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In Your 20s

In Your 20s

By Catherine Sayo

Stuck in your bed and feeling like a rotten tomato. But also sometimes, feeling like the most confident person on earth. That's how I define my 20s. Listen to this podcast as we talk about struggles, relationships, friendships, and just all the random things we feel in our 20s.
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'unless they tell me' rule

In Your 20sOct 01, 2023

'unless they tell me' rule

'unless they tell me' rule

setting a boundary makes us feel bad sometimes, even though it is necessary for ourselves and our mental health. 'unless they tell me' rule is the rule that i created when setting boundaries.
Oct 01, 202322:42
these are all valid

these are all valid

have you ever been in a situation where you feel like what you're going through is not valid? well, that's valid. in today's society, a lot of things are fast-paced that it's so weird to slow down. but, it's okay to slow down and have your goals with yourself no matter how long you achieve those. for today's episode, I wanna talk about the things that should be VALID and how you should know that they are.
May 24, 202325:11
meet my boyfriend

meet my boyfriend

hello finally i convinced my boyfriend to do an episode with me:") listen to how we met, how we became together, and how cheesy we are hehehe.
May 16, 202313:59
am i unconfident?

am i unconfident?

first episode of In Your 20s! have you ever wondered what confidence mean and if you're confident or not? for today's episode, let's talk about confidence and why most people think they're not one. i'll also share some tips how i became more confident with myself and how i define confidence now.
Apr 20, 202328:15
lessons i've learned from everything everywhere all at once

lessons i've learned from everything everywhere all at once

ive seen that everything everywhere all at once won the oscars and golden globes 2023 so, today we're going to dive in and talk about the lessons i've learned from this movie.
Mar 23, 202321:50
struggles in my 20s a.k.a life sucks

struggles in my 20s a.k.a life sucks

i'm not gonna lie... i still struggle with these things (maybe it's because im still in my 20's) i wanna share my struggles because i think it would be cool to look back and hear them. (who knows maybe when im in my 30's, i could share a total different perspective on this and different struggles) :") i feel like my mentality shifted with a lot of things for the past few months. it's been good tho. but, despite of all the good achievements and good things that happened to me, i thought i'd also share some of the things that i struggled with (and things im still struggling with).
Mar 02, 202313:59
being basic (and why we should stop on hating being one)

being basic (and why we should stop on hating being one)

i used to hate being basic. i didn't like wearing "basic" clothes or listening to "basic" songs because i was afraid that people might think or call me basic. but, then, i realized that when i stopped on watching films that are "basic", when i stopped on listening to songs that are "basic", and when i stopped on dressing "basic", i felt suffocated. for today's episode, we're going to talk about why we should stop on hating the basic and why we should embrace/appreciate it more!
Feb 07, 202325:39
is life meant to be felt?

is life meant to be felt?

my grandfather died last week. his death impacted me more than i could have ever imagined. i thought about life and death like never before. for today's episode, we're going to answer the question... is life meant to be felt? i thought about this a lot because sometimes, or most of the time, we're scared of dying. but i thought, shouldn't we be more scared if we don't live our lives?
Jan 30, 202315:06
deactivating social media

deactivating social media

i currently deactivated my social media (facebook) and deleted my twitter 3 years ago and i've never felt this happy or decided to never come back. (who knows, maybe i will?) i wanna talk about the pros and cons of social media. my own pros and cons and my own take. i'll also dive in with why i think WE think we're cringe on social media these days. for this episode, i'll talk about deactivating social media and why we do it.
Jan 14, 202336:33
2022 life lessons

2022 life lessons

2023 is here! man oh man, 2022 taught me a lot of valuable lessons about life. i recorded some of the lessons i learned in 2022 in my journal before the year came to a close, and i want to share them with you! for today's episode, i focused on life lessons because i don't really believe in new year's resolutions (anymore), but, i find new years to be lovely because it kind of offers us hope that we can alter things. however, i believe that we can always begin today rather than wait for next year to start on something.
Jan 07, 202332:20
my realizations with relationships

my realizations with relationships

when i rested for months, i've realized that i realized a lot of things when it comes to relationships more than ups and downs. i want to share about these things and how it changed me. when you're also in the process of realizing things, you also realize that you make mistakes and i wanna correct some things i've said about relationships. let's dive in with my realizations and how i use them now and how it changed me. have an amazing sunday, friends!!
Nov 20, 202238:43
it's okay to be kind to yourself.

