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Comic Issues Podcast

Comic Issues Podcast

By Comic Issues Podcast

Join our heroes and heroine as they take on many of the Geek topics of the week. Coupled with insane amounts of Geek scenarios, from a Quadruple Alien Invasion to a jar of Smacky's peanut butter, there are no safe zones in these topics. They hit all genres of geek, bringing with them a wealth of knowledge. This is not only the Podcast you want but the one you deserve.
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Comic Issues #40 - Off the Rails

Comic Issues PodcastJun 02, 2021

Comic Issues #250 - So Long And Thanks For All The Fish

Comic Issues #250 - So Long And Thanks For All The Fish

Original broadcast date November 25, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

After 5 amazing years and 250 incredible podcasts (even more if you count the extras over the years) Anthony is hanging up his Pg! hat and heading out to parts unknown. Listen in this week and Anthony, Elizabeth and Andrew look back at the history of Comic Issues to reflect on all to good times and fantastic adventures they've had together, all while still being the greatest geeks in the world and still having fun on this farewell episode.

Fear not though, this is only the closing of another chapter in the Comic Issues ongoing series. Don't remove us from your social media and podcast feeds, after a brief break be ready for Comic Issues to be back to being your favorite geeky podcast full of rants, ramblings, and ravings!

On a personal note:
I want to thank every single person who's listened to us over the years. New listeners and old, you're all amazing and I can't thank you enough for giving your time to some geeks like us. I hope that in 250 episodes of the podcast I've made you laugh. I hope you've agreed and disagreed with me. I hope that we've turned you on to new things you didn't know about, or didn't know enough about until listening to us. I hope we've inspired you to go out and make something like we have. Mostly though I hope I've made you laugh.

Being with Pg! and Comic Issues has been a highlight of my life and I wouldn't trade any of it for anything. The podcast has helped change my life and has given me something to work towards when I felt I had nothing else. It's introduced me to new friends that I've met going to so many amazing conventions. You're all too many to list here but I'm lucky to know each and every one of you, and you all inspire me.

I promise to you all that I'm not done, I'm just changing. If you want to keep up on what I'm doing then follow me on Twitter @GraphiteKnight, I'll be promoting there the projects I have planned for 2016. I'm looking forward to making you all laugh even more in the future.

Until then friends, Good Geeking.

Anthony Silva

Jun 19, 202101:03:11
Comic Issues #249 - Catching up on Comics

Comic Issues #249 - Catching up on Comics

Original broadcast date November 18, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

This week Leland is back to sit with Anthony to kick back and reflect on the year in comics. Beginning with Secret Wars and dancing through the singing hills of Marvel these two geeks gush over their favorite books and what's still to come. It's all good vibes until the DC talk started and things got real sad and bitter as they have yet to create a world that's inviting for new fans... or some old fans. Listen in as two friends of 16 years kick back and talk comic shop before getting to major news at the end of the podcast.

Jun 18, 202101:02:29
Comic Issues #248 - X-plosion!!

Comic Issues #248 - X-plosion!!

Original broadcast date November 11, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

It's an X-travaganza! It's so X-citing! It's the end of the Uncanny X-Men and the beginning of the Extraordinary X-Men!

This week the podcasting duo take a long look at the wrap up of Brian Michael Bendis' X-Men stories. The good, the not as good, because it was never bad; Anthony and Elizabeth gush over the issue #600 and the revelations about Iceman, the reunion of Colossus and Magik, and the trial of Beast. Then from Bendis' ends to Jeff Lemire's newest X-book, Extraordinary X-Men takes us further down the timeline and things are not looking good for mutants.

From the science of the x-gene to the magical world of the Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange #2, also came out giving readers a tour of the Sanctum Sanctorum (it's as crazy and amazing as you imagine it). Then move on to Bendis' newest jam Invincible Iron Man #3 with the most impressive suit he's ever had. Finally to ring in the holidays Elizabeth gives a rundown on Klaus #1, Grant Morrison's re-imagining of Santa Claus. Yup, Ol' Saint Nick.

Jun 18, 202101:05:26
Comic Issues #247 - The Return of the Quarantine!

Comic Issues #247 - The Return of the Quarantine!

Original broadcast date November 4, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

Anthony got rid of the plague! And promptly gave it to Ashley. (So generous of him, right?) The quarantine is still up at the House of Two Geeks, so Elizabeth skypes in from Starbase Wallace and we'll hope the bug dies before it can ruin anyone else's weekend.

