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Corax and Coffeecast

Corax and Coffeecast

By Corax & Coffee

Corax and Coffeecast is co-hosted by lifetime tabletop gamers, Pete Steele and Rick Hendricks, and produced by Keegan King, who have a collective 103+ years of gaming experience. Discussing a range of topics related to tabletop gaming, Pete, Rick, and their guests focus on bringing new people into the hobby and breaking down barriers for those unsure of where to start. From jargon, to theme, to discussing specific games, this podcast keeps the gaming conversation going. Grab your favorite beverage and join Pete, Rick, and Keegan for conversations concerning tabletop gaming...caffeinated
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Tables for One

Corax and CoffeecastJul 20, 2022

Tables for One

Tables for One

Season 2: Episode 10

Lately, all I want to do is lay around with you and complain about the youth.

Here we are, once again at the end of the road. Still, I can't let go, which is good because we have a whole season coming up. What will be in store for season 3? Ghosts? Goblins? More lists? Probably that one.

Today’s episode covers our twelve favorite solo-play games. Here is a full list of what we yammer about in no particular order:

  • Four Against Darkness By Ganesha Games
  • Hostage Negotiator by Van Ryder Games
  • 32% by LostWaysClub
  • TripLock by Chip Theory Games
  • This War of Mine: The Board Game by Awaken Realms
  • Into the Dungeon by Hari Conner
  • Romeo and/or Juliet by Ryan North
  • Arkham Horror: The Card Game by Fantasy Flight Games
  • The Machine by Adria and Fen Slattery
  • Box ONE by Neil Patrick Harris
  • You Died by Giles Penfold
  • Mage Knight by WizKids

We also throw in some fun freebies, so keep your… ears open? Does that make sense?

Anyway, we love you all! And we’ll see you soon.

Never has a song so perfectly encapsulated what it's like to be over 30 and thinking about playing games. (The second lyric was an accident but I am leaving it in to show growth as a person.)

Pete Steele - Co-host, Writer

Rick Hendricks - Co-host, Writer, Lockpick-Fingered Abomination

Keegan King - Music Composer and Producer, Editor, Podcast Producer, Destroyer of Worlds



Merch Store:




Jul 20, 202201:30:20
Realigning Alignment

Realigning Alignment

Season 2: Episode 9

Controlling a two-player situation will surely result in hesitation. Continuing lives and continuing tries will surely resolve the situation.

Today’s episode is about alignment, and that can mean a lot of things. Some of them are good. Some bad. Some, neutral.

See what I did there?

Joking aside, alignment is something that can have a lot of uses, and a lot of annoyances. This episode seeks to help clarify some of them because, well, the flavor they add can be really cool. What is your alignment? Let us know!

As much as I love today’s song, ending the stanza with “situation” always felt weird to me. A lot like this episode…maybe? Or maybe I am forcing that comparison. Yeah, probably that.

Pete Steele - Co-host, Writer

Rick Hendricks - Co-host, Writer, Lockpick-Fingered Abomination

Keegan King - Music Composer and Producer, Editor, Podcast Producer, Destroyer of Worlds



Merch Store:




Jul 13, 202259:35
Expanse of Expansions

Expanse of Expansions

Season 2: Episode 8

I woke up in New York City, from my sleep behind the wheel. Caught this train to Poughkeepsie, and time stood still.

Ever wonder what the difference between “expansions” and “adaptations” are? Well, tough. But this episode does dive into some neat concepts around what makes expansions work and what they even are. You might even find out whether you should count expansions when you count your game library. Yes, really.

On top of all of that, you’re gonna have the same fun and excitement you’ve come to expect from this kind of malarkey.

I envy you. I really do.

This song is kind of a gimme, but I have also woken up in several cars over the years while touring or just generally being a rascal.

Pete Steele - Co-host, Writer

Rick Hendricks - Co-host, Writer, Lockpick-Fingered Abomination

Keegan King - Music Composer and Producer, Editor, Podcast Producer, Destroyer of Worlds



Merch Store:




Jul 06, 202201:03:09
Are You Even On My Team?

Are You Even On My Team?

