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Christ City Church Memphis

Christ City Church Memphis

By Christ City Church

We are Christ City Church in Memphis, TN. We are becoming followers of Jesus who recover their lives, reimagine their purpose, and refresh their world.
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God the Creator

Christ City Church MemphisApr 30, 2017

Conflicting Loyalties: Mark 2:23-3:6

Conflicting Loyalties: Mark 2:23-3:6

What decisions keep you up at night? What are the moral dilemmas that confuse or enrage you? Is there a path to greater clarity and humility in our lives? Jesus navigates these important questions in a world of complexity and danger.

Jun 02, 202445:20
Guilt: Isaiah 6:1-8

Guilt: Isaiah 6:1-8

Do you have an overdeveloped sense of guilt? How would you know if you did? Can guilt be helpful? What role does guilt play in healthy spirituality and relationships? Listen in as we learn about one of the most powerful forces in the human experience.

May 26, 202439:40
Walking In the Protection of God Part 2: John 17:6-19

Walking In the Protection of God Part 2: John 17:6-19

Join us as we continue to explore the ways we can live in the protection of God.

May 21, 202437:17
Walking In the Protection of God: John 17:6-19

Walking In the Protection of God: John 17:6-19

“In a dangerous world what can we expect God to protect us from?” How we answer this question has a significant impact on the choices we make and the lives we lead. Listen in as we explore this fundamental concern.

May 12, 202437:21
All God’s Children: 1 John 5:1-6

All God’s Children: 1 John 5:1-6

Parenting has always been a challenge and seems to be more complicated than ever today. What we may not realize is that all of us have the opportunity to be in a parenting role of one kind or another- which means the challenge of parenting applies to us all. Join us as we answer the question “How does our understanding of being a child of God inform our roles as parents?”

May 05, 202426:58
A Future for Everyone (and Anyone): Acts 8:26-40

A Future for Everyone (and Anyone): Acts 8:26-40

Have you ever learned something new about a friend and that new understanding helped you feel like you knew them better? This can highlight our propensity to mistake familiarity with understanding. Its times like these we need a shake up to remember things can be more than what we have come to see them as. What if Jesus’ gospel message is this way-something we are familiar with but still have much to discover. Join us as we consider a future reimagined by a gospel that is a little less familiar and has more to teach us than we may have thought.

Apr 28, 202446:09
Life Without Lack: Psalm 23

Life Without Lack: Psalm 23

The fifty-day feast following the pinnacle of the Christian calendar, Easter. During Eastertide, the Church celebrated the resurrection and ascension of Jesus the Christ after His death by crucifixion.

Apr 21, 202422:15
Do This to Remember pt. 2

Do This to Remember pt. 2

Join us as we continue to explore the act of sharing life, neighborhood, possessions, and money as an active and concrete reminder of the faith we belong to through the resurrected life of Jesus the Christ.

Apr 14, 202441:13
Do This To Remember: Acts 4:32-35

Do This To Remember: Acts 4:32-35

How do you know what groups you belong to? What actions and thoughts do you engage in that remind you of your place in your family, job and world? As followers of Christ Jesus, we believe we are a part of one body collected in the wholeness of the resurrected Christ. We can sometimes forget this, but there are things we can do and think about that help us to remember. Join us as we remember together.

Apr 07, 202438:36
Christ Before Me: Mark 16:1-8

Christ Before Me: Mark 16:1-8

We all need guides in a world of uncertainty. Who will you choose to have faith in? Who can lead you into a future of hope and possibility? Is there anyone that has gone before us? (Spoiler Alert: Jesus Has).

Mar 31, 202422:11
Broken God/Whole People

Broken God/Whole People

Good Friday homily.

Mar 29, 202417:18
Suffering and Prayers: Hebrews 5:5-10

Suffering and Prayers: Hebrews 5:5-10

“Why?” The question everyone asks when suffering visits their world. During the fifth week of Lent, we delve into the role of prayer and salvation in Jesus’ suffering and our own. How can we live with faith, courage and hope in a world where we, and the ones we love, are likely to experience great suffering.

