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Biblical Teaching

Biblical Teaching

By Scott J Shifferd

Bible teachers among the churches of Christ teach exegetical and expository messages as they draw directly from the Bible. This podcast is a source of exegetical teaching and preaching from Scott Shifferd and special speakers for the Thomasville church of Christ (Thomasville, GA).
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How to Judge Christians - 1 Corinthians 5:1-6:11

Biblical TeachingJul 09, 2019

Who Needs the Resurrection? - Acts 3:1-26

Who Needs the Resurrection? - Acts 3:1-26

This message draws from Peter's preaching based on the healing of a lame man. Peter reveals the gospel of Jesus's resurrection and the significance of His resurrection and God's promise of the resurrection to come.
Jun 03, 202434:59
Who Needs the Gospel? - Acts 2:37-42

Who Needs the Gospel? - Acts 2:37-42

This message emphasizes everyone's need for the gospel of Christ and Peter's preaching of the gospel that launched the Great Commission in Acts 2.
Jun 02, 202429:32
Few Are Saved - Matthew 7:13-14

Few Are Saved - Matthew 7:13-14

This message draws from Christ's teaching that few will be saved for believers to rethink some assumptions. Many false beliefs that keep us from lovingly sharing the faith with devoted and generous people who are not saved yet.
May 19, 202430:32
The Faith of Sarah - Hebrews 11:11-12

The Faith of Sarah - Hebrews 11:11-12

This message launches from Hebrews 11:11-12 to pull from the Book of Genesis seeing the strength of Sarah's faith and how she became a mother in her old age according to the promise of God.
May 12, 202422:38
Treasures in Heaven - Matthew 19:16-26

Treasures in Heaven - Matthew 19:16-26

This message draws from Jesus's encounter with the rich young ruler to examine the criticism of the rich, the acquiring of wealth, and the perspective that Christians should have about money.
May 05, 202422:40
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled - John 14:1-21

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled - John 14:1-21

This message draws from John 14:1-21 to know the comfort and peace of knowing Christ.
Apr 23, 202423:59
The Model of Servant Leadership - John 13:1-18

The Model of Servant Leadership - John 13:1-18

This lesson pulls from Jesus's example and model of service from John 13:1-18 to see how leadership among Christians is to by serving others with humility. This message also looks for the need for male leaders in the church.
Apr 22, 202427:36
Glorify God with Your Body - 1 Corinthians 6:12-20

Glorify God with Your Body - 1 Corinthians 6:12-20

This message draws from 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 to see how Christians are to view their bodies, use their bodies to glorify God by abstaining from sins against the body, and recognize that God's Spirit dwells in them.
Apr 07, 202426:27
A New Creation - 2 Corinthians 5:14-19

A New Creation - 2 Corinthians 5:14-19

This message draws from 2 Corinthians 5:14-19 to see how faithful Christians are a new creation now by God's redemption. Furthermore, the faithful are a new creation awaiting the new creation of the resurrection and the new heavens and new earth.
Mar 24, 202427:53
You Cannot Sin to Be More like God - Genesis 3:1-7

You Cannot Sin to Be More like God - Genesis 3:1-7

This message draws from Eve and Adam's sins in Garden of Eden to see what is behind the sin of disregarding God's Word to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Mar 11, 202428:16
You Were Made in the Image of God - Genesis 1:26-31

You Were Made in the Image of God - Genesis 1:26-31

God made man in His image and that revelation forever challenges and changes culture. This message draws from the Creation in the Book of Genesis and connects it with the teaching of Christ about the Creation of humanity.
Mar 04, 202429:16
The Tough Love of Jesus - Mark 8:31-33

The Tough Love of Jesus - Mark 8:31-33

This message shows the love of Jesus Christ in light of the Gospels drawing first from Mark 8:31-33 where Jesus rebukes one of His disciples.
Feb 25, 202431:33
The Religion of the Pharisees - Luke 18:9-14

The Religion of the Pharisees - Luke 18:9-14

This message draws from Jesus's parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector in Luke 18:9-14. The lesson also pulls from Jesus's other teachings against the Pharisees' behavior in the New Testament.
Feb 19, 202424:38
How Can God Be Love? - 1 John 4:7-11

How Can God Be Love? - 1 John 4:7-11

This message draws from 1 John 4:7-11 to see how God is love and what the implications of this truth are in the Christian life.
Feb 13, 202427:02
If You Love Christ - John 14:21-24

If You Love Christ - John 14:21-24

Jesus taught, "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word" (John 14:23). This message draws from John 14:21-24 to see how loving Christ means obeying His commands. In this way, the love of Christ expands from believers to all who love others.
Feb 04, 202424:30
Why Did Jesus Speak against Religious Traditions? - Matthew 15:1-9

