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Connected Marketing

Connected Marketing

By Natasha Berta

Connect your business with your customers. Stay connected to your integrity while you market and grow your business. And connect with me, Natasha Berta, here on this podcast.
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2021 Reflections - 2022 Intentions

Connected MarketingFeb 15, 2022

Starting something from scratch

Starting something from scratch

I started something from scratch and I have been through all the spirals of learning lately!

Today I want to share my lessons and insights with love and compassion if you relate to any of them :)

  • Too Much of Nothing
  • Create a structure??
  • Kind to myself
  • Remember the key success tools
  • Kind to myself in the face of change
  • Keep experimenting

More from me

Sep 12, 202330:49
3 things you need to grow any business - it’s not what you think

3 things you need to grow any business - it’s not what you think

Online or in person. Service based or product based. These choices can really change the kind of business advice that is meaningful to you. But these 3 things apply to every business person from my experience.
Sep 02, 202321:57
Why I'm never busy

Why I'm never busy

Why I’m Never Busy

“How are you?”

“I’m so busy”

This is the most common line I hear in conversation especially with business people and mums. It’s definitely a thing I used to say a lot and now I try not to say it at all. 

If I feel like I am about to say “I’m busy” I take a moment to reconsider and to take responsibility. Instead I say: “I’m fully engaged with my life” or “I have a lot on” or something like that. 

If you like to say you’re busy please go ahead. I don’t judge you. I just know that when I was saying “I’m busy” it was a number of things. It was a badge of martyrdom. It was an abdication of my responsibility. It was a cop out and it was an excuse. 

It felt good to say I was busy. It was me, as a mother, putting myself last. I was making excuses for why I couldn’t put my self care and wellbeing first in my life and the problem with that is: no-one else in the world is going to put me first. They might be playing the same mothering game as me and failing to put themselves first, but they certainly aren’t going to put me first. I needed to do that. 

For me, the ability to change my relationship with busy-ness took a number of years and some tough challenges. My health declined and I simply couldn’t be busy. Plus, being busy was making me sick. I was anemic with HMB and I needed to learn a new way of being. Stress and overwork were making my condition worse and after a bout in hospital I finally committed to a new direction. 

I had to learn to see the mindsets and beliefs that were keeping me stuck. I had to remind myself again and again that I am the boss and I get to make the rules. I had to release a lot of my employee mindset hangovers and step into a new paradigm aside from capitalism’s demands to do, do, do for more, more, more. I had to decide what I personally want from my life and business and redefine my goals. 

I had to ask a lot of questions. Do I really want a 6 or 7 figure business? What do I want my days to look like? What are my priorities? What are my interests and who decides how much I should do? Should I let my imagination decide what other people think I should do or should I honour my body, intuition and health indicators. 

I realised that I couldn’t blame my partner, his family, my family or society. I had to get good at saying no and taking the time to discern where my energy was best spent. In reality that looks like a lot of mistakes, a lot of over-doing it migraines and a lot of days in bed. It has taken dozens of reiterations of my calendar and it’s something I’m still working on every week and every day. 

Ultimately I see that I need to continue to take responsibility. It’s my responsibility to take care of my wellbeing. I and only I am responsible for the hours I work and how I work. It’s entirely up to me to structure my days and commitments so that I can have the life I want. 

It’s super satisfying and it’s also very uncomfortable but when I think about being an employee I’m just not sure how I would go. I feel like I’ve learned a lot of lessons and I’m in a completely different field to a lot of people, particularly people who don’t have a business. 

I’ve had to learn to emotionally regulate myself when I’m in stressful situations instead of disassociating. I’m still learning that one. I am still learning how much time I need in nature and how much I need quiet. From my perspective it’s all a big experiment and I’m still playing the game. 

We all have a choice. We all chose to be where we currently are whether we realise or not. I choose how I relate to my life circumstances and I find that very satisfying. I practice being satisfied. Satisfied with what I have. I take time to notice all that I have. I feel very lucky and grateful. And I’m never busy.

Aug 10, 202314:54
Are you creative?

Are you creative?

Are you creative? 

I pose this question to you for reflection.

I have my own opinion about it. 

If you are alive you are creative. 

If you are in business you are creative.

