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By Charlotte Mason For All

Bringing home a Code of Education from the Gospels to every culture, country & community.
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Currently playing episode

46. Charlotte Mason Global Mamas with Tara in Guam


48. Charlotte Mason Global Mamas with Patty in Ghana
Sep 09, 202241:56
47. Charlotte Mason Global Mamas with Janice in Brazil
Aug 26, 202201:03:03
46. Charlotte Mason Global Mamas with Tara in Guam
Aug 12, 202246:11
45. Charlotte Mason Global Mamas with Krystle in China
Jul 29, 202258:30
44. Charlotte Mason Dads with Efrain Alicea
Jul 15, 202244:11
43. Charlotte Mason Dads with Anthony Coafield
Jun 03, 202227:28
42. Charlotte Mason Dads with Art Middlekauff
May 19, 202246:13
41. Living Books by Living Authors: Amber O'Neal Johnston
May 06, 202256:44
40. Living Books by Living Authors: Anika Aldamuy Denise
Apr 22, 202201:03:30
39. Living Books by Living Authors - Eric Velasquez
Apr 08, 202245:47
38. Living Books: Stories of Color
Mar 24, 202237:09
37. Living Books: Introducing Biblioguides

37. Living Books: Introducing Biblioguides

Hey Friend! Sorry we’ve been a little MIA. ☺️⁣

Life has been busy for the 4 of us in various ways. We appreciate the grace you’ve shown us during this time away. ⁣

We’re happy to announce that we’re back for a new season and have some wonderful topics to share with you all, starting with one of our favorites: LIVING BOOKS!

Join Min as she chats with Sarah Kim, one of the founders of Biblioguides - a brand new, online, living book search platform that has numerous features "to those who believe what you read is just as important as reading itself... Biblioguides gives you the resources and tools to discover the right book for the right person at the right moment."


"A good definition of love is sustained, compassionate attention." -- John Muir Laws

"Knowledge is not instruction, it is not information, it is not scholarship, it is not a well stored memory." (What is Knowledge?, by Mary Hardcastle, Parents' Review)

“Knowledge is not a store but, rather, a state that a person remains within or drops out of.” (What is Knowledge?, by Mary Hardcastle, Parents' Review)

"Life in a state of knowledge – is it to be a pleasant saunter? You know enough about life and relationships to deny that. No one can enter the state of knowledge or advance an inch without two things, strenuous effort and reverence. When these two things are present there is joy and delight. I think the state of knowing is man in his wholeness wholly living." (What is Knowledge?, by Mary Hardcastle, Parents' Review)

The CMEC kindly made available this Parents' Review article, click here to access it.

Resources Mentioned


Life-giving Motherhood

Mar 11, 202244:45
36. CM Sunday School with Teacher Temple Ary
Oct 20, 202139:31
35. CM Sunday School with Teacher Damion Sanders

35. CM Sunday School with Teacher Damion Sanders

It is an absolute pleasure to introduce you to one of the gems at Elements Church where Erika serves as Children’s Ministry Director: Damion Sanders.

Damion is one of the leaders at Elements, serving in just about every ministry they have. In particular, Dame is part of the worship team, in which he worships through song and rap. He preaches periodically and is also a Sunday School teacher.  Although Elements is not a big church, they always say they’re small but mighty, and Dame is a huge part of that “mighty” factor.

We pray you’re encouraged as you hear Damion’s story of how a Charlotte Mason education has changed his entire way of thinking as both father and Sunday School teacher.

Oct 15, 202136:57
34. CM Sunday School with Erika
Oct 07, 202144:17
33. Intro to a Charlotte Mason Sunday School - with Min Hwang
Sep 30, 202114:54
32. Welcome Back! Introducing Our New Co-Host!
Sep 23, 202138:24
31. CM Mama in Ethiopia: Meet Amanda Coleman

31. CM Mama in Ethiopia: Meet Amanda Coleman

Welcome to our last episode in this first set of CM Mamas From Around the World!

Min had the honor of chatting it up with Amanda Coleman, a Charlotte Mason homeschool mom of 5 beautiful children, and together with her creative husband, a missionary to Ethiopia. As Amanda shares the beauties and challenges of learning and living in their home away from home, may your heart be encouraged to know our God is always at work, raising up a generation after His own heart.