To pass they time, they recap New Avengers #2, Angela: Queen of Hel #1, Chewbacca #2 and House of M #4, with the amazing art of Ario Anindito.

Jun 18, 202155:02
Comic Issues #246 - Quarantined

Comic Issues #246 - Quarantined

Original broadcast date October 28, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

This week's podcast is coming to you from deep within the quarantine zone as Anthony has come down with the plague. So in the best interests of Elizabeth, who's happy with her wellness and not interested in Anthony's germ warfare, Comic Issues is brought you via the Skype machine! This week is still packed with our favorite books of the week, as we close the final pages of Secret Wars titles Siege and Age of Apocalypse, try out the All-New, All-Different  Astonishing Ant-Man, come back for Round 2 of Invincible Iron Man, and even touch on Back to the Future #1 and the collected Multiversity series by Grant Morrison.

[This podcast has been disinfected for your safety]

Jun 18, 202159:51
Comic Issues #245 - RECORD BREAKERS!

Comic Issues #245 - RECORD BREAKERS!

Original broadcast date October 21, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS, MY FRIENDS!! DUN-DUN-DUN!!  Okay, so maybe we're being a little dramatic but after last week's huge 10 comic book race against time, we decided it had to be done and we pushed ourselves one further.  That's right! This week Comic Issues bring to you 11 comic books that were released on 10/14!

This week the pull list overflowed with A-Force #5, Chewbacca #1, Marvel Zombies #4, The New Avengers #1, I Hate Fairyland #1, Switch #1, Civil War #5, Guardian of the Galaxy #1, The Uncanny Avengers #1, Spider-Gwen #1, and the one that broke the record, Superman: Lois & Clark #1.  Ranging from heart breaking endings to confusing Post-Convergence beginnings, last week was a good week in comics.

Jun 18, 202101:03:29
Comic Issues #244 - Beat the Clock: Ten Titles Under the Wire

Comic Issues #244 - Beat the Clock: Ten Titles Under the Wire

Original broadcast date October 14, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

We're going for a record this episode: it's the first week of the All-New All-Different Marvel titles and it's also the final issue of several Battleworld series. What does that mean? It means we had ten books we wanted to talk about this week, twice our usual number, and we can't do a two-hour episode. (Well we could, but we won't do that to you. You're welcome.)

Rather than just drop a book or two off the list (never!) we laced up our running shoes and got out the stopwatch: ten books, five minutes a book, no more. Trying to get through *deep breath* Doctor Strange #1, Old Man Logan #5, Secret Wars #6, Invincible Iron Man #1, 1602: Witch Hunter Angela #4, Groot #5, Avengers #0, Marvel Point One, Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps #4, and Amazing Spider-Man #1. (whew!)

Did we do it? Listen in for a mad dash, pedal to the metal, breakneck speed race of geek!

Jun 18, 202101:01:57
Comic Issues #243 - Batman's Inferno

Comic Issues #243 - Batman's Inferno

Original broadcast date October 7, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

This week the Tag Team Champions Anthony and Elizabeth step into the podcasting ring to bring to you some comic book recaps and reviews from the top rope!  Before they get there though Elizabeth talks about her review of Andre the Giant: Closer to Heaven and interview with writer Brandon Easton (out tomorrow), and Anthony brings the disappointing news that Michael Bay's Transformers is looking to go for four more films or more.

In this week's news Zach Snyder and rumored to be talking to HBO about a Watchmen project, which feels more like a recipe for disappointment than it does a chance to explore more themes and stories.  In the other camp word is at ABC that a Damage Control half hour comedy is being considered, which may be exactly what comic book television needs.

On this week's pull list is Inferno #5, Justice League #44, Ghost Racers #4, and Batman Annual #4.

Jun 18, 202101:14:13
Comic Issues #242 - Weird comic books and geek TV (perfect weekend)

Comic Issues #242 - Weird comic books and geek TV (perfect weekend)

Original broadcast date September 30, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

The plan for this week was to talk about the Harvey Awards, Crane Con 2015, and the books we read this week. And we mostly did that! But we also kept getting derailed by all the geek TV we're trying to watch, like Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Doctor Who, Arrow, Flash, The Dollhouse, The Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead, and Gotham.

But we eventually get back to Mythic #4, Fury #1, Years of Future Past #5, Grayson #12, and the excellently disturbing Gotham by Midnight #9, with art by the amazing Juan Ferreyra.