Season 2: Episode 7

You're like a bullfrog. Your sweet talk, it echoes. Can’t say I’m ever gonna let go. But your spine is hollow as your ego; I hope you go wherever I don’t.

Teams are a funny thing: sometimes, whether you win or lose, as long as you do it together everything is just fine. However, in the case of board games, sometimes winning is all about how many players come to the table and contribute to the magic.

Today’s episode is a lot like that. Two guys come to the table to discuss the topic of team games, go off  on some tangents, work together to build something beautiful—and then a producer comes along and edits out like 40 minutes or something.

But the stuff that stayed? Golden.

This week’s song feels like it's making a value judgment, but I go where the “random” function takes me.

Pete Steele - Co-host, Writer

Rick Hendricks - Co-host, Writer, Lockpick-Fingered Abomination

Keegan King - Music Composer and Producer, Editor, Podcast Producer, Destroyer of Worlds



Merch Store:




Jun 29, 202251:53
If You Squint a Bit, Baseball’s a LARP

If You Squint a Bit, Baseball’s a LARP

Season 2: Episode 6

Tommy took a picture where I'm noticeably younger, skin a little softer, slightly thinner frame.

While he did so, I found myself lost in the woods with a foam sword, cardboard helmet, and a bike with a sign that says “Horse” on it. Honestly? I was really worried about coming here because what if I made mistakes? What if I'm not fun? Well. Turns out this episode is here to help. Our hosts talk about all things Live Action Role Play, including helping me with my anxieties. And probably yours, too.

So, gather your weapons, your “safe” arrows, and your new friends. Get into the woods, and get after it friends. You’re gonna love it.

Today’s song is all about nostalgia and friends, felt right.

Pete Steele - Co-host, Writer

Rick Hendricks - Co-host, Writer, Lockpick-Fingered Abomination

Keegan King - Music Composer and Producer, Editor, Podcast Producer, Destroyer of Worlds



Merch Store:




Jun 22, 202238:24
Don’t Cry For Me, Mechwarrior

Don’t Cry For Me, Mechwarrior

Season 2: Episode 5

*Played to the Star Wars music*

Now this one is for the lions living in the wiry, broken-down frames of my friends’ bodies.

It’s also for people who lived through a dark time in the 90s when “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina” was on every radio station every 20-30 minutes. God bless pirate radio.

Anywhooooo, here in the 2020s, we’re talking a big game about small games. Or, more accurately, we’re talking about miniatures games. Fun fact though, we’re mostly focusing on entry points into this part of the hobby. When was the last time you thought about Battletech? Spoiler alert, it’s about to be 40-ish minutes from now.

Anyway, time to talk big about tiny models. Yes, I did do this joke twice. I'm proud of it.

Today’s song reminds me about the fact that people hope I'm cursed forever to sleep on a twin-sized mattress.

Pete Steele - Co-host, Writer

Rick Hendricks - Co-host, Writer, Lockpick-Fingered Abomination

Keegan King - Music Composer and Producer, Editor, Podcast Producer, Destroyer of Worlds



Merch Store:




Jun 15, 202242:10
Olive Green Jacket

Olive Green Jacket

Season 2: Episode 4

Oooooh! It was never my intention to brag, but I got ‘em where I want ‘em now.

And by that, I mean, it's nice to be back!

This episode is a fun jaunt down memory lane with talks of Hero Quest, a skip up to space with Moonrakers, and dangling dangerously close to dystopia thanks to It’s A Wonderful World. You’ll also learn about what “high fashion” means to a young Pete and listen to Rick make a statement that might actually make me care about baseball.

All this and more. But it is a short episode, so not much more. Think of it like a solid small plate at a fancy restaurant. Leave ‘em wanting more.

I waited around for a more difficult song, but here we are.

Pete Steele - Co-host, Writer

Rick Hendricks - Co-host, Writer, Lockpick-Fingered Abomination

Keegan King - Music Composer and Producer, Editor, Podcast Producer, Destroyer of Worlds



Merch Store:




Jun 08, 202229:56
No Guessing in Fate

No Guessing in Fate

Season 2: Episode 3

I got your picture, I’m coming with you. Dear Maria, would you count me in? There’s a story at the bottom of these show notes and our producer has the pen.

