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Bradford Church Podcast

Bradford Church Podcast

By Bradford Church Cebu

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Jesus is the Son of Man

Bradford Church PodcastMay 13, 2024

Jesus is the Son of Man

Jesus is the Son of Man

May 13, 202449:12
Jesus is Our Savior

Jesus is Our Savior

May 05, 202401:12:12
Jesus is Lord

Jesus is Lord

Apr 28, 202456:04
The Offices of Christ | Part 4

The Offices of Christ | Part 4

Apr 22, 202453:25
The Offices of Christ | Part 3

The Offices of Christ | Part 3

Apr 16, 202455:12
The Offices of Christ | Part 2

The Offices of Christ | Part 2

Apr 10, 202401:16:44
The Call to Preach the Gospel

The Call to Preach the Gospel

Mar 23, 202401:24:07
Not Ashamed of the Gospel

Not Ashamed of the Gospel

If you are saved, you are not ashamed of the Gospel! You know its power, and there is a desire within you to share it with those who do not know its power. There is no better time to get busy telling others than today.

Mar 12, 202454:22
Bring Your One

Bring Your One

Evangelism is really about bringing people to Jesus by talking about Jesus.

Mar 04, 202401:07:34
Share To Your One

Share To Your One

SHARE the GOSPEL to our ONE and help them to grow their faith in Jesus.

Feb 27, 202401:17:22
Care For Your One

Care For Your One

There are people all around us who need a true friend to bring them to Jesus.

Feb 18, 202458:19
Pray For Your One

Pray For Your One

All the big works of God towards the establishment of His church started with a prayer.

Feb 13, 202450:03
Who's Your One?

Who's Your One?

Each one must reach one.

Feb 10, 202438:16
The Distinctives of a Rooted Life | Rooted Week 4

The Distinctives of a Rooted Life | Rooted Week 4

Psalm chapter 1 opens with a “beatitude,” from the word “blessed.” It is a wisdom psalm and focuses on God’s Word, God’s blessing on those who meditate on it and obey it, and God’s ultimate judgment on those who rebel.

The man or person described in verses 1-3 is the one who 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐚 𝐁𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 from God.

Jan 29, 202452:50
The Features of a Rooted Life | Rooted Week 3

The Features of a Rooted Life | Rooted Week 3

What are specific features of a life that is Rooted in Christ, in His Word?

Jan 23, 202459:15
The Soil of a Rooted Life | Rooted Week 2

The Soil of a Rooted Life | Rooted Week 2

Jesus’ parable of the sower does not begin with what is produced but just like any other gardener; He begins with the kind of soil. If I desire to be rooted for fruitfulness, then I need to be planted in the right soil.

In the Parable of a Sower, Jesus wanted to reveal to us the kinds of human hearts that respond to the word of God. In other words, he gives us four different examples of how the human heart will often respond to the word of God.

Jan 14, 202459:24
The Blessings of Rooted Life | Rooted Week 1

The Blessings of Rooted Life | Rooted Week 1

Rootedness in Christ implies a deep, personal, and unshakeable connection with Him, akin to a strong and fruitful tree with a deep root system.

Learn the benefits or blessings of having our lives rooted in God.

Jan 07, 202442:02
Stay Challenged - How to Live Confidently in the Lord in Chaotic World Series

Stay Challenged - How to Live Confidently in the Lord in Chaotic World Series

Service from December 31, 2023.

Jan 04, 202447:43
Stay Captivated - How to Live Confidently in the Lord in Chaotic World Series

Stay Captivated - How to Live Confidently in the Lord in Chaotic World Series

Service from December 25, 2023.

Dec 31, 202358:17
Stay On Course - How to Live Confidently in the Lord in Chaotic World Series

Stay On Course - How to Live Confidently in the Lord in Chaotic World Series

Service from December 24, 2023.

Dec 27, 202301:05:12
Stay Convinced - How to Live Confidently in the Lord in Chaotic World Series

Stay Convinced - How to Live Confidently in the Lord in Chaotic World Series

Service from December 17, 2023.

Dec 24, 202355:48
Stay Courageous - How to Live Confidently in the Lord in Chaotic World Series

Stay Courageous - How to Live Confidently in the Lord in Chaotic World Series

Through an angelic visitation, God revealed to Joseph the divine nature of Mary's pregnancy and his pivotal role in it. This revelation asked Joseph something beyond human courage—it demanded divine trust. Today, as we reflect on Joseph's journey, we are reminded of the times we too have faced the unexpected, the times God has called us to tasks that seem beyond our capacity. In Joseph's story, we find inspiration and guidance for such moments in our own lives. His response to God's call was not just obedience, but a courageous step of faith, embracing a path fraught with uncertainty and potential ridicule. As we open our hearts and minds to the scripture, let us consider how Joseph's example of faith and courage in the face of the unknown can illuminate our own paths, guiding us in times when God calls us to embrace the unexpected and trust in His divine plan.