Jun 18, 202101:04:46
Comics Issues #241 - Cover Spoilers

Comics Issues #241 - Cover Spoilers

Original broadcast date September 23, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

It's Wednesday and time again for another geektastic edition episode of COMIC ISSUES! On this week's newstand, it didn't take long but after DC announced their "No Batgirling" approach to story telling, four and a half of their more peripheral books have been cancelled. Say goodbye to a favorite of ours Gotham by Midnight, along with Doom, Lobo, Justice League United, and Omega Men. Although Omega Men was only cancelled for a day or so before the raging tide of the Internet brought the book back from near death.

As for what's in this week's pull list, Anthony and Elizabeth recap and review Captain America: White #1, House of M #3, A-Force #4, Age of Apocalypse #4, Star Wars #9, All-New Hawkeye #5, Bizarro #4, and Darth Vader #9.

Jun 18, 202101:04:24
Comic Issues #240 - Beating the Empire, Punching Bears

Comic Issues #240 - Beating the Empire, Punching Bears

Original broadcast date September 16, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

It's a rapid-fire recap week as Anthony and Elizabeth try to power through a huge amount of comics: Star Wars: Shattered Empire #1, Civil War #4, Planet Hulk #5, Little Marvel AvX #4, Siege #3, 1602: Witch Hunter Angela #3, Batman #44, Prez #1 and #2, and Action Comics #44. Whew.

They also do a quick recap of Elizabeth's trip to Yellowstone. (Spoilers: no bears were punched in the making of this podcast.)

Jun 18, 202101:12:02
Comics Issues #239 - Who's Asking for Fin Fang Foom?

Comics Issues #239 - Who's Asking for Fin Fang Foom?

Original broadcast date September 9, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

Leland is back in the guest chair!  Visiting from the Movie Issues Studios while Elizabeth is vacationing with family in the scary woods (we suspect beating up bears), Leland joins forces with Anthony to get deep into a towering pile of comics.  Skipping news all together and getting right inbetween the panels, getting recapped this week is Mockingbird #1, Thors #3, House of M #2, Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde #3, Groot #4, DC Bombshells #2, the latest adventures from Midnighter, and talk briefly about Rasputin, Low, Crimson, and Captain America: Streets of Poison (where Red Skull and Kingpin fight in their underwear).

To find out more, you'll just have to listen in...

Jun 18, 202101:06:42
Comic Issues #238 - Batgirling and Zombies

Comic Issues #238 - Batgirling and Zombies

Original broadcast date September 2, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

t's Science Week on Comic Issues! (Not really, we're hardly scientists, we just thought it sounded cool.) Tune in for DC's economic woes, superhero syphoning, brain sporks, go-bags, and touchless toilet technology.

We're breaking down the news (such as it is) of DC's two million dollar shortfall, Marvel's cosplay covers, Superman's timeline, Battleworld's zombies, She-Hulk's awesomeness, and Captain Marvel's method for transporting mere humans across the ocean.

Jun 18, 202101:06:24
Comic Issues #237 - Nerd-Con 2015 LIVE!

Comic Issues #237 - Nerd-Con 2015 LIVE!

Original broadcast date August 26, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

This week Anthony and Elizabeth travel up the treacherous Interstate 15 to complete their perilously long 20 mile journey to be at part of Nerd-Con 2015. They didn't travel alone though, joined by Leland, host of Movie Issues, and Jordan Pollock, host of the Pixel Clicks Podcast, the quantum quartet took to the stage at Nerd-Con to talk all about themselves and the many podcasts that including Binary Sysetem Podcast & Two Geeks and a Podcast!

That's not all as we also got a brief but fun interview with the much admired cosplayer, Loki Hates You, following the live show. Together Anthony and Loki talk about karaoke, cosplay, and why geek is the best business to be in. (Also a brief guest appearance by "Tom Hiddleston")

If you've missed any of the action from Nerd-Con, be sure to check out our MEGA photo gallery HERE!!

Jun 18, 202144:31
Comic Issues #236 - Secret Revelations

Comic Issues #236 - Secret Revelations

Original broadcast date August 19, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

On the eve of this weekend's Nerd Con your podcasting hero and heroine are excited to bring the show to another live audience. We'll be hitting the second stage at 12:30, but you'll want to be there as the doors open for what's looking to be a nerd-tastic time!

As for this week we tip the scales onto the back half of Secret Wars with its 5th issue, learn more about what's happening to Bruce Wayne in Batman #43, patiently await the outcome of Planet Hulk, believe a man can fly again in Action Comics #43, ride along with the women of A-Force, and rapid fire through Years of Future Past & Ghost Racers!

