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The Spiritually Persistent Entrepreneur Podcast

The Spiritually Persistent Entrepreneur Podcast

By Sharon Wilson

I replaced my corporate income before the end of the my first year as a spiritual business mentor .

Over my 20+ years in business, I have been divinely guided to support entrepreneurs to success on an inner and outer level.

In this podcast, you will experience interviews with successful spiritual entrepreneurs, authors and thought leaders, activations to support the entrepreneurial mindset and coaching moments with me. We have a thriving Success Support Community available for support beyond the podcasts!
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Helping Your Clients to get The Results They Desire with Louisa Havers

The Spiritually Persistent Entrepreneur PodcastNov 23, 2022

Energy Alignment for Wealth Prosperity with Cheri Petroni

Energy Alignment for Wealth Prosperity with Cheri Petroni

Ever thought about turbocharging your strategic planning with a sprinkle of mental and spiritual magic?

Well, hold onto your hats because we're about to dive deep into the realm where aligned energy bodies become your secret weapon in the battlefield of business success!

Picture this: you, armed with the unstoppable force of aligned mental and spiritual energy, conquering challenges left, right, and center while skyrocketing your wealth creation game.


Have you ever wondered how shaking off those emotional shackles through energy body alignment can turn your financial landscape into a sunny paradise? We're talking about unleashing a tsunami of positivity that washes away all those pesky financial woes!

And guess what? Our dear friend Cheri is stepping into the spotlight to shower you with wisdom bombs and practical tips on kickstarting your journey to financial abundance through energy body alignment.

But hold onto your hats because here comes the cherry on top! Cheri is generously gifting you her exclusive 5-Part Video Series to Align Your Energies for Prosperity! Consider it your golden ticket to overcoming obstacles in health, wealth, and relationships. It's time to level up, folks!

May 07, 202435:29
The Invisible Obstacles to Manifestation with Dave Conway

The Invisible Obstacles to Manifestation with Dave Conway

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of manifestation and supercharge your mindset right from the comfort of wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts? Well, get ready because we've got a powerhouse episode coming your way!

Dave breaks down the enigmatic concept of manifestation into easily digestible nuggets of wisdom that will leave you feeling empowered and ready to conquer your goals.

Ever heard of the law of perpetual transmutation of energy? No? Well, buckle up because Dave's here to school us on how energy transforms and how your thoughts are the catalysts for turning your wildest dreams into reality. It's all about naming it and claiming it, folks!

Join us as Dave shares invaluable insights on a range of topics, from the importance of mindset mentorship to strategies for advancing when you feel stuck at a certain success point and what you can do right now to increase your income. Plus, get ready to learn some insider tips from Dave's time working with the legendary Bob Proctor himself!

And guess what? For our listeners, Dave is offering an exclusive opportunity to join his 21 Day Manifestation Challenge. This quickfire manifestation challenge is designed to help you harness the power of your mind, build clear mental pictures of your goals, and tap into your inner discipline and focus like never before. Thousands of Dave's clients have already experienced incredible results, and now it's your turn!

Tune in and let Dave be your guide on the journey to manifesting your dreams.

Apr 18, 202452:18
All In with Deidre Sirianni

All In with Deidre Sirianni

Are you ready to break free from the chains of self-doubt and unlock the door to radical change in your life?

Then get ready to tune in to our latest podcast episode featuring the incredible Deidre, who's about to drop some serious wisdom on how to step into your power and live your purpose to the fullest!

In this electrifying episode, Deidre will unveil the three critical steps that most people overlook when striving for radical change in their lives. These steps are the key to breaking free from self-sabotage, playing small, and finally going ALL IN on your purpose. Get ready to discover:

  • The secret to releasing self-sabotaging patterns and unleashing your full potential.
  • Clarity on why you've been feeling stuck and playing small, and most importantly, the steps to take to go ALL IN.
  • Where your journey to transformation truly begins and how to navigate the path ahead.
  • The four stages of Turning Your Light On and embracing your true essence.
  • Common obstacles that block people from fully committing to their purpose and achieving the results they desire.

