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Over 40 Fitness Hacks

Over 40 Fitness Hacks

By Brad Williams

Welcome to Over 40 Fitness Hacks, the podcast for individuals looking to fight the aging process while still enjoying their social lives. I provide invaluable insights, tips, and tricks tailored explicitly for the over-40 crowd. I have been a personal trainer and gym owner with over 14 years of experience. This show brings together health and wellness experts from around the globe. My goal is to help you unlock your full potential, regain vitality, and make the most out of every stage of life. Fitness after 40 doesn't have to be this hard!
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304: Krissy Krash - Living a Consistently Fit and Healthy Lifestyle

Over 40 Fitness HacksMar 21, 2023

492: Allan Misner - Building Lasting Motivation For The Struggling 40+ Fitness

492: Allan Misner - Building Lasting Motivation For The Struggling 40+ Fitness

Building Lasting Motivation For The Struggling 40+ Fitness

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Over 40 Fitness Hacks Facebook Group

Allan Misner - Over 40+ Fitness Podcast

In this podcast episode, Brad Williams from Over 40 Fitness interviews Allan Misner of 40+ Fitness Podcast, focusing on the topic of motivation. Allan discusses the common issue of people waiting for a specific day to start their fitness journey, often resulting in a lack of sustained motivation. He explains that true motivation comes from taking action first, rather than waiting for a magical moment.

Allan introduces a four-quadrant model for building motivation:

  1. Accountability: Divided into two parts:

    • Leader Level: Involves hiring a coach or having a boss who sets expectations and checks in on progress.

    • Social Level: Involves joining groups or classes where social interactions and mutual accountability help maintain motivation.

  2. Self-Efficacy: Also divided into two parts:

    • Leader Level: Focuses on self-management strategies like preparing gym bags or meal planning to eliminate excuses and ensure consistency.

    • Values and Habits: The most powerful quadrant, where actions align with one's identity and values. This includes adopting habits and seeing oneself as a runner, healthy eater, or other roles aligned with fitness goals.

Allan emphasizes that each quadrant requires proactive steps to build lasting motivation. Coaches and social groups provide external accountability, while self-management and ingrained habits foster internal motivation. Together, these strategies create a sustainable approach to fitness and health.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Jun 01, 202416:16
491: Allan Misner - Changing Your Outlook On Fitness From Chore To Passion

491: Allan Misner - Changing Your Outlook On Fitness From Chore To Passion

Changing Your Outlook On Fitness From Chore To Passion

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Over 40 Fitness Hacks Facebook Group

Allan Misner - 40+Fitness Podcast-

In this podcast episode of Over 40 Fitness, Brad Williams interviews Allan Misner from 40+ Fitness Podcast. They delve into the challenges and misconceptions surrounding fitness, especially among people over 40 who often dislike sweating, exercising, or going to the gym. Allan shares his transformative journey from being overweight and out of shape to regaining fitness by participating in a Tough Mudder with his daughter. This experience shifted his perspective on fitness from a chore to a joyful and purposeful activity.

Allan emphasizes that fitness should be tailored to individual needs and goals, highlighting the importance of training for everyday tasks rather than extreme sports. He recounts the story of his grandfather, Glenn, who loved golf but had to give it up due to deteriorating balance and strength, illustrating the long-term consequences of neglecting fitness.

Both Allan and Brad agree that maintaining fitness is essential for independence and quality of life as one ages. They discuss the concept of training for life tasks, such as carrying luggage or playing with grandchildren, rather than for aesthetic or competitive reasons. Brad shares his own experience with a back injury that shifted his focus to functional fitness.

The conversation concludes with a reminder that fitness is crucial for preventing age-related decline, such as falls, and maintaining independence. Allan and Brad stress the importance of consistency and finding joy in fitness activities to sustain a healthy lifestyle

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

May 30, 202409:57
490: Brad Williams - Month 5 Fitness Challenge Update: Improving Sleep With The Whoop Tracker

490: Brad Williams - Month 5 Fitness Challenge Update: Improving Sleep With The Whoop Tracker

Month 5 Fitness Challenge Update: Improving Sleep With Whoop Tracker

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Over 40 Fitness Hacks Facebook Group

Step By Step Podcasting Link!

Descript Editing Software Link!

In this podcast episode, Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness provides a month 5 update on his six-month personal fitness challenge, which began at the start of the year. This month, Brad focused on improving his sleep using the Whoop device, a wearable fitness tracker. Despite not having significant sleep issues before, Brad decided to optimize his sleep duration and quality. He typically slept around six to seven hours but aimed to increase this to improve his deep REM sleep, crucial for overall recovery.

Brad detailed his experience with the Whoop device, explaining how it tracks various sleep stages and provides an overall sleep score. Initially scoring well, he noticed his deep REM sleep was lacking, prompting him to extend his sleep duration to seven or eight hours. This adjustment led to better scores, although he didn't always feel more refreshed.

The Whoop device also tracks strain, recovery, and daily calorie expenditure, giving Brad insights into his physical exertion and metabolic rate. He maintained a consistent workout routine of three to four 30-minute sessions per week, focusing on efficiency rather than high strain. The data confirmed that his workouts were effective in building lean muscle mass without excessive calorie burn, aligning with his goals.

Additionally, Brad monitored his HRV (Heart Rate Variability) score, which varied based on his lifestyle choices, showing improvement during the weekdays and decline over weekends due to dietary indulgences.

Despite his aversion to wearing devices, Brad found the Whoop device useful for gaining insights into his sleep and physical activity patterns. He committed to using it for a year and would reassess its value afterward.

Brad also recapped his progress in previous months, mentioning ongoing challenges with inflammation due to allergies and a recent stomach flu that led to a new egg allergy. For the final month, Brad plans to focus on stress management through meditation and circadian rhythm optimization.

Listeners are encouraged to join the challenge, revisit episode 429 for detailed instructions, and connect with Brad through a free 15-minute Zoom call or his new Facebook group.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

May 28, 202411:37
489: Brad Williams - My New Fasting Protocols For The Over-40 Crowd

489: Brad Williams - My New Fasting Protocols For The Over-40 Crowd

My New Fasting Protocols For The Over-40 Crowd

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Over 40 Fitness Hacks Facebook Group

In this podcast episode, Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness provides an update on his fasting protocols and shares his insights from two years of intermittent fasting. Brad emphasizes the importance of refining fasting practices by consulting with health and wellness experts. His current regimen involves a 6-7 hour eating window, consuming balanced meals with protein, fats, and fibers, and focusing on hydration with water and electrolyte drinks.

Brad highlights the significance of avoiding high-potassium supplements during long fasts and insists on no-calorie additions to coffee or tea. He encourages starting with intermittent fasting, gradually reducing the eating window, and possibly extending to longer fasts like his preferred 36-hour fast, which he does once a month.

A recent adjustment in Brad's approach includes minimizing meal frequency within the eating window, now consuming two larger meals instead of three to optimize insulin response and fat burning. This shift has yielded notable results, including weight loss and improved body composition.

Brad underscores the benefits of fasting for men and women, advising customization based on individual needs and professional guidance. He also suggests simple strategies like chewing gum or drinking apple cider vinegar to curb appetite. Ultimately, Brad encourages listeners to experiment with intermittent fasting, adapt it to their lifestyle, and find what works best for them.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

May 24, 202411:31
488: Brad Williams - Should You Count Your Calories To Get To Your Goal Weight

488: Brad Williams - Should You Count Your Calories To Get To Your Goal Weight

Should You Count Your Calories To Get To Your Goal Weight

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Over 40 Fitness Hacks Facebook Group

In this episode of Over 40 Fitness Hacks, I delve into the perennial debate on whether or not counting calories should be a primary focus in your fitness journey. As I address this common query, I emphasize that while calorie counting can be beneficial, it is not necessarily the initial step one should take, especially for those over 40 who are beginning their fitness transformation.

The core of my argument is that establishing foundational healthy habits is paramount. This involves focusing on six key aspects of fitness: diet, exercise (or movement), inflammation, stress management (both physical and mental), sleep, and supplementation. Addressing these areas comprehensively will yield significant benefits and set a robust groundwork for your fitness goals.

Calorie counting, often rooted in traditional bodybuilding approaches, operates on the principle of caloric deficit and expenditure. While mathematically sound and effective for achieving very low body fat percentages, it may not be essential for everyone, especially those comfortable with a higher, but healthy, body fat percentage. It's crucial to recognize that fitness goals vary, and so should the methods to achieve them.

For many, the stress and potential negativity associated with rigorous calorie tracking can be counterproductive. Therefore, if counting calories feels overwhelming, it might be more prudent to focus initially on overall dietary quality, increased physical activity, and gradual adjustments. This approach can often yield substantial results without the meticulous need to track every calorie.

However, for those aiming to reach single-digit body fat percentages, calorie counting becomes almost inevitable. It's an advanced strategy that fine-tunes the diet to achieve precise fitness outcomes. Utilizing tools like MyFitnessPal or even a basic food scale can provide valuable insights into your dietary intake, helping you make informed adjustments.

Interestingly, the physiological feedback from devices like the WHOOP strap offers a modern method to understand your body's needs. By monitoring metrics such as heart rate, stress levels, oxygen levels, and basal metabolic rate (BMR), you can tailor your calorie intake and expenditure dynamically. This biohacking approach provides a more detailed and responsive way to manage your fitness journey.

In conclusion, whether or not to count calories depends on your personal goals and preferences. Establish a solid foundation in all aspects of fitness, and if you decide to pursue lower body fat percentages, incorporate calorie tracking as an advanced tool. The ultimate aim is to remain motivated, feel better, and achieve a sustainable, healthy lifestyle. Stay tuned for future updates, and consider joining my new Facebook group to connect with like-minded individuals and share your fitness journey.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

May 22, 202410:18
487: Stephen Campolo - Mastering Over 40 Fitness For Achieving Single-Digit Body Fat

487: Stephen Campolo - Mastering Over 40 Fitness For Achieving Single-Digit Body Fat

Mastering Over 40 Fitness For Achieving Single-Digit Body Fat

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Stephen Campolo - Weight Loss Expert

In this insightful podcast discussion between Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness Hacks and personal trainer Stephen Campolo, the primary focus is on the nuanced journey of achieving single-digit body fat for individuals over 40. Brad seeks Stephen's expertise, given his background in natural bodybuilding, to navigate this goal without resorting to extreme measures common in bodybuilding competitions.

Stephen outlines three fundamental pillars essential for this endeavor: consistent nutrition, regular weight training, and increased movement, particularly through activities like walking. He underscores the criticality of maintaining unwavering consistency across these facets to yield tangible results. Stephen's emphasis on sustainable practices echoes throughout the conversation, with a keen focus on adherence rather than short-term intensity.

The discussion delves into strategies for addressing stubborn fat areas, acknowledging the unique challenges individuals face as they approach their target body fat percentage. Stephen's insights underscore the necessity of patience and persistence, particularly during the final stages of fat loss, where progress may seem elusive.

Moreover, the conversation explores the value of experimentation and moderation in integrating new fitness practices, such as sauna sessions and cold plunges, into one's routine. Both Brad and Stephen advocate for an approach rooted in balance and caution, mindful of potential long-term implications.

