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CashFlow DadLife

CashFlow DadLife

By Ryan Enk

Cash Flow Dad Life shows you how to bring in extra income as a parent and be able to spend time with your family as well. You will have the chance to put real proven strategies to the test to bring in your cashflow.
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CDL 10: How To Find Killer Deals With Tax Lien Sales...

CashFlow DadLifeJun 20, 2018

How Joe McCall Used a Unique Real Estate Strategy To Quit His Job as a Civil Engineer

How Joe McCall Used a Unique Real Estate Strategy To Quit His Job as a Civil Engineer

Listen to Joe’s story on how he quit his job as a civil engineer using a new unique real estate strategy called wholesaling lease options.

To attend the free training on wholesaling lease options, visit

To get my book, the 7 Day Real Estate Survival Blueprint: How to Create $10,000 Out of Nothing in Less Than a Month, go to

To get started with the top 3 real estate investing strategies, go to

Sep 17, 201933:01
How Josh Milller Quit His Job Using Ninja Real Estate Marketing Techniques To Invest Long Distance

How Josh Milller Quit His Job Using Ninja Real Estate Marketing Techniques To Invest Long Distance

In this Episode, Josh Miller shares how he used Ninja Real Estate Marketing Techniques to Invest Long Distance and both flip houses and develop enough passive income to quit his corporate job.

To see if you can be a part of the mastermind I convinced Josh to do for the CFDL Community, you can register here:

To learn how CashFlow DadLife can help you get started toward retirement with real estate, see the 3 strategies we use HERE:

To join our journey to 1000 doors, go to

To get the book the 7 Day Real Estate Survival Blueprint: How to Create $10,000 Out of Nothing in Less Than a Month, go to

Sep 10, 201940:41
How Gary Guidi Went From Getting Fired to Financially Free in 6 Months With Real Estate

How Gary Guidi Went From Getting Fired to Financially Free in 6 Months With Real Estate

Gary shares his amazing story of how he got fired from his corporate job, and then resolved to do whatever it took to be the father, husband, and provider he was created to be.

To learn about the strategy we helped Gary use to achieve financial independence, go to

Sep 04, 201935:30
From Almost Bankrupt to Financial Freedom With Dan Nitschke

From Almost Bankrupt to Financial Freedom With Dan Nitschke

Dan Nitschke shares his incredible story of how he almost went bankrupt to how he used real estate to work his way out of it and achieve financial freedom.

To learn how you can get started implementing the perfect real estate strategy for your situation, go to

Sep 03, 201951:46
Dave Meltzer Gains MILLIONS, LOOSES IT ALL, Gain It Back: the Power of Gratitude and Serving Others

Dave Meltzer Gains MILLIONS, LOOSES IT ALL, Gain It Back: the Power of Gratitude and Serving Others

Listen to Dave’s Incredible Story of how he gained millions, then lost it all, then gained it back using the practice of gratitude.

Check out Dave's Game Time Business Decisions Book on Amazon at:

To get started with a real estate plan to start creating new cashflow and passive income, here are your action taking opportunities:

➡️  Join the Journey to 1000 Doors- To join the journey to 1000 doors either as a passive investor or as a mentored partner visit

➡️ SEE RESULTS: Learn how I've mentored students like Gary to go from $0 to $12,000 a month in passive income with apartments:

➡️ Get my best selling book- The 7 Day Real Estate Survival Blueprint: How to Go From Nothing to $10,000 in Less Than a Month: You can get it on Amazon for $19.95 here:

OR you can get the ebook for only $7 here:

Aug 28, 201926:05
Shark Tank's Kevin Harrington Exclusive CashFlow DadLife Interview

Shark Tank's Kevin Harrington Exclusive CashFlow DadLife Interview

To learn how to be a KEY PERSON OF INFLUENCE you can get Kevin's book for the shipping cost at cashflow  

To learn how to grow a Personal Brand on Tik Tok, check out the FREE TRAINING HERE:  

Kevin shares in this exclusive interview the importance of creating a personal brand to become a key person of influence.

Aug 27, 201930:27
CDL 56: Flex And Flip With Paul Del Pozo...

CDL 56: Flex And Flip With Paul Del Pozo...

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So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.

Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.

That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

Ryan Enk:                          Hey everybody, welcome to another awesome episode of Cash Flow Dad Life. We have a special guest on with us today, Paul Del Pozo.

Paul, welcome to the show!

Paul Del Pozo:                  Ah, what's going on man, thanks for having me on. Thank you. Thank you.

Ryan Enk:                          Thank you so much for coming. I invited Paula come on because Paul is just an all around great guy. He's also, you know, really in the flipping game, as far as like wholesaling goes, so not just locally, but he's also got a virtual elements of business.

But another really interesting thing about Paul, which is why I invited him to come on because we haven't had a guest on the show like this, but he has actually a really cool facebook community called, "Flex and Flip" because he's very into fitness...

It's just a great community. I'm a part of it myself and it's a great community to be a part of because, you know, there's daily inspiration there that he provides.

Not only that, but it's just, you know, like a, a community of real estate investors and people were interested in getting started in business. So, it's amazing how much your actual fitness plays a part in your success in business.

But we'll touch on that in a little bit. Paul, if you could just start us off, kind of tell us where you were at in your life before you looked at real estate and said, "This is something that I think I need to do."

Paul Del Pozo:                  Right, right. Well Ryan, thanks for having me on and allowing me to share my story with your audience. I always love connecting with people out there that may have a similar experience in that can help them connect and just keep going forward and moving forward.

Before I got an investing, um, I was trying to kind of find my next thing, which is I think very common with entrepreneurs or investors there during that transitional period, trying to figure out what that next move.

I had spent about 10 years in the sports nutrition industry as a athlete and also, you know, as a salesperson now eventually sells manager within the industry, within one of the larger companies and in the business, but always with, you know, the desire of making things better within the company.

Paul Del Pozo:                  I had these things, oh, I can do this better, I could do that better. Nobody's having this idea of how I would be able to do things all the while, you know, always having, as we call side hustles of rig

Dec 14, 201833:30
CDL 55: From 0 Experience To $38,000 On His First Deal With Brian Grignon...

CDL 55: From 0 Experience To $38,000 On His First Deal With Brian Grignon...

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So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.

Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.

That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

Ryan Enk:                          What's up everybody? Welcome to another awesome episode of Cash Flow Dad Life. I'm your host Ryan Enk and I've got a special guest on with us today. Mr Brian Grignon, welcome to the show.

Brian Grignon:                 Hey, thanks Ryan. Thanks for having me.

Ryan Enk:                          I invited Brian on because his story is pretty inspiring.

He like many of you, is starting out in real estate and you know, one of the biggest things in real estate is actually taking action.

 I talk about it in my book, the seven day blueprint. I'm trying to remember the name of my own book, the seven day real estate survival blueprint...

I've talked about just taking action is being like one of the biggest catalysts to actually making sure you have a check in your hand. The reason that I have Brian on the show is because Brian, you know, came from a similar background with his first deal and a struggle with a lot of what people struggle with, like analysis paralysis, you know, certain fear and also making the thought of real estate and the idea of "Yeah, I could probably do this," become a reality and making it a reality by taking action.

When he did it, I don't want to, I don't want to give away the total number. I'll let Brian do that...

But when he finally did that, he was rewarded a pretty handedly with his first check with real estate.

 So from going, going from zero experience to cashing in on a pretty big check. So Brian, if you would, can you share a little bit about your backstory before you got started? Real estate, what was going on in your life and what made you decide to try it out?

Brian Grignon:                 Sure. Thanks right. So many people I nine five job. I still have one actually. So, um, and you know, you get kind of stuck and you feel like I needed something else.

I just like you, have lots of kids. I had five at the time, but I had four, I now have five and I wanted it to be able to do something. I want it to be able to feel like I had sort of control over my own destiny a little bit.

I'm a little bit of freedom and so I think actually speaking to you one day and I said, you know, I'm really not sure what to do. We tried real estate. I don't know about that. But you know, that kind of ruminated I remember one day...

Ryan Enk:                          What was making you so hesitant about real estate?

Brian Grignon:                 I always liked real estate. I always liked seeing the houses tha

Dec 07, 201819:24
CDL 54: You Can't Get Rich When You Feel Poor With Corey Durkin...

CDL 54: You Can't Get Rich When You Feel Poor With Corey Durkin...

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So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.

Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.

That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

Ryan Enk:                          What's up everyone? Welcome to the latest episode of Cash Flow Dad Life. I'm stoked for this guest today. Please welcome. If you're just sitting there in your car, I guess just clap your hands or whatever, you know. Welcome Corey Durkin. Cory Durkin...he's got a new book out called, You Can't Get Rich If You Feel Poor.

Ryan Enk:                          And I love this concept, but let me just give you a little bit of a background on Corey. Corey is a speaker, he's an author, he's a podcaster, he's an angel investor, he's a musician. He drinks a crap load of coffee and about 17 other things...

Ryan Enk:                          One of the things that he believes is that when he's dead...though, he does use a therapeutic pillow when he actually does sleep, is that he will sleep when he's dead.

Ryan Enk:                          My dad used to have this phrase when we went on vacation, "sleep is for wimps," and he still says that although he falls asleep watching a movie at 9:30 pm on a weekday.

Ryan Enk:                          I love it. He's, he's a incredibly high on life and entrepreneur and one of the main reasons, although he does, he does a lot of stuff and especially he's dabbled in real estate more specifically the short term rentals...

Ryan Enk:                          One of the reasons I really wanted him to come on the show is because of his new book that he has called You Can't Get Rich If You Feel Poor.

Ryan Enk:                          It talks about a certain mindset.

Ryan Enk:                          And what's so special about this concept is when I first got started in life after I got married is I listened to a lot of Susie Orman and Dave Ramsey and I know a lot of people are really big fans of theirs. And I'm actually, I love some of the concepts they teach as well.

                                          But what they teach is this focus on your expenses and your debt...

                                           And you know, when you're focusing on just, "Hey, I need to get out of debt. I need to get out of debt. I need to get out of debt," you're not focusing on living life abundantly.

                                           So it was actually a real struggle for my marriage because, you know, I'm sitting there making, you know, I'm counting the number of sheets of toilet paper and my wife is, you know, she's having to cut coupons for the groceries and just wasn't a way to live. It wasn

Dec 05, 201855:10
CDL 53: How Clay Popham Raised Over $1,000,000 For His Real Estate Business...

CDL 53: How Clay Popham Raised Over $1,000,000 For His Real Estate Business...

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So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.

Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.

That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

Ryan Enk: What's going on everybody? This is Ryan, your host, with cashflow dad life. Welcome to another awesome episode. I'm stoked for our guest today...

Clay Popham is kind of a local investor here and uh, he's actually crushing it right now here in Louisiana, but he's been doing real estate investing all over the place. And originally I don't think you're from Louisiana, right? You came from, was it Georgia?

Clay Popham: Yeah, I grew up in south Georgia and lived all over the country.

Ryan Enk: So one of the main reasons, guys, that I wanted Clay to come on the show is because one of the things that we talk about and one of the biggest barriers that people have when they're trying to get started investing in real estate or if they've gotten started, but you know, maybe they put the brakes on for awhile and they wait till they get enough money to do the next deal...

One of the reasons that I was really excited to have clay come on is because he has done a tremendous job at raising private capital and with his new company, a High Ground Solutions Llc, he's raised over a million dollars and the way he did it was pretty easy.

So I invited him on the podcast to share with us just his story and how he did that and hopefully you guys can glean some tips and get some confidence and knowing that it's really quite easy to raise private capital for I really good real estate investment if you know what you're doing.

 So thank you so much, Clay, for agreeing to come on the show. And it's a pleasure to have you here...

Clay Popham: Yeah, thanks for having me, Ryan.

Ryan Enk: So if you could just start us off, tell us a little bit about your backstory. What made you want to get started with real estate investing in the first place?

Clay Popham: Well, I don't know how deep you want me to go into this...

Ryan Enk: Deep...

Clay Popham: So at 17 I joined the marine corps and was doing marine for things. Uh, after about six years got picked up to be a part of a commissioning program that sent me back to college. So I decided to go to Auburn University even though I'd never been to the state of Alabama the day that I showed up there.

As I was driving around looking for apartments that were $1,200 a month for rent, I drove past the townhouse. I had a for sale by owner called them up. They gave me a price. I called the bank and maybe preface this a little bit more.

I don't come from any money at all. So owning a home, even though it was like

Nov 30, 201833:23
CDL 52: The FIRST Place To Start...

CDL 52: The FIRST Place To Start...

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So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.

Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.