But that's not all! Deidre will also share her insights on what she's currently excited about in her work with Spiritual Entrepreneurs. Get ready to be inspired and empowered to take the next steps on your journey towards fulfillment and success.

We've got a special treat for all our listeners! Deidre is spreading the love by inviting you to take her super fun Turn Your Light On Quiz. Curious about which level you're mainly vibing at right now? This quiz has the answers you've been seeking!

Once you've finished the quiz, you'll unlock a treasure trove of exclusive videos and trainings. These goodies are designed to guide you on your journey of self-discovery and help you wake up to the incredible person you're truly meant to be.

Apr 05, 202431:22
The 3 Cs of Business Brilliance: Community, Connection, & Collaboration with Rochel Marie Lawson

The 3 Cs of Business Brilliance: Community, Connection, & Collaboration with Rochel Marie Lawson

Are you ready to ignite your business brilliance and take your endeavors to the next level?

Today we're diving into the dynamic world of the 3 C's: Community, Connection, and Collaboration!

The 3 C's of business brilliance are not only practical, they are powerful because of the energetic principals imbued in them.

In this inspiring conversation we're all about infusing energy and excitement into the fundamentals of success. Join us as we uncover how these three powerhouse elements can turn your challenges into golden opportunities, creating a vibrant atmosphere where your business can truly thrive.

Today the incredible Rochel is taking the mic to share her wisdom on why community isn't just a buzzword – it's the secret sauce to unlocking your full potential! Discover how surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals can propel you towards success, opening doors you never even knew existed.

But that's not all – we're delving deep into the importance of forging meaningful connections. Because let's face it, in the world of business, who you know can be just as important as what you know! Get ready for some eye-opening insights into how building strong relationships can be a total game-changer.

And what's a thriving business without collaboration? Prepare to be inspired by real-life examples of how teamwork makes the dream work, driving innovation and problem-solving to new heights.

For our listeners, Rochel is generously offering our listeners her incredible Destiny by Design Workbook – the ultimate tool to help entrepreneurs visualize and craft their journey to success. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to supercharge your entrepreneurial spirit!

Tune in now and let's kickstart your journey to business brilliance together!

Apr 05, 202450:20
The 5 Elements of You with Heather Taylor

The 5 Elements of You with Heather Taylor

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey that will revolutionize the way you perceive yourself and your world?

In this metamorphic episode, Heather and I delve into the essence of these fundamental elements that shape every aspect of your being. From the fiery depths of your mind to the ethereal realms of the unseen, we explore how each element influences your actions, thoughts, and overall life experience.

But that's not all - we're here to provide you with practical tools and insights to help you navigate the intricate dance of the 5 Elements in your daily life. Learn how to harness the power of your daily triggers to bring awareness to your blind spots and cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself.

Join us as we discuss:

  • When and how Heather discovered and embodied the 5 Elements as a Roadmap to Wellness.
  • Strategies for integrating the 5 Elements into your daily routines and practices.
  • Insider tips on how to use these elements to achieve balance and harmony in your life.

And if that's not enough, we'll also be giving you a sneak peek into the mystical world of the Lemurian Life Expo, where the ancient wisdom of Lemuria converges with the pulsating energies of the modern cosmos.

Plus, we have an exciting gift for our listeners! Heather is generously gifting you her transformational guide: "How to Balance the 5 Elements of You." This comprehensive framework for personal growth and self-improvement will empower you to unlock untapped potential and achieve profound transformations in various areas of your life.

Mar 28, 202434:29
The Energy of Money with Julie Foucht

The Energy of Money with Julie Foucht

Are you ready to spark a new relationship with money?

Are you all ears for a fresh start with your cash flow? We know you're nodding along eagerly!