Dec 12, 202356:52
Stay Committed - How to Live Confidently in the Lord in Chaotic World Series

Stay Committed - How to Live Confidently in the Lord in Chaotic World Series

Celebrating Christmas in a chaotic world can be very difficult for everyone, even us Christians. So how can we stay confident in the Lord when the world is in chaos? Well, the fifth answer is—stay committed. When unexpected things happen, stay committed to the plan of God. BUCCI CHRISMON SUNDAY

Dec 10, 202359:18
Stay Contented - How to Live Confidently in the Lord in Chaotic World Series

Stay Contented - How to Live Confidently in the Lord in Chaotic World Series


Dec 10, 202301:08:52
Stay Centered - How to Live Confidently in the Lord in Chaotic World Series

Stay Centered - How to Live Confidently in the Lord in Chaotic World Series

The discipline of centering our hearts and minds on Christ will require us to focus.

Nov 28, 202301:05:49
Stay Connected - How to Live Confidently in the Lord in Chaotic World Series

Stay Connected - How to Live Confidently in the Lord in Chaotic World Series

Simple togetherness is one of the main ingredients of love so simple we almost miss it. If we neglect to gather, we drift apart from one another and become disconnected. Being together reminds us of the needs we each have. We share the concerns of our hearts, we laugh and eat together, we worship at the throne of grace side by side, and God knits our hearts in love. Then human love increases our love for that same God who binds us.

Nov 14, 202301:18:11
Stay Calm - How to Live Confidently in the Lord in Chaotic World Series

Stay Calm - How to Live Confidently in the Lord in Chaotic World Series

We mustn't disregard the invaluable guidance in God's truth within His Word. Now, more than ever, we require it as it offers a solid foundation, especially when the world seems to be engulfed by shifting sands.

Nov 13, 202350:55
Committed to the Local Church | Foundation of Reformed Faith Series

Committed to the Local Church | Foundation of Reformed Faith Series

We are reconciled to God, we are also reconciled to Christ's church (where He calls us to covenant together joyfully). Guest Speaker Pastor Franco Ferrer from iDISCIPLE Phils.

Nov 06, 202301:00:33
Devoted in Christ Alone | Foundation of Reformed Faith Series

Devoted in Christ Alone | Foundation of Reformed Faith Series

All of God’s plan of salvation is centered and found only in Jesus Christ alone. There is no other savior, no other way to heaven, apart from Jesus Christ!

Oct 29, 202358:04
Grounded by Faith Alone | Foundation of Reformed Faith Series

Grounded by Faith Alone | Foundation of Reformed Faith Series

In celebration of Reformation Month, we begin our new series entitled “Foundation of Reformed Faith.” As a Christian church, we trace our historical roots to the 16th-century Protestant Reformation. The doctrine of justification deals with what may be the deepest existential problem a human being can ever face: How can a sinner, an unjust person, ever withstand the judgment of a holy and righteous God? As the psalmist said, 'If You, LORD, should mark iniquities, ... who could stand?" (Ps. 130:3). The question is obviously rhetorical. No one of us could possibly stand because none of us is righteous. For an unjust person to stand in the presence of a just God, that person must first be justified.

Oct 29, 202301:04:58
Based on the Scripture | Foundation of Reformed Faith Series

Based on the Scripture | Foundation of Reformed Faith Series

In celebration of Reformation Month, we begin our new series entitled “Foundation of Reformed Faith.” As a Christian church, we trace our historical roots to the 16th-century Protestant Reformation. "But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." - 2 Timothy 3:14-17

Oct 11, 202301:09:43
Centered on God | Foundation of Reformed Faith Series

Centered on God | Foundation of Reformed Faith Series

In celebration of Reformation Month, we begin our new series entitled “Foundation of Reformed Faith.” As a Christian church, we trace our historical roots to the 16th-century Protestant Reformation.

Reformed theology relentlessly applies the doctrine of God to all other doctrines, making it the chief control factor in all theology.

Three specific attributes of God stand out in Reformed Theology. And these three I want to focus on today.

1. The Self-Existence of God

2. The “Separateness” of God

3. The Sovereignty of God

Oct 02, 202301:03:31
Joyful Abundance | 40 Days of Abundance Series

Joyful Abundance | 40 Days of Abundance Series

Listen to Part 6 of 40 Days of Abundance, a series of John 15.

As we close our 40 Days of Abundance, we will learn three precious and sure promises that those who abide in the True Vine can certainly enjoy.