Why Did Jesus Speak against Religious Traditions? - Matthew 15:1-9

This message draws from Matthew 15:1-9 to observe Jesus correcting the scholars and preachers of that time who promoted traditions to the exclusion of God's commands. Are religious leaders doing the same today?
Jan 28, 202427:26
Power from the Holy Spirit - John 16:7-13

Power from the Holy Spirit - John 16:7-13

This message observes the strength of power from the Holy Spirit as noted in Ephesians 3:16 and other scriptures. This sermon also draws from John 16:7-11 to see how the Spirit convicts the world.
Jan 21, 202421:51
Contend for the Faith - Jude 3-4

Contend for the Faith - Jude 3-4

This message draws from Jude 3-4 to encourage "the called" to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints and learn how to contend, strive, and fight.
Jan 14, 202424:02
Why Worship God? - Ephesians 5:18-20

Why Worship God? - Ephesians 5:18-20

This message draws from Ephesians 5:18-20 to recognize how we worship from the heart and why we worship God with thanksgiving. This sermon expands on our adoration of the Creator that drives our devotion to worshipping God.
Jan 07, 202425:07
Press On to the Goal - Philippians 3:12

Press On to the Goal - Philippians 3:12

This message sets the ultimate goal for the new year and more so for the rest of our lives by seeing the goal set in Philippians 3:12 and surrounding passages. Christians must press on towards the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Jesus Christ. What is this goal? Listen and hear the truth.
Dec 31, 202323:56
Jesus's Baptism to Fulfill All Righteousness - Matthew 3:13-17

Jesus's Baptism to Fulfill All Righteousness - Matthew 3:13-17

Why was Jesus baptized when baptism is for the forgiveness of sins? Who can have no sins? This message draws from Jesus's baptism and the biblical command of Christ for all believers to be baptized.
Dec 19, 202321:36
The Generosity of Christ's Gift - 2 Corinthians 8:1-9

The Generosity of Christ's Gift - 2 Corinthians 8:1-9

This message draws from 2 Corinthians 8:1-9 and specifically verse 9, "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though being rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich."
Dec 10, 202327:60
Jesus Came Preaching - Mark 1:14-22

Jesus Came Preaching - Mark 1:14-22

This message draws from the beginning of Jesus's ministry in Mark 1:14-22 to see how Christ came with authority.
Dec 04, 202322:38
The Word Is God - John 1:1-14

The Word Is God - John 1:1-14

This message draws from John 1:1-14 to see the glory of Christ who is God, the Word, who came in the flesh experiencing our weaknesses, temptations, suffering, and death to overcome sin and death and give those who believe in His name eternal life.
Nov 26, 202324:17
Are You Ready to Give Thanks to God? - Colossians 2:1-8

Are You Ready to Give Thanks to God? - Colossians 2:1-8

This message emphasizes the end-result of faith in the gospel of Christ is thanksgiving to God.
Nov 22, 202322:02
Are There Reasons Not to Follow Christ Right Now? - Luke 14:15-24

Are There Reasons Not to Follow Christ Right Now? - Luke 14:15-24

This message draws from the Parable of the Banquet to observe the excuses that some make not to follow Jesus Christ. This lesson shows the reasoning that people use to delay their obedience to Christ.
Nov 12, 202321:55
Christ Is the Righteousness of God - Romans 3:21-26

Christ Is the Righteousness of God - Romans 3:21-26

This message draws from Romans 3:21-26 to see God's righteous scheme of redemption fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
Nov 05, 202328:45
When Prayer Is Effective - James 5:12-20

When Prayer Is Effective - James 5:12-20

Are you relying on God or making deals with the world? This message draws from James 5:12-20 to hear God's Word about the effective prayer of the righteous believer and why we need the righteous praying for us.
Oct 29, 202325:36
Ways to Apply the Wisdom of God - James 4:13-5:11

Ways to Apply the Wisdom of God - James 4:13-5:11

This message draws from James 4:13-5:11 to see God's wisdom at work in the life of Christians, so that we are not arrogant or boastful. James taught the church how God's wisdom provides the way for us to endure hardships and oppression.
Oct 26, 202322:21
Wisdom from God? - James 3:13-4:12

Wisdom from God? - James 3:13-4:12

This message draws directly from James 3:13-4:12 to see the conduct of wisdom that comes from God in contrast to envy and selfish ambition that are demonic. These scriptures also reveal what must happen to one's heart to receive the wisdom of God.
Oct 17, 202324:51
Is Your Heart an Altar to God? - Various Scriptures

Is Your Heart an Altar to God? - Various Scriptures

This message, entitled "Measure Your Altar," from Jim Sullivan surveys the various altars of the Old Testament to see the altar of the heart in the New Testament. The purposes of an altar align with God's purpose of the heart as Jim reveals in this message.
Oct 15, 202329:15
The Untamable Tongue - James 3:1-12

The Untamable Tongue - James 3:1-12

This message draws from James 3:1-12 to see the power of the tongue and the words that we speak. James urged the church not to bless God and curse those made in His image.
Oct 01, 202324:41
Living Faith Works - James 2:14-26