Ever heard of the golden rule of the universe? It goes something like this: "Your money potential knows no bounds, only your willingness to receive."

But let's be real, we've all got these comfy money comfort zones, right? It's like we've been handed this mental cash thermostat, set by our families, friends, and the world around us. But guess what? It's time to crank up the heat!

There are energetic principles that, when applied, permanently expand your receiving channels so that $10k, $15k, even $20k months consistently becomes the norm.

Get ready to join Julie and me on a journey where we'll:

  • Uncover the energetic hacks to widen your money streams and invite abundance into your life.
  • Kiss goodbye to those pesky limiting beliefs about money and say hello to a whole new world of financial freedom.
  • Dive into simple, everyday money rituals that'll have you dancing in the dollars!

For our listeners, Julie's got a special treat for you! Her Wise Witch Guide is yours for the taking. Let's unlock those channels of abundance and sprinkle some magic into your financial game!

Mar 07, 202433:07
Aligning yourself with a Realtor and Other Service Professionals with Ron Huber

Aligning yourself with a Realtor and Other Service Professionals with Ron Huber

Ready to make your real estate journey smoother and more successful? In our upcoming podcast episode, we're delving into the vital topic of aligning yourself with a Realtor and other service professionals who truly understand your needs and share your goals.

Discover the correct mindset necessary when seeking guidance in real estate and learn how to fully engage with these experts who have common goals and beliefs. We'll share actionable tips on how to build strong relationships with professionals who can make all the difference in your property endeavors.

But that's not all – we're also diving into the essential strategies for aligning yourself when preparing for a move. From streamlining the process to ensuring you're equipped with the right resources, we've got you covered.

And here's a pro tip: If you've had a positive experience with someone, don't hesitate to ask for recommendations or referrals. The individuals they refer are likely to mirror the qualities and expertise you appreciated in your previous experience.

Join us as we unpack these valuable insights and empower you to navigate the real estate landscape with confidence and success. Don't miss out – tune in to our podcast and take your real estate game to the next level!

For our listeners, Ron is generously providing informational tip guides covering various aspects of real estate. From preparing to sell your home, to essential questions to ask during the buying process, to navigating the intricacies of selling an estate property, Ron has you covered with valuable insights and expertise.

Feb 29, 202437:25
Wealth Begins Within with Jennifer Love

Wealth Begins Within with Jennifer Love

In our latest podcast episode, we're diving deep into the true essence of wealth – a concept that transcends material possessions and external accomplishments. Join us as we explore how wealth is not merely about what we have, but rather, who we are.

Historically, wealth has been synonymous with owning tangible assets, but in reality, it's much more than that. It's a state of being, encompassing multiple dimensions of our lives.

We're delving into four key states of being that define true wealth: worthiness, life satisfaction, the holistic wealth zones, and well-being.

Ever heard of a 'midlife chrysalis'? It's that pivotal moment when we undergo a profound transformation in our understanding of wealth. This turning point can lead us to reevaluate our priorities and seek deeper meaning in life.

How exactly does our brain and central nervous system contribute to this transformation? We'll uncover the neuroscience behind realizing and sustaining personal wealth, exploring how our thought patterns and behaviors shape our experiences of abundance and fulfillment.

And finally, the million-dollar question: how does one master the art of living wealthy? From cultivating self-worth to nurturing holistic well-being, we'll share practical insights and strategies for aligning our lives with true abundance.

For our listeners, Jennifer has graciously offered the gift of her assessment: The Living Wealthy Wheel where you can dig into what's going on for you in your relationship to wealth.

Feb 22, 202436:34
Being Resilient to Become Your Brilliant Archetypal Self with Michele Parad

Being Resilient to Become Your Brilliant Archetypal Self with Michele Parad

What exactly does that mean? It's about transcending beyond mere existence and stepping into the radiant essence of our souls. It's about embracing our unique archetypal energies to illuminate our path, enrich our relationships, and amplify our impact on the world.