The old paradigm of our society tells us that creative people make art and then that art gets sold or hung in a gallery. It tells us that only some people have the “right stuff" to be an artist and that if our creative output doesn’t look like what we see in a gallery, that we aren’t creative and we should be an accountant or something. 

That is all a big fat lie. 

Every cup of tea, every meal, every doodle while we’re on the phone and especially your business is a creative act. 

Creativity is to create something. To create something is to bring something into the world that wasn’t there before. 

So yes: you are creative. The small ways like meals and tea and the large ways, like a business or your art.

The resources I mentioned:

Australian Bush Flower Essence: Turkey Bush

Aesha Kennedy - Creativi-Tea

The Artists's Way - Julia Cameron

Big Magic - Elizabeth Gilbert

More from me:

May 03, 202309:47
From overwhelmed and out of my integrity to calmer and more loving all day: the people and methods that got me here

From overwhelmed and out of my integrity to calmer and more loving all day: the people and methods that got me here

It's bedtime story time with Aunty Yo.

I just finished some intensive business and life planning. This was inspired after bingeing on Cal Newport's podcast for 3 days including a 7 hour car ride.

It feels great to do my planning and then I got to thinking about how Cal Newport has really helped me in my life.

And then I started thinking about all the mentors and teachers I've had lately and how they have supported and inspired me lately.

So here's a rambly podcast about how I got my life from overwhelmed and semi-psychotic to basically a Zen master haha.

People I mention:

Melanie White

Danielle Gardner

George Kao

Cal Newport

More from me:

May 01, 202337:38
Create a custom 404 page on your Wordpress website with Divi theme
Apr 26, 202307:09
Landing page homepage, which is which

Landing page homepage, which is which

There is so much confusion about landing pages and what homepage is so in this episode I am trying to simplify it. I’m not sure if I succeeded. What do you think?

In summary:

  • A homepage is generally a visualization of your navigation. It might have little tidbits from all the pages, but it's not very substantial on its own. It's more just like a showcase.
    The page where people land, which WordPress calls, your homepage is controlled by the "customized" bar and can be any page you want.
  • A landing page is a page that typically doesn't have navigation, or footer links, and the only links on that page are to buy. It may or may not be in your navigation. It might be a standalone page.
  • A sales page is simply a page where you are selling something. It could be a landing page, but it isn't necessarily a landing page, it can still have the navigation and footer. It's just a page where you're selling something.

  • More from me and a video explanation of this:

Apr 05, 202305:14
What's so great about being a summit presenter?

What's so great about being a summit presenter?

If you are trying to get all of your ducks in a row then being a summit presenter might be a good thing for your business. The great things about being a summit presenter include:

You can participate at a level that suits your business stage

You can grow your email list

You can get in front of a heap of new people

You can make money

You can promote your big offer

and more. 

Have you even been a summit speaker? What was your experience? 

More from me: 

Mar 14, 202309:22
How to make REAL change to the oppressive system - interview with Louise O Reilly

How to make REAL change to the oppressive system - interview with Louise O Reilly

Whhoooooaaaaaa this chat is really only for the brave hearted.   

Business woman: You are already part of the solution! 

We took the red pill...  

I've never had so many goosebumps during an interview as I did during this chat with Louise O'Reilly - a Warrwa-Noongar Aboriginal woman who focuses on cultural inclusion, diversity and anti-racism work for entrepreneurs.   

We covered a lot of things in the spirit of: how can you deliver inclusive marketing in your business?  

This interview comes from my heart to yours with all my love and compassion.  

More from Louise: 

Facebook -

TikTok -

Instagram -

Website  -  

About Louise:   

The oppressive status quo is something Louise refuses to swallow. This mumma-bear won’t stop until she’s changed the world for her babies. With her unique self-expression, heart-centred rebelliousness, and clarity of her vision of the inclusive world we could be enjoying. It’s no wonder Louise is an inclusion & diversity coach, mentor and course creator for heart-centered & socially-conscious entrepreneurs.  Louise is a Warrwa-Noongar Aboriginal woman who focuses on cultural inclusion, diversity and anti-racism work for entrepreneurs. Offering the Inclusion Creators Collective membership. It’s filled with courses, live trainings, group coaching and more. Louise also offers limited 1:1 coaching services and her dream is the co-creation of a more inclusive world through social innovation. Where everyone feels free and safe to be themselves. Her drive is her children. Her cheer-squad is her husband and her inspiration is her inner-calling. Louise’s coaching is gentle, inclusive, and compassionate. is where you’ll find her blogs, free trainings, videos, podcasts, and services. Outside of business, Louise was freelance writing for Amnesty International Australia, radio hosting on Noongar Radio, and a Miss NAIDOC Perth finalist.  

