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Bound for Greatness

Bound for Greatness

By Scott Garvis

BOUND for Greatness is a podcast that addresses current issues facing athletic professionals and also offers leadership strategies for coaches and athletic administrators. Coach and athletic administrative veteran, Scott Garvis, tackles the issues facing education based activities from a unique perspective; sometimes irreverent, sometimes cynical, and sometimes serious. Scott covers current topics while also providing leadership lessons from his career as coach and administrator.
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A Passionate Drive for Excellence in Athletics with Molly Tomlinson Assistant Athletic Director Deerfield, Illinois

Bound for GreatnessJan 15, 2024

The Warrior Spirit: with D.J. Vanas on Leadership and Resilience

The Warrior Spirit: with D.J. Vanas on Leadership and Resilience

Bound for Greatness, presents an inspiring episode featuring D.J. Vanas, an internationally acclaimed speaker and bestselling author renowned for his captivating talks on leadership and personal development. With insights drawn from Native American wisdom and his own remarkable journey, D.J. shares practical strategies for embracing the warrior spirit to lead with courage and resilience. Join us as we delve into the power of tribal principles, overcoming adversity, and unlocking potential in this enlightening conversation with D.J. Vanas.

May 31, 202444:13
Unleashing Potential: Nathan Biddulph on Neuro Skills Training for Athletes & Executives

Unleashing Potential: Nathan Biddulph on Neuro Skills Training for Athletes & Executives

In this episode of Bound for Greatness, we sit down with Nathan Biddulph, a leading neuro skills coach renowned for his transformative work with athletes, executives, and professionals. Nathan shares his journey into the world of neuroscience and how his innovative program enhances pattern recognition, accelerates processing speed, and strengthens the mind-body connection. Learn how these cutting-edge techniques can help you achieve peak performance in sports, business, and beyond. Tune in for an inspiring conversation filled with insights and success stories that illustrate the power of neuro skills training. Don't miss out on unlocking your full potential!

May 28, 202424:04
Building an Athletic Program from the Ground Up: Insights from Orlandus Thomas, CAA

Building an Athletic Program from the Ground Up: Insights from Orlandus Thomas, CAA

In the world of high school athletics, few challenges are as daunting as building a sports program from scratch, especially with limited resources. However, for Orlandus Thomas, CAA, Athletic Director at Downtown Campus Content Lead, Physical Education/Health Intrinsic Schools, this challenge became an opportunity to innovate and inspire. In our recent episode of Bound for Greatness, Thomas shared his journey of founding and developing an athletics program in Downtown Chicago, offering valuable insights for aspiring athletic directors and coaches facing similar circumstances.

May 06, 202440:13
Ruben Gonzalez: The Journey of an Olympian: A Story of Perseverance & Resilience

Ruben Gonzalez: The Journey of an Olympian: A Story of Perseverance & Resilience

Ruben Gonzalez's story is one of those rare tales that seem like they're plucked straight from a Hollywood script—a narrative of grit, determination, and the unwavering pursuit of a dream against all odds. From humble beginnings to the grand stage of the Winter Olympics, Ruben's journey is nothing short of inspiring.

Born in Argentina, Ruben's early life was marked by a love for adventure and a desire to achieve something extraordinary. Despite not fitting the mold of a typical athlete and lacking any background in luge, Ruben set his sights on the Olympics at the tender age of 10 after watching the games on TV for the first time. However, it remained a distant dream—a pipe dream, as Ruben himself describes it—until he stumbled upon a crucial piece of advice from his father: study the lives of great people and learn from their successes and failures.

Thus began Ruben's journey of self-discovery and relentless pursuit of excellence. Inspired by the stories of perseverance he found in biographies, Ruben made a pivotal decision—to become the embodiment of perseverance himself. He adopted the nickname "Bulldog" in high school, a moniker that would come to define his tenacity and refusal to quit in the face of adversity.

Ruben's path to the Winter Olympics was anything but conventional. Armed with a plan based on his strengths—chief among them, perseverance—Ruben embarked on a journey that would test his limits physically, mentally, and emotionally. From broken bones to countless setbacks, Ruben faced it all with unwavering resolve and an unshakable belief in his abilities.

But it wasn't just physical prowess that propelled Ruben forward; it was his mindset—a mindset forged through years of reading, learning, and conditioning. Ruben understood the power of the mind in achieving success, and he employed visualization, goal-setting, and mental conditioning techniques to overcome the toughest challenges.

Ruben's story serves as a beacon of hope for anyone facing obstacles on their path to greatness. It's a reminder that success is not reserved for the gifted or the privileged but is attainable by anyone willing to put in the hard work and perseverance. As Ruben gears up for his fifth Winter Olympics at the age of 61, he continues to defy the odds and inspire generations with his indomitable spirit and unwavering determination.

In a world filled with uncertainty and doubt, Ruben Gonzalez's journey stands as a testament to the power of perseverance, resilience, and the unyielding belief in oneself. As he takes to the icy tracks of Milan in 2026, Ruben's story reminds us all that with courage, commitment, and a Bulldog-like determination, anything is possible.

May 05, 202439:39
Preserving Tradition, Embracing Innovation with The Stony Brook School Director of Athletics Dustin Mones

Preserving Tradition, Embracing Innovation with The Stony Brook School Director of Athletics Dustin Mones

Join us on 'Bound for Greatness' as we delve into the dynamic world of high school athletics with special guests, industry experts, and inspirational leaders. In each episode, host Scott Garvis sits down with guests like Dustin Mones, Director of Athletics at Stony Brook School in New York, to explore the challenges, triumphs, and innovations shaping the future of sports at the high school level. From empowering student-athletes to balancing excellence and inclusivity, tune in for insightful conversations that celebrate the spirit of competition and the pursuit of greatness

Apr 18, 202426:23
Coaching for Transformation: with Dr. Darin Keizer

Coaching for Transformation: with Dr. Darin Keizer

In the heart of the Midwest, a transformative leader emerges, wielding the power of athletics to shape lives and build communities. Dr. Darin Keizer, recently appointed Director of Athletics at Dort University in Sioux Center, Iowa, embodies this spirit of change and empowerment. In an exclusive interview with Bound for Greatness, Dr. Keizer discusses his journey, his philosophy, and the future of sports leadership.

Dr. Keizer's story is one of passion and purpose. From his days as a multi-sport athlete to coaching and eventually leading athletic programs, his commitment to transforming the athletic experience is unwavering. Raised in a sports-loving family, Dr. Keizer's early years were steeped in the values of teamwork, dedication, and resilience. It was a natural progression for him to channel this passion into a career in sports leadership.

His tenure at Southwest Christian High School in Chaska, Minnesota, served as a crucible for his transformative approach. Under his guidance, the athletic department underwent remarkable growth and development. From expanding programs to renovating facilities, Dr. Keizer's vision of holistic athletic development took shape. His emphasis on intentionality, excellence, and servant leadership became the guiding principles that fueled the athletic program's success.

One of Dr. Keizer's most profound contributions was his advocacy for coaching for transformation. This philosophy challenges conventional metrics of success, focusing instead on the holistic development of coaches and athletes. By aligning athletic programs with institutional values and fostering a culture of reflection and growth, Dr. Keizer empowered coaches to become mentors and role models. The impact has been tremendous, as athletes not only excelled on the field but also grew as individuals grounded in faith and character.

As Dr. Keizer embarks on his new role at Dort University, his vision for the future of sports leadership remains crystal clear. He sees a landscape shaped by evolving challenges, from the rise of social media to the complexities of NIL regulations. Yet, amidst these changes, Dr. Keizer remains steadfast in his commitment to nurturing transformational leaders.

At Dort University, Dr. Keizer aims to build on the foundation laid by his predecessor while charting new boundaries in athletic excellence and character development. With his unwavering focus on alignment, mentorship, and continuous improvement, he is poised to lead Dort's athletic program to new heights of success.

