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Stand tall Breathe deep

Stand tall Breathe deep

By Corina Miranda-Risnes

Confused about exercise and fitness? Do you want to adopt a healthier lifestyle using simple strategies? This podcast is for you! Get valuable fitness insights to build a fit body, boost your energy levels, and form sustainable habits to support your long-term health. I am an NYS Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Personal Trainer, and Pilates Mat instructor. I'm passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience with you! Reach out with your questions. Download my FREE Fitness Guide: How to Stop Feeling Sluggish & Gain Lean Muscle Effectively:
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Enhance Your Massage with Essential Oils

Stand tall Breathe deep Apr 23, 2024

Enhance Your Massage with Essential Oils
Apr 23, 202409:46
Preventing Overuse Injuries
Feb 27, 202416:49
Fitness Resolution Pitfalls
Jan 02, 202408:31
Tips to Ease Stiffness While Traveling
Dec 08, 202317:40
Combat Stress Simply and Naturally
Nov 01, 202330:31
How to Keep Fit (& sane;) as a Parent Working From Home

How to Keep Fit (& sane;) as a Parent Working From Home

Encore: Episode 31: Are you that parent? Juggling the school, work, and home events? I'm right there with you! While working from home can be a blessing, let’s be honest, it’s not all unicorns and rainbows. The goal is to feel pleasantly exhausted and accomplished, not stretched thin and burnt out. I will share practical and straightforward tips to keep your physical and mental fitness intact. You’ll find the stamina to keep the house in order and the business afloat. Your comments, feedback and questions are welcome and appreciated! 

Read the post on my Fitness Blog 

Book a free consultation with me

Related Show links

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Book I'm reading right now: Toxic Positivity: Keeping it Real in a World Obsessed with Being Happy, by Whitney Goodman

Disclosure: These are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own

Fitness Made Easy: Space saving, High-Value for the cost Equipment for Your Home Gym

Lifepro 4-Speed Vibrating Foam Roller

Schwinn Indoor Cycling Bike IC4

TheraBand Resistance Band Set

The Bodyblade exercise tool; USE Discount Code: StandTallBreatheDeep for 10% OFF your purchase

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Pilates Mat: Truly strengthen your core
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How Coffee Impacts our Health Pt.1
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Stretching Pt. 2: Get Stronger and Move Better
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Static Stretching: Move Better and Get Stronger
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Understanding Leaky Gut Syndrome
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Keep your Heart Healthy!

Keep your Heart Healthy!

Do you know your numbers? Blood pressure and cholesterol levels? February was Heart Health month - yes, I'm a little late for the party but this information never goes out of style. Listen in as I share ways to keep your heart healthy through awareness, knowing your risk factors, and adjusting lifestyle factors to help prevent heart disease. 

Schedule a free fitness consultation

Set yourself up for long-term success with this 28-Day online challenge. It will help you clarify your goals, align your intentions, and implement a sustainable plan. Focus on health with a holistic no-fuss approach, celebrating small wins.

The Heart Foundation: Seven ways to keep your heart healthy

Go Red for Women

Connect with me on IG: Let me know you listened to this podcast! 

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Mar 04, 202319:53
What's to Come
Feb 22, 202309:24
How to Make Your Resolutions Stick
Feb 04, 202315:11
Smart Goals, Set yourself up for success!
Jan 17, 202308:44
Choosing a Personal Trainer; What to ask, What to look for?
Dec 28, 202209:05
Pt.2 Tips to Beat Sugar Cravings during the Holiday Frenzy
Dec 22, 202208:33
Pt. 1: Tips to Beat Sugar Cravings during the Holiday Frenzy
Dec 22, 202212:07
5 Fun Ways to Stay Active During the Holidays
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Encore Episode: Late Night Munchies: Dealing with cravings
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Avoid the Mid-day Slump; Healthy Food Choices for Busy People
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5 Tips for Fitness Success
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Fitness and Healthy Habits: New Program Launch!
Jul 31, 202216:53
3 Protein Facts Everyone Should Know

3 Protein Facts Everyone Should Know

Episode 29: Spoiler alert! I'm going to list them right now; 1) Protein Type Matters 2)BCAAs Benefits 3)Protein needs as we age

Listen in and check out my blog post on the same subject at:

Schedule a Virtual Consultation with me to discuss your health and fitness goals!