Stephen extends an invitation for listeners to connect with him on social media, positioning himself as a resource for ongoing guidance and support. His focus on online coaching and forthcoming corporate wellness initiatives reflects a commitment to making fitness accessible and sustainable for a broader audience.

Overall, the dialogue offers practical advice and nuanced insights for individuals navigating the complexities of their fitness journey, emphasizing the importance of sustainability, enjoyment, and holistic well-being.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

May 18, 202414:04
486: Stephen Campolo - Unpacking Nutrition Myths: Insights from Personal Trainers On Sustainable Weight Loss Strategies

486: Stephen Campolo - Unpacking Nutrition Myths: Insights from Personal Trainers On Sustainable Weight Loss Strategies

Unpacking Nutrition Myths: Insights from Personal Trainers On Sustainable Weight Loss Strategies

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Stephen Campolo - Weight Loss Expert

In this podcast episode, Brad Williams engages in a dialogue with fellow personal trainer Stephen Campolo, delving into the intricacies of nutrition and diet strategies. Stephen begins by reflecting on the evolution of his nutritional philosophy, indicating a shift from traditional bodybuilding diets towards a more experimental approach. Over the years, he has explored various dietary trends, including intermittent fasting, keto, and carnivore, in a quest to discover what works best for himself and his clients.

One of the central themes of their discussion revolves around the concept of calorie deficit for weight loss. Stephen emphasizes the importance of understanding that weight loss ultimately boils down to consuming fewer calories than one expends. However, he dispels the notion that meal frequency significantly impacts weight loss outcomes, asserting that as long as one remains within their daily calorie range, meal frequency becomes a matter of personal preference rather than a critical factor.

Moreover, Stephen touches upon the necessity of calorie tracking to develop awareness of eating habits. He suggests tools like MyFitnessPal to help individuals gain insight into their calorie consumption, as many people tend to underestimate the amount of food they eat. By tracking calories, individuals can make informed decisions about their dietary choices and adjust their intake accordingly to achieve their weight loss goals.

The conversation extends to the challenges faced by petite individuals in managing calorie intake and protein consumption. Stephen highlights the importance of tailoring dietary approaches based on individual body composition, noting that petite individuals may need to be more cautious with their calorie intake due to their smaller metabolic engines. Additionally, they discuss strategies for meeting protein requirements through diverse food options, such as protein bars, Greek yogurt, and protein powder, offering alternatives to solely relying on meat consumption.

Throughout the discussion, both Brad and Stephen stress the significance of listening to one's body and tracking results to gauge the effectiveness of dietary changes. They advocate for a pragmatic approach focused on gradual adjustments and small lifestyle changes, rather than strict adherence to rigid dietary protocols. By adopting a flexible and sustainable approach to nutrition, individuals can achieve long-term success in their fitness journey.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

May 17, 202411:02
485: Stephen Campolo - A Personal Trainer's Journey Through Fitness, Binge Eating, and Self-Discovery

485: Stephen Campolo - A Personal Trainer's Journey Through Fitness, Binge Eating, and Self-Discovery

A Personal Trainer's Journey Through Fitness, Binge Eating, and Self-Discovery

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Step By Step Podcasting Link!

Descript Editing Software Link!

Stephen Campolo - Weight Loss Expert

In this engaging podcast conversation between Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness Hacks and Stephen Campolo, a seasoned personal trainer, the focus is on Stephen's transformative journey into fitness, navigating the challenges of binge eating, and the psychological intricacies surrounding it. Stephen candidly shares his personal narrative, beginning with his adolescence when he grappled with being significantly overweight, growing up in a food-centric Italian household where culinary indulgence was the norm.

Motivated by a desire to shed excess weight and the negative impacts of bullying, Stephen embarked on his weight loss journey at the age of 14. Initially, he turned to running as his primary means of exercise, braving the cold New York winters to jog nightly. Coupled with a diet heavily centered around chicken and broccoli—deemed the quintessential healthy meal—Stephen experienced rapid weight loss, shedding nearly 100 pounds within six months.

However, his weight loss journey took a new trajectory when he discovered bodybuilding through Arnold Schwarzenegger's iconic documentary "Pumping Iron." Inspired by the muscular physiques showcased, Stephen transitioned to weightlifting, eventually competing in natural bodybuilding shows with the guidance of a seasoned coach. Despite his success on stage, Stephen's strict pre-competition dieting inadvertently triggered an unhealthy obsession with food, leading to episodes of binge eating post-competition.

This pattern of restrictive eating followed by bingeing persisted for years, creating a tumultuous cycle that impacted Stephen's physical and mental well-being. He candidly recounts a harrowing incident during the COVID era where a severe bout of binge eating resulted in excruciating pain and emergency surgery to remove his gallbladder—a consequence of overindulging in high-fat foods like peanut butter.

Through his experiences, Stephen underscores the importance of recognizing and addressing food addiction, describing himself as a "recovering food addict." He emphasizes the necessity of cultivating a lifelong awareness of one's relationship with food, acknowledging the complexities inherent in managing food-related behaviors. Stephen's story serves as a poignant reminder of the challenges individuals face within the fitness industry, intertwining themes of weight loss, body image, and mental health in a deeply personal narrative.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

May 15, 202411:33
484: Brad Williams - Mastering The Diet Over 40: Seven Steps In Order Of Importance

484: Brad Williams - Mastering The Diet Over 40: Seven Steps In Order Of Importance

Mastering The Diet Over 40: Seven Steps In Order Of Importance

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

In this episode of Over 40 Fitness Hacks, Brad Williams shares a comprehensive guide for individuals over 40 who are new to dieting and aiming to improve their health. Brad emphasizes the importance of taking gradual steps rather than diving into extreme changes, focusing on sustainability and building healthier habits.

Brad breaks down his approach into seven key steps:

  1. Prioritize Protein: Tailor your protein intake based on your dietary preferences and fitness goals. Brad recommends calculating your protein needs using online calculators and opting for high-quality protein sources such as whey, milk, or animal proteins.

  2. Incorporate Intermittent Fasting: Introduce intermittent fasting to your routine to allow your body time for autophagy and fat burning. Brad suggests gradually reducing your eating window until you find a schedule that works for you.

  3. Monitor Caloric Intake: Utilize macro calculators to determine your calorie needs and adjust them based on your progress. Brad emphasizes the importance of consistent tracking and adjustments to meet your goals effectively.

  4. Focus on Whole Foods: Shift your diet towards whole, unprocessed foods for better nutrition and weight management. Brad recommends prioritizing natural sources of carbohydrates and avoiding processed foods.

  5. Combine Protein, Fat, and Fiber: Optimize your meals by including a balance of protein, fat, and fiber to regulate blood glucose levels and promote satiety. Brad suggests synergistically pairing these nutrients for maximum benefits.

  6. Track Micronutrients: Pay attention to micronutrient intake by identifying deficiencies and adjusting your diet accordingly. Brad recommends using comprehensive food databases to ensure adequate consumption of vitamins and minerals.

  7. Incorporate Probiotics: Enhance gut health by including probiotic-rich foods like kimchi and sauerkraut in your diet. Brad highlights the importance of maintaining a healthy gut microbiome for overall well-being.

Throughout the episode, Brad emphasizes the need to master each step before progressing to the next, promoting a gradual and sustainable approach to diet improvement. He also offers practical tips and resources for listeners to implement these changes effectively.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

May 10, 202414:38
483: Brad Williams - How Powerful The Effects Of Insulin Are For Weight Loss Over 40

483: Brad Williams - How Powerful The Effects Of Insulin Are For Weight Loss Over 40

How Powerful The Effects Of Insulin Are For Weight Loss Over 40

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

In this episode of Over 40 Fitness Hacks, Brad Williams delves into the intricacies of insulin and its profound impact on weight loss. Drawing from over 14 years of experience as a personal trainer, Brad addresses the common struggle faced by many in their quest to shed those last few pounds and achieve single-digit body fat percentages without sacrificing their social lives.

He highlights the critical role of insulin in weight loss, emphasizing its significance alongside protein intake for efficient fat burning and reaching fitness goals. Brad explains how insulin, triggered by food consumption, directs nutrients to their destinations, particularly to muscles for energy restoration.

Through personal experimentation and insights from health experts, Brad reveals how snacking can disrupt fat-burning capabilities by constantly elevating insulin levels. He discusses strategies such as intermittent fasting and consolidating meals into a shorter time window to promote lower insulin levels and initiate fat burning.

Brad shares his own journey of transitioning from frequent snacking to three balanced meals a day, each containing substantial protein, fat, and fiber. He discusses the benefits he experienced, including improved satiety, leaner physique, and consistent progress towards his weight goals, all while maintaining a social life.

Encouraging listeners to experiment and find what works best for them, Brad underscores the importance of optimizing nutrition and insulin response for long-term health and fitness success. He invites listeners to explore further with a free consultation, emphasizing the importance of personalized approaches to achieve optimal results.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

May 08, 202412:51
482: Brad Williams - My Daughter and I’s Results From Using A Holistic Oral Program: Primal Life Organics

482: Brad Williams - My Daughter and I’s Results From Using A Holistic Oral Program: Primal Life Organics

My Daughter and I’s Results From Using A Holistic Oral Program: Primal Life Organics

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:⁠

In this podcast episode, Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness Hacks dives into his and his daughter's transformative experiences with the Primal Life Organics oral care program. Inspired by Trina Felber's holistic approach, Brad decided to give the program a try after learning about its natural, fluoride-free ingredients. Trina's personal journey, driven by her daughter's struggles with cavities, resonated with Brad, prompting him to explore alternative oral care solutions.

After incorporating the Primal Life Organics products into his daily routine, Brad noticed significant improvements in his oral health. His dental appointment revealed a remarkable absence of soft plaque and zero cavities, validating the program's effectiveness. This outcome not only impressed Brad but also instilled confidence in him to introduce his daughter to the program. Opting for the kid-friendly version, Brad embarked on a journey to enhance his daughter's oral health.

With consistent use over two and a half months, Brad observed remarkable progress during his daughter's dental appointment. The reduction in cavities, with three out of four nearly gone, showcased the program's potential to naturally address oral health issues. Brad's commitment to his daughter's well-being and his willingness to explore holistic solutions underscored his dedication to finding the best oral care regimen for his family.

However, Brad also encountered challenges associated with transitioning to natural oral care products. Concerns about tooth discoloration arose due to the absence of whitening agents in the natural products. To address this, Brad adopted a strategy of alternating between Primal Life Organics and Arm & Hammer toothpaste, leveraging the latter's baking soda content for whitening purposes.

Additionally, Brad navigated concerns regarding the presence of lead traces in the products. While acknowledging the importance of personal research and consulting health professionals, Brad shared insights gained from his own investigation into the matter. Despite initial apprehensions, Brad's thorough examination provided reassurance regarding the safety and efficacy of the Primal Life Organics program.

Ultimately, Brad's experiences serve as a testament to the transformative potential of holistic oral care approaches. Through diligent research, experimentation, and a commitment to wellness, Brad navigated the complexities of modern oral care to find a solution that aligns with his values and yields tangible results for his and his daughter's health.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

May 04, 202411:48
481: Catherine Staffieri - My Results Using The Nutrisense Glucose Monitoring CGM Device

481: Catherine Staffieri - My Results Using The Nutrisense Glucose Monitoring CGM Device

My Results Using The Nutrisense Glucose Monitoring CGM Device

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Catherine Staffieri - Nutrisense

⁠Click Here For Nutrisense Website⁠

For $25 Off, Use Code: OVER40FIT

In this podcast episode, Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness Hacks interviews Catherine Staffieri from about his experience using their CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitoring) device to biohack his diet and lifestyle. Brad shares his initial challenges, including navigating the impact of factors like swimming in a saltwater pool and late-night snacking on his glucose levels. Catherine discusses how exercise affects glucose spikes, emphasizing the importance of timing and the body's utilization of stored glucose during fasted workouts.