Join Michele and I as we dive deep into the enigmatic world of archetypes and their profound teachings:

  • Building a business around our gifts: Unravel the secrets to aligning your business endeavors with your innate talents and passions, paving the way for authentic success.
  • Business model design in a new era: Navigate the ever-evolving landscape of entrepreneurship with innovative strategies and forward-thinking approaches.
  • Pros/cons of spiritual tools, mindset, and business strategies: Delve into the intersection of spirituality and business, dissecting the advantages and pitfalls of integrating spiritual practices into your entrepreneurial journey.
  • The entrepreneurial journey and the archetypes that live within us: Embark on a soul-stirring expedition through the labyrinth of entrepreneurship, uncovering the archetypal energies that shape our path to success.

Listen in as we unravel the mysteries of these archetypes and learn how they hold the keys to shifting our perspectives, behaviors, and actions. Through introspection and exploration, we'll unveil the roadmap to fulfilling our mission in this lifetime.

For our listeners, Michele generously extends an invitation to participate in her quiz, designed to unveil your Brilliance Archetype. By taking this quiz, you'll gain access to a complimentary guide, illuminating the pathway to awakening your distinct gifts and harmonizing your business endeavors with your truest self.

Feb 07, 202433:07
The Science of Mindfulness with Craig Goldberg

The Science of Mindfulness with Craig Goldberg

Our latest podcast episode is not just an episode—it's a guide to resetting your nervous system and unlocking a whole new level of mindfulness mastery.

Today we're unraveling the mysteries behind mindfulness, meditation, and the transformative power of sound.

Ready to embark on this transformative journey with us? Tune in to our podcast episode now and discover the keys to unlocking a heightened state of mindfulness!

  • Resetting Your Nervous System: The Mindfulness Connection Dive deep into the fascinating realm of how resetting your nervous system plays a pivotal role in enhancing your mindfulness practice. Uncover the secrets to achieving a profound sense of calm and balance.
  • Brainwave States: The Key to Relaxation Ever wondered how your brainwave state impacts your ability to relax? Get ready to learn the science behind it and discover actionable insights to optimize your brainwaves for a more relaxed and focused mind.
  • From "Fight or Flight" to Control: Life can throw curveballs, triggering a "fight or flight" response. Learn valuable techniques to swiftly regain control of your body and mind, ensuring you navigate stressors with grace.
  • Sleep's Crucial Role in Mindfulness: Uncover the indispensable role of sleep in nurturing a healthy mindfulness practice. Learn how optimizing your sleep routine can be a game-changer for a more mindful and balanced life.
  • Shortcut to Meditation Mastery: Ready for a game-changing mindfulness hack? We've got a shortcut that will revolutionize your meditation practice, making it more accessible and impactful than ever before

For our listeners, Craig is graciously offering the gift of his Music Mediations App:
Immerse yourself in a wellspring of contemporary music encoded with Vibroacoustic frequencies that combine meditation and vibration to optimize your human potential.

Additionally, If you'd like to purchase any of Craig's amazing products, use the link on the episode page for a 5% discount. When you proceed to the checkout, the system will reflect the code "Sharon Wilson," offering a special discount for you!

To get to know more about Craig and download her free gift to our listeners... go HERE.

Jan 25, 202442:31
 Enlightenment Revolution: How Human Design is Transforming Entrepreneurship with Leann Wolff

Enlightenment Revolution: How Human Design is Transforming Entrepreneurship with Leann Wolff

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to effortlessly navigate through life, while others find themselves struggling against the current?

The answer might just lie in understanding and harnessing your unique energy blueprint through Human Design.

