and the Metaverse are creating new ways for luxury brands to innovate. Massimo Paloni shares how BVLGARI is using Web3 tech to redefine 'timeless', elevate storytelling, and engage customers like never before... BVLGARI is one of the most iconic luxury brands in the world, and is famous for unwavering commitment to innovation. Massimo (Chief Operations & Innovation Officer, and member of the Executive Committee) has overseen investment in a range of technologies, not just Blockchain, and talks with real clarity on why this is critical for luxury, but must be done in keeping with the brand's history, not just for short-term hype. We can all learn a lot from Massimo. In this episode, we discuss: - How technology advancement influences innovation in luxury goods - How BVLGARI is thinking about Web3 and the Metaverse - The story and impact from the Blockchain-enabled products that BVLGARI has launched over the last few years - How Web3 and complimentary technologies can enhance customer intimacy and experience And some great audience questions that cover how to set up a Web3 team, how to measure success, and advice for other brands looking to use Web3 tech.
Dec 31, 202201:01:45
S3E3 - Web3 Mass Adoption is NEAR w. Marieke Flament, CEO NEAR Foundation

S3E3 - Web3 Mass Adoption is NEAR w. Marieke Flament, CEO NEAR Foundation

Want to know what it takes to grow a Blockchain ecosystem like NEAR? Or what Web3 the issues with Luna and FTX mean for Web3 in 2023? Listen in… Marieke Flament, CEO of NEAR Foundation shares her learnings from an unprecedented year and answers your questions in a live Q&A… Marieke is one of the most prominent leaders across Blockchain Layer 1s, and under her leadership the NEAR ecosystem has grown significantly and established big partnerships with enterprise, sports and Web3 organisations. In this show, we discuss: - What it takes to scale a Layer 1 protocol in 2022/3 - What we learned from the recent issues with Luna, 3AC, FTX in 2022, and the imperatives for Web3 in future - How enterprise applications play a role in scaling Web3 - The particular verticals driving the next 1Bn users - Advice to builders interested in Web3 tech today As well as some fascinating responses to questions around the Metaverse, regulation, CBDC, digital identity, sustainability and much more. Don’t miss this truly insightful episode!
Dec 17, 202256:38
S3E2 - How to Grow a Blockchain w. Leemon Baird, Founder of Hedera

S3E2 - How to Grow a Blockchain w. Leemon Baird, Founder of Hedera

Want to know how Hedera Hashgraph was created? How to grow a Blockchain in 2022? Or what Web3 needs to do in the fallout from Luna and FTX? Leemon Baird shares his amazing insights and answers your questions in a live Q&A... I'm delighted to be able to bring someone of Leemon's pedigree and experience to this show, and to hear a calm and objective voice as we're trying to understand what happens next following a challenging year for Web3 in 2022. Hedera Hashgraph has a novel governance model, some impressive partnerships, and remains focused on the core values that enable Web3 whether its for Web2 or Web3-native organisations. In this show we discuss: - How was Hedera Hashgraph created? - What does it take to scale a protocol in 2022? - What is the importance of governance? - Will enterprise or industrial applications play a big role in Web3? - What verticals will drive adoption of decentralised technology? - What have we learned from the recent issues with Luna, 3AC, FTX in 2022, and what imperatives does that give us going forward? - What advice would you give anyone building with Web3 tech today? We also cover use cases, technical specifications, whether governments could be Hedera council members, and a fascinating sidebar on the important domain of DeRec (Decentralised Recovery). Leemon has an amazing talent for making complex topics seem simple. Do not miss this one! If you want to see the video version of the LinkedIn Live, please connect with me on LinkedIn (anthonyjjday)
Dec 03, 202258:52
S3E1 - Web3 & Metaverse at Mercedez-Benz with Hartmut Mueller