In a world where the transformative power of sports is more crucial than ever, Dr. Darin Keizer stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration. His journey exemplifies the profound impact that visionary leadership can have on the lives of athletes, coaches, and communities. As we look ahead to the future of sports, let us draw inspiration from leaders like Dr. Keizer, who remind us that greatness is not just measured in wins and losses but in the lives we touch and the legacies we leave behind.

Apr 04, 202435:23
Dr. China Jude: A Pioneer in Sports Leadership and DEI Advocacy

Dr. China Jude: A Pioneer in Sports Leadership and DEI Advocacy

In the world of sports leadership and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) advocacy, few figures stand out like Dr. China Jude. With over 23 years of experience in collegiate athletic administration and coaching, Dr. Jude has left an indelible mark on every institution she's been a part of. Most recently serving as the Vice President of DEI for the Denver Broncos, Dr. Jude's journey through athletics has been nothing short of transformative.

From her early days as a collegiate athlete at Alabama State University to her groundbreaking work at the University of Wyoming and beyond, Dr. Jude's commitment to excellence and equity has been unwavering. In a recent interview, she shared insights into her remarkable career and the lessons she's learned along the way.

A Journey Rooted in Passion:

Dr. Jude's journey in athletics began as a young basketball enthusiast in the Chicago area. Despite facing personal challenges, sports became her sanctuary, eventually leading her to Alabama State University on a volleyball scholarship at the age of 16. It was there that she discovered her love for sports broadcasting and administration, setting the stage for her future endeavors.

From Athlete to Administrator:

Transitioning from player to coach and later to athletic administrator, Dr. Jude honed her leadership skills and developed a deep understanding of the intricacies of collegiate athletics. Her tenure at institutions like Queens College and Cheyney University of Pennsylvania saw her achieve remarkable success both on and off the field, with a focus on student-athlete development and academic excellence.

A Champion of Diversity and Inclusion:

Dr. Jude's commitment to diversity and inclusion became increasingly evident throughout her career. At the University of Wyoming, she spearheaded initiatives addressing sexual assault/violence, chaired the University Wide Black 14 Commemoration Week, and championed the celebration of women's sports pre-Title IX. Her efforts resulted in a significant increase in ethnic minority and female representation in underrepresented areas within the university's athletic department.

Trailblazing in Pro Sports:

In 2020, Dr. Jude made history as the inaugural Vice President of DEI for the Denver Broncos, becoming one of only four dedicated DEI leads in the NFL. Her impact was felt immediately as she worked tirelessly to create a culture of inclusivity within the organization. By focusing on internal and external stakeholders and fostering professional development opportunities, Dr. Jude helped pave the way for a more diverse and equitable future in professional sports.

Empowering the Next Generation:

Throughout her career, Dr. Jude has been a staunch advocate for mentorship and leadership development. Inspired by her own mentors, she has dedicated herself to guiding and empowering the next generation of sports leaders. Her work with interns and aspiring professionals has opened doors and created pathways for success in an industry historically lacking in diversity.

A Legacy of Excellence:

As Dr. Jude reflects on her journey, she remains committed to driving positive change in the world of sports. Whether it's through her groundbreaking research on athletic donors or her innovative DEI initiatives, she continues to push boundaries and challenge the status quo. With her unparalleled passion, expertise, and unwavering dedication to equity, Dr. China Jude stands as a true pioneer in sports leadership and DEI advocacy, leaving an enduring legacy for generations to come.

Apr 01, 202433:21
Leading the Charge: Navigating Education Based Athletics with Casey Meile

Leading the Charge: Navigating Education Based Athletics with Casey Meile

In the realm of high school athletics, there are individuals who not only shape the landscape of their local communities but also leave an indelible mark on the lives of countless student-athletes. Casey Meile, the District Director of Athletics for Sioux Falls Public Schools, stands at the forefront of such leaders. With a passion for sports and an unwavering commitment to student-athlete development, Casey's journey and vision epitomize the essence of transformative leadership.

I had the privilege of sitting down with Casey Meile, a figure deeply ingrained in the athletic fabric of Sioux Falls, for an insightful conversation about his career, values, and aspirations. From his early days working events in Sioux Falls schools to his current role overseeing a vast athletic program, Casey's trajectory reflects a lifelong dedication to serving his community through sports.

Our conversation delved into Casey's unique journey, one that was deeply influenced by his father's tenure as the district coordinator of athletics. "It's all I've known since I was a youngster," Casey shared, reflecting on the familial ties and the dream he harbored of one day stepping into his father's shoes. From volunteering at events like the Howard Wood Dakota Relays to venturing into college football and college athletics, Casey's path eventually led him back to Sioux Falls, where he now holds the position he once aspired to.

Throughout our discussion, Casey emphasized the importance of relationships and community engagement in shaping the athletic experience for students. He highlighted initiatives like the promising future campaign, which brings neighborhood soccer programs to Title I schools, providing accessible opportunities for young athletes to thrive right where they live.

But perhaps the cornerstone of Casey's vision lies in his commitment to mentorship and professional development for coaches. Recognizing the pivotal role coaches play in shaping student-athletes' lives, Casey outlined plans for a comprehensive professional development program aimed at supporting coaches, particularly newcomers, as they navigate the complexities of their roles. Drawing on insights from collaborative discussions with athletic advisory groups, Casey envisions a program that not only imparts essential skills but also fosters a culture of continuous growth and empowerment.

As our conversation drew to a close, I couldn't help but be struck by Casey's humility and genuine passion for making a difference. His legacy, he believes, lies in the simple yet profound act of adding value to others' lives. Through his leadership, Casey seeks to create an environment where every student-athlete feels supported, encouraged, and empowered to reach their full potential, both on and off the field.

In Casey Meile, Sioux Falls has not just an athletic director, but a visionary leader dedicated to building a legacy of excellence and impact. As he continues to shape the athletic landscape of his community, Casey's unwavering commitment to student-athlete development serves as a beacon of inspiration for generations to come.

Mar 28, 202433:21
The Winning Mindset: A Conversation with Matt Phillips of Pro Athlete Advantage

The Winning Mindset: A Conversation with Matt Phillips of Pro Athlete Advantage

In the realm of sports, the physical prowess of athletes often takes center stage, but behind every great athlete lies a mind sculpted for success. This was the focus of a recent interview with Matt Phillips, founder of Pro Athlete Advantage, as he shared insights into his journey from professional athlete to mental performance coach. Joined by Scott Garvis, the conversation delved into the importance of the mental side of athlete development and the core skills every student-athlete should master.

Phillips began by recounting his personal journey, from walking on to the Creighton baseball team to pursuing a career in corporate America. Despite his success in various fields, Phillips felt a persistent tug towards something greater, a calling to make a meaningful impact. It was during a leadership class that the spark ignited, prompting Phillips to embark on a mission to unlock the potential within athletes by focusing on mental toughness.

The discussion then turned to the core mental toughness skills essential for student-athletes. Phillips outlined five key elements: confidence, focus, control, energy, and consistent action. Drawing from his own experiences, Phillips emphasized the significance of confidence, recounting his struggles with comparison and self-doubt during his athletic career. He underscored the importance of focusing on personal growth rather than external comparisons, citing examples from his own life and the insights gained from endurance athlete Mark Allen.

Garvis chimed in, reflecting on the simplicity yet profound nature of Phillips' approach, noting how comparison often hinders athletes from realizing their full potential. Phillips agreed, stressing the need for a shift in mindset towards self-improvement and away from external validation.

The conversation then turned to the practical application of Phillips' methodology in athlete development. Phillips detailed his plug-and-play training approach, designed to provide coaches with the tools they need to foster mental resilience in their athletes. Through a comprehensive program encompassing 12 training topics, coaches are empowered to guide their athletes towards holistic growth, both on and off the field.

Garvis commended Phillips for his innovative approach, highlighting the program's accessibility and effectiveness in cultivating leadership skills among student-athletes. Phillips echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the program's dual focus on student-athlete and coach development, recognizing the pivotal role coaches play in shaping the next generation of athletes.

