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When Black Girls Meditate

When Black Girls Meditate

By When Black Girls Meditate

Let’s explore the science. Let’s explore the benefits. Let’s explore the Bible to discover the Peace that passes all understanding. We pray to God but do we listen. Silent and listen has the same letters. Listen 20 min twice a day to see what Peace has to say.
This podcast is loaded with just yummy goodness. I started on clubhouse not really wanting to but Rwanda (rest her soul) made me. She can no longer hear but prayerfully you will hear and find encouragement to continue this journey. Shalom Ladies
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The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 6 the prosperity law of command

When Black Girls Meditate Mar 26, 2024

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 15 part 5

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 15 part 5

It is true that you cannot get something for nothing. You must give to make a way to receive. The law also works the other way: you cannot give anything without getting something for it. Give the best you have and then look for the best in return, this is the law of receiving. Enjoy ladies! Shalom. Thank you for joining me on the journey to unlimited prosperity. Talitha Cumi!
Jun 07, 202436:03
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 15, part four

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 15, part four

She writes “Gardner hunting has written many things you want now are now within your reach. By the act of giving you open the way for the things within your reach to appear quickly. These things have been wanting to come to you all the time, but we’re blocked by your lack of giving, because there was no free channel through which they could appear. Your giving opens and frees the channel. Enjoy ladies! Shalom. Talitha Cumi!
Jun 06, 202442:30
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 15, part three

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 15, part three

“Prosperity is omnipresent, and you cannot impoverish yourself by giving. Instead, you are enriched by giving, which opens the way for you to receive.” Enjoy ladies! Thank you for your presence here today. Shalom. Talitha Cumi.
Jun 05, 202452:16
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 15, part two

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 15, part two

If you think “I can’t afford to tithe!”, then You can’t afford not to tithe. In your financial circumstances, you have no choice, but to trust God completely. And if you can’t trust God to guide you financially, who can you trust? Who has the greater wisdom? Who is richer? Who wants you to be prosperous more than your loving father? Who is better equipped to help you than he is? Ooh ooh this is good. Enjoy ladies. Thank you for your presence here today. I love our miracle morning reading time together. May you enjoy unlimited prosperity! Shalom! Talitha Cumi!
Jun 04, 202441:52
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 15, part one

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 15, part one

Ladies, I made some confessions in this episode and maybe because I had to go to a funeral this weekend, but I was feeling a sense of lack. When you think you cannot afford to give is the very time when you cannot afford not to give! We are continuing this journey so that we can, realize our Unlimited supply. Did you know that tidying establishes order in mine, Body, and affairs. When order exist, one cannot remain in debt. Enjoy! Shalom ladies. Talitha Cumi!
Jun 03, 202434:45
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 14 conclusion

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 14 conclusion

Systematic giving open way to systematic receiving. Oh what a revelation! Enjoy your weekend, ladies! Shalom. Thank you for your presence while we are on this prosperity adventure. Use your genius prosperity powers of intuition and creative imagination! Talitha Cumi!
May 31, 202437:44
Dynamic law of prosperity chapter 14, part four

Dynamic law of prosperity chapter 14, part four

King Solomon gave us the secret for Unlimited prosperity “One man gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another with holes what he should give, and only suffers want. A liberal man will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.” Proverbs 11:24,25. Enjoy ladies! Shalom! Talitha Cumi!
May 30, 202438:13
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 14, part three

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 14, part three

Ladies here is the Affirmation for today “all financial doors are open to me and all financial channels are free. Unlimited supply is mine by Divine right.” You will begin to understand the secret of Unlimited prosperity when you realize that your supply is not fixed. Enjoy ladies! You will find some unexpected twist and turns in this episode. I went Byron Katie on Catherine. Yep. Shalom! Talitha Cumi!
May 29, 202446:33
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 14, part two

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 14, part two

One man began affirming “Father, I thank you for Unlimited increase in mind, body and affairs.” Within one year his income had zoomed upward from $7200-$40,000. Come on and zoom-a-zoom-a-zoom! Thank you for being here today even when I didn’t want to be here today. Enjoy! Shalom ladies! Talitha Cumi!
May 28, 202426:42
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 14 Your genius Powers for prosperity part 1