S3E1 - Web3 & Metaverse at Mercedez-Benz with Hartmut Mueller

Kicking off Season 3 with a HUGE interview! The technology leader behind all things Blockchain, Web3 and Metaverse at Mercedes-Benz. One of the best known and loved car companies on the planet. Do not miss this... Season 3 is loving themed: "Will it Web3" which means I'll be talking with some of the world's most influential leaders to get their take on whether Blockchain and Web3 will disrupt their industries or domains of technology, or if it's already happening today!  Hartmut (VP of IT Technology & Cross Functions, Mercedes-Benz AG) is a highly experienced enterprise technology leader, Blockchain and Web3 advocate, and is driving the department which provides Mercedes-Benz with its most cutting edge technologies It's rare to hear from someone who plays such a significant role in one of the world's leading automotives, let alone get his insights on Blockchain and the details behind their latest Blockchain-IoT-Data project: Acentrik. Over the course of this podcast we cover: - The involvement of Mercedes-Benz in Web3 - Real world application for enterprises – Acentrik as a Blockchain product - How Mercedes-Benz are thinking about the Metaverse - Hartmut's advice for anyone working with Blockchain and Web3 technology
Nov 19, 202228:37
S2E20 - Season 2 Finale - The Roast of The Metaverse

S2E20 - Season 2 Finale - The Roast of The Metaverse

“The Metaverse is Bullshit if you don’t solve a problem”... This and much more from some very knowledgeable experts who are building real Metaverse propositions today, as well as a closer look at legal, accessibility and diversity considerations for how we may spend our digital lives in future...

We LOVE a roast on Blockchain Won't Save the World, and this just may be our best roast yet!

I'm joined by Rutger van Zuidam (Odyssey Momentum), Keir Finlow-Bates (, Blockchain Wizard), Irina Heaver (Lawyer and Blockchain VC), Mauricio Magaldi (11:FS, BlockDrops) and newcomer Giselle Mota (NFTY Collective) who share their thoughts on:

- What is the Metaverse (and what it should not be)?

- What does it take to build a Metaverse?

- What advice would you give to others starting out in the Metaverse?

- How should we think about accessibility, diversity and inclusion in the Metaverse?

- What are the worst Metaverse initiatives you've seen, and why?

- Why we don't need pockets and roofs in the Metaverse, and

- Skeuomorphism. Lots of skeuomorphism...

I promise, but the end of this episode you will look at the Metaverse, and the concept of digital virtual collaboration in a whole different light.

It's been one hell of a season, and this is the perfect way to bring it to a close. Thanks to every single listener and guest who have made the Blockchain Won't Save the World Podcast so successful, and who have brought our amazing community together over the past few years.

Aug 27, 202201:07:00
S2E19 Blockchain in New Zealand: Kiwi Students React to Blockchain

S2E19 Blockchain in New Zealand: Kiwi Students React to Blockchain

Students from the University of Auckland share what excites and scares them about some of the most well-known Blockchain platforms, including Cardano, Monax and 'Digital Street' Property Management. We also dive into some thoughtful discussion on decentralised governance, grants and treasuries, DAOs (Decentralised Autonomous Organisations) and who would be crazy enough to apply Blockchain in some of the least digitally mature industries in the world (Construction, Legal, Property). 

Huge shout to Troy Egan, Abhinaw Sai and Mina Cu for the excellent preparation and fascinating insights from some of their own projects, and to Alex Sims from the University of Auckland for bringing us all together.  

Jul 29, 202251:34
S2E18 +10 [More] Things I've Learned About Blockchain: The Best of Season 2

S2E18 +10 [More] Things I've Learned About Blockchain: The Best of Season 2

We’re doing a playback of the 10 most interesting things we learned about Blockchain technology from Season 2 of Blockchain Won't Save the World. We’ve been to Canada, Brazil, The Netherlands, Germany, Malta, Israel, India, The UAE, Japan, Singapore and Australia; as well as launching the popular ‘Students React’ show, so there's a ton of great content to choose from.