That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

What's up guys? Welcome to another awesome episode of Cash Flow Dad Life. I'm your host Ryan Enk, and today we're going to be talking about the foundation of everything that you need to do to get started with real estate investing.

There's one thing that is so important, but before we get into all of that, I want to wish you guys all a happy thanksgiving. My prayers are with you. I pray that you are blessed and that's  I'm so grateful for you for listening to this podcast for however long you've been listening to it.

Even if this is your first episode, I'm grateful that you're here and I feel truly blessed to have the opportunity to be able to have people that listened to what I have to say of. So thank you so much for listening. I don't know how many of you guys talking about Thanksgiving...

I don't know how many of you have Thanksgiving traditions, but we've got this one tradition that stayed the same for all the years of my life as young as I can remember, four years old...

We always did a Turkey bowl and that's, you know in the once a year and the morning of thanksgiving, no matter how cold it was outside, uh, even back when we lived in Salt Lake City when it was freezing cold and there was snow on the ground, uh, no, no matter what the weather was like, we always got up in the morning and we'd play football or a soccer game in the morning of Thanksgiving...

We do it with everybody in the family obviously, but, you know, we, we invite friends or extended family and uh, we play this tackle football game and it was amazing. The whole idea is that you play this game and you work up an appetite to eat more than you should later on in the afternoon when you're having Thanksgiving dinner.

So I'm carrying on the tradition with my kids and we're driving to the Turkey bowl on Thanksgiving morning. And it was actually really humbling because I was bragging and I was saying to my kids too, my memory, they asked me, you, what is your record for the Turkey bowl? I was like, to my memory, I've never lost a game, you know, I probably did but I was like, you know, I don't think I've ever lost the Turkey bowl.

I think that I've always been on the winning side and it's always been because of me, you know, just kind of a playfully bragging to my kids and so like, oh, we're going to get you this time dad. So at a certain point during the Turkey bowl today, I thought to myself, you know, be kind of cool for them to have this bragging right...

So we did kids ve

Nov 28, 201816:00
CDL 51: How To Flip Your Own House With Bill Crane...

CDL 51: How To Flip Your Own House With Bill Crane...

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So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.

Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.

That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

Ryan Enk: Hey, what's up everybody? Welcome to another awesome episode of Cash Flow Dad life. I'm stoked for our guests that we have today. We have Mr. Bill Crane, he's got years and years, decades and decades of real estate experience...

He's a husband, father, mentor. He's done just about everything there is to do in real estate, but today he's going to share with us his knowledge, his expertise, and his wisdom on how to do live in house flipping, which is a pretty unique concept. But first, Bill, if you could tell us a little bit about your backstory.

 Tell us a little bit how you got started in real estate...

Bill Crane :  Absolutely. Ryan, thank you so much for him. Beyond in, I love your concept of... What did you call it? Dad's in real estate or Cash Flow Dad Life...

Bill Crane :  Oh, it's so awesome because, I feel like why didn't I think of that because that's kind of the life I've been living forever.

You know, I got married young and can, we started a family and it's been all about cash flow since because as you know, wow, it's expensive to have a family, but it's cheap or how I got started in real estate.

You know, I grew up a poor kid. I lived in an apartment, kind of a not so great apartment, but I had to walk to school about a mile or so. It was up hill both ways through three feet of snow and all that stuff.

My kids love that story, but I had to walk past these spectacular homes on the way to school and I always thought to myself, well, how come I have to live in the apartment and these people get to live in these amazing homes...

Bill Crane :  So I was always fascinated by real estate as a kid. And then I was lucky enough to grow up kind of at the beginning of the information age where people like Dave del Dotto and Carlton Sheets running infomercials about how to get rich in real estate in buying these beautiful homes for no money down.

And I thought to myself, well, I don't have any money so I'm qualified. So um, it always fascinated about real estate, so you know, right out of high school I went to work for a builder and to learn everything I could about real estate and I learned, I learned both sides of it because there was the sales side and then there was the construction management side.

 So I really learned both sides of the business and I was lucky in that my superintendent liked drinking and playing golf more than he liked actually managing the drums job site. So, so he leaves this 18 year old kid to run the project. So it's kind of thrown to the wolves

Nov 21, 201834:03
CDL 50: Investing In Your Spouse With Jason Angelette...

CDL 50: Investing In Your Spouse With Jason Angelette...

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So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.

Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.

That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

Ryan Enk: Hey, what's going on everybody? Welcome to another awesome episode of Cash Flow Dad Life. I'm your host Ryan Enk and today we're going to talk about investing in your spouse.

And I have brought on a marriage expert...

He's actually the director of faith in marriage for the Willwoods community down here in New Orleans, but also it's a ministry that branches nationwide.

I'm extremely honored to have Jason Angelette, father of five, just like myself on the show and I just want to make sure you can hear me correctly. Jason, can you hear me?

Jason Angelette: All right, I hear you brother. Thanks for having me on, man.

Ryan Enk: Perfect. So, you know, a lot of times, you know, you might get a question, "Hey, I come here to listen to real estate investing advice and all this other stuff."

We did an episode on the spousal effect where we talked about the effect that your spouse has on all the other aspects of your life.

Ryan Enk: And to me, this is such a core issue because I can't tell you how many times I hear from people that, you know, "Hey, I'm really interested in getting started, but you know, my wife is the problem, or my husband is the problem."

They're, you know, there's a lot of things that are factors that play into this. It could be fear, it could be trust, but you know, something that you told me once that always resonated with me is that you say that a lot of times the, the husband or the wife will come talk to you or talking together and counselors have reiterated this, but they always say that the number one problem that a husband has about his wife is that he doesn't feel respected in all he does.

Jason Angelette: Yeah. And the number one problem that the woman says that she never feels like a priority.

Ryan Enk: So, you know, a lot of times we just think it's surface issues. Like, oh, we don't have enough money right now, or we don't have this. It's probably all related to those core issues.

So this episode we're going to really, really dig into some of those things and, and also, you know, kind of talk about some of the solutions that are there and, and, and my hope for this episode that you guys get a ton of, a really practical, useful knowledge that you can go home and you can start having a better relationship with your spouse and that this investment that you make in your spouse, the way you do one thing is the way you do all things.

So if you can make a better investment in your spouse first as your foundation, then that will c

Nov 15, 201851:13
CDL 49: How To Play Monopoly With Hotels In Real Life With Josh McCallen...

CDL 49: How To Play Monopoly With Hotels In Real Life With Josh McCallen...

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So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.

Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.

That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

Ryan Enk:What's going on? Everybody? Welcome... What's going on everybody? Sorry. Welcome to the latest episode of Cash Flow Dad Life. I apologize guys for missing last Thursday. I had full intentions to release a podcast, but I was actually in Tampa looking at a billion dollar multifamily investment operation...

So it was really cool stuff which I'll share with you guys later. But today I'm stoked to have on our show and experts in the hotel industry.

I ended up suckering him to come on here and share his expertise with us and his wisdom. His name is Josh McCallen. Josh, you there? Can you hear me alright?

Josh McCallen: Absolutely. Great to be here Ryan.

Ryan Enk: And for those of you that are watching, Josh has got a sweet green screen in the background with his perfect, perfect setup. So Josh is actually an expert in the hotel industry and our episode today is going to be about how you can get started in playing monopoly in real life.

How you can get started in investing in hotels like in monopoly.

You know, the goal of the game is you first go around the board and you buy a bunch of houses, right? And then once you get past a certain level, you get started with investing in hotels and if somebody lands on your spot then you're bringing in a lot more cash flow.

And so we're seeing a lot of different trends in the industry... What we're going to talk about today is the different ways that you can get started investing, the different strategies, the different plays that are out there. And Josh is going to give us the wisdom... Josh, can you give us a little bit of your background? Like what's your story? How did you even get started investing in hotels in the first place?

Josh McCallen: Well, it's absolutely great to be with you Ryan. So the answer to that is there's a short form and long form, but the short form is this. I first was a house developer, very, very high end beach front. It's a matter of fact. We, uh, I was the project manager guy on the field building five, $6,000,000 houses during the boom days. Oh, six. Oh seven. And then right as the 2008 crash came at, business models stopped.

So then years later we had a condo building, a hotel that we thought would be a condo building and by 2012 we were comfortable enough to try to get into the hotel industry by fixing that up. So basically the story is, I'm like, you just said, I'm just like most of your listeners.

I started in the house world. Of co

Nov 14, 201841:28
CDL 48: How A Silly Sports Dream Became A Multi-Million Dollar Real Estate Play...

CDL 48: How A Silly Sports Dream Became A Multi-Million Dollar Real Estate Play...

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So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.

Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.

That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

What's up guys? Welcome to another awesome episode of Cash Flow Dad Life. We are on episode 48 and today we're going to talk about how a dream became a multimillion dollar real estate investment. It's been a pretty bittersweet weekend for me because, you know, I'm an LSU fan...

So that's bitter...

I'm also a Saints fan, so that's sweet. For those of you are back listening to episodes...

This was the weekend that Lsu absolutely got spanked by Alabama. Took my rv up there with a couple of guys. It was a great time except for the game.

The game was the worst, but I've got to tell you guys, if you ever have a chance to tailgate and go to a game in an RV, it is like the best feeling in the world, especially if you lose because there's nothing worse than driving back in traffic after you've lost.

But when you've got an Rv and you're staying there, you're like, "Eh, I can just take my time. I'm staying here on, on campus. I don't have to sit in traffic and soak the whole way back. I can just go back and eat some Gumbo, and grill some food and just have a good time for the rest of the night."

So at any rate, it has been bittersweet because of that...

But also because on Friday you guys have heard my story of how I started. I had a dream to open up an indoor sports arena, will Friday I sold the majority of it. And it's, it's a bittersweet memory.

It's actually really awesome. You know, it's, it is a little different feeling that, you know, I don't, I don't control it anymore. But I feel really good about selling it and feel really good about the guy taking over.

He's got a lot of skin in the game and he's going to do a great job managing it. And I haven't been managing it in the past four years. I've been trying to passively manage it.

I wanted it to become a passive income investment, but realize there's no way for me to do that with so many employees because employees, you just, you have to manage employees and you have to support them.

And I just wasn't giving them the support that they needed and so it needs to have like an active manager with skin in the game.

So this is actually the perfect scenario because I can become a passive owner and, uh, let somebody else have a little more of a piece of the pie, but to where I don't have to spend four hours a week or one hour a week or any hours a week on managing the day to day operations.

Now it's truly a passive income investment, which is awesome...


Nov 06, 201824:26
CDL 47: The 4 Phases Of Financial Freedom....

CDL 47: The 4 Phases Of Financial Freedom....

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations. Would you pursue your gifts and talents in dreams?

Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursue your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing. The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to. That is the solution and this podcast will show you how.

What's up everybody? Welcome to another episode of Cash Flow Dad Life. I'm your host Ryan Enk, and today we're going to be talking about the four phases to financial freedom, true financial freedom. I'm sorry, the four phases to true financial freedom. And the reason that I'm going over these phases is because it's really important for you to be able to identify where you are at right now in your life and set some goals and figure out what you need to do in order to get to that fourth phase. So here are the phases in a nutshell. The first is survival, the second is comfortable, the third is financial freedom, and the fourth is true financial freedom.

So let's go over them one by one. So obviously the first phase to get to financial freedom is survival mode. Now, survival mode. I, I wrote an entire book about survival mode, and if you haven't gotten your book yet, you can go to cash flow [inaudible] dot com slash the number seven.

And that's the, um, it's the seven day real estate survival blueprint, how to create 10,000 out of nothing in less than a month. Okay? Survival mode is really awesome, uh, in that it forces you to develop skills that you wouldn't normally develop.

So back when I was, um, you know, survival mode is kinda like you aren't making enough to make ends meet every single month or you are just over being broke, you know, the job acronym just over broke. So, you know, when I was back and um, you know, Hurricane Katrina hit that put me in survival mode where, you know, I've got a wife who is pregnant for eight months and I've got to figure out somehow how I'm going to provide for my family. I got to figure out where we're going to live. I'm going to figure, I've got to figure out how I'm gonna pay for it, I got to find a job, you know, that's, that's survival mode.

And that forced me to develop skills and to step outside my comfort zone in order to make things happen in order to make ends meet. Okay. So survival mode is a really purposeful. It's a really great place to be, um, because it, it puts you in that, uh, that, that category of development. Now, the second phase towards financial freedom is probably the most dangerous of all phases. This is the comfortable phase.

Now this is where you, you, it's either you've got a good job and you're making a pretty good money and that's enough to survive a or you've started making passive income investments, so you've got some passive income rolling in and so that just, you know, that extra 200 to $500 a month really helps out in just your monthly activities, but it's not complete freedom and comfort mode is the worst place to be because it doesn't force you to develop outside of it.