In our latest podcast episode, Leann and I dive deep into the realms of ancient sciences, exploring how Human Design serves as a powerful tool to unveil the secrets of your individual energy composition

  • What is Human Design? Uncover the essence of Human Design and how this blend of ancient wisdom can provide you with a personalized roadmap to navigate life's twists and turns.
  • Why is the Human Design System Crucial in Today’s Economy? Discover the relevance of Human Design in our fast-paced world and how it can be a game-changer in today's ever-evolving economic landscape.
  • Awakening to Your Full Potential: Learn practical insights on how you can awaken to the untapped potential within you, enabling a shift in your perspective that can truly transform your world.
  • Unlocking Your Business’ Profit Potential: Explore how understanding Human Design can be a strategic advantage for entrepreneurs and business leaders, offering a unique perspective on maximizing your business's profit potential.

Ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and unlock the door to your fullest potential? Tune in to our podcast episode today and join the conversation that could reshape the way you approach life, work, and success.

For our listeners, Leann is graciously offering the gift of her course:3 Steps to Align With Your Wealth Code. Stop Decision Fatigue and lean into the magic of your Human Design.

Jan 05, 202434:14
The Surprising Symptoms Of Menopause with Helen Marray-Finlay

The Surprising Symptoms Of Menopause with Helen Marray-Finlay

Get ready for an eye-opening journey as we delve into the lesser-known, impactful symptoms of menopause. .

Think menopause is just hot flashes and mood swings? Think again. From hair loss and dry skin to anxiety, depression, insomnia, and even unexpected issues like urinary infections and dry eyes – these are all linked to menopause.

This interview is a must-listen for women aged 40 and above. It's not just about understanding menopause; it's about taking control of your health and wellbeing during this transformative period. Join us to demystify menopause, embrace this natural progression with confidence, and learn practical strategies to navigate this phase of life with grace. This isn't your typical menopause talk – we're uncovering symptoms that often fly under the radar. You will:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of what menopause is and why it causes various physical and emotional changes.
  • Learn about the lesser-known symptoms of menopause, which can help you recognize and address them early.
  • Discover practical tips and strategies to manage menopause symptoms and maintain your quality of life.
  • Learn about lifestyle changes and remedies that can help alleviate menopause symptoms.

For our listeners, Helen invites you to visit her website and at the bottom of the page, sign up to get her Tips on Navigating Menopause. Additionally, if you'd like to purchase any of Helen's products, you can use the code WILSON30 and receive a 30% discount!

Nov 21, 202339:42
How To Live Your Bucket List Now…And Take Your Business With You with Sherri Coffelt

How To Live Your Bucket List Now…And Take Your Business With You with Sherri Coffelt

Oct 26, 202334:59
Amplifying Your Personal Brand: The Power of Storytelling with Nia Dara
Oct 11, 202325:52
Transforming Visions into Victories with Andrea Guendelman
Sep 29, 202337:42
Attract High-End Clients You Love with Shayla Mihaly