Mar 17, 202436:40
Walk In the Light: John 3:14-21

Walk In the Light: John 3:14-21

Often we prefer hiding over being seen due to feelings of shame and guilt about our story. When this is coupled with a lack of courage and hope in others it can keep us in the same hidden ruts —even if we want to change. Still, our hearts ache to be seen. How can we find the faith to walk in the light of Christ and let ourselves be seen? Listen in as we chart a path into the light.

Mar 11, 202435:43
Pursue Justice - Luke 4:14-21

Pursue Justice - Luke 4:14-21

When you think of justice what comes to mind? How is justice to be defined and understood by those of us whose first allegiance is to Christ? How do we keep the pursuit of justice as a practice in our lives? Join the conversation this Sunday as we conclude our Eight Practices series with the eighth and final practice- Pursue Justice.

Mar 03, 202435:57
Show Mercy: Matthew 9:9-13

Show Mercy: Matthew 9:9-13

What does it mean to be a merciful person? As Christians we believe that God is abundantly kind, loving and merciful and that the supreme expression of this is located in the life, death, resurrection and teachings of Jesus. How do we own the practice of showing mercy in our daily lives and decisions? Listen in as we explore the seventh practice in our series on the Eight Practices of Christ City.

Feb 25, 202441:29
Create Beauty: Genesis 1:31; 2:15

Create Beauty: Genesis 1:31; 2:15

What does it mean to be a creator of beauty in our world? How can we live with more purpose and intention by elevating beauty to an essential place in our lives? What are the barriers and counterfeits to creating beauty? Join us as we discuss these ideas and more as we explore Create Beauty- the sixth of our eight practices.

Feb 18, 202430:07
Engage Culture: Jeremiah 29:4-14

Engage Culture: Jeremiah 29:4-14

People shape culture and culture shapes people. Culture informs our view of the world and gives meaning and purpose to many of our actions. What does it look like to engage something so immersive it can be hard to distinguish how we influence it an how it influences us? As Christ followers understanding this distinction is key in practicing our faith. Join in for the discussion on our fifth practice in our series on the eight practices.

Feb 11, 202442:07
Embrace Diversity: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27

Embrace Diversity: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27

Every person bears the fingerprint of God and are therefore a unique glimpse into the Divine's multifaceted nature. Yes, so often we are content tom maintain our safety and comfortability in what is familiar and unchallenging, depriving ourselves of the growth and maturity that comes in welcoming and loving the manifold beauty in human experience. Join us as we explore the fourth practice in our series on the eight practices - Embrace Diversity.

Feb 04, 202431:45
Cultivate Spirituality - 2 Peter 1:3-9

Cultivate Spirituality - 2 Peter 1:3-9

Every human being is spiritual, this is a core belief of faith. Yet, how often do we think of actively cultivating our spirituality with the goal of producing spiritual fruit in out lives?Just like the farmer cultivates the ground for a future crop and harvest, so too, the follower of Christ cultivates their spiritual life to produce of a life of faith, hope and love. Join us as we explore the third practice in our series on the eight practices- Cultivate Spirituality.

Jan 28, 202438:15
Seek Health: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20

Seek Health: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20

What does it mean to be a healthy individual? Or better yet, what constitutes a healthy culture? There are a staggering number of different answers to these questions in our world today. To make it even more complex, there have been interpretations of the Christian life that have led to very unhealthy lifestyles. Join us as we explore a practice of seeking health that is deeply rooted in a Christian identity.

Jan 14, 202440:36
Choose Presence: Exodus 3:1-6a

Choose Presence: Exodus 3:1-6a

Many people regularly talk about “being present” or being “in the present moment.” Indeed, choosing presence is a powerful tool that can lead us into deeper communion with ourselves, others and God. In the scriptures we see many examples of how a sustained attention to what is happening in and around us can lead us into a holy awareness resulting in a life marked by compassion and empathy. So why is it so hard to actually sustain and what battles can we expect to encounter if we begin the intentional practice of presence in our lives? Join us in the first of an eight week series called the Eight Practices of Christ City Church.