As the interview concluded, it became evident that Phillips' mission goes beyond athletic achievement; it's about empowering individuals to thrive in all aspects of life. Through his unwavering dedication to mental performance coaching, Phillips continues to unlock the minds of athletes, paving the way for a new era of success on and off the field.

Mar 20, 202444:18
Leading with Impact: A Conversation with John Sgromolo, Director of Athletics

Leading with Impact: A Conversation with John Sgromolo, Director of Athletics

Bound for Greatness: John Sgromolo's Journey to Athletic Excellence

By Scott Garvis,

In the ever-evolving landscape of education-based athletics, there are individuals who stand out not just for their accomplishments, but for their unwavering commitment to excellence. John Sgromolo, Director of Athletics at Saint John's Country Day School, is one such figure. With a career marked by dedication, leadership, and a passion for empowering student-athletes, Sgromolo's journey is a testament to the transformative power of sports administration.

I had the privilege of sitting down with John Sgromolo, a certified athletic administrator whose impact extends far beyond the confines of his school. From his early days as a professional baseball player to his current role at Saint John's, Sgromolo's path has been nothing short of remarkable.

Shaping Leadership Through Athletics

Sgromolo's approach to leadership is deeply rooted in his personal experiences as an athlete and coach. Born and raised in Virginia Beach, he was drawn to baseball from a young age, eventually earning a spot at Flagler College, where he excelled on the diamond. However, it was during his college years that he encountered a pivotal figure in his life - Judd Damon, the new athletic director at Flagler.

"Judd Damon revitalized our student-athlete experience," Sgromolo recalls. "From upgraded facilities to improved travel arrangements, his impact was immediate and profound." Inspired by Damon's leadership, Sgromolo set his sights on a career in athletic administration.

After a brief stint in professional baseball, Sgromolo returned to his alma mater as an assistant coach before transitioning to a head coaching role at Ridgeview High School. His journey eventually led him to Saint John's Country Day School, where he assumed the role of Director of Athletics.

Navigating New Challenges with Integrity

Transitioning into a new environment presented its own set of challenges for Sgromolo. However, his approach was guided by a simple yet powerful principle: prioritize the student-athlete experience. "Every decision I make is centered around one question: How will this impact our student-athletes?" Sgromolo explains.

To foster a sense of community and collaboration, Sgromolo implemented initiatives such as a school-wide survey to gather feedback from coaches and athletes. This inclusive approach not only empowered stakeholders but also laid the groundwork for a shared vision and mission.

Embracing Positive Coaching and Leadership

Central to Sgromolo's leadership philosophy is the concept of positive coaching. Drawing from his background in positive coaching and athletic leadership, he emphasizes the importance of catching people doing things right and actively responding to their efforts. "We need to lead others to autonomy, belongingness, and confidence," Sgromolo asserts, echoing principles from self-determination theory.

His dedication to empowering coaches and athletes alike has earned him respect both within his school community and the broader athletic community. As he continues to champion the student-athlete experience, Sgromolo remains committed to shaping future leaders and elevating the standards of education-based athletics.

In the ever-changing landscape of high school athletics, John Sgromolo stands as a beacon of integrity, leadership, and excellence. His journey serves as an inspiration to all who strive to make a positive impact on the lives of student-athletes, reminding us that true greatness is not just measured by wins and losses, but by the lives we touch along the way.

Mar 19, 202439:20
A Day in the Life of an Athletic Administrator with special guest Jeremy Eubank

A Day in the Life of an Athletic Administrator with special guest Jeremy Eubank

In an exclusive interview with Jeremy Eubank, the Director of Athletics at North Cross School in Roanoke, Virginia, Bound for Greatness dives into the daily operations and challenges faced by an athletic director at an independent school.

Mar 08, 202423:60
A Journey in Athletics with Riczer Desvaristes, Director of Football Engagement at the Fiesta Bowl

A Journey in Athletics with Riczer Desvaristes, Director of Football Engagement at the Fiesta Bowl

In the realm of sports, where passion intertwines with community, few professionals have left as lasting an impact as Riczer Desvaristes, the Director of Football Engagement at the Fiesta Bowl. With experience as a high school athletic director, over seven impactful years in the NFL community and an inspiring journey through various football organizations, Desvaristes is committed to creating a positive legacy that resonates both on and off the field.

Feb 28, 202423:15
Mastering the Failure Quotient: Marie Ferdinand-Harris Shares Her Blueprint for Success
Feb 14, 202425:40
Building a Culture of Success: A Journey in Strategic Planning with Bradley Foss

Building a Culture of Success: A Journey in Strategic Planning with Bradley Foss

Today, we're honored to have Bradley Foss, the visionary athletic director at Watford City, ND, on the show. Bradley's on a remarkable journey, shaping not just victories but also the character and growth of Watford City students through an innovative strategic plan for the athletic department. Join us as we dive into the strategies, challenges, and triumphs that define Bradley's path to greatness.

🔍 Key Questions Explored:

  1. Skill Development Emphasis: Bradley delves into the specific strategies ensuring students develop fundamental skills crucial for success in their chosen activities.

  2. Crafting a Roadmap: Gain insights into Bradley's process of identifying key priorities and crafting a strategic roadmap for the Watford City Wolves.

  3. Effective Implementation: Discover how Bradley plans to ensure the outlined strategies are not just developed but effectively put into action, with specific measures and milestones to gauge success.

  4. Recruitment and Retention: Explore Bradley's approach to ensuring continuous and robust student participation in various athletic activities.

  5. Feasibility of New Sports: Bradley shares insights into determining the feasibility of introducing new sports or activities, and the factors that play a pivotal role in this decision-making process.

  6. Quality Coaching: Learn how Bradley ensures his coaching staff adheres to best practices and embodies core values essential for the holistic development of students.

  7. Unified Booster Club Program: Understand the significance of a unified booster club program in contributing to the overall success and support of athletic programs, fostering a strong sense of community.

  8. Facility Excellence: Bradley discusses collaboration with the City/Park Board to maintain high-quality facilities, contributing not only to the success but also the pride of the Watford City community.

Dive into this insightful episode with Bradley Foss, where sports, strategy, and community converge on the path to greatness. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and leave a review. Stay tuned for more inspiring conversations on Bound for Greatness!

Feb 04, 202426:32
Empowering Young Athletes: A Conversation with Rob Miller on Building Confidence and Resilience

Empowering Young Athletes: A Conversation with Rob Miller on Building Confidence and Resilience

Join us on the latest episode of "Bound for Greatness Today" as host Scott Garvis engages in a compelling conversation with Rob Miller, a seasoned coach and authority on proactive coaching. Sponsored by the National High School Athletic Coaches Association, this episode explores the vital role parents and coaches play in shaping confident young athletes.

Discover the keys to success as Miller shares insights on shifting the focus from results to process, encouraging independence, and the power of positive reinforcement. Dive into the delicate balance of risk-taking, the development of problem-solving skills, and the impact of modeling behavior on athlete confidence.

Learn how to create a supportive environment that fosters resilience and self-belief, as Miller provides actionable advice for parents and coaches. From building meaningful relationships beyond the family to celebrating the journey, this episode is a must-listen for anyone involved in nurturing the next generation of confident and empowered athletes.

Tune in to "Confidence Unleashed" and gain valuable perspectives that will transform the way you approach coaching and parenting in the world of sports.

Jan 30, 202431:31
Breaking Barriers, Inspiring Leaders: Shea Collins on Excellence, Diversity, and Creating Opportunities in Education Based Athletics

Breaking Barriers, Inspiring Leaders: Shea Collins on Excellence, Diversity, and Creating Opportunities in Education Based Athletics

Welcome to a captivating episode of "Bound for Greatness." In this installment, host Scott Garvis sits down with Shea Collins, the trailblazing Director of Student Activities at Thomas Jefferson High School. Shea is not only a leader in her field but also a groundbreaking figure, being the first and only female of color to hold her position in a county with 11 high schools.