Links mentioned in the episode:

Basic Protein Breakdown:

High-quality protein foods:

-------This page contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you purchase a product through one of them, I will receive a commission (at no additional cost to you). I only ever endorse products that I have personally used and benefitted from personally.------

Plant-based athlete Brendan Brazier and author of Thrive Energy Cookbook:

10 Healthy Leucine Foods:

Protein consumption and the elderly:

Complete protein sources for vegetarians:

Study on BCAAs supplementation enhances exercise capacity & fat oxidation:

BCAA Benefits and When to Take them:

Protein RDA:

Protein Intake Calculator:

Jul 28, 202215:21
Eat your Cookie and Stay Fit too!
Jul 06, 202212:06
How to Preserve Lean Muscle Mass for Women Over 40

How to Preserve Lean Muscle Mass for Women Over 40

Episode 27: The fourth decade is a particular time in a woman's life and a significant cross-road. Perimenopause hits, and we undergo a gradual shift in hormones which affects our mental and physical well-being. There's never a better time to reevaluate your fitness, train for longevity, and take action to circumvent chronic diseases.

Research has shown that women over 40 get greater benefits from higher-volume training programs than from lower-volume, high-intensity programs. High volume training shows the most significant improvement in blood biomarkers and body fat percentage.

Research revealed that the more days, time, and effort women devote to strength training, the lower their body fat and the higher their fat-free mass

How to Stop Feeling Sluggish and Build Lean Muscle Effectively: A Cheat Sheet for Busy Professionals:

Schedule a free Virtual Consultation:

Apr 29, 202217:40
The Benefits of Weight Training

The Benefits of Weight Training

Episode 26: The benefits of weight training and especially, how it relates to women.

Schedule your complimentary consultation:

Visit my Blog:

Mar 31, 202210:55
I Don't Want to Get "Bulky", Define Bulky?

I Don't Want to Get "Bulky", Define Bulky?

I've been a fitness and health pro for over a decade now and I still come across women that fear getting bulky if they train with heavy weights. The short answer is No, however, I have elaborated on my reply. Listen in to this podcast to find out more, and don't fear the bulk!

Don't forget to subscribe, follow and share this podcast with those that would benefit!

visit my fitness Blog here:

Want to train with me? Virtually, in the convenience of your home from anywhere in the world?

I would love to hear from you, Send your questions and feedback to

Mar 25, 202211:37
They asked I answered... Trainer Q&A

They asked I answered... Trainer Q&A

Hi! I've decided to share my responses to a few questions I was asked on a Personal Training network. Tune in and see if my fitness philosophy resonates with you. As I mention in the episode, the link for my free guide is below! How to stop feeling sluggish and get rid of excess fat effectively: Top 4 tips. Know what you should focus on to effectively weave a fitness routine into your life and what method will maximize your outcomes. 

Here's the Link:

Visit my website for insightful fitness nuggets! You can reach me with your fitness questions or inquiries at

Feb 11, 202213:47
10 Simple Ways to Cut Calories

10 Simple Ways to Cut Calories

Episode 23: It's that time of year when we're bombarded with tips and tricks on how to lose the "holiday weight" and stick to our New Year's goals. Here I offer you another one, but I promise you it's no quick fix gimmick. It will require some effort. Don't fret, it will be practical and concise. These strategies will weave nicely into your routines, especially for my busy professionals who are already overworked and stressed out.

Visit me on the web at

If you are overworked, overstressed, and feeling unhealthy schedule a free consultation to discuss your goals in detail and learn more about my programs.

Interested in my personalized exercise, nutrition, and healthy lifestyle coaching?

Connect with me on IG at @standtallbreathedeep

Jan 14, 202220:18
Personalized Online Fitness Programming

Personalized Online Fitness Programming

Episode 22: So you've tried workouts on fitness apps before. Sure! Why not! It's affordable, it's versatile and convenient! But what you missed is a personalized approach. You missed a fitness program designed around your unique goals and lifestyle. 

Bring all aspects of wellness and fitness under one cohesive app; or use it to fill in specific gaps in training, such as recovery and stretching routine unique to your body. This constructive approach will maximize your outcomes, coupled with supportive coaching for guidance. 

Ready to discuss how this approach could accelerate your gains without breaking the bank? Book a complimentary consultation. We'll discuss your goals in detail and I'll give you a thorough overview of my programs. Visit my website 

or email me at



Dec 09, 202109:55
Lifestyle Modifications for Sustainable Weight-loss

Lifestyle Modifications for Sustainable Weight-loss

Episode 21: This is an encore. It was the very first episode on this podcast, read by a text-to-speech robot. It's one of my favorite blog posts and I wanted my voice behind it. I will review strategies you can use to build your roadmap to success in reaching your fitness goals. Listen in, choose a strategy that resonates with you and take actionable steps. Reach out to me to book your complimentary consultation. Listeners of this podcast will get $110 off the total cost of their personalized program. Leave me your comments, share it with a friend, and don't forget to follow!