It was hard to pick the 10 best moments, but in the end we landed on the following:

- The first ever digital currency: invented in 1934 (Switzerland, Efi Pylarinou)

- How some countries are more decentralised than others (Germany, Katharina Gehra)

- How to create a thriving Blockchain ecosystem (Netherlands, Marloes Pomp)

- How Blockchain and Open Source is driving economic empowerment (India, Richa Joshi)

- How Blockchain supports the bottom of the economic pyramid (Brazil, Isaque Eberhardt)

- The challenges of launching a Blockchain business in a regulated country (Malta, Dave Pulis)

- How not to regulate-away your entire Blockchain community (Canada, Don Tapscott)

- The important role of Blockchain accelerators (Singapore, Ming Ng)

- Enterprise Blockchains are not dead (Japan, Norbert Gehrke)

- Diversity and inclusion have a chance with Blockchain technology (Akshata Namjoshi)

Thanks to all of my guests from an amazing and inspiring second season of BWSTW. If you want to hear more from any of these speakers, check back on some of the earlier episode from this Season, or from Season 1. And watch out for an explosive Season 2 Finale, coming next month!...

You guessed it... We're doing another Roast!...

Jun 28, 202235:18
S2E17 - No Canada, No Blockchain: The Amazing Origin Story

S2E17 - No Canada, No Blockchain: The Amazing Origin Story

It's the last destination of Season 2 before a very special 'Finale' episode, and where better to go than the country that many credit for being the birthplace of the Blockchain movement: Canada... Yes, Canada... Canada has had a surprisingly significant influence from the original Bitcoin white paper, to the founding of Ethereum, Crypto Kitties, the Blockchain Research Institute and much more...

While Canadians are famously modest about their achievements, I'm going to do my civic duty and shine a light on the impressive Blockchain projects, the people and associations behind the rise of Blockchain in Canada. This might just be the most enlightening show we've ever produced, and we've got a VERY special guest speaker for this episode's Bonus Round!

We include speakers from leading Blockchain organisations like Stellar, Shyft, Linux Foundation, Hut 8 Mining, Shopify, Guild One, Veritree, Deloitte, MHH Technology Group, Blockchain Supply Chain Association and Global University Systems; as well as leading academic institutions like ICTC, George Brown College, and the University of British Columbia... Oh, and a rather significant guest speaker...

A veteran of 7 MILLION Ted Talk views, author of the most-read book on Blockchain, and founder of the Blockchain Research Institute: it's the legendary Don Tapscott! Do not miss the chance to hear the great man's take on the good and the bad of Blockchain in Canada, and what more is needed to scale Blockchain technology in Canada and around the world.

Shout out to my other guests: Alexis Pappas, Amy Ter Haar, Derrick Emsley, Emma Todd, Erik Valiquette, George Petrovic, Hilary Carter, Jaime Leverton, Janine Moir, John S. Lee, Joseph Weinberg, Louisa Bai, Marc Lijour, and Vicki Lemieux.

May 20, 202201:43:00
S2E16 - Blockchain in Australia: On The Up Down Under

S2E16 - Blockchain in Australia: On The Up Down Under

Australia has been a latecomer to Blockchain, Crypto and Web3, but that may be about to change... We get an exclusive interview with Steve Vallas, CEO of Blockchain Australia, right at the close of Australia Blockchain Week 2022. Steve explains why the mood has never been more positive around Blockchain; why the government is taking Crypto seriously; and why, after a talent exodus, Aussie Blockchainers are beginning to return home.

In this episode we cover:

- The highlights of the largest and most successful Australia Blockchain Week ever (250 speakers, 4 cities, all sectors)

- Australia's Blockchain and Crypto community

- Why government interest and conversations about Blockchain are '10x-ing' in Australia

- Australia's first Blockchain unicorn

- What a forward-looking regulatory regime in Australia could look like (including recognition of DAOs)

- The state of Blockchain talent and diversity in Australia

Check out more about Australia Blockchain Week here:

Check out Blockchain Australia here:

Apr 16, 202223:48
S2E15 - Blockchain In Africa: Students React to Blockchain

S2E15 - Blockchain In Africa: Students React to Blockchain

Want to learn about the opportunities and challenges of working with Blockchain technology in Africa? We hear first hand from students looking into applying Blockchain for anti-counterfeit medicines, food traceability, and voting. We also hear some fascinating insights into how African countries are applying unique physical security methods to provide security, authenticity and prevent fraud.