Our abiding relationship with Jesus will really result in FULLNESS OF JOY. The greatest level of joy a Christian can achieve is when our joy is in His presence. That’s what David felt. That’s what every Christian should experience as we abide more in Christ.

You will show me the path of life;In Your presence is fullness of joy;At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.(Psalm 16:11 NKJV)

Oct 01, 202353:19
Living in His Presence | 40 Days of Abundance Series

Living in His Presence | 40 Days of Abundance Series

Listen to Part 5 of 40 Days in Abundance, a series of John 15.

"Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

(John 15:4-5)

We come to part 5 of our series 40 Days of Abundance. Remember, this is the third secret to abundant Christian living. In order for us to bear much fruit, Jesus is inviting us to abide in Him. This is the most wonderful thing in our relationship with Jesus—we abide in Him and He abides in us.

Sep 14, 202301:03:14
More of God, More with God | 40 Days of Abundance Series

More of God, More with God | 40 Days of Abundance Series

Listen to Part 4 of 40 Days of Abundance, a series in John 15.

God didn't want me to do more for Him. He wanted me to be more with Him. After seeing God act in your life through discipline and pruning, you might think that you are now ready for the perfect program, perhaps a sophisticated New Testament strategy for multiplying growth in yourself and others. After all, if fruit equals good works, then surely "much fruit" must equal many more works, activities, programs, and ministries. But as we come to the third secret to abundance, Jesus turned the disciples' attention away from activity altogether. I imagine Jesus tracing the gnarled curve of an ancient vine, His fingertips pausing where the massive trunk divides into a branch. And then He said, Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. (v.4)

Sep 11, 202351:24
The Necessary Cut | 40 Days of Abundance Series

The Necessary Cut | 40 Days of Abundance Series

Listen to Part 3 of the 40 Days of Abundance, a series in John 15.

We've seen how God intervenes in His children’s lives when they are unproductive and fruitless because they are entangled with sin. God the Father disciplines them. And God’s discipline can vary from light to severe, even death. But what does He do when we are showing signs of productivity and fruitfulness? In this third week of our 40 Days of Abundance, we’re going to study from our passage God’s second secret to Abundance and fruitfulness. After Jesus told His disciples how the Gardener cared for the barren branch, He reached for a branch that showed vitality but produced only a few clusters of grapes. Listen again to what He said: "While every branch that does bear fruit He prunes so that it will be even more fruitful." (John 15:2)

Sep 05, 202301:00:21
The Good Hurt | 40 Days of Abundance Series

The Good Hurt | 40 Days of Abundance Series

Listen to Part 2 of the 40 Days of Abundance, a series in John 15.

Have you been hurt lately? Have you experienced pain that caused you to be stressed? Whether it comes from a person or circumstance, we don’t like to be hurt. We don’t like pain. But sometimes, a hurt is necessary and beneficial. Sometimes pain is necessary for us to gain. They are called the good hurt. That’s what we will talk about this morning.

Sep 05, 202301:00:55
What God Wants | 40 Days of Abundance Series

What God Wants | 40 Days of Abundance Series

Listen to the Part 1 of the 40 Days of Abundance, a series in John 15.

John 15:1-2 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit He prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. Service from August 13, 2023.

Sep 04, 202342:53
The Privileges of the Promise

The Privileges of the Promise

The Privileges of the Promise Part 6 of the Freedom in Christ, a series in Galatians

Jul 12, 202354:31
The Purpose of the Law

The Purpose of the Law

The Purpose of the Law Part 5 | Freedom in Christ a series in Galatians

Jul 12, 202350:43
Salvation by Faith Alone

Salvation by Faith Alone

Salvation by Faith Alone Part 4 | Freedom in Christ Series in Galatians

Jul 12, 202351:22
Crucified with Christ

Crucified with Christ

Crucified with Christ

Jul 12, 202353:02
Preserving the Gospel Truth

Preserving the Gospel Truth

Preserving the Gospel Truth

Jul 12, 202357:31
No Other Gospel

No Other Gospel

No Other Gospel | Freedom in Christ Galatian Series

Jun 07, 202351:20
The Challenge of Missions

The Challenge of Missions

The Challenge of Missions

Jun 07, 202301:00:26
The Compassion of Missions

The Compassion of Missions

The Compassion of Missions

Jun 07, 202346:15
The Consecration to Missions

The Consecration to Missions

The Consecration to Missions

Jun 07, 202347:44
The Call to Missions

The Call to Missions

The Call to Missions

Jun 07, 202337:21
Accomplishing Assignments with Jesus

Accomplishing Assignments with Jesus

Accomplishing Assignments with Jesus

Jun 07, 202356:22
Defying Doubts with Jesus

Defying Doubts with Jesus

Defying Doubts with Jesus

Jun 07, 202301:00:24