More from me:

Feb 16, 202355:39
Too many things: overwhelm and self care
Feb 09, 202314:27
Interview with Amy Madden: how your RAS helps keep your beliefs intact and a bunch of emotional regulation strategies too

Interview with Amy Madden: how your RAS helps keep your beliefs intact and a bunch of emotional regulation strategies too

I had this great chat with Amy Madden firstly because she helped me understand the RAS and how it sometimes shows us only negative experiences and how that can confirm unwanted beliefs and how to make it work for you to achieve your goals.  

We also chatted about emotional regulation strategies and you might like to add some of them to your toolbox...let me know :)  

Here's Amy's website 

and you might like to follow her on Instagram where she does regular and fun helpful videos  

More from me:

Nov 17, 202218:20
How to use your energy for change when change is challenging

How to use your energy for change when change is challenging

I know how challenging it is to grow your business. 

The thing is: 

you can make it easier or harder for yourself.  

What are you willing to do?  

What do you want?  

What do you like? 

The magic trick is to give these things your energy instead of the opposite.  

You can do this!  

More from me:

Oct 26, 202205:08
How to be magnetic and attract your ideal clients

How to be magnetic and attract your ideal clients

When you are sharing information about your offers, creating social media posts, sending emails and trying to grow your business, it is best to stay out of the grasping, clinging energy field. 

Here is my tip for the best way to attract and magnetise your ideal clients. 

Tell me what you think!

More from me:

Oct 19, 202204:09
There are already so many people doing what you are doing

There are already so many people doing what you are doing

I know it can be off-putting when you see how many people are doing the thing you are doing. 

There are already so many counselors, business mentors, astrologers, naturopaths, hypnosis practitioners, coaches, weight loss coaches, kinesiologists, sound healers and energy workers.  

It’s all been done already.  

Yes - there are already so many people doing what you are doing.   

But none of them is you.   

It’s what you bring to the process that is so delicious. 

Especially to your ideal clients.   

More from me

Oct 13, 202209:19
A practice for manifesting and getting your energy juiced up as you share your offers

A practice for manifesting and getting your energy juiced up as you share your offers

I don't want to put you off by saying the L word.

This practice really can help you 

  • clarify your ideal client, 
  • attract and manifest the right clients, 
  • remember how awesome your offer is, 
  • overcome over-giving 
  • and more!  

Tell me what you think!  H

ere's my page I mention in the video: 

More from me:

Oct 12, 202209:19
Let them stew in it for a can support others without even reacting!

Let them stew in it for a can support others without even reacting!

It's easy to think we have to DO something to help others, and sometimes, choosing to wait and do nothing is the kindest thing we can do :)

More from me:

Oct 08, 202205:52
How to make a great fire and how to apply that to your business - and the importance of rest
Sep 30, 202202:57
The power of negative thinking and objective reality

The power of negative thinking and objective reality

Your mind will deliver the "evidence" it wants to see whether you are in a state with negative or positive beliefs. 

So if we are thinking negative and painful thoughts, our RAS will find ways to reinforce those beliefs.

It wants us to be right!  

Looking at the objective reality in a reviewing way can be a helpful tool to diffuse negative thought patterns if this is a challenge for you.  

More from me:

Sep 22, 202207:31
Impermanence and Tough days in Business

Impermanence and Tough days in Business

It was one of those days today when I woke up: 

The creeping dread of the last few weeks had come for a visit. And all the nagging doubts about my offers, my audience and my business came to weigh. me down in bed. 

What a way to start the day. 

My course did not make enough sales to go live today as planned.

Money hasn't just fallen in my lap since I started my abundance manifesting two days ago.

The bank balance hasn't changed since the last time I looked.

I've just become aware that I don't have enough income generating days allocated in my calendar.