Students from Nigeria, Kenya and Rwanda share what excites and scares them about some of the most well-known Blockchain use cases, including PharmaLedger, BitCerts, IBM Food Trust and BallotChain (eVoting). Huge shout to Clare, Faith, Joseph, Ridwan (and Kayode our coordinator) for the fascinating insights and local anecdotes from working with technology in Africa.

Feb 26, 202242:17
S2E14 - Blockchain In Japan: The OG Crypto Nation Looking to Rise Again

S2E14 - Blockchain In Japan: The OG Crypto Nation Looking to Rise Again

At one time, Japan was the largest Bitcoin trading nation in the world. After tragic hacks to Mt. Gox and CoinCheck exchanges everything changed. Regulations came in, Blockchain talent deserted, while large enterprises continued to research DLT use cases. Can the recent excitement around NFTs, DeFi and DAOs rejuvenate this once proud crypto nation?...

There remains a lot for us to learn from the Blockchain community in Japan: it's powerful and far-reaching Blockchain Associations, expertise in CBDCs, 80-strong consortium focused on digital assets, the Digital Yen stablecoin that is accepted for tax payments in certain prefectures, and some inspiring grass roots projects such as Astar network and a plethora of new entrants to the NFT space that could already be considered 'mass adoption'.

This is both a sad and inspiring story, with much to learn for anyone working in Blockchain around the world...

Shout to my amazing guests: Aya Walraven (Mercari), Norbert Gehrke (Tokyo Fintech), Ken Kawai, (Anderson, Mori & Tomotsune), So Saito (So & Sato), Marisa Yoshikawa McKnight (Liquid), Tamara Soykina (Far East Blockchain), Ryu Takaki (IBM), Mamoru Fujimoto (SBI R3), Kazumasa Miyazawa (Soramitsu), Kohei Kurihara (Privacy By Design Lab), Toshi Matsuda (FDFA) and Mario Larangeira (Tokyo Institute of Technology) 

Jan 25, 202201:33:46
S2E13 - Carnegie Mellon Students React to Well (and not-so-well) Known Blockchain Projects

S2E13 - Carnegie Mellon Students React to Well (and not-so-well) Known Blockchain Projects

It’s another Students React podcast, and this one is a must listen. The Blockchain students from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania present some fascinating projects, some learnings from their experience with crypto, and a very unique ‘in-house’ project that drew serious debate, including:

Cardano Foundation
- Energy Web
- Chainalysis Inc.
- Boba
- Mina Protocol (formerly Coda)
- Zuz Lab (link in the comments)

As well as some wider discussion around Pussy.Finance, the value of meme coins, whether open source vs. zero knowledge will become the dominant mode for Blockchain transactions, and much, much more. 

Always inspiring to hear the future leaders of the world talking about Blockchain. Shout to Seth Goldstein and Ishgun Singh Arora for helping bring us all together. The future of Blockchain in Pittsburg is looking bright...

As ever, this show should not be seen as investment advice. Always DYOR, and stay safe out there.

Dec 25, 202155:51
S2E12 - Blockchain in the UAE: The Hottest Nation in Blockchain & Crypto

S2E12 - Blockchain in the UAE: The Hottest Nation in Blockchain & Crypto

The UAE is the hottest nation in Blockchain right now! We cover everything from government, enterprise, crypto, legal, tax and how to the UAE plans to attract 1,000 developers a month...

The federal government and the c.50 free zones within the UAE are all competing to bring Blockchain, Digital Assets and Crypto innovation to the region. From aggressive national strategies, to incentivising and investing in start-ups, and forming collaborations with some of the biggest players in Blockchain, the UAE is more than just a tax haven for Crypto OGs.

Featuring guests from the Dubai Blockchain Centre, Dubai Future Foundation, DMCC, Tezos Foundation, CV VC, du, Etisalat, IBM, Biconomy, Karm Legal, Keystone Law, Abed Group, WoM Protocol and much more...

Whether you're into enterprise Blockchain or Web 3 and DeFi, this episode has something for everyone, as well as deep dives on the attraction of Free Zones, why start-ups pay hundreds of thousands of dollars on tax and legal advice, and bilateral government projects with Blockchain.