Subscribe to their prayer newsletter by emailing

Find their new website at, designed to educate, inspire, and mobilize Black Americans for cross-cultural missions. 


Home Education, Vol. 1 

Amber Johnston's blog and Amazing Africa pack:

Language Learning resource that I referenced:  

A Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola

For the Children's Sake: Foundations of Education for Home and School, by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay and Charlotte Mason Together Retreat

Prayer in the Night, by Tish Harrison Warren

Jul 21, 202151:05
30. CM Mama in the UK: Meet Alberta Stevens

30. CM Mama in the UK: Meet Alberta Stevens

Welcome back to our Charlotte Mason mamas around the globe series!

Today Erika gets to interview a very good friend of ours all the way from the UK! Alberta Stevens is a proud boy mom (or mum, as she would say it), who beautifully implements the Charlotte Mason philosophy in her multicultural home in London. Originally from Sierra Leone, she’s passionate about spreading a life-giving and culturally diverse feast to all families through the wonderful resources she creates, as well through her podcast, "Homegrown Sunshine." She is a kindred spirit who inspires us with her work for the Lord. We are honored to have her share with us today.


Instagram @homegrown.sonshine


Podcast: Homegrown Sunshine (wherever you get your podcasts)


"In my home, there's 3 cultures, really.  It's British, it's Sierra Leonean, but it's predominantly Christian. That is the biggest part of my identity and Charlotte Mason gives me the space, the tools, the words and, also, the 'how to' to make those things come together and make a life out of it."


1. Children are born persons.

17. The way of the will: Children should be taught, (a) to distinguish between 'I want' and 'I will.' (b) That the way to will effectively is to turn our thoughts from that which we desire but do not will. (c) That the best way to turn our thoughts is to think of or do some quite different thing, entertaining or interesting. (d) That after a little rest in this way, the will returns to its work with new vigour. (This adjunct of the will is familiar to us as diversion, whose office it is to ease us for a time from will effort, that we may 'will' again with added power. The use of suggestion as an aid to the will is to be deprecated, as tending to stultify and stereotype character, It would seem that spontaneity is a condition of development, and that human nature needs the discipline of failure as well as of success.)

PNEU MOTTE: I am, I can, I ought, I will.


"For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do." Romans 7:15

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7

"No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.  For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:37-39


Jul 14, 202150:31
29. CM Mama in Zimbabwe: Meet Angelique Knaup

29. CM Mama in Zimbabwe: Meet Angelique Knaup

Meet our first “Charlotte Mason Mama Around the Globe,” Angelique Knaup!

Angelique is a globe-trotting wife and mother of three, currently living in her homeland of Zimbabwe. Her two older children have already graduated from their Charlotte Mason homeschool. She is homeschooling her youngest in high school. Join Mariana as we get a peek into God’s call upon Anglelique’s colorful, rich life of “spreading the feast” with her community in Zimbabwe.

FIND ANGELIQUE on Instagram @angeli.knaup 

Resources mentioned:

Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola

For the Children’s Sake by Susan Schaeffer MaCaulay

Ambleside Online Helping Hand

Mind’s More Awake by Anne White

Brandy Vencel’s Start Here: A Journey Through Charlotte Mason’s 20 Principles


Principle 4: These principles are limited by the respect due to the personality of children, which must not be encroached upon whether by the direct use of fear or love, suggestion or influence, or by undue play upon any one natural desire. 

Principle 12: "Education is the Science of Relations"; that is, that a child has natural relations with a vast number of things and thoughts: so we train him upon physical exercises, nature lore, handicrafts, science and art, and upon many living books, for we know that our business is not to teach him all about anything, but to help him to make valid as many as may be of— "Those first-born affinities "That fit our new existence to existing things." 

In Vol. 6 p. 129, Charlotte wrote that, “the one achievement possible and necessary for every man is character; and character is as finely wrought metal beaten into shape and beauty by the repeated and accustomed action of will. We who teach should make it clear to ourselves that our aim in education is less conduct than character; conduct may be arrived at, as we have seen, by indirect routes, but it is of value to the world only as it has its source in character.”