Or, like… the word processing software.

Anyway, today’s episode is a doozy if you’re an RPG fan. We’ve got some cool information about different systems you might enjoy, and a really in-depth talk about one of my personal favorites: The Fate System *dramatic music and too much reverb*. Joking aside though, tabletop role playing games are great for getting people involved in gaming broadly, and most people feel like it's only about Dungeons and maybe even some Dragons.

But the world is much broader and can be much less… Math-y.

Anyway, enjoy. Today's song should be a gimme but it's what was on the rotation.

Pete Steele - Co-host, Writer

Rick Hendricks - Co-host, Writer, Lockpick-Fingered Abomination

Keegan King - Music Composer and Producer, Editor, Podcast Producer, Destroyer of Worlds

Sarah Vasa- Social Media Maven, Copy Editor, Wrangler of Cats



Merch Store:




Mar 16, 202254:11
The Shoulders of Giants

The Shoulders of Giants

Season 2: Episode 2

I'm just sitting here, looking out my window. Staring at the broken street lights, some of those lonely nights. I didn’t know if we would make it through.

If I call, would you be there? I miss the nights we used to share up on the rooftops.

Sorry, off topic.

What to say about today’s episode? Well, if you like the classics, this is the episode for you. But we’re mostly talking about what these games can teach us. You ever have that friend who doesn't believe that they could ever learn one of those huge, fancy games on your shelf? Well this is the episode you can share with them to give them a little boost.

Listen, Kyle. You know a lot more than you think and I am not going to let you be so down on yourself. That is rude.

Now, you might be asking yourself “what is the game with the notes this season”? It’s deciphering what songs I’m listening to while writing. Good luck.

Also: Thanks again for being here. I miss you week to week.



Pete Steele - Co-host, Writer

Rick Hendricks - Co-host, Writer

Keegan King - Music Composer and Producer, Editor, Podcast Producer, Destroyer of Worlds

Sarah Vasa- Social Media Maven, Copy Editor, Wrangler of Cats



Merch Store:




Mar 09, 202252:16
What to Expect When You're Expecting Season 2

What to Expect When You're Expecting Season 2

Season 2: Episode 1

It’s been three whole weeks of me thinking about you guys every day. Sometimes for hours, sometimes in passing. Mostly in passing.

Today marks the beginning of season 2, when we last left our hero, he was being haunted and traveling to Oregon. But I’m gonna level with you: it is time to get serious. *Puts on his serious face* No weird references, no masters.

While I get my feet back under me and try to figure out what these notes are going to look like this season, our hosts have been hard at work putting together this amazing “welcome back” style episode. They talk about some games, talk about some things we’re learning, and overall they sound more like they’re having a talk at a coffee shop. Our first season is there if you need to reference any basic materials, but from now on we want these to feel more intimate, inspired, and in…possible? Nah. That last one is weird.

All that is to say: Hi, I’m Keegan, we’re Corax and Coffeecast. Welcome back!

Pete Steele - Co-host, Writer

Rick Hendricks - Co-host, Writer, Skill Monkey

Keegan King - Music Composer and Producer, Editor, Podcast Producer, Destroyer of Worlds

Sarah Vasa- Social Media Maven, Copy Editor, Wrangler of Cats

Mar 02, 202240:32
A Gamer’s Dozen

A Gamer’s Dozen

Season 1: Episode 10

I sat on the stoop of this dilapidated home for a long time. The rotten wood strains slightly as I shift my weight, which is both eerie and kind of hurts my feelings. I've been living off truckstop food for the last few weeks and it has done a number on my waistline. Suddenly, I kind of feel bad for all the jokes I lob at people with standing desks. The man in black fumbles with the door; I think he’s trying to pick the lock.

As he works, he mumbles to himself. Interestingly, his voice seems to change slightly. He talks about board games that he enjoys, some of his recent favorites to play at coffee shops. Back in the “before times” when we were still able to go out and be among people. I really enjoyed a few, specifically Spaceteam and Roll Player. Others kind of seem silly to me – Ohanami and Furnace stick out.

I hear a dull click, which lets me know he’s gotten the door.