They delve into Brad's observations during the monitoring period, highlighting instances of glucose spikes from alcohol consumption and late-night snacks, as well as the impact of stress on blood sugar levels. Catherine emphasizes the importance of understanding individual responses to different dietary approaches and lifestyle factors, advocating for a personalized approach to optimizing glucose levels for long-term health and wellness.

The conversation concludes with Brad expressing his intention to continue using CGM intermittently to fine-tune his diet and lifestyle. Catherine encourages listeners to explore for more information and resources on optimizing health through continuous glucose monitoring.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

May 03, 202416:32
480: Catherine Staffieri - Glucose Monitoring Tech With Nutrisense: AI, Video Calls, and Personalized Nutrition

480: Catherine Staffieri - Glucose Monitoring Tech With Nutrisense: AI, Video Calls, and Personalized Nutrition

Glucose Monitoring Tech With Nutrisense: AI, Video Calls, and Personalized Nutrition

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Catherine Staffieri - Nutrisense

⁠Click Here For Nutrisense Website⁠

For $25 Off, Use Code: OVER40FIT

In this podcast episode, Brad Williams from Over 40 Fitness Hacks welcomes Catherine Staffieri from back to the show. They revisit their previous discussion about Nutrisense's AI product combined with a continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) device, which Brad had tried for a month. This time, they focus on the latest updates to the Nutrisense platform, particularly the incorporation of more video calls and AI enhancements.

Catherine highlights the shift towards offering insurance-covered video calls for members, emphasizing the benefits of face-to-face interaction with nutritionists over text-based communication. Brad shares his positive experience with the chat support but acknowledges the limitations of conveying messages accurately through text. They discuss the frequency and setup of these video calls, which vary based on individual preferences and insurance coverage.

Regarding insurance coverage, Catherine clarifies that while Nutrisense subscriptions are not covered, video calls are eligible for reimbursement through certain insurance providers like Aetna, Cigna, and Blue Cross Blue Shield. She encourages listeners to check their eligibility through Nutrisense's website for a hassle-free process.

The conversation touches on other upgrades to the Nutrisense platform, including the AI-powered food recognition feature and access to educational resources tailored to users' interests. Catherine mentions improvements to the user interface, such as prioritizing health goals and enhancing the chat functionality with nutritionists.

Looking ahead, Catherine mentions recent team expansions and expresses excitement about the current momentum. While no major changes are imminent, Nutrisense aims to continue refining its offerings and providing personalized support to its members.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

May 01, 202409:50
479: Brad Williams - Top Exercises For Each Body Part To Get The Most Hypertrophy

479: Brad Williams - Top Exercises For Each Body Part To Get The Most Hypertrophy

Top Exercises For Each Body Part To Get The Most Hypertrophy

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Descript Editing Software Link!

In this podcast episode, Brad Williams from Over 40 Fitness Hacks delves into the best exercises for each body part to maximize hypertrophy, especially for individuals over 40. Brad emphasizes the importance of exercises that prioritize muscle size and efficiency, particularly avoiding high-impact movements due to potential injuries common in the over 40 demographic. He shares insights tailored for both men and women, focusing on exercises that elevate the basal metabolic rate (BMR) to burn more calories and build muscle mass.

Starting with lower body exercises, Brad suggests calf exercises tailored for different muscle fiber types, recommending slow, controlled movements for ectomorphs (type one muscle fibers) and heavier weights with fewer reps for mesomorphs (type two muscle fibers). Moving on to quads, hamstrings, and glutes, he highlights the Bulgarian split squat as a versatile option and offers modifications for those with back issues. For core exercises, Brad advocates for plank variations to enhance spinal health and avoid overloading specific segments.

Transitioning to upper body workouts, Brad covers exercises for the lower back, rhomboids, lats, traps, shoulders, chest, biceps, and triceps. He emphasizes the importance of varying exercises to shock the body and recruit different muscle fibers, promoting hypertrophy and overall fitness. Throughout the episode, Brad's advice is grounded in his extensive experience as a personal trainer and weightlifting enthusiast, with a focus on long-term health and fitness goals for individuals over 40.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Apr 27, 202415:20
478: Brad Williams - What I Know About Hair Loss After 25 Years Of Obsession And Experimenting

478: Brad Williams - What I Know About Hair Loss After 25 Years Of Obsession And Experimenting

What I Know About Hair Loss After 25 Years Of Obsession And Experimenting

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

In this podcast episode, Brad Williams from Over 40 Fitness Hacks delves into his personal journey with hair loss and greying hair at the age of 43. He shares insights into genetic hair loss, detailing his family history and his own experiences with preventive measures and treatments. Brad discusses his success with Finasteride in halting hair loss, alongside his less fruitful attempts with other treatments like Minoxidil. He also touches on the side effects of Finasteride, particularly its impact on body hair and muscle gain.

Transitioning to the topic of greying hair, Brad explores his recent experimentation with a supplement called spermidine, which aims to reactivate stem cells and restore melanin production. He notes some initial success in reducing greys and speeding up hair growth, albeit with no noticeable impact on hairline recession. Brad reflects on the limited advancements in hair loss treatments over the past two decades, highlighting emerging trends like hair transplants and potential future breakthroughs driven by advancements in AI technology.

While acknowledging the importance of overall health and longevity, Brad emphasizes the significance of finding solutions to personal insecurities and encourages listeners to continue exploring options under the guidance of healthcare professionals. He concludes with a hopeful outlook for future innovations in the field of hair loss treatment.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Apr 26, 202413:08
477: Brad Williams - Four-Month Weight Loss Challenge Update: Adjusting For Setbacks and Successes

477: Brad Williams - Four-Month Weight Loss Challenge Update: Adjusting For Setbacks and Successes

Four-Month Weight Loss Challenge Update: Adjusting For Setbacks and Successes

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Brad Williams provides a comprehensive update on his six-month weight loss challenge in this podcast episode. He discusses his journey over the past four months, focusing on various aspects of fitness and health improvement.

In January, he prioritized reducing inflammation, which has been an ongoing struggle. In February, he emphasized movement, incorporating high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and long walks. March saw a focus on supplements, particularly digestive enzymes and electrolytes.

For April, Brad concentrated on cleaning up his diet, shifting back to a keto, low-carb approach after experimenting with a carnivore diet in March. He emphasizes the importance of animal protein over plant-based alternatives for muscle hypertrophy. Brad also emphasizes the significance of individualized approaches to nutrition and biohacking.

During April, Brad introduced more organic foods into his diet and increased his intake of probiotics through sources like sauerkraut. However, his progress was interrupted by contracting a severe stomach flu, leading to a 72-hour fasting period to aid recovery. Despite the setback, he returned to his routine and saw significant weight loss.

Looking ahead, Brad plans to focus on improving sleep and managing stress in the remaining months of the challenge. He encourages listeners to join him in prioritizing health and offers support through consultations for those interested in starting their own journey.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Apr 24, 202409:57
476: Robert Johnson - The Overall Picure Of The Supplemental Mushroom Industry Today

476: Robert Johnson - The Overall Picure Of The Supplemental Mushroom Industry Today

The Overall Picure Of The Supplemental Mushroom Industry Today

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Robert Johnson - Mycroboost⁠

In this podcast episode, Brad Williams from Over 40 Fitness Hacks interviews Robert Johnson from Micro Boost, delving into the intricacies of the supplement industry, particularly focusing on functional mushrooms. Robert discusses the range of products offered by Micro Boost, which includes gummies, vegan soft gels, and their popular coffee infused with functional mushrooms. He emphasizes the potency of their products, with the coffee containing a substantial 3000 milligrams of functional mushrooms per serving.

However, the conversation takes a critical turn as Robert highlights the importance of scrutinizing supplement labels, especially in the realm of functional mushrooms. He explains the significant difference between products made with fruiting bodies versus mycelia, shedding light on how this impacts the actual milligram content of active ingredients. Robert reveals that many companies opt for cheaper myceliated oat blocks, which contain far fewer active compounds compared to products derived from fruiting bodies.

This lack of regulation and transparency within the supplement industry concerns Robert, prompting him to advocate for stricter labeling standards. He warns against the prevalence of misleading product labels and stresses the need for consumers to conduct thorough research before purchasing supplements. Brad resonates with this sentiment, expressing his intention to be more discerning about the supplements he consumes, preferring products endorsed by passionate founders like Robert.

Throughout the interview, Robert shares insights gleaned from his experience in the supplement industry, including his contributions to Rolling Stone articles on the topic of functional mushrooms. He invites listeners to connect with Micro Boost through their website and social media channels, encouraging further exploration into the world of functional mushrooms. The episode concludes with Brad expressing appreciation for Robert's expertise and dedication to providing high-quality supplements, leaving listeners with valuable insights to consider in their own supplement choices.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Apr 22, 202410:51
475: Robert Johnson - The Psychedelic Renaissance: Growing Potential of Psychedelic Mushrooms And Where We Are Today

475: Robert Johnson - The Psychedelic Renaissance: Growing Potential of Psychedelic Mushrooms And Where We Are Today

The Psychedelic Renaissance: Growing Potential of Psychedelic Mushrooms And Where We Are Today

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Robert Johnson - Mycroboost

In this podcast interview between Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness Hacks and Robert Johnson from Myrcoboost, the discussion delves into the growing interest and acceptance of psychedelics, particularly mushrooms, for therapeutic purposes. Robert highlights the cultural shift towards acceptance, citing influential media such as documentaries and books, as well as celebrity endorsements and political movements towards legalization and decriminalization.

The conversation touches on the parallels between the legalization journey of cannabis and the emerging acceptance of psychedelics. Robert explains the historical context, mentioning the extensive research on psychedelics before their criminalization in the late 1960s, and the recent resurgence of interest and investment in research due to their potential therapeutic benefits.

They discuss the rapid growth of the psychedelic industry, with former cannabis manufacturers transitioning to produce mushroom products, facilitated by existing infrastructure and market demand. Robert also outlines the current legal landscape, noting recent legislative changes in states like Colorado and Oregon, as well as the decriminalization efforts in various cities.

Regarding research and development, Robert mentions significant investments by leading psychedelic companies, focusing on unique compounds for therapeutic use. He highlights recent government funding for PTSD therapy, indicating a shift towards recognizing the therapeutic potential of psychedelics.

The conversation concludes with a comparison of the societal impact of various substances, with alcohol ranking highest in terms of negative effects, followed by pharmaceuticals, while psychedelics like mushrooms are depicted as relatively low-risk in comparison.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Apr 20, 202412:39
474: Robert Johnson - Giving Yourself A Myrcroboost : The Power Of Functional Mushrooms

474: Robert Johnson - Giving Yourself A Myrcroboost : The Power Of Functional Mushrooms

Giving Yourself A Myrcroboost : The Power Of Functional Mushrooms

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Robert Johnson - Mycroboost

In this podcast interview between Brad Williams from Over 40 Fitness Hacks and Robert Johnson from Myrcoboost, they delve into the world of functional mushrooms and their benefits. Robert, having worked in the supplement industry during the pandemic, noticed a surge in interest in natural alternatives, especially those focused on brain health and productivity. He highlights the popularity of lion's mane and cordyceps mushrooms among consumers, citing their cognitive-enhancing and energizing effects.