When writing about the will, Charlotte frequently refers to Joshua 24:15 '... choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.’ She applies it to the thoughts that we allow in, thoughts that will either serve ourselves, the gods of this earth or the Lord!

“There are two services open to us all, the service of God, (including that of man) and the service of self. If our aim is just to get on, 'to do ourselves well,' to get all possible ease, luxury and pleasure out of our lives, we are serving self and for the service of self no act of will is required. Our appetites and desires are always at hand to spur us into the necessary exertions. But if we serve God and our neighbour, we have to be always on the watch to choose between the ideas that present themselves.” Vol. 6 p. 135

”We owe it to (the children) to initiate an immense number of interests. Thou hast set my feet in a large room; should be the glad cry of every intelligent soul. Life should be all living, and not merely a tedious passing of time; not all doing or all feeling or all thinking––the strain would be too great–– but, all living; that is to say, we should be in touch wherever we go, whatever we hear, whatever we see, with some manner of vital interest.” Vol. 3 p. 170

Jul 07, 202124:53
28. Introducing Charlotte Mason Mamas Around the Globe

28. Introducing Charlotte Mason Mamas Around the Globe

We are about to embark on a journey around the world.

Introducing a new series called “Charlotte Mason Mamas Around the Globe!"

Have you thought of the many families who live all over the world who, like you, are working to implement Miss Mason’s method of education in their homes? How do they make it work? How can a CM education be relevant and applicable in different countries and cultures? Is it possible to use this philosophy of education if you are not native to the country in which you currently live?

Our hope, as we talk to fellow CM mamas in various nations, is to explore some of those questions and also to celebrate the diversity of the body of Christ. We pray you will be encouraged! 

“We cannot live sanely unless we know that other peoples are as we are with a difference, that their history is as ours, with a difference, that they too have been represented by their poets and their artists, that they too have their literature and their national life.” ~ Charlotte Mason, Vol.6

Jun 30, 202119:19
27. Honoring Family Traditions in Your Homeschool - with SarahRuth Owens
Jun 23, 202140:52
26. Traditional Schooling & Miss Mason - with Marina Mason

26. Traditional Schooling & Miss Mason - with Marina Mason

Welcome back to our “Many Faces of CM Mamas” series!

In this episode, Erika is going to speak to a mama who demonstrates that the Charlotte Mason philosophy is not just for homeschoolers.

Marina Mason is an educator in a public school in the South Bronx, which is one of the poorest districts in the United States. In addition, Marina is the worship leader at our church, alongside her husband, who’s the associate pastor at Elements Church. She’s part of our leadership as well as one of our Sunday School teachers. On top of all of these ministries, Marina is also a mama of 6, doing her best to implement Miss Mason’s philosophy with her traditionally schooled children. Her friendship and encouragement are such a blessing in my life, and I pray the same will happen with you, friend, as you get to know Marina in today’s episode.

Erika Alicea

Jun 16, 202141:12
25. Like-minded Mamas Wanted! (Special Episode)

25. Like-minded Mamas Wanted! (Special Episode)

Join Min and Mariana on a special episode where they share about Life-Giving Motherhood, a community of Gospel-reliant moms, intent on being disciples and disciplers of Christ, who have united to answer the call of raising up the next generation in accordance with God's Word, by cultivating the spiritual disciplines lived out by Christ, and by replacing unproductive habits with life-giving, productivity-boosting habits, which enable us to hone our ability to be watchful, praying gatekeepers of our homes, and ultimately, hear our King say when He returns, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” JOIN us at

Curious to know what this community is all about and what are we doing together as we pursue life-giving habits?

Listen in as we share what's on the inside, plus testimonies from some of our sisters.

LGMM's doors are open right now until 6/14 midnight ET USA, and you're invited to join us for:

- Step by step, month to month help in building your strength of will toward SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINES + life-giving HABITS as a disciple of Christ

- Grow in understanding + habits as the FIRST AGENT in your child’s education, ordained by the Creator Himself

- Celebrate with like-minded, generous sisters in Christ, all over the world, as we PRAY & FAST together for our children and our marriages

TOGETHER, as we hold each other up, pray for, and cheer one another on, we will see the Gospel spread - home to home - to the ends of the earth.
FOR THE KING and His Renown,
♥️Min & Mariana

Jun 09, 202131:06
24. CM Homeschooling a Child with Special Challenges - with Annette Dionisio

24. CM Homeschooling a Child with Special Challenges - with Annette Dionisio

THE BEAUTIFUL FACES OF CM MAMAS series continues with Annette Dionisio -

"Will CM methods work for my child with special challenges?" This might be a question that has been asked when considering a CM education for a precious child with special challenges.