Jun 18, 202101:12:21
Comic Issues #235 - Four Outta Battleworld

Comic Issues #235 - Four Outta Battleworld

Original broadcast date August 12, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

The biggest news this week is the underwhelming opening of Fantastic 4, but as the crew hasn't seen it yet they just giggle for a bit about the Thing's lack of pants, and kryptonite condoms, and then get to the stuff they actually liked; Siege #2, Age of Apocalypse #2, Giant Size Little Marvel AvX #3, and Groot #3.

Jun 18, 202155:29
Comic Issues #234 - Too Much Star Wars Isn't a Thing

Comic Issues #234 - Too Much Star Wars Isn't a Thing

Original broadcast date August 5, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

In light of light news, this week your favorite podcasting duo get down on some geeky rumors.  Starting with talk of possibly 3 Star Wars series coming to Netflix in the sometime future.  No word as of yet what these shows could be about, but with the addition of a new film released every year Anthony asks, is there such a thing as too much Star Wars?  As to which Elizabeth answers with a quick, no. Also talk of who actress Jenna Malone may play in the upcoming Batman v Superman which becomes more an analysis of Civil War #1.

In this week's pull list Anthony and Elizabeth talk about 1602: Witch Hunter Angela #2, Mythic #3, Thors #2, Star Wars #7, Gotham by Midnight Annual #1, X-Men '92 #2, Superman #42, and Deadpool: Secret Secret War #2.

Jun 17, 202101:08:43
Comic Issues #233 - From Archie to Zombies
Jun 17, 202101:07:28
Comic Issues #232 - One Rainy Day

Comic Issues #232 - One Rainy Day

Original broadcast date July 22, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

On a dark and stormy day, two podcasters gathered to bring forth the latest news from the comic book kingdom, and some of their favorite books from last week. Aided by the background music of the heavy rain Anthony and Elizabeth talk about the recent rise of cosplayers charging money for photos, and the overwhelmingly disappointing recent reveal of Apocalypse from next year's X-Men: Apocalypse.

Listen in this week as the comic talk also turns to Guardians of Knowhere #1, Siege #1, Inferno #3, Batman #42, Age of Apocalypse #1, Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps. #2, Hail Hydra #1 and Planet Hulk #3.

Jun 17, 202101:05:39
Comic Issues #231 - Comic-Con 2015 Wrap Up
Jun 17, 202101:08:20
Comic Issues #230 - Peeking at Post Secret Wars

Comic Issues #230 - Peeking at Post Secret Wars

Original broadcast date July 8, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

It's Comic-Con weekend and if you're in line for Hall H, under the blistering sun, take this time to share us with the people around you. Make a friend and a fellow Ci Fan. Okay, enough about us...

This week your podcast heroes hit up Marvel's big preview book of Post-Secret Wars titles featuring all new teams on the page and behind the panels.  From Deadpool on an Avengers book to Bendis-less X-Men books there's a lot going on and together Anthony and Elizabeth barely scratch the surface of what's to come this fall.  In this week's pull list is of course the unstoppable Secret Wars #4, Years of Future Past #2, A-Force #2, Marvel's Li'l AvX #2, and Chrononauts #4!

Jun 17, 202101:06:04
Comic Issues #229 - DC & Image gain some ground
Jun 17, 202154:34
Comic Issues #228 - The New New 52

Comic Issues #228 - The New New 52

Original broadcast date June 24, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

It's a podcast of many 1st times!  While Elizabeth is out on an amazing adventure, Ci-staple Leland from Movie Issues has stepped in to keep her seat warm for the week and to sit with Anthony FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER! Also for the first time DC has taken over the podcast with only a couple books from Marvel and many more from the new experimental DCYou, what kind of Bizzaro World is this?!

On this week's pull list is, Old Man Logan #2, Thors #1, Black Canary #1, Robin Son of Batman #1, Superman / Wonder Woman #1, and Justice League of America #1. Listen in as the conversation swings from Happy Days to Marvel's end of days as these two comic loving geeks ask WHY THE HELL TWIX IS RUINING DC'S BOOKS!?

Jun 17, 202101:00:03
Comic Issues #227 - Attacks on comics (and Marvel's still winning)
Jun 17, 202101:05:23
Comic Issues #226 - SO. MANY. COMICS.

Comic Issues #226 - SO. MANY. COMICS.

Original broadcast date June 10, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

Welcome back to another astounding edition of the Comic Issues Podcast where we read a bunch of comics and the spoil the hell out of them, so... warning.