You know, the, the lack of freedom in the comfort zone

Nov 01, 201812:15
CDL 46: New Real Estate Strategies Versus Time Tested Strategies...

CDL 46: New Real Estate Strategies Versus Time Tested Strategies...

Click Above To Listen In iTunes...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.

Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.

That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

What's up guys? Welcome to episode number 46 of Cash Flow Dad Life. I'm your host, Ryan Enk, and today we're going to talk about Time Tested Strategies verse New Real Estate Strategies, but first, here's our review of the week.

This one comes from Jake, from Minnesota. He says, "I can't miss a podcast. I first heard of Ryan through another podcast, loved his message, so I decided to check out his site. I ended up taking a course or two of his and started listening to his podcast last week...

"I've binged through 40 plus episodes now and they don't get old or stale or dull. Ryan always has fresh stories, lessons and tips to share. Not to mention that my wife and I a really laugh at his personal family stories. I am hoping to one day be a guest on the show as a success story. Thanks Ryan."

Well, thank you jake...

I definitely appreciate the review and guys, if you've been a listener for awhile and haven't reviewed yet, I would love to get a review from you as well and that way I can give you a shout out. So a rank me review me, it just helps get the message out more.

So I hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was definitely jammed packed with stuff, uh, as it's sometimes gets with five boys in the house now there are few times that I've actually sat and reflected on my life and felt old.

I try to live my life to the fullest so I don't have time to feel like I'm getting old, but there are times that come up that just make me think, wow, what the hell? I'm getting old. So the first time was when I looked in the mirror and saw a gray hair popping out of the side of my head.

So naturally that made me feel a little old. The other was when I was talking to one of my kids about music and I mentioned the counting crows as if the band was still relevant to new. Uh, I went to a few of their concerts in college and my kids were like, that is like nineties music. And I was like, what are you talking about?

The nineties weren't that long ago. And I was like, Oh yeah, they were, that was like 20 years ago. Crap, I'm old.

But the oldest I think that I've felt is when my oldest son just became a teenager, man that makes me feel old. Seems like it was just last year that I was changing his diapers. But anyways, for his birthday party, we, uh, we went all out for it.

He invited like 12 of his 13 year old friends. Um, so they came over to spend the night and even though it's October we went to being on the river, I do this thing called a t

Oct 30, 201823:16
CDL 45: Real Estate Horror Stories...

CDL 45: Real Estate Horror Stories...

Click Above To Listen In iTunes...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.

Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.

That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

Alright, what's up everyone? My name is Ryan Enk and welcome to episode number 45 of Cash Flow Dad Life. Today we're going to be talking about real estate horror stories...

We're coming up on Halloween, so I thought it'd be fitting to talk about some of the horror stories, but first, let me read the review of the week.

This one comes from Derek, a fellow New Orleans guy.

It says, "Being a Nola native as all Nolan natives, we are drawn to all things New Orleans. Ryan does not disappoint, but truly should make no other proud. On a recent drive from Atlanta to Monroe, Louisiana round trip, I listened to the first 35 episodes are very entertaining and educational and well worth the time. I too started adult life as a teacher. Have five kids, three girls, and landed a throat punch in grammar school unexpectedly scared the hell out of me..."

"Ryan's stories and strategies resonate deeply with me. However, what strikes me most is his faith, integrity, and pursuit of virtue in business. The last bit makes it worthy not only of listen, but a following-Derek."

Hey Derek. Thank you so much for that shout out and for the great review and ranking on itunes.

If anybody else would like to rank me, subscribe, write a review. I do read these reviews once a week and uh, I do love reading them and I love the support and the encouragement to keep on giving you guys great content.

So let's get into today's topic, real estate horror stories...

You know, don't let this deter you from investing, but I see weird or bad situations a little different than other people. I see failures a little different than other people and I don't actively seek out failures, but road bumps, failures, hiccups.

They're really just the way that the real world and life pushes us to improve. There really is no other way. So as I share these stories, just know that I'm both grateful that they happen and it has made my journey exciting. Also, they make for funny stories to tell you guys.

So I'm grateful for that as well...

Now, real quick, if you haven't gotten my book yet, the seven day real estate survival plan, how to create 10,000 out of nothing in less than a month, you are seriously missing out. You can get it for free if you pay the shipping at

Oct 25, 201814:17
CDL 44: The Habits Of Cash Flow Ninjas With MC Laubscher...

CDL 44: The Habits Of Cash Flow Ninjas With MC Laubscher...

Click Above To Listen In iTunes...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.

Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.

That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

Ryan Enk: Alright, welcome everybody to another awesome episode of Cash Flow Dad Life.

My name is Ryan Enk, your humble host, and we have with us a really awesome guests a day-MC Laubscher. I'm just going to read his bio real quick.

He's a wealth and investment strategist, a financial educator. He's a president and CEO of producers wealth and Creator, and the host of the popular top rated business and investing podcast, Cash Flow Ninja, a super awesome podcasts.

Then you guys haven't had a chance to listen to it...

I was on the show. It was a lot of fun and uh, he is interviewed over 300, uh, what he calls cashflow Ninjas, people who are out there making passive income, making smart investments.

So it's a real honor to have him on the show and to share with us some of the wisdom that he's picked up by interviewing some of the top cashflow Ninjas in the world.

Ryan Enk: So, MC, welcome to the show.

MC Laubscher: Thank you so much for having me. Always a blast connecting with you.

Ryan Enk: Awesome. Well, before we get started, I need to make a shameless self promotional plug. Guys, if you haven't gotten my book yet, it's called the seven day real estate survival blueprint, how to create $10,000 out of nothing in less than a month. It's an exact battle plan and exact strategy on what you can do.

So you're dropped off in a town in the middle of nowhere and you had 30 days with no money, no experience, no credit to borrow on a, what would you do to make sure that you got $10,000 in your pocket at the end of the month? Really awesome book, great exercise to go through. You can claim your free copy of

And all you gotta do is cover the shipping cost...

Ryan Enk: So back to our, uh, our guests today, mcm super intrigued because you have interviewed over 300 people, a Robert Kiyosaki being one of them as well. And you were able to kind of glean and be a sponge and soak up some of their wisdom.

What are the biggest Aha moments that you've had on the show?

MC Laubscher: Yeah, I've been really honored, as you mentioned, to be interviewing these folks and learning from them and I just write down a bunch of notes as I'm doing it. Every guest is a, is a phenomenal.

And I learned something from every person I interview that I didn't know...

Oct 23, 201840:59
CDL 43: Brick Walls Lie...

CDL 43: Brick Walls Lie...

Click Above To Listen In iTunes...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.

Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.

That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

What's up guys? Welcome to another episode of Cash Flow Dad Life. This is episode 43. It actually amazes me in my head. I'm thinking it's like episode 14. I can't believe we've done 43 episodes so far. But time flies when you're having fun. Right?

So today we're going to be talking about "brick wall lies..."

What does that mean? When I say like when I'm saying like, I'm not talking about lying on the ground, I'm talking about LIES, okay. Lies, things that aren't true. So we'll go into that in a second.

But first I want to read our review of the week and guys, if he hadn't left me a review yet...

Please, if you have gotten value and especially if you think that any part of my message is we're sharing.

It just helps me get my message out to more people, itunes boost me in the rankings and whatnot.

It just helps me get my message out.

So, if you like what I'm showing you how to do and the value that I'm giving you, please leave me a review. I really appreciate it...

So this one comes from Jack dog, it says, "Content of your podcast episodes exceeded all my expectations. You're the real deal, Ryan, and a very good source of true applicable information and systems to create a real passive income. I look forward to reading your new book and applying the steps for success to grow a qualified buyers lists to partner with or market properties too. All the best. Thank you so much- Jack Dog."

I really appreciate that review. And speaking of the book guys, if you haven't claimed your copy yet, it's been two weeks since I released it. It's already getting amazing reviews is called the seven day real estate survival blueprint, how to create $10,000 out of nothing in less than a month.

So there are two awesome proposals that I have for you in order to get this book. Number one, you can get it absolutely for free. All you have to do is pay the shipping costs. If you go to

But I've got another awesome proposal for you. Okay. Uh, I'm running a contest and a in mid November we're taking a cruise from New Orleans to cozumel and back, it's just a four day cruise...

And on this cruise I, I teach the fast track training to real estate and the total cost of this cruise is, you know, between $400 per person per couple, so it's like $800 total and then the cost of the actual fast track to freedom. So it's over a thousand dollars worth.

And what I'm doing is a launching the book, the seven day r

Oct 18, 201813:45
CDL 42: Knowing Your Numbers-How Even A Blind Squirrel Finds A Nut...

CDL 42: Knowing Your Numbers-How Even A Blind Squirrel Finds A Nut...

Click Above To Listen In iTunes...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.

Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.

That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

Hey, what's up everybody? Welcome to another amazing episode of Cash Flow Dad Life. I'm your host, Ryan Enc and today we're going to be talking about the numbers that you need to look for. Okay? Know your numbers. What does this mean? You know, I got into trouble a little while ago for not knowing my numbers. Here's what happened...

My son who was nine at the time was starting to run cross country and he was doing very well and you know, winning first place in a lot of these races.

But I've got this competitive streak with me and I didn't want him developing too big of an ego. So I was like, "Why don't we go for a race real quick?"

So our block is exactly a mile. So we, we wagered something and he was talking a little bit of smack but it was mostly instigated by me...

So he's really just kind of, you know, returning the smack, talk completely my fault. And we set up to race and at this point all the kids are getting into. Mom's getting into it. Everybody's on the front yard. Just making a big production about this.

We say on your mark, get set, go.

Well he takes off, we've got a mile. He takes off sprinting and I'm at like upper jog now. I'm not exactly in tremendous shape, but I'm not out of shape. I play soccer every single week at my facility.

I work out, I, I hit the treadmill sometimes I do jogging sometimes, so it's not like I'm out of shape. I'm an adult competing against a nine year old child. So to me that should indicate that I would win completely emotional decision. So he breaks off sprinting and I think to myself, look at this sucker.

He's going to be completely out of wind. He's going to be completely out of when before the quarter mile and meanwhile I. So he's blown ahead of me and meanwhile I'm just at like a upper medium paced jog and then he takes the quarter for the first quarter mile and he's not letting up.

So I see him turn this corner and he still in a full on sprint. So at this point I think to myself, oh crap, maybe, maybe he's not slowing down right away just to make sure I got to get a little closer. So then I break out into a light sprint.

So by the time I get to the corner of the quarter mile, I don't even see him on the other corner. So he was still running fast enough to the two. By the time I reached that corner, I couldn't even see him... 

So then I go into a medium sprint and I take that last corner and I see him incredibly far ahead of me. So I've got about three quarters of a mile left and

Oct 16, 201812:14
CDL 41: Stock Tips From A 10-Year-Old...

CDL 41: Stock Tips From A 10-Year-Old...

Click Above To Listen In iTunes...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.

Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.

That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

Hey, what's up everybody? This is Ryan Enk with Cash Flow Dad Life. Today we're going to be talking about the stock market. The stock market plunged 834 points yesterday. Ouch.

So I brought in an expert...

He was super hard to get ahold of. His schedule is incredibly busy. Please welcome to the show, my son, Caleb Enk is 10 years old...Say, "What's up?"

Caleb Enk: What's up!

Ryan Enk: So just to give you kind of the backstory on the stock market with me and Caleb here is I don't like investing in stocks. I'm more of a real estate guy. That being said, I do invest in stocks. It's just part of diversifying your portfolio.

But the reason that it's not a major part of my portfolio is because stocks are so... It's not real. It's not a real asset. And I don't know if you've heard that comment before.

The first time I heard this, it blew my mind and the comment was that money isn't real. You know? And, and if you just sit there and think about that for a second. Money isn't real.

It's just a medium of exchange...

And nothing proves that money isn't real anymore than the stock market, where yesterday all of a sudden trillions of dollars are lost. And for what? And for what? Cause there's no asset value behind it. There is no nothing real behind that.

Now real estate, I love because it's real, but like I said, I still invest in the stock market and I encourage all my kids to know how to invest in the stock market as well and because it is a tremendous wealth creator, if you know how to do it right, the problem is that most people overcomplicate things and really all it comes down to is figuring out what most entrepreneurs, most investors do.

How can you minimize your risk while maximizing your returns? So I brought on my 10 year old to kind of explain some of the concepts that he knows. It's so easy that even a 10 year old can do it.

But actually he started when he was eight years old...

Caleb, can you share with everybody kind of the story on how you get started investing in the stock market?