Join Mariana as she speaks with Annette, our dear IRL friend and a CM homeschooling mama who is devoted to providing a Charlotte Mason home and homeschool for her 3 young children, one of whom has special challenges arising from ADHD, and various processing and developmental delays. We are deeply thankful to Annette for sharing her journey with us - both the heartbreaking difficulties, as well as the beautiful triumphs, as she intentionally implements the Charlotte Mason philosophy and methods.

“Mothers owe a 'thinking love' to their Children.––"The mother is qualified," says Pestalozzi, "and qualified by the Creator Himself, to become the principal agent in the development of her child; ... and what is demanded of her is––a thinking love ... God has given to the child all the faculties of our nature, but the grand point remains undecided––how shall this heart, this head, these hands be employed? to whose service shall they be dedicated? A question the answer to which involves a futurity of happiness or misery to a life so dear to thee. Maternal love is the first agent in education."

"We are waking up to our duties and in proportion as mothers become more highly educated and efficient, they will doubtless feel the more strongly that the education of their children during the first six years of life is an undertaking hardly to be entrusted to any hands but their own. And they will take it up as their profession––that is, with the diligence, regularity, and punctuality which men bestow on their professional labours. That the mother may know what she is about, may come thoroughly furnished to her work, she should have something more than a hearsay acquaintance with the theory of education, and with those conditions of the child's nature upon which such theory rests.” - Charlotte Mason, Vol. 1, p. 2

Resources mentioned and others Annette has found helpful over the years:

WHERE TO FIND ANNETTE: Search for "Annette Dionisio" on Facebook OR if you're a member of, you'll find her there as a member of the Support Team.

Jun 01, 202144:59
23. Transitioning from Public School - With Monica Erwin
May 25, 202133:34
22. Homeschooling Through Chronic Illness - With Melissa Weed

22. Homeschooling Through Chronic Illness - With Melissa Weed


With all the beauty motherhood and homeschooling has to offer, there are moments when life doesn't go according to plan. But God's grace is sufficent and helps guide us through those trying times.

Join Erika as she interviews Melissa Weed, a CM homeschooling mama who is currently battling cancer. We pray you will be encouraged! Come on on over to or on Instagram @CharlotteMasonForAll to let us know.

"Principle 5. Therefore, we are limited to three educational instruments —the atmosphere of environment, the discipline of habit, and the presentation of living ideas." 

The P.N.E.U. Motto is: “Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life.”

Free Recitation help from Maria Bell:

Melissa can be found on Instagram @slowscenesofhome

May 19, 202131:50
21. Working Outside the Home While Homeschooling - With Stephanie Newcomb
May 12, 202143:38
20. The Many Beautiful Faces of CM Mamas

20. The Many Beautiful Faces of CM Mamas

“It’s been quite the journey these last 6 years with my dad battling cancer.  But God’s mercy and grace was in every moment.”

A few weeks after recording this episode, Erika’s dad went Home to meet his Faithful Father. This season is dedicated to Erika's loving Papi, Frank Sanchez.


Welcome to the series "The Many Faces of CM Mamas!"

Miss Mason said, “[I]n the faith… mothers work wonders once they are convinced that wonders are demanded of them." (Vol.1, p.44)

There is wisdom in her words.

We find ourselves in many different scenarios as we “work wonders” when it comes to our children’s education, such as:

- homeschooling and working from home or outside the home

- caring for a sick parent or relative while homeschooling

- transitioning from traditional school to homeschool

- battling a chronic illness while homeschooling

- home-educating a child with special challenges

- public-schooling moms striving to "spread the feast" in their home culture

Can you relate to any of those scenarios?

In this series we’ll be talking to moms who display the many beautiful faces of our CM community!