it's okay to be kind to yourself.

whew, i'm back!! in order to become the best version of yourself, you have to be kind to yourself and be forgiving. always remind yourself that it's okay to slip up sometimes. the most important relationship that you will have is the relationship with yourself.
Nov 12, 202221:13


there is a lot of pressure once you graduate from college, which we will discuss in today's episode. the feeling is surreal, and it feels good to finally graduate, but after that, some are questioning "what happens next?" "should i get a job right away?" "will i fail?" so, i'm going to talk about it in today's episode. also, i believe that taking it day by day and allowing yourself to figure out what you want to do and become is a good idea. it's perfectly fine to take your time and create your own life. but for those who really need to get a job, i hope you find one immediately and that one day, you'll be blessed to finally be where you wanted to be. happy 50th episode!!
Jul 23, 202222:48
waking up early + giving back to your parents + abortion

waking up early + giving back to your parents + abortion

wow let's catch up guys!! it's been a long time since i made a bonus episode. for the past few days, i feel like i'm losing myself and it's hard for me to see my balance. but now that school's over, i'm able to focus on myself again!! i'm going to talk about waking up early and why it's important and i'm also going to talk about giving back to our parents and my take on abortion. i love you, guys!! and thank you for sticking around!!
Jun 30, 202250:39


lately, i feel like i'm sabotaging myself and i always feel guilty whenever i'd spend my money. because of this pandemic, i noticed that i've been going out a lot and i've been spending more money than i used to (but not that much these days). i want to talk to you guys about where i'm in now with my spendings and why i always feel guilty. i also want to feel better about this because i know that sometimes, it's okay to treat myself. ALSO, if you're going through the same, i want you to know that you're not alone.
Jun 26, 202220:29
oh the person we became and the person we'll become

oh the person we became and the person we'll become

isn't it a little surprising that 2020 is the year that this pandemic started? and now, it's already 2022. while it is true that most of us are burnout because of this pandemic, it is also undeniable that we have changed significantly and are no longer the same people we once were. for this episode, we'll appreciate the person we've became and the person we'll become.
Jun 12, 202222:48
cyber libel

cyber libel

our speakers will discuss cyber libel in today's episode. i know that we post a lot of things online these days, and some of them are opinions, while others are really below the belt. so, let us discuss cyber libel. from its definition to its implications. we also decided to share this with you because you're probably scared or concerned about what you're posting online, so here are some answers to help you stop overthinking or worrying so much.
Jun 05, 202227:46
dating applications

dating applications

now that it's a pandemic, all of us are either bored or mentally unstable. there are mixed of people who use dating applications. some are bored, some are looking for love, some are depressed and want someone to talk to, and some are mentally unstable :p but for today's episode, let's talk about dating applications and why i will stop on using it. (this isn't a sad episode because i will really quit from using it AND I AM HAPPY!) this is also not an episode that will iNsPiRe you to stop on using dating apps.
May 29, 202229:46
the ki/ng/ma/ker: why did we let the marcoses come back to the philippines?
May 24, 202221:48
love is not always easy (last part)

love is not always easy (last part)

gotta be honest with you, i don't know much about love. maybe i do, but i don't always know how to put it into words. the reason why i don't talk about it that much is because i'm terribly not good at explaining what i think of love. but what i do know is maybe it's about thinking of someone with every song you play, maybe it's about waking up in the morning and feeling excited to talk to your person, or maybe it's also about sitting with discomfort and just listening to each other. maybe it's about staying with each other even if it gets boring sometimes. maybe love is a choice. all i know is love isn't always going to be easy, it's not always going to go the way we want it to be, the way we planned it to be, but that's love. It's not easy, but that's love. sometimes, disagreements allow relationships to grow. for today's episode, let's talk more about why love isn't always easy and this isn't a perfect episode :--) but i tried to give it justice.
May 22, 202213:06
love is not always easy with hans (part one)

love is not always easy with hans (part one)

"it's not gonna be easy, it's gonna be really hard. we're gonna have to work at this everyday because i want you. i want all of you, forever, you and me, every day. will you do something for me, please? just picture your life for me? thirty years from now, forty years from now? what's it look like? if it's with him- go. go! i lost you once, i think i can do it again, if i thought that's what you really wanted. but don't you take the easy way out." -- the notebook. LATELY, i've been thinking that love takes a lot of hardwork, and that it's not always easy. we might see movies that they look oh so happy, but in today's time, love changed and it KINDA became complicated. today, let's dive in with love, and why it's not always easy. i'm gonna be talking with one of my friends, hans :). have a great sunday!
May 15, 202224:03
an episode for election

an episode for election

May 10, 202217:49
see you in pasay!!

see you in pasay!!