My Dad told us we need to clean the garage, but the garage had so much things clutter around and stuff in it, so we complain. Then my dad says, "If you cleaned the garage, I'll give you $10, but $100 in your bank accounts, you can buy stock." So we agreed with that...

So we clean the garage and then he decided to analyze stocks to see which one is done best.

When you analyze is when you look at how t

Oct 11, 201811:27
CDL 40: The Spousal Effect...

CDL 40: The Spousal Effect...

Click Above To Listen In iTunes...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.

Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.

That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

Hey, what's up everybody? Welcome to another awesome episode of the Cash Flow Dad Life podcast...

Today, we have an amazingly, gorgeous co-host, or a guest, on the show. Definitely the prettiest guest that I've ever had on here. My wife Danielle, say hey to everybody.

Danielle Enk: Hey, what's up?

Ryan Enk: And I invited her on today because we're going to be talking about the spousal affect, the way people get started with investments or have success with those investments, maintain motivation with those investments.

If they have a spouse, the spouse plays a huge role in that. So we're going to be going over some of the problems that some people might have in getting started that have to do with the spouses and even, you know, give some tips on how to like really address those issues. But before we get started, I want to read you guys the review of the week.

If you haven't reviewed the podcast yet, please, let's make it official. Just like subscribe, write me a review and I really appreciate the shout out. So this one comes from Joe. Ps a says, eye opening experience gave me five stars.

He said, "Ryan's content has been eye-opening. Ryan is a normal guy, just like me. He makes it seem possible to change my family's lives through real estate investing. I highly recommend this podcast..."

Thank you so much Joe. I really appreciate that shout out...

Also guys, if you haven't gotten your copy yet last week on Tuesday, I'll let you guys know about my new book that I just released and just because I'm doing a book release, I'm giving away free copies so I've already given away 168 copies from last Tuesday's podcast.

So I've bought 200 more books and I will be giving those away in the next week or so...

Once this book gets out there and people start talking about how awesome it is because it is, it's
a step by step battle plan on how to create $10,000 out of nothing in less than a month with real estate.

I show you by the hour exactly the tasks that you need to get done and what needs to be accomplished...

And it's just got an amazing framework that you can start using right away. But once this gets out there, I mean I'm not going to have to give away free copies. So right now it's $19.99 on Amazon, but I'm giving it away for free. All you gotta do is cover the shipping handling, which is like less than a fast food meal.

So, if you want your free copy, you can go to cashflowdadli

Oct 10, 201822:41
CDL 39: From Riches To Rags To Riches With Paul Moore...

CDL 39: From Riches To Rags To Riches With Paul Moore...

Click Above To Listen In iTunes...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.

Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.

That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

Hey, what's up everybody? Welcome to another awesome episode of Cash Flow Dad Life.

today we've got on a really special guest. His name is Paul Moore and Paul is just an incredible, a real estate investor. He's, he's very involved in a lot of real estate niches. A, he was a special guest on HDTV. He's rehabbed and managed dozens of rental properties.

He's completed 85 real estate investments and exits. He's a major contributor on a and writer for bigger pockets, which is just like the biggest real estate forum in the world.

So I am extremely honored that he came to our podcast and he's agreed to be a guest on our show...

So Paul, thank you so much for being here. I just want to make sure he can hear me. Alright... I'm glad to be here and I'm honored to have with the on the show.

So the first question I want to get to which is just so intriguing to me, have a podcast and it's called, How to Lose Money, right?

And the story behind that podcast is what I want to get you to was a rags to riches to rags to riches story, right?

Paul Moore: A few more cycles in there as well.

Ryan Enk: Yeah. Can you share with us the story and don't hold back from us any details on how that happened?

Paul Moore: Yeah. So my daughter Hannah and I, who's my oldest, she's 22, my oldest daughter of three daughters and I have a son that's 25 and her and I would go to these father daughter retreats. We went to seven years in a row at callaway gardens in Georgia. And it was a beautiful setting. And the guys who were speaking were all dads.

They were all, you know, some of them really prolific leaders in this kind of this back to family movement that, you know, the way that we were part of at the time. And so for seven years in a row, we went to these conferences and I sensed around the table there were fathers and daughters around every table.

And I started realizing after like three years these dads left...

They're encouraged in a way, but also discouraged and here's why.

All the guys up front, all the speakers, all the panelists shared their great successes, all the great things they were doing, their family, how their daughters were married, they're older daughters were marrying well and the younger daughters were, you know, reading a book a week or whatever, and then the guys around the table, we're just kind of like shaking our heads going, man will never be.

...There, will never be a dad like that will neve

Oct 04, 201834:30
CDL 38: How To Create $10,000 Out Of Nothing In Less Than A Month...

CDL 38: How To Create $10,000 Out Of Nothing In Less Than A Month...

Click Above To Listen In iTunes...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.

Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.

That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

What's up guys? This is Ryan Enc with another awesome episode of Cash Flow Dad Life podcast. I am super, incredibly stoked, excited today for two reasons.

The first reason is because yesterday my son was talking so much smack...

I was down by 25 points playing against him in our fantasy football league. He got so lucky with Brandon Cooks scored 25 points and so I had, what's his name? Kareem Hunt, good old Kareem from Kansas City Chiefs. I had him on my fantasy team. He was the last person that I had to play and all the way up until the last minute of the game, which my son had already gone to sleep at this point.

It was like 10:00 where we are the last minute of the game. I was down by like four or five points, but I rose from the ashes through Kareem Hunt...and he scored 26 points. And so I went home and I woke up my son from his sleep...

I know, a horrible father thing to do on a school night. Wake your son up at like 10:30. And I was like, "Hey,... wake up real quick." And he was like, "Yeah, Dad, I, uh, I know I crushed you and fantasy football."

I was like, "Actually, I..." and I showed him the score and I was like, "Bam. Beaten by one point." Oh Man, I can't even tell you how excited that makes me feel and just being completely honest about myself, I've got to be the worst person to lose to, especially if you're talking smack to me earlier that day because I am unrelenting.

And he was just like, "Dad, just get out of my face." He was so upset, and he was still upset this morning about losing to me and fantasy football. But I am stoked because I just feel like a real winner through good old Kareem Hunt.

Kareem polls through at the end rises from the ashes. At any rate, the second reason I'm excited is because I've got something that I want to share with you guys today. A last night I was up late finishing the audio file for the new book that I'm releasing, which shows you how to make $10,000 in less than a month with real estate.

And the new book comes out today, so it's called Seven Day Real Estate Survival Blueprint: How To Make $10,000 Out Of Nothing In Less Than A Month. So here's how the book came about right here. Actually, it's his brand new idea.

Over Labor Day we had a hurricane that came our way and all the kids were off school. So, you know, and I never really watched tv, but my kids were begging me to watch with me. This show called alone. I don't know if you guys have seen this show.

It's super intriguing

Oct 03, 201815:59
CDL 37: The 6 Passive Income Paydays Of Real Estate...

CDL 37: The 6 Passive Income Paydays Of Real Estate...

Click Above To Listen In iTunes...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.

Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.

That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

Hey, what's up guys? This is Ryan Enk. Welcome to another awesome episode of Cash Flow, Dad Life!

Today. I've got something really special for you, a little mind fuel. Have something for you to think about. I'm going to be going over the six pay days of real estate. Now. Before I start, I want to read the review of the week.

The review is actually nice and short and sweet. It says, "Ryan, for president," by Cincinnati wholesaler. "Cashflow is the key and Ryan is a locksmith. I've learned so much and just the early inception of the podcast. Can't wait to learn more..."

Thank you so much Cincinnati Wholesaler. Really appreciate that...

I don't know if I'd want to run for president though. It looks like a miserable job, but at any rate, thank you so much for the review. Just a couple announcements before we get started. On the six pay days of real estate, we do have a few more spots left open for the cruise coming up November...

So if you're interested in going on the cruise, it's designed to give you the fast track to financial freedom. It's a fun way to do it. It's like a four day cruise. The actual training is two days when you're on the sea and uh, we're going from New Orleans to cozumel.

Be a great time. So come hang out and check that out. If you still want to get on there is still space...

So go onto and you can book your financial freedom tickets right there. Okay. And the last thing is please guys you know, if you've been enjoying this podcast, if you've gotten helpful information from this, leave me a review and give me however many stars you feel like giving me, but five would be like a great number...

And if you leave me a review and make sure that your, your information is included on that, then I'm going to send to you a free copy of my book that I have coming out.

Now guys, this book, I've read a lot of real estate books. Okay. I'll probably read over 150 real estate books and a lot of it is fluff. A lot of it is theory in this book gives you everything from mindset and skills and strategies, and I put it in this framework...

What if you had nothing right? What if you're left with no money, no credit, no, no experience in real estate. What would you do in order to make $10,000 in less than a month? So the title of the book is the seven day real estate survival blueprint, how to create 10,000 out of nothing in less than a month...

So not only do I show you the exact st

Sep 27, 201813:10
CDL 36: Your Network Will Determine Your Net Worth With Larry Hagner...

CDL 36: Your Network Will Determine Your Net Worth With Larry Hagner...

Click Above To Listen In iTunes...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.

Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.

That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

What's up everybody? Welcome to another awesome episode of Cash Flow Dad Life. I'm your host, Ryan Enc. And I'm stoked for today's guest. We have a special guest, Larry Hagner with us. He is the... What do you, what do you call it? Podcast, podcast host. I'm sorry, I get my words tangled up the podcast host for the Dad Edge, and the Good Dad Project and it is the number one rated podcast on itunes for dads right now.

So it's awesome to have this decorated guest on our show...

I've gotten to know Larry for the past couple months or so, just a super cool dude and he's really done something amazing and special things in the data space and in the space of accountability and just growing your network and proving yourself and all the different areas that are needed.

Being a dad, he's the father of four boys, which is much like myself...

I got one up on him, but, you know, I don't know if he's a quitter or not, but we'll see what happens in the future. Just want to make sure you can hear me. All right Larry, you there?

Larry Hagner: I'm here, man. I'm so pumped to be here, talking to you on your show and, and Gosh, gotten and gotten a chance to get to know you, work with you closely and you're helping me, you know, even with my, you know, an investment that I'm going wouldn't be possible without you, so appreciate you man.

Ryan Enk:Awesome man. Awesome. Well, one of the things that I've been kind of putting off on the show talking about and, and why I thought it would be perfect to have you on as a guest is, you know, it's more of from the mindset standpoint because real estate, it's all, you know, strategies and skills and, but one of the things that most people overlook the most is mindset...

And one of the things that you've been able to create is this accountability system...

I always say with real estate that your net worth is the same as your network, so you look at the five people around you that you're hanging out with the most and it's one of those things where show me your friends and I'll show you your future, you know, you look at the people that you surround yourself with and those are the people that you end up becoming.

So you have created an amazing, not just the podcast, but you've actually created amazing a virtual group of men. Can you tell us a little bit about how that got started and what's become of it?

Larry Hagner: Yeah, man, thank you so much. And when it comes to mindset, so one of the reasons I started you know, Good Dad Project, that's pretty much the umbrella organi

Sep 25, 201821:01
CDL 35: Amazing Dirt Free Trick To Find The Best Zip Codes For Real Estate Investing...

CDL 35: Amazing Dirt Free Trick To Find The Best Zip Codes For Real Estate Investing...

Click Above To Listen In iTunes...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.

Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.

That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

What's up guys? Welcome to episode number 35 of Cash Flow Dad Life podcast. Today I'm going to be showing you guys and amazing, dirty, free trick to find out which zip codes to invest in real estate. As a lot of you guys know, I recently became obsessed with the show alone.

That's where they take 10 people and they drop them off in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of a, a Vancouver island. And the person who survives the longest is the one who wins. He wins $500,000 cash. So I was inspired by this entire concept.

So I thought to myself, "What if, what if you lost everything? You had nothing, right? And you were dropped off in a city somewhere in the middle of America or wherever you are. And you had bills piling up, a Ui, creditors pounding at your door?

You had to find a place to live you, you know, you need to provide for your family and you had no money and you needed to come up with $10,000 in less than 30 days.

...What would you do?"

So I'm, I'm actually, I was so inspired by that concept that I'm writing a book and guys, this book is going to be amazing, alright? I haven't decided what I'm gonna call it...but it's basically like the seven day battle plan, the seven day real estate, a survival plan to make $10,000 or more in less than 30 days starting out with nothing.

Okay. That's the premise of the book...

So listen, because you guys are loyal listeners, you've been listening to the podcast for awhile. If any of you guys, I want to release the book to my podcast audience first. So if you guys want a copy of this book for free than leave me a review and I don't think I can tell you that I want a five star review so I'm definitely not going to tell you that if you leave me a review, I'm definitely not going to say leave five stars because it will be freaking amazing and anything less than that would be unacceptable.