None of our differences – even combined – can overcome who unites us: OUR LORD JESUS; not even when changes arise and the Lord calls us to other commitments, like He has done with our precious sister, Simone.

We have been blessed with Simone for our first 2 seasons. The Lord has now called her to other commitments. We are grateful for all the encouragement and insight she has shared with us here. We send her off with love and blessing!

May 05, 202119:30
19. Interview with Ana Vargas: Life-giving Motherhood's Lead Moderator

19. Interview with Ana Vargas: Life-giving Motherhood's Lead Moderator

Welcome back and thank you for joining us as we wrap up our mother culture series. This is Erika and we have a special guest we’d like to introduce you to who is a dear friend of ours. Her name is Ana Vargas, and she is the Lead Moderator on the Support Team of Life-Giving Motherhood.

I met Ana my first year homeschooling. At that time, she was already a powerhouse for the Lord, running the children’s ministry at her church as well as a co-op for homeschooling families.  But there was a longing for more for her children and she found it when she learned about Miss Mason.

She’s currently co-leading the Charlotte Mason book club for our local area of the Bronx in NYC as well as Westchester County, just outside of the city.

Be encouraged as she gives her testimony on how God has been working in her recently to cultivate life-giving habits into her home.

Find Ana on Instagram @learning_to_feast

Mar 24, 202125:33
18. Challenges to Keeping our "Mother's Timetables"

18. Challenges to Keeping our "Mother's Timetables"

Erika, Mariana, and Min discuss some challenges our mama-friends are facing when trying to keep to their "Mother's Timetables."

For the King & His kids,

Erika, Mariana, and Min


Podcast: @charlottemasonforall,

Erika Alicea: @cmcityliving,

Mariana Mastracchio & Simone Moradi:, (Portuguese CM Community)

Min Hwang: @min.j.hwang,,

Mar 17, 202118:23
17. A Special Invitation for Gospel-reliant Moms Around the World
Mar 10, 202116:41
16. Is Quiet Time Wasted Time? By Erika Alicea
Mar 03, 202113:55
15. Mother Culture/Education with Simone & Erika

15. Mother Culture/Education with Simone & Erika

The mother culture/education chats continue with Erika and Simone! Be encouraged as they share how mother culture/education can be different for every mama and if you’re struggling with scheduling it into your day, start small.

“Mothers should cultivate their souls so that in turn they may cultivate the souls of their children.” -Billy Graham Please go to for the show notes and links.

For the King & His kids,

Simone, Erika, Mariana, and Min


Podcast: @charlottemasonforall,

Erika Alicea: @cmcityliving,

Mariana Mastracchio & Simone Moradi:, (Portuguese CM Community)

Min Hwang: @min.j.hwang,,

Feb 23, 202128:31
14. Mother Culture/Education with Mariana & Min
Feb 17, 202134:27
13. Mother Culture/Education: What is it?

13. Mother Culture/Education: What is it?

Hey sister! Join us as we share our thoughts on "mother culture" today. Then in the next episodes, each of us will interview the other to give you  details on how we engage in "mother culture" and "mother education," in order to equip ourselves to continue the Kingdom work our Father has "prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10)

“There is no sadder sight in life than a mother, who has so used herself up in her children's childhood, that she has nothing to give them in their youth… Then, when her children come to that most difficult time between childhood and full development she is nonplussed; and, though she may do much for her children, she cannot do all she might, if she, as they, were growing! Is there not some need for "mother culture"? But how is the state of things to be altered? So many mothers say, "I simply have no time for myself!" "I never read a book!" Or else, "I don't think it is right to think of myself!" They not only starve their minds, but they do it deliberately, and with a sense of self-sacrifice which seems to supply ample justification. There are, moreover, unfortunately, only too many people who think that sort of thing so lovely that public opinion appears to justify it. But does public opinion justify anything?” - Mother Culture by A. (Parent's Review, Vol. 3, no. 2, 1892/93, pgs. 92-95)

“If mothers could learn to do for themselves what they do for their children… we should have happier households. Let the mother go out to play! If she would only have courage to let everything go when life becomes too tense, and just take a day, or half a day, out in the fields, or with a favourite book, or in a picture gallery… or in bed, without the children, life would go on far more happily for both children and parents. The mother would be able to hold herself in 'wise passiveness,’ and would not fret her children by continual interference, even of hand or eye- she would let them be.” - Charlotte Mason

What are your thoughts? We'd love to hear from you over on Instagram @charlottemasonforall or at in the comments!