They discuss various functional mushrooms beyond the well-known ones, such as shiitake, chaga, and reishi, emphasizing their diverse health benefits, including gut health, anti-inflammatory properties, and even potential cancer-fighting abilities. Robert shares anecdotes about athletes and individuals benefiting from mushroom supplements, indicating their widespread appeal.

The conversation touches on the challenges of incorporating mushrooms into daily diets due to taste and shelf-life issues, leading to their popularity in supplement form. They also discuss the individual variability in response to mushroom supplements, emphasizing the importance of starting with lower doses and monitoring reactions.

Overall, the interview provides valuable insights into the growing trend of using functional mushrooms for health and wellness, backed by scientific research and real-life experiences.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Apr 19, 202414:01
473: Brad Williams - Time Under Tension vs More Mechanical Tension

473: Brad Williams - Time Under Tension vs More Mechanical Tension

Time Under Tension vs More Mechanical Tension

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Step By Step Podcasting Link!

Descript Editing Software Link!

In this podcast episode, Brad Williams from Over 40 Fitness Hacks dives into the ongoing debate within the fitness community regarding the effectiveness of two muscle-building techniques: time under tension and mechanical tension. He notes the prevalence of this controversy among fitness gurus and professionals on social media platforms.

Brad begins by explaining the fundamental concepts behind both approaches. Time under tension refers to the duration of an exercise, including the speed at which repetitions are performed. On the other hand, mechanical tension focuses on the weight lifted, irrespective of the tempo of the movement.

While acknowledging the validity of both methodologies, Brad leans towards time under tension, particularly for his own practice. He emphasizes a personalized approach, recognizing that individual circumstances and preferences play a significant role in determining the most suitable technique.

Despite his preference, Brad acknowledges the efficacy of mechanical tension in rapidly building muscle mass. He discusses how heavier loads can lead to quicker gains, albeit with potential risks such as injury, particularly for individuals over 40.

Drawing from personal experience and observations, Brad underscores the importance of safety and injury prevention, especially as one ages. He highlights the prevalence of injuries among older individuals who prioritize heavy lifting and advocates for a more cautious approach.

Moreover, Brad discusses the long-term implications of different training methods, particularly in terms of joint health and longevity. He stresses the need for individuals to find a balance between achieving their fitness goals and maintaining overall health and well-being.

Ultimately, Brad encourages listeners to experiment with various techniques and find what works best for them. He emphasizes the importance of staying informed and seeking guidance from health professionals to ensure a safe and sustainable fitness journey.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Apr 17, 202413:43
472: Brad Williams - Nagging Pains: Overcoming Workout Challenges After 40

472: Brad Williams - Nagging Pains: Overcoming Workout Challenges After 40

Nagging Pains: Overcoming Workout Challenges After 40

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

In this insightful podcast episode, Brad Williams, host of Over 40 Fitness Hacks, delves into the ubiquitous issue of nagging pains that often accompany gym workouts, particularly as individuals age. With over 14 years of experience as a personal trainer, Brad shares his own journey of grappling with these nagging pains and how he successfully tackled them over the years.

Brad begins by acknowledging the inevitability of wear and tear as we age but emphasizes the importance of addressing persistent pains before they become chronic issues. He recounts several specific instances of nagging pains he encountered, such as a tricep ache, a rear deltoid problem, a neck issue, and knee discomfort.

Each example is accompanied by Brad's meticulous process of self-diagnosis and treatment. For instance, when faced with a tricep issue, Brad experimented with different exercises before consulting a physical therapist who identified the root cause as a subscapular issue. He then outlines the exercises prescribed by the therapist and how they effectively resolved the pain.

Similarly, Brad shares his experience with a rear deltoid problem and a neck issue, detailing the exercises and adjustments he made to his workout routine to alleviate the discomfort. Additionally, he explores the role of mindful exercise and the importance of being attuned to one's body, as illustrated by his realization regarding the detrimental impact of certain exercises on his knees during a rebounding workout.

Throughout the episode, Brad emphasizes the significance of seeking professional help when needed while also advocating for self-exploration and research to find personalized solutions. He underscores the value of proactive management of nagging pains to prevent them from becoming chronic issues, particularly as individuals navigate the challenges of maintaining fitness and mobility over the age of 40.

In conclusion, Brad encourages listeners to prioritize their physical well-being and offers a free consultation to further support them on their fitness journey. By sharing his personal experiences and insights, Brad empowers his audience to take control of their health and overcome obstacles that may arise along the way.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Apr 13, 202411:24
471: Brad Williams - My Experience With The Carnivore Diet For 30 Days

471: Brad Williams - My Experience With The Carnivore Diet For 30 Days

My Experience With The Carnivore Diet For 30 Days

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

In this podcast transcript, Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness Hacks shares his experience with the Carnivore Diet during a 30-day trial. Brad, a personal trainer with expertise in helping the over-40 crowd achieve fitness goals, decided to explore the Carnivore Diet trend despite initial skepticism. Throughout the month of March (and a few days in February), Brad followed the strict dietary guidelines of the Carnivore Diet, which primarily consists of consuming meat and animal fats while avoiding all plant-based foods.

Brad recounts the challenges he faced, including the need for research to ensure adequate nutrient intake, particularly vitamin C and B vitamins, as well as coping with low glycogen levels and potential dehydration. Despite his commitment to maintaining a social life, Brad adhered to the Carnivore Diet during weekdays and allowed himself some flexibility on weekends, though this impacted his ketosis cycle.

Throughout the trial, Brad diversified his meat choices, focusing on ruminant meats such as bison, venison, and wild boar, alongside supplements like liver pills and bison patties containing organ meats. He also adjusted his fat intake, initially relying on plant-based oils before incorporating bacon to address issues related to saturated fat and cholesterol intake.

Brad shares his observations on the diet's effects, including improved Friday energy levels compared to his typical keto diet and slight weight loss. However, he highlights challenges such as insomnia, brain fog, and the need for strict adherence to achieve optimal results.

Reflecting on his experience, Brad emphasizes the importance of water intake, consuming high-fat animal products, and maintaining variety in food choices. While he acknowledges potential benefits for gut health and skin improvement, he questions the sustainability and long-term health implications of a strictly carnivorous diet, particularly concerning nutrient deficiencies.

Looking ahead, Brad plans to reintroduce fruits and raw honey while reducing vegetable intake, inspired by insights from Dr. Paul Saladino's content. He also intends to prioritize animal protein over vegan protein shakes, noting the superior bioavailability of the former.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Apr 10, 202415:27
470: Dr. Greg Dennis - Longevity Insights on Health, Habits, and Vitality From An Osteopath

470: Dr. Greg Dennis - Longevity Insights on Health, Habits, and Vitality From An Osteopath

Longevity Insights on Health, Habits, and Vitality From An Osteopath

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Check Out The Rebounder From JumpSport:⁠

Dr Greg Dennis - Vibrant Life DC Fit Rx podcast

In this engaging podcast episode, Brad Williams, host of Over 40 Fitness Hacks, delves into the topic of longevity with Dr. Greg Dennis from Vibrant Life DC. Their conversation centers around the key elements that contribute to living a longer, healthier life beyond the age of 40. Dr. Dennis, drawing from his expertise, emphasizes the foundational aspects of longevity, stressing the significance of lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, sleep, stress management, and social connections.

A notable point of discussion is the lifestyle habits observed in blue zones, regions around the world where people tend to live remarkably long lives. Dr. Dennis highlights the commonalities among blue zone residents, including their consumption of clean, unprocessed foods and their active daily routines. While acknowledging the allure of trendy supplements and biohacking techniques, Dr. Dennis emphasizes the primacy of prioritizing basic lifestyle habits over quick-fix solutions.

Throughout the conversation, Dr. Dennis underscores the importance of vitamin D, particularly in the context of immune health and longevity. He shares insights from his clinical experience, noting that many individuals have suboptimal levels of vitamin D and may benefit from supplementation or increased sun exposure. Additionally, Dr. Dennis discusses the role of vitamin D in potentially mitigating the severity of COVID-19, highlighting the implications for public health and preventive medicine.

As the episode concludes, Dr. Dennis provides information about his podcast, Fit RX, and his primary care practice, Vibrant Life DC, offering listeners valuable resources for further exploration of health and wellness topics. Overall, the conversation between Brad Williams and Dr. Greg Dennis offers listeners practical insights into longevity and underscores the importance of holistic lifestyle practices for promoting health and well-being.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Apr 08, 202415:22
469: Dr. Greg Dennis - Pervasive influence Of Big Pharma Within Healthcare 

469: Dr. Greg Dennis - Pervasive influence Of Big Pharma Within Healthcare 

Pervasive influence Of Big Pharma Within Healthcare

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Dr Greg Dennis - Vibrant Life DC
Fit Rx podcast

The podcast, hosted by Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness Hacks, features an interview with Dr. Greg Dennis from Vibrant Life DC. Throughout the conversation, they delve into the critical disparity between healthcare and sick care, with a focus on advocating for addressing underlying health issues rather than simply managing symptoms with medication.

Dr. Dennis shares his professional journey, which saw him transition from traditional medicine to a more holistic approach. He reflects on the realization that despite adhering to conventional protocols, many patients weren't experiencing genuine improvements in their health. This revelation prompted him to explore alternative methods and question the efficacy of solely relying on pharmaceutical interventions.

A central theme of the discussion is the pervasive influence of big pharma within the healthcare industry. Dr. Dennis highlights how profit-driven motives often take precedence over genuine patient well-being, perpetuating a system that prioritizes medication over holistic health solutions. Both Brad and Dr. Dennis share personal anecdotes, illustrating instances where lifestyle changes, such as dietary modifications and supplementation, yielded significant improvements in health outcomes.

Moreover, they discuss the gradual emergence of a grassroots movement advocating for a more patient-centered and preventative approach to healthcare. Despite acknowledging the formidable challenges posed by entrenched interests, they express optimism for eventual change driven by societal shifts and increasing awareness among the public.

Overall, the conversation underscores the need for a paradigm shift within the healthcare landscape, emphasizing the importance of addressing root causes and empowering individuals to take proactive steps towards holistic well-being.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:
Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Apr 06, 202413:06
468: Dr. Greg Dennis - Convergence of Healthcare: Osteopathic Medicine and Direct Primary Care

468: Dr. Greg Dennis - Convergence of Healthcare: Osteopathic Medicine and Direct Primary Care

Convergence of Healthcare: Osteopathic Medicine and Direct Primary Care

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Dr Greg Dennis - Vibrant Life DC
Fit Rx podcast

In this podcast episode, Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness Hacks interviews Dr. Greg Dennis from Vibrant Life DC. Dr. Dennis is a board-certified family practice physician practicing in the Midwest, with a specialization in osteopathic medicine (D.O.). The conversation begins with an exploration of the differences between osteopathic and allopathic (M.D.) medicine, highlighting their historical origins and how they have evolved to be similar in practice today.