I'm not going to say that because I'm not sure if I can do that with the rules of itunes or wherever this podcast is. So leave me a review and write me a review...

Leave me a starred review and write me a review and I will send you a free copy of this book when it comes out. Okay?

So I'm sure you guys are curious. I'm going to read you an excerpt from the book. What is this amazing, dirty, free trick to find out which zip codes to invest in real estate and why is that important? So picture you're dropped off in the middle of an island, right? And you've got to survive. What is one of the first things that you're going to do?

You're going to find out where to set u

Sep 20, 201813:16
CDL 34: How To Have An Unfair Advantage To Win Deals Over Your Competition...

CDL 34: How To Have An Unfair Advantage To Win Deals Over Your Competition...

Click Above To Listen In iTunes...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.

Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.

That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

What's up everybody? Welcome to episode. Let's see what episode are we on the episode number 34 of the cashflow dad live podcast. I am your host Ryan Anc and today we're gonna. Talk about how to have an unfair advantage to win deals over your competition.

There's a couple of things that you could do where you will actually be able to beat out your competition even if you're offering a lower price. So we'll go over that in today's podcast. So I don't know what kind of weekend you guys had. I had a pretty exciting and eventful weekend...had a little run in with the law.

And let me explain it, why you think that it was over when...if you listen to my podcast before about mooning a cop, you thought it might be over in high school, will you would be wrong...

I still have run-ins with the law. So, this weekend we were, my second oldest son had a soccer tournament in Gulf Shores, Alabama. And so we took the RV up, me and three other dads. It was just a good time, you know, just taking the rv up and hanging out on the trip from New Orleans to Gulf shores when we were, you know, we're just kind of taking it easy, taking it slow...Kinda get their slow mentality-enjoy the ride.

And we stopped and we ate...

So we didn't really get until about midnight to Gulf shores and one of those condo complexes out there, the Phoenix, which there's like the Phoenix West, the Phoenix West to Phoenix. There's like 100, Phoenixes out there to Gulf shores. If you've ever been there, they're really nice condo complexes you ever get a chance to go.

But at any rate, uh, we pull up in the RV...

I'm telling you I have never been discriminated against as much as I was with an RV in Gulf shores because there is nowhere to park. And it's like parking in general like Walmart and cracker barrel. They normally let you park there a anywhere else in the country.

It's just kind of something that they welcome... If you're in an RV, they'll let you park there...

But I'm not in Gulf shores, I think it's, I think it's illegal to do that there. So at any rate, we pull up to the condo complex, minor oversight, forgot to ask them if there would be a place to park in the condo complex. And I pull up and there's this other really nice luxury looking RV that's in the parking lot and there's a parking space open to them something and oh perfect.

We can just park right there...

So we get there and the, a little security attendant at the front gate was like, "Oh, where are you going to park this thing?" And I was like, "Uh, I was assuming there

Sep 18, 201815:29
CDL 33: How To Build An Apartment Empire Without Money Or Experience With Michael Blank...

CDL 33: How To Build An Apartment Empire Without Money Or Experience With Michael Blank...

Click Above To Listen In iTunes...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.

Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.

That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

Alright! Welcome everybody to Cash Flow Dad Life episode number 33...

It is a huge pleasure today to welcome Michael Blank...

Michael is the leading authority on, on apartment, a multi multifamily apartment complexes. He's got 2000 units that he's helped his students acquire and he's also got $25, million dollars worth of assets.

So, we're just going to be a sponge and soak up all the wisdom that he has for us today...

So starting with, you know, I always like to ask, how did you stumble across this? How did you get started in this in the first place?


Michael Blank: Well, it's not as clear cut as I put it in my book because my book, I basically have the blueprint for doing this within one to two years. My journey took me 11 years. And you know, I have a background, like a lot of people are taught to get good grades, get a job, and that's what I did.

I got into software so I was sort off being a software programmer. Joined a startup in [inaudible] 97. Right, right place, right time, a software IPO and put a bunch of money in my pocket and that was great and my vision was to be the CEO of my own software startup company until I read Rich Dad, Poor Dad and I was like, I'm such an idiot...

It doesn't matter how much money in the bank, what my salary is or anything like that. It's not much passive income I was having. It wasn't very much at all...

So I just threw away my entire 15 year career. Right?

And I said, "Oh, I'm going to find my permanent financial freedom."

So I had a bunch of money, but it wasn't enough to sit on the beach for the rest of my life. And so my big idea at the time, Ryan was restaurants because I was surrounded by a bunch of a Burger Franchisees, a very successful chain and I saw and it like, "Oh yeah, it cost this much..."

"It costs this much to open a restaurant and we're going to sit back and count the passive income." I was like, "Perfect. That's exactly what I want."

Now, I flipped some houses. I learned how to trade stocks and options. I went to a apartment building bootcamp. This was all like in 2006, 2007. But my main thing was restaurants.

So you gotta understand, I really, really thought big on this...

I took all my chips, put them in a, hired a multi unit operator, open one, bought one open one, you know, open one, bought one. So within like a year I was at six restaurants and then the, then the recession hit, kicked my butt pretty good and never really recovered from that.

Long Story Short, I subsequently lost my rest of my ipo, millions in t

Sep 13, 201822:51
CDL 32: Four Powerful Techniques To Eliminate Fears Of Real Estate Investing...

CDL 32: Four Powerful Techniques To Eliminate Fears Of Real Estate Investing...

Click Above To Listen In iTunes...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.

Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.

That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

What's happening everybody? This is Ryan Enk!

And welcome to episode number 32 of Cash Flow Dad Life...

In this episode, we're going to be going over four techniques to eliminate your fear to get started investing in real estate. Here's a quote from a famous actor you might've heard of him will smith.

He said that God places the best things in life on the other side of fear. He said that before jumping out of an airplane. So, uh, before we get started in this episode, I am reading our reviews once a week and I'm going to read our review this week is from Mary Lamar...

She says, "Thanks to Ryan Enk, I can actually get started now with real estate. I never really understood how simple it could be, but now I know. He explains things so simply. Everyone should listen to this if you want to bring in extra income to your family! :)"

Well, Smiley face to you too, Mary. Thank you so much for the review.

And guys, let's make it official...

If you've been listening to my podcast for awhile and you've gotten a lot of value out of it and it's something that you would encourage other people to listen to, please subscribe so that you can be made aware of opportunities when they come up as they come up and to please write me a review.

And if the review is good enough, I will read it in one of the episodes. So that's it guys. Awesome.

So let's talk about fear and it's something that I kind of underestimated being in this phase of the game 15 years after investing in real estate, but after talking to people who are beginners or considering doing it, it's like the number one thing that's preventing people from getting started is just this idea of, you know, it's a colossal undertaking. 

And I had to go back into my archives of emotions to really figure out how I worked through and Kinda trouble-shooted some of these fears that I had when I initially got started as a real thing.

And it's something that, uh, I want to share with you guys for techniques that you could use to eliminate your fear so that you can get started.

Now, first thing you need to realize is that most fear is irrational. If you're someone who hesitates to pull the trigger on things because of fear, a fear of the unknown, fear of risk. You're not alone.

There's many people. Actually, most people struggle with the same thing. I don't remember when I was having my first child. A lot of you might remember that feeling you had when you were first, when you're having your first child. Now I remember specifically the

Sep 11, 201821:19
CDL 31: The One Skill That Will Change Your Life: Dig Deep Then Wide...

CDL 31: The One Skill That Will Change Your Life: Dig Deep Then Wide...

Click Above To Listen In iTunes...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.

Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.

That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

Hey, what's up guys, this is Ryan Enk with another awesome episode of Cash Flow Dad Life!

Today I'm going to give you guys a piece of advice that was given to me that changed my life and that is this. Dig deep and then wide. Now what does that mean? I'll tell you in a second, but first I really want to thank you guys for listening this far into cashflow dad live podcast.

What I'm going to start doing is if you've been listening for awhile, let's go ahead and make an official subscribe to the channel and leave me a review as well.

So I'm going to read a top review from every single episode starting now. It's just a new thing. I woke up and I was like, you know what, I'm just going to give shout outs to my audience and start reading the reviews.

So this review comes from Josh at Lifestyle Design and what Josh says is, "Great storyteller, master educator...

...During a recent two day trip, we had the chance to binge on some good old fashioned podcast education inspiration. This trip will always be remembered as our cashflow dad live trip. My wife and kids appreciated the life lessons and the training on gratitude. I was really impressed with the way Ryan used his wild stories, John Paul, and the Rumba to perfectly illustrate his lesson. By the way, Ryan's lesson on gratitude is world class that I failed to mention how shockingly good cash flow strategies are well, do not be fooled. This is not just a funny and inspirational.

Listen, this is a grade a quality learning. Wait until you get to Ryan's top for cash flow strategies for 2018. I won't give it away, but the flip and flop strategy is destined to define Ryan's legacy and put cashflow dad life on one of leader boards for hot, new 2018 podcast...."

Josh, thank you so much, man. You are a gentleman and a scholar. That is actually two more things than what I am. So you've got a lot going for you man, so thank you so much for that review.

And guys, please, if you're getting value out of this podcast, please leave me a review. Unless it's a four star, three star, two star, one star review, in which case just keep your review to yourself. I'm just kidding. Uh, but seriously a lean mean nothing but awesome reviews. Thank you...

Alright guys. So what does dig deep and then go wide mean. This is actually invaluable for anybody who is looking to do something massive with their life to make a, maybe a small change that can have a huge impact on the rest of your life. So this weekend we were in Gulf shores. We go to Gulf shores every Labo

Sep 06, 201815:20
CDL 30: How Chris Prefontaine Switched His Real Estate Strategy After The 2008 Crash...

CDL 30: How Chris Prefontaine Switched His Real Estate Strategy After The 2008 Crash...

Click Above To Listen In iTunes...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.

Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.

That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

Ryan Enk: What's up everybody? This is Ryan Enk with Cash Flow Dad Life coming at you with another awesome episode. We have a really awesome guest with us today, Chris Prefontaine.

He has a family real estate company, they're doing, you know, they don't just a mentor people, but they're also out there in the trenches. They're doing two to four deals a month. They also partner with students in certain geographical areas and what they really specialize in is buying on terms.

So a super excited to have him on our show today to share with you guys some of the wisdom.

I always talk about a different creative ways to purchase real estate. It's always awesome to get as many brains together to put that wisdom together to see if there's new ways of doing it that, that we may be not be exposed to before.

So it's a huge pleasure to have on the show Chris Prefontaine. Chris, can you hear me all right on your mic?

Chris Prefontaine: I can, if you can hear me, we're good and thanks for having me.

Ryan Enk: Awesome. So, uh, so give me a little bit about your backstory. How did you, you, you've got a family owned company. How did you get started in real estate? What was the appeal there?

Chris Prefontaine: Well... so this business was 2013, but I'm going back to. I'm gonna date myself here in 1991. So I started building homes. We, I called spot building back then we would just put signs on people's lots and not buying a lot. Preselling it over that with a new construction package. And then everybody cashed out at the end. It was pretty cool. I know money to start it.

So that's how we had started it...

Chris Prefontaine: Did that all through the early nineties where you put signs on other people's lots without owning it for nothing but to sign on, get a building and put a package together on it and presold that whole package and everyone, including the suppliers wait until the very end to get paid. So it was pretty neat.

So that was just kind of like a wholesaling type thing. Ah, actually we built, we actually built the home to visit and I a back then. So that's what got us started, a 95. I bought a realty executive franchise.

So I put the rail to hat on back then. And then 2000 and I sold that to coldwell banker and then in the early two thousands we were doing a bunch of the condo conversions, you know, two, three, five, six, 12 unit building, turn them into condos, resale macros, crank.

Chris Prefontaine: And then it was good. And then in the lovely, a 2008 debacle, a causes to reevaluate

Sep 04, 201820:43
CDL 29: The 4 Punch Knockout To Funding Real Estate Deals...

CDL 29: The 4 Punch Knockout To Funding Real Estate Deals...

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So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.

Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.

That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

Hey what's up everybody! Welcome to another awesome episode of Cash Flow Dad Life. I'm your host Ryan Enk and today we're going to be talking about the four step knockout to funding real estate deals.

So talking about you know... I just want to kind of compare it to fighting a little bit.

One of my guilty pleasures, you know, is watching MMA.

I just love watching the art form of fighting, and when I was a kid the first fight that I got was I don't know I guess I was around 10 or 11 years old in any 80s kids out there super soakers were pretty big for a while at least where I live.