HEY GUYS!! i'm excited to attend tomorrow's vp leni's rally
Apr 22, 202204:21
film recommendations #2 (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚

film recommendations #2 (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚

this is my second film recommendations. these are films that are super close to my heart, and these films made me stop on using social media. if you like romance, underrated, filipino film, and movies that will make you cry, stay tuned because i have a list of films for you!
Apr 03, 202216:46
the idea of it vs it

the idea of it vs it

i'm sure i've already told you that i was single for 18 years. For 18 years, i was waiting for someone who deserves me. like, i never wanted to settle for anything less. until i fell in love and i didn't care about his red flags. this made me realize that when you love someone, you love all of them. more than that, i had this idea in my head that i should be successful and have kids at the age of 28, but that's my idea of life and not what it truly is. for today's episode, let's talk about the idea of it vs it.
Mar 30, 202228:47
5 lessons i've learned from my parents!

5 lessons i've learned from my parents!

my parents taught me a lot of lessons and i want to share 5 of them to you. i'm super excited to share these lessons with you because they are benefitial, it'll save you a lot of heartbreaks, and you will understand your parents more.
Mar 06, 202223:48
the social dilemma

the social dilemma

have you watched the social dilemma on netflix? well if you haven't, you should watch it. installing social media applications could be beneficial because we could easily access the internet when we need updates. and we are curious species, we always want answers. however, these social media platforms started to update and for years of using it, i saw how social media platforms evolved and they became more addicting. more than that, advertisements also started to show more. even when we're watching news, advertisements almost suck our time for waiting for the news. social media platforms used to be the source of news but now, they are responsible for most of the fake news that are spreading. as someone who belongs in the communication field, i know that this is a major problem not just in my country, but everywhere. should we minimize the usage of social media or should we not? for today's episode, i'm going to tell you how algorithm works, how your favorite application works, and how they manipulate you. i'm also going to tell you the difference between unethical advertising and ethical advertising. "if you're not paying for the product, you are the product."-- daniel höverman"
Feb 27, 202248:37
[art series] the art of enjoying your own company

[art series] the art of enjoying your own company

we were taught that being alone means lonely. before, i didn't want people to see that i'm lonely so i hid inside the cocoon of my friends. i was still lonely though, but that's mainly because i didn't know how to be contented with my own company. today let's talk about the art of enjoying your own company, and how walking, baking, gardening, and more of these things could help you love your own company.
Feb 20, 202227:16
relationships #2

relationships #2

what makes a good relationship? when i was younger, i didn't set standards when it comes to a man because i thought it's not important. now that i'm older, i've realized that it isn't for them, but for me. for today's episode, let's talk about why we shouldn't compare our relationship to what we're seeing online, and we're also going to talk about what makes a good relationship. also, why we shouldn't compare our relationship to other people.
Feb 14, 202223:21
my crush for 6 years

my crush for 6 years

to be honest, i didn't learn that much from my crush for 6 years, but i thought it was still a good experience because after him, i never had a crush on someone for that long anymore. i also never had the same crush like that anymore; maybe because it's high school and i didn't have much problems. i thought i'd share my story about the guy that i liked for 6 years, and just reflect on how and where i am now after that 6 long years.
Feb 06, 202217:23
my college experience!

my college experience!

hi, i'm already a 3rd year college student and here are my stories about college. stories about friendship, lovelife, and things i wish i'd known in college. when i was in senior high, i was so excited because i had my own expectations of what college should look like. I WAS DISAPPOINTED but at the same time, i learned how to deal with problems and i also learned a lot more than about our school lessons. so, i thought i'd share with you guys all these lessons and there are more but here for now :D
Feb 05, 202220:09
first date story

first date story

when i was in senior high, there was a guy who i never really talked to. when we graduated from senior high, i was surprised that he chatted with me on facebook because we never really talked before. i thought this was a funny story because i had no experience with dating when this happened so, i was so anxious and i didn't know what to do. for this episode, i'll also reflect on what i've learned from that date.