Jan 07, 202439:41
A God Dream: Psalm 126

A God Dream: Psalm 126

When life threatens to crush all hope, the people of God have again and again relied on the deep reservoir of the dreams of the prophets. Yesterday and today, dreams are what fuel our hopes for tomorrow. Just as the coming of Jesus was once a sustaining dream in the hearts of those longing for renewal and refreshment, so we wait as expectant dreamers for his return. Join in the discussion as we participate in the third Sunday of Advent.

Dec 17, 202328:11
Time's Ally: 2 Peter 3:8-15a

Time's Ally: 2 Peter 3:8-15a

Have you ever waited for a problem to get better by ignoring it and hoping the passing of time would bring resolution? Dr. King once said that time is neutral and can be aligned with evil or good, but to expect that its passing will fix our problems is folly. So what do we do in this advent season? Listen in as we learn what it means to take part in an active peace that becomes the ally of time. The second week of Advent.

Dec 10, 202338:05
The Luminous Gaze of God - Psalm 80:1-7, 16-18

The Luminous Gaze of God - Psalm 80:1-7, 16-18

In the first week of advent we ask “What is missing in our lives?” Could there be a grasping for something without realizing what that something is? As we reorient ourselves to the spiritual task of expectant waiting we consider that what we are waiting for is simply to be seen- To be seen, in particular, by the luminous gaze of our Creator. Join us in this hopeful space of advent!

Dec 03, 202329:39
Jesus for President or Christ the King - Matthew 25:31-46

Jesus for President or Christ the King - Matthew 25:31-46

On the last Sunday of the church calendar we observe the celebration of Christ the King, and collectively remember to whom we belong and how we are all joined together.

Nov 26, 202342:57
The Work of Christ:Matthew 25:14-30

The Work of Christ:Matthew 25:14-30

What does Jesus ask from his disciples? Join us this week as we explore the demands of the Kingdom of Heaven and what our work in it is.

Nov 19, 202324:02
Remaining Awake Through Your Life: Matthew 25:1-13

Remaining Awake Through Your Life: Matthew 25:1-13

Have you ever had a moment where you realized something big had happened in the world and you hadn’t noticed until it was over? Life is overwhelming enough and it can be hard to focus our attention and to have the energy and passion to live with clear vision. Let’s explore what it means to stay spiritually awake in a world asleep to a purposeful good news.

Nov 12, 202335:24
Hypocrites and the Integrated Life - Micah 3:5-12

Hypocrites and the Integrated Life - Micah 3:5-12

Have you ever been called a hypocrite? It’s one of the most common epithets used toward someone who claims to be religious, christian or moral. Even when we try with all our might it can be difficult to integrate the person we want people to see us as and the person we are. What are the results of living a whole life pretending to be someone we are not and is there any real hope of change? Join us as we discuss hypocrisy and a life of integrity.

Nov 05, 202337:54
Planting Trees You Won't Sit Under - Deuteronomy 34:1-12

Planting Trees You Won't Sit Under - Deuteronomy 34:1-12

Scripture is replete with stories and impact of a multigenerational faith and perspective. How can we bring this far seeing awareness into our present world that is so dominated by the tyranny of "nowness"? Listen in and discover more of our purpose in the grand narrative we find ourselves in.

Oct 29, 202337:45
Not a Culture War: Matthew 22:15-22

Not a Culture War: Matthew 22:15-22

After a series on the vision and mission of Christ City Church, and a word from Ben and Robert, we are moving back into the lectionary as we get closer to the season of advent. Wondering what the lectionary is and how we use it for worship and preaching? Check out our Instagram to learn more about it from pastor Jamin.
Whom are you loyal to? -for what reasons and to what extent? This is the underlying question Jesus is being asked when a group of “frenemies” ask his opinion on paying taxes to the occupying Roman forces of his day. How does one live in a compromised world of contradictory loyalties? How do we make decisions that bring light and not darkness as we seek to imitate the life, teachings and creativity of the Christ? Listen in as we wrestles with these important questions.