I hope that hearing about my shitty. morning helps you in some way

Lots of love x Natasha

More from me

Sep 14, 202202:36
Interview with Change Chick Karen Humphries

Interview with Change Chick Karen Humphries

This is the interview I did with Karen Humphries. 

We chatted about: 

What is hard in biz and marketing 

How trauma shapes our experience as business women  

And more  

Karen's info: 

Karen Humphries is a Kinesiology & Wellness Coach Practitioner, Health & Business Coach, LEAP & NES Practitioner, Intuitive Meditation Facilitator, Author and now training as a Clinical Hypnosis Practitioner - she is a Change Facilitator!!   

Karen is a self-confessed laughaholic.  She loves being of service to the world with her humorous and positive approach to life, encouraging people to ‘choose to change and bloom from within.’  

Find Karen here: 

More from me:

Sep 09, 202222:42
Control and Surrender

Control and Surrender

I am still learning this lesson! 

And it comes up in all aspects of my life.  


Intimate relationships 

And of course - business.   

It seems to me that both are needed in a wholesome interplay to really succeed in business. 

It's also vital to notice where you need a dash more surrender and a dash more responsibility.   

I hope this episode finds you well and I send you all of my compassionate love as you grow your business. 

More from me

Sep 07, 202207:09
The benefits of peri menopause

The benefits of peri menopause

Today I'm sharing a women's business chat about the nature of this phase of life. Not business in the normal sense, like a women's health and wellbeing focus.

I'm discussing identity shifting and all the actual, beautiful, desirable gifts that come at this time. The nameless, formless and timeless gifts that meditators long for are right there for us with ease if we understand what they are and give them the positive frame they deserve. 

More from me:

Sep 01, 202209:09
Life is actually always this uncertain

Life is actually always this uncertain

The ultimate truth about life is that it is uncertainty.

It's our human nature to experience fear in reaction to this reality and make plans.

Once we accept the truth of this we develop greater capacity to endure this uncertainty. But then, how do we then plan for things in our business?

More from me

Aug 17, 202209:35
I ran a summit! Lessons and reflections from that experience.

I ran a summit! Lessons and reflections from that experience.

Yeppers, in May I ran the Share Your Brilliance summit and how a rich experience. 

In this episode I run through my lessons, what I would do differently and what we achieved. 

Read it or watch the video here:

Aug 15, 202213:30
Learning to be ok with the unresolved

Learning to be ok with the unresolved

Today I'm chatting about lessons I am learning in my life right now and that I hope might benefit you. 

I think it's tremendously valuable for oneself and as a culture to learn to be ok with the unresolved. 

The unresolved what? 

Unresolved conversations

Unresolved problems

Unresolved feelings

The thing is: they are currently changing anyway, but when we try to force them and force resolution, we either dominate others or create more tension within ourselves. 

I hope this gives some benefit to you and I am sending you all of my compassionate love. 

More form me:

Aug 10, 202207:14
Interview with Amanda Hobley + how to get out of your head

Interview with Amanda Hobley + how to get out of your head

I hope you enjoy my chat today with Perth Naturopath and Bodytalk practitioner, Amanda Hobley.  

We chatted about moving your business online, the marketing challenges for naturopaths and Amanda shared a beautiful practice for us business people to help us get out of the overwhelm that comes from having TOO MANY IDEAS!   

Grab the audio for her practice here:  

More from me:  

Perth based Naturopath, Bodytalk and Reiki Practitioner.  Amanda Hobley has worked with hundreds of women, supporting and empowering them to learn to become experts of themselves.  

With a special interest in Women’s Health, Amanda combines her own life experience with over 17 years of clinical experience to hold space for her clients at her North Perth practice. She has a special interest in women who are in transitional periods, and working through stress while longing to feel connected, calm, and balanced. She finds great joy in watching these women regain their energy, motivation, and love for life. Along with her private consultations, Amanda guides wellness retreats and journeys both locally and internationally.  

I’m Amanda Hobley, a Perth based Naturopath, Bodytalk and Reiki Practitioner.  

More importantly, I’m a teacher.   

I guide people towards calm for those who are stressed, energy for those who are exhausted, and peace for those who are anxious.  Because happiness and health isn’t just about doing what I think you should do. It’s not really about the program, or the supplements, or the modalities. Those are all tools to help with the transition. 