This week Anthony returns to the host throne and heavy is the head that wears the crown (...oh for crying out loud - Elizabeth) as the first book on this week's stack is the finale to Convergence. Finally over, Anthony and Elizabeth look back over the last 8 weeks and reflect on what they put themselves through, and then they get to the good books. The Secret Wars train rolls on like an unstoppable force of amazing writing and excellent artwork, beginning with Giant-Size Little Marvel: AvX #1 and chugging along with Battleworld #2, X-Tinction Agenda #1, Years of Future Past #1, and Secret Wars #3.  Not to be completely overrun we check in with the first wave of new books from DC with Bizarro #1 and Bat-mite #1, as well as checking in with the Man of Steel himself with Action Comics #41!

SO. MANY. BOOKS. this week!!  And we're still kicking off the podcast with some of the latest news out of Special Edition: NYC from Marvel.  You gotta hear it to believe it!

Jun 17, 202101:14:29
Comic Issues #225 - All the first issues!

Comic Issues #225 - All the first issues!

Original broadcast date June 3, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

With Anthony out of town this week, Elizabeth convinced Leland from Movie Issues to come aboard and drop some comic knowledge (he didn't take much convincing.) It's a potpourri of first-issues this week as they discuss Secret Wars Journal #1, Old Man Logan #1, Inferno #1, Fight Club 2 #1, and Mythic #1. They also talk a little Convergence (but not very enthusiastically) and Leland gives us some insider info he picked up regarding DC's plans for the future.

Jun 16, 202154:56
Comic Issues #224 - Battleworld gears up, Convergence fizzles out

Comic Issues #224 - Battleworld gears up, Convergence fizzles out

Original broadcast date May 27, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

This week the Comic Issues crew is breaking down the second-to-last Convergence book, because we said we would. And we keep our word. Because we PROMISED. But then we have four amazing Secret Wars issues to review, and that makes everything better.

Jun 16, 202158:29
Comic Issues #223 - Thor Reveals the Converging War

Comic Issues #223 - Thor Reveals the Converging War

Original broadcast date May 20, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

After some technical difficulty Anthony and Elizabeth take a second shot this week at bringing to you the biggest of last weeks comics and the what's been happening on the internet with CBS's Supergirl series.

First up the Supergirl trailer hit the inter-tubes last week to both excitement and disappointment.  The 6 minute "First Look" has people damning the Greg Berlanti (Flash, Arrow) show for its first 3 minutes playing the paint by numbers game that every formulaic romantic comedy follows.  From carrying her bosses coffee with an unassuming ponytail, to a co-worker awkwardly asking her on a date fans seemed mostly angry, but your podcast heroes are here to explain why you should be excited.

Also this week, Convergence #7 shows signs of improvement after 7 previous issues of boring, Secret Wars #2 sinks its teeth deeper into your podcasting heroes, and the secret identity of the new Thor is finally revealed in Thor #8 (we were almost right!).

Jun 16, 202101:05:60
Comic Issues #222 - Ultron's Secret Wars

Comic Issues #222 - Ultron's Secret Wars

Original broadcast date May 13, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

This week we flip the format to keep you unspoiled: we’re going to break down Age of Ultron into teeny tiny controversial pieces, but we save that for the last half of the podcast to be safe. There’s some serious discussions about whether or not Whedon’s characters are sexist, and some serious geekgasms over our favorite scenes. Especially that scene. You know which one we mean.

In the first half we look at the latest issues of Convergence (with very little idea of what’s going on anymore) and then geek the heck out over the first issue of Secret Wars.

Jun 16, 202101:07:09
Comic Issues #221 - Free Comic Book Day!

Comic Issues #221 - Free Comic Book Day!

Original broadcast date May 6, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

Welcome back, everyone! This past Saturday was Free Comic Book Day and to celebrate we took the show on the road down to The Villainous Lair to interview anyone we could pin down into a corner and bother with questions. Lucky for us we got to talk to some of the coolest geeks and nerds in the world including Flash Gordon, Doctor Strange and Sara Winchester herself! Together we geeked out over the recent release of Avengers Age of Ultron, Marvel's upcoming Secret Wars, a surprising amount of iZombie, and even a little of DC's Convergence.

While at The Lair we even got to talk to Matt Dunford of Little Fish Studios here in San Diego and John Barber from IDW's Transformers (and more), stay tuned for our John Barber interview later this week. It was absolutely an amazing time getting FREE comics and talking with our fellow "neeks."  Listen in and hear the good times!