So there was a super soaker 100 then they came out with the 200 than the 300 is just like these big water guns. And we as opposed to many many kids this day and age. And that makes me feel old saying that.

But we would always play outside were always outside playing sports and neighborhood kids and we had our little posse of neighborhood kids that you know lived in the houses around us and then there was another posse of neighborhood kids around the block like these little mini suburban gangs you know.

And so we're outside was super soakers and this other posse of kids comes by on their bikes and they're saying you know they're talking trash or whatever but it's all fine we're all kids we're just having a good time you know. And so I squirt one with my super soaker, and he gets off his bike, and he walks over and he says, "Whoa is that a super soaker 200."

And I said, "Yeah." and he goes, "Can see it?" And I said "Sure," and I gave it to him and then he smashed it on the ground and he goes, "You want to fight?"

And I was like really ticked off that he broke my super soaker was like remembering my parents words to me like, "No if anybody ever asked you to fire just turn and walk away. Use your words." And I was like, "I don't think we need a fight. You know you can just go and I'll go." He's like, "Well I'm not going to go." I was like, "Okay, well I will go then." I turn around, and as I turn around he sucker punched me in the back of the head.

And so I turned back around and he goes, "Now do you want to fight?" Now I was like, "Yeah I do, actually."

So we all went into the lawn across the street and all the neighborhood kids are around in a circle and he's bouncing back and forth. He's like, "Look I know karate. You know I just got to warn you," and I'm like, "OK whatever. I've got brothers that I buy wrestle and fight all the time." So I really didn' know I was angry with them, but I really didn't feel like punching him

Aug 30, 201810:39
CDL 28: The Secret ROI Trick To Pay Off Your Debt Or Invest...

CDL 28: The Secret ROI Trick To Pay Off Your Debt Or Invest...

Click Above To Listen In iTunes...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.

Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.

That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

What's up guys, this is Ryan. Thank again with another very useful and helpful episode of Cash Flow Dad Life. I got a lot of questions about last podcast in regards to debt hacking. A debt hacking is basically where you use real estate and invest in that and use the cash flow to pay off your monthly debt. And it also works to increase and grow your retirement.

Now, a lot of questions were revolve around this. So a lot of people have a choice. They could either pay off debt or they could invest in real estate. So today I'm going to give you guys a clear formula on how to accomplish that...

So I don't know how many of you guys bring your kids to a church, but we bring our kids to church every week. And uh, and my two year old, uh, at one point we were at this church wedding.

And my two year old was the way, you know, people who bring their kids to church regularly will probably relate with me on this one. There is always some old elderly person that clings to the edge of the Pew of the church is full. Then you'll always have an old person that just sits in their position on the side of the pugh in claims to it.

And if you're like, you know, basically like, hey, you know, there's an entire pew here, can you move over, they will get out the way and let you get in and then they'll sit back down on the edge. So I've got five kids, all of them are going to have to go to the bathroom or you know, some sort of thing throughout mass. So I ended up having to bother this person getting back and forth.

I don't understand it. Just move over. You don't have to go to the bathroom every single five minutes. My kids do just move over anyways and rant on old people clinging to the edge of the Pew. So we actually were in a situation where we ended up getting an ender, you know, and we're always late to mass.

It's just the way it works...

But we ended up getting an end position, and my little two year old is watching people after communion and they're walking back down the aisle during this wedding mass. And I hear in the corner of my ear, I hear him going, "Yes, yes, nope, nope."

Yeah. So I'm like, "What is he doing?..." So I'm trying to pay attention to what he's doing. And basically every pretty lady or pretty girl that walked by he was going, "Yes."And if something didn't quite mee

Aug 28, 201809:13
CDL 27: The Secret Real Estate Shortcut To Wealth...

CDL 27: The Secret Real Estate Shortcut To Wealth...

Click Above To Listen In iTunes...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.

Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.

That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

Hey, what's happening everybody, this is Ryan Enk, your host with another awesome episode of Cash Flow Dad Life.

Today. I'm going to show you a secret weapon in real estate if you were not using this strategy. If, if, if, if you have a plethora of properties out there, even if you're just trying to get started, this is something that I wished that I would have known when I first got started.

This, uh, this thing that I'm going to teach you about has the ability to dramatically change your wealth and dramatically increase your profits on every single real estate deal. So tell you a story. The other day went out on my boat with a, with a couple friends and my wife and we went down river one way and then there's this really cool restaurant called the chimes, which is the opposite direction. The thing is, it's a little shallow getting two times.

So as we're about to dock in my house, we were having a good time on the boat. So everybody's like, Hey, let's skip Ryan's house, which has the free drinks and uh, and let's go to chimes and pay money for drinks. So whatever. Everybody wanted to do it.

So I was like, all right, let's go. So we're going down river, we get the chimes were having a great time and then we leave on the way back. Now this is about three miles down river from my house on the back on the way back. For some reason my engine just stops on the boat, so my crap. So it's actually at this public park area called Boba fly a park that we pull over, kind of on the sand banks and um, and I jump out into the water and um, I'm trying to see if I've gotten a gas and this has happened on this boat before where it was a little deceiving the gas gauge because it actually showed having like a quarter of a tank or uh, but it.

But it ended up being completely empty. So I've been stranded on this river before, not my first Rodeo. So I call a buddy and I'm like, hey man, I think it just ran out of gas at this point. It's like 1130 at night and thank God I've got some really awesome friends. So this guy leaves, it's a school night. He leaves, brings me a five gallon of gas and I fill it up, turn the key, still won't work.

So I'm like, oh crap. And so I have three other people on the boat. And they're like, well now what? I was like, well look, you guys can catch a ride back with this guy, but I see no other other alternative. Now granted I'm not thinking like a 100 percent here. It's late and I had had a drink or two and I was like, I see no other alternative.

I'm going to swim this boat back. An

Aug 23, 201814:47
CDL 26: Debt Hacking With Real Estate...

CDL 26: Debt Hacking With Real Estate...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.


Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.


The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.


That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...


What's up guys? Welcome to another awesome episode of Cash Flow Dad Life I'm your host, Ryan ANC and today we're going to be talking about an awesome, awesome strategy called debt hacking. With real estate is what I call dead hacking with real estate.


Now this, if you know anyone that's in debt, if you're in debt, share this episode with them because it will really help them put things into perspective...


So many people need to know this and so many people don't know this. So if you get a lot of value out of this episode, please share it with someone else that can benefit from it. All right.


So just to tell you where my mind is, I was thinking about...just yesterday I had to go to this parent teacher conference and I was thinking in my head about how much bullcrap is out there as far as systems that we still subscribe to ways of life that we subscribe to, ways of thinking that we still subscribe to that just don't make any sense.

Some of them never made sense in the first place and some of them definitely don't make sense in this day and age and how I was thinking this because for some reason, for the past five years of my kids being at this school, which we love the school, by the way, I just don't agree with the, uh, just just structural educational systems here in the United States.


But for some reason for the past five years I was able to weasel out of going to these parent teacher conferences. I'm not sure what I did in the past, but I'd like to review it and go back to it so I can implement that strategy again. But this year, uh, I ended up getting suckered into going into these parent teacher conferences, like [inaudible] with a bunch of kids.


It was a cup a couple of hours long and my wife told me, "You know, make sure that you understand everything that the teacher is saying..."

You know, a lot of people are taking notes and, and you know, just so you know, what the expectations are of the school year and what we have to do. And I'm sitting here and I see I go and sit in the back of the class and, and there's parents in the front that have no pets and they're taking vigorous notes, vigorous notes at this beginning of the year, parent teacher conference, and I'm listening to the first five minutes of this teacher and she is saying nothing that I would ever want to take a note a four.



And at that point I decided I'm not going to pay attention for the rest of the time. It was like the good old days back i

Aug 21, 201819:43
CDL 25: Digital Real Estate Investing With Seth Spears...

CDL 25: Digital Real Estate Investing With Seth Spears...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.


Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.


The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.


That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...

Ryan Enk: Hey, what's up everybody? This is Ryan Enk with Cash Flow Dad Life. And this episode is going to be amazing for you guys. I actually have a buddy of mine from college and uh, I didn't realize that he was in this space, this Internet space where he's making some great passive income. And what we're going to talk about today is, you know, normally I talk about real estate and real estate investing and how you can buy houses, fix them up, flip it.


Well, he actually does the same thing, but he does it with websites, um, and uh, and, and he basically has a network of a bunch of different websites and the wellness space. You've probably heard of some of them. They're very popular blogs, um, for, uh, an enemy. I don't know if I'm saying that right. I'm not an anonymity. It's just too hard to say for purposes.


I'm not going to, uh, go into the details of the exact sites, but we are going to get into some very specific strategies. He's going to be very helpful in giving us some awesome ideas on what you can do to generate passive income online. So first of all, I just want to welcome seth. Seth, you there?


Seth Spears: Hey Man. How's it going, Ryan? Awesome.


Ryan Enk: Awesome. Yeah, we actually a, we actually knew each other back in college and had had no idea. Most of the people from college or they kind of graduate behave. They make a ton of kids and they get a job with a ministry or something like that, fade off into the sunset and never be heard from again.


So it was real awesome to see him at the capitalism conference last year. So, uh, can you give us a little bit of your backstory, how you got into doing what you do and how you kind of discovered this whole realm of passive income?


Seth Spears: Man? Uh, well pretty much by accident really. Um, you know, when we were in college together, I kind of had this vision of I was going to graduate with a business degree. I was going to get married and have kids and start my own business and sail off into the sunset and you know, just live the life. Right. It didn't totally happened. So did end up getting married, but not from a girl that I met. Not In college.


Um, did start having kids as well. But the whole start your own business thing did not start off immediately like that. It took several years and it was kind of by accident where I got burnt out and fed up with a job that I have working for, for a college in Nashville, Tennessee and kind of went on, went out on my own doing some consulting at the same time.


Seth Spears:  I was helping build a few websites here or there for some family and friends and sort of building out a site that started getting really popular for my wife and it just kinda grew a

Aug 16, 201827:38
CDL 24: How To Beat The Odds In Nerf Wars And Real Estate...

CDL 24: How To Beat The Odds In Nerf Wars And Real Estate...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.


Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.


The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.


That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...


What's up everybody? This is Ryan and welcome to another awesome episode of Cash Flow Dad Life. Today we're going to be talking about winning against all odds. Now, as I've probably mentioned, every single episode, I have five kids. They're all boys.


And what ends up happening when you have five kids with all boys is they want to fight, right? So they want to, they want to do these nerf wars. And uh, I actually suck at like war games...


Put me in front of a soccer ball, give me a football. Uh, I'm, I'm good, you know, in fact, if I'm playing xbox with my kids, I'm going to shy away from the call of duty and the fortnight crack cocaine that's out there right now. And uh, and I'm going to want to play FIFA or I'm going to want to play madden or ncaa because I like the sports games.


So, but at the same time, I want to be a good dad. Uh, I don't want to deprive my kids of a memory of playing me in a nerf war, but I've got to be smart at it because they're only getting bigger.


And they're getting smarter and their intelligence is increasing as mine seems to decrease as there's increases.


So it's always five on one, so it's a, um, I'm against all odds when I play them and what I've been noticing lately is that I get smoked because they will either outflank me or I will focus on running down one.


They've got all these strategies, one comes and gets me, I run after him, shoot him to death. It's awesome. And I think I'm waiting. And then another one sneak attacks me and I lose. So lately I've been losing a lot in my nerf wars, but it is five on one.

So the way I see it, I've got only a couple of options. Number one, I could purchase and beef up my equipment, right? I could get the semi automatic, automatic, a nerf gun with the fastest trigger, but at the same time, even if I get that and I and I just stand up and go in circles shooting, it's, it's still not going to do the job.

It's five on one...


They're going to take me down eventually I will not win even with the best equipment. Uh, secondly, I could just get better. I could increase my skill, right. Um, I could, uh, start doing some pushups and wind sprints that has been a hitting it a little harder on the ice cream and Scotch, which tends to put on the pounds and not exercising as much and you get back to that and get back to the gym.

So I could focus on my skill, but uh, but at the same time, you know, even if I am quicker and I'm faster again, it's five on one. So that seems like a lot of effort for not a w

Aug 14, 201816:21
CDL 23: How To Use Personality Hacking To Have An Ethical Advantage In Real Estate Negotiations With Preston Dellinger...

CDL 23: How To Use Personality Hacking To Have An Ethical Advantage In Real Estate Negotiations With Preston Dellinger...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.


Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.


The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.


That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...