Oct 22, 202333:35


Everyday we are bombarded with the message More = Better. But what if this is a lie? Join us this Sunday morning as Robert Grisham teaches on the concept of Enough.

Oct 15, 202326:54
The God Who Seeks and Finds - Matthew 10:12-14

The God Who Seeks and Finds - Matthew 10:12-14

Join us this Sunday as we explore questions about who God is, belonging, and what it means to wander from the fold.

Oct 08, 202326:45
Spiritual Production: Exodus 31:1-6 & Matthew 23:1-5, 13-32

Spiritual Production: Exodus 31:1-6 & Matthew 23:1-5, 13-32

Join us this Sunday as we explore these passages and learn what our spirituality produces.

Oct 01, 202327:53
Blind Spots, Bright Spots, Pt. 2: Matthew 16: 13-26

Blind Spots, Bright Spots, Pt. 2: Matthew 16: 13-26

Jamin was sick last Sunday, so this week he will pick up where he left off in the two part series on discipleship. Join us as we continue to explore questions about how we grow and access our potential as human beings made in the image of God- in essence how can we become Christ-like?

Sep 24, 202337:38
Who Do You Say Jesus Is?

Who Do You Say Jesus Is?

Listen to the sermon "Who do you say Jesus Is?" From Ronnie

Sep 17, 202321:56
Blind Spots, Bright Spots: Matthew 16:13-26

Blind Spots, Bright Spots: Matthew 16:13-26

How do we grow? How do we realize our potential as unique human beings made in the image of God? Listen in as we discuss the path of a learner.

Sep 10, 202334:15
Create With Purpose: Ephesians 2:10

Create With Purpose: Ephesians 2:10

As humans we can’t help but create and we use this impulse with both noble and reckless intention. Jesus saw the material world infused with the blessing and goodness of God to the point that a sparrow does not fall without God's notice and care. Seeing through this divine paradigm means we get to take what God has given us and bless it, form it, shape it, build it, break and share it. Christ created in these ways with the bread and wine, mud on a blind man's eyes, building a community of followers, restoring those who had fallen ill, were possessed or maimed, and with water made wine.

Listen in as we move toward a greater understanding and inspiration of creating lives of purpose! The final part of our mission series.

Sep 03, 202338:05
Worship in Wonder - Luke 18:15-17

Worship in Wonder - Luke 18:15-17

Without wonder, our faith and life can become inflexible and rigid. At Christ City we are calling one another to a space where we can worship in wonder. This means we may have to address some of the ideas, narratives, and behaviors that crowd out the possibility of wonder in our lives. Jesus winks at this when he says the kingdom of heaven belongs to children and that we will access it only by becoming like them.

What is a child if not a being filled with wonder? Listen in as as we explore part two of the new mission of Christ City.

Aug 27, 202340:04
Serve With Heart - Luke 10:25-37

Serve With Heart - Luke 10:25-37

At Christ City Church, and as followers of Jesus, we are compelled to serve one another and our community. To serve others well we need access to our hearts. Duty and obligation alone will not sustain us. Join us this Sunday as we learn more about the first part of the new mission of Christ City Church - Serve with Heart.

Aug 20, 202337:11
A Place To Know God: Hebrews 1:1-3

A Place To Know God: Hebrews 1:1-3

Join us as we continue to explore our vision - A Place to Know God and see how belonging and believing (knowing God) are intricately and intimately connected.

Aug 13, 202334:28
A Place to Belong: Genesis 4:1-10; Luke 15:11-32

A Place to Belong: Genesis 4:1-10; Luke 15:11-32

Join us as we talk about the first half of our vision -- belonging.

Aug 06, 202332:01
Guest Preacher Rev. Dr. Rosalyn R. Nichols - Romans 8:24-39

Guest Preacher Rev. Dr. Rosalyn R. Nichols - Romans 8:24-39

Join us this Sunday in welcoming guest preacher Rev. Dr. Rosalyn R. Nichols. Roz is the organizing pastor of Freedom’s Chapel Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Memphis, TN. She is a native of Memphis, TN and proud to have graduated with honors from the historic Booker T. Washington High School and LeMoyne Owen College.