Jan 30, 202222:31


hey, listeners!! i've missed u guys :( i was doing a lot of resting because i'm preparing for our finals and i did a lot of thinking. i've been also really enjoying my new routine. for today's episode, i'll talk about relationships and what is needed for a relationship to work. i have always been the person who doesn't reflect on what i like in a guy. so, i thought i'd be also cool to reflect.
Jan 23, 202217:47
how running helps my mental health

how running helps my mental health

HAPPY SUNDAY, EVERYONE!! This Sunday, Catherine talks about how running helps her mental health and how her perspective changed from "running because she wanted to lose weight, to running and walking to feel good." You might be experiencing the same problem that she experienced before so, this will help you to avoid them. Enjoy your day!! (Atomic Habits by James Clear)
Jan 16, 202221:57
fear of being vulnerable :(

fear of being vulnerable :(

Hey! This Sunday, Catherine will be more personal and she'll talk about vulnerability and why it's hard for her to open up. This isn't just about being vulnerable to a potential lover but also to her family and her friends. (The power of vulnerability by Brene Brown on YouTube) (Words on Bathroom Walls by Julia Walton) (500 days of summer Dir. Marc Webb) HAPPY SUNDAY, EVERYONE!
Jan 09, 202223:40
reading my journal #2

reading my journal #2

Vacation is over, indeed. For today's episode, Catherine will read her journal (the last page) and she'll read her reflection for the year of 2021. She'll read her last entry for 2021 so it's definitely going to be emotional. She's still in the phase whereas she's encouraging everyone to make a journal so, forgive her. Last year, Cath overshared and burped a lot, but more than that, she gave you lessons and learnings too. She's going to share all her reflections and what she will leave in 2021.
Jan 02, 202234:09
christmas and new year's resolution with my little cousin

christmas and new year's resolution with my little cousin

This is gonna be my last episode for this year. I'm gonna be seeing y'all next year!! For my last episode, I'll talk about a lot of things but mainly about new year's resolution and why it's cool to have them and stick with them. I will also talk about the importance of not spoiling the existence of Santa Claus to kids, and why we should let them discover for themselves that he's not real (or they're just your parents). I just want to thank YOU for being a part of my 2021, which is a memorable year for me. I learned a lot more than I could explain in words this year and I didn't realize that days are passing too fast when you're in your 20's. I'M GONNA BE SEEING YOU NEXT YEAR!! Enjoy these holidays, swag B:
Dec 22, 202146:10
romanticize your life

romanticize your life

Listen, 2021 is about to end and Catherine wants you to romanticize your life more next year! Take pictures, take everything slowly-- drinking your morning coffee while doing your laundry. Now, Catherine knows that it's not an easy thing to do, since you've been seeing these things everyday, you've been doing these chores for your mother knows how long when. So, for today's episode, Catherine will share 7 things that will help you romanticize your life more! Note: It's not gonna be easy and not all days are the same, and that's okay!
Dec 19, 202121:14
pretty privilege + beauty standards + body types + fashion

pretty privilege + beauty standards + body types + fashion

I think that I have to talk about body types and fashion because one of the things that hinders someone to have a good access to fashion is their opinion to themselves and the opinion of other people (sucks). Pretty privilege started to become the talk of the town when TikTok happened, and people started to share their stories and experiences. I think that I just have to say something about this--body types and fashion because I've been seeing people commenting on other people's outfits, even if they are not being asked. Most of these people are commenting on plus size creators, which makes me sad because this is one of the reasons why plus size people are shy to express themselves through fashion. I think that fashion is something that we should be enjoying, and it's one way to express ourselves. There should also be a diversity in media where we could see different body types, so people could explore more issues... not just about body types but also about beauty standards and more. I also think that you can explore and find what suits you, because that's what matters the most. Being comfortable with your fashion or comfortability is one of the most important things that will help you to find your style! YOU CAN DO IT! If there's one thing that I've learned from fashion, that is... "whenever you are going to decide, always think of the worst consequence of your decision then from that, think of the people affected by the consequences and always remember there's only three opinions that should matter. Opinion of the people who cares for you, opinion of the people who you cared for and the most important is your opinion." From Albert, a close friend of mine. So, wear that dress or wear that skirt, F it and enjoy the rest of your day!!
Dec 14, 202109:08
time is passing so quickly these days...

time is passing so quickly these days...