Shout to my amazing guests, including: Marwan Alzarouni (Dubai Blockchain Centre), H.E. Gabriel Abed (Ambassador of Barbados to the UAE), Faisal Al Hawi (Dubai Future Foundation), Fatma Elsafty (du), James Bernard (DMCC), Irina Heaver (Keystone Law), Anthony Butler (IBM), Hubert Thonhauser (Tezos Foundation), Lara Abdulmalak (Unlock Blockchain), Alexia Hefti (Abed Group), Jorge Carrasco (Etisalat), Oliver von Wolff (CV Labs / CV VC), Akshata Namjoshi (Karm Legal), Melanie Mohr (WoM Protocol), Maria Vovchok (World of Web3 Summit), Ahmed Al-Balaghi (Biconomy)

Nov 13, 202101:24:48
S2E11 - Blockchain and IoT: Part 2 - Feat. IOTA and Riddle & Code

S2E11 - Blockchain and IoT: Part 2 - Feat. IOTA and Riddle & Code

Excited to bring you a follow-up to one of the most popular podcasts from Season 1. I'm joined by Holger Koether (IOTA) and Sebastian Becker (Riddle & Code) to discuss the cutting edge work happening in Europe and further afield. In this show we cover:

- Benefits of combining Blockchain and IoT

- Key use cases that IOTA and R&C are working on today

- Creating a European-wide Blockchain infrastructure on public blockchains, enabling machine-to-machine transactions

- Learnings for anyone to apply to their own Blockchain & IoT projects

If you want to hear more on this topic, check out Season 1 Episode 10 with David Sønstebø and IOTA from Season 1
Oct 09, 202135:17
S2E10 - Blockchain in Switzerland: Crypto Valley and the Future of Digital Assets

S2E10 - Blockchain in Switzerland: Crypto Valley and the Future of Digital Assets

Do not miss this episode! Some of the most inspiring, insightful and rich guidance of any podcast I've recorded to-date. 16 of Switzerland's Blockchain Elite talk about the surprisingly long history (as far back as 1934!) of Blockchain, digital currency, start-ups and associations that have put Switzerland in the Top 3 Blockchain nations worldwide. We talk about early Bitcoin developments, establishing foundations like Ethereum, Tezos and Libra, how to found successful start-ups, the venture capital scene, why Blockchain may not be the death of banks, and a healthy amount of Crypto as well!...

In this episode we cover:

- The history of Blockchain and Digital Currency in Switzerland from 1934 to 2009 to the present day

- Why decentralisation is in Switzerland's DNA, and the focus of different regions when it comes to Blockchain 

- The many and varied Blockchain associations, and how they co-exist in harmony 

- The make-up of the Swiss Blockchain community, from gritty start-ups to glamorous events, retreats and parties

- A huge range of use cases, including: Nestle, Wisekey, SEBA Bank, Sygnum, Komgo, FGX, Minespider, Liquity, DFINITY, Smart Valor, 21 Shares, Swisscom Blockchain, the World Trade Organisation, Crypto Finance, Adresta, CV VC and many more...

- A special bonus segment on Blockchain in the Luxury Watch industry

- How Swiss universities are applying Blockchain principles and open sourcing their courses

- Diversity and inclusion in Blockchain, and

- What more is needed to scale Digital Assets, Crypto, how to grow Blockchain start-ups and ecosystems, and the industry more widely

Shout to my incredible guests: Efi Pylarinou, Emmanuelle Ganne (WTO), Fabian Schaer (University of Basel), Jan Brzeczek (Crypto Finance), Leonie Fluckiger (Adresta), Lucas Betschart (Bitcoin Association Switzerland), Liudmila Zavolokina (University of Zurich), Micha Roon (Energy Web Foundation), Olga Feldmeier (Smart Valor), Paul Meeusen (DFINITY), Pedro Lopez-Belmonte (Richemont), Ralf Glabischnig (CV VC), Roland Cortivo (Swisscom Blockchain), Sheraz Ahmed (Crypto Valley Association), Sina Meier (21 Shares) and Tatjana Meier (IBM)

Sep 03, 202101:24:06
S2E9 - Australian Students React to Well-known Blockchain Projects
Jul 31, 202156:26
S2E8 - Blockchain in Singapore: The Most Advanced Blockchain Nation in the World?