Book a complimentary consultation:

Blog post:

Oct 20, 202112:21
Structured Fitness Training vs. Random Workouts

Structured Fitness Training vs. Random Workouts

Episode 20: Are you Team Structure or Team Random? Random workouts have their place; they break up the monotony and are a great way to boost motivation - but, then what? What are you working toward? This episode will give you a brief overview of the pros/cons of both training methods. Which one do you prefer and why? Visit my blog to read the post!

Oct 04, 202105:19
What to Look for in a CBD Oil

What to Look for in a CBD Oil

The 5 non-negotiable qualities to look for when choosing a CBD oil; Certificate of Analysis; Extraction Method; Independent Lab-Verified; Organically Grown; Transparency & Customer Service. Get valuable insights and remember to do your research before making decisions that affect your health. NOTE: Heads up! The 5 Non-negotiables are halfway through the episode. 

Are you finding my content helpful? Please let me know and you can now support it by clicking the support button! Thanks for tuning in. I appreciate your support!

Read this episode on my BLOG and find all the links neatly

Who Benefits from What Spectrum?

Charlotte's Story

Sep 14, 202113:01
Recovery Methods for Mere Mortals & Demi-Gods, Part-Two

Recovery Methods for Mere Mortals & Demi-Gods, Part-Two

Episode 18: Did you just listen in to episode 17? Recovery tools play a vital role in keeping our bodies resilient. Tending to rest & recovery makes the difference between walking up a flight of stairs or crawling the day after leg day! Listen in as I share information on massage guns and vibrating foam rollers; their benefits, usage, precautions, and even a bit of history. Be sure to check out my blog on this topic the link is below. I've also linked product reviews and side-by-side comparisons of these tools. Be informed and find out what tools fit you best.

Check out my Blog 

Studies on vibration and percussion therapy: Vibration Therapy in Management of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)

10 Best Massage Guns

Massage Guns: Benefits and how to use

7 Best Foam Rollers 2021

Just for Fun, Vibration Therapy History

Aug 09, 202114:19
Recovery Methods for Mere Mortals & Demi-Gods, Part-One

Recovery Methods for Mere Mortals & Demi-Gods, Part-One

Episode 17: This episode is broken down into 2-parts, be sure to continue with episode 18. Ease accumulated strain from fitness training, sports, or just everyday tasks. Recovery is a critical component of any training program but it serves us all to attend to our self-care. Build a resilient body. In this 2-part episode, I will share 3 recovery routines to get you back in the game quicker and help relieve the strain from repetitive stress. I'll talk about massage guns, vibrating foam rollers, and a cheap and effective stretching technique that works like voodoo! Listen in, Subscribe, Share with a friend that could use this info, and CHECK out the show notes for related material. 

Visit the blog post here... click below

History of PNF

PNF Stretching Technique - CR Method,

PNF CRAC Method,

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF): Its Mechanisms and Effects on Range of Motion and Muscular Function

Aug 09, 202114:46
What to know about Virtual Training Sessions

What to know about Virtual Training Sessions

Episode 16: The fitness industry has fast-forwarded light years ahead and online options abound. If you're thinking of hiring a trainer for virtual training sessions, and this is your first time, you are not alone. Listen in to this episode for some guidelines and checklists on what to expect and how to prepare!

Ready to talk about a personalized fitness program and how it can be delivered virtually? Set up a consultation. Click the link below:

Check out pre-written programs that may be followed independently or a monthly membership customized to your unique goals

Thanks for tuning in!

Stand tall, breathe deep!


Jul 23, 202114:08
What is Fascia? How does it affect my health?

What is Fascia? How does it affect my health?

Episode 15: Most people are not familiar with fascia and why fitness peeps love it so much. In this episode, I'll share insightful little nuggets on the fascia, why it's important to know about it and why you should train it intentionally. I'll tell you right here the postures we hold daily play a big role in enhancing fascia health or totally wrecking it. Listen in and then check out my blog post on the subject. Thanks for tuning in! Leave a review and 5 stars to keep me motivated! 

Stand tall, Breathe deep - Corina

Need guidance/support with your fitness & health journey? Schedule a free consultation. Listeners of this podcast will get their first online 60-minute session for $30!