Dr. Dennis explains that while osteopathic medicine initially emphasized a holistic approach, over time, both D.O.s and M.D.s have been influenced by conventional medical practices. He notes that while some differences may exist, particularly in the personal preferences of individual practitioners, the overall approach to patient care has converged.

The discussion then shifts to Dr. Dennis's practice, which operates on a membership-based direct primary care model. This model allows patients to pay a monthly fee for unlimited access to medical services without the involvement of insurance. Dr. Dennis emphasizes the benefits of this approach, including more personalized care, longer appointment times, and greater focus on wellness and prevention rather than just treating symptoms.

Brad shares his positive experiences with direct primary care and highlights the advantages of feeling like a valued patient rather than just a number in a crowded medical system. Dr. Dennis agrees, noting that more doctors are embracing this model as they seek to escape the bureaucracy of corporate medicine.

Overall, the conversation underscores the shift towards patient-centered, holistic approaches to healthcare, facilitated by models like direct primary care, and the ongoing convergence of osteopathic and allopathic medical practices.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Apr 05, 202411:39
467: Brad Williams - How To Calculate Your Life Expectancy Free Online

467: Brad Williams - How To Calculate Your Life Expectancy Free Online

How To Calculate Your Life Expectancy Free Online

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Take Free Calculator Here:

Over 40 Fitness Hacks Featured In Top 15 Podcasts!

In this episode of the Over 40 Fitness Hacks podcast, host Brad Williams delves into the topic of longevity and introduces listeners to an online tool called Having been in the fitness industry for over 14 years, Brad emphasizes the importance of continually fine-tuning one's diet, exercise routine, and overall lifestyle to combat the aging process effectively.

He raises thought-provoking questions about life expectancy and the role genetics play in determining longevity. To address these questions, Brad introduces the life expectancy calculator developed by Dr. Thomas Perls, which is freely accessible online. This calculator aims to provide individuals with insights into their potential lifespan based on various lifestyle factors.

Brad shares his personal experience with the calculator, noting that after revisiting it a year later and making some adjustments, his estimated life expectancy increased from 92 to 97 years. He provides an overview of the questionnaire featured in the calculator, which covers aspects such as marital status, stress levels, sleep habits, diet, exercise frequency, medical history, and more.

Throughout the episode, Brad offers practical tips and insights drawn from his interactions with health and wellness professionals and his own experimentation with different diets and supplements. He advocates for a balanced approach to health, emphasizing the significance of factors like diet quality, exercise consistency, and medical check-ups in enhancing longevity.

Additionally, Brad shares his reflections on recent trends in longevity research, including the potential for significant advancements in extending human lifespan with advancements in technology and healthcare. He encourages listeners to prioritize their health and well-being, promising to continue sharing valuable insights and interviewing experts to support them in their journey towards better health and longevity.

In conclusion, Brad underscores the importance of taking proactive steps to improve one's health and quality of life, urging listeners to leverage tools like the longevity calculator to assess their health status and make informed decisions. He reiterates his commitment to guiding listeners through their fitness journey and empowering them to live healthier, more fulfilling lives as they age.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Apr 03, 202409:05
466: Brad Williams - 3-Month Weight Loss Challenge Update: Over 40 Fitness Hacks

466: Brad Williams - 3-Month Weight Loss Challenge Update: Over 40 Fitness Hacks

3-Month Weight Loss Challenge Update: Over 40 Fitness Hacks

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

In this episode of Over 40 Fitness Hacks, Brad Williams offers a comprehensive three-month update on his personal six-month weight loss challenge, initiated back in January. Williams not only discusses his own progress but also extends an invitation to his audience to join him in the challenge. Reflecting on the initial goal set in January, which coincided with a planned beach event on July 4th, Williams emphasizes the importance of having a clear target to work towards, even for those jumping in at this mid-point.

Starting with a focus on inflammation in month one, Williams tweaked his diet to eliminate foods that caused bloating and identified allergies such as beef and milk protein, a journey he continues to navigate three months later. In month two, he introduced additional physical activities, including a weekly long walk with a weight vest and intensified high-intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions. These adjustments aimed not only at shedding pounds but also at enhancing overall fitness and health.

Month three saw Williams experimenting with the carnivore diet for gut health, though he admits encountering difficulties with this dietary approach. Despite setbacks, Williams remains committed to his weight loss journey, with plans to transition back to a keto-friendly diet with modifications in fruit and vegetable consumption. Throughout his update, Williams stresses the importance of a holistic approach to weight loss, incorporating diet, exercise, inflammation management, and supplementation.

Despite the challenges, Williams has seen progress, successfully dropping from 215 to 206 pounds. His ultimate goal of reaching 200-204 pounds by the end of the six-month challenge appears within reach. With determination and a focus on sustainable lifestyle changes, Williams is optimistic about achieving his targets.

He encourages his audience to consider joining the challenge, emphasizing that significant changes require dedication over an extended period. Looking ahead, Williams plans to provide another update at the end of April, offering listeners the opportunity to schedule a free consultation for personalized guidance on their fitness journeys.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Mar 25, 202407:03
465: Brad Williams - Fitness After 40: Blending Circuit Training and High-Intensity Workouts

465: Brad Williams - Fitness After 40: Blending Circuit Training and High-Intensity Workouts

Fitness After 40: Blending Circuit Training and High-Intensity Workouts

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

In the podcast episode, Brad Williams from Over 40 Fitness Hacks shares insights into his preferred workout routines for individuals over 40, emphasizing circuit training and high-intensity training (HIT). He highlights the effectiveness of combining circuit training, aimed at increasing basal metabolic rate (BMR) and lean muscle mass, with one day of HIT at home to combat age-related challenges like sarcopenia.

Williams begins by discussing circuit training, explaining its focus on weightlifting to elevate BMR. He advocates for an efficient approach to weight training, emphasizing the importance of maintaining lean muscle mass, especially after 40. He outlines a circuit training regimen, suggesting exercises for different muscle groups interspersed with cardio intervals, particularly high incline treadmill walking, to maximize time in the gym and keep heart rate up.

He provides an example upper-body-focused workout, detailing exercises and emphasizing the importance of continuous movement and minimal rest between sets. Williams suggests gradually increasing the number of exercises and sets over time to adapt to the intensity of circuit training.

Transitioning to HIT, Williams addresses the decline in mitochondrial density associated with aging and the importance of HIT in counteracting this decline. He explains his preference for at-home HIT, advocating for short bursts of intense exercise followed by brief rest periods to maximize mitochondrial growth. He shares his personal progression in HIT, starting with basic exercises like push-ups and gradually increasing intensity by adding resistance or altering the exercise.

Williams concludes by encouraging listeners to experiment with these workout styles, emphasizing the flexibility to tailor routines to individual goals and preferences. He offers a free consultation for further guidance and expresses gratitude for the learning opportunities gained from hosting the podcast. Overall, the episode serves as a comprehensive guide for implementing circuit training and HIT for individuals over 40, aiming to enhance fitness and combat age-related challenges.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Mar 20, 202415:02
464: Leslie Kenny - Spermidine: Reversing Gray Hair and Promoting Longevity

464: Leslie Kenny - Spermidine: Reversing Gray Hair and Promoting Longevity

Spermidine: Reversing Gray Hair and Promoting Longevity

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Leslie Kenny - Oxford Healthspan

Greying Hair YouTube

Oxford Website With 15% Off Coupon

In this podcast episode of "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," host Brad Williams interviews Leslie Kenny from Oxford Healthspan to discuss spermidine and its potential to reverse gray hair. Brad, a personal trainer with over 14 years of experience, shares his own experience with hair loss and his interest in exploring solutions beyond conventional methods like finasteride.

Leslie explains the hair life cycle and how low spermidine levels, particularly after infections or during breastfeeding, can lead to hair shedding. She highlights the importance of spermidine in hair health and how aging and antibiotic use can affect its production in the body.

Leslie mentions promising results from clients using spermidine supplements, even in individuals over 90 years old with baldness. She emphasizes that while spermidine supplementation can help with hair growth, it may not fully restore hair in completely bald areas. The conversation shifts to dosage, with Leslie recommending a daily dose of 1 milligram, as per European Food Safety Authority guidelines.

She cautions against excessive doses of synthetic spermidine, citing potential negative effects observed in studies. Leslie also discusses the absorbability of spermidine supplements and the importance of quality over quantity.

In closing, Leslie provides information on where to find spermidine supplements and invites listeners to explore more resources on her YouTube channel and Instagram accounts. She also mentions her involvement in the Oxford Longevity Project, aimed at accelerating the translation of scientific breakthroughs in longevity to practical applications. Brad expresses gratitude for the insightful discussion, and the episode concludes with a promise to include relevant links in the show notes for listeners' convenience.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Mar 16, 202413:48
463: Leslie Kenny - Spermadine Supplement Shows Links To Autophagy, Mitophagy, and Lipophagy

463: Leslie Kenny - Spermadine Supplement Shows Links To Autophagy, Mitophagy, and Lipophagy

Spermadine Supplement Shows Links To Autophagy, Mitophagy, and Lipophagy

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Leslie Kenny - Oxford Healthspan

Greying Hair YouTube

Oxford Website With 15% Off Coupon

In this podcast episode of Over 40 Fitness Hacks, host Brad Williams interviews Leslie Kenny from Oxflord Healthspan about the benefits of spermidine, a compound with potential anti-aging properties. Brad introduces himself as a personal trainer with over 14 years of experience and expresses his focus on helping the over 40 crowd maintain fitness while enjoying their social lives.

Leslie discusses how spermidine aids in the conversion of white adipose tissue to brown adipose tissue, which boosts metabolism and aids in weight loss. Additionally, spermidine shows promise in reversing damage caused by overindulgence in carbs and sugar, such as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

The conversation delves into spermidine's potential benefits for liver health, including its ability to reverse damage caused by excessive alcohol consumption. Leslie highlights the findings from animal studies and emphasizes spermidine's safety as a food-derived compound.

They further explore spermidine's role in various metabolic processes, including autophagy, mitophagy, and lipophagy, which contribute to energy production and lipid metabolism. Leslie compares spermidine's effects to other supplements and discusses its accessibility through diet and supplementation.

Leslie explains how spermidine aligns with the hallmarks of aging and its potential to inhibit nine out of twelve aging pathways. She emphasizes the importance of autophagy in cellular repair and highlights Japan's initiatives to promote research on autophagy and aging.

Brad reflects on the evolving landscape of health and wellness, noting the importance of staying informed and balancing aesthetic goals with internal health. Leslie discusses spermidine's benefits for external appearance, citing improvements in hair, skin, and nails.

Overall, the podcast provides insights into spermidine's potential as an anti-aging compound and its broader implications for health and wellness, particularly for individuals over 40 seeking to optimize their fitness and longevity.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Mar 15, 202414:47
462: Leslie Kenny - Rejuvenating Health Over 40 With The Supplement Spermadine

462: Leslie Kenny - Rejuvenating Health Over 40 With The Supplement Spermadine

Rejuvenating Health Over 40 With The Supplement Spermadine

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Descript Editing Software Link!⁠

Leslie Kenny - Oxford Healthspan

Greying Hair YouTube

Oxford Website With 15% Off Coupon

In this podcast episode of Over 40 Fitness Hacks, host Brad Williams interviews Leslie Kenny from Oxford Healthspan, diving into the topic of spermidine supplementation and its benefits, particularly for individuals over 40. Leslie, originally from Southern California but now residing in Oxford, England, shares her journey of discovering spermidine through interactions with Oxford University scientists.