Jul 30, 202321:27
Guest Preacher Vahisha Hasan: Psalm 139: 1-12, 23-24

Guest Preacher Vahisha Hasan: Psalm 139: 1-12, 23-24

Join us this Sunday in welcoming guest preacher Vahisha Hasan. Vahisha is a faith rooted organizer with a passion for well people and well systems. She is currently serving as the Program Director at the Historic Clayborn Temple, where she plans and implements programs that support the artistic, interpretative, and community based expressions of the organization. An ordained reverend, powerful public speaker, and transformative facilitator, she has published 4 books, contributed to published works, and written curriculum for an Applied Psychology Degree Program. She holds a Master’s of Divinity and Master’s of Mental Health Counseling with an Education Specialist Certification from Gardner-Webb University. Vahisha is her best self in community and can be found moving to the end of her own rainbow in the US South.

Jul 23, 202329:27
Are You Giving Up Your Blessing?: Genesis 25:19-34

Are You Giving Up Your Blessing?: Genesis 25:19-34

As we explore the complex and all too familiar family dynamics of Isaac and Rebecca’s family, we reflect on what healthy expectations of God, ourselves and others look like. What does it mean to be blessed? Are you giving you giving up your blessing?

Jul 16, 202339:31
The Meta Story of the Bible

The Meta Story of the Bible

Join us as elder Amanda Wiig shares the story of the meta narrative of the Bible, pulling out specifically redemptive themes and highlighting the role of women and marginalized people.

Jul 09, 202325:08
Breaking the Cycle: Philippians 3:4b-11

Breaking the Cycle: Philippians 3:4b-11

Humans find it so easy to separate themselves from one another: through sports, politics, theology, tragedy, culture, etc. Some are certainly more welcome than others. But when these lines drawn become barriers to genuine relationship with others and Christ, which will we find ourselves valuing more? Which will we allow to define us? Join us on Sunday as we discuss how Paul sees becoming like Christ and finding Christ in others as the answer.

Jul 02, 202344:57
Family Ties: Genesis 21:8-21

Family Ties: Genesis 21:8-21

Who is in God’s family, and on whose behalf should God act? The answers to these questions have the power to build or destroy families and communities (and has!). Spending time with the story of Hagar and the oppression she experiences from Sarah and Abraham can help us to see family, faith, and the provision of God in a more complex, empathetic, and grounded way. Join us as we walk with Hagar in her journey of faith and the ties it has to family. Part three of three of Family Matters.

Jun 25, 202340:36
Living With the Burden of Hope: Genesis 18:1-15, 21:1-7

Living With the Burden of Hope: Genesis 18:1-15, 21:1-7

How do you deal with the ever-present gap between what you hope for in life and reality? Each of our families taught us ways to manage, engage, deny, or denounce our hope. This doesn’t always work out well. Is there a better way? Listen in as we continue exploring how family matters in life and faith. Part two of a three-part series called Family Matters.

Jun 18, 202335:11
Family Matters: Genesis 12:1-9

Family Matters: Genesis 12:1-9

Our faith and spirituality is inextricably tied to those we call family. Some of the most difficult, and necessary, times in every family are the seasons when someone leaves to explore who they are and to make their own choices in life. Whether we are the one leaving or letting go, how do we navigate these threshold moments in family life? Listen in to join the discussion.

Jun 11, 202339:59
A Very Good Place to Start: Genesis 1:1-2:4

A Very Good Place to Start: Genesis 1:1-2:4

What does it mean that humans are “made in the image of God?” Many have proposed that this means humans possess consciousness, rational thought, a spirit, among other things. While none of these are necessarily incorrect, do they help us in understanding what Genesis One wants to communicate? Join us this Sunday as we explore how the image of God, as understood in Genesis One, is a descriptor of humanity’s vocation or role within creation, rather than a specific attribute imbued upon humankind, and how this can inform how we live.

Jun 04, 202328:36