For the King and His kids,

Simone, Erika, Min, & Mariana


Podcast: @charlottemasonforall,

Erika Alicea: @cmcityliving,

Mariana Mastracchio & Simone Moradi:, (Portuguese CM Community)

Min Hwang: @min.j.hwang,

Feb 10, 202116:13
12. Foreign Languages in our Multicultural Homes with Celeste Cruz

12. Foreign Languages in our Multicultural Homes with Celeste Cruz

As we continue with our “Foreign Languages in our Multicultural Homes” series, in this episode Mariana chats with Celeste Cruz from "Joyous Lessons."

Celeste is the mama to 10 beautiful children, a former English teacher turned homeschool-mom, a Charlotte Mason devotee, a regular speaker at CM conferences, and a team member of the Charlotte Mason Educational Center (CMEC).

Her blog, Joyous Lessons, is a treasure trove that she keeps as an “educational notebook of sorts.” Celeste wrote a wonderful and practical blog series on Miss Mason's thoughts on foreign language study.

We invite you to listen as Celeste shares her discoveries and her journey on teaching foreign language the Charlotte Mason way.

Please join the conversation with any questions or comments, and check out our website - - for the show notes, which includes all the resources mentioned. We look forward to hearing from you!

For the King and His kids,

Mariana, Simone, Erika & Min


Podcast: @charlottemasonforall,

Erika Alicea: @cmcityliving,

Mariana Mastracchio & Simone Moradi:, (Portuguese CM Community)

Min Hwang: @min.j.hwang,

Feb 03, 202137:36
11. Foreign Languages in our Multicultural Homes - Part II
Jan 27, 202127:25
10. Foreign Languages in our Multicultural Homes - Part I
Jan 20, 202119:53
9. 2021?! Happy New Year!
Jan 13, 202130:15
8. Meet the Hosts: Min's Story

8. Meet the Hosts: Min's Story

As we begin to connect on this motherhood journey together through this podcast, each of us would like to share more of our story and heart with you - to invite you in to what God has been doing in HIS narrative of which we all are a part. In so doing, it's our hope that you might find YOUR story reflected in some way, and that you would find fellowship with us in this pilgrimage, and in this holy task of raising intelligent, disciples of JESUS.

Meet Min Hwang!

Do you relate to any of the following?

  • Child of immigrant parents
  • Pastor's Wife
  • Wanted to be a celibate missionary
  • Lived overseas
  • Homeschooling her own four, plus two of her friend's children
  • Knew she wanted to homeschool (and husband did too)
  • Found CM online through websites and blogs, then "For the Children's Sake" by Susan Schaeffer MaCaulay
  • Heart for apologetics & working on an apologetics course/book for children and families to do together
  • Creating a keepsake journal to accompany "Ourselves Book I" by Charlotte Mason
  • Aspiring, self-taught artist & encourager of moms to cultivate their creativity through carving out mother culture time

We have been greatly encouraged by your messages and your reviews! We read each and every one. Please keep them coming!

For such a time as this,

Simone, Erika, Min, & Mariana


Ambleside Online

Brandy Vencel's Blog

For the Children's Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay

Kingdom of Mansoul Diagram


Podcast: @charlottemasonforall,

Erika Alicea: @cmcityliving,

Mariana Mastracchio & Simone Moradi:, (Portuguese CM Community)

Min Hwang: @min.j.hwang, @minjhwang_creative,

Nov 25, 202027:09
7. Meet the Hosts: Simone's Story
Nov 18, 202016:45
6. Meet the Hosts: Mariana's Story
Nov 11, 202017:19
5. Meet the Hosts: Erika's Story
Nov 04, 202017:30
4. Parallel Narratives with Amber Johnston of Heritage Mom Blog

4. Parallel Narratives with Amber Johnston of Heritage Mom Blog

“I can’t read the Bible in one moment and then move into our history lessons and rank order humans, their value... I’ve taught [my children] that God looks at the hearts of people, that He created us, and He knew everything about us while we were still in the womb.  There are no accidents and no mistakes, and He loves us. He loves everyone - all of God’s people.” ~Amber Johnston

Our very first guest is our dear, beloved friend, and sister in the Lord, Amber Johnston of Heritage Mom Blog!