Spermidine, a compound with a peculiar name, has shown promising results in rejuvenating the immune system in older individuals, helping them better combat pathogens. Leslie, a former rheumatoid arthritis patient, discusses the implications of spermidine in autoimmune conditions and cancer prevention.

The conversation shifts to the dietary sources of spermidine, with Leslie highlighting natto, a Japanese fermented soybean dish, as the highest natural source. Other sources include legumes, grains, mushrooms, and certain cheeses. However, she acknowledges that dietary restrictions such as low-carb or keto diets may limit access to spermidine-rich foods, making supplementation a viable option.

Williams expresses interest in spermidine's role in autophagy, a cellular renewal process often associated with fasting. Leslie explains how spermidine can activate autophagy even in non-fasted states, making it a valuable addition to intermittent fasting routines. She suggests taking spermidine supplements before and after fasting periods to optimize its effects.

Regarding fasting protocols, Williams inquires about the compatibility of spermidine supplements with longer fasting periods. Leslie explains that while the supplements contain minimal calories, some individuals may experience discomfort if taken on an empty stomach due to the presence of certain nutrients like B vitamins and turmeric.

The conversation concludes with advice for individuals interested in trying spermidine supplementation, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and starting with a low dosage. Leslie shares her personal experience of incorporating spermidine into her nightly routine for better sleep quality.

Overall, the podcast provides valuable insights into spermidine supplementation and its potential benefits for individuals seeking to maintain optimal health, particularly those over 40.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Mar 13, 202415:45
461: Brad Williams - Too Many Workout Theories: Which One Should The Over 40 Do

461: Brad Williams - Too Many Workout Theories: Which One Should The Over 40 Do

Too Many Workout Theories: Which One Should The Over 40 Do

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

In this podcast episode, Brad Williams from Over 40 Fitness Hacks discusses various workout theories suitable for individuals over 40. Brad acknowledges the overwhelming number of workout theories available and aims to shed light on popular ones while providing his perspective.

He lists several workout theories, including functional training, strength training, techie gym methods focusing on time under tension, powerlifting, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), metabolic workouts, and bodyweight/Calisthenics. Brad elaborates on each theory's benefits and suitability for different fitness goals and age groups.

Brad emphasizes the importance of weight training and strength training for the over 40 crowd, suggesting incorporating time under tension techniques to reduce the risk of injury and stress on joints. He advises against powerlifting for this age group but suggests incorporating functional training and HIIT into weekly routines.

Brad discusses the concept of progressive overload, stressing its importance in achieving fitness goals while also highlighting the significance of maintenance and avoiding excessive strain on joints.

Regarding workout styles, Brad recommends circuit-style training as an effective way to blend various exercises while allowing sufficient rest. He also discusses rest and repeat methods, particularly suitable for traditional bodybuilding routines.

Ultimately, Brad advocates for a balanced approach to workouts, combining strength training with functional training and HIIT, while also considering individual preferences and limitations. He encourages listeners to reach out for further guidance and emphasizes the importance of finding a workout routine that suits their needs and preferences.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Mar 09, 202413:31
460: Brad Williams - My Thoughts On Recent Longevity Summit Part 2

460: Brad Williams - My Thoughts On Recent Longevity Summit Part 2

My Thoughts On Recent Longevity Summit Part 2

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Longevity Summit $99

Experts For This Episode

Sandra Kaufmann MD - 10 Point Longevity List

Brad Stanfeild MD - Longevity Suplements Waste Of Time

Christian Drapeau MSC - Blue Green Algae Stem Cells

Dave Asprey - Father Of Biohacking

Brad Williams from Over 40 Fitness Hacks provides a comprehensive review of the Longevity Summit he attended, organized by Crispers, a research scientist in the longevity field. The summit featured 55 top experts discussing various aspects of longevity, and Brad focuses on the speakers he found most engaging.

He begins by discussing Sandra Kaufmann, MD, who delves into the aging process of cells and ways to support them. Kaufmann's extensive research and 10 protocols for health, fitness, and longevity make her a valuable resource. She emphasizes low-risk approaches in her recommendations.

Brad Stanfield, another MD, emphasizes evidence-based longevity supplements. He balances Western and holistic approaches, advocating for caution regarding unproven supplements and emphasizing the importance of lifestyle factors like diet and exercise.

Dave Asprey, known as the father of biohacking, explores cutting-edge approaches to longevity, including low-carb diets and innovative fitness methods. His company, Upgraded Labs, focuses on high-tech solutions for health and fitness, mirroring the Smart Fit Method.

Christian PEO, MSC, highlights the potential of stem cells derived from blue-green algae for various health conditions, though FDA approval remains pending. Brad remains skeptical about the immediate efficacy of stem cell treatments but acknowledges their potential in the future.

Overall, Brad emphasizes the need for caution and critical evaluation of emerging longevity trends, given the regulatory complexities and potential risks involved. He plans to continue exploring expert insights in future episodes of his podcast.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Mar 08, 202412:42
459: Brad Williams - My Thoughts On Recent Longevity Summit Part 1

459: Brad Williams - My Thoughts On Recent Longevity Summit Part 1

My Thoughts On Recent Longevity Summit Part 1

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Check Out The Rebounder From JumpSport:⁠

Longevity Summit $99

Experts For This Episode

Evan Brand - Mold Expert

Tom O’Bryan DC - Longevity

Robert Love PHD - Alzheimers

Shivani Gupta PHD - Western/Indian Blend Longevity

In the podcast episode, Brad Williams from Over 40 Fitness Hacks shares insights from the Longevity Summit he attended. Over the course of a week, he absorbed information from 55 different experts who focused on various aspects of longevity and the future of health. The summit offered daily access to eight experts for free, but now the entire collection is available for a nominal fee of $99.

Brad discusses some key speakers and their insights. Evan Brand addressed mold toxicity and shared methods to detect and mitigate mold in homes. Tom O'Brien emphasized the importance of maintaining low sugar levels and highlighted the risks associated with plastics leaching into food and water.

Robert Love, an Alzheimer's expert, advocated for natural supplements like mushrooms and emphasized the significance of gut health and diet in preventing diseases like Alzheimer's. Lastly, Shavani Gupta discussed blending Western medicine with Indian traditional practices, focusing on the benefits of turmeric and curcumin.

Brad encourages listeners to explore these experts further through podcasts and social media. He plans to continue sharing insights from the summit in future episodes and found around 30 experts worth following out of the 55 presented. Overall, the summit provided valuable information on various aspects of longevity and health.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Mar 06, 202410:55
458: Kim Rahir - Helping Women Over 40: Strength, Health, and Longevity

458: Kim Rahir - Helping Women Over 40: Strength, Health, and Longevity

Helping Women Over 40: Strength, Health, and Longevity

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

The podcast transcript features an interview between Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness Hacks and Kim Rahir from Fabulous In 15. The discussion centers around health, longevity, and wellness, particularly for females over 40. Kim emphasizes the importance of strength training for women as they age, debunking myths about muscle building and highlighting its role in functional independence and longevity.

Both speakers share personal experiences and insights into the significance of maintaining strength and mobility, especially after facing health challenges. They discuss strategies for overcoming barriers to fitness, including the intimidation factor associated with weightlifting and finding motivation to stay active.

Kim discusses her transition from journalism to health coaching, offering online services focused on personalized workouts and holistic health assessments. She emphasizes the importance of feeling good and listening to one's body as key principles in achieving long-term wellness.

The conversation underscores the importance of finding sustainable approaches to fitness and wellness tailored to individual needs and preferences. They conclude by encouraging listeners to prioritize strength, muscle building, and overall health in their fitness journeys.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Mar 02, 202415:20
457: Kim Rahir - From Wheelchair To Weightlifting: Fighting MS With Strength and Resilience

457: Kim Rahir - From Wheelchair To Weightlifting: Fighting MS With Strength and Resilience

From Wheelchair To Weightlifting: Fighting MS With Strength and Resilience

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

In this podcast interview between Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness Hacks and Kim Rahir from Fabulous In 15, Kim shares her inspiring journey from being struck down by Guillain-Barré syndrome to living with multiple sclerosis (MS) and how weightlifting transformed her life.

At 45, Kim thought she had achieved her life's pinnacle with a successful career and three children. However, she was suddenly paralyzed from the hip down due to Guillain-Barré syndrome. After a lengthy recovery, she was diagnosed with MS, a lifelong condition. Determined to regain control, Kim turned to weightlifting for both physical and mental strength.

She embraced heavy lifting and experienced significant improvements in her physical and mental well-being. Despite ongoing challenges with MS, Kim found stability and confidence through her fitness journey. She emphasizes the importance of muscular strength for overall health and believes in its potential to positively impact immune system function.

Kim's story highlights the transformative power of exercise, resilience, and maintaining a positive outlook in the face of adversity. Her journey serves as an inspiration for others, especially women over 40, facing similar health challenges.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Mar 01, 202411:11
456: Megan Dahlman - How The 90/10 Rule Is The Reason You Can Lose Those Vanity Pounds

456: Megan Dahlman - How The 90/10 Rule Is The Reason You Can Lose Those Vanity Pounds

How The 90/10 Rule Is The Reason You Can Lose Those Vanity Pounds

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Descript Editing Software Link!

In this podcast interview, Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness Hacks speaks with Megan Dahlman from the Self Care Simplified podcast about achieving fitness goals, particularly focusing on the last few vanity pounds or body fat percentage points. They stress the importance of prioritizing health and longevity over achieving a specific aesthetic, such as a six-pack. Megan emphasizes the significance of body composition and how it differs from merely tracking weight on a scale.

They discuss the "four buckets" approach to achieving fitness goals, which includes nutrition, fitness, stress management, and sleep. Megan suggests adhering to the 90/10 rule for nutrition, where 90% of meals consist of healthy options, and 10% allow for indulgence. Regarding fitness, she recommends a combination of high-intensity workouts and moderate activities like walking. Stress management and adequate sleep are also crucial components in reaching fitness goals.

Both hosts caution against becoming overly obsessed with fitness goals, emphasizing the importance of balance and enjoyment in life. They advocate for a holistic approach to health and fitness, acknowledging that extreme measures are often unsustainable in the long run. Megan encourages listeners to adopt a mindset of overall wellness rather than fixating solely on physical appearance.

Listeners can find Megan's podcast, Self Care Simplified, on various platforms and connect with her on social media and her website. They conclude by emphasizing the importance of starting self-care practices early, particularly for individuals over 40, to prevent future health issues and maintain overall well-being.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Feb 26, 202413:11
455: Megan Dahlman - Working On Hip Mobility And Proper Breathing To Alleviate Back Pain

455: Megan Dahlman - Working On Hip Mobility And Proper Breathing To Alleviate Back Pain

Working On Hip Mobility And Proper Breathing To Alleviate Back Pain

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

In the podcast transcript, Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness Hacks engages in a discussion with Megan Dahlman from the Self Care Simplified podcast, exploring effective strategies to manage back pain, particularly for individuals over 40. Megan begins by emphasizing the critical role of hip mobility in addressing back issues, highlighting the detrimental effects of prolonged sitting and poor posture common in modern lifestyles. She underscores the importance of loosening tight hip flexors and groin muscles, which can alleviate pressure on the lumbar spine and contribute to overall back health.