Join us as Shea shares her inspiring journey, marked by numerous firsts and a commitment to creating opportunities for leadership, particularly for women and minorities. From breaking barriers to fostering diversity in coaching staff, Shea's impact on education and athletics is truly commendable.

In this episode, we delve into Shea's personal "why" that fuels her dedication to leadership, her strategies for building a diverse coaching staff, and the unprecedented success she achieved in sending girls to college for basketball. Learn how Shea balances high standards with genuine support for her players and initiates professional development through impactful book studies.

Discover the unique perspective Shea brings to her role with 20 years of experience as an educator and a strong background in science. Explore the benefits of integrating passion for science and education into the athletic sphere and how mentorship played a pivotal role in Shea's journey.

As the episode concludes, Shea imparts valuable advice for aspiring leaders, emphasizing the importance of seizing opportunities and not waiting for doors to open. Join us in expressing gratitude to Shea Collins for sharing her remarkable journey and insights on leadership, mentorship, and creating opportunities.

Jan 23, 202438:21
The Evolving Landscape of Athletic Administration with Billy Tipps, District Athletic Director, Bentonville, Arkansas

The Evolving Landscape of Athletic Administration with Billy Tipps, District Athletic Director, Bentonville, Arkansas

In this exclusive Bound for Greatness interview, Scott Garvis delves into the dynamic role of athletic directors with seasoned professional Billy Tipps. Drawing from his wealth of experience as a coach and athletic administrator across three different states, Tipps provides valuable insights into the changing landscape of high school and college athletics.

The conversation touches on the evolution of the athletic director's role, emphasizing the shift from a managerial position to one of leadership and culture-building. Tipps highlights the importance of understanding the "why" behind decisions, fostering positive and inclusive sports cultures, and adapting to the challenges posed by funding, facilities, and recruitment.

As Tipps and Garvis explore the intricacies of engaging with coaches, building trust, and developing a cohesive culture, listeners gain valuable perspectives on the behind-the-scenes efforts that contribute to successful athletic programs. The discussion extends to the recruitment and retention of quality coaches, emphasizing the significance of prioritizing a positive culture and setting high expectations beyond the scoreboard.

The podcast also addresses emerging trends in high school and college athletics, such as the growing popularity of Esports and girls' wrestling. Tipps predicts continued advancements in performance levels, both physically and mentally, driven by sports performance coaches and a focus on holistic development.

Throughout the interview, Tipps offers practical advice for aspiring athletic directors, emphasizing the importance of having a clear vision, building networks, and finding ways to measure success beyond wins and losses. The conversation concludes with insights into the legacy Tipps hopes to leave—a legacy centered on hard work, positive culture, and a genuine commitment to serving student-athletes, coaches, and the community.

Tune in to this enlightening the Bound for Greatness podcast for a deep dive into the world of athletic administration, where passion meets purpose in shaping the future of sports education.

Jan 19, 202434:31
Culture Champions: Elevating Teams with Kyle Elmendorf

Culture Champions: Elevating Teams with Kyle Elmendorf

Join us in this episode as we dive deep into the art of building a winning team culture with special guest Kyle Elmendorf from Lead 'Em Up. Discover the secrets behind successful leadership development, effective communication, and creating a team environment where every player thrives. Gain valuable insights and strategies to elevate your team's performance and foster a culture of excellence.

Jan 17, 202446:55
A Passionate Drive for Excellence in Athletics with Molly Tomlinson Assistant Athletic Director Deerfield, Illinois

A Passionate Drive for Excellence in Athletics with Molly Tomlinson Assistant Athletic Director Deerfield, Illinois

In this compelling episode of Bound for Greatness, join Scott Garvis as he engages in a riveting conversation with Molly Tomlinson, Assistant Athletic Director at Deerfield High School in Illinois. Molly shares her inspiring journey from being a multisport athlete to coaching and eventually assuming a leadership role in athletic administration. The article explores Molly's passion for creating a positive and inclusive culture, utilizing technology in education-based athletics, and addressing critical issues such as mental health and diversity. This podcast is a must-listen for anyone interested in the transformative power of sports in shaping lives and communities.

Jan 15, 202430:30
Leadership Unveiled: Navigating Your 'Why' in Athletics with Nick DeForest

Leadership Unveiled: Navigating Your 'Why' in Athletics with Nick DeForest

In this episode of "Bound for Greatness," join our inspiring guest, Nick DeForest, originally from Ontario, Canada, now making a significant impact in Vienna, Austria. Nick, with his vast experience in athletic administration and coaching, shares insights on leadership and the profound importance of finding one's purpose, not just for individuals but also for coaches. Delve into a conversation that goes beyond boundaries, unmasking the essence of leadership, and exploring the heart of coaching. Learn from Nick's unique journey and discover how to navigate your own 'why' in the realm of athletics.

Jan 10, 202438:47
Shining Bright Lights on Education Based Athletics with "The Great American Light Fight" Winner Athletic Director Dan Uszaki

Shining Bright Lights on Education Based Athletics with "The Great American Light Fight" Winner Athletic Director Dan Uszaki

Join us for another illuminating epiosde of 'Bound for Greatness,' the podcast where sports and holiday magic intersect. In each illuminating episode, we explore the extraordinary journey of individuals breaking away from traditional roles to achieve remarkable goals. In this episode, we delve into the world of athletic leadership with Dan Uszaki, the mastermind behind the triumphant 'Great Christmas Light Fight' victory and the creator of the enchanting Glow holiday drive-thru in Washington Township, South Jersey. Discover how a seasoned athletic director goes beyond the field to create a dazzling community experience, proving that success is not just about the role but the unwavering pursuit of extraordinary goals. Tune in to uncover the inspiring stories, unique insights, and the radiant glow that transcends the boundaries of sports and celebration.

Jan 04, 202435:12
Running in Silence with Special Guest Rachael Steil

Running in Silence with Special Guest Rachael Steil

Rachael Steil, author of the book "Running in Silence." Rachael is on a mission to empower the athletic community through eating disorder education and awareness, ensuring that athletes receive the help they need to reach their full potential, both in health and athletic performance.

Eating disorders are a pervasive but often hidden issue within the athletic world, impacting athletes at a rate two to three times higher than the general population. With a culture that often glorifies discipline, determination, and the "no pain, no gain" attitude, it's all too easy for disordered thoughts and behaviors around food and exercise to go unnoticed.

Invisible to the eye, these disorders can lead to injuries, other eating disorder patterns, or even permanent physical damage. Yet, coaches, teammates, parents, and athletes themselves may struggle to recognize the signs. Coaches, in particular, often lack the training to identify these issues, and athletes suffer in silence, fearing the shame and stigma that surround this topic.

Rachael's mission is to shine a light on this hidden world, providing actionable steps through motivational presentations, encouraging athletes to speak up about their struggles, and assisting coaches in navigating this complex issue. Her book, "Running in Silence," not only offers vital insights for those unfamiliar with eating disorders but also shares her personal story, offering hope and guidance to those who are on a similar journey.

Join us as we delve into Rachael's powerful narrative, the importance of raising awareness, and the resources available for athletes facing eating disorders. Together, we hope to break the silence and build a more compassionate, informed, and supportive athletic community. Don't miss this impactful episode of "Bound for Greatness."


Title of book: Running in Silence: My Drive for Perfection and the Eating Disorder That Fed It

Nonprofit Running in Silence 501c3 ( Empowering the athletic community through eating disorder education and awareness so athletes can receive help and achieve their potential in both health and athletic performance.
Instagram: @runninginsilence
Twitter: @running_silence

Anyone who listens to the podcast and signs up for the Running in Silence email newsletter they can have a chance to win a free copy of the Running in Silence book (1 winner to be announced/contacted 1 week after podcast is released):
If you'd like to contact Rachael Steil about booking in-person or virtual speaking events for coaches in your area, or athletes, visit:
Purchase a Running in Silence book:

Oct 30, 202334:12
Unsung Heroes of the Game: The Last Kid on the Bench with Rob Miller | Proactive Coaching

Unsung Heroes of the Game: The Last Kid on the Bench with Rob Miller | Proactive Coaching

In a world that often celebrates stars, it's time to shine a light on the unsung heroes of the game. Welcome to 'Bound for Greatness,' the podcast that explores the inspiring journeys of athletes who may not always find themselves in the spotlight but play a pivotal role in their teams.