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 14 Your genius Powers for prosperity part 1

Ladies, it is a severe thunderstorm in the Atl to today. Go somewhere and sit down and listen to the words that Catherine Ponder has to say, as we start a new chapter about how you are equipped with genius powers. There is a new secret secret, not secret doubleheader in the second segment. Enjoy! Thank you for being here in this storm. I asked God were those his tears or mine? Thank you for being with me on this journey from the ridiculous sublime. But I believe these are showers of blessings! We serve a God that makes water fall from the sky wow! Shalom. Talitha Cumi!
May 27, 202448:10
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 13 conclusion

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 13 conclusion

Earlier in the chapter, she stated that affirmations are your strongest confidence builders. In this section, she says that psychologist declare that Prayer is one of the greatest confidence builders in the world. Wow! God always answers prayer but sometimes we have to grow into the answer. Prayer is not just for people with problems. Prayer also makes happy people, happier and healthy people healthier. It even makes rich people richer! Enjoy ladies! Shalom. Pray and grow rich. Talitha Cumi!
May 24, 202425:02
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 13, part seven self-confidence

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 13, part seven self-confidence

Proverbs 3:17 Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. Learn the power of speaking words of praise. “ I have confidence in your God given guidance and abilities. I see you now going from success to greater success with God’s rich help. Your success is big, powerful and irresistible. It appears now.” Enjoy! Thank you for presence today. Shalom. Talitha Cumi!
May 23, 202424:50
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 13 part 6 self confidence

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 13 part 6 self confidence

Instead of calling this chapter self-confidence, I would like to see her call this chapter “You are enough.” I lost my self-confidence when I lost my job and was unable to pay bills, etc. some ladies report that they lost their self-confidence when they lost their marriages or when they lost their children etc. On the surface self-confidence seems like black girls don’t have problems with self-confidence right? If one of us do then all of us do. The teenage girl who committed suicide last year. Mentioned lack of self confidence in her suicide note. Hmmm. What can we do? “Wholeheartedly confidence in ourselves and others has a miracle power when it’s expressed” states Catherine Ponder. Ladies I no longer feel like I’m reading the book. I feel like the book is reading me. Enjoy! I love being here with you today. And Thank you for presence here today. Shalom! Talitha Cumi!
May 23, 202442:18
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 13, part five the prosperity law of self-confidence

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 13, part five the prosperity law of self-confidence

Ladies, I am yet holding on to the secret secret not secret secret secret double header book for this week. Yay! Here is one of the statements from that book. Giving Thanks before hand connects you with the source of power. Giving thanks afterwards keeps you connected with the source of power! declare often “FATHER, I’m trusting. THANK you God for answered prayer. This or something better let thy will be done Unlimited in my life here and now. Enjoy ladies! Thank you for being here today. You are awesome. You are enough, you are deeply loved. Shalom! Talitha Cumi!
May 21, 202452:47
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 13, part four self-confidence

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 13, part four self-confidence

Life and death are in the power of the tongue. Affirmations are your strongest confidence builders. Speak life. God’s almighty power goes before me, making easy, successful, and delightful my way. I can do all things through him who strengthens me. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Perfect result now appears! Enjoy ladies! Shalom. Talitha Cumi!
May 20, 202459:41
The dynamic law of prosperity chapter 13 part 3

The dynamic law of prosperity chapter 13 part 3

You can be confidence thoughts before sleeping. Find out how. Enjoy ladies! Yes, this is the 100th episode, but I decided last minute not to end the secret secret doubleheader yet. Yay! Shalom. Talitha Cumi! Thank you for your presence today. Enjoy your weekend!
May 17, 202453:30
Does dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 13, part two self-confidence

Does dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 13, part two self-confidence

Self-confidence is contagious! It impels and persuade others. Nothing success like success. Your success is big, powerful and irresistible and now appears! One positive statement of Good is more powerful than 1000 negative thoughts; and 2 positive statements of Good are more powerful than 10,000 negative thoughts! Enjoy ladies! And thank you for being here today! Shalom. Talitha Cumi!
May 16, 202426:38
The dynamic law of prosperity chapter 13, part one, the prosperity law of self-confidence