We stand together at the threshold. I laugh to myself at the idea of him carrying me over it. As soon as I start to tell him, we are both pulled into the house by our sternums. At least it feels like that. It was probably by a mystical force…but who knows?

We rush through the dark for an impossibly long time. Much longer than makes sense given the size of the house. I feel the man in black disappear somewhere along the journey and, suddenly, I am alone. I stop. No feelings of inertia, just…ceasing.

This is the end, I suppose. I can hear her laughing slightly.

I begin to count to myself, from one to twelve, over and over again. Twelve seems like an odd number. But oh well. At least it's something different. Something creative. I feel a sheet of paper and a pencil pressed into my hands.

I write this story, at her suggestion, to attempt to capture something, anything. Will this keep going? Who knows. I guess we’ll have to see.




Tabletop gaming…


*Small squishing sound and then nothing.*

Pete Steele - Co-host, Writer

Rick Hendricks - Co-host, Writer

Keegan King - Music Composer and Producer, Editor, Podcast Producer, Destroyer of Worlds, Special Guest

Sarah Vasa- Social Media Maven, Copy Editor, Wrangler of Cats, Special Guest (Less special than Keegan, Obviously [added after she edited this, hahaha!])

Feb 02, 202257:36
“It’s a Teaching Game!”

“It’s a Teaching Game!”

Season 1: Episode 9

“Smell that?” the man in black whispers. “That scent of copper and iodine? That's the ocean.”

He is right, I can hear the faint sounds of waves crashing. The blindfold keeps me from appreciating the beauty, but it also keeps me from having to see her. It's a small consolation because she’s begun talking now and that scent of earth and mold when she gets close isn't great, either. The man in black lets me hold on to his elbow as he leads me around. He feels oddly cold and warm all at once – like a fever, but also a jacket. Metaphors are hard.

The entire situation makes me think about playing games with people for the first time – and the sound from the radio seems to agree. Two familiar voices are discussing how to play with new people and a third voice – feminine, but less evil (at least, slightly less…) – is pontificating about…time travel? Huh.

On an unrelated note, does anyone feel like an ending might be coming up? The man in black coughed quietly when I thought that…. Can he hear me? Weird. In any case, when the woman who smells of earth and mold speaks, she keeps saying things like:

“You’re almost there.”

“He thinks he’s in charge, you might think he is too.”

“You’re going where I want you to go.”

“Dont trip on that root!”

She’s not all bad though; I think her intent is to get me to go somewhere. Still, we trek on. If she is lying, then maybe I will be safe. Finally safe. For the Finale.

Pete Steele - Co-host, Writer

Rick Hendricks - Co-host, Writer

Keegan King - Music Composer and Producer, Editor, Podcast Producer, Destroyer of Worlds

Sarah Vasa- Social Media Maven, Copy Editor, Wrangler of Cats, Special Guest (I mean, she’s fine I guess…)

Jan 26, 202259:53
Infinite Jousts

Infinite Jousts

Season 1: Episode 8

On nights like this, I stare up into the cold, endless sky and wonder if anyone I know is looking up there as well. The car broke down in the Dalles and the man in black is walking ahead, keeping his head on a swivel. We’ve ventured off the freeway and into the woods in a vain attempt to remain unseen.

I feel a small, electrical signal in my fillings that plays the sounds of people talking about the different types of games. It is broader than previous transmissions, and full of many more personal touches and stories. It soothes me greatly, until I hear a twig snap in the distance. We freeze midstep and frantically look around, trying to remember if she floats all the time or not. There is an existential question in my fillings: “Do you want a game that is endless or one that ends?”

At this moment? I'm on the fence.

We slowly move down a ridge into a little valley and make a small camp as dawn approaches. She doesn't seem to move during the day, and we have enough cover…at least, I hope it's enough. As I begin to drift off, my breath condensing and freezing on my nose, one final thought resonates: “Is this game cooperative or semi-cooperative?”

As if he’s thinking the same thing, the man in black lets out a small cough.