Furthermore, Megan suggests a two-pronged approach: releasing tension in the front of the hips while simultaneously strengthening the glute muscles. By incorporating exercises like hip mobility drills and glute bridges into daily routines, individuals can rebalance their musculature and reduce strain on the lower back. This emphasis on both flexibility and strength reflects a holistic approach to back care, aiming to address underlying muscular imbalances that often contribute to discomfort and pain.

The conversation also delves into the significance of proper breathing techniques as a foundational aspect of core engagement and overall well-being. Megan and Brad highlight the transformative power of mindful breathing, which not only activates deep core muscles but also regulates the nervous system and reduces stress responses. By prioritizing breath awareness and integrating it with movement patterns, individuals can enhance the effectiveness of their workouts while promoting relaxation and recovery.

Moreover, Megan and Brad underscore the value of quality over quantity in exercise, advocating for slower, more deliberate movements that encourage mindfulness and muscle engagement. This approach allows individuals to develop a deeper awareness of their bodies and cultivate better movement patterns, ultimately leading to improved functional fitness and reduced risk of injury.

Overall, the podcast transcript provides actionable insights and practical tips for managing back pain and promoting holistic health among individuals over 40. By addressing issues of mobility, strength, and breath awareness, listeners are encouraged to adopt proactive measures to support their long-term well-being and vitality.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Feb 24, 202410:49
454: Megan Dahlman - Secrets To Overcoming Pain and Aging - PSF Framework

454: Megan Dahlman - Secrets To Overcoming Pain and Aging - PSF Framework

Secrets To Overcoming Pain and Aging - PSF Framework

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

The podcast interview between Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness Hacks and Megan Dahlman from the Self Care Simplified podcast delves into strategies for staying youthful and pain-free as we age, particularly focusing on the needs of the over 40 audience. Brad emphasizes the importance of quality of life over quantity, expressing the desire to address various health issues commonly faced by individuals in this demographic.

Megan challenges the notion that pain and physical decline are inevitable with aging, highlighting that much of the discomfort stems from neglecting proper body usage and failing to maintain physical wellness. She introduces the PSF framework—Posture, Strength, and Flexibility—as key components to address when experiencing pain or stiffness. Megan also touches on osteoarthritis, stressing that it's not an inevitable consequence of aging but rather a result of joint dysfunction.

The discussion expands to include the role of inflammation, diet, and repetitive movements in exacerbating physical discomfort. Megan underscores the importance of identifying the mechanical and chemical aspects of pain and suggests working with trainers to understand optimal joint function. Brad shares his own experiences with back problems and emphasizes the significance of hip flexibility and lumbar spine stability.

In essence, the conversation advocates for a holistic approach to pain management and wellness, emphasizing the importance of understanding how the body functions and addressing issues at their root causes rather than merely treating symptoms. Through education, awareness, and proactive lifestyle adjustments, individuals can significantly improve their quality of life as they age.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Feb 23, 202411:26
453: Brad Williams - The Safest, Local Workout Options For The Over 40 Crowd Starting Out

453: Brad Williams - The Safest, Local Workout Options For The Over 40 Crowd Starting Out

The Safest, Local Workout Options For The Over 40 Crowd Starting Out

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Check Out The Rebounder From JumpSport:⁠

In this episode of the "Over 40 Fitness Hacks" podcast, host Brad Williams delves into the best local workout options tailored for individuals over 40. Amid recent episodes focusing on diet and longevity, Williams shifts the conversation back to core fitness routines suitable for the over 40 audience, especially those seeking alternatives to home workouts and online training.

Williams begins by exploring various fitness options, including budget-friendly choices like chain gyms such as 24 Hour Fitness, Crunch, and Planet Fitness, which often offer fitness classes for an additional fee. While these gyms provide access to beginner-level trainers, Williams notes a high turnover rate among trainers seeking more profitable opportunities elsewhere.

The discussion extends to boot camps, emphasizing their varied exercises and potential limitations in providing personalized attention due to large class sizes. Williams highlights the importance of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) for individuals over 40, advocating for personalized, all-out routines that can be done at home efficiently.

The podcast covers additional options such as yoga, Pilates, private gyms, and personal trainers, stressing the benefits of tailored fitness programs and the importance of avoiding unnecessary strain on joints and muscles, particularly for the aging body. Williams also suggests exploring physical therapy establishments that offer post-rehabilitation fitness programs to prevent re-injury.

To encourage exploration and variety, Williams recommends using platforms like Groupon and ClassPass to access discounted sessions and sample different fitness offerings. He concludes by emphasizing the importance of safety and personal preference in selecting workout routines, encouraging listeners to maintain motivation while prioritizing joint health and injury prevention.

Overall, the podcast offers a comprehensive guide to navigating local fitness options for individuals over 40, promoting a balanced approach to physical activity and wellness.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Feb 21, 202414:43
452: Brad Williams - Month 2 Update Into My 6 Month Fitness Challenge - Allergies, Movement And The Carnivore Diet

452: Brad Williams - Month 2 Update Into My 6 Month Fitness Challenge - Allergies, Movement And The Carnivore Diet

Month 2 Update Into My 6 Month Fitness Challenge - Allergies, Movement And The Carnivore Diet

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Carnivore Diet Article:

In this podcast episode, Brad Williams from Over 40 Fitness Hacks provides a two-month update on his six-month fitness challenge introduced in episode 429. He started his challenge focusing on inflammation in January and transitioned to emphasizing movement in February.

Brad discusses incorporating long walks and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions, including sprinting with a weight vest, into his routine. He emphasizes the importance of enjoying the fitness journey and adapting routines to prevent burnout.

However, he continues to struggle with inflammation due to allergies, particularly to NSAIDs and milk protein. Despite efforts to eliminate triggering foods and beverages, Brad faces challenges in identifying and managing his allergies effectively.

Considering the possibility of a leaky gut contributing to his allergies, Brad explores the carnivore diet as a potential solution for gut health restoration. The diet involves eliminating processed sugars, refined foods, plants, and dairy, focusing on meat consumption. He plans to experiment with the carnivore diet and provide updates in future episodes.

Brad acknowledges the complexity of managing allergies and seeks to listen to his body while consulting medical professionals. He encourages listeners to conduct their research and consult healthcare providers for personalized advice.

Despite his ongoing health challenges, Brad remains committed to his fitness journey without sacrificing his social life. He plans to continue sharing updates on his progress in future episodes, maintaining transparency and offering inspiration for listeners pursuing their wellness goals.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Feb 17, 202409:14
451: Brad Williams - Can You Eat Healthy As Cheaply As Eating Fast Food

451: Brad Williams - Can You Eat Healthy As Cheaply As Eating Fast Food

Can You Eat Healthy As Cheaply As Eating Fast Food

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

In this podcast transcript, Brad Williams from Over 40 Fitness Hacks delves into the debate of whether eating healthy is as expensive as opting for fast food. He challenges the notion that healthy eating is cost-prohibitive by meticulously calculating the expenses of his daily diet routine. Williams breaks down the costs of each component of his meals, including protein shakes, supplements, spices, and snacks.

Throughout the podcast, Williams emphasizes his commitment to finding the most effective and affordable nutrition strategies to support his fitness goals. He discusses his morning routine, which includes essential amino acids and black coffee, followed by protein shakes before and after workouts. He also shares his meal choices, such as eggs with nutritional yeast and Sriracha sauce, garlic cloves, nuts, fermented foods like kombucha or sauerkraut, berries, and turkey jerky or grass-fed beef.

Williams provides detailed cost breakdowns for each item, highlighting his efforts to balance nutritional value with affordability. He also discusses his supplement regimen, which includes magnesium, calcium, vitamin C, fish oil, zinc, and potassium electrolyte drinks.

In total, Williams calculates that his daily food expenses amount to $25.37, while his supplements cost $3.63, bringing the total to $31.10. He compares this figure to the potential cost of fast food meals, suggesting that with careful planning and purchasing in bulk, the cost of healthy eating can be comparable to, if not cheaper than, fast food options.

Williams encourages listeners to reconsider their dietary choices and suggests that with a bit of effort and planning, they can adopt healthier eating habits without breaking the bank. He concludes by urging individuals to prioritize their health by making informed decisions about their food choices and expenditures.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Feb 16, 202409:37
450: Chris Burres - Testimonials For Molecule ESS60 For Longevity And Sleep

450: Chris Burres - Testimonials For Molecule ESS60 For Longevity And Sleep

Testimonials For Molecule ESS60 For Longevity And Sleep

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Step By Step Podcasting Link!

Descript Editing Software Link!

Chris Burres - MyVitalC

Free Longevity Summit Only Feb 26-Mar 3 Link

In this podcast episode, Brad Williams from Over 40 Fitness Hacks interviews Chris Burres from My Vital C. Brad introduces himself as a personal trainer with over 14 years of experience, focusing on helping individuals over 40 achieve their fitness goals while maintaining their social lives. He expresses curiosity about the effectiveness of My Vital C and inquires about success stories associated with the product.

Chris Burres shares numerous testimonials about My Vital C, emphasizing its impact on mental focus, energy levels, and improved sleep patterns. He discusses the product's potential in enhancing mitochondrial health and managing oxidative stress. Chris introduces the "BOSS theory" (Buffering Oxidative Stress System), explaining how My Vital C's unique properties may mitigate oxidative damage while preserving beneficial signaling molecules.

The conversation delves into various aspects of longevity, including the significance of mindset, sleep quality, exercise, and diet. Chris emphasizes the importance of mindset in adopting healthy habits and shares insights from experts regarding dietary protocols and food sensitivities. Both Brad and Chris advocate for moderation, variety, and flexibility in dietary choices to optimize health and longevity.

Chris provides details about accessing My Vital C products, a charity initiative supporting Operation Underground Railroad, and an upcoming longevity summit featuring expert insights on various health topics.

In conclusion, Brad expresses gratitude to Chris for sharing valuable insights, and both express enthusiasm for future collaborations and the pursuit of optimal health and wellness.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Feb 12, 202419:11
449: Chris Burres - 55 Experts Interviewed To Explain How To Live Longer And Better

449: Chris Burres - 55 Experts Interviewed To Explain How To Live Longer And Better

55 Experts Interviewed To Explain How To Live Longer And Better

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Chris Burres - MyVitalC

Free Longevity Summit Only Feb 26-Mar 3 Link

The podcast episode features Brad Williams from Over 40 Fitness Hacks interviewing Chris Burres from My Vital C about longevity and the upcoming Longevity Summit. Brad, a personal trainer with over 14 years of experience, expresses his interest in longevity and his recent immersion into the topic.

Chris discusses his excitement about the Longevity Summit, which features interviews with 55 experts in longevity, including notable figures like Dave Asprey, Dr. Gundry, and Ben Greenfield. He highlights the diverse expertise and perspectives covered in the summit, emphasizing the rapid advancements in medical information and technology.

The conversation delves into various aspects of longevity, including the potential lifespan extension, the impact of emerging technologies like gene editing and organ printing, and the philosophical implications of living indefinitely. They discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by the increasing pace of medical advancements and the importance of addressing aging as a disease.