Join your host, Scott Garvis, as we embark on a motivating journey into the lives of players who embrace their roles on the bench, work tirelessly, and contribute in ways that transcend the scorecard. These individuals exemplify selflessness, hard work, and unwavering dedication to the greater team goal.

In each episode, we share stories of athletes who, despite not being the most naturally gifted, become great encouragers, team leaders, and ultimately, triumph in life. We also offer insights into how coaches, parents, and teammates can support and uplift these unsung heroes, creating an environment where every player feels valued.

Join us for thought-provoking discussions, inspiring interviews, and practical tips on nurturing the true spirit of sportsmanship. 'Bound for Greatness' is the podcast that recognizes those who may not always be 'in the game' but are unquestionably 'into the game.'

Tune in, and be ready to be inspired by the incredible journeys of these athletes, as we celebrate the 'Unsung Heroes of the Game.'"

Oct 25, 202332:37
Balancing the Game of Life: The Journey of a Young Athletic Director with Andrew Kuhn

Balancing the Game of Life: The Journey of a Young Athletic Director with Andrew Kuhn

Welcome to another inspiring episode of "Bound for Greatness." I'm your host Scott Garvis, and today we have a remarkable guest who wears many hats. Andrew Kuhn, the Athletic Director of the Susquehanna Township School District, has taken on the challenges of being a young AD with zeal and determination. With 3 years of experience in this role and a total of 6 years as an Athletic Administrator, he juggles the fast-paced life of a sports leader while being a devoted parent to three children, including twin boys, one of whom faces significant medical challenges. Andrew, it's an absolute privilege to have you here today.

Oct 16, 202334:26
Bound for Efficiency and Excellence: Navigating Success in High School Athletics with Micah Monroe

Bound for Efficiency and Excellence: Navigating Success in High School Athletics with Micah Monroe

"Bound for Efficiency and Excellence: Navigating Success in High School Athletics with Micah Monroe" is an inspiring podcast that delves into the world of high school athletics. Join host Scott Garvis and special guest Micah Monroe, Assistant Principal and Athletic Director of Janesville High School, as they discuss Micah's journey to becoming an Athletic Director, time management strategies for handling multiple responsibilities, building crucial relationships in high school athletics, leveraging software programs for efficiency, personal and professional growth, and success stories that highlight the impact of his role. Tune in for invaluable insights into the world of high school sports administration.

Oct 13, 202332:26
Chasing Influence | Bound for Greatness with Special Guest Dr. Troy Urdahl

Chasing Influence | Bound for Greatness with Special Guest Dr. Troy Urdahl

Welcome to "Bound for Greatness," the podcast where we explore the stories and wisdom of remarkable individuals who have made a significant impact on their fields, communities, and the world at large. Join us as we dive deep into the lives and experiences of these extraordinary people, uncovering the lessons they've learned along their journey to greatness.

Chasing Influence Available on Amazon⁠

In each episode, your host brings you engaging conversations with accomplished individuals from diverse backgrounds, including sports, business, education, and more. Discover the keys to success, the strategies for overcoming challenges, and the insights that have propelled these trailblazers to new heights.

In our upcoming episode, we're thrilled to have Dr. Troy Urdahl as our guest, discussing his latest book, "Chasing Influence." This inspiring story of Coach Stick Olson's transformational journey not only on the baseball field but in life itself will leave you motivated and eager to chase your own influence in whatever you do.

Whether you're a seasoned leader, an aspiring change-maker, or simply seeking inspiration, "Bound for Greatness" is your go-to source for stories that will empower and uplift you. Tune in to gain valuable insights, discover practical strategies, and embark on your own path to greatness.

Subscribe now to stay updated on our latest episodes, and join us as we explore the boundless potential within each of us. It's time to embark on a journey of personal and professional growth, so you too can become "Bound for Greatness."

Chasing Influence Available on Amazon

Oct 06, 202324:36
Changing Lives with Legendary Texas Football Coach Dennis Parker | Bound for Greatness

Changing Lives with Legendary Texas Football Coach Dennis Parker | Bound for Greatness

Welcome to "Bound for Greatness," where inspiring individuals shape the future of education and sports. Join host Scott Garvis as he engages in thought-provoking conversations with remarkable guests. In this episode, we're honored to have Dennis Parker, a legendary Texas High School Football Coach, Texas Football Coaches Hall of Famer, and author of seven books on character education.

Dennis shares his extraordinary journey, the driving force behind his passion for changing lives, and the profound impact of his program, "Changing Lives." Discover the core principles that transform character and behavior, and how "36 Qualities of Success" is shaping students, athletes, and educators nationwide.

Explore success stories and the strategies that guarantee improved GPAs, increased attendance, and decreased referrals to the office. Dennis Parker's dedication to character education is truly awe-inspiring.


Contact Coach Dennis Parker @

Contact Randy Exsted @

Tune in for more captivating conversations with individuals leaving their mark on the world of education and sports. Keep striving for greatness and make it a great day on purpose!

Sep 29, 202353:15
Generating Revenue & Brand Power with Bound: Jeff Bissen's Glenwood Rams Success Story

Generating Revenue & Brand Power with Bound: Jeff Bissen's Glenwood Rams Success Story

In this episode of "Bound for Greatness," join us as we uncover the dynamic world of high school athletics and its evolving landscape. Our guest, Jeff Bissen, the Athletic Director at Glenwood High School, shares his remarkable journey and the innovative steps his school has taken to boost revenue while building a robust brand presence.

Discover how Jeff has harnessed the Bound Sponsorship Program to create sustainable revenue streams for Glenwood and strengthen their online identity. From owning the digital brand to engaging with fans and sponsors, Jeff's insights shed light on the boundless opportunities available for high schools in today's digital age.

Tune in to learn how schools like Glenwood are turning their brand into a revenue-generating asset and forging stronger connections with their communities. Jeff's success story is a testament to the transformative potential of the Bound Sponsorship Program. Don't miss this inspiring conversation about success in high school athletics.

Sep 25, 202338:49
Positive Demanding | Demanding without being Demeaning Bound for Greatness with Proactive Coaching Rob Miller

Positive Demanding | Demanding without being Demeaning Bound for Greatness with Proactive Coaching Rob Miller

One of the best terms for motivational leadership in athletics is positive demanding. These coaches are relaxed, secure and confident. They have learned to teach and coach and while keeping the delicate balance between fun and discipline. Discipline and fun need each other or they both lose their effectiveness. All fun is an unproductive waste of time and energy and all discipline can become “forced labor”. Think of the best teacher you ever had. My guess that you would describe them as “Tough/Nice”. They demanded your best effort because they cared about you and your progress but they did it in a way that made you want to give them your best.

The key is that they are DEMANDING WITHOUT BEING DEMEANING. They demand from you in direct proportion to how much they care about you. They are not going to settle for anything less than your best and they do so lovingly and respectfully but honestly and directly. One of the most important lessons when working with kids is to NEVER EMBARRASS A WILLING LEARNER, especially when they are struggling to succeed and willing to fail in public. All kids should be willing to try, fail and try again in your presence without any fear of being humiliated. In fact praise efforts to get better and let them know that failure is one of the most important steps to success.

Whatever gets rewarded, gets repeated. So the question becomes, what do you reward with your attention and words? Does the majority of your attention go to positive behaviors or negative behaviors? Too many coaches spend too much of their energy toward kids who are not behaving correctly at the expense of the majority of athletes who are doing things right. Kids in that environment learn the way you get attention is by being a problem. “Energy goes where your attention flows.”

One of the most important things to recognize and praise are what we call “Athlete Owned Behaviors”. These are behaviors that they have complete control over – effort and attitude. If you identify and praise effort and attitude, you will get effort and attitude at a very high level. If you want great work habits, praise effort.