Side Note: Since this was a live on the scene collection of interviews in the store the audio quality is not our best and there iare background noises that may be distracting. We apologize if you find it hard to understand at any time. Also Anthony has finally seen Avengers Age of Ultron, expect lots of talk about that on next week's podcast. And lastly Anthony mentions a film called "The Color Blue" to Flash Gordon, he meant "Blue is the Warmest Color," his mistake.

Jun 16, 202152:55
Comic Issues #220 - Reveals and Revelations

Comic Issues #220 - Reveals and Revelations

Original broadcast date April 29, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

This week both DC and Marvel dropped interesting chunks of knowledge on the nerds: we got to see the first official image of Jared Leto as Joker, and Bobby “Iceman” Drake came out as gay. Join the Comic Issues crew as they break down both reveals; what they liked and what they thought was pretty damn stupid. (Spoilers: we’re totally cool with Bobby being gay.)

Along the way they also discuss Angel’s new wings, Convergence #3 (…speaking of things we thought were stupid…) and Star Wars #4.

Oh, when talking about Star Wars, at LEAST once Elizabeth mentions "Fay." She means "Rey." She's been listening to a lot of Welcome To Night Vale, and Molly Quinn's character is Fay, and Elizabeth is easily distracted.

Jun 16, 202159:24
Comic Issues #219 - The Force Awakens Every Geek Everywhere

Comic Issues #219 - The Force Awakens Every Geek Everywhere

Original broadcast date April 22, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

There was no way around it, this week Anthony and Elizabeth talk about last week's Star Wars VII The Force Awakens 2nd teaser and all of the shenanigans that came out of Star Wars Celebration. Together they swoon over the downed Star Destroyer, debate who's making the lightsaber hand-off, and ponder the ways of The Force. Along the road the podcasting dynamic duo also pick up a dusty hitchiker named Batman v Superman and Anthony discusses his possible insanity.

Also on this week's reading pile is Convergence #2, Thor #7, Windeblade #2, and Archie vs Predator #1!

If you're wondering about the "other" teaser that Anthony thinks he saw, turns out it was a clever fan-made teaser.

Jun 16, 202157:44
Comic Issues #218 - from Daredevil to Deadpool

Comic Issues #218 - from Daredevil to Deadpool

Original broadcast date April 15, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

It's a huge chimichanga of awesome this week as Anthony and Elizabeth build a very complicated podcast: they start out with a smidge of the first Daredevil episode, add in a little Archangel, the Thing, Vision, and Yellow Jacket, pour in the weirdness that is Convergence, sprinkle on a little Hawkeye and Darth Vader, and finish up with a big bite of the Death of Deadpool. And now we're hungry.
For awesome.

Jun 16, 202156:25
Comic Issues #217 - Wonderful Con

Comic Issues #217 - Wonderful Con

Original broadcast date April 8, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

This week in the aftermath of WonderCon 2015 your dynamic podcasting duo pull themselves up by their boot straps to bring to you their best experiences from this year's. Talking about some of the Con's best cosplay, stories of their favorite interviews, and other experiences of one of their favorite conventions of the year. Unfortunately this year may be the last in the land of the orange groves and the House of the Mouse as WonderCon has announced that they'll spend 2016 in the LA Convention Center as to which Anthony and Elizabeth say BOO!

Also we make a little Deadpool talk as the new costume has been revealed and if the film needs the newly announced R rating to be good, or faithful to the material. Listen and join the fun!

Jun 16, 202154:51
Comic Issues #216 - The Truth is (Sometimes?) Out There

Comic Issues #216 - The Truth is (Sometimes?) Out There

Original broadcast date April 1, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

It's a rumor-filled podcast as the crew talks about the rumors of a new Star Trek show, a new Alien Nation, and a new X-Files mini series. (Spoilers: one of those is totally not a thing.)

After that they get into the newest Uncanny X-Men and Scott's flip-flopping and Havok's lack of flip-flopping. They they break down the awesomeness of Darth Vader #3 and the newest Rocket Raccoon, and how Anthony just loves reading long novels and Elizabeth loves Squirrel Girl. (Spoilers: a couple of those last ones are totally not a thing either.)

Jun 16, 202155:14
Comic Issues #215: More Variant Issues

Comic Issues #215: More Variant Issues

Original broadcast date March 25, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

The biggest news of last week comes up in today's podcast as Anthony and Elizabeth take a look at the controversial Batgirl #41 cover by Rafael Albuqureque that was quickly canceled after a short time being infamous on the internet.  Listen in as your favorite comic book hero and heroine take a look why the variant is offending people and debate if DC made the right decision.

First up though is the exciting adventures of Elizabeth and her first trip to Disneyland and Anthony's mild-time in Sin City.