Wow, time is passing so quicky when you're just inside your home. It could totally affect your mental health by thinking that every single day is just the same. Catherine assures you that you're not the only person who's experiencing this, because she also thinks that time passes too fast. It's sad to feel that everyday is just the same, but don't worry! It is not. You can always find a new hobby-- playing a guitar, finally starting a journal, medidating, and so much more! For today's episode, Catherine dives in with some of the things that she overthought and how it is now. She also talks about some of the things that she learned from starting a podcast. Because Christmas is about to come, she's so generous for talking about how she thinks about life now. Happy Sunday! Please eat something healthy and treat yourself once in a while!
Dec 12, 202122:25
sunk cost fallacy

sunk cost fallacy

Happy Monday, listeners! Do Catherine a favor and get rid of clothes that you won't wear anymore. This might sound like an educational episode (because it is) so, if you find this boring that's okay. But Catherine assures you that it's worth the listen, up until the end. She saw a post on tumblr about sunk cost fallacy so if you want to know what it is and if you're experiencing it right now, feel free to listen! Also, she wasn't able to upload yesterday, which is Sunday because she went to Batangas. Have a great weekdays, everyone! Don't forget to bring some jackets or sweaters with you because it's already so cold outside.
Dec 06, 202119:57
i was apolitical

i was apolitical

For today's episode, let's dive in with the Marcoses and Duterte's administration. Should we vote for them? For today's episode, let's also talk about what really happened with Duterte's war on drugs. Now that his 6 years of service is about to end, Filipinos shoud get to know all the candidates, in a more deeper level. But Catherine was apolitical and she doesn't care about the government, but when she got to college and when this pandemic happened, she realized that her vote is not just for her but for the people who needs it.
Nov 28, 202116:56
as i grow older, i realize that...

as i grow older, i realize that...

As we grow older, we realize that it's okay to have less friends and grow with them, and being perfect won't make someone stay. Catherine will talk about some things that she learned in her 20's. Happy 20th episode and thank you for listening! Grow grafefully everyone!
Nov 25, 202122:33
arguing with parents

arguing with parents

Tw: Eating disorders. Happy Sunday, everyone! Catherine shares her story when it comes to her relationship with her parents, with the mix of her anxiety and body dysmorphia. Also, this is not done yet because there's a construction outside their house :( she'll definitely continue this talk one of these days, but she dives in with parents and why we argue with them, which she have a lot of experience. Hope you're having a great night or day!
Nov 21, 202122:36
taylor swift and why i love her to the bone

taylor swift and why i love her to the bone

Catherine is a Swiftie for a long period time. Until now, she's still a Swiftie. For today's episode, Catherine talks about how she became a Swiftie and her childhood memories. She also sings some of her favorite Taylor songs which would probably be annoying in your ears. This Sunday, she dives in with her favorite songs in all her albums! Well, she also adds some issues that women in the music industry are facing. Do you like a raw episode of Catherine talking or should she add a background music?
Nov 13, 202132:17
to the person who can't let go of relationships and friendships

to the person who can't let go of relationships and friendships

Happy Sunday, listeners! I hope you are enjoying this weekend :) Catherine's so happy to say that she have a new episode! Today, Catherine dives in with friendships and relationships. She also talks about why it's important to stay away from "friends" who are belittling your dreams and future.
Nov 07, 202121:35


Hey, listeners! Finally, a new episode from Catherine! Catherine have been really busy because of schoolworks but here she is now, with a new episode. Today, Catherine dives in with marriage and if she wants to get married with the person that she loves or not. She also talks about why marriage is more than just a paper. Since she's being generous, she also talks about her parent's marriage! Hope you have an amazing week! *The audio quality sucks* *Her late night thoughts on marriage*
Oct 31, 202129:02
falling in love in the midst of pandemic

falling in love in the midst of pandemic

Are you in love? For today's episode, Catherine dives in long distance relationship and why she's ready to be in a relationship again. She also talks about love, and why it's okay to fall in love in the midst of pandemic.
Oct 23, 202116:43
online class and anxiety :(

online class and anxiety :(

Admit it or not, online class really cause students to have anxiety. For today's episode, Catherine talks about her own experiences with anxiety while facing her monitor, and the differences between online class and face-to-face. If you are studying in this kind of modality, pat yourself on the back!
Oct 17, 202121:08
reading my journal!

reading my journal!

"Is she really going to read her diary for her bonus episode?" Yes. She knows. So boring. Catherine started her journal way back 2020 when she was 19 years old. For today's episode, Catherine reads her journal and reveal all the things that she'd been through, when she was just 19 years old. She also reveals her full name for today's bonus episode.
Oct 12, 202125:52