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Christ Journey Church

Christ Journey Church

By Christ Journey Church

Welcome to the weekly podcast of Christ Journey Church. Our desire is that you would be inspired, encouraged, and filled with hope.
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It Takes Time & Thought

Christ Journey ChurchNov 27, 2022

A Few Good Men

A Few Good Men

Proverbs 31:1-9

What makes for a good man?

May 26, 202432:36
Multiplying Through the Generations

Multiplying Through the Generations

Acts 2:14-21, Joel 2:28

“I will sing of the LORD's great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations. I will declare that your love stands firm forever, that you have established your faithfulness in heaven itself.” Psalm 89:1-2

May 19, 202442:59
Good, Good Mother

Good, Good Mother

We're celebrating the value of motherhood in our lives. The Bible story on motherhood begins by valuing women as image-bearers of God.

We value women as gifts of God.

May 13, 202436:14
Children are God's Good Gifts

Children are God's Good Gifts

What’s a good vibe thing you can do for yourself?

What’s a good vibe thing you can do for your family?

God’s family is here for your family.

May 05, 202429:26
Triumphing over temptation!

Triumphing over temptation!

Matthew 4:1-11

You don't always see temptation coming, but its intention isn’t to your benefit. The sooner you deal with it, the better.

Apr 28, 202436:19
Failure is Never Final

Failure is Never Final

Luke 22:31-32

There will be times when life gets hard, when following Christ gets really hard, when fear and temptations are strong and the spiritual adversary moves in with crushing force...

Apr 21, 202436:16
Armored Up!

Armored Up!

Ephesians 6:10-18 

How do we step into Christ's victory as our own?

Apr 14, 202441:06
Holy Spirit Power

Holy Spirit Power

Acts 1:8, Colossians 1:27

Ten days after Jesus ascended into heaven, a sound from heaven like a roaring mighty windstorm swept through the gathering of disciples…

Apr 09, 202438:51
The Devil Never Saw It Coming | Easter 2024

The Devil Never Saw It Coming | Easter 2024

Colossians 2:13-15

 The devil looks at the cross and is exposed, sees defeat. 

The believer looks and is saved, sees love. 

What do you see?

Mar 31, 202433:26
Binding the Strong Man

Binding the Strong Man

Have you ever thought of Jesus as an outlaw – one whose intention is to invade a strong man’s house and clean it out?

Mar 25, 202432:59
Who the Devil is He?

Who the Devil is He?

Luke 10:18-20

Walk with us on the path to Easter  as we dive deeper into who our enemy is, and how our need for a Savior was imminent in taking this enemy down.

Mar 18, 202436:07
Michael Jr at Christ Journey

Michael Jr at Christ Journey

Comedian and Thought-Leader Michael Jr joins us at Christ Journey, bringing the laughter to God's house by sharing his story of the peace, love, and hope that comes into your life when you choose to find and follow Christ.

Mar 10, 202436:40
When It Doesn't Go as You'd Hoped

When It Doesn't Go as You'd Hoped

“Why do the innocent suffer? Why do bad things happen to good people?”

Mar 03, 202435:53
Learning the Dance

Learning the Dance

You probably didn't get married on a roller coaster but you can relate to the ins and outs, the twists and turns, the ups and downs and upside down-ness marriage can bring.

Feb 25, 202437:00
Living in the Overflow

Living in the Overflow

Do you want to build a God-strong marriage ready to face the wild?How are we to care for our marriages when children come?

Feb 20, 202437:35
Because It Doesn't Stay in Vegas

Because It Doesn't Stay in Vegas

“What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”  

Is there such a place on earth where what you do doesn't travel with you?

Feb 11, 202434:04
Why Marriage? Why Me?

Why Marriage? Why Me?

Some things are so valuable, so precious, and have such deep meaning that you don't just give up on them. 

Real Christian marriage – a treasure worth finding and worth reclaiming. 

Though we long to be loved and known and in close intimate community, it seems we don't know how or where to find it.

Feb 04, 202439:04
This Is The Way

This Is The Way

“Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you.”

Matthew 6:33


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight.”

Proverbs 3:5-6

Jan 28, 202432:18
When Is Enough, Enough?

When Is Enough, Enough?

“I know that the Lord has given you this land and that a great fear of you has fallen on us, so that all who live in this country are melting in fear because of you. We have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did to Sihon and Og, the two kings of the Amorites east of the Jordan, whom you completely destroyed."