Jun 16, 202158:05
Comic Issues #214 - The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly (Costumes)

Comic Issues #214 - The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly (Costumes)

Original broadcast date March 18, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

This week Leland from Movie Issues returns to the podcast, because DC announced six new costumes, and tables are getting flipped all over the internet. Listen in as the crew talk, and argue, about what they love, and hate, about the projected costumes for Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Flash, Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman.

Jun 16, 202153:45
Comic Issues #213: Kickass Women in Comics

Comic Issues #213: Kickass Women in Comics

Original broadcast date March 11, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

Women have been given the short end of the stick when it comes to characters and storylines when it comes to comic books, but in recent times publishers have made leaps and bounds to make it right.  This week Anthony returns, and now in the new Pod-Cave he and Elizabeth look at 4 new books from Marvel starring solo ladies and find themselves very impressed.  Together they discuss Marvel's Princess Leia #1, Spider-Gwen #1, Spider-Woman #5, Silk #1 and All-New Hawkeye #1 just to shake things up.  Also upfront impressions of CBS's Supergirl costume are discussed and the happy coincidence that they recorded on International Women's Day.

Listen in and good geekin!

Jun 16, 202101:02:54
Comic Issues #212 - Disney and Marvel and Half The Known World

Comic Issues #212 - Disney and Marvel and Half The Known World

Original broadcast date March 4, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

Anthony and Ashley continue the Epic Move To The Awesome Apartment this week, so Elizabeth's our host again, along with guest star Leland from Movie Issues! Listen in as we talk Disney and Marvel, and geek out over our favorite artists.

We discuss Rocket Raccoon #8 and Angela: Asgard's Assassin #3, then get into She Hulk, Gambit, and Afterlife with Archie, before wrapping up with All New X-Men #36 and Uncanny X-Men #30. Along the way we mention that if you're going to go to Disneyland, you need to bring Leland with you.

Jun 15, 202152:42
Comic Issues #211 - Open Season on DC

Comic Issues #211 - Open Season on DC

Original broadcast date February 25, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

This week Anthony and Ashley are moving to an awesome new place, so Elizabeth takes a turn at hosting, with guest star Leland from Movie Issues! Join us as we pick Leland's brain on all things DC, and he drops knowledge all over the place.

First we talk about Open Season on Comic-Con tickets and whether or not Nerd Mecca will move to Los Angeles. Then we discuss Aquaman's new look (Leland's not a fan, Elizabeth just thinks Jason Momoa is pretty.) Then we break down Joker's "immortality," Superman's flaws, inconsistencies in Harley Quinn, and Wonder Woman having a beer in a bar.

Jun 15, 202149:49
Comic Issues #210 - Spider-man returns to Thor Wars by Midnight

Comic Issues #210 - Spider-man returns to Thor Wars by Midnight

Original broadcast date February 18, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

The Amazing Spider-man has come home to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and geeks everywhere are rejoicing on the streets of the Internet.  Elizabeth was found drunk on Buzzfeed filling out random surveys and Anthony was caught streaking through the HTML of the site and writing about how he wants to kill Peter Parker!

Listen in this week as the news of Ol' Web-Head's inclusion to Marvel Studios, Anthony's plot to kill him, and some of the best comics from the last two weeks including Star Wars, Darth Vader, Thor, and Gotham by Midnight.

Jun 15, 202152:07
Comic Issues #209 - 4 Years of Good Geekin'
Jun 15, 202101:08:28
Comic Issues: One-Shot - Janina Scarlet and the Walking Dead
Jun 15, 202140:07
Comic Issues #208 - Jocks of the Geek World

Comic Issues #208 - Jocks of the Geek World

Original broadcast date February 4, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

The Superbowl has come and gone, and that means we're in the mood to talk about…anything except football. So we talk about all the geeky sports we'd rather watch, including Quidditch and a rousing game of Calvinball.

After that we talk about the resounding "meh" that is the Fantastic Four teaser, and take a look at the new Conan and Red Sonja title, Justice League #38, and More Than Meets The Eye #37. Along the way we also shake our fists at the Girl Scouts for waving cookies in our faces, and dare the Harry Potter fans to send us hate mail. (Except not. Well maybe. Only if it's really good hate mail.)