The dynamic law of prosperity chapter 13, part one, the prosperity law of self-confidence

Did you know that psychologists state that there is a tremendous power and self-confidence which doubles your powers and multiplies your abilities? Did you know that it is a part of your spiritual nature, with which you were endowed when you were created in the image and likeness of God? The Psalmist reminds you that you were made a little lower than the angels and crowned with glory and honor. Enjoy ladies! Thank you for your presence today. Shalom. Talitha Cumi!
May 15, 202401:08:58
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 12, conclusion, the prosperity law of prayer

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 12, conclusion, the prosperity law of prayer

It may be through the Prayer of silence that your realization comes, as you join the prophet and knowing that “quietness and confidence shall be your strength“ (30:15). In daily meditation lies your secret power. Enjoy ladies! Shalom. Thank you for your presence here today. Talitha Cumi!
May 14, 202438:40
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 12, part four the prosperity law of prayer

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 12, part four the prosperity law of prayer

Let’s say no to unhappiness etc. “To declare (as the scientists know), there is no absence of life, substance or intelligence anywhere, so there is no absence of life, substance or intelligence in this situation or am my life, dissolves, uncertainty, confusion, and many times dissipates psychosomatic, sickness or financial lack.” Enjoy ladies! Thank you. Shalom! Talitha Cumi!
May 13, 202434:26
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 12, part three the prosperity law of prayer

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 12, part three the prosperity law of prayer

What are prayers of denials? According to Catherine There is another definition of the word denial that we’ve been missing. Daniel Declared, “My God sent his angel and shut the mouths of the lions, and they have not hurt me.” Enjoy ladies! Thank you! Happy Mother’s Day weekend! Shalom! Talitha Cumi!
May 10, 202451:01
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 12, part 2 the prosperity of prayer

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 12, part 2 the prosperity of prayer

Ladies in this episode, I became very vulnerable about a couple of financial issues that has come up recently. Would you know that when we got to the 2nd segment the answer came. She said Begin declare “there is a right solution to this situation. There is a right answer to this prayer.” “Repetition of truth has a tendency to open up the inner recesses of your mind to infinite power and to allow it to flow as complete results.” Isn’t this divine and right on time. We live in the land of the wonderous! God wants us to be prosperous! Enjoy! Shalom! Talitha Cumi!
May 09, 202441:43
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 12 part one, the prosperity law of prayer

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 12 part one, the prosperity law of prayer

Did you know that Prayer is often described as the mightiest force in the universe? The woman who prays daily is certain to succeed, because she is attuning herself to the richest, most successful force in the universe. Enjoy ladies! Thank you for listening with me. Shalom! Talitha Cumi!
May 08, 202436:51
The dynamic laws of prosperity what’s love got to do with it conclusion chapter 11

The dynamic laws of prosperity what’s love got to do with it conclusion chapter 11

“As you give thanks for every small and large expression of love in your life, you release its multiplying power which can fills every void.” Affirm often “divine love forsees everything, and richly provides everything now. The perfect results of divine love now appear. Catherine Ponder blesses us yet again. Enjoy ladies! Thank you. Shalom. Talitha Cumi!
May 07, 202443:17
The dynamic laws of prosperity was love. Got to do it at chapter 11 part six.

The dynamic laws of prosperity was love. Got to do it at chapter 11 part six.

What’s love got to do with it? Everything! In this section, she talks about “problem children“. Listen to hear what she has to say. And then we conclude chapter 10 of the doubleheader book that is a secret and not a secret and still a secret. Good stuff. we learn about the fruits of the silence. It sounds a lot like the fruit of the Spirit…Enjoy Ladies! Thank you! Shalom! Talitha Cumi!
May 06, 202437:19
The dynamic laws of prosperity what love got to do with that? Part 5

The dynamic laws of prosperity what love got to do with that? Part 5

Well ladies, it looks like love has Got everything to do with it. and I’m asking you to do something this weekend. When was the last time you looked your husband straight in the eyes and sincerely declared to him. “I love you and I think you’re wonderful!” Or better yet when was the last time you looked in the mirror and said I love you and I think you’re wonderful? Enjoy! Thank you! I love you and I think you are wonderful! Shalom! Talitha Cumi!
May 03, 202440:49
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 11, part four what’s love got to do with it?