Joshua 2:9-10

Jan 22, 202434:46
Little Steps BIG

Little Steps BIG

“I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses.”

Joshua 1:3

God has given you promises in the Bible to set you up for success. As we enter into God's promised land, life is not about you making promises to God, but about God’s promises to you coming true. Ready to take little steps that will lead to BIG change?

Jan 16, 202437:53
Here We Come!

Here We Come!

“This is my command - be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9

Do you want to know what living VERY strong and courageous looks like in the face of hardship?

Jan 07, 202438:28


A.S.K. – Ask. Seek. Knock. Is there something that comes to mind that was a BIG answer to prayer?

Jan 04, 202427:54


What does glory mean? And why does it matter? Glory refers to God’s being.

The birth of Jesus is a story of glory. Christmas glory bringing His glory to our lives. Jesus brings it in the most breathtaking way imaginable - as a full-term, newborn human baby boy…

Dec 25, 202333:38


We live in a world at war – in nations, homes, families, hearts. We need peace this Christmas. More peace. Más peace.

Dec 18, 202332:57


God voluntarily reveals himself through the magnificence of creation and the matchless incarnation of Jesus Christ for the sheer JOY of it.
 Help others find the gift of JOY Jesus has for them.

Dec 11, 202333:25


Today, we begin our advent season, which marks the 4 weeks that lead up to the birth of Jesus Christ, in a new series called, ‘Christ-MAS’ - and for our non-South Floridian friends, ‘más’ means more in English.

Dec 04, 202335:15
I Can, Because God Is

I Can, Because God Is

Many of us, when we are plugged into ourselves, discover we don't have everything we need for ourselves by ourselves. Part of growing up is coming to understand there are things you can't do for yourself. There are things only God can do for you.

Nov 27, 202334:07
When, Why, and How did Jesus Give Thanks?

When, Why, and How did Jesus Give Thanks?

We understand that giving thanks isn’t simply a polite practice. It’s a proactive faith perspective that sees God at work and says, ‘Thank you’ to align with the vision before it is made manifest. But did Jesus ever say “thank you”? It matters to ask this question because we consider Him our role model and ultimate mentor.

Nov 20, 202333:32
With Thanks, Giving!

With Thanks, Giving!

When the power of gratitude rises in the human soul, it shows up with phrases like: “I don't know how to thank you,” or “I have no words.” So how can we say thanks in moments like that? The answer is simple, pay it forward. Respond to the kindness you received by being kind to someone else.

Nov 13, 202332:60
Power Up!

Power Up!

Make this Thanksgiving season something more than business as usual. What would it look like if you faced your battles thanking the Lord instead of complaining about them? Or treated others with respect and courtesy? Times may be bad, but God is still good. Enter God’s presence daily with thanksgiving in your heart, and watch God work. 

Nov 05, 202331:54
Never Forget to Always Remember

Never Forget to Always Remember

Do you have any special items that trigger memories or feelings you never want to forget? God has a calendar of events as well, rhythms for us to remember and help us rely on Him.

Oct 30, 202338:02
The Secrets of Success(ION)

The Secrets of Success(ION)

There can be no legacy without leadership readied and empowered for the task. Jesus’ success equips us to be successors in this world – and as successors, we are to live our lives like shepherds helping people find their way.

Oct 23, 202336:53
Staking Your Claim

Staking Your Claim

Justice is always a work in progress, requiring people to keep working for what’s fair and right. Women have a voice, men are to seek God’s wisdom and follow it, and as Christians we are to step up into our inheritance! What does God want you to ask for today?

Oct 15, 202339:05
The Peor Affair

The Peor Affair

Our culture has been like the proverbial ‘frog in the kettle’, unaware of its danger as the water keeps getting hotter. While more and more sexual immorality is accepted as the norm in society, we have an opportunity to make agreements with it or not. There are situations in life where, if you don't make up your mind before you get in them, your unmade mind will unmake you. Where do you stand?

Oct 08, 202344:29
Prophet For Profit

Prophet For Profit

Balaam was a false prophet, diviner, magician – a private contractor paid to get things done. The Lord wasn’t pleased with his deceit. Balaam’s story of religious deception is complex, disturbing, and way too common – then and now. Too many fall prey to the lies and selfishness of these kinds of individuals. So, how do we tell the difference between a pastor/leader who seeks to faithfully serve and honor the Lord and those who play with some other ulterior motive?

