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The Contemplative Corner

The Contemplative Corner

By Phil Daughtry

Rest your mind, refresh your heart.
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The future - Phil Daughtry

The Contemplative CornerMar 02, 2021

Truth and reality - Phil Daughtry

Truth and reality - Phil Daughtry

In this podcast I refence Michael Leunig’s book of prayers: When I talk to you (Harper Collins, 2014).

Jul 30, 202108:53
The future - Phil Daughtry
Mar 02, 202108:51
Look at the birds - Michelle Krieg
Jan 29, 202110:04
A letter from Birmingham Jail - Ben Lohmeyer
Jan 27, 202109:04
Meet my new best Friend – Kelly-Anne Caspersz

Meet my new best Friend – Kelly-Anne Caspersz

Making new friends is often an unfolding journey of being known and knowing another...

I would like  to invite you to meet my new best friend ….I just Love her ! I think you will too!!


I encourage you to listen to Casey Taggert’s Podcast ‘otherWISE’ episode 308, 3 questions for your soul. Casey is a pastor, write, podcaster and spiritual director with a passion for WISDOM. Check him out.

Jesus said …My paraphrase ….( Mark 12:29-31 tpt )

“ The most important of the invitations is this ‘The Lord Yahweh, our God, is one ! You are invited  to love the Lord Yahweh, your God , with every passion of your heart , will all  the energy of your being , with every thought that is within you , and with all your strength . This is the great and supreme invitation . And the second is this : ‘ You are invited to love your neighbour , in the same way as you love yourself . You will never find a greater invitation than these”.

Our poetic meditation  ‘For a New Beginning’  from John O’Donohue is taken from his book ‘To bless the space between us’.

Jan 15, 202110:25
Waking Up - Phil Daughtry

Waking Up - Phil Daughtry

What if the point of experiencing God was not a matter of seeking and striving to find the divine but of awakening to an enchantment in which we ‘live and move and have our being’(Acts 17:28a)?

Find out more about Thomas Merton at the Thomas Merton Institute

Karl Rahner’s book, Prayers for a lifetime, captures some of his accessible, prayerful language. It is a small book and easy to read. Small, prayerful books such as this are the best way to access Rahner’s spirituality as his denser, more formal theological writings are virtually impenetrable. I particularly recommend Encounters with silence. Find out more about Karl Rahner here:

Jan 11, 202110:23
Slow down - Michelle Krieg

Slow down - Michelle Krieg

Our lives are often marked by a sense of busyness, rushing and hurry. Jesus offers us a different way - a better one - where we learn to discern what truly matters and to live a life that is healing to our soul.

In this podcast I mention the beautiful work of potter, Dominika Yindi. You can find out more about her and view images of her pottery here: I also refer to a number of scriptures from the Bible:  Isaiah 30;15, Luke 8:42-48 and Ecclesiastes 3;1-11. The other reference is from a book entitled The way through the woods; of mushrooms and mourning by Long Litt Woon, an anthropologist and mycologist, who was born in Malaysia but has lived most of her life in Norway. Her book chronicles her discovery of the therapeutic benefits of foraging for mushrooms in forests as a way of coping her with enormous grief after the sudden death of her husband. You can find out more about the book and her story here:

Nov 06, 202009:11
Wombat Wisdom - Ben Lohmeyer

Wombat Wisdom - Ben Lohmeyer

One of the symptoms of modernisation and urbanisation is a loss of connection with nature. The Christian mystics found great comfort in connecting and learning from animals and the environment. This episode focusses on a 16th Century poem by the St John of the Cross in which he find great comfort during a time of trial from a fuzzy little friend.

The poem is from Ladinsky, D. (Ed.). (2002). Love poems from God: Twelve sacred voices from the East and West. Penguin.

Oct 23, 202007:08
King Tide - Kelly-Anne Caspersz

King Tide - Kelly-Anne Caspersz

We all need hope because we all have those times, you know the ones I mean the tricky seasons times of confinement, stuckness and transition. What if there was a lens, we could wear to reframe the way we see these seasons? Would you want to be fitted with like a divine prescription of heavenly perspective created just for you ? Well lets ‘see' then shall we…..

Isaiah 40 :31 TPT  says but those who wait for Yahweh’s grace will experience divine strength.

Hebrew word for WAIT – qavah - KAH-VAH

To wait for, expect, look for with expectancy, expressing the idea of a hopeful waiting.

Oct 19, 202011:19
The Gentle Invitation - Phil Daughtry
Aug 19, 202009:48