Attract High-End Clients You Love with Shayla Mihaly

Sep 07, 202340:44
Solve The BIG Problem with Jeniji Lake
Aug 25, 202336:27
The Power of Choice Mapping for a Quantum Leap in your Biz with Kim DeYoung
Aug 17, 202339:36
Uncover the Client Attraction Gap that is Keeping Your Business from Soaring with Catharine O'Leary
Aug 10, 202333:35
How to Become a Wealthy Healer with Deborah Drummond
Jul 27, 202342:47
Create a High Converting Webinar in Hours Instead of Days with Jon Schumacher
Jul 17, 202340:35
(Re)Activating Joy in Your Business with M. Shannon Hernandez
Jul 11, 202330:19
Effortless Living is our Natural State with Daniela Sulek
Jun 30, 202347:29
What Looks Like a Tech Problem Never Is... with Anke Herrmann
Jun 22, 202340:11
Online biz’s are getting fined for this with Sean Talty
Jun 15, 202321:36
Aligned Messaging: What is it and why does it matter? With Carol Ann DeSimine
Jun 05, 202334:37
Unleashing The HyperNova Effect: Discover The 6 Hidden Money Triggers with Ron Reich
May 04, 202334:32
From Shame to Shine: How to Create Connection in a Disconnected World with Jay Fairbrother
Apr 27, 202346:36
5 Secrets to Strengthening Your Resilience Muscle with Blair Kaplan Venables
Apr 19, 202332:25
Lessons from a Silicon Valley Exec Turned Conscious Entrepreneur with Chris Cade
Apr 05, 202337:49
How to Use Funnels to Communicate Value to Prospective Clients with Hawk Mikado
Mar 29, 202301:03:53
Activate Your Courage to 100K or More with James Lam
Mar 15, 202329:13
Converting Connections to Conversations with Brynne Tillman
Mar 07, 202335:25
Manifesting Happiness and Abundance with Ken Honda
Feb 20, 202342:50
Over-coming Visibility Fears by Alchemising Your Power with Dr. Anne Whitehouse
Feb 10, 202339:13
Client-Attracting Revenue-Rich Emails That Feel Good to Hit Send On with Jenn Mayers Vaidya
Feb 01, 202343:52
Shamanism, Entrepreneurship and Significance: Three Steps to Manifest Extraordinary Wealth with Adam C. Hall
Jan 19, 202337:29
Business and Spirituality with Karen Lee Cohen
Jan 09, 202330:13
The Referral Alchemy Secret: Practical Magic for Turning Your Network Into Gold with Virginia Muzquiz
Dec 22, 202242:25
Soul of Opulence with Solara Rose
Dec 07, 202242:24
Helping Your Clients to get The Results They Desire with Louisa Havers
Nov 23, 202228:16
 Becoming Your Future Self, Your 4D to 5D Identity Shift with Cory Michelle
Nov 03, 202233:41
Taking Your Ego Out of Your Business with Moyra Michelle
Oct 21, 202234:12
How Human Design & Gene Keys Can Strengthen The Role Of Your Intuition In Your Business with Bree Kuryk

How Human Design & Gene Keys Can Strengthen The Role Of Your Intuition In Your Business with Bree Kuryk

In this conversation Bree discusses the purpose of using human design & gene keys in the context of your business and why they are such a critical tool for strengthening your intuition. She also discusses why you should promote your intuition to CEO of your business. Listeners will walk away with a new understanding of what it means to build an intuition-led business.

Some key points of today's conversation are:

  • The true purpose of human design and gene keys in business
  • The structure & org chart of an intuition-led business
  • Practical tips for integrating your intuition into your business strategically

For our listeners, Bree has graciously offered the gift of her workshop series: Human Design Marketing Strategy & Business Alignment so you can align your business to your human design.

Oct 13, 202233:37
The Problem is Actually the Solution with Shiraz Baboo

The Problem is Actually the Solution with Shiraz Baboo

What the key is to manifesting everything. Make sure you listen in as we share real life stories of powerful transformations using they key to everything! We also talk about:

  • How unconscious stories you don’t even know about are affecting your prosperity, relationships, and health as your grow your business
  • How you are addicted to situations of struggle in your life and business
  • How simple intentions can shift your whole reality
  • How to create bigger results in your business and your life with simple tools

For our listeners, Shiraz has graciously offered the gift of his Focus & Brain Training Audios. Use these audios to improve your mental muscles. Listening 15-30 minutes will help improve your ability to focus, stay calm, and deal with stressful situations more easily.

Sep 30, 202249:02
Ease Stress Overload and Increase Your Resilience with Alena Edmondson
Sep 22, 202235:35
Does My Voice Matter with Cynthis James
Sep 14, 202227:26
Speak Up, Sister with Jamie McKinney
Sep 08, 202230:44
Unleash the Power of Your Story to Attract, Captivate, and Convert Clients with Christie Ruffino
Aug 24, 202234:04
How to Broadcast Your Brilliance with Rich Oceguera
Aug 11, 202240:09