Chris also shares insights from his book, "Live Longer and Better," which explores the discovery and potential of ESS60, a molecule linked to significant longevity benefits. He discusses the evolution of his interest in longevity and the synthesis of research and expertise that led to his involvement in the field.

The Longevity Summit, scheduled for release on February 26, offers viewers access to interviews with experts and opportunities for deeper engagement through additional training sessions. Chris encourages listeners to sign up for the summit to explore the latest insights and developments in longevity.

Overall, the podcast provides a comprehensive overview of the Longevity Summit and the broader discussions surrounding longevity, highlighting the potential for transformative advancements in human health and lifespan extension.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Feb 10, 202410:35
448: Chris Burres - Going Down A BioHacking Rabbit Hole With Longevity Research

448: Chris Burres - Going Down A BioHacking Rabbit Hole With Longevity Research

Going Down A BioHacking Rabbit Hole With Longevity Research

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Chris Burres - MyVitalC

Free Longevity Summit Only Feb 26-Mar 3 Link

In this podcast interview, Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness Hacks speaks with Chris Burres from My Vital C about longevity, supplements, and the rapidly evolving field of biohacking. Chris introduces his upcoming Longevity Summit and discusses the experts he's interviewed, including Dave Asprey, Dr. Gundry, and Ben Greenfield.

They delve into the concept of longevity, exploring how advancements in medical technology are extending human life and reshaping the aging process. Chris emphasizes the significance of staying informed in the rapidly changing landscape of health and longevity, highlighting how medical information now doubles every 73 days, a stark contrast to the 50-year intervals in 1950.

Chris shares his journey from a carbon nanomaterial scientist to delving into the supplement and longevity space, driven by the discovery of ESS60, a molecule that extended the lifespan of test subjects by 90%. He underscores the importance of accumulating knowledge and understanding emerging technologies to navigate the complexities of longevity and biohacking.

Their discussion touches on practical approaches to longevity, including diet, exercise, and experimentation with supplements under medical guidance. They explore the idea of doing everything possible now to ensure a higher quality of life in the future, as medical advancements accelerate the quest for extended lifespans.

Chris concludes by detailing his book, "Live Longer and Better," which explores the discovery of ESS60, its applications, and its role in the longevity space. The book serves as a comprehensive resource for understanding the science behind longevity and navigating the evolving landscape of health and wellness.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Feb 09, 202415:39
447: Trina Felber - Dental Hygiene Regarding Nitric Oxide Production, Starting With Your Mouth

447: Trina Felber - Dental Hygiene Regarding Nitric Oxide Production, Starting With Your Mouth

Dental Hygiene Regarding Nitric Oxide Production, Starting With Your Mouth

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Trina Felber - Primal Life Organics


In this podcast interview between Brad Williams from Over 40 Fitness Hacks and Trina Felber from Primal Life Organics, they delve into the intricate connection between oral health and overall well-being, particularly focusing on the importance of nitric oxide production in the body, especially for individuals over 40.

Trina explains how nitric oxide acts as a vasodilator, enhancing blood flow and oxygen delivery, crucial for heart health and addressing issues like erectile dysfunction. She emphasizes that 50% of nitric oxide production occurs in the mouth through bacterial processes, highlighting the significance of maintaining healthy oral microbiota and saliva flow.

The discussion critiques the efficacy of supplements in nitric oxide production compared to natural oral health practices, arguing that focusing on oral wellness can offer substantial benefits without reliance on supplements. Trina underscores the broader implications of poor oral health, linking it to systemic diseases like heart disease and diabetes.

They also discuss common dental practices, like fluoride use, and advocate for a more holistic approach to oral care, emphasizing natural methods for remineralization and enamel strengthening. Trina stresses the importance of addressing oral health issues early to prevent costly and painful dental procedures in the future.

In closing, they provide listeners with access to Primal Life Organics' resources for further information on oral wellness. The interview concludes with a plan to follow up on Brad's progress and explore new developments in oral health in future episodes.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Feb 07, 202410:50
446: Trina Felber - New Holistic Dental Detox Kit for 2024

446: Trina Felber - New Holistic Dental Detox Kit for 2024

New Holistic Dental Detox Kit for 2024

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Trina Felber - Primal Life Organics


In this insightful podcast conversation, Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness Hacks engages Trina Felber from Primal Life Organics in a detailed discussion about the revolutionary dental detox kit. Trina elaborates on the meticulous design of the kit, emphasizing its potential to transform oral health by nurturing a healthier microbiome within the mouth. She articulates that the kit is meticulously crafted to span a 60-day period, providing users with a comprehensive set of tools to overhaul their oral care routines effectively.

Trina methodically breaks down the components of the dental detox kit, starting with the tooth powder—a blend of three clays, minerals, baking soda, and peppermint essential oil. She highlights the powder's concentrated formula, which facilitates remineralization and microbiome restoration. Trina also emphasizes the significance of using the kit exclusively to avoid disrupting its efficacy, urging users to commit to the regimen for optimal results.

A key component of the kit, Trina introduces the gumdrops as a natural alternative to traditional mouthwash. Comprising an olive oil blend infused with eleven essential oils, the gumdrops promote increased blood flow and reduced inflammation within the gum tissue. Trina's emphasis on the interconnectedness of oral and internal health underscores the importance of maintaining healthy gum tissue as a gateway to overall wellness.

Beyond the gumdrops, Trina emphasizes the importance of flossing and introduces eco-friendly floss picks made from cornstarch. She stresses the unique benefits of flossing in conjunction with the alkalinity of the tooth powder, which softens plaque and aids in its removal. Moreover, Trina introduces the bamboo toothbrush with charcoal-infused bristles and the copper tongue scraper, both designed to enhance oral hygiene and longevity.

Throughout the conversation, Trina sheds light on the detoxifying properties of clay and charcoal, which play a pivotal role in extracting toxins from mouth tissues. She underscores the significance of detoxifying the mouth to prevent the infiltration of environmental pollutants and heavy metals into the body. Brad shares his firsthand experience with the tooth powder's remarkable scrubbing power, appreciating its efficacy compared to traditional toothpaste.

In conclusion, the podcast conversation between Brad and Trina illuminates the holistic approach offered by the dental detox kit. By prioritizing natural ingredients and detoxification, the kit represents a paradigm shift in oral care, with potential implications for internal health and overall well-being.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Feb 05, 202407:20
445: Trina Felber - Holistic Oral Health And What Flouride Is Doing To Our Saliva

445: Trina Felber - Holistic Oral Health And What Flouride Is Doing To Our Saliva

Holistic Oral Health And What Flouride Is Doing To Our Saliva

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Trina Felber - Primal Life Organics

In this podcast interview between Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness Hacks and Trina Felber from Primal Life Organics, the focus is on holistic oral health solutions. Trina shares her personal journey into oral health when her daughter faced dental issues at a young age. Motivated by her experience, she delved into research and developed natural products aimed at promoting oral wellness.

Trina emphasizes the importance of creating an alkaline environment in the mouth to support remineralization and prevent cavities. She criticizes common dental products for containing harmful chemicals like fluoride, alcohol, and peroxides, which disrupt the mouth's natural pH balance and contribute to acid buildup. Trina's products, including her Dirty Mouth Tooth Powder, leverage alkaline ingredients to promote dental health and combat harmful bacteria.

The conversation expands to discuss the link between oral health and overall well-being, highlighting how oral microbiomes impact systemic health, including heart and brain health. Trina stresses the significance of maintaining a healthy mouth microbiome to prevent inflammation and disease throughout the body.

Throughout the interview, Trina and Brad underscore the need for natural, mineral-rich solutions to support oral health in an era where conventional dental practices often prioritize chemical-laden products. Their discussion sheds light on the often-overlooked connection between oral health and holistic well-being.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Feb 03, 202413:46
444: Avery Rich - Adding In Short FLOW Yoga Poses To Your Morning Routine

444: Avery Rich - Adding In Short FLOW Yoga Poses To Your Morning Routine

Adding In Short FLOW Yoga Poses To Your Morning Routine

Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Check Out The Rebounder From JumpSport:⁠

Avery Rich - Journey Into Yoga podcast

In the podcast interview, Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness Hacks chats with Avery Rich from Journey Into Yoga about the benefits of yoga, especially for individuals over 40. Brad highlights how yoga can contribute to flexibility and overall well-being for his audience, emphasizing the need to incorporate diverse practices as bodies age.

Avery agrees, likening yoga to an essential addition to the "buffet" of activities needed for older individuals. She stresses that as people age, stretching and flexibility become increasingly important, especially considering the strains and tensions that often accompany physical activities.

They discuss various yoga styles, with Avery explaining her journey into yoga and her preference for flow classes, which suit individuals who prefer active workouts. She also touches on the importance of yoga in lengthening muscles, counteracting the shortening effects of other exercises like weightlifting and cardio.

Throughout the conversation, they emphasize the accessibility of yoga, encouraging listeners to start with small steps, such as practicing a few poses after workouts or attending one class a week. They discuss the significance of addressing common issues like lower back pain, tight hamstrings, and stress through yoga postures tailored to relieve tension and improve mobility.

Avery introduces her podcast, "Journey Into Yoga," which offers brief insights into different yoga poses, making it accessible even for those unfamiliar with yoga terminology. She emphasizes the role of intentionality and mindfulness in yoga practice, highlighting its potential to enhance productivity and overall well-being, especially when integrated into daily routines.

Finally, they touch on the importance of mindful practices beyond physical activity, such as meditation and intentional morning routines, to promote mental clarity and stress relief, particularly for those navigating the challenges of aging and busy lifestyles. Avery shares her social media handles and website for listeners interested in exploring more about yoga and her podcast.

Overall, the interview provides valuable insights into the transformative power of yoga for individuals over 40, emphasizing its versatility, accessibility, and holistic benefits for physical and mental health.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Feb 02, 202416:16
443: Avery Rich - Adding In Flexibility To Your Routine With Yoga Integration For The Over 40

443: Avery Rich - Adding In Flexibility To Your Routine With Yoga Integration For The Over 40

Adding In Flexibility To Your Routine With Yoga Integration For The Over 40


Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

Check Out The Rebounder From JumpSport:

Avery Rich - Journey Into Yoga podcast

The podcast transcript features Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness Hacks interviewing Avery Rich from Journey Into Yoga. Brad expresses his belief that adding yoga to the lifestyles of individuals over 40 could significantly benefit them in terms of stretching and flexibility, especially considering the myriad changes the body undergoes with age. Avery agrees, likening yoga to an essential addition to the "buffet" of activities as the body ages, emphasizing its importance in addressing common complaints like low back pain and tension.

Avery explains how yoga complements other forms of exercise by lengthening muscles, contrasting with the shortening effect of activities like weightlifting and cardio. She discusses various styles of yoga, highlighting flow classes as an ideal starting point for active individuals. She also mentions other styles like Yin and relaxation yoga, cautioning against hot yoga for the over 40 crowd due to its intensity.

Brad and Avery stress the importance of slowing down and incorporating stretching and yoga poses into post-workout routines, emphasizing the benefits of yoga in elongating muscles and relieving stress. They suggest starting with a few poses and gradually incorporating more as needed, emphasizing that yoga serves as a natural complement to other physical activities. Ultimately, they liken yoga to the dessert of a workout, essential for overall well-being and flexibility.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at

Jan 31, 202409:51