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Dr. Bogner Health

Dr. Bogner Health

By Christian Bogner

Dr. Christian Bogner is a board-certified OBGYN turned expert in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Genetics, and cognition-related challenges. His own personal journey with his son Phillip who is on the spectrum guided his change from mainstream medicine into looking "deeper" for guidance. Dr. Bogner is known worldwide as an expert on the endocannabinoid system and frequently publishes theories based on new medical papers, crisscrossing pathways to find new palatable solutions for children and adults exhausted with traditional medicine.
Currently playing episode

EP2 - The Autism Diagnosis

Dr. Bogner HealthMar 04, 2023

EP9 Cyanide Poisoning in Our Lives

EP9 Cyanide Poisoning in Our Lives

Amazingly we've recently discovered that aside from your body creating cyanide there is also a host of many sources we are exposed to and consume on a daily basis. Exposure pathways include workplaces involved in metal polishing, certain insecticides, the medication sodium nitroprusside, and certain seeds such as those of apples and apricots. So how does cyanide play in to over all health, and conditions like Autism?

Jul 27, 202315:55
EP9 - Spelling to Communicate - Dr Bogner Health

EP9 - Spelling to Communicate - Dr Bogner Health

Since the release of the critically acclaimed movie "Spellers" there has been a lot of interest in the service called "Spelling to Communicate". With co-host Dwight Z having been through the training, he provides some inside information on what a parent can expect. Further Dr. Bogner gives insight on how co-inhibitors can and will contribute to expectations of investments in Spelling to Communicate programs.

Jun 12, 202318:28
EP8 Detox Basics - Dr Bogner Health

EP8 Detox Basics - Dr Bogner Health

Your journey to better heath includes knowing more about what you consume and how it affects your body and spirit. Today we talk about the posions' found in our food, air and general environment and how we are poisoned on a daily basis. Detoxification is a process and Dr. Bogner goes more into how to be more aware and create a personalized process for your detox.

Jun 01, 202324:20
EP7 - Psychedelics & Mental Health - Dr. Bogner Health

EP7 - Psychedelics & Mental Health - Dr. Bogner Health

We discuss a lot about the challenges our family or children feel, but what about you? Today we discuss our daily mental health struggles being the caregiver, researcher, advocate and voice for the special needs person in your life. Alexander Bacher is a board certified Psychologist that specializes in the treatment of mental health with Psychedelics - where they are legal.

May 04, 202348:43
EP6 - Gut Microbiome Balancing - Dr Bogner Health

EP6 - Gut Microbiome Balancing - Dr Bogner Health

Today we'll explore novel techniques in the exploration of the gut microbiome and how it reflects on potential health implications. Our guest Alex Zaharakis, is a a licensed and board-certified Radiation Oncology Physicist and, grateful husband and father of two beautiful children. His interest in the microbiome is driven by his son’s regressive autism at 17 months after a culmination and spark of timely medical insults, several of which were microbiome focused.

Apr 20, 202331:45
EP5 - Glyphosate & Health - Dr Bogner Health

EP5 - Glyphosate & Health - Dr Bogner Health

Glyphosate is a widely used herbicide that controls broadleaf weeds and grasses. It has been registered as a pesticide in the U.S. since 1974. Pure glyphosate is low in toxicity to fish and wildlife, but some products containing glyphosate may be toxic because of the other ingredients in them. Commonly used in agriculture, Glyphosate and Roundup are not one and the same, after all. The active ingredient is just one part of a chemical cocktail that makes up the herbicide—and some research suggests that its complete formulation is more toxic to cells than glyphosate is by itself. So how does Glyphosate affect the microbiome of your gut and, what does that do to your health?

Apr 07, 202323:25
EP4 - Diet in General Health & Autism

EP4 - Diet in General Health & Autism

Did you know 1 out of every 5 kids with autism are on a special diet? Why is this? Today we explore a few reasons that come into play with the food we eat, genetics and how these make us feel, act and be.

Mar 23, 202323:31
EP3 The Autism Consult - Dr. Bogner Health Podcast

EP3 The Autism Consult - Dr. Bogner Health Podcast

Getting in the right frame of mind for the initial consult with Dr. Bogner is essential. Today's podcast talks about what the process before the consultation looks like, what you'll need to provide, and the "frame of mind" that is best to get the most out of the consultation.

The comprehensive initial consult is key for us to learn about the environment your loved one is emerged in, so we can properly gauge a plan to support the affected systems in the best possible way.

Mar 12, 202319:48
EP2 - The Autism Diagnosis

EP2 - The Autism Diagnosis

Navigating your life and a family is tough enough. So when your child is hurting the perfect life you were striving for is turned upside down. Today's podcast deals with the initial diagnosis, what it means and tactic to help you get over the initial shock and on to creating solutions for your child and family.

Mar 04, 202326:27
EP1 - Dr. Bogner Health Podcast "The Inaugural Edition"

EP1 - Dr. Bogner Health Podcast "The Inaugural Edition"

This is an inaugural podcast for Dr. Bogner with the break into the new year of 2023. Dr. Christian Bogner is a board-certified OBGYN turned expert in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Genetics, and cognition-related challenges. His own personal journey with his son Phillip who is on the spectrum guided his change from mainstream medicine into looking "deeper" for guidance. Dr. Bogner is known worldwide as an expert on the endocannabinoid system and frequently publishes theories based on new medical papers, crisscrossing pathways to find new palatable solutions for children and adults exhausted with traditional medicine.

Feb 19, 202333:12