Pete Steele - Co-host, Writer

Rick Hendricks - Co-host, Writer

Keegan King - Music Composer and Producer, Editor, Podcast Producer, Destroyer of Worlds

Sarah Vasa- Social Media Maven, Copy Editor, Wrangler of Cats

Jan 19, 202201:24:19
Love the Player, Love the Game

Love the Player, Love the Game

Season 1: Episode 7

The sun cracks the horizon somewhere outside Ogden. If memory serves, we’re on the way to Twin Falls via the 84. Should be there in a few hours. The man in black is going on about how this week’s episode was about the types of players you might interact with at a gaming table. He talks almost endlessly about the Rules Lawyer, or the SUPER competitive player, and what you should do when you have a newbie invited in. I think he’s making up this “younger sibling” player type, but he’s driving and I'm in the trunk.

So, arguing is kinda moot.

It's not what you think – I feel safer in here, and the seats fold down so we can still play games in the car. Mostly “I'm going to a picnic….”

I still see the lady in the reflection of the rearview mirror whenever I manage to catch a glimpse. She’s clearly following us. She seems so far away, but she’s keeping pace with the car. Objects in the mirror are more mysterious and probably more evil than they appear.

Jan 12, 202201:03:32
A New Challenger Approaches!

A New Challenger Approaches!

Season 1: Episode 6

I've been traveling for the past week, and between hitching a ride and walking I’ve made it to one of those truck stops that looks like a diner from the 1950s. It has one of those names that could either be someone’s name or a reference that is mildly inappropriate. This is one of those places where you definitely can't smoke inside, but people do it anyway. I'm not sure if it is really late, or really early right now; perspective is important, I guess. I thought I caught a glimpse of her in the window.

As I cozy up into a booth, I think back to this episode where Pete and Rick conducted a pretty awesome interview with our editor/social media expert, Sarah Vasa. I remember during the edit thinking she had a lot of great insight when it came to barriers for new gamers, comfort in game stores, and recommendations for new gamers.

Later in the episode, they made a shift to discussing what it means to be a “gamer” (at least on average) and gave a detailed explanation about why it matters.

I'm not sure if I ordered this coffee and pie, but a waitress (who looks like she’s having the best and worst day of her life) put it in front of me. As I stare at the cup and fidget with the fork, a man in a black trenchcoat sits in front of me. I can't be sure, but something tells me this is not going to be good. We’re quiet for several minutes and I decide it's time to start eating. I think I’m gonna need the energy.

Pete Steele - Co-host, Writer

Rick Hendricks - Co-host, Writer

Keegan King - Music Composer and Producer, Editor, Podcast Producer, Destroyer of Worlds

Sarah Vasa- Social Media Maven, Copy Editor, Wrangler of Cats, Special Guest (that has some trepidations about working for us. Honestly? I get it.)

Jan 05, 202242:54
Table Rules of Engagement

Table Rules of Engagement

Season 1: Episode 5

I woke up on the side of the road last night, no recollection of how I got there. My mouth tasted like copper and my head was killing me. I really shouldn't have eaten all those pennies or tried to headbutt that door open. Lesson learned.

A sound of muffled voices discussing table rules and how to set up game nights with your friends was coming through my shattered phone, deep in one of my pockets. I checked every pocket except the one that the phone was in while listening to Rick Hendricks and Pete Steele discuss everything from trash talk consent, to how to pick a game, to considering the needs of each player. When I finally picked the right pocket (it is always in the left, inside breast pocket, you knucklehead), the voices became clearer in the crisp evening, ricocheting off the damp cement and into my ringing ears.

The girl is gone, and clearly wrote the lame description for the last episode. What a jerk.

This is also a shorter episode, so…you know…I really had to make this description worth it.

Pete Steele - Co-host, Writer

Rick Hendricks - Co-host, Writer

Keegan King - Music Composer and Producer, Editor, Podcast Producer, Destroyer of Worlds

Sarah Vasa - Copy Editor, Wrangler of Cats

Dec 29, 202146:12
It's Only a Paper d20

It's Only a Paper d20

Season 1: Episode 4

Alright, everyone, this week we see what you’re all made of. Specifically, we’re talking about what game components are made out of. Was this joke a bit of a walk? Sure. Was it worth it? Not at all.

Rick and Pete have a lot more interesting points to make about game components, as well as having some great stories about making your own items for roleplaying games. Really, that is everything we have to say about this episode. It's really good.