Jun 15, 202101:08:37
Comic Issues #207 - Secret Convergence

Comic Issues #207 - Secret Convergence

Original broadcast date January 28, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

Spring is on the horizon, along with it birds, bees, hollow chocolate eggs with sugary heaven inside, and the beginning of both DC and Marvel's big world changing event. On the 30 year anniversary of Crisis on Infinite Earths DC is releasing Convergence, while Marvel dusts off their old favorite Secret Wars. Stripped down to their bare bones, both events appear to be eerily similar, like Volcano and Dante's Peak, but really they're more like Armageddon and Deep Impact. Here to explain the differences and help prepare you for the oncoming storm, your podcasting heroes Anthony and Elizabeth breakdown how these two major stories could effect the future line ups of both comic book stables.

Together they also fawn over the snowy landscape of Rocket Raccoon #7 and examine the life of Damian Wayne after his death, in Batman & Robin #38. No matter what dimension you're from or what timeline you've been plucked out of this podcast is for YOU!

Jun 15, 202101:05:08
Comic Issues #206 - The Podcasters' Podcast

Comic Issues #206 - The Podcasters' Podcast

Original broadcast date January 21, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

It's Comic Issues, so of course we're going to talk about comics. But this week we also wanted to give a nod towards some of the podcasts we've tried out lately.

We talked about Battlecast, where your favorite geek icons battle it out with a few beers thrown in, and mentioned TransMissions, Radio Free Cybertron, and Twincast (all Transformers podcasts, heavy on the toy knowledge.) Andre at Black Nerd Comedy also gets a nod, because he's hilarious and awesome. Monster Island Resort is great for the horror-philes, and Midlife Crisis Task Force is fun and they need to come back from hiatus. Plus we mentioned the Nerdist and how we'd fight for their honor even if they're clearly doing just fine on their own.

After that we get to the comics, and break down Marvel's triumphant return to Star Wars. Then we talk Gotham by Midnight, Batman and Robin #37, and the one-shot Robin Rises, and try to answer the question: is Robin flying, or just falling really awkwardly?

Jun 15, 202156:39
Comic Issues #205 - Ant-Memetic

Comic Issues #205 - Ant-Memetic

Original broadcast date January 14, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

Mark the calendars, DC Comics has impressed your favorite geeky podcaster this week with the news of both the Vixen digitally animated show coming to The CW and Tanya Spears, the new African-American Power Girl.  Kudos to the much criticized publication, but will it pan out for the fans, time will have to tell with that one.

Not to be missed though, Marvel takes the cake with the release of both the ant-sized Ant-Man teaser, only to be later followed by the human-sized Ant-Man trailer (SO MANY HYPHENS!).   Listen in as the podcasting  duo debate the merits and faults of our first look at Marvel's next solo superhero film.

Also this week Ant-Man #1, Memetic #3, Legendary StarLord #7, Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1, and Transformers: Timelines #10 all get reviewed for both quality and awesomeness.

Jun 15, 202101:09:30
Comic Issues #204 - Tried & True (sometimes) Tropes

Comic Issues #204 - Tried & True (sometimes) Tropes

Original broadcast date January 7, 2015. The original podcast post is here:

Remember the time Jean Grey died? Or the time Spider-Man quit? Or the time Wolverine threatened to "pop the third claw?" Some tropes you see again and again in comics, and this week Anthony and Elizabeth break down some of their most, and least, favorites.

Jun 15, 202152:16
Comic Issues #203 - The Legend of AXIS

Comic Issues #203 - The Legend of AXIS

Original broadcast date December 31, 2014. The original podcast post is here:

As the year comes to an end, so does Marvel's AXIS event. The bad guys are good again and the good guys have gone back to being bad with almost everyone back to normal with little to no consequences, but that's how it is these days with the all too frequent major comic events. Too often the hype doesn't match the pay off and readers get caught up in an never ending loop of excitement to disappointment and back to excitement again. Will the next event finally be the story to to make up for so many duds?

This week while Elizabeth is away for the holiday with family, the one and only Sara Winchester from the Villainous Lair has come to keep the female quota equal. With the air time and opportunity Anthony gets to learn all about The Legend of Korra and why fans love it so much.

Jun 15, 202101:02:53
Comic Issues #202: Axis, Joker, and Fatal Memes

Comic Issues #202: Axis, Joker, and Fatal Memes

Original broadcast date December 24, 2014. The original podcast post is here:

Happy Christmas Eve from the Comic Issues crew, if you’re celebrating it. If you’re not, happy podcast day!

Take a break from any holiday craziness with some comics, as Anthony and Elizabeth break down Axis: Avengers vs. X-Men issues 7 and 8, Batman issue 37, and the deadly sloth of Memetic part 2. They also discuss the Hobbit, Southernisms, and the #@!$&*% joys of pet ownership.

Jun 15, 202150:11