S2E8 - Blockchain in Singapore: The Most Advanced Blockchain Nation in the World?

With a supportive Government, some of the world's largest trade networks, and a relentless drive for technology innovation, it's no surprise that some of the world's notable Blockchain projects are based in Singapore. We take a fascinating look at how Singapore became a global hub for Blockchain, the role of Government, Cryptocurrencies, and some of the amazing individuals leading the Blockchain community.

In this episode we cover:

- The history of Blockchain growth in Singapore over the past 5 years

- The focus and importance of technology innovation in Singapore

- A huge range of use cases, including: MAS, Tribe Accelerator, Contour, DLT Ledgers, Hyperledger, R3, Affinidi Group, Standard Chartered, Accredify, Dedoco, Mighty Jaxx and many more...

- A masterclass on the importance of Economics in Blockchain from Lisa Tan

- The unique role of Government in driving Blockchain adoption across a range of settings

- Blockchain talent and the role of Academia

- Diversity and inclusion in Blockchain, and 

- What more is needed to scale in a country already steeped in Blockchain success

Shout to my incredible guests: Alan Lim (MAS), Amit Ghosh (R3), Andrew Koh (HBL), Arnaud Brolly (SITA), Atul Patel (DLT Ledgers), Carl Wegner (Contour), Ernie Teo (Dedoco), Jenny Goh (IBM), Julian Gordon (Hyperledger), Kevin Pang (SGTECH), Lisa Tan (Economics Design), Ming Ng (Tribe), Steven Koh (GovTech), Zelda Anthony (Standard Chartered), Zheng Wei Quah (Accredify)

Special shout also to Khai Wei Ong for the last minute Malay translation! 

Jul 10, 202101:48:06
S2E7 - Blockchain in the Netherlands - Europe's Busiest Blockchain Nation (50+ Use Cases Included)

S2E7 - Blockchain in the Netherlands - Europe's Busiest Blockchain Nation (50+ Use Cases Included)

The Netherlands was destined to be a leader in Blockchain and decentralised technology. A global hub for trade, financial services and payments innovation, and with a fascinating history steeped in working together to fight back the water; the Netherlands has all the ingredients to be a Blockchain super power. And they haven't been slacking... This episode cites more than 50 examples of projects or organisations working with Blockchain, as well as some important initiatives like the Dutch Blockchain Coalition that have been driving public-private partnerships locally and globally. This is one for the culture: colourful characters, medieval history, influential start-ups, mega-corporations, government experts and so much more.

Shout to an amazing set of guests for this episode: 

Arne Rutjes, Jacob Boersma, Olivier Rikken, Marloes Pomp, Robert Verwayen, Simon Lelieveldt, Marieke de Ruyter de Wildt, Bob Gravestiyn, Aljosja Beije, Sabine Brink, Thibault Schrepel, Rutger van Zuidam, Rudolf van Ee, and Anna Klaapwijk

On-air shouts to a huge number of companies, organisations and projects:

IBM, WBNode, Dutch Blockchain Coalition, Ledger Leopard, Keen Ventures, ABN-Amro, ING, Rabobank, BlockLab, Port of Rotterdam, Shell, TheNewFork, Odyssey, University of Utrecht, Blockchain Netherlands, Deloitte, 2 Tokens, MDex, Bitonic, Python, Philips, Dutch Digital Delta Blockchain Experts Group, Sphereon, WordProof, TomTom,, Adyen,, Guts Tickets, Albert Heijn, Axiom, Equigy/Tennet, Vinturas, Samsung SDS, VAKT, Komgo, We.Trade, Marco Polo, Hyfen, Port XL, T-Mining, Biconomy, Tribe, Port of Singapore, Tu Delft, TU Eindhoven, Groningen University, Nijmegen University, Tilbert University, Maastricht University, Netherlands Bank, Rise, and Female Ventures

May 29, 202101:14:45