Sometimes an episode is just clean and straightforward. This is one of those times.

Also: We have some shout-outs for some of our favorite YouTubers.

We haven't seen Keegan in a few weeks, but I'm sure he’ll turn up. I mean…this is obviously Keegan writing and he was certainly not abducted by a weird woman who was actually behind him and reflecting off the glass of his window. Duh.

Do you need someone to stop asking questions and then answering them for themselves? Tough.

Pete Steele - Co-host, Writer

Rick Hendricks - Co-host, Writer

Keegan King - Music Composer and Producer, Editor, Podcast Producer, Destroyer of Worlds

Sarah Vasa -  Copy Editor, Wrangler of Cats

Dec 22, 202101:18:36
Something, Something Theme Song

Something, Something Theme Song

Season 1: Episode 3

Hoo boy, this is a long one. But it's because we talk about themes and, this week, our co-hosts, Pete and Rick, are joined by Keegan, the producer. This episode covers the basics of the concept of “theme,” and we hear from Pete, Rick, and Keegan  about their favorite themes. Rick discusses fantasy and magic; Pete talks about Sci-Fi; and Keegan…well, let’s tell you a story:

For the last week while he has been alone and editing in his office, he saw this figure floating outside his window in the darkness. She was kind of transparent and wearing this long, white, dirty gown. Interestingly, the gown didn’t seem to sway in the wind or get wet in the rain. Super weird, right? As the week went on, she got closer and closer…. Last night she was right in front of the window mouthing something. Keegan stood up to open the window to hear her better, but he didn't notice that his reflection in the dark glass obscured hers.

As if this wasn’t already strange, when he opened the window to hear her better, she was gone. But in his left ear he heard, “Keegan discussed horror as a theme” loud and clear. The breath on his neck was cold and acrid.

We’re gonna need a new producer is what we’re saying.

Pete Steele - Co-host, Writer

Rick Hendricks - Co-host, Writer

Keegan King - Music Composer and Producer, Editor, Podcast Producer, Destroyer of Worlds

Sarah Vasa- Copy Editor, Wrangler of Cats

Dec 15, 202101:33:59
Types of Games People Play (On the Tabletop)

Types of Games People Play (On the Tabletop)

Season 1: Episode 2

*Pan in on a forgotten planet full of oceans and, like, three suns*

Welcome back! Today we have an amazing episode about the important distinctions between Miniatures Games, Wargames, and Role Playing Games. We even have a whole section where they all come together. It's very exciting. I'm going to level with you. Nobody reads these things. I could go on and on about pumpkins and nobody would know. Nobody would know that co-hosts, Pete Steele and Rick Hendricks, discuss some amazing games in this week’s podcast. No one would know that Producer Keegan King wrote some funny music to add gravitas to one of Pete’s rants.

But you know what? All of that happened. It was pretty cool. And I'm happy to write about it. And I’m glad you’re here. So settle in, turn up the volume, and ignore that sense of ennui. Joking aside, it's beautiful and I hope you enjoy it.

Pete Steele - Co-host, Writer

Rick Hendricks - Co-host, Writer

Keegan King - Music Composer and Producer, Editor, Podcast Producer, Destroyer of Worlds

Sarah Vasa - Copy Editor, Wrangler of Cats

Dec 09, 202153:60
Welcome to the Tabletop

Welcome to the Tabletop

Season 1: Episode 1

*Super original and not at all derivative text crawl*

Welcome to Corax & Coffeecast! A podcast about gaming and the people that play them. Co-hosts, Pete Steele and Rick Hendricks, discuss what brought them into gaming while Producer Keegan King edits their annoying voices, composes some nice music, and writes these fun show notes. This premier episode also covers some of the barriers for new players and proposes ways to overcome them. Whether you’re a new gamer or have been a gamer for your whole life, this episode can help spark conversations around the fandom and the hobby. So, sit down, grab your favorite hot morning beverage (mmm, car-heated Mountain Dew), and give us a listen.

Pete Steele - Co-host, Writer

Rick Hendricks - Co-host, Writer

Keegan King - Music Composer and Producer, Editor, Podcast Producer

Dec 03, 202101:05:47