Amber is a homeschooling mama of four, who’s been following the Charlotte Mason philosophy from the beginning of her journey.  Her heart’s desire has been to give her kids a Gospel-centered education where she can present ALL of their studies through the lens of being His children.  Amber’s also hilarious, a powerful speaker, and a good friend.

Listen as Amber shares her journey in learning to treat her children as born persons, gaining confidence in following Miss Mason’s principles and methods in a way that honors their African-American heritage, and balancing out traditional studies along with the stories of people of color that fully represent the Gospel.

Amber can be found writing, consulting, and creating beautiful Heritage Packs on her blog at, and on Instagram @heritagemomblog.

Finally, we invite you to join the conversation with any questions or comments over at, where the show notes and direct links to resources mentioned can be found.

We look forward to hearing from you!

For the King and His kids,
Simone, Erika, Min, & Mariana


Podcast: @charlottemasonforall,

Erika Alicea: @cmcityliving,

Mariana Mastracchio & Simone Moradi:, (Portuguese CM Community)

Min Hwang: @min.j.hwang,

Oct 28, 202043:35
3. History Lessons for Our Multicultural Homes - Part II

3. History Lessons for Our Multicultural Homes - Part II

Last week, in Part 1 of "History Lessons for Our Multicultural Homes," you heard from Mariana, Simone, and Erika.

Today, you will hear from Min. Then, we will share some places where you may find resources to study your heritage history.

Though we don't extensively share specific resources here (to shy away from being prescriptive), we hope our ideas will help you begin to "think outside the box."

As always, we invite you to join us over at with any questions or comments.

We look forward to hearing from you!

For the King and His kids,

Simone, Erika, Min, & Mariana


Podcast: @charlottemasonforall,

Erika Alicea: @cmcityliving,

Mariana Mastracchio & Simone Moradi:, (Portuguese CM Community)

Min Hwang: @min.j.hwang,

Oct 21, 202021:05
2. History Lessons in Our Multicultural Homes - Part 1

2. History Lessons in Our Multicultural Homes - Part 1

Join us, friend, as we discuss how we have been incorporating our own heritage history into our history lessons and into our family culture. We love God's story in His relationship with humanity, so we couldn't just keep it to one episode! In PART 1, Mariana, Simone, and Erika share the unique ways they have been instilling a love of their home nations, organically into the lives of their children, and intentionally as well, into their history lessons. We'd love to hear how you have been doing the same, or if you have questions or any thoughts you'd like to share with us. We might be able to reply on our future episodes! Come on over to and join the conversation there, friend.

For the King and His kids,

Mariana, Simone, Erika, & Min


Podcast: @charlottemasonforall,

Erika Alicea: @cmcityliving,

Mariana Mastracchio & Simone Moradi:, (Portuguese CM Community)

Min Hwang: @min.j.hwang,

Oct 14, 202019:33
1. Introducing "Charlotte Mason For All!"

1. Introducing "Charlotte Mason For All!"

Welcome friend!

There is so much beautiful diversity within the Body of Christ yet we are ONE.

Jesus reconciled us to God AND to one another through His powerful, all-encompassing work on the Cross.

This podcast is a celebration of what He has done for us and how we can bring the Gospel daily into our beautifully multicultural homes through the groundbreaking discoveries of Charlotte Mason.

Join us, friend, and raise your unique, God-given voice in praise of His glory with us! We'd love to hear from you.

If you have any topics you'd like us to discuss in upcoming episodes or questions and comments on current ones, please don't hesitate to visit us at We will take time to reply to every comment. You're important to us.

For the King and His kids,

Min, Mariana, Simone, & Erika


Podcast: @charlottemasonforall,

Erika Alicea: @cmcityliving,

Mariana Mastracchio & Simone Moradi:, (Portuguese CM Community)

Min Hwang: @min.j.hwang,

Oct 05, 202015:14
October 5, 2020

October 5, 2020

Oct 05, 202000:60