Ryan Enk: Hey, what's up everybody, my name is Ryan and welcome to another episode of cashflow dad life. And in this episode we're going to talk about how to read someone in negotiations within 30 seconds of meeting them, but we're going to talk about a little more than that, but that is one of the main gems that we're going to get out of this podcast.


Now, I don't know how many of you have kids, but if you have kids, you know that they sometimes approach you in a certain way or in a certain tone and with a certain personality.


For example, my third oldest, if he comes up to me and he says, Hey dad, and this way he goes, Hey dad, I know he's about to ask me, uh, for uh, if he's able to purchase something on Xbox, on a game or something. So, um, so there are certain attitudes and certain ways that people communicate things that allows you to read them, to understand where they're coming from.


So today I've actually invited my business partner, Preston Challenger. He is a expert on disc profiles.


This is a personality test. And um, and once you understand how a disc profile works, not only does that benefit you and knowing yourself and what you're able to accomplish and where your strengths are and where your weaknesses are and where you should focus, but it will also help you understand other people form good partnerships, good jvs and be more effective in your negotiations. So Preston, I just want to make sure you can hear me. Are you there?


Preston Dellinger: I can, yeah, I'm here.


Ryan Enk: Awesome. So why don't we get started in, just tell us a little bit of, you know, kind of what exactly the disc profile is...


Preston Dellinger: Yeah, yeah, definitely. So, um, the disc profile, a personality test is, is a series of questions that anybody can go on and answer and then basically it just formulates a profile around that person's exact personality and how they make decisions, their behaviors on making decisions and so forth.


Ryan Enk: So it's basically broken up into four parts. Can you explain a little more on those four parts?


Preston Dellinger: Yeah, yeah. So I'm just a backstory real quick on the disc. It's been around for around 70 years or so, and it was the guy that actually invented the polygraph test, um, came up with it. So, you know, a little testimony to this, uh, to this one per se, but there's other ones that you could take the Myers Briggs, which I'm sure a lot of people have already taken in the past and a lot of people might be familiar with the disc itself.


I'm on my background on myself, so I, I was in sales and sales management working in corporate America for a long time and uh, we use disc p

Aug 09, 201834:01
CDL 22: What Mooning A Cop Taught Me...

CDL 22: What Mooning A Cop Taught Me...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.


Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.


The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.


That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...


Hey, what's up everybody? Welcome to another awesome episode of the cashflow dad live podcast. My name is Ryan Anker, your host. And today I'm going to tell you guys what mooning Aqap in high school taught me about real estate negotiations. So here's what happened where, you know, it's like a Friday night, either junior or senior year of high school, I'm not sure.


And we're out there driving on the interstate and this truck just starts tailgating us, like coming really close to our bumper.


And so my friends were like, man, this truck is really close. Um, somebody should moon them. And I was like, no, we shouldn't. Okay, I will.


And so, uh, I moved away at this guy in this truck, whoever it is, and we, you know, I do my thing, pull up my pants sitting there and he's still tailgating us and we're kind of laughing about it...


And then we get off the interstate and as we get off the interstate, the guy follows us off the interstate. So we're like, oh crap, maybe this wasn't just a one and done thing. Maybe this guy is going to keep following us. So we got to lose them. Well, as we exit the interstate, we see three cop cars waiting at the exit right there.


And so at this point we're like, Huh, I wonder what happened there. I wonder who died, you know, it's a small town. Uh, it was a smaller town back then than it is now. And uh, and so the cops don't have or didn't have a whole lot to do on a Friday night. So I guess they were looking for something to do.


So there's three cop cars waiting at the edge of the interstate and we're like, huh, wonder what, what the deal is there...


So we pull off the interstate and onto another road and all the cops turn on their lights and they pull us over. So at this point I'm like, crap, I wonder if that guy in the truck called the cops. So I tell my buddies, I'm like, look guys, whatever this jerk. And the truck says I didn't move them. Okay, y'all got to get my back on this one.


So we get out the car, the cops, you know, of course they're just messing with us. And so the cop gets on the, on the loudspeakers, like the car, put your hands above your head and put your hands on the hood so it makes us get out, put our hands on the hood of the car.


We put our hands on the hood, on the hood of the car and he starts, you know, pat me down and he goes, what do you think you were doing back there?


And I said, back where he goes on the interstate, what were you doing? And I said, I wouldn't do anything. An

Aug 07, 201811:55
Real Estate Investing Tools That Save You Time...

Real Estate Investing Tools That Save You Time...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations. Would you pursue your gifts and talents in dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church.


You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursue your gifts and talents and drains to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing. The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do.


That is the problem and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to. That is a solution and this podcast will show you how.


What's up? Everybody? Welcome to another episode of Cash Flow Dad Life. My name is Ryan Enk, your host, and today I'm going to be talking about having the right tools to get started or to beef up your real estate investing. But bear with me today. I had, I had a hell of a morning. My wife and I, we get up every single morning to, uh, to spend time together...


Typically we get up at five. Now that's not always the case. Sometimes the snooze button is hit, but most of the time we get up at five and we make some coffee and we sit down on our couch, look out on the river and we go through a, an acronym called trip.


So when we say what we're thankful for, we reflect on something, some piece of, you know, either it's scripture or it's, you know, I like business success stuff, inspirational videos, reflect on something.

We say, what our intentions are, and then we plan the day. Now sometimes it's not always a trip...


Some that full acronym, the Tri p, sometimes it's just a, you know, just the tr because the kids get up and they wake up.


Well, in this case, you know, we were on our reflection time and our youngest woke up and this kid was off the hook. Today he comes downstairs, we didn't even hear him. All of a sudden he comes over to us while we're praying and he says, Mama Mama match.


He had taken, he had found the matches somehow, which we've already hidden from him from past experiences. He found them in a bag and he dumped them all out on the floor. All right, great. So we go and we start picking up these matches. And it used to be the case that with five kids, it used to be the case that when I heard silence, I was like, Oh yes.


Finally silence. Now when I hear silence, I'm like, Oh crap, what? What is he getting into? Where is he? So we're picking up the matches and all of a sudden I hear silence again. I don't hear him anymore. I'm like, Oh crap, where is he? And she looks up and she has this face of fright. So I'm like John Paul one too, you know, when you count, that's like the magic thing with kids, you know, three.


And then he scurries over. He's like, what? What? You know? And he's, he's basically upstairs emptying out a bottle of soap.


So now we go upstairs. My Wife's picking up the matches, I'm cleaning up this mess with soap and all of a sudden as I'm cleaning up this soap, he comes back into the room where I'm cleaning the soap. And he had got into the baby formula somehow.


Just basically put his paws in it, dump it all

Aug 02, 201816:03
CDL 20: Making The Time...

CDL 20: Making The Time...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids, take family vacations. Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams?


Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church, Pune, you see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing. The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do.


That is the problem and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to. That is a solution and this podcast will show you how.


What's up guys, this is Ryan and your host for another awesome episode of Cash Flow Dad Life. And you guys want to hear something funny. I'm actually, if some of you had told me that you watched these episodes or listen to these episodes with your kids, if that's the case, go ahead and press pause and poppier buds in right now because this isn't like a, a, a family friendly episode.


This is, you know, a dad talking to maybe other dads or other people of the, like who might share in some of these same frustrations. So if you're, if you're married, you'll probably understand my pain in this situation.


So I wake up Saturday morning and I look over at my beautiful wife and I think to myself, you know what, a Saturday, I've got nowhere to go. I think I'm going to make a move...


Well, sounds great, but there's just one problem. I've got this two year old cock blocker that snuck into the bed in between us and he's just sitting there watching veggie tales on my wife's phone. And so I think to myself, I've got to get rid of this little chump somehow.


So I pick him up. I'm like, all right, why don't you go, why don't you go watch veggietales in Collin's room, his older brother. So I bring them into condoms room. I give him my wife's phone to go watch veggietales and um, and he's sitting there, he's content.


I say, "Collin, uh, you've got John Paul duty right now, my youngest, my two year old. You've got John Paul duty right now, don't let them out of here." And Collins kind of half asleep. And so he says, okay. And I go back into the room, lock the door.


And I think to myself, it's business time. One minute later I hear a knock on the door, my mind you, India. So I'm like, "Oh God, just just ignore them."


Then I hear again, knock, knock, knock again, "Mama. Where's Mama?" So he says this like five times... "Well Mama..."


So I just, the only thing that I thought he would understand to make them go away because I was running out of the, you know, the way you communicate to a two year old, you know, sometimes you have to say things that uh, don't necessarily make sense to the average person or are even true, but it's just what that two year olds can understand at the time.


So to make them go away, I go, Mommy's making poop on the potty, go watch veggietales. So, so I hear him kind of scurry off...


And I think. Sweet. All right, where was I? Thirty seconds later, my cell phone rings somehow that little piss ant fanned out how to call my cell phon

Jul 31, 201809:06
CDL 19: 4 Real Estate Strategies to Avoid if You Want Passive Income...

CDL 19: 4 Real Estate Strategies to Avoid if You Want Passive Income...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations. Would you pursue your gifts and talents in dreams?


Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. Can you see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursue your gifts and talents and drains to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing. The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do.


That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to. That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...


Hey, what's going on everybody. This is Ryan Anc with another awesome episode of Cash Flow Dad Life. And in this episode I'm going to be sharing. I'm going to save you guys a ton of time and maybe some heartache and some energy and save you a ton of money and I'm going to be showing you the top four real estate strategies to avoid if your goal is to have passive income.


So about five years ago we were going, I think we're moving into a new house and I'm at the time we only had four kids were working on that fifth one and I remember the house was next to a little pond and we had seen an alligator in the pond and so I was getting the kids hyped up out is like a little baby alligator. And so I was messing around with them.


I knew that, you know, little baby alligator would do anything to him, but I thought it was kind of funny...


We arrived at the house and I'm like, what do you know? All right, well where's this alley? I was like, well, we got to find them. So I was like, all right, all four of you go start running in that direction around the pond run. Do a perimeter around the entire pond. Just to make sure there's no alligators out there.


And so all four of them start bolting and running right away. They just, they just followed my orders right away, didn't even think twice about it and started running it except the second one, the second oldest stops and he's, he was the only one to stop. And he goes, wait a minute, why us?


Why are we the first one's going to go check out to see if there's an alligator, this life threatening animal, you know, around the pond? And that's what a lot of people are like with real estate.


You're like, alright, um, you know, there's, there's passive income out there and real estate. And uh, I know that there is some strategies out there. And then someone comes along and they're like, all right, you're great. You're, you're interested in real estate, great.


Go run in this direction.


And most people just start running without even thinking twice, like, wait a minute, why am I doing that strategy when there are other strategies out there that are way better than that, that create passive income. Okay? So here, here are the main things.


Okay, here are the main things that people get started with...


Number one, a, when people get started with real estate or they they want to start making passive income, they say, all right, well why don't I just become a realtor? It is actually what I did when I was teaching before the hurricane hit, I was like, I need some more money, some sort of way.


Jul 27, 201814:15
CDL 18: How Rob Reynolds Went From Public School Teacher To Billion Dollar Real Estate Company Owner

CDL 18: How Rob Reynolds Went From Public School Teacher To Billion Dollar Real Estate Company Owner

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids, take family vacations. Would you pursue your gifts and talents in dreams?


Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was, pursue your gifts and talents and drains to serve others. And that is probably what you should be doing. The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do.


That is the problem. And the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income. So you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to. That is a solution. And this podcast will show you how.


Ryan Enk: What's going on everybody? This is Ryan Enk with cashflow dad life coming at you with another episode. We've got an amazing guest on a probably one of the most impressive people that I can think of. He's a great teacher.


Rob Reynolds: Okay.


Ryan Enk: Let me start off by...Actually, we have similar stories except I didn't have the level of success that you have, but he went from teacher cranked out a bunch of kids, was like, crap, I need to find a way to provide for my family. He's got some credit lines and bought two, four plexes and now owns a company, Avesta, that owns one point, one $3 billion in assets and a which in a pretty amazing feat.


So guys were on the line here with an absolute, a Trojan. I don't know if that's the right word. I just, Trojan just came to mind. I don't even know why. It's like a, like a tycoon real estate tycoon.


Robert Reynolds, I want to see if you're there and on the line and if you can hear me. All right.



Robert Reynolds: Okay. Thanks a lot Ryan. Thanks for having me. And yeah man, alls, alls a clear. I was also thrown off by that Trojan comment.


Ryan Enk: I wasn't, I wasn't sure what to say after that. I was like, Trojan or I dunno, I dunno, I threw myself off. Sorry about that. Can you kind of walk us through your, you actually have a really incredible story and as a husband, how many kids you have now?