Fear works as a motivator, but it is not nearly as strong as care and respect. Any adult can frighten kids into compliance for a while. But compliance is watered down commitment and you will never get their full hearted, fearless effort. Fear is effective in the short term but in the long run, it only serves to build resentment and destroy trust.

Demand in direct proportion to how much you love your athletes. Coaching is about saving kids, not throwing them away or giving up on them. It is about not breaking their spirit but instead raising their spirit to a new level by providing clear, healthy team boundaries and then enforcing them with love and respect. In other words…being positive demanding.

Sep 21, 202331:13
Athletic Facilities Driving Economic Impact & The Importance of Relationship Building in Athletic Development & Fundraising : Bound for Greatness with Special Guest Glenda Thomas

Athletic Facilities Driving Economic Impact & The Importance of Relationship Building in Athletic Development & Fundraising : Bound for Greatness with Special Guest Glenda Thomas

Today, we have a very special guest with us, someone who has dedicated over 30 years to building relationships and making a difference in the community of Casper, Wyoming. She is the Executive Director of the Wold Foundation, overseeing the grant selection process and donations for the Wold family. Her impressive portfolio includes the successful fundraising and construction management of the Casper YMCA Phase I and Phase II projects, totaling over $30 million. With a background in Chemical Engineering, she has also excelled in the trona and uranium mining industries, taking on significant projects worth over $40 million. Not only is she responsible for fundraising and donor relationships at Wyoming Sports Ranch, but she's also a devoted parent and a true sports enthusiast herself. A true champion of community sports!

Sep 18, 202354:40
Monetizing your High School Brand with the Bound Sponsorship Platform: with Special Guest Tyler Hamilton

Monetizing your High School Brand with the Bound Sponsorship Platform: with Special Guest Tyler Hamilton

This podcast explores the innovative strategies and inspiring stories behind success in high school athletics. Join us as we uncover the incredible journey of Tyler Hamilton, the Athletic Director from Underwood High School. Tyler is here to share how he's harnessed the power of the Bound Sponsorship Program to transform his school's athletic program and, in turn, empower young athletes to reach new heights.

Sep 15, 202331:05
Game Changers: High School Sports Marketing, Branding, and Beyond with Special Guest Mark Koski NFHS CMO

Game Changers: High School Sports Marketing, Branding, and Beyond with Special Guest Mark Koski NFHS CMO

In this episode of "Bound for Greatness," we venture into the dynamic world of high school sports marketing, branding, revenue generation, and the evolving landscape of Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) regulations. Our guest, Mark Koski, Chief Marketing Officer of the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS), takes us on a journey from his early days as an educator and coach to his influential role in shaping the future of high school athletics.

Join us as we delve into the strategies and trends that are reshaping the way high school sports programs approach marketing and branding. Discover innovative approaches to monetizing these programs without compromising their core values. Explore the impact of social media and digital platforms on brand visibility and community engagement.

As the conversation unfolds, we also explore the potential trickle-down effects of NIL regulations to the high school level and how administrators can navigate this new era while prioritizing the best interests of their student-athletes.

Don't miss this insightful discussion with Mark Koski, a true visionary in the realm of high school sports and education. Tune in to gain valuable insights and inspiration for taking your high school sports program to new heights. Stay tuned for more compelling conversations on "Bound for Greatness" as we celebrate individuals leaving their mark on the world of education-based athletics. 🎙️🏀📚 #HighSchoolSports #Marketing #Branding #RevenueGeneration #NIL #Podcast

Sep 01, 202336:27
From Intern to Athletic Leader: Unveiling the Journey of David Olson, Assistant Athletic DirectorRoger Bacon High School

From Intern to Athletic Leader: Unveiling the Journey of David Olson, Assistant Athletic DirectorRoger Bacon High School

Our special guest, David Olson, joins us to share his remarkable journey from being a dedicated intern in various athletic departments to his current role as Assistant Athletic Director at Roger Bacon High School in Cincinnati, Ohio. With a passion for sports and a commitment to building exceptional athletic programs, David's story is one of determination and leadership. Let's dive into his story and uncover the strategies that have propelled him forward.

Aug 21, 202330:44
The Science of Strength with Special Guest University of Iowa Strength Coach Chase Madison
Aug 14, 202343:06
Defining Athletic Attitude for Coaches & Student-Athletes | Bound for Greatness with Special Guest Coach Rob Miller

Defining Athletic Attitude for Coaches & Student-Athletes | Bound for Greatness with Special Guest Coach Rob Miller

Jul 24, 202340:26
True Expectations, Advising & Mentoring | Bound for Greatness Mentoring Athletes for Success: Insights from Kristy Belden

True Expectations, Advising & Mentoring | Bound for Greatness Mentoring Athletes for Success: Insights from Kristy Belden

In this episode of BOUND for Greatness, our guest Kristy Belden, the TEAM Owner, Advisor, and Coach, shares invaluable insights into the services provided by TEAM and how they aim to empower student athletes and their families. With a focus on setting true expectations, Kristy and host Scott Garvis dive into the realities of the college recruiting process and the world of college athletics.

Kristy takes us through the range of services offered by TEAM, starting with their interactive workshops and presentations that provide honest information about college athletics. She explains how these sessions help student athletes and parents gain a comprehensive understanding of the recruitment process and make informed decisions.

Personalized consulting is another key aspect of TEAM's support. Kristy sheds light on how they tailor their guidance to meet the unique needs and goals of each student athlete and their family, ensuring they have the knowledge and tools to navigate the intricate landscape of college athletics successfully.

Navigating the initial eligibility requirements for NCAA, NAIA, and JUCO can be a daunting task. Kristy shares how TEAM provides vital information and guidance to student athletes, helping them understand and meet the necessary criteria.

Recognizing the importance of mental and emotional well-being, TEAM offers mentoring and counseling services. Kristy explains how these support systems help student athletes overcome challenges, make informed decisions, and thrive both on and off the field.

With the recent changes in NIL regulations, student athletes seek guidance on maximizing opportunities while protecting their interests. Kristy delves into how TEAM educates student athletes about NIL, empowering them to make informed decisions and navigate the evolving landscape of name, image, and likeness.

Join Scott Garvis and Kristy Belden in this enlightening episode as they explore how TEAM leverages over 20 years of knowledge and extensive experience to help student athletes and their families navigate college recruiting and find the right fit for success, academically and athletically.

Jul 21, 202341:14
AI Innovation the "Future Edge" for Athletic Administration & Coaches | Bound for Greatness with AI Expert Jacob Burke

AI Innovation the "Future Edge" for Athletic Administration & Coaches | Bound for Greatness with AI Expert Jacob Burke

Jacob Burke, an education leader with over 20 years of experience and a strong background in technology integration. As the Director of Student Activities and School Equity at Des Moines Hoover High School, Jacob has been at the forefront of implementing innovative technologies and strategies to enhance learning and performance.

We dive into the world of FutureEdge Speaking and Consulting, a consultancy founded by Jacob, which specializes in helping organizations navigate the realms of AI, education, business, and athletic/activities departments. With their expertise in education leadership and technology, FutureEdge provides expert guidance and support to organizations seeking to embrace innovation and drive success.

Join us as we explore Jacob's insights on empowering success through innovation and expertise, the impact of technology on education and athletic departments, and the strategies organizations can employ to stay ahead in this ever-evolving landscape.

Our conversation takes us deep into the world of FutureEdge Speaking and Consulting, a leading consultancy founded by Jacob. FutureEdge specializes in guiding organizations through the realms of AI, education, business, and athletic and activities departments. With their expertise in education leadership and technology, FutureEdge offers invaluable support and guidance to organizations seeking to embrace innovation and drive success.

Join us as we explore Jacob's profound insights on empowering success through innovation and expertise. We discuss the profound impact of technology on education and athletic departments and uncover strategies organizations can employ to stay ahead in this ever-evolving landscape.