It’s really about showing you how to find your way back to you so you become the expert of yourself. It’s teaching you how to listen. So you know how to connect with your own innate wisdom. And then follow it   I’ll be your co-traveller, the one with the lamp light, through the unique and individual pathway you need to travel to get back to yourself.  And don’t worry, I’ve walked this road before.

Aug 05, 202214:10
"Grow Your Email List": yeah nah
Aug 04, 202207:25
3 lessons I'm learning right now #spiritualbiz #1

3 lessons I'm learning right now #spiritualbiz #1

Today's video is about:  

Dualistic thinking patterns 

Stories we tell ourselves  

The Authority/Non-authority Paradigm 

I hope it finds you well - I send you infinite compassionate love 

More from me:

Aug 03, 202208:13
Interview with Rita Mind: Creator of the Journeys into the Subconscious Mind

Interview with Rita Mind: Creator of the Journeys into the Subconscious Mind

So often people come to me for help with marketing, but what I see is challenges with procrastination, self belief, fears and all the other things that hold us back from creating and succeeding in our business. I am grateful to chat with Rita Mind love to guide entrepreneurs in knowing themselves better, acknowledging their potential. I hope you enjoy this chat and connect with Rita if these challenges are stopping you from shining your sparkly light.   

More from Rita 



More from me

Jul 28, 202225:43
Outsource your social media content - yeah nah

Outsource your social media content - yeah nah

I actually recommend creating your own content

If it’s overwhelming I wonder if you are making the right kind of content

The right kind of content

What to make

What to outsource

More from me:

Jun 23, 202215:42
Instagram for business - a little bit of a different approach

Instagram for business - a little bit of a different approach

Hello, today I’m going to be talking about Instagram for business.

I know there is a lot of advice about using Instagram for your business that already exists on the internet and I do not want to add to the noise of endless recommendations, have-to’s and “shoulds” to add to your list.

I have a little bit of a different approach so today I'm going to talk to you about: 

  • The 2 kinds of Instagram business account
  • Types of post
  • Tools I use to create content
  • An easy Instagram content strategy based on content types

You can read the blog here:

I look forward to connecting with you and I hope you are having a beautiful day xx

Jun 16, 202216:60
Launch Mindset Lessons - 7 things I found out
May 27, 202219:44
 Pricing challenges and solutions if you want to make your work accessible to those in financial hardship
May 18, 202205:55
Facebook for your Business
Apr 07, 202210:35
 Social Media for your business
Mar 09, 202207:41
 Don't get FOMO: what next in your business + some simple steps to create a course without a spiffy course platform
Mar 02, 202212:39
Launch List
Feb 24, 202208:34
 2021 Reflections - 2022 Intentions
Feb 15, 202210:60
My Business Building Activities
Feb 08, 202209:34
Grow your revenue and your business with Affiliates - what does affiliate mean?

Grow your revenue and your business with Affiliates - what does affiliate mean?

Do you keep hearing about affiliates? 

Does it sound a bit icky? 

I used to think it was icky and now I understand how beautiful it is I want to share my perspective with you 

My resources Page:

Join the newsletter

Dec 03, 202112:32
Easy tools to run an online business: Acuity

Easy tools to run an online business: Acuity

If you are new in online business, it can be helpful to know which steps in which order.

As long as you have an ABN you are ready to roll and start making money in your business.

In my other blog “Do You Need a Website” I mentioned having made 10k in my business before I even had a website. I said that if you just have a booking tool like Acuity and a social media account you can definitely make money and start your business online without a website. That’s how I did it.

So today I’d like to go into a bit more detail about Acuity and help you get started making money in your business.

The other podcast I mentioned in this episode is "Easy tools to run an online business: Zoom"

Jump on the newsletter

Nov 25, 202113:44
Easy tools to run an online business: Zoom
Nov 25, 202113:59
Do you need a website? What DO you need to run an online business? A step by step guide

Do you need a website? What DO you need to run an online business? A step by step guide

Do you really need a website? And what is the bare, absolute minimum you need to deliver services in an online business?

I have a friend who I saw the other day and I know that she does not want to be on Facebook and she does not want to be on Instagram. I also know that she is basically a little bush fairy who does not want to spend much time on her computer or be very involved with technology.

So when she told me that she was going to make a website I kind of freaked out.