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 11, part four what’s love got to do with it?

Ladies Shoot them in the back with love! Affirm “Divine love is in control and all is well. Love never fails.” There are tears in this episode and blowing of the nose. Beautiful stories about the love that never fails. One lady stopped a gunman from robbing her with love. Umm hmm! Enjoy! Thank you! Shalom! Talitha Cumi!
May 02, 202434:09
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 11, part 3 what’s love got to do with it?

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 11, part 3 what’s love got to do with it?

“Turning on love, brings practical results. The light of love shall shine for as new energy, new peace of mind, new power, and domain, new place, new beauty, new prosperity, new harmony; in as new every phase of your life.” Let divine love be made alive in thee. All kinds of wondrous things happening in the kingdom of love - healing skin, healing body, court cases turned around, co-workers being kind etc. Love never fails. Enjoy ladies! I love that you chose you to listen to love today. Shalom! Talitha Cumi!
May 01, 202430:20
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 11 part two what’s love got to do with it?

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 11 part two what’s love got to do with it?

Ladies this episode took me by surprise. Let Divine love be made alive in thee now. Enjoy! Thank you for being here today. Shalom. Talitha Cumi!
Apr 30, 202431:47
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 11, the law of Love Part 1

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 11, the law of Love Part 1

Ladies, love, never fails. Did you know that it has been estimated that your financial success is due only to 15% of your technical ability, and 85% to your ability to get along with people? I want you to try this technique today, that she shares with us. I believe it could change your world. And then we have some more secret secret, not secret sauce about the power of silence included in this episode. There is a lady who healed herself in the hospital in the silence by using the Bible verse “be still, and know that I am God.” SSH! Enjoy!! May the peace of the Most High dwell within you. Thank you for your presence here today. Shalom! Talitha Cumi!
Apr 29, 202424:09
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 10 conclusion

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 10 conclusion

Ladies, in this episode, she gives us 10 steps to help gain our financial independence on a steady basis. The first step is to get quiet and meditate…also in step 9 she says to remind yourself often that if others have attained financial independence, so can you. Let’s start a new a different financial “me too” movement! Enjoy! You will want to listen to this episode over and over again especially if you are a black girl that meditates. Thank you for your presence here today. Shalom. Talitha Cumi!
Apr 26, 202433:43
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 10, part four

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 10, part four

Ladies, Catherine Ponder shares with us techniques for becoming financially independent. Check out this episode to find out how delightfully simple and fascinating this technique is. I am practicing it today. We need demonstrations! Enjoy ladies! Happy increasing on becoming permanently prosperous! Thank you for your presence here today. Shalom. Talitha Cumi!
Apr 25, 202434:20
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 10, part three

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 10, part three

“Whatever is often viewed with the inner eye reveals its secrets and hands out its gifts.” Assume your financial independence now! Declare, I expect lavish abundance every day in every way in my life and affairs. I specifically expect and give thanks for lavish abundance today! You are in for treat! Enjoy Ladies! Thank you for your presence here today. Shalom! Talitha Cumi!
Apr 24, 202429:08
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 10, part two

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 10, part two

Ladies, “If you can’t trust God, who is all intelligence, has all power, and who runs this rich universe, just whom can you trust?” Ooh we got to find out what was behind that powerful statement. Let’s pray. Prayer is not so much something that we do as something that God does in us! Enjoy ladies! Thank you for your presence today. You are loved you are enough! Shalom! Talitha Cumi!
Apr 23, 202449:39
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 10, part one