Jun 26, 202355:30
Unleash the Power of Leadership | Bound for Greatness with Special Guest Jason Culler

Unleash the Power of Leadership | Bound for Greatness with Special Guest Jason Culler

In this special episode of "BOUND for Greatness," we are privileged to have Jason Culler, Associate Athletic Director at Jenks and a veteran athletic administrator, as our guest. Join us as we dive into Jason's extensive experience in coaching, teaching, and leading, and explore his invaluable insights into the world of athletic administration.

Jason's journey in education-based activities spans over 15 years, during which he has made significant contributions to the field. From staffing coaches and scheduling athletic events to overseeing facilities and ensuring compliance with regulations, Jason has tackled diverse responsibilities with expertise and passion.

As the founder of the Oklahoma Athletic Directors Conference and a key figure in the Border States Summit, Jason has demonstrated his commitment to providing professional development opportunities for athletic directors across Oklahoma. Discover how his vision and leadership have transformed these events into dynamic platforms for networking, collaboration, and innovation.

In this episode, Jason shares his unique perspective on the pressing issues facing athletic professionals and administrators today. From the challenges of balancing academics and athletics to leveraging emerging technologies and trends, he offers practical strategies and lessons from his own experiences.

Whether you're an aspiring athletic director, coach, or simply curious about the intricacies of athletic administration, this episode with Jason Culler is a must-listen. Gain insights into effective leadership, building winning cultures, and navigating the ever-evolving landscape of education-based activities.

Join us as we unpack Jason's inspiring success stories, learn from his triumphs and setbacks, and uncover the key qualities and skills necessary for success in the world of athletic administration.

Tune in to this enlightening episode of "BOUND for Greatness" and get ready to unleash the power of leadership alongside Jason Culler, a true exemplar of excellence in athletic administration.

Jun 26, 202323:51
Initiate, Engage, & Sustain | Bound for Greatness with Special Guest Dr. Don Parker

Initiate, Engage, & Sustain | Bound for Greatness with Special Guest Dr. Don Parker

In this episode, we have the privilege of hosting Dr. Don Parker, a highly sought-after speaker and professional development provider who has dedicated his career to supporting educators in building trusting relationships with students and creating a positive school culture. Dr. Parker's journey as a former principal and his expertise in transforming schools make him a true authority in the field.

We dive deep into Dr. Parker's insights on leadership strategies, his experiences in improving school culture, and his passion for empowering both students and educators. From building resilience and fostering cultural responsiveness to addressing teacher mental health awareness, Dr. Parker's speaking topics cover a wide range of vital areas in education.

During our conversation, we ask Dr. Parker about the key connection strategies for building trust with students, effective methods to foster resilience in students, creating culturally responsive learning communities, promoting diversity and inclusion, and strategies to combat burnout among educators.

Join us as we explore the wisdom and expertise of Dr. Don Parker, and discover practical strategies to elevate your coaching and administrative roles. Get ready to be inspired, empowered, and equipped with the knowledge to make a lasting impact on the lives of students and staff.

Tune in to this episode of BOUND for Greatness and unlock the secrets to building trusting relationships, fostering resilience, and creating a positive school culture with Dr. Don Parker. Together, let's reach for greatness in the world of athletics and education.

To reach out to Dr. Don Parker, you can visit his website at There, you'll find contact information and additional resources to connect with him. Whether you're interested in booking him for a speaking engagement, seeking professional development opportunities, or simply want to learn more about his expertise, Dr. Parker welcomes your inquiries. Don't hesitate to reach out and start a conversation about transforming your school culture and building trusting relationships with students.

Jun 20, 202351:10
The 3 P's | Positive, Purpose, & Plan | Bound for Greatness with Special Guest Dr. Scott Grant

The 3 P's | Positive, Purpose, & Plan | Bound for Greatness with Special Guest Dr. Scott Grant

Dr. Scott Grant is recognized nationally as an innovative educator, and a leader in Personal Brand Education.  He has been the keynote speaker for numerous organizations, including recently at the Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Conference.

Dr. Grant also gave a Tedx talk in 2018 that discussed the Power of Personal Branding, and continues to focus on developing programs that empower and equip students to lead impactful lives! 

He has presented at over 300 schools, and worked with thousands of individuals developing Triple Threat Leaders focused on Adding Value, Building Relationships, and Creating Opportunities

Jun 10, 202345:37
Survivor's Journey: Breaking the Silence on Domestic Abuse | Bound for Greatness with Becky Rutrough

Survivor's Journey: Breaking the Silence on Domestic Abuse | Bound for Greatness with Becky Rutrough

In this episode, Becky sheds light on the hidden complexities of domestic abuse, exploring the psychological impact it has on victims and their families. She reflects on her own journey, recounting the challenges she faced and the transformative moments that led her towards freedom and healing.

Becky Rutrough is a survivor, advocate, and the host of the groundbreaking work, Overcoming Domestic Abuse and Rebuilding Lives. Her personal story is one of profound resilience and transformation, inspiring listeners worldwide to find their own path to healing. Becky Rutrough, a remarkable survivor who rose above a life filled with domestic abuse. Join us as Becky shares her compelling story of resilience, growth, and triumph, offering hope to those who have experienced similar struggles.

Becky delves into the intricacies of abusive relationships, addressing the importance of awareness, prevention, and support systems. Listeners will gain valuable insights into recognizing signs of abuse, breaking the cycle, and accessing resources available for those seeking help.

Tune in to this podcast: Overcoming Domestic Abuse and learn about Becky Rutrough extraordinary path of personal growth, resilience, and empowerment. Together, we can support survivors, challenge societal norms, and work towards a world free from domestic violence.

HOPE...and never giving up. Knowing nothing can break you inside. FAITH...believing only you can define your true sense of self.CHARITY...having enough self-respect to show respect.

Jun 05, 202339:27
Your Leadership Wake Up Call | Bound for Greatness with Special Guest Coach Jim Johnson

Your Leadership Wake Up Call | Bound for Greatness with Special Guest Coach Jim Johnson

Based on what transpired in a few short moments in early 2006, Coach Jim Johnson is now an authority on the subject of realizing your dreams. In his many public-speaking appearances, the Rochester, New York resident relates his role in a basketball game that got Hollywood calling. He also emphasizes the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship, delivering his talks with a heartfelt style that has brought audiences to their feet.

Coach Johnson has developed winning high-school basketball teams for 30 years, taking over three losing varsity programs and turning them into winners in short periods of time. Of his 428 career victories, one in particular will surely never be duplicated.

On Feb. 15, 2006, Coach Johnson made the kindhearted gesture of inserting his autistic manager, Jason McElwain, now known to the world as J-Mac into Greece Athena High School’s final home game, which the Trojans won 79-43. J-Mac scored 20 points in just over four minutes, including six three-point baskets, to become an instant national celebrity. Coach Johnson, also, was featured in major news outlets around the country.

To make the Hollywood ending complete, Greece Athena captured the first Section V title of Coach Johnson’s career a few weeks later.

May 30, 202340:47
Lead 'Em Up | Bound for Greatness with Special Guest Kyle Elmendorf

Lead 'Em Up | Bound for Greatness with Special Guest Kyle Elmendorf

In this episode of BOUND for Greatness, host Scott Garvis speaks with Kyle Elmendorf, a father, husband, teacher, coach, writer, speaker, and founder of Lead 'Em Up - a dynamic and engaging leadership program used by youth, high school, and college sports teams across the country. Kyle shares his insights on the importance of developing leadership skills in young athletes, the specific skills and exercises that are included in the Lead 'Em Up curriculum, and how coaches can effectively implement the program with their teams. Listeners will come away with a deeper understanding of the role that leadership plays in sports and how it can help athletes to become better people both on and off the field.

May 23, 202345:52
It's GameTime: The Power of Music in Sports | Bound for Greatness with Telly Award Winner Richie Huval

It's GameTime: The Power of Music in Sports | Bound for Greatness with Telly Award Winner Richie Huval

Join us on this episode as we sit down with a Telly Award-winning marketing and multimedia producer with over 20 years of experience to discuss the essential qualities of successful leaders in the creative industry. In this episode, we dive into the importance of music in sports and how GameTime can help schools and athletic programs with their music needs. Huval of GameTime, a company that specializes in providing schools and athletic programs with the perfect music to enhance the atmosphere of their events.