Oct 01, 202341:46
Saved But Still Enslaved

Saved But Still Enslaved

Some of the biggest battles of our lives happen inside of us - attitudes, impulses and behavioral patterns, thought filters that need to be dealt with. We may be saved, but still enslaved. So what are we to do?

Sep 24, 202343:40
Deadly Distractions

Deadly Distractions

Unbelief makes a mess and threatens our opportunity to experience the promises of God. How does God help our unbelief? He may give us a test, but not to fail us. Testing circumstances put the squeeze on so we can see what's on the inside.

Sep 18, 202342:17
It’s All About the Blessing

It’s All About the Blessing

You may need to say ‘no’ to a few things starting today, so that you can say ‘yes’ to all of the blessings God has for you. If you want to get the most out of your wilderness, you need to live connected to God and connected to His people.

Sep 10, 202333:26
Bearing God's Brand

Bearing God's Brand

Our wilderness experiences in life serve as training practicums. As we go, God helps us grow, equipping us to face the challenges. Jesus will take us through them - just like taking ancient Israel through the wilderness.

Sep 06, 202337:35
Deep Symbols in Spiritual Reality

Deep Symbols in Spiritual Reality

God gave instructions on building a ‘mobile unit’ designed to travel with the Israelites to help tend their wounds and keep them safe spiritually, physically, emotionally and relationally – the Tabernacle. Here, the priests would perform directions God gave them for the people and dwell with them. Seven furnishings in the tabernacle facilitated the people being connected and clean, and these are relevant to us today.

Aug 28, 202342:23
God’s Top Ten List – Guardrails Matter

God’s Top Ten List – Guardrails Matter

This week, the Exodus journey brings us to the Ten Commandments. These were given to guard and to guide. What are these guardrails protecting? Where are they directing?

Aug 21, 202343:56
Battle of the Gods

Battle of the Gods

Throughout generations, people have been held captive by the “gods” of their culture and, in turn, abuse, mistreat, and take other people captive because of it. How are we supposed to get free and not suffer anymore from false gods and stubborn hardness of heart?

Aug 13, 202344:11
Drawn Out to be Drawn In

Drawn Out to be Drawn In

Have you ever asked, “where is God when you need Him?” The people of Israel have reason to ask the same question. He was already there, at work in the middle of their adversity. God is not far from you either. 

Aug 06, 202335:40
Top Gun: Maverick

Top Gun: Maverick

What do you do when the future is mashing up with your past and that’s your present experience? What do you do in the present when your future puts the squeeze on your past? Today’s featured film helps look at how not to let the past blow up our present and affect our future. 

Jul 31, 202342:52


Today’s featured film never mentions Jesus or the love of God that we experience through Christmas, but the story intersects our lives in some deeply spiritual ways.

Jul 26, 202344:32
Spider-Man: No Way Home

Spider-Man: No Way Home

The journey to adulthood involves disappointments and discoveries that require the decision to keep growing onward, upward and onward. Today’s movie feature shows us how stumbling blocks can become a stepping stone into higher ground.

Jul 26, 202343:24
Super Mario Brothers

Super Mario Brothers

The Super Mario Bros. Movie is our featured film this week. The movie’s deeper themes are brotherhood, the relationship between fathers and sons, sacrifice, unity, and good conquering evil. How does this popular story intersect with God’s unfolding story in the world?

Jul 12, 202333:00


How does the saving truth of Jesus intersect with the popular stories of our culture? Today’s featured film, Devotion, tells the real life story of naval aviators, Tom Hudner and Jesse Brown. These two men showed true devotion to one another in service and in friendship. They led their lives with character and in a manner that matched the value of their calling.

Jul 03, 202330:00
Leading Your Family on Mission

Leading Your Family on Mission

In a family, every single member has a share in the responsibility to show up for each other – to be present, protect, and build the family together. How would you describe your family’s participation with one another?

Jun 26, 202336:03
Crowning Kings

Crowning Kings

How might your leadership increase among your family and throughout your spheres of influence by championing prayer, beginning in your home? The strength of your leadership – especially as a husband, father, provider, and protector – is a direct result from the overflow of your life connected with God through prayer.

Jun 19, 202339:29