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 10, part one

Ladies, let’s dare to be different. Let’s become permanently prosperous! She shares with us in this episode how your emotions are your go-power. And more secret secret stuff. this is such a good episode. I want to read the second section every day for the whole week, but I’m not but I want to. It is a whole new understanding for silence that is so profound, but I guarantee if you implement it your life will never be the same. Enjoy ladies! Thank you for being here today. Shalom! Talitha Cumi!
Apr 22, 202432:18
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 9 conclusion

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 9 conclusion

Ladies, this is such a good episode. I can’t even sum it up adequately. Listen as we conclude chapter 9 in both of the books and learn some success formulas that she breaks down in detail. and then there’s an extra secret secret, not secret secret bonus too. Enjoy ladies! Shalom! You are going to love this. Thank you for being here today. Talitha Cumi!
Apr 19, 202454:52
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 9, part four

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 9, part four

We’re getting ready to bring this chapter to a close on tomorrow. Ladies, I felt like I was rambling in this episode trying to show a real life Example of what I did without trying to reveal too much, but still give you the essence of the technique she mentioned. Thank you for being here today. Now here is what we discovered in the secret secret doubleheader. The prayers of concentration and meditation are all powerful, because they slow the mind down to the point of revelation Boom. She mentions In his book, “teach us to pray” by Charles Fillmore, he says “we have found that very definite changes occur in our mind and body when we practice concentration in the silence”. Ladies even for just 15 minutes a day, enjoy ladies! Shalom! When Black Girls Meditate. Talitha Cumi!
Apr 18, 202447:17
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 9 part 3 expect changes for the better

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 9 part 3 expect changes for the better

Dare to be a spiritual architect, and to build pictures of larger Good; dare to enjoy these pictures of increased good mentally, as you go about your daily task. Feel and visualize success, right in the mist of dissatisfaction. Dare to affirm rich, unlimited, success for yourself, no matter what is happening to you or around you at the moment. I double dare you. Enjoy ladies. Thank you for your presence today. Shalom! Talitha Cumi!
Apr 17, 202428:28
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 9, part two

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 9, part two

Ladies, Catherine shares with us today that “Things cannot improve in an outer until things improve in an inner way, because the enter processes of the mind control all the outer experiences of our lives. We live in a sea of energy and intelligence, according to the scientist, and we have constant access to its benefits, if we ask for them.” Enjoy! Thank you for your presence here today. Shalom! Talitha Cumi!
Apr 16, 202418:56
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 9 part one

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 9 part one

OK ladies, now I have to admit that this section took me a little bit by surprise, but Catherine ponder states that “work is divine.” You’ll have to listen to find out why. here is a beautiful affirmation that she shares: “ the divine plan of my life now unfolds, step by step. I happily recognize each phase of it, accept it in my present and future, and let it show me how to make the most of my life.” I delight to do Thy will, oh my God. Psalm 40:8. Enjoy! Shalom ladies. Thank you for lending me your ears today. Talitha Cumi!
Apr 15, 202420:05
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 8 conclusion substance, the source of money

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 8 conclusion substance, the source of money

“It was Einstein who first stirred up the scientific world when he claimed that substance and matter (which includes money, and all visible objects) are convertible. He declared that the formed and unformed world are made out of the same energy, ether, or substance. He said that the visible and invisible rims are relative, convertible, and interchangeable. What does this mean? Faith is the substance of things, hoped for evidence of things not seen. period from a financial standpoint, we can use his theory of relativity. Listen to see how. Enjoy ladies! Thank you for being here today. Enjoy your weekend. Shalom! Talitha Cumi!
Apr 12, 202431:17
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 8, part four, how to demonstrate money

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 8, part four, how to demonstrate money

Money, adores the prosperous attitude, and richly responds to it. Don’t be vague about money, unless you want money to be vague in response to you. I give thanks, that I am rich, well and happy, and that my financial affairs are in divine order. Every day in every way, I am growing richer and richer. God is the source of our supply in every form. say your prayers as mantra of power. Enjoy ladies! Thank you for your presence here today. Shalom! Talitha Cumi!
Apr 11, 202427:52
The dynamic law of prosperity chapter 8 part three give up mixed attitudes