With over 37,000 songs in their database, GameTime ensures that every song is family-friendly and can be tailored to fit the needs of any program. We dive into the importance of maintaining a positive and collaborative work environment while also pushing your team to create innovative and effective marketing materials. Our guest shares a personal experience of a difficult leadership challenge and how they overcame it. We explore the role of a leader in inspiring and motivating their team to achieve their goals and the balance between giving creative freedom to your team while also meeting client expectations.

Our guest also provides effective leadership strategies and practices that they've implemented throughout their career, along with tips on how to stay current with industry trends and adapt to changes in technology and consumer behavior. Lastly, we discuss the most important qualities for a leader to possess to build and maintain successful long-term relationships with clients. Don't miss this insightful episode on leadership in the creative industry.

Be sure to visit the GameTime website at to learn more about their services and how they can benefit your school or athletic program.

May 19, 202340:60
Champions Aren't Born.. They're Built.. | Bound for Greatness with Special Guest Travis Dougherty

Champions Aren't Born.. They're Built.. | Bound for Greatness with Special Guest Travis Dougherty

Champions 101 is a sports performance and leadership development program that focuses on the fundamentals - the foundational mindsets, choices, and behaviors that help each one of us become our very best. With an online library of lessons and resources, you'll have access to everything you need to succeed in the areas that matter most.

Whether you're an athlete looking to improve your performance on the field, a coach seeking to develop leadership skills, or a sports parent wanting to support your child's growth and development, Champions 101 has something for you.

So what are you waiting for? Let the building begin! Select your category and get started on the path to greatness today. Join us on the Bound for Greatness podcast as we explore the key principles and strategies for success in sports and in life. We'll bring you expert guests, real-life stories, and practical tips to help you reach your full potential. Thanks for listening, and we'll catch you next time on Bound for Greatness.

May 15, 202355:33
Prayer, Patience, & Progress | Bound for Greatness with Special Guest Steve Robinson

Prayer, Patience, & Progress | Bound for Greatness with Special Guest Steve Robinson

In this episode, we are joined by Steve Robinson, the Associate Executive Director of the Charlotte Mecklenburg School District and author of the book Prayer, Patience, & Progress. Steve has a wealth of experience in education, athletics, and leadership and is here to share his insights with us.

Steve begins by discussing his background and how he became the Assistant Executive Director for Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. He then talks about his book, Prayer, Patience, Progress, and shares the inspiration behind it. He believes that people need to start each day with a positive mindset, and his book provides empowering quotes to help them do so.

As an athletic administrator, Steve understands the importance of leadership in the sports industry. He provides advice to coaches & athletic administrators looking to improve their leadership skills, emphasizing the need to lead by example and focus on building strong relationships.

Steve also touches on the biggest challenges facing athletic leaders today, such as the pressure to win at all costs and the impact of social media on athletes. He believes that professionals can overcome these challenges by focusing on the fundamentals, creating a positive team culture, and building strong relationships with athletes.

May 08, 202334:03
Know Yourself to Lead Yourself Conversations on Athletic Leadership | Bound for Greatness with Special Guest Jerry Snodgrass former OHSAA Executive Director

Know Yourself to Lead Yourself Conversations on Athletic Leadership | Bound for Greatness with Special Guest Jerry Snodgrass former OHSAA Executive Director

In this episode of BOUND for Greatness, podcast host, Scott Garvis sit down with Jerry Snodgrass, former Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) commissioner and athletic administrator with over four decades of experience in public education. Snodgrass shares his insights on the current issues facing athletic professionals, including the adoption of high school lacrosse, the management of state basketball tournaments, and the implementation of student-based programs across the state. As a seasoned coach and administrator, Snodgrass also offers leadership strategies and lessons from his distinguished career, and shares his thoughts on sportsmanship, ethics, and integrity. With Scott asking the right questions, listeners can expect a dynamic and engaging conversation that sheds light on the inner workings of high school athletics and the challenges facing coaches and administrators today.

May 03, 202301:04:30
Level 1 Athletic Programs | Bound for Greatness with Special Guest Rob Miller Rob Miller Proactive Coaching

Level 1 Athletic Programs | Bound for Greatness with Special Guest Rob Miller Rob Miller Proactive Coaching

In this episode of the podcast, we delve into the key elements of successful Level 1 Athletic Programs. We discuss the crucial role of administrators, including Superintendents, Principals, and Athletic Directors, who hire the right people for leadership positions and provide unwavering support. We explore how high standards and values for coaches, athletic directors, and athletes are vital for building a successful program. We emphasize the importance of providing opportunities for training and development, including attending clinics, creating coaching libraries, and mentoring young coaches. We also discuss the significance of effective coaching assessment models and obtaining feedback from athletes. Furthermore, we highlight the value of supporting and retaining coaches, including competitive salaries, addressing parent complaints, and creating an environment where great coaches thrive. Lastly, we discuss the role of communities in supporting athletic programs through volunteerism, financial assistance, and understanding their roles in building a cooperative feeder program. Join us as we explore the critical elements of successful Level 1 Athletic Programs and the key stakeholders involved in their success.

For support materials, go to the Proactive Coaching website - 

For additional application ideas call 360.502.0424 or email 

To bring a Proactive Coaching speaker to your school or community email 

Apr 13, 202337:55
Discipline The Bridge Between Goals & Accomplishments with Special Guest Rich Barton NIAAA Associate Executive Director

Discipline The Bridge Between Goals & Accomplishments with Special Guest Rich Barton NIAAA Associate Executive Director

Discipline is a crucial aspect of leadership. Leaders who are self-disciplined can maintain focus and give their full attention to the task at hand, even in the face of distractions. In today's episode, we will discuss the benefits of self-discipline, how it can be developed and strengthened, and how it can be applied to athletic leadership.

Rich Barton shares his 29 years of experience as an athletic administrator as he emphasizes the importance of consistency and perseverance in building self-discipline. Barton provides philosophical thoughts that you can adopt for yourself and those that you lead. You will also have practical tips and tools for developing and strengthening your self-discipline, as well as applying it effectively to your leadership role in athletics.

Apr 06, 202335:57
Perspective & the importance of Perseverance, Hard Work, & Determination, Tools for Personal Growth & Development | Bound For Greatness with Special Guest Darwin Dean CEO & President Bronze Foundation

Perspective & the importance of Perseverance, Hard Work, & Determination, Tools for Personal Growth & Development | Bound For Greatness with Special Guest Darwin Dean CEO & President Bronze Foundation

Hey everyone! Thrilled to announce that this episode of the podcast features a very special guest - Darwin Dean, CEO and President of the Bronze Foundation, who teaches life lessons through golf! Darwin dropped some Leadership Bombs 💣 on us in today's episode of  Bound for Greatness!

Darwin talks about Perspective & how he uses golf to teach life lessons in his pursuit of giving back to youth in his community!

Darwin has been an influential figure in the Minneapolis community for many years, and we're excited to have him on the show to discuss his unique approach to teaching life lessons through the game of golf.

In this episode, we'll be diving into some of the key lessons that Darwin has learned over the years, including the importance of perseverance, hard work, and determination. We'll also be discussing how golf can be used as a tool for personal growth and development, and how it can help us become better leaders, team players, and problem-solvers.

So if you're a fan of golf, or if you're simply interested in learning more about how this amazing game can help us improve our lives, be sure to tune in to our podcast to hear from the one and only Darwin Dean!

Trust us, you won't want to miss this incredible episode. See you there! #podcast #golf #lifelessons #BronzeFoundation #DarwinDean

Donate to Bronze Foundation: Bronze Foundation 501(c)(3) promoting healthy youth and community through the game of golf at Hiawatha since 1938

Feb 17, 202358:01