Living Faith Works - James 2:14-26

This message draws directly from the Bible to see how faith without works is dead and how to find life in your faith.
Sep 24, 202323:48
Love over Partiality - James 2:1-13

Love over Partiality - James 2:1-13

How to love your neighbor by removing partiality from your thinking. This message draws from James's words in James 2:1-13 to early churches about partiality and favoritism.
Sep 17, 202323:20
Get Endurance from Trials and Temptations - James 1:1-27

Get Endurance from Trials and Temptations - James 1:1-27

This message draws from James 1:1-27 to see the endurance that comes from trials and temptations, and to see wisdom comes from God as He gives to those who ask.
Sep 10, 202329:32
What Does the Bible Mean by "Walking with God"? - Luke 24:13-27

What Does the Bible Mean by "Walking with God"? - Luke 24:13-27

This sermon sets the path to walk as established by God throughout the Bible. This message draws from various scriptures about the meaning of walking with God and the path of grace for faithful Christians.
Sep 03, 202328:06
God's Grace to Walk in God's Ways - Ephesians 2:1-10

God's Grace to Walk in God's Ways - Ephesians 2:1-10

This message draws from Ephesians 2:1-10 to observe humanity's sinful state of death and the life that God gives to make people full of good works.
Aug 31, 202322:35
Because Jesus Made Wine - John 2:1-11

Because Jesus Made Wine - John 2:1-11

This message considers the greatness of Jesus's first recorded miracle and its implications to drinking alcohol. Why would Jesus make enough wine for hundreds of wedding guests when the Bible says they already had their fill?
Aug 20, 202331:25
Sealed by the Holy Spirit - Ephesians 1:13-14

Sealed by the Holy Spirit - Ephesians 1:13-14

This message draws from the references to the Holy Spirit throughout the Book of Ephesians to recognize the blessings of the Holy Spirit especially the strength of the Spirit in the inner person. This lesson also counters false ideas about the Spirit of God.
Aug 06, 202333:46
"I Am the Bread of Life" - John 6:1-14

"I Am the Bread of Life" - John 6:1-14

This message draws from the words of Christ in John 6 that offended many so that they stop following Him. Starting with the feeding of the 5000 in John 6:1-14, Jesus offended people by claiming to be "the Bread of Life."
Jul 30, 202331:35
The Case for Biblical Baptism - Acts 8:26-39

The Case for Biblical Baptism - Acts 8:26-39

This message addresses the one baptism commanded by Christ drawing from the conversation of the Ethiopian official in Acts 8:26-39.
Jul 23, 202337:07
The Reality of Hell - Revelation 14:6-13

The Reality of Hell - Revelation 14:6-13

This message launches from Revelation 14:6-13 to observe the warnings of Christ and biblical writers about the reality of Hell.
Jul 17, 202332:27
Biblical Wisdom about Money - Luke 12:13-21

Biblical Wisdom about Money - Luke 12:13-21

What should we expect the Bible to teach us about money? This message draws key points throughout the Scriptures often forgotten to observe God-given wisdom about money.
Jul 11, 202331:55
Are We One Nation under God? Proverb 16:12

Are We One Nation under God? Proverb 16:12

This message draws from the Proverbs for God's instruction to kings, rulers, and all authorities and urges all Christians to live by faith in a way that best helps their nation come to God.
Jul 03, 202329:60
Returning to a Compassionate Father - Luke 15:11-32

Returning to a Compassionate Father - Luke 15:11-32

This message draws from the example of the compassionate father of two sons, one the prodigal and the other resentful, to see that God celebrates repentance.
Jun 19, 202327:20
Biblical Creationism (Pt 2) - Genesis 1:14-31

Biblical Creationism (Pt 2) - Genesis 1:14-31

This message draws from Genesis regarding the last days of God's creation to see that creation and science agree.
Jun 12, 202327:56
Biblical Creationism (Pt 1) - Genesis 1:1-13

Biblical Creationism (Pt 1) - Genesis 1:1-13

This message draws from Genesis 1:1-13 to see the necessary existence of God and the design of God in creation.
Jun 05, 202325:11
Christ Is Head of All Things to the Church - Ephesians 1:22-23

Christ Is Head of All Things to the Church - Ephesians 1:22-23

Why are there so many different churches when Christ declared, "I will build My church"? This message draws from Ephesians 1:22-23 and seeks unity for all churches as the body of Christ.
May 29, 202329:32
Seven Things that God Hates - Proverbs 6:16-19

Seven Things that God Hates - Proverbs 6:16-19

This message draws from Proverbs 6:16-19 to see that God hates evil.
May 22, 202323:16
The Qualities of Esther - Esther 4:1-17

The Qualities of Esther - Esther 4:1-17

This message draws from the story of Queen Esther to exemplify the qualities of faithful women.
May 15, 202325:39