The dynamic law of prosperity chapter 8 part three give up mixed attitudes

Ladies, listen to this golden nugget. “The rich man’s wealth is his strong city: the destruction of the poor is their poverty.” Did you know that was in the Bible? Um hmmm ladies In proverbs 10:15. King Solomon also described the power of imagination: “He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed.” Prov 22:9. Makes you wanna go read your Bible huh? Pull out your vision boards aka Prayer Wheels! Enjoy ladies! Thank you for being here today. Shalom! Talitha Cumi!
Apr 10, 202434:11
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 8 part two, how to make money your servant

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 8 part two, how to make money your servant

Money seems so charged with Divine intelligence that it seems to tune in on what you say or think about it and respond accordingly. Charles Fillmore has written when you think of your money, which is visible, as something directly attached to an invisible source that is giving or withholding according to your thought, you have the key to all riches and the reason for all lack. What if it is the lack of money is the root of all evil? And in the double header this golden nugget is so sweet I won’t leave it a secret. “When your doubts leave, your dreams come true.” Enjoy ladies! Thank you for listening. Shalom! Talitha Cumi!
Apr 09, 202426:30
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 8 prosperous attitudes, part one

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 8 prosperous attitudes, part one

Shalom ladies! here are the first 3 prosperous about money we should know. 1. Money is divine 2. Money is a God-given medium of exchange, and there is nothing evil about it. 3. Appreciating money can prosper you. 3a. If you think favorably about money, you multiply and increase it in your midst…Enjoy ladies! Shalom! Talitha Cumi!
Apr 08, 202443:44
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 7 last part

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 7 last part

Ok ladies here are some Key points in this episode yourself from petty thinking. 2.Nobody can keep your success and prosperity from you but your self. 3. There is plenty of success and prosperity for all. 4. My good and good is universal. 5. Let your haters be your elevators. Also, find out the power of Gratitude in the secret double header. Thank you for being here today. Enjoy! Shalom ladies! Talitha Cumi!
Apr 05, 202437:18
The dynamic level of prosperity chapter 7, part four

The dynamic level of prosperity chapter 7, part four

Ladies, Catherine Ponder took us strong again in this episode by enlightening us with how to Overcome discouragement, and disappointment. Failure is nothing but success, trying to be born in a bigger way. Most seeming failures are just installments toward victory! Drop the Mic! And Ladies I want to say you’re not gonna believe the demonstration that I shared at the beginning of the episode but because we live in the land of the wondrous you will believe it! Enjoy ladies! Thank you for listening. Shalom! Talitha Cumi!
Apr 04, 202452:09
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 7, part 3

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 7, part 3

Avoid hard times talk. In order to be permanently prosperous, dare to be different! Repeat “Divine restoration is taking place. The good which The locust of lack have eaten is being divinely restored. The divine law of balance and equilibrium is doing is perfect work. There is plenty of money in the world; there’s plenty of wealth; and there are plenty of wealthy resources to be developed and tapped.” Thank you ladies for being here today. Enjoy! Shalom! Talitha Cumi!
Apr 03, 202413:24
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 7 part

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 7 part

Repeat these powerful words often “the God of Heaven he will prosper us.” Nehemiah 2:20. And “Let us go up at once and possess it; we are well able to overcome it.” Numbers 13:30. Give others thoughts of increase. Declare for them: “I bless you with the rich increase of God Almighty.” Give your self thoughts of increase. Especially by keeping a gratitude journal. And then In the secret doubleheader learn about the power concentration. FYI We are Bible believers here so even though she mentions other religions we are just using them for reference. Enjoy ladies! Shalom. Talitha Cumi!
Apr 02, 202440:33
The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 7 part one

The dynamic laws of prosperity chapter 7 part one

Thoughts of increase turn the tide. The time has now come to relax and enjoy what you have already learned in the previous chapters. We have to restore faith in ourselves to believe. Constantly Talk increase, prosperity and success. Here are two great affirmations from the Bible, “the God of heaven, he will prosper us.” Nehemiah 2:20. “let us go up at once and possess it for. We are well able to overcome it.” Numbers 13:30. Enjoy ladies. Thank you for your presence today. Shalom! Talitha Cumi!
Apr 01, 202429:53