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Thank You, Captain Obvious!

Thank You, Captain Obvious!

By Captain Obvious

A perspective you've likely never heard before: political and world commentary from... someone with Autism! Join host Captain Obvious as he uses his unique talents to grapple with some of the toughest issues facing our country.
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How Media Destroyed the Middle Ground - American Carnage, Part 2

Thank You, Captain Obvious!Mar 04, 2023

How Media Destroyed the Middle Ground - American Carnage, Part 2

How Media Destroyed the Middle Ground - American Carnage, Part 2

There used to be a "great middle ground." This was where most of America was, politically. It kept us unified despite our Two Party System. But something has happened. The middle ground is no longer there.
Where did it go? Our "home base" of common sense is no longer common or sensical.
Who moved the middle ground?
There has been an elaborate shell game that has gone on for decades. This shell game has switched "moderate" with "corporate."
Who do we trust now? The answer is: Don't trust just one side. A parable explains why this is unwise.
Mar 04, 202321:45
What A Train Derailment, an Earthquake, and Mass Shootings Have in Common

What A Train Derailment, an Earthquake, and Mass Shootings Have in Common

There is a common thread between the East Palestine, Ohio train derailment disaster, the Turkey and Syria earthquake deaths, and mass shootings in America.
Not only are these things preventable (yes, even most of the deaths in Turkey), but the means of prevention are right in front of us, but nobody in either mainstream or conservative media talks about them. Neither do most politicians.
Why don't they talk about ways to prevent deaths during disasters or prevent mass shootings?
Because people are PAID not to talk about them.
They are paid to DISTRACT, focus on things like balloons from China, boys wanting to be girls, or George Santos's newest fib. And when it can't be avoided any longer, they are paid to point fingers at the other side.
I will show you what they're hiding from you, how BOTH sides of the aisle are to blame, and who is PAYING people to keep their mouths shut.
Hint: For each disaster, someone is getting filthy RICH from what is causing the harm.
Feb 24, 202301:03:45
American Carnage: The Forces Driving Us to Civil War - Part 1: Money in Politics

American Carnage: The Forces Driving Us to Civil War - Part 1: Money in Politics

Our country is threatening to rip itself in two.  The Republicans told us they'd make us great again.  We got chaos.  The Democrats told us they'd heal us.  We got inflation.  They both blame each other, and we're all caught in the middle.  Is there a way out?

There is, and we can get there together.  But we need to understand the REAL disease of our country to cure it.  Most people just see the symptoms.  I have unique abilities that enable me to see deeper.

The truth is, our dilemma is a complex problem.  It seems like we have dangers coming at us from all sides.  And everybody has their opinion on which is the "real" one. But when you look into how our political system works, you find a surprisingly unifying factor.  And it just so happens to be the thing most people are struggling with:


With inflation and rising costs, more and more money is flowing around than ever before.  But it's certainly not going to us.  Where is it going?

It's going into the pockets of politicians as BRIBES.  The extra money you had to dish out to afford bread is going to billionaires who then control our government and our media with their massive wealth.

In Part 1 of my mini-series American Carnage: The Forces Driving Us to Civil War, I unveil the truth about how people and even big business corporations are able to LEGALLY BRIBE our representatives into screwing us over and doing nothing for the people.

Feb 14, 202338:03
00 - Bereshith

00 - Bereshith

Welcome friends.  I am Captain Obvious.  My real name is Tate.  This is the first episode of Thank You, Captain Obvious!

Our nation, the United States of America, is being sundered in two by greed, tribalism, and lies.  And I can no longer stand by and watch our Two-Party System destroy us and bring us closer to civil war.

I've started this podcast to bring to light things that you need to know.  These are things that you aren't likely to hear in mainstream media.

I'm also using this podcast to start a movement.  I am the founder of The Party of Freedom.  We are a new and better option in our chaotic world of Red vs. Blue.  We, the Freedom Party, exist to end the Two-Party System itself and make America a multi-party system.

Our tenets are as follows:

  • Ranked-Choice Voting in every state to enable viability for third, fourth, fifth, and more parties
  • End human trafficking
  • End the fight over abortion. It's about money and power, not life or rights.  Instead, we should fund research to end unintended pregnancies for good
  • End Money In Politics.  Our representatives in our current Two-Party System don't work for us.  They work for their rich donors.

We are the next great thing to happen to American politics, and given the division, unrest, and dissatisfaction with our current state of affairs, the Party of Freedom is here at the perfect time to make a difference.

There are no commitments you have to make right now.  We're not putting you on a spam mailing list just by listening to this podcast.  All I ask is that you give us a chance.  When we become a national phenomenon, can say you were with us from the beginning.

Check us out at:

Feb 03, 202347:30