Robert Reynolds: I have six daughters


Ryan Enk:.. and completely opposite of me. I don't know how to make girls. And you don't know how to make a penis...


Robert Reynolds: Yeah, I guess I don't have any y chromosomes. I'm not sure, man. I kind of hold to the fact that my, I think my wife must be killing all the y chromosomes and in utero. So...


Ryan Enk: Don't let her around my wife because she might share some secrets. I don't have a wedding to pay for right now. Six of them, unless they all go to the combine, which is, you know...


Robert Reynolds: Hopefully a tradition changes with that whole, uh, bride's family paying for the wedding...


Ryan Enk: Haha! Good luck. Good luck between now and the time they get married...


So can you kinda walk us through like, so you're a teacher, you've got, you've got a couple of kids and probably like most teachers, you're thinking, man, this isn't, this just isn't going to make things, it's just not going to make ends meet. Sure.


Robert Reynolds: Yeah. And you know, my, my wife Maria, she was kind of the mentality of "He

Jul 25, 201840:40
CDL 17: How a Russian Immigrant Forced Into Landlording, Became a 6 Figure Rental Producer and Real Estate Software Tycoon

CDL 17: How a Russian Immigrant Forced Into Landlording, Became a 6 Figure Rental Producer and Real Estate Software Tycoon

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids, take family vacations. Would you pursue your gifts and talents in dreams?


Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was, pursue your gifts and talents and drains to serve others. And that is probably what you should be doing. The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do.


That is the problem. And the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income. So you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to. That is a solution. And this podcast will show you how.


Hey, what's going on everybody. This is Ryan with Cash Flow Dad Life. And uh, we have a special guest on with us today. A gentleman by the name of Anton and Anton is a real estate investor and an entrepreneur. He's got it over 35 units. I think you're generating over $10,000 a month in cash flow right now.


He's also the founder of a very helpful and successful software called deal check and that is, it's used by over 50,000 real estate investors to help them quickly analyze a deal and to analyze the deals on the go and compare different investment properties. I just want to make sure everything's working. Anton, you there? I am here. Awesome. Awesome.


So real quick, can you just give us your backstory. I mean, you've, you've had a lot of success, real estate, uh, doing a lot of different things. But you kinda stumbled across real estate by accident a little bit. Can you tell us a little bit about how that happened?


Anton Ivanov: Uh, sure. So I'm kind of... right out. After high school I joined the military, so I joined active duty in the US navy and I was actually stationed in Japan, and one of the navy ships and unfortunately in 2008, 2010 right around that time, uh, both of my parents passed away, uh, and they owned a single property in southern California, was a condo where they lived and you know, that I'm passing.


I basically inherited this property, and so to speak became an accidental landlord. So definitely not something I was planning on. It was kind of a sudden a event in my life and um, you know, me out there living in Japan, um, and, you know, this property being in southern California, I never owned property before my life prior to that. So I wasn't sure what to do with it.


I thought about selling it at first because that kind of seemed the easy route. But I've talked to a few people, they kind of convinced me, hey, why don't you rent it out? So good rental market there, see how it goes, you know, and, and then you can always sell it later.


So that's actually what I did. I kept it and I'm very happy now that I did and that basically became my first rental property even though I didn't buy it, but it did give me a lot of experience being a landlord, you know.


Kinda taught me the basics about tenant management and dealing with maintenance issues and working with the property manager who I obviously had to use because I didn't live there, uh, and kind of gave me that first taste of also out of state or even out of the country for me at the time, a property management and kind of managing a rental portfolio.


So I'd say that kinda was the foundation and the first step or at least the first experience for me with a, with the real estate.


Ryan Enk:Yeah.

Jul 19, 201827:14
CDL 16: How To Make Money With RVs (Rolling Real Estate)...

CDL 16: How To Make Money With RVs (Rolling Real Estate)...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids, take family vacations. Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams?


Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others. And that is probably what you should be doing. The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do.


That is the problem...


And the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to. That is the solution. And this podcast will show you how.


What's up guys? This is Ryan Ankle cashflow, dad life, your humble host. And, uh, if you hear a little background noise is because I'm on the road right now. I am a, I'm actually taking my family on an rv trip.


We're going down to key West in Florida for a nice little vacay with something we do a couple of times a year.


We try to take the RV somewhere and it's just a great time, you know, family bonding time with the kids and the wife. And, and, uh, sometimes we go with friends too, so it's a, it's just a good time. So I apologize for the background noise, but everybody's asleep right now.


So I just thought of the perfect time to bang out a podcast and this podcast is actually going to be about RVs. Now, a lot of people don't know this, but rvs are like an incredible source of generating very quick cashflow and longterm wealth as well.



I've talked in the past about different strategies in real estate that being a quick nickel, slow dime and I talked about scalable strategy, something that you can do over and over again without using your own money.


And this is something you could do with rvs...


It's actually an incredible way to develop passive income. In fact, I was able to, within 12 months, I was able to develop over $100,000 in passive income by renting out Rvs, not just my rv, but using other are, uh, other people's rvs to do it. And there's actually people out there, I've gone, I've actually kind of immersed myself in this world.


So there's producers out there that are making well over six figures!...


I know guy in Michigan who's making $360,000, guys in California was making over a million a year, uh, no guy in Las Vegas who's making over a million a year.


And it's basically taking advantage of the short term rental market. This is something that we've talked about in podcasts in the past. How they're, uh, the short term rental market is incredibly hot, especially the peer to peer market.


Places like Airbnb, Brbo no, they're kind of taken over that short term rental industry. And people are traveling different, they're being more creative, they like different experiences. And it's the same way with Rvs, people are now a, rvs are just kind of exploding in growth.


And every year, like Warren Buffet has just invested a ton of money in rvs and, and every year they break the sales record for rvs.


So more and more people are wanting to travel this way, uh, they use them for Nascar, they use them

Jul 18, 201815:25
CDL 15: 3 Secrets To Quit Your Job In 12 Months Or Less With Real Estate...

CDL 15: 3 Secrets To Quit Your Job In 12 Months Or Less With Real Estate...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account. What would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations. Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church community.

You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing. The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do.

That is the problem and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created. That is the solution and this podcast will show you how.

Hey, what's up guys? This is Ryan Enk and This is Cash Flow Dad Life. Welcome to another episode.

This is going to be one of the best episodes you've ever heard in your life. It's going to be a life changing episode because I'm going to give you the three secrets on how you can quit your job in 12 months or less with this very specific real estate investing strategy and how you can get started even if you don't have a ton of money.

This is something that I've done in less than 12 months and this is something that I've coached many others to do.

It's something that definitely can happen. People ask all the time, does this really work? Yes, it works.

You could do it in less than 12 months if you're super motivated to get out of the rat race and get out of your job and you're and you're at the point where like, I just need to.

I just need to do something to get out. I've had people do it in as little as two months. Okay, so you're going to want to listen to and absorb this information. Maybe even play it back when you're around a pen and paper because I'm going to give you guys a lot of awesome tips and tricks. Now, there is three essential things that you need. Okay? If you have all three of these things, then you will be able to do it. Okay?

You'll be able to develop enough passive income to replace your monthly expenses. And once you do that, we consider you financially free. Okay?

We consider you out of the rat race...

But if you miss any one of these three things, then you will not be able to do it. Okay? So stick with me and I will show you what these three things are.

Now, I don't know if any of you guys have kids. Um, I've got five kids kids, uh, as I've said before in the podcast and whenever we go to a friend's house, it's like the kids are, um, they automatically of course go to their friends play room and it's like they go into product test mode. So they take everything out, they mess with it for a couple seconds, then they move on to the next product, right?

Uh, the next toy and what happens is when it's time to leave, there is just a crapload of toys all over the floor. And we, out of courtesy, we always tell our kids, all right, we're leaving. It's time to pick up. And of course, uh, you know, when you say it's time to pick up, this one's complaining that he's got a dead leg.

The other ones, they, he's got to take a deuce.

The other ones developed the case of Jock itch and he's got to go tell mom about it and it's private and all of a sudden they'

Jul 12, 201818:51
CDL 14: Back From The Dead...

CDL 14: Back From The Dead...


So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations. Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church team.


You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursue your gifts and talents and drains to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing. The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do.


That is the problem and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.


That is the solution and this podcast will show you how...


Hey guys, what's up? This is Ryan with cashflow dad life and in today's episode I'm going to talk about. I'm going to tell you a story of what happened a couple of weeks ago that is just amazing. It's just truly a miracle and this show has absolutely nothing but at the same time absolutely everything to do with what we talk about on this show.


And my hope is after I share with you this story that you will see how absolutely urgent it is, an absolutely pending, impending an urgent. It is for you to take action in your life. If you are not right now, right this moment, living your life that you dreamed of.


If you are not pursuing your gifts and your talents, then this story should wake you up to that a little more. So here's what happened about two weeks ago. So one of my best friends... So I get a call from another one of our mutual friends.


We were both members of this health club and my friend Joe, he likes to go and work out. And then he goes and he swims while I get a call from my friend Peter. And he says, uh, well first I get a call and I ignore it because I'm in the doctor's office, and then I get a text phone and says, you need to call me asap.


This is an emergency...


And I said, okay. So I was literally getting checked on by the doctor as I called them. And I was like, all right, what's up, Peter? What? You know, what happened?


And he goes, Joe a sank to the bottom of the pool. And, uh, we think he drowned. I saw Joe, who I know a lot of these, like Joe Thompson. And I was like, Joe Thompson, senior, his son.


He was like, no, Joe Thompson, our friend, Joe Thompson, uh, this is my friend...


He's, he's a husband and father of five kids. He's been my business partner. Uh, he's, he's a, he's a lot of things, you know, in my life. And we met each other in college and uh, and so my heart immediately sank. And I said, what do you mean he drowned?


He was like, well, he still has a heartbeat and he's, but he's snoring breathing. And now my friend Peter is a, a, a, a, a veterinarian, so he's got some medical background and so he's like, it's just, you know, his, he actually bit down on his tongue because, you know, he either seized up and he bit a part of his tongue off and he's like, he's like, they're shipping them to the emergency room right now.


I need a, his wife's number. And I said, alright, well I gave him her, hit her number. I was like, but let me, let me call and, and, and what can I do?


Jul 11, 201819:09
CDL 13: Long Distant Investing with Billy Keels...

CDL 13: Long Distant Investing with Billy Keels...

Click Above To Listen In iTunes...

So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids, take family vacations. Would you pursue your gifts and talents in dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursue your gifts and talents and drains to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.

The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem. And the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income. So you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to. That is the solution. And this podcast will show you how.

 Hey, what's up everybody? This is Ryan with Cash Flow Dad Life. And we have a very special guest today. A gentleman by the name of Billy Keels. And, uh, we were actually introduced by Larry Hagner from the dad edge podcast and, uh, I got to know him a little bit and learned a little bit about his story and I thought that he would be an amazing guest for you guys just to kind of learn about kind of what he's done in his life, where he's come from and where he is now and uh, and share with us a couple of golden nuggets of wisdom along the way. Now he was originally, and I don't want to give away, uh, the, the entire story, but he's originally from Columbus, Ohio, right? Yeah, that's it. That's it.

And now he is living in Barcelona, Spain.

And uh, you know, in my opinion, he's living the dream because every time I try to connect with them on a facebook messenger, he's like, yeah, I'm at this beach in Spain and I'm doing this vacation or that vacation. So I'm really, really living a life of financial freedom that most of us desire to have. And um, and, and we're going to talk about that a little bit in this episode, but uh, but to start off with billy, can you share with us a little bit about your story?

Sure. Ryan, thanks for uh, thanks for that. And yes, we do get some time to hang out on the beach, which is kind of Nice. Uh, I wish I could say it was 100 percent of the time, but still not there yet. And that's where you got that Nice Tan from right? There you go. Yeah. Base and then went from there.

Yeah. So, I mean, you said it. I mean I'm a guy from, from Columbus, Ohio, so from the Midwest and I am the product of two parents who worked really, really hard. They didn't ever. Well they didn't finish college and my mom had a chance to go to college. My dad never went and they had lots of kids in the family and stuff like that. So fortunately I was the first and since then there've been a number of the have gone to college, but we also moved around a lot.

 I was born in Columbus, Ohio. We moved out to Colorado for a while, lived down in Texas. We came full circle parents, ended up divorcing, and then I went to school in the southwest of Ohio at a place called Miami University. I went there, we had a great time and afterwards I had a chance to work for a company based out of St Louis, Missouri. And this company gave me the most unbelievable experience I would, uh, could have ever dreamt of. Right.

Uh, I was working with fortune 500 c levels and their teams or top executive management or top wi

Jul 04, 201837:01