Check out my blog post

This Youtube video on fascia, Nails It

This science experiment helps us to understand viscosity, various forms of liquid states. Notice the obstruction of the marble through the various states of liquid density.

Jul 12, 202115:16
Late Night Munchies

Late Night Munchies

Episode 14: In life, we're influenced by what surrounds us; by our loved ones and their opinions, what's on the treat table, etc. These things motivate us to behave in specific ways. Add vacation, family gatherings, life events, and holidays to that mix, and well, it could lead to mindless snacking leaving us with an excess of unwanted weight and riddled with guilt. Stop the sabotage and set yourself up with a game plan that will help you handle these events without losing all your hard work. This episode will share strategic tips to help you succeed in reaching your fitness goals. 

Schedule a Free 30-minute Consultation...mention the Podcast and get your first Virtual Session for $35! 

Explore the link below to get to my blog, pre-written fitness app program, and schedule a consult.

Jul 02, 202110:50
5 Tips to Sneak in Exercise

5 Tips to Sneak in Exercise

Episode 13: In this episode, I share tips on how to routinely incorporate fitness into our life by just sprinkling focused movement into our days. When we learn how to stay consistent with our fitness routines it will fit in our life no matter what transitions your going through or how busy work or family life becomes. Fitness can become part of our lifestyle. The more you move the more you WANT to move. 

Set up a free Fitness Consultation:


Jun 22, 202111:58
Why Exercise is Vital for Lymphatic circulation

Why Exercise is Vital for Lymphatic circulation

Episode 12: This episode is filled with insightful nuggets on how to stay healthy by supporting our lymphatic circulation. 

The lymphatic system is responsible for a healthy immune response, getting rid of toxins and circulating white blood cells. Keeping active is essential in helping the flow of lymph fluid. Vertical exercises, deep breathing, and joint movement are powerful tools in keeping our lymphatic system healthy. 

Book a Free 20-minute consultation with a  supportive and dedicated coach!

Lymphatic System Overview

Rebounding for Lymph flow

Diaphragmatic Breathing:

Jun 16, 202111:14
What's my message...

What's my message...

Episode 11: What I'm all about. Why I'm doing this podcast... listen in to learn about my experience, style of training, and fitness philosophy

Send me your questions or training inquiries at!


Jun 11, 202111:11
Simple Strategies to Form Healthy Habits
Jun 02, 202112:09
When your Motivation gets Sucked into a Black hole

When your Motivation gets Sucked into a Black hole

Episode 9: We've all been there, especially with pandemic life hampering down on us, our motivation was sucked into a black hole! In this episode, I share some super effective and accessible strategies for your self-care tool kit. They have personally helped me and I hope they will help you as well. 

Visit my website:

Train with me Virtually!:

May 28, 202109:16
Don't be a Parched Zombie

Don't be a Parched Zombie

Episode 7: The best things we could do for our health are cheap and effective but not always easy to implement. Join me on this episode as I review ways for you to incorporate healthier habits into your busy life. 


Train with me!:

Circadian Rhythm:

Meditation 101:

Meditation to reduce stress:

Melatonin and Sleep:


Benefits of Sunlight for Human Health:

Cortisol Awakening Response:

Vitamin D and Your Health:

Vit. D Deficiency:

A Body of Water:

Blood Basics:

How much Exercise is Needed:

Lymphatic Circulation:

May 16, 202117:35
The Stroller Hunch

The Stroller Hunch

Episode 6: Moms, and Dads, you know exactly what I mean. In this episode, I'll share useful tips on how to maintain good posture while pushing that cute little baby around. Awareness and a few adjustments go a long way in helping to circumvent neck and shoulder tension. Tune in and learn how to optimize your posture. 

This episode is also a blog post. Check it out at

Stand tall, Breathe deep- Corina

May 07, 202108:47
Muscles That Get No Glory

Muscles That Get No Glory

Episode 5: Most people focus on training their superficial muscles first and neglect the deeper postural muscles. In this episode, I'll go over a few forgotten muscles that get repetitively beat up with modern-day technology usage. Get some valuable insights and simple tips to relieve these muscles. A little insight and proactive care are all it takes to circumvent chronic tension and pain.

Need guidance and support in your fitness journey? Head to my website to learn more about my training style and experience.

Check out the links here for stretches and more specific info. 

Learn more from this guy, I'm a huge fan. He really breaks it down. Biceps Stretch....

Stretch your Pectoralis Minor!

Serratus Anterior

May 04, 202112:56