I would say the basic steps are:

Get your ABN (this should be free)

Set up a bank account for your business

Set up PayPal business account

Get Acuity - the paid version

Get Zoom 

Set up on one social media account

Then you are ready to start serving people. 

Want to jump on the newsletter? Do that here:

Nov 25, 202116:06
Interview with boss babe Shailaja V: Time affluence, Stillness and Organic Audience Growth

Interview with boss babe Shailaja V: Time affluence, Stillness and Organic Audience Growth

I hope you enjoy this chat I had with Content + Productivity coach Shailaja V. 

We chatted about: 

Time affluence 


Organic Audience Growth 

and so much more.   

Shailaja is a content and productivity coach with over 14 years of blogging experience. Her website, Intentional and Creative Affluence, aims to simplify the art of content creation and infuse joy into the process.  


Shailaja's website:  

Instagram page:  


More from me:

Nov 12, 202138:31
Boss Babe interviews: Supreme Leader of the Swear Bears: Leonie Dawson

Boss Babe interviews: Supreme Leader of the Swear Bears: Leonie Dawson

I am thrilled to share a juicy little chat I had with Leonie Fucking Dawson this week...

We talked about: 

Body standards 


Wearing pink 

How to run your business without social media

and more. 

Leonie Dawson is an internationally best-selling author of the 2021 Goal Getter workbooks & planners which have been used by over 400,000 people worldwide.  A multi-passionate entrepreneur, Leonie has generated over $10 million in revenue while only working 10 hours a week. Leonie has been recognised for her business acumen by winning Ausmumpreneur’s People’s Choice Business Coach, Global Brand & Businesses Making A Difference Awards.  Leonie has spent the last 10 years living in some of the most beautiful places around Australia. She currently lives with her two daughters and husband on the Sunshine Coast.

Find more from Leonie here: and

And me here:

Nov 03, 202131:02
What's going on in my business behind the scenes

What's going on in my business behind the scenes

I thought I would try something a bit different.

I know that a lot of people like to hear about my processes so I thought I would share a bit of a behind the scenes vid/chat.

If this is something you like, please let me know and I'll keep making them!

If you want to stay in touch, please jump on the newsletter (unsexy I know but that is where I keep people up to date):

Oct 28, 202128:41
The secret to getting clarity in your business

The secret to getting clarity in your business

How can you get clarity in your business?
Brand strategy?



Here's my take on it 

And here's where you can jump on the newsletter:

Oct 21, 202111:09
Creating content makes these 3 things so easy!

Creating content makes these 3 things so easy!

I know it doesn't seem possible, that creating content can make things in your business easier. But I have found it to be true. I also snuck in my own content creation tricks to make the content creation itself a bit easier. 

Wanna hang? You can hear from me regularly in the newsletter:

Oct 13, 202111:49
Q&A: 3 things (or ppl) you wish you had when you started your biz?

Q&A: 3 things (or ppl) you wish you had when you started your biz?

I had a great chat with the divine Jana Langford the other night and she asked me: What 3 things (or ppl) you wish you had when you started your biz?

It was a bit hard for me to answer, because I really felt like I had what I needed in the early days of my business but i would say that the 3 main things that I had or wished I was better at are: 

  • Colleagues
  • A reliable system/mentor
  • Consistency

I also found that the courage to be vulnerable and authentic is a big contributor to business success. 

Read the whole thing on the blog:

Oct 11, 202111:21
How to create content intuitively and productively

How to create content intuitively and productively

Today I'm going to share a simple, practical structure to support wild, rule-defying creatrix women to create content.


I mean: I work with a lot of women (and I myself am one) who dislike norms. Women who need to pave their own way. Who have a lot to share but say “f***&# you” to shoulds.

Or maybe they’re not quite that shouty but they find it hard to follow a regular set of rules about content creation.

I have been there. I thought I knew how to create content and I would just go with the flow. I would just pop into Facebook and post a bit there and then pop to Instagram and do a bit there and then pop to LinkedIn and then POP – the day was over and I wasn’t sure what I’d really achieved and where the time had gone.

Plus, I wasn’t sharing my gold.

I was kind of splatter gun promoting, not really building an audience around my deeper soul work.

Sound familiar?

Find more on the